The only one I've played on this list is Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled (aka "The Canadian Chrono Trigger") for DS. I waited for what seemed like forever for that game to come out, back when it was still called "Project Exile". It's not a bad game. The graphics really are strikingly similar to Chrono Trigger (though NOT ripping from it, as some have accused). The writing is also pretty good.
What kills it is the excessive random battles. I grew up on old-school RPGs, so random encounters don't typically bother me. But when the fights take over two minutes each, and quite often you'll hit ANOTHER fight after a single step, it does wear on you after awhile.
Occasionally a bug can cause the game to freeze as well. In my playthrough, it happened twice.
Overall though, I'd say give it a shot. It's like a lost Super Nintendo game.