According to the article I read, there's no longer anything to download unless you have your own user generated stuff on the servers. They ceased further downloads once the announcement was made about the shutdown but were offering refunds to those who had purchased the software.
This is just one more reason why I don't support Microsoft. They have a long, proven track record of unceremoniously cancelling games, services and support abruptly. Not to mention shoddy hardware. I guess they are putting
all their eggs in the proverbial basket with Halo, Forza and Gears. But at this point just like Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed, these series are feeling severe franchise fatigue and sales have dropped more and more with each new release. Forza has turned into a complete cash-grab of DLC car packs and season passes, going so far as to put
less cars in the newer games than before so they can charge for them! As for Gears, I don't think a new game was necessary. The story had a definitive end with 3. That should have been it. But now we have a "new" enemy that isn't the Locust....but just so happens to look exactly like the Locust.

Is Microsoft even actively involved in any other 1st or 2nd party titles? Aren't the rest of their exclusives 3rd party paid titles? Oh wait...they have a Rare game that may get canned before it's even released.