Author Topic: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL  (Read 5665 times)


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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2015, 12:29:54 pm »
"More green" my ass. It's so they can sell a full-priced console, and then get you for the charger as well. Pure greed is all it is.


Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2015, 12:41:38 pm »
Xenoblade Chronicles doesn't look much better on the Wii either. I think the PS2 is about on par with it. No charger though? That's ridiculous in this day in age.

I'm pretty sure the Wii is about as powerful as the original Xbox, give or take.

That's what they always claim and maybe I just see the Gamecube through rose-tinted glasses and the Wii through turd-tinted glasses, but I always thought Gamecube games looked on-par with Xbox games and the Wii games never looked as good as the Gamecube game. 

Maybe it's just because I despise the Wii's waggle-wand-forced motion controls, but that's what I see.

I agree. I think original Xbox and GameCube looked better than Wii. And I own all 3 consoles. I think Wii was more on par with PS2. Of course Nintendo's first-party titles looked better on Wii than other games, but then so did Sony's first-party titles on PS2.

Very true, straight up specs don't mean much if you don't have the means to deliver it (like a fast car with no wheels). I think the motion controls really hampered what could be done with the Wii as well, and so the games had to take a step down.
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2015, 12:42:35 pm »
Even if the cable's end is USB and can be plugged everywhere, the cable's base port used to charge and/or transfer data on the Vita is proprietary as well. A micro USB as it's now standard with smartphones would have been much better and cheaper, it's no biggie though since I don't have to bring the full charger with me, only the cable.

Ah...I was talking about the 2000 model Vita.  They switched from the proprietary connector to standard micro USB.  So any old car charger or phone AC charger works now.
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2015, 12:43:44 pm »
Very true, straight up specs don't mean much if you don't have the means to deliver it (like a fast car with no wheels). I think the motion controls really hampered what could be done with the Wii as well, and so the games had to take a step down.

It's good to know that I'm not the only one who thinks the Wii's graphics were actually worse than the Gamecube's.   :P
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2015, 12:46:32 pm »
They haven't included an AC adapter in Japan for the 3DS models outside of the original Japanese 3DS.  When they released the 3DS XL over there (and in Europe), they explained that most people would be upgrading from the original (considering how popular the original 3DS was, this was a fair assumption IMO) and did not want to charge users for something they didn't need.

Granted, this does not help those customers who trade in their systems.  And yes, Gamestop does expect AC adapters with trade-ins of the original 3DS (hopefully they don't with trade-ins of the N3DSXL).

It's not a great policy, but I know that there are at least 3+ of those adapters floating around in my house, and we only have 2 gamers.

I personally wouldn't suggest judging the N3DSXL's screen on Xenoblade Chronicles 3D.  I've heard from many that it's a bad looking port and that folks would be much better off playing the original Wii version.  I was really excited about it and got the N3DSXL at launch but when I saw footage of the port, I gave up on getting the game.  It looks terrible in comparison.

Other games, however, which can also be played on the regular 3DS, still look good.  I was really impressed by how Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate looked, for example.

Nintendo has never been big on their graphics, but instead opting to focus accessibility for many.  A less expensive system, easier for a wider range of gamers to use, and a much better library of games will always win over something that's much prettier to look it.  Vita had a lot of potential but was trying to do too much. Younger users were returning their systems because they didn't know how to use the thing (and their parents certainly weren't going to figure it out).  Older users were returning systems because there is no library to support it.  The console can't be a success if they can't cover those basics.

I agree with the OP about the placement of the c-stick and general feel about the console and 3D itself.  However, the SD card thing doesn't bother me.  I don't download many games, though I had some from the Ambassador program. I had already done some research prior to launch of the system and bought a larger MicroSD card to have on hand so I wouldn't have to change cards out (I only had to swap out for a larger card once on my original 3DS).  Thank goodness Nintendo is not using proprietary SD cards for storage, unlike Vita's ridiculously priced cards.

If anything, I just think Nintendo did a terrible job of marketing the N3DSXL.  It's not an amazing system, but the improvements are nice, including the faster processor.  I did a fair bit of research prior to launch and knew about the adapter and what to expect in general.  To users new to the Nintendo handheld, though, I can understand the frustration of not having that information be more clear.
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #20 on: August 03, 2015, 12:52:19 pm »
Very true, straight up specs don't mean much if you don't have the means to deliver it (like a fast car with no wheels). I think the motion controls really hampered what could be done with the Wii as well, and so the games had to take a step down.

It's good to know that I'm not the only one who thinks the Wii's graphics were actually worse than the Gamecube's.   :P

The GameCube looks amazing! Especially if you can afford that $200+ component cable.  >:( Though I guess you could use Wii Component cables...
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2015, 12:54:23 pm »
The reason why the Wii games don't look as sharp as Gamecube/Xbox is because it has a very stupid image filter that makes images blurry. This looks pretty bad with composite cables, and even with component, there's still some blurriness in some games. Power-wise, it's a bit more powerful than the original xbox, although its missing a few features compared to the OG Xbox. So while there are games that can only be done on Wii, it doesn't look that much better in graphical power, and the image is worse than gamecube. Wii component is also $10-25 compared to $220 for GC component atm.

As for the New 3DS, I'm pretty sure the only reason it was created for XC was because of ram limitations, and cpu speed bottlenecking the gpu. Those two improvements were necessary to run Xenoblade Chronicles on New 3DS. It's going to be more like a DSi upgrade though, so that's why they didn't really improve on parts, especially since they're making huge profit margins off of the original 3DS already. It doesn't help that they aren't marketing it well Hopefully their next handheld will be able to get HD resolution.


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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #22 on: August 03, 2015, 01:00:36 pm »
Ah...I was talking about the 2000 model Vita.  They switched from the proprietary connector to standard micro USB.  So any old car charger or phone AC charger works now.

Good stuff, didn't know about that!

I still prefer model 1's OLED screen though - that's why I got a second model 1 console before they ran out of stock when the 2000 released, in case my actual console dies I'll still have a spare one with the glorious OLED screen.


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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #23 on: August 03, 2015, 01:05:33 pm »
^ I never knew that about the 2000. I wanted that model or the 3000 just because you could hook those up to a T.V.


Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2015, 01:52:46 pm »
^ I never knew that about the 2000. I wanted that model or the 3000 just because you could hook those up to a T.V.

Your thinking about the PSP, not the Vita.  No model of Vita can connect directly to your tv. 
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2015, 01:57:56 pm »
^ I never knew that about the 2000. I wanted that model or the 3000 just because you could hook those up to a T.V.

Your thinking about the PSP, not the Vita.  No model of Vita can connect directly to your tv.

Oops, yeah, I read PSP when I saw that, my bad.


Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #26 on: August 03, 2015, 02:03:16 pm »
The reason why the Wii games don't look as sharp as Gamecube/Xbox is because it has a very stupid image filter that makes images blurry. This looks pretty bad with composite cables, and even with component, there's still some blurriness in some games. Power-wise, it's a bit more powerful than the original xbox, although its missing a few features compared to the OG Xbox. So while there are games that can only be done on Wii, it doesn't look that much better in graphical power, and the image is worse than gamecube. Wii component is also $10-25 compared to $220 for GC component atm.

As for the New 3DS, I'm pretty sure the only reason it was created for XC was because of ram limitations, and cpu speed bottlenecking the gpu. Those two improvements were necessary to run Xenoblade Chronicles on New 3DS. It's going to be more like a DSi upgrade though, so that's why they didn't really improve on parts, especially since they're making huge profit margins off of the original 3DS already. It doesn't help that they aren't marketing it well Hopefully their next handheld will be able to get HD resolution.

That's what I was thinking about the New 3DS was the RAM and possibly CPU speed. 
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #27 on: August 03, 2015, 02:16:56 pm »
They haven't included an AC adapter in Japan for the 3DS models outside of the original Japanese 3DS.  When they released the 3DS XL over there (and in Europe), they explained that most people would be upgrading from the original (considering how popular the original 3DS was, this was a fair assumption IMO) and did not want to charge users for something they didn't need.

Granted, this does not help those customers who trade in their systems.  And yes, Gamestop does expect AC adapters with trade-ins of the original 3DS (hopefully they don't with trade-ins of the N3DSXL).

It's not a great policy, but I know that there are at least 3+ of those adapters floating around in my house, and we only have 2 gamers.

I personally wouldn't suggest judging the N3DSXL's screen on Xenoblade Chronicles 3D.  I've heard from many that it's a bad looking port and that folks would be much better off playing the original Wii version.  I was really excited about it and got the N3DSXL at launch but when I saw footage of the port, I gave up on getting the game.  It looks terrible in comparison.

Other games, however, which can also be played on the regular 3DS, still look good.  I was really impressed by how Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate looked, for example.

Nintendo has never been big on their graphics, but instead opting to focus accessibility for many.  A less expensive system, easier for a wider range of gamers to use, and a much better library of games will always win over something that's much prettier to look it.  Vita had a lot of potential but was trying to do too much. Younger users were returning their systems because they didn't know how to use the thing (and their parents certainly weren't going to figure it out).  Older users were returning systems because there is no library to support it.  The console can't be a success if they can't cover those basics.

I agree with the OP about the placement of the c-stick and general feel about the console and 3D itself.  However, the SD card thing doesn't bother me.  I don't download many games, though I had some from the Ambassador program. I had already done some research prior to launch of the system and bought a larger MicroSD card to have on hand so I wouldn't have to change cards out (I only had to swap out for a larger card once on my original 3DS).  Thank goodness Nintendo is not using proprietary SD cards for storage, unlike Vita's ridiculously priced cards.

If anything, I just think Nintendo did a terrible job of marketing the N3DSXL.  It's not an amazing system, but the improvements are nice, including the faster processor.  I did a fair bit of research prior to launch and knew about the adapter and what to expect in general.  To users new to the Nintendo handheld, though, I can understand the frustration of not having that information be more clear.

Hadn't heard that Xeno was a bad looking port before.  I just figured it would be the only way own this game without spending eighty bucks.   ::)

I think we agree on most points with the New 3DS.  Things that would drive someone insane like the MicroSD card slot placement and lack of bundled AC adapter didn't affect me.  Nor the problems with transferring your data since I'm not trading my old system in.  It just seems ridiculous to me that Nintendo hasn't improved the display.  If they went with a HD display, most of that aliasing would be gone.  The games would inherently look better simply because the display would be pushing more pixels.  I know Nintendo doesn't want to compete in the "specs rat race" but I can't see the cost being so significant that an HD display and bundled AC adapter would financially hurt them.  Especially when every single smartphone since the iPhone 3GS has a better display than a 2015 handheld console.

As far as the Vita, I agree with you that game library trumps everything else.  I disagree with ease of use though.  To me, Vita is a pretty simple system to understand and use.  I'm glad I have both as I have my bases covered regardless of what system a game comes out on. 
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #28 on: August 03, 2015, 02:20:00 pm »
I forgot to add two items to the CON section.

Commercials.  Those awful, awful commercials. 

Name.  Whoever at Nintendo is in charge of naming their new systems needs to be fired.  like...yesterday.  Want to know how to confuse potential customers?  Name your new systems Wii U and New 3DS.  The first sounds like a new controller add-on and the second is just stupid.  Go into Gamestop and ask for a new 3DS.  Are you talking about the "New" 3DS, or that you want an unused , new condition 3DS? 
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #29 on: August 03, 2015, 02:54:41 pm »
I disagree with ease of use though.  To me, Vita is a pretty simple system to understand and use.  I'm glad I have both as I have my bases covered regardless of what system a game comes out on.

I didn't really think about the system being awkward to use until I went into a used game shop, and a kid and his mom were trading in stuff so he could get a GBA SP, I think.  They said they had gotten him a Vita a while back but immediately returned it because they were really confused by the backscreen and how to operate it in general.  He just wanted something simple, where all you do is plug in a game and play.  From that standpoint, a lot of the modern consoles fail.  I'm personally tired of modern consoles trying to be a one-stop shop for all your entertainment needs.

I haven't played on the Vita myself, but the bf has one.  I do love my PSTV, though.  Navigating the "dashboard" screens or whatever still confuse me, but once I am actually playing games, it's a good microconsole  :)

I still encourage folks to get Vita games and still hold on to the hope that more Vita support will come down the line! We'll see...  :-[
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