Author Topic: Collection Achievements thread  (Read 88255 times)


Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #285 on: January 04, 2014, 11:04:02 pm »
Kolibri makes 25 32X games.

This is about the only milestone number I will encounter since I am 11 games away from all of them. Not that I will have them all since I will not shell out the cash for 2 or 3 of the titles at market value. And I don't see deals coming along soon. 
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


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Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #286 on: January 04, 2014, 11:10:01 pm »
Kolibri makes 25 32X games.

This is about the only milestone number I will encounter since I am 11 games away from all of them. Not that I will have them all since I will not shell out the cash for 2 or 3 of the titles at market value. And I don't see deals coming along soon.

Congrats Beta!  Do you have the 3 rare ones:  world series baseball, spiderman and pitfall yet?


Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #287 on: January 05, 2014, 12:18:43 am »
Kolibri makes 25 32X games.

This is about the only milestone number I will encounter since I am 11 games away from all of them. Not that I will have them all since I will not shell out the cash for 2 or 3 of the titles at market value. And I don't see deals coming along soon.

Congrats Beta!  Do you have the 3 rare ones:  world series baseball, spiderman and pitfall yet?

Nope, those are the 3 I probably won't pick up. I may start a change jar and snag World Series on a deal. But that's about it. The others I would have to get in a trade or just stumble upon.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


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Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #288 on: January 05, 2014, 12:18:50 am »
I am going to do my Dragon Warrior/Dragon Quest completion. Im not sure whats left but it cant be too much.

Good deal Soera.  I hope you can get it.  Can you take a picture of it to show us if you get the complete Dragon Warrior collection? 


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Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #289 on: January 05, 2014, 12:22:15 am »
Kolibri makes 25 32X games.

This is about the only milestone number I will encounter since I am 11 games away from all of them. Not that I will have them all since I will not shell out the cash for 2 or 3 of the titles at market value. And I don't see deals coming along soon.

Congrats Beta!  Do you have the 3 rare ones:  world series baseball, spiderman and pitfall yet?

Nope, those are the 3 I probably won't pick up. I may start a change jar and snag World Series on a deal. But that's about it. The others I would have to get in a trade or just stumble upon.

Yea I know.  I feel bad for purchasing the 2 I got but they were from the same seller so he talked me into it.  If I ever get a double of the world series or pitfall I'll trade one to you.  What about you're Game Gear collection?  Before, you were keeping up with a completion percentage?


Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #290 on: January 05, 2014, 12:33:22 am »
Kolibri makes 25 32X games.

This is about the only milestone number I will encounter since I am 11 games away from all of them. Not that I will have them all since I will not shell out the cash for 2 or 3 of the titles at market value. And I don't see deals coming along soon.

Congrats Beta!  Do you have the 3 rare ones:  world series baseball, spiderman and pitfall yet?

Nope, those are the 3 I probably won't pick up. I may start a change jar and snag World Series on a deal. But that's about it. The others I would have to get in a trade or just stumble upon.

Yea I know.  I feel bad for purchasing the 2 I got but they were from the same seller so he talked me into it.  If I ever get a double of the world series or pitfall I'll trade one to you.  What about you're Game Gear collection?  Before, you were keeping up with a completion percentage?

I still am. But my signature was getting crowded. So, it had to leave my sig.

Honestly, I started getting good deals on SMS, 32X, and Genesis games. This took my focus away from the Game Gear. However, my focus will hopefully be turning back to the Game Gear soon. My Game Gear is being modded by a friend to produce video out. This way I can play on a TV and record footage for youtube.

I'll report back on the mod once it's done. We'll see if it is a success in a month or two.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


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Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #291 on: January 08, 2014, 06:55:44 am »
Kolibri makes 25 32X games.

This is about the only milestone number I will encounter since I am 11 games away from all of them. Not that I will have them all since I will not shell out the cash for 2 or 3 of the titles at market value. And I don't see deals coming along soon.

Congrats Beta!  Do you have the 3 rare ones:  world series baseball, spiderman and pitfall yet?

Nope, those are the 3 I probably won't pick up. I may start a change jar and snag World Series on a deal. But that's about it. The others I would have to get in a trade or just stumble upon.

Yea I know.  I feel bad for purchasing the 2 I got but they were from the same seller so he talked me into it.  If I ever get a double of the world series or pitfall I'll trade one to you.  What about you're Game Gear collection?  Before, you were keeping up with a completion percentage?

 My Game Gear is being modded by a friend to produce video out. This way I can play on a TV and record footage for youtube.

I'll report back on the mod once it's done. We'll see if it is a success in a month or two.

Does he do game gear video mods frequently?  Like, would he do it for others for a fee?


Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #292 on: January 12, 2014, 07:56:12 pm »
Does he do game gear video mods frequently?  Like, would he do it for others for a fee?

Sorry. Missed this. He would do it for a fee. Modding consoles is what he does. He was recommended to me by a fellow youtuber. So, I'm sure he does good work. However, I feel odd recommending him or giving stuff out until everything is done and I can fully vouch for him. Once it is done I will give a review and shout out. It is not something I would suggest if you aren't doing it for a reason. I am getting the video board from a guy named Tim in Australia. He does great work. Then I'm sending my stuff to the UK. Shipping alone can be costly. I'm just a huge Game Gear fan. And I want to see how it is done and view the solder points closely. As I did not follow everything from Tim's guide.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #293 on: January 12, 2014, 08:35:03 pm »
I just hit 57 Master System games. 50% of the US set.

I'm now halfway or further along the US sets of the Master System, Game Gear and 32X. I'm pretty happy with this. My SEGA 8-bit lineup is lookin' good.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #294 on: January 12, 2014, 10:52:31 pm »
I just hit 57 Master System games. 50% of the US set.

I'm now halfway or further along the US sets of the Master System, Game Gear and 32X. I'm pretty happy with this. My SEGA 8-bit lineup is lookin' good.
That's it? Hmmm I'll have to think about picking up some more games.


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Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #295 on: January 13, 2014, 06:30:08 am »
Does he do game gear video mods frequently?  Like, would he do it for others for a fee?

Sorry. Missed this. He would do it for a fee. Modding consoles is what he does. He was recommended to me by a fellow youtuber. So, I'm sure he does good work. However, I feel odd recommending him or giving stuff out until everything is done and I can fully vouch for him. Once it is done I will give a review and shout out. It is not something I would suggest if you aren't doing it for a reason. I am getting the video board from a guy named Tim in Australia. He does great work. Then I'm sending my stuff to the UK. Shipping alone can be costly. I'm just a huge Game Gear fan. And I want to see how it is done and view the solder points closely. As I did not follow everything from Tim's guide.

Ah okay.  I got cha.  Yea let me know how he does if you recommend him when it's done. 


Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #296 on: January 13, 2014, 06:30:02 pm »
I just hit 57 Master System games. 50% of the US set.

I'm now halfway or further along the US sets of the Master System, Game Gear and 32X. I'm pretty happy with this. My SEGA 8-bit lineup is lookin' good.
That's it? Hmmm I'll have to think about picking up some more games.

Yeppers, at least for the US set. And only one of the is REALLY hard to find.

However, the Master System is one of the only systems where completing the US set seems to feel like it's just a decent chunk of the games. It continued in Europe for a long time. Most people consider the full set to be one game from at least one region... US, Brazil, EU. This is somewhere around 350-400 I believe.

It's the definitive system with people defining the full set as all western releases. Not that I agree fully. But thought I'd mention it.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #297 on: January 13, 2014, 07:49:44 pm »
I actually considered going full SMS all-region but I just dont have room for it all. Full US SMS fits my shelves nicely.


Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #298 on: January 13, 2014, 09:12:38 pm »
I actually considered going full SMS all-region but I just dont have room for it all. Full US SMS fits my shelves nicely.

Yeah, I look at some full sets, such as Stew's, on Sega 8-bit and a all region set CIB is crazy big. The 114 US set is a great selection as it cuts out the crap such as Flintstones or Back to the Future.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: Collection Achievements thread
« Reply #299 on: January 17, 2014, 07:38:52 pm »
Continuing with the 32X style achievements. Supreme Warrior makes a complete set of Sega CD 32X games. Let the FMV goodness commence!

9 32X games to go...
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....