Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 637839 times)


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4305 on: September 22, 2020, 12:22:48 pm »
I started playing Def Jam:Fight for New York on the Game Cube.
Holy Aged Rappers!  This game is awesome. I love all the AKI fighting/wrestling games. Those are fantastic.
This one moves more away from wrestling and towards MMA/Street Fighting. It’s got cool over-the-too moves and a deep system.
It’s pricey, and I can’t sat I’d go spend $100+ on it; but if you have it, dig it out and play it.

How hard is it to emulate PS2 games?


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4306 on: September 23, 2020, 09:57:51 am »
Apparently, while you can start the Heretic shareware in Zdoom and play on through past the first episode and create a save file, you cannot launch the savefile with the shareware loaded. Zdoom specifically won't allow it. Fortunately, I was able to continue on my save by having it load the Shadow of Serpent Riders wad instead. A little more Heretic to go, I think just 3 episodes. And really, the game is quite boring.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4307 on: September 24, 2020, 02:18:21 am »

Nioh 2 - Yep, getting my ass handed to me... Soo good though, feel alive playing games like this.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4308 on: September 24, 2020, 08:55:04 am »
Nioh 2 - Yep, getting my ass handed to me... Soo good though, feel alive playing games like this.
I need to play that, how is it?  Is it similar enough to Sekiro for instance, that if I loved Sekiro I might enjoy this game?


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4309 on: September 24, 2020, 12:05:59 pm »
Nioh 2 - Yep, getting my ass handed to me... Soo good though, feel alive playing games like this.
I need to play that, how is it?  Is it similar enough to Sekiro for instance, that if I loved Sekiro I might enjoy this game?

Combat wise yes, I would say Nioh is similar to Sekiro as the game heavily relies on offense, parrying and counters. And also similar to any Souls game or Sekiro your combat is affected by your stamina for attacking, blocking and evading.

It even shares the same concept as Shrines or Bonfires for resting, leveling up and resetting all the enemies, so definitely influenced by the souls series.

The only major difference with Nioh is the equipment, it's more of a Diablo style for rare drops and items with different rarities.

I would say if you enjoyed Sekiro or the Souls games definitely check out Nioh, the combat is intense, lots of different play styles and the boss fights are up there when challenge is concerned.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4310 on: September 24, 2020, 12:12:34 pm »
Nioh 2 - Yep, getting my ass handed to me... Soo good though, feel alive playing games like this.
I need to play that, how is it?  Is it similar enough to Sekiro for instance, that if I loved Sekiro I might enjoy this game?

Combat wise yes, I would say Nioh is similar to Sekiro as the game heavily relies on offense, parrying and counters. And also similar to any Souls game or Sekiro your combat is affected by your stamina for attacking, blocking and evading.

It even shares the same concept as Shrines or Bonfires for resting, leveling up and resetting all the enemies, so definitely influenced by the souls series.

The only major difference with Nioh is the equipment, it's more of a Diablo style for rare drops and items with different rarities.

I would say if you enjoyed Sekiro or the Souls games definitely check out Nioh, the combat is intense, lots of different play styles and the boss fights are up there when challenge is concerned.
I think I have both, just haven't played them yet.  Maybe I'll give it a go soon.

Does the game pause?  I know Souls games don't pause and that was a huge issue for me.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4311 on: September 24, 2020, 12:28:52 pm »
Does the game pause?  I know Souls games don't pause and that was a huge issue for me.

I remember they patched it in later, so yes I do believe you can pause the game, but not on multiplayer or summons
« Last Edit: September 24, 2020, 12:31:48 pm by mark1982 »
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4312 on: September 24, 2020, 01:03:49 pm »
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning.

Its really disappointing, as far as remakes go. Literally nothing has changed. And if there is a graphical upgrade, I sure as hell can't tell. In fact, it looks worse. You can see this weird mesh texture on character's faces (like an old Saturn game trying to do smoke).

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4313 on: September 24, 2020, 01:43:20 pm »
Nioh 2 - Yep, getting my ass handed to me... Soo good though, feel alive playing games like this.
I need to play that, how is it?  Is it similar enough to Sekiro for instance, that if I loved Sekiro I might enjoy this game?

I really need to play both of these.  I've got them both on the self, but haven't felt like playing something too difficult for a hot minute.  The first Nioh gave me a lot of trouble for the first third or so of the game, but once I got the hang of it I had a lot of fun cruising through the back half.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4314 on: September 25, 2020, 05:43:36 am »
Most of this week was playing Watch Dogs 2, I figured since I basically got it free twice with Uplay and then Epic, that I might as well finally play it lol It's actually been awhile since I've played a proper, pure GTA-styled, game like this (Probably the last time was GTA V when it released on PC) and I'm digging it.  The first Watch Dogs kinda sucked, I just remember it being boring and lifeless, but Watch Dogs 2 has a lot of style to it actually feeling like it has something going on.  The hacking gimmick is fun, the online features are neat, and overall I'm liking it.  Story could feel a tad better, doesn't feel like there's much weight to it, even when its supposed to, but it's not the most important part of the game for me.

I also picked up Hades since it got an official 1.0 release recently and I could get it for 10 bucks on the Epic store with a coupon.  This is an isometric, hack-n-slash, rogue-lite, which is normally something I'm kinda against these days, I find these types of games like Binding of Isaac, Enter the Gungeon, Rogue Legacy, and others tend to be more frustrating than fun and with not a lot of progression inbetween deaths, it gets very repetitive.  This game gives a lot to do between deaths, upgrading Zagreus, talking with the great Underworld characters, all with some very solid character art and a nice looking world.  It almost never feels repetitive and there's almost always new dialogue or small things that vary up your runs, it's honestly kind of impressive how good it is at that.  I think I might've got to the end area once, but died at the boss, but I'm liking it way more than I was expecting it to and do recommend it if anything about the games looks appealing.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4315 on: September 25, 2020, 07:35:57 pm »
Started Donkey Kong Country 2 about a day ago.  This game so much better than DKC1 it is insane.  More fluid, better level design, better enemy variety, better bosses.  We're talking all Top 5 platformers all time good.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4316 on: September 26, 2020, 08:31:17 am »
I’m playing Mario 3D collection, I’ve got all the stars in Mario 64 on courses 1 through 8 so far and plan to get all 120 stars in the game. Making pretty rapid progress even only playing after work, a lot of the stars take 2 to 5 minutes (literally) to get.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4317 on: September 27, 2020, 05:24:55 pm »
October is upon us! Time to get into some survival-horror games. I'm juggling Deadly Premonition Origins and Bendy and the Ink Machine.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4318 on: October 04, 2020, 10:35:17 pm »
Been replaying all the Classic series games I own in order of release lately. Just finished Mega Man 5 and moving on to Mega Man III. Also been playing Crash 4 and Mario's Super Picross.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4319 on: October 04, 2020, 11:53:35 pm »
Been putting time into Genshin Impact, it's a F2P action rpg that's like if you mixed Breath of the Wild with an anime JRPG and gacha characters...or like BOTW crossed with a more casual form of Xenoblade Chronicles 2.  Usually when you think of F2P games these days, it's like BR games, or lame mobile experiences, which this game does have a mobile version, but it's surprisingly good for what it is.  Like if this didn't have gacha characters, it could easily be just your standard, though not particularly original, anime JRPG with almost no changes that's sold at a full price.  The monetization element of the game really doesn't affect much of the actual game as I've dumped hours into the game just exploring and questing.  You get a good amount of free items early on for characters and weapons in the gacha system, so I have like around 10 characters in total now.  It never feels like I'm hitting points in the game that stall out because I'm not dumping money into the game or mindless grinding stuff, or waiting on countless timers that give me necessary things.  Combat is pretty basic, but the elemental mixing offers up interesting enough gameplay mechanics.

Basically if you are generally into anime JRPG's, you might like this, even as just something casual to run around in as it is free.