Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge *2016*  (Read 82874 times)


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #60 on: February 05, 2016, 12:03:18 pm »
Added Alter Ego (Steam) to the list. Great game, but what a shit ending that was.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2016, 12:41:05 pm by kevininja »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #61 on: February 05, 2016, 02:01:44 pm »
Haha, my post of the first page is too long, so I moved my active games to my post on the second page. 

Haha you're playing a lot of games, that's pretty cool! Your backlog seems to be doing good  ;)

As for me, I unexpectedly beat Portal 2 the other day. The last time I played was 2 years ago. I was just progressing this week to get "back in the game" to design some levels using their level editor, and what do you know, I was actually very close to completing it when I stopped  ::)

I'm pretty close to beating Bowser's Inside Story too; 2 bosses left and I'll change it to the other list  8)

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #62 on: February 05, 2016, 02:38:50 pm »
Haha, my post of the first page is too long, so I moved my active games to my post on the second page. 

Haha you're playing a lot of games, that's pretty cool! Your backlog seems to be doing good  ;)

As for me, I unexpectedly beat Portal 2 the other day. The last time I played was 2 years ago. I was just progressing this week to get "back in the game" to design some levels using their level editor, and what do you know, I was actually very close to completing it when I stopped  ::)

I'm pretty close to beating Bowser's Inside Story too; 2 bosses left and I'll change it to the other list  8)
I'm not even denting my backlog... at this rate I'm aiming for 104 games... Though I'll bet good money that something is going to happen that will prevent me from playing games for a long period of time.  Buying a house did it last year, getting married did it a few years back, last year of college did it for like 6 months straight.

I'm planning on playing through Portal and Portal 2 so I can jump into Portal Stories fresh from a playthrough of the Portal series.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2016, 02:43:41 pm by ctracy87 »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #63 on: February 06, 2016, 03:38:20 pm »
I decided to change things up a bit and do some speed runs. I finished Mega Man X, X2 and X3 for nth time and tried to finish them as fast as possible.

I wasn't successful. I guess I'm out of practice, but I did finish them. Classic Mega Man X is always a good way to go.

EDIT: I also attempted a (poor) speed run of one of my favorite games in the Castlevania series: Harmony of Dissonance. That game doesn't get enough love.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2016, 11:45:05 am by kashell »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #64 on: February 07, 2016, 12:02:56 pm »
Game 4 - Xenoblade Chronicles 3D (3DS) - 71 Hours

Finally can mark this game finished. Overall it's pretty good. For me it sits riiiight in the middle of my spectrum of RPGs.

+ I think this game does a lot of things really well. I really enjoyed the story despite some minor pacing issues; it was very interesting and the plot twists were impactful. I found the environments to be really cool and interesting, there was a lot of variety in where you go over your journey, especially some moments at the end of the game. I also really enjoyed the combat; it was a lot of fun and really didn't feel that stale. There also was an optimal amount of grinding, and the bosses were really fun and challenging. The soundtrack was excellent too.

- Obviously since I'm on the 3DS, the game looks pretty bad. Rain effects look particularly awful, and things look blocky and cluttered; it's not a deal breaker, but it is noticeable. There was also some slow-down, though it was towards the end of the game only. Also I found the voice acting to be less than exceptional haha. Some people were great, but Reyn, Fiora and PARTICULARLY Alvis were unbearable for me. Lastly, there is just waaaaaaayyyyy to much stuff to do, and it's all really mundane fetch questing and monster hunting and other things of little interest to me. It's overwhelming how much "extra" stuff there is, and since the game is 65+ hours to begin with, it's kind of a turnoff.

Back to my list
« Last Edit: June 16, 2016, 11:07:26 pm by telly »
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #65 on: February 07, 2016, 04:49:42 pm »
Never tried this last year. I guess I'll give it a try this time. Definitely won't make it to 52 completed but I'll try to at least finish as many as last year. I'm pretty far behind schedule if I want to make it to 52. :P So far I've yet to finish anything completely new to me. Only finished one remake and replayed through one game. :(

Finished Games

1) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
-First time playing through this version of the game, but I've played through the original plenty of times before. An excellent remake. I have no complaints about this one.
2) Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
-Quick replay through an old favorite. Still great.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #66 on: February 09, 2016, 02:40:20 am »
5 - Bloodborne (PS4) - 40 Hours FINISHED - An amazing game, with fantastic gameplay, incredible setting and design, it looks fantastic, especially for a console game, but I hate everything about the stories execution.  I have tid bits of story that helps to maybe piece together what befell Yarnham, but that's it.  There's so little explanation that it just drives me nuts and beating the game helps nothing, it just makes it more confusing and vague.  I even beat The Old Hunter DLC.  This is a tough ass game, but was pretty incredible to play.  I had never beaten a Souls game before, I for some reason fell out of both Dark Souls 1 and 2, but I stuck through this one and really loved most of it.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #67 on: February 09, 2016, 09:54:34 am »
Finished my playthrough of my Japanese copy of Kirby's Dream Land 2. Pretty fun for an original Game Boy game, but it was a little rough around the edges compared to newer games in the series. I suppose that is to be expected, though not being able to dash or slide was a little annoying. Its challenges made finishing it all the more satisfying, unlike a lot of modern games that hold your hand a little too much.

For now I'm going to try to clean up my backlog and try to finish some games I've already started, rather than starting anything new before Fire Emblem Fates releases next Friday. Hopefully I can finish GTA V by then.

Inspired by Kashell's purdy list, I've decided to put games I've replayed in purple. Thanks for the idea. ;)

Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)

1) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
2) Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
3) Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07 **New**
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 09:56:42 am by abe »
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #68 on: February 09, 2016, 11:58:43 am »
Just finished up Tomb raider definitive edition. Great game and very similar to the uncharted series. Although the story isn't as indepth as Uncharted, still fun to play none the less

Game Beat in 2016
Fallout 4 (XBone) - 01/11/2016
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition (XBone) - 02/09/2016
« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 09:51:23 am by devancowan »

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #69 on: February 09, 2016, 06:47:03 pm »
7 - Dying Light: The Following Expansion (PC) - 2 Hours PLAYING - Been waiting on this expansion for awhile and it's gonna be some good fun to dive back into a game that was a favorite of mine last year.  The new buggy stuff seems cool and I get a whole new area to explore with all sorts of new challenges.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #70 on: February 09, 2016, 07:01:52 pm »
Just got around to finishing GTA V. It's a really well-made and fun game, but I felt like the story mode almost dragged on for too long, which is why it took me more than a year to get around to finishing it. There's so much extra stuff to do and it's so easy to get distracted by things (or at least I'm easily distracted). In the end, it took me a little under 40 hours to finish.

Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)

1) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
2) Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
3) Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
4) Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09 **New**
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #71 on: February 10, 2016, 10:07:35 am »
As Klonoa says, "Wahoo!" My list has been updated with Klonoa: Empire of Dreams.

Inspired by Kashell's purdy list, I've decided to put games I've replayed in purple. Thanks for the idea. ;)

Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #72 on: February 11, 2016, 10:47:43 pm »
1. Portal Stories: Mel (Steam) Completed The closest thing we're gonna get to Portal 3! Amazing mod! Achievement Progress 100%
2. Emily is Away (Steam) Completed I have no idea why I played this Achievement Progress 100%
3. The Walking Dead (PS4) Completed I played the series in reverse but this game is overall better than Season 2 Trophy Progress 100%
4. Teslagrad (PS4) Completed Would recommend to anyone who is interested in Metroid-esque games. Trophy Progress 100%
5. LittleBIGPlanet 3 (PS4) Completed Great game, but ruined but numerous glitches and bugs. Trophy Progress 100%
6. inFAMOUS Second Son (PS4) Completed This game is amazing. Play it now. Trophy Progress 100%

*Added inFAMOUS Second Son (PS4)

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #73 on: February 12, 2016, 01:01:41 am »
6. inFAMOUS Second Son (PS4) Completed This game is amazing. Play it now. Trophy Progress 100%

After I'm done with the Dying Light expansion and I play the Resident Evil HD Origins collection, I'm going to do that game myself.  That and Bloodborne were the two games I really wanted to play on PS4.

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #74 on: February 12, 2016, 07:57:08 am »
6. inFAMOUS Second Son (PS4) Completed This game is amazing. Play it now. Trophy Progress 100%

After I'm done with the Dying Light expansion and I play the Resident Evil HD Origins collection, I'm going to do that game myself.  That and Bloodborne were the two games I really wanted to play on PS4.
If you wind up liking Second Son, you may want to check out First Light.

My first post is packed to the brim with completed games and my thoughts about them, now I'm having to put my complete games with my in progress games on my second post.  That one's gonna get filled soon too.

I think I'm sitting at 16 games complete.