Author Topic: Games that beat YOU!  (Read 5575 times)


Re: Games that beat YOU!
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2015, 01:59:54 pm »
I mentioned this some time ago.

Sly Cooper 1, last boss.

If you die you have to restart the whole thing. It takes five minutes to reach a point where you can hurt him. I gave up after two hours.

I haven't played any game in the series since. (And my PS2 is dead anyway, so.)


Re: Games that beat YOU!
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2015, 02:37:01 pm »
Bubsy 3d remains to this day the only game i have ever returned for my money back. Whats worse about it was it was so un-memorable to me that i cannot remember anything about it without looking up images or videos about it. I think I only played it about 10-20 mins.

I actually have this one on my wish list just because it is so horrible.  I avoided it like the plague back when it was a current title.

I would really like to start a mini-collection of some of the worst games in history.  I already have Kabuki Warriors.  I figure Bubsy 3D and Superman 64 should be my next picks.   :P
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Re: Games that beat YOU!
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2015, 02:38:28 pm »
I mentioned this some time ago.

Sly Cooper 1, last boss.

If you die you have to restart the whole thing. It takes five minutes to reach a point where you can hurt him. I gave up after two hours.

I haven't played any game in the series since. (And my PS2 is dead anyway, so.)

You can pick up the Sly Collection on PS3 dirt cheap if you look around.  That is, if you want to give it another go.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


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Re: Games that beat YOU!
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2015, 03:05:13 pm »
I forgot one, kid icarus for the original gameboy. Could never beat the (first boss
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 03:16:05 pm by fighterpilot562 »
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Re: Games that beat YOU!
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2015, 03:11:03 pm »
For the longest time now, I have been trying to play through a Pokemon randomizer nuzlocke.

It's like a regular nuzlocke challenge (1. You can only catch the first Pokemon you find in an area 2. Once a Pokemon faints, you have to release it) but with a lot of variables randomized by a ROM patch. I have it so the wild/trainer's Pokemon, held items, movesets and abilities are completely random.

So for example, in my most current game of Emerald version, my starter was a Poliwhirl, with Inner Focus as its ability, and it knows Bind, Astonish and Twineedle. I just caught a Cacnea on the first route for my first caught Pokemon  :D

It's incredibly fun and addicting, but pretty much impossible to beat. I've maybe gotten 6 badges at most, after 20+ tries. I will often play in spurts and then have to put it down because it becomes so frustrating sometimes.

EDIT: Also add pretty much every arcade game I ever tried to play too
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 03:21:57 pm by telly »
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Re: Games that beat YOU!
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2015, 03:14:29 pm »
Some of Capcom's arcade titles, like Ghosts n Goblins+ Ghouls n Ghosts. I have cleared the first loop of each game, but i couldn't manage to get past 2-2 in the Ghosts, and 2-4 in Ghouls without losing my lives.  Metal Slug 4 makese me lose my lives after the first few stages because of the really poor enemy placement and level design that makes the game unfair compared to the rest of the series.

I was almost beaten by Super Monkey Ball 1 and didn't go back to it for about 10 years until a year ago. I finally managed to beat all of the expert levels and with enough practice I should be able to unlock master. The main difficulty of expert is compared to 2, the difficulty is really uneven with levels like Expert 7 being too difficult, and Expert 25 being way too easy.


Re: Games that beat YOU!
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2015, 03:23:55 pm »
I actually have this one on my wish list just because it is so horrible.  I avoided it like the plague back when it was a current title.

I would really like to start a mini-collection of some of the worst games in history.  I already have Kabuki Warriors.  I figure Bubsy 3D and Superman 64 should be my next picks.   :P
I own Bubsy 3D.

It's... pretty infuriating.

You can pick up the Sly Collection on PS3 dirt cheap if you look around.  That is, if you want to give it another go.
I'd have to buy a PS3 first, eh? :p I don't really 'game' on TVs anymore, my TV is a very old SDTV, and I refuse to sign up for a regional Sony account that will rarely see the same sales as in the US, so there's no point. :(


Re: Games that beat YOU!
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2015, 03:47:44 pm »
The Adventures of Bayou Billy... I love the game, but I've never legitimately beaten it. Gotten close, all the way to the Estate Courtyard stage, but never past that.


Re: Games that beat YOU!
« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2015, 03:50:52 pm »
Tales of Symphonia came close back when it was first released on the Game Cube. I learned the hard way that you should never trust a third-party memory card. Otherwise, your save data that had your team's levels in the 80s with fantastic equipment, lots of Titles, lots of progress made in their cooking, lots of just about EVERYTHING will go kaput. : D ---- X_X


Re: Games that beat YOU!
« Reply #24 on: August 13, 2015, 06:02:36 pm »
Tales of Symphonia came close back when it was first released on the Game Cube. I learned the hard way that you should never trust a third-party memory card. Otherwise, your save data that had your team's levels in the 80s with fantastic equipment, lots of Titles, lots of progress made in their cooking, lots of just about EVERYTHING will go kaput. : D ---- X_X
Oh god you just made me super paranoid again and reminded me to buy a first party Gamecube memory card! I have had the same third-party (madcatz at that... definitely not the most reliable third-party) card ever since my original Gamecube and I'm very afraid to lose everything eventually  :-\ I bought a 1024 blocks on ebay last year, only to realize that it would always corrupt even though the seller mentioned it was in working condition  >:( I haven't tried getting another card since, I should get like 3-4 of the 256 blocks ones...


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Re: Games that beat YOU!
« Reply #25 on: August 13, 2015, 07:10:20 pm »
The Bionic Commando reboot on Xbox 360..I have the save still, but only rented the game years ago. Got stuck at a part where there's a lot of enemies and I had hardly any ammo or health. So I gave up :P


Re: Games that beat YOU!
« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2015, 11:13:40 pm »
I just showed up here to see if Yakov Smirnoff had started this thread. You know, "In mother Russia, the game beats you!"

No game has ever beaten me, I just took a break from them , that's all. I'll be back.
As dangerous as a stampede of cattle...and almost as smart.


Re: Games that beat YOU!
« Reply #27 on: August 14, 2015, 08:07:40 am »
Tales of Symphonia came close back when it was first released on the Game Cube. I learned the hard way that you should never trust a third-party memory card. Otherwise, your save data that had your team's levels in the 80s with fantastic equipment, lots of Titles, lots of progress made in their cooking, lots of just about EVERYTHING will go kaput. : D ---- X_X
Oh god you just made me super paranoid again and reminded me to buy a first party Gamecube memory card! I have had the same third-party (madcatz at that... definitely not the most reliable third-party) card ever since my original Gamecube and I'm very afraid to lose everything eventually  :-\ I bought a 1024 blocks on ebay last year, only to realize that it would always corrupt even though the seller mentioned it was in working condition  >:( I haven't tried getting another card since, I should get like 3-4 of the 256 blocks ones...

Giiiiirl...I hope you don't go through what I did. @_@ Mad Catz is just awful. Seriously, that company needs to be burned to the ground and built back from scratch.


Re: Games that beat YOU!
« Reply #28 on: August 14, 2015, 10:27:52 am »
Tales of Symphonia came close back when it was first released on the Game Cube. I learned the hard way that you should never trust a third-party memory card. Otherwise, your save data that had your team's levels in the 80s with fantastic equipment, lots of Titles, lots of progress made in their cooking, lots of just about EVERYTHING will go kaput. : D ---- X_X
Oh god you just made me super paranoid again and reminded me to buy a first party Gamecube memory card! I have had the same third-party (madcatz at that... definitely not the most reliable third-party) card ever since my original Gamecube and I'm very afraid to lose everything eventually  :-\ I bought a 1024 blocks on ebay last year, only to realize that it would always corrupt even though the seller mentioned it was in working condition  >:( I haven't tried getting another card since, I should get like 3-4 of the 256 blocks ones...

Giiiiirl...I hope you don't go through what I did. @_@ Mad Catz is just awful. Seriously, that company needs to be burned to the ground and built back from scratch.

Have you ever used any of their fightsticks? I've heard they're pretty good. Not everything they make is garbage... just most of it.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


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Re: Games that beat YOU!
« Reply #29 on: August 14, 2015, 11:03:40 am »
Tales of Symphonia came close back when it was first released on the Game Cube. I learned the hard way that you should never trust a third-party memory card. Otherwise, your save data that had your team's levels in the 80s with fantastic equipment, lots of Titles, lots of progress made in their cooking, lots of just about EVERYTHING will go kaput. : D ---- X_X
Oh god you just made me super paranoid again and reminded me to buy a first party Gamecube memory card! I have had the same third-party (madcatz at that... definitely not the most reliable third-party) card ever since my original Gamecube and I'm very afraid to lose everything eventually  :-\ I bought a 1024 blocks on ebay last year, only to realize that it would always corrupt even though the seller mentioned it was in working condition  >:( I haven't tried getting another card since, I should get like 3-4 of the 256 blocks ones...

Giiiiirl...I hope you don't go through what I did. @_@ Mad Catz is just awful. Seriously, that company needs to be burned to the ground and built back from scratch.

Have you ever used any of their fightsticks? I've heard they're pretty good. Not everything they make is garbage... just most of it.

Isn't that basically all they make now?