Winning my friend's tekken tournament whilst dressed as a monkey.
Getting in the top 100 on star wars battle front 2.
Getting a 100m time of less than 8 seconds on track and field.
Beating final fantasy 7 for the first-ever time.
Turning my wife and daughter into gamers and collectors.
Beating Ruby. 
I think ruby is the only one I didn't beat.
Emerald and the other one were easy. Ruby was a *&@#_. In order to stand a chance you need to kill off two of your party members before even going into the fight.
Don't revive them until he buries his hands in the sand.
Be sure everyone has their ultimate weapons, the ribbon, combo, and mime materias.
I spammed him with Bahamut Zero combos w summoned with Bahamut Zero and mimed it. Whatever you do... DO NOT USE KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND. Every time I did he just immediately kicked my ass.
I had my characters at level 80 and it still took 2 hours to beat him. Meaning one fight itself beginning to end took 2 hours.
80% of that time was sitting through the Bahamut Zero summon sequence.
Afterwards I fought Sephiroth's final form and beat him in about 10 minutes. It was kind of anti-climactic.