For XBox 360
This game is sooooo much freaking fun! I can't stop playing it. And it's one of those games that you're thinking about it even when you're not playing it.
But it's also tough as nails. You have regenerating health, but it depletes REAL fast. And when you die, back to the beginning of that area for you, and you have to re-earn any challenges you might have completed before dying in that area. Even though it's tough, it's also so much fun that I keep coming back for more punishment. And it makes beating those challenges so satisfying when you do.
My one complaint is that the game replaces invisible walls with irradiated areas that hurt and kill you. The problem is that sometimes it kills you so fast you have no time to react. Like you'll be swinging on your bionic arm, you swing to high, and before you can swing back down out of the radiation, you're already dead sometimes. It's not so bad or so often it's game-breaking though, just a complaint. I'd rather have invisible walls, personally, they don't kill your character.
BTW, it's hilarious when the enemies talk trash to you. They sound like real people. "Why do you have to be a such a bich, Spencer?!" and "SPENCER! I see you, you treacherous f*ck!"
Best part of this game, though, is that it's this damn good, and I only paid $5 for it, complete.