Playing lots of good stuff right now.
The WiiU version of the original
Bayonetta is fantastic. Loads of fun so far, with just the right amount of challenge to make it satisfying to progress through.
Still playing through
Dragon Quest VIII on the 3DS. It is fantastic, and a pretty impressive port of a PS2 game. I can see myself sinking many hours into this one.
Got back into playing
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones and it is so good I can't really remember why I had stopped playing it for a bit. The GBA Fire Emblem titles are some of my favorites. The music is great, the sprite art is great, the story is pretty good, and most importantly it's a lot of fun.

Last but not least,
Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer on the 3DS. It's a lot of fun if you like the interior design bit of Animal Crossing, though I realize now that I'm not very good at it.