Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 637574 times)

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4440 on: June 23, 2021, 04:48:46 pm »
Dark Alliance is a buggy, clunky mess, unfortunately.  I was fine with it just being an average brawler, but he combat is just non-responsive and the lock on is practically broken.  First game I've abandoned in a couple of years.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4441 on: June 29, 2021, 11:55:00 am »
What temperature does to you. Rather than using an actual Playstation or PS3 to play Castlevania SOTN, I opted to try to play it on the computer, which is where the big fan in my house points towards. But at least I am learning to use Retroarch. Opend the possibility for me to maybe play some of my Japanese games I dont have consoles for, or Xbox games where my consoles do not work.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4442 on: July 01, 2021, 07:53:37 am »
Working on replaying at the moment.

I just beat the first Mass Effect and moved on to the 2nd.

I'm going to start playing my Game Gear a bit more now that I got my Everdrive.
Looking forward to playing the following on it:
 - Micro Machines
 - Indiana Jones
 - Gunstar Heroes

Then I got a great HD adapter for my PS2 so that reopens my PS1 and PS2 games again. I started playing SSX 3 again and even the kids love it more than most modern games. Funny how that works.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4443 on: July 06, 2021, 01:59:15 am »
Scarlet Nexus. On the second character playthrough. Might be my fave game so far this year.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4444 on: July 06, 2021, 04:34:46 am »
My friend recommend The Persistence to me, I saw there was a deal for it where if I bought the original PS4 VR release it could act as a PS5 upgrade with the disc - For £5 I thought I'd give it a go. The game simply isn't for me, I don't generally like rogue-type games and I found the trial and error gameplay beyond tedious. One point I did an object bu twas them ambushed by two brute characters and died. I think I did the objective I needed too but wasn't sure, yet to even check I would have to navigate all the way back (through a randomly generated layout) to find out - I'm good.

I haven't played a Final Fantasy this year so I may go try one of the ones I have yet to beat - FF2 on PSP or the 3D Remake of FF3.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4445 on: July 07, 2021, 10:05:25 am »
Ys IX has been a lot of fun so far. However, I said the same thing about Ys VIII when I first started it.

So, I'm still being cautiously optimistic.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4446 on: July 07, 2021, 10:47:24 am »
Was going to try playing Neverwinter Nights but apparently my DVD drive is failing and I'll have to replace it.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4447 on: July 07, 2021, 11:19:24 am »
Was going to try playing Neverwinter Nights but apparently my DVD drive is failing and I'll have to replace it.

The perfect Diablo-style RPG! Love that one!

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4448 on: July 07, 2021, 04:22:43 pm »
I started up Nioh a couple of days ago.  I, probably like most folks, had it in my head that this was a Souls clone from the Ninja Gaiden folks... but it kind of isn't.  I've never played a Ninja Gaiden game, so I really can't say if there are comparisons, but I'll definitely give NG a try sometime soon.  I'll write more about it in my 52 games review of it, but this game gives me conflicting emotions.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4449 on: July 07, 2021, 05:45:15 pm »
I'm on the last boss of Sekiro.  The game as a whole has actually been easier that I was expecting, but this final boss is definitely more up to what my expectation was.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4450 on: July 08, 2021, 08:28:17 am »
The final boss was fun yet frustrating. I think I died more times against those bizarre purple demons than the final boss, so there's that.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4451 on: July 08, 2021, 08:33:51 am »
The final boss was fun yet frustrating. I think I died more times against those bizarre purple demons than the final boss, so there's that.

I didn't do any of the Headless or the "terror" warriors.  That instakill debuff was kinda bullcrap so I only tried a couple of times.  The last boss took about 10-15% of my total playtime to beat.  I just really struggled with phase 2 for a while.  I did generally find it fair, except for a few things here and there, but it was pretty fun.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4452 on: July 08, 2021, 09:28:00 am »
The final boss was fun yet frustrating. I think I died more times against those bizarre purple demons than the final boss, so there's that.

I didn't do any of the Headless or the "terror" warriors.  That instakill debuff was kinda bullcrap so I only tried a couple of times.  The last boss took about 10-15% of my total playtime to beat.  I just really struggled with phase 2 for a while.  I did generally find it fair, except for a few things here and there, but it was pretty fun.
Oh man, I remember those guys, hated dealing with those dudes.

I remember the final boss being trying, but enjoyable to overcome.  I think I recall one of the tower bosses being one of my most hated bosses though.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4453 on: July 08, 2021, 11:43:57 am »
The final boss was fun yet frustrating. I think I died more times against those bizarre purple demons than the final boss, so there's that.

I didn't do any of the Headless or the "terror" warriors.  That instakill debuff was kinda bullcrap so I only tried a couple of times.  The last boss took about 10-15% of my total playtime to beat.  I just really struggled with phase 2 for a while.  I did generally find it fair, except for a few things here and there, but it was pretty fun.
Oh man, I remember those guys, hated dealing with those dudes.

I remember the final boss being trying, but enjoyable to overcome.  I think I recall one of the tower bosses being one of my most hated bosses though.

Yeah, the second Asshina Master was probably my most hated mini-boss in the game.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4454 on: July 08, 2021, 12:23:58 pm »
The final boss was fun yet frustrating. I think I died more times against those bizarre purple demons than the final boss, so there's that.

I didn't do any of the Headless or the "terror" warriors.  That instakill debuff was kinda bullcrap so I only tried a couple of times.  The last boss took about 10-15% of my total playtime to beat.  I just really struggled with phase 2 for a while.  I did generally find it fair, except for a few things here and there, but it was pretty fun.
Oh man, I remember those guys, hated dealing with those dudes.

I remember the final boss being trying, but enjoyable to overcome.  I think I recall one of the tower bosses being one of my most hated bosses though.

Yeah, the second Asshina Master was probably my most hated mini-boss in the game.
Yeah, that was probably it.