And...Summon Night 2 DS (NA) for ~ $3.00
That's crazy that GS is having it for that cheap. Great price for CIB! Nice find!
Yeah, I did a double-take when I saw the pricing on it

Also, I'm pretty damned familiar w/ my local Gamestop's stock of DS, PSP, GC, PS2, and PS3 games...and while I was ringing-up this sale, I even remarked to my friend who was working the register that I'd never seen this game here before (or ever expected to:)
He said it just came in the day before (can only imagine what they paid the poor person selling the game to them...probably...what...around 50 cents - Damned Thieves)...and had he seen it before I did...that, well...I never *would* have ever seen it

...At least he didn't try to pull one of the 'trademarked' "Gamestop-Moves" of...
"Oh, I'm sorry sir...seems like we actually don't really have this one after all"

I've seen it done before w/ good, rare, and valuable games when customers try to ring them up

Also, as a side-note:
I've seen a PSP game ("GS-New" (w/ just the adhesive sticker on it to show that it's "new"))
called "Hakuoki"...or something like that.
For (at least) the last month or 2, it's been sitting there w/ a $39.99 price tag on it...never heard of it XD!
Anyone know anything about it (as in great game, rare, valuable, small print-run, etc)?!
Just curious!