Time for my game pick ups of the week and compared to last weekend I did I ton better.
First store/online buys...
VitaGamestop had a complete copy of this launch version so I figured I'd grab it.
- Ragnarok Odyssey Ace
Stopped at a local used game store and found 2 games priced at .99c I didn't have so why not.
Wii- Wild West Shootout
NDS- Kurupoto: Cool Cool Stars
NDSWhen I looked up that last Tingles game I picked up last week I saw another one that was only made for Japan's Club Nintendo, It was cheap so I ordered a copy.
- Tingle's Balloon Fight
Talked to a guy who had two games for a rare system made in Europe called Colorvision, I don't have the system yet but sense the guy gave me a deal on these and they are CIB I figured I'd pick them up and hold on to them til I find the system.
- Horror House
- Submarine
Now on to Garage Sales...
There was two sales Advertised "Video Games" on the same day at the same time, I picked the one that was part of a small subdivision sale and all they had was crappy PS1 games at $5 each and a few crappy 360 games at $10 each. Nothing worth my time so as I headed to the other video game sale (was in no hurry, figured anything good would be gone by the time i got there, so I hit every sale on the way.
At a sale I asked about games and the lady pointed out a box full of playstation 1 & 2 stuff, I look through it and its mostly all Sport games that I didn't need but when she told me $1 a piece I did pick out one game.
PS1- Tomb Raider II
WiiHit a random sale and saw a Wii with a bunch of games, I asked about buying just a few games and was told $4 each. So I only bought these two.
- Mario Party 8
- Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
As I payed the lady I asked about any other games she might want to sell, and her son says he has Xbox games And he brings out a huge stack of original Xbox games. They wanted $2 a piece so I picked out these.
- Namco Museum
- Sea World Shamue's Deep Sea Adventure
- The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Tomb Raider Legend
- Star Wars Battlefront II

Hit a few random sales and picked up these 360 games.
XB360- Fuel ($2)
- Lego Batman 2 ($3)
Found this in a box of junk for $1, my phone wasn't on me to look up VGCollect so I just bought it then found out I did have it. (doh)
NDS- Guitar Hero Decades
At and estate sale I saw this priced at $5 brand new in the box and figured ya why not.
Wii- Bass Pro Shop: The Strike
NDSAt a random sale they had a couple loose NDS games and had them priced at $7 each. I was going to pass but the guy asked what I would pay for a game. I said $2 and he thought a few seconds then said okay.
- Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Picked up random PS2 games from different sales.
PS2- The Golden Compass ($2)
- Mercenaries 2 ($2)
- Pitfall ($1)
- Juiced ($1)
- Dragonball Z Budokai 2 ($2)
- Dragonball Z Budokai 3 (disc only $1)
- Shadow of the Colossus ($2)
So I finally got to the second sale that advertised "Video games" and it was about 2 hours after they opened I figured This will have nothing good and the first thing I see is a box labeled "Everything in the box .25c" and see CIB Sega Genesis games.
GEN - Sonic the Hedgehog 2
- Pat Riley Basketball
- Mortal Kombat
- Roadblasters
Then I see more stuff on a table. A Wii game for $1.
Wii- Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop
And two Gamecube games for .50c each.
GC- Outlaw Golf
- Wave Race: Blue Storm (for display only version?) It's not a reprinted label.

Then I ask if he had anything else and he said he had a Game Boy, and shows me a Purple Game Boy Color with a game in it. Asked how much and was told $2.
GB- Pokemon Red Version
I hit a small apartment sale and asked the young man about games, he said he had some stuff and invited me inside to look. I see a box full of PS1, PS2 and 360 games, I pick out the few I wanted then he hands me a bag, inside was a N64 with games and other random stuff. I asked if he'd take $20 for the bag and the few PS2/360 games and he said yes.
XB360- Hasbro Family Game Night 3
PS2- Veggie Tales: LarryBoy and the Bad Apple
- Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon
PS1Croc 2
Now here's what was in this bag...
- A Charcoal Grey N64 with Expansion Ram Pak and one Controller (no hook ups)
- WWF Warzone
- WCW/nWo Revenge
- WCW vs nWo World Tour
- Wave Race 64
- Madden NFL 2000
- Donkey Kong 64

- Bomberman 64

- Banjo-Kazooie
GBA- Spongebob's Atlantis Squarepantis
- Crash of the Titans
- Dragonball Z: Taiketsu
GB/GBC- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
- Pokemon Pinball
- Pokemon Special Pikachu Edition
GENI stopped at a sale and asked about games, the old man said he might have something and goes inside. He brings out a Sega Nomad with 2 CIB games, adapter, RF cable and a controller.

I asked price and he said $10 okay? You bet it's okay. lol
- Sonic Spinball
- Weaponlord
Now for the very last sale of the week. I stopped at a sale on Friday and asked about games, The lady said her son had a bunch of PS2 games he might want to sell. Told me to come back tomorrow and he'll have em out. Wasn't too excited about this and to be honest didn't think I was going to come back. Well All Saturday was pretty much nothing so I remembered the lady and the possible PS2 games. Thought might as well see what they got. I stop back and the lady told her son to get the PS2 games. He brings out a large stack and its all Sport games.

Nothing I needed so I asked you have anything else? The son said no that's all he had but this time his father was there and he said hold on I think I might have something and goes inside. I wait about 15 minutes when he comes out with 2 boxes. The first was an Atari 2600 (black Vader version) in a case and 43 games, all of them and the system looked in fantastic shape. I check the second box and its a NES with all hookups, Zapper, two controllers (looks like they replaced the B buttons with an orange one for some reason) and 9 games. We talk price and we come to $60 for all of it.
Atari 2600- Football (text version)
- Football (picture version)
- Combat
- Pac-Man
- Defender
- Missile Command
- Air-Sea Battle
- Video Pinball
- Star Raiders
- Basketball
- Space War
- Asteroids
- Space Invaders
- Yars' Revenge
- Berserk
- Raiders of the Lost Ark
- Swordquest: Earthworld
- Swordquest: Fireworld
- Pole Position
- Centipede
- Vanguard
- Jungle Hunt
- Sneak n Peak
- Starmaster
- Ice Hockey
- Tennis
- Robot Tank
- Chopper Command
- Keystone Kapers
- Super Challenge Football
- Super Challenge Baseball
- Frogs n Flies
- Lock n Chase
- Worm War I
- Donkey Kong'
- Carnival
- Atlantis
- Moonsweeper
- Riddle of the Sphinx
- Star Wars the Empire Strikes Back
- Spider-Man
- Q*Bert
- Frogger II
NES- Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt (with manual)
- Tetris (with manual)
- Super Mario Bros. 3 (with manual)
- Super Off Road (with manual)
- Baseball Stars (with manual)
- Baseball Stars II (CIB)
- Bases Loaded II
- Mike Tyson's Punch-Out (with manual)
- Battletoads
- NES Cleaning Kit (CIB)
- Double Dribble (manual only)
Overall it was a good weekend for garage sales.