I'm in

I had a lot of fun hunting down games I normally wouldn't be looking for myself.
I recall that we allowed for pre-owned games, as long as they were in good and complete condition (unless the wishlist indicates cart-only is ok for completion purposes).
But I agree that including some retail-available items would be great because we don't all have access to good thrift stores or are interested in doing the eBay thing.
Also, it doesn't have to be strictly games - game-related books, DVDs, and collectibles have been on some wishlists before. I think it's good to have a long wishlist to give the other person lots of options

We should probably make sure people include their names inside the gift package (sometimes people gave away who they were in their return address) so that the recipient knows who their Secret Santa was. Also, some folks wait 'till xmas to open them while others don't. If you open it early, you can reveal who your SS was after xmas so that people don't figure out who they got by deductive reasoning.