Author Topic: Game Playing Club? (Like a book reading club)  (Read 5167 times)


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Game Playing Club? (Like a book reading club)
« on: May 28, 2015, 12:55:26 pm »
Anyone fond of this idea? There are so many old games that I feel like I didn't get to play when everyone online/in the schoolyard was playing. I'd love to play a game along with a decent sized group where we can all talk and discuss strategies/cool things we found/what we liked and disliked. It would be very similar to book clubs you hear about.

  • 1 Game Per Month
  • A game we all agree upon/vote on beforehand
  • A discussion topic for the month, maybe a skype call or two to discuss?
  • We all determine stopping points so someone who has played the game won't just blast through it in 2 days. We use the whole month
  • No using walkthroughs, if you're stuck you have a bunch of people playing the game too. Act like its pre-internet days.
  • A fun new experience monthly

So what does everyone say? Who's in? If we get enough people who want in then we can shoot to start this for the month of June and vote in the next few days what game we would want to play.


Re: Game Playing Club? (Like a book reading club)
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2015, 01:03:26 pm »
I'm interested, but I think we'd have to learn towards games on the shorter end of things (IE no 60hr RPGs) and I personally really couldn't do modern games since my PS3 is basically a netflix box and otherwise I've got no consoles more recent than the OXBOX/GameCube/PS2. I only work 20hrs a week but I have an 8 1/2 month old so I can't get into any real time sinks.

In regards to your fourth point, I think weekly checkpoints would be a good way to pace ourselves?

I think for accessibility, sticking to more emulatable games would enable more people to get involved?


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Re: Game Playing Club? (Like a book reading club)
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2015, 01:10:30 pm »
I'm interested, but I think we'd have to learn towards games on the shorter end of things (IE no 60hr RPGs) and I personally really couldn't do modern games since my PS3 is basically a netflix box and otherwise I've got no consoles more recent than the OXBOX/GameCube/PS2. I only work 20hrs a week but I have an 8 1/2 month old so I can't get into any real time sinks.

In regards to your fourth point, I think weekly checkpoints would be a good way to pace ourselves?

I think for accessibility, sticking to more emulatable games would enable more people to get involved?

I think we could do big RPGs we might just take longer than a month haha


Re: Game Playing Club? (Like a book reading club)
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2015, 06:02:05 pm »
I'm in but the choices of game can cause a problem. Not everyone is going have all the same games.

"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many." ( Hachiman Hikigaya)
"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)


Re: Game Playing Club? (Like a book reading club)
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2015, 07:20:05 pm »
... we have a very diverse set of people here. And games. This... could be difficult.


Re: Game Playing Club? (Like a book reading club)
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2015, 07:34:23 pm »
Well, the problem will come when we try to decide on the first game. Which game does everyone have?


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Re: Game Playing Club? (Like a book reading club)
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2015, 07:51:09 pm »
Tag, Ill be interested to see how this goes.
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Re: Game Playing Club? (Like a book reading club)
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2015, 07:56:01 pm »
Well, the problem will come when we try to decide on the first game. Which game does everyone have?

Super Mario Bros.? XD


Re: Game Playing Club? (Like a book reading club)
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2015, 08:02:58 pm »
Well, the problem will come when we try to decide on the first game. Which game does everyone have?

Super Mario Bros.? XD

"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many." ( Hachiman Hikigaya)
"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)


Re: Game Playing Club? (Like a book reading club)
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2015, 10:09:43 pm »
Super Mario Bros it is! :V

Re: Game Playing Club? (Like a book reading club)
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2015, 12:01:37 am »
Didn't we try something like this before? I vaguely remember playing star tropics and psychonauts with everyone.....


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Re: Game Playing Club? (Like a book reading club)
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2015, 12:11:48 am »
Didn't we try something like this before? I vaguely remember playing star tropics and psychonauts with everyone.....

Yeah I think we did it for three month and then forgot about it.


Re: Game Playing Club? (Like a book reading club)
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2015, 12:42:11 am »
Didn't we try something like this before? I vaguely remember playing star tropics and psychonauts with everyone.....

Yeah I think we did it for three month and then forgot about it.

Yeah it was called VGConnect, started by Sin2Beta.  Has been nearly two years since the last game though.
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)


Re: Game Playing Club? (Like a book reading club)
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2015, 05:47:18 am »
Sounds like a lot of fun, would depend on what the game is though, obviously not everyone has all the same games so finding a game that everyone has would be a bit tricky. Maybe for Xbox users have a gamerscore race and for Playstation users have a trophy hunt, for Nintendo gamers then the first person to finish the game wins maybe.
I write books, collect games and achievements and so on. Considered pure, molten evil by many.

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Re: Game Playing Club? (Like a book reading club)
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2015, 08:32:24 am »
Obviously everyone won't be able to play every month due to not having games. Also fox you're being very pessimistic. Why not try? I want to play along some games with people. I'll put up an interest poll, if you all could send me exports of your collections I could find games everyone interested has in common (maybe we have 2 playthroyghs a month? To try to get everyone)