to the OP, file a complaint online with They
will call you back. My mail lady is good as gold. But unfortunately, she doesn't deliver on Saturday and it's a substitute driver, this big, ugly scowling broad.
I exploded one day. I was outside, nice day. I was screwing around out there because I was anxiously awaiting two Neon Genesis Evangelion books I bought from Japan and would have to be signed for. Tracking said they were out for delivery. So up the driveway, I see the scowler pull up to the mailbox, put something(s) in and drive off. WTF! I figure maybe there was a mistake and the package didn't get sent out from the office. I walk up to the mailbox and open it to find an attempted delivery notice! This !@#$#$@ pre-filled out a form because her ass was too lazy to pull down the driveway...
and she saw me standing outside! That was the first run-in with who I refer to as pig vomit.
One day, I come home from work and there is a Walmart bag handing from the end of my mailbox. Now, my mailbox is right by the road when cars, trucks, etc. fly by at 55mph...or more usually 70+. So here is my expensive stuff I bought, dangling precariously by the flimsy plastic of a wally-world bag with cars blasting by a foot away!

One time, I bought an art of Halo book. It wasn't that expensive, but it was mint, I obviously wanted it because I bought it and was very anxious to get it. Having been reprimanded (I suppose) for her shenanigans, she left the box on my side porch. Normally not an issue, I'm in a rural area and theft isn't a big concern. Except it had been raining since the friggin' night before and she left it in the rain! The bottom left edge was soaked! #$%#$#$^% @#$#$!!!!
And the most recent, I was expecting a package from Japan with a copy of Chrono Trigger for the Super Famicom. I wasn't home, but didn't think it was a big deal as the normal driver (the nice lady) will take packages like that next door to my dad and he signs for it. Well guess what? She was off for the day for an appointment and old pig vomit was driving! Yep---got a friggin' pre-filled card in the box. My parents were working outside and she never bothered to pull down my driveway or theirs! I reported her online, got my package on Tuesday (Monday was President's Day) and finally cooled off.
But yeah, report that shit. Do it online and they will call you.