Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 636056 times)


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4020 on: March 13, 2019, 12:30:37 pm »
Having a blast replaying Ace Combat 5, looks really good on the PS4
Currently Playing:
Read Only Memories: Neurodiver (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4021 on: March 16, 2019, 12:19:02 am »
Rikki & Vikki for the Atari 7800 just came in the mail and I'm looking forward to playing it when I get the time. The game looked fun and the music sounded amazing and it's nice to have another game to play on the system besides the awesome port of Centipede. I'm not however looking forward to using the 7800's dreadful controller and unfortunately it sounds like a Genesis controller won't work either due to how things are wired up inside the system. Maybe I'll look into getting a European/Australian 7800 controller since they look way more comfortable to use.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4022 on: March 16, 2019, 12:48:47 pm »
Have been playing like crazy every single day at any chance where I have some free time Animal Crossing New Leaf, have been obsessed with Phineas and his damn badges, just need one more to have all of them, I don't have all of them upgraded to gold, just a few ones but the main idea is to finally get all of them and then start to take all of them to the limit also have been digging all nights at SteamWorld Dig: A Fistful of Dirt which is kinda an addictive game, between these two titles I don't want to play anything else, at least for a good while  ;D

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4023 on: March 18, 2019, 09:32:38 pm »
Got into the action game mood with Devil May Cry V, so I saw that Bayonetta was 5 bucks on PC and since I never actually beat the original game, figured it was a good time for it.  I love Bayonetta 2, I prefer this series to DMC, so it'll be fun going back to it as I just love how crazy and goofy it is.  PC version runs a tad wonky here and there, but hopefully it won't hurt the game too much. 


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4024 on: March 19, 2019, 08:43:14 am »
I'm playing Valkyria Chronicles Remastered. It feels great to be back in Gallia without Claude or Avan anywhere nearby.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4025 on: March 19, 2019, 08:52:10 am »
Finished Ace Combat 5 so starting up Cosmic Star Herione for real now! Will be going for the platinum on AC5 as I play other things
Currently Playing:
Read Only Memories: Neurodiver (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4026 on: March 21, 2019, 11:44:33 pm »
Picked up Crypt of the Necrodancer due to wanting to see what Cadence of Hyrule will feel like and I'm enjoying the game.  Basically like a less hectic Enter the Gungeon.  The rhythm stuff takes a little getting use to and I had to completely change the controls (Found it much better to put directions/attack on D-Pad and then "combos" onto the other buttons, as combos suck to me.  I'm at Zone 4, the seemingly last zone and I think Cadence of Hyrule will be a fun time.  This one is a good pick up too if you can get it cheap.  Normally I don't like rogue-like stuff, I never beat any of them due to their difficulty (Rogue Legacy, Binding of Isaac, Enter the Gungeon), but this one is a lot more straightforward and simple I feel.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4027 on: March 25, 2019, 08:39:26 am »
SEKIRO!!!!  I'm so enamored with this game.  I wish I could sit around and play it all day... but life and such.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4028 on: March 26, 2019, 01:42:13 am »
SEKIRO!!!!  I'm so enamored with this game.  I wish I could sit around and play it all day... but life and such.

I just got Sekiro as well, but haven't started yet, definitely looking forward to it! :)

Currently I'm playing Nier Automata, I went in completely blind didn't watch any previews or videos and in the beginning it was a bit of a head scratcher...

But the more I played the more the game started to click with me, the story and game mechanics open up and the mysteries unfolded... In the beginning I thought the game was rather short, but something seemed off, so after the end credits I kept playing and the game kept giving, and giving, and giving, heh.  ;)

Brilliant game with so many things to discover. I'm finishing my 2nd playthrough and I feel like I'm still missing a decent chunk of the game. I will just keep playing to see what else there is to discover.
  l    l 

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4029 on: March 26, 2019, 03:28:55 am »
SEKIRO!!!!  I'm so enamored with this game.  I wish I could sit around and play it all day... but life and such.

It's kicking my butt pretty good right now.  Most of the way through the temple right now for a general idea of placement and while I think there are a few...poor elements to some of the bosses, it's overall a good time.  It's a fun way to tackle the normal Soulsborne formula.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4030 on: March 26, 2019, 08:50:53 am »
SEKIRO!!!!  I'm so enamored with this game.  I wish I could sit around and play it all day... but life and such.

It's kicking my butt pretty good right now.  Most of the way through the temple right now for a general idea of placement and while I think there are a few...poor elements to some of the bosses, it's overall a good time.  It's a fun way to tackle the normal Soulsborne formula.
I wound up skipping a lot of content... not on purpose.  I got a few areas past the temple I think and then I was reading up and realized I missed like 3 areas entirely.  So I back tracked and completed areas I missed and now I'm also at the temple.  I got most of the way done with the Valley area before I realized.

The game does really well to just let you do things in just about whatever order you want.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4031 on: March 26, 2019, 03:29:16 pm »
While I explore as much as possible, I find myself regularly missing the little spots I'm supposed to go, like that valley section after the Ashina Outskirts, I didn't see it till I looked up where I was supposed to go next and felt real dumb for not looking over that cliff edge next to the idol, or that I feel like I'm currently missing something in Senpou Temple.  I found the Demon Bell spot, that place to the Headless, and I made it up to the Main Hall and got the letter from the priest, but I don't see a boss to fight or another direction to go as the one tunnel path just goes to a new fighting style.  Still gotta beat Lady Butterfly, need to beat that asshole gun guy at the Sunken Valley, and there's at least 2 Headless I need to try and take out eventually.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4032 on: March 26, 2019, 04:18:56 pm »
While I explore as much as possible, I find myself regularly missing the little spots I'm supposed to go, like that valley section after the Ashina Outskirts, I didn't see it till I looked up where I was supposed to go next and felt real dumb for not looking over that cliff edge next to the idol, or that I feel like I'm currently missing something in Senpou Temple.  I found the Demon Bell spot, that place to the Headless, and I made it up to the Main Hall and got the letter from the priest, but I don't see a boss to fight or another direction to go as the one tunnel path just goes to a new fighting style.  Still gotta beat Lady Butterfly, need to beat that asshole gun guy at the Sunken Valley, and there's at least 2 Headless I need to try and take out eventually.
Lady Butterfly was super easy once I figured out her stuff.  I still need to beat Genichiro and I skipped that asshole gun guy because he'd constantly 1 hit kill me.

I sure as fuck absolutely did not ring that evil bell though.  The game is tough enough.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4033 on: March 26, 2019, 05:01:30 pm »
While I explore as much as possible, I find myself regularly missing the little spots I'm supposed to go, like that valley section after the Ashina Outskirts, I didn't see it till I looked up where I was supposed to go next and felt real dumb for not looking over that cliff edge next to the idol, or that I feel like I'm currently missing something in Senpou Temple.  I found the Demon Bell spot, that place to the Headless, and I made it up to the Main Hall and got the letter from the priest, but I don't see a boss to fight or another direction to go as the one tunnel path just goes to a new fighting style.  Still gotta beat Lady Butterfly, need to beat that asshole gun guy at the Sunken Valley, and there's at least 2 Headless I need to try and take out eventually.
Lady Butterfly was super easy once I figured out her stuff.  I still need to beat Genichiro and I skipped that asshole gun guy because he'd constantly 1 hit kill me.

I sure as fuck absolutely did not ring that evil bell though.  The game is tough enough.

Yeah I'm glad I didn't, because I read up on it afterwards and if I couldn't turn that off, I would've quit the game lol

I can probably do Lady Butterfly now, I just haven't gone back since I wasted the one snap seed they give and just never returned, but I've basically doubled my health, improved my attack, and like trippled my gourd since then, so I should be good.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4034 on: March 29, 2019, 07:49:42 am »
Finally fired up Into the Breach.  What a terrific game.  It’s hard as hell, but it’s addictive and fun.  It’s probably a little bit easier (and a lot more intuitive) than FTL.  I finished a single campaign playthrough, but it’s the kind of game that’s designed to be played over and over.  I might give it another spin with a different crew and see how that goes.