Hey all - we are working a few long short term solutions. Those involve:
- some sort of edit/submission gate, which I think is going to be a forum post count. Even a single post would be sufficient. This way 1.) they'd establish a presence 2.) we'd be able to follow up with a link to the style guide and 3.) It'd allow us mods to shoot them a PM when they screw up.
- updates to the submission search. The main site search received some updates over the last few months, but the submission search hasn't. This is coming real soon.
- new staff. We have a few new staff members joining soon (as soon as I have time to set it up, they know who they are).
- chat. I'd love to get an IRC channel going. We've discussed this in the past but no one took the lead. If anyone is familiar with it, feel free to get that ball rolling.
All that being said, what we don't want to do is limit new users from contributing. That is one of the MAIN issues I was trying to solves when building VGC. Every other system had a long, drawn out approval process in place that felt so restrictive. We'll never get rid of dupes 100%, but these updates should drastically reduce them.