I think that playing the HD versions of FFX & X-2 back to back was a bad decision as it's just too damned much FF.
I'm putting it down now (~ 3/4 of the way into X-2).
Yesterday, I tried a bit of Child of Light -but- (some of the mechanics) were *still* just too FF-ish; I'm like - seriously & completely burned-out on anything like it, at the moment...
...I'm serial

So, my decision is to go with Atelier Escha + Logy next (the 2nd game in the "Dusk" series of Atelier games on the PS3).
With its equal focus on Alchemy, story, and character building/character interactions & its LACK of focus on random encounters, fighting, and grinding...I'm thinking that it'll be just the right game at just the right time