Is an hour going to be enough from now on? Seriously, get a bunch of gamers together and we'll never stop talking. I had so much fun tonight; probably the most fun not only in terms of a podcast, but in general.
I'll post thoughts tomorrow after I listen to it.
It's always best to end with us and the listeners wanting more. 
Maybe we should have one main topic, and if that runs out of steam we can switch to another topic.
I like that idea. One main topic with maybe a few sub-topics. That way, we won't feel as compelled to move things along at a brisk pace and feel rushed. I just finished listening and here my thoughts.
The Good: Great group, as per usual. I love seeing everyone show off their goods. Except for Shaq-Fu. dashy-poo, we want to gain listeners...not alienate them. ^.~ Also, I really liked how we had lots to say about all of the topics, and then some! The time flew by. Finally, 'DAT SONG!!!
The Bad: When I was recording, some of the others had some camera issues. When I listened today, my sound quality was up and down. I'm not sure what happened. Hopefully things will be better next time.
The Ugly: I forgot to put a poster behind me! The white wall in my background looked like a school photo.
So yeah, tons of fun. Thanks to bad@chaos for educating us on the Nintendo remote control car. Thanks to dashv for joining; always a pleasure. Thanks to fauxshot for inspiring some new topic ideas. Thanks to mrnikon for setting it up and for serenading
meus. Thanks to redblaze for the nifty topic idea.