Ok, so I don't have the editing software at home to cut this down (I do all my video editing at work usually)

but I uploaded the whole stream to Youtube (all 8 hours of it) and have bookmarked the VGC part (it's about 10 min).
Feel free to watch the rest of the stream if you're suuuuuper bored. Unfortunately, the music was a little overpowering, but I think you should still be able to hear me. The fellow next to me is my boyfriend.
Hopefully my SS doesn't mind me accidentally showing their first name at the very end... :-X but thanks! I'll go take pics of everything and post them in the Christmas Loot section.
*Note: I'm sick and I've been fighting with Youtube for the last 10 min to try to get it to play at the part where I *actually* unbox the SS stuff. It's at 29:23 if anything. Or after the artbook unwrapping.