Author Topic: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad  (Read 8653 times)


Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #45 on: March 29, 2016, 08:21:30 am »
Awesome reply Flashback...thank you! 

I get that DC and Marvel wanted to relaunch their books with #1 issues because traditionally, a #1 with "Collector's item first issue!" slapped on the cover always sells better than some random numbered issue.  But they have both done it multiple times now.  Even worse, I honestly remember reading Fantastic Four and other comics that had dual-numbering on them.  That is, what the issue actually was in sequential order as well as the "new" numbering.   :o  The heroes reborn stuff could have been a storyline running through those core books with the Onslaught bookends, but instead they renumbered all of them.  And at this point, I have to point out Liefeld's worst cover ever was in the Heroes Reborn debacle. 

I guess I truly did "move on" from mainstream comics almost ten years ago.  I've recently been lured back because of the new Star Wars comics which seem to have some of the best artists (in my opinion at least) in the industry working on them.  Marvel and Disney have been giving the Star Wars books the royal treatment with great artists like John Cassady, Phil Noto, Salvador Larocca, Phil Jiminez and others the reigns. 
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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #46 on: March 29, 2016, 12:44:01 pm »
^ Everyone loves to use that image. ...the image that was rejected and never actually printed. Every artist, even your Jim Lees and John Byrnes, have rejected pieces that aren't up to par.

Liefeld is like the Ben Affleck of the comic world. It's just so cool to hate on him.

Check this out, there's a reason Liefeld can still get mainstream work to this day from the big two:


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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #47 on: March 29, 2016, 12:45:59 pm »
I hate the constant relaunches, too. And this summer, DC is doing it AGAIN with the DC Rebirth line that's coming.

DC's New 52 hasn't been so bad. I've at least followed the Green Lantern books. But Marvel Now is just terribly bad. I don't even recognize most of the Marvel Universe anymore. And everything comes off as so goofy and silly that I can't take a bit of it seriously.


Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #48 on: March 29, 2016, 01:18:44 pm »
^ Everyone loves to use that image. ...the image that was rejected and never actually printed. Every artist, even your Jim Lees and John Byrnes, have rejected pieces that aren't up to par.

Liefeld is like the Ben Affleck of the comic world. It's just so cool to hate on him.

Check this out, there's a reason Liefeld can still get mainstream work to this day from the big two:

It's been a minute (or a few years) since I owned the Heroes Reborn books...but I'm pretty sure it was an actual cover.
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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #49 on: March 29, 2016, 01:33:36 pm »
^ Everyone loves to use that image. ...the image that was rejected and never actually printed. Every artist, even your Jim Lees and John Byrnes, have rejected pieces that aren't up to par.

Liefeld is like the Ben Affleck of the comic world. It's just so cool to hate on him.

Check this out, there's a reason Liefeld can still get mainstream work to this day from the big two:

I don't think it's cool just to bag on someone "just because."  Liefeld's art sucks.  It's sucked for a very long time.  My best friend Ralph and I used to just cringe when we saw the newest comic with a Liefeld cover on it.  As far as him still getting work from Marvel and DC....I just chalk it up to they will pay anyone that can draw a stick figure.  Looking through the newest Previews catalogs, a huge majority of comic art has turned to pure $hit.  And here are some Liefeld "classics" to illustrate his greatness.

Brigade.  No feet.  Disembodied heads.  No background, just white.  He didn't even finish penciling his's just zig-zag scribbles!

Chicks with triple-Z boobs jutting straight from their necks.  Thong bikinis and the giant chick wearing a 1st grader sized skirt.  And look at those thin waistlines!

True Liefeld classic here.  Cable's enormous gun isn't even built straight and looks like the muzzle is a rotating camera eye.  His head is smaller than his hands that are - in classic Liefeld style - hidden behind his gun.  Pouches weren't going to cut it with this beefcake, so Liefeld strapped the single biggest pouch imaginable on his back.  Look at it!  It's as big as a pop up camper!
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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #50 on: March 29, 2016, 01:36:29 pm »
No, the giant chest is a rejected piece. It's well-known because that's almost always the piece that people use for an example when talking trash about Liefeld. Notice there is no logo, dialogue, or text of any kind except for his signature.

And despite what haters say, his artwork not only sold a lot of books, it broke sales records. So obviously people enjoyed his work.

Here's the entire Heroes Reborn Captain America cover gallery:


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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #51 on: March 29, 2016, 01:37:45 pm »
Like Liefeld is the only artist guilty of drawing lots of pouches, bad girls, and big guns in the 90s. That's what was cool back then in comics.

But yeah, the feet thing is something that's known, and Liefeld even admits to being bad at drawing feet. So often, he said that he just hides the feet behind something so he doesn't have to deal with it.


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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #52 on: March 29, 2016, 01:39:52 pm »
Sam Keith...YUCK! He's got to be the worst artist to come from the 90s. 50 times worse than Liefeld could ever be:


Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #53 on: March 29, 2016, 01:44:48 pm »
No, the giant chest is a rejected piece. It's well-known because that's almost always the piece that people use for an example when talking trash about Liefeld. Notice there is no logo, dialogue, or text of any kind except for his signature.

And despite what haters say, his artwork not only sold a lot of books, it broke sales records. So obviously people enjoyed his work.

Here's the entire Heroes Reborn Captain America cover gallery:

It wasn't rejected because it was printed in one form or another.  It may not have been on a retail cover of an actual issue of Captain America, but it was printed in galleries, Previews solicitations, etc. 

Liefeld helped X-Force #1 reach a sales milestone off the back of Jim Lee on X-Men.  Marvel reinvigorated the New Mutants as X-Force and Jim Lee got his own brand-new X-Men comic.  I remember Liefeld doing Lee Jeans (I believe it was Lee, maybe Levi's) commercials at this time as well. 

But even the most ardent Liefeld supporter has to admit that his art went from dyamic yet unrealistic to downright ridiculous.  He is absolutely ridiculous.  Extreme comics!  Maximum comics!  Awesome comics!  " arrows!"  The first issue of Youngblood was a completely ridiculous, hot mess. 

Liefeld's art is akin to dog excrement when comparing him to his contemporaries like Jim Lee, Wilce Portacio, Marc Silvestri and Todd McFarlane.  Even Erik Larsen's ridiculous art seems to pop off the page and look good compared to Liefeld. 
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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #54 on: March 29, 2016, 01:49:20 pm »
No, rejected means it wasn't printed. It's on the internet, yeah, but it's not in a comic.

And Liefeld was already working with the X-Force team before they officially became X-Force. He was the penciller on New Mutants (where the team came from), and in that run before X-Force ever launched he created both Cable and Deadpool.


Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #55 on: March 29, 2016, 01:59:04 pm »
Like Liefeld is the only artist guilty of drawing lots of pouches, bad girls, and big guns in the 90s. That's what was cool back then in comics.

But yeah, the feet thing is something that's known, and Liefeld even admits to being bad at drawing feet. So often, he said that he just hides the feet behind something so he doesn't have to deal with it.

Dude...the only other artists drawing bazillions of pouches like Liefeld were his "Xtreme", "Awesome" and "Maximum" flunkies.  I wasn't pointing out his drawing bad girls, I was pointing out how absolutely F'n ridiculous they look!  Big guns are one thing....the retarded monstrosities that Liefeld tried to pass of for guns is just....I don't even have a world to describe how ludicrous they are.
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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #56 on: March 29, 2016, 02:07:39 pm »
No, rejected means it wasn't printed. It's on the internet, yeah, but it's not in a comic.

And Liefeld was already working with the X-Force team before they officially became X-Force. He was the penciller on New Mutants (where the team came from), and in that run before X-Force ever launched he created both Cable and Deadpool.

It wasn't rejected.  It was penciled.  It was inked.  It was colored.  And I'll bet you a million bucks it found print in one form or another because during the 90's and most of the 2K's, I was a huge Marvel nerd and bought nearly every stinking comic they made.  And that image damn well popped up in print in an official capacity. 

As for X-Force, yes...I know Liefeld began penciling duties on New Mutants with issue #86 which also had Cable in the last panel.  Once Simonson left writing duties and Nicienza took over, it went to shit.  X-Force was popular sure and I enjoyed it at first, but it became more and more ridiculous.
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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #57 on: March 29, 2016, 02:10:13 pm »
Seriously? In the 90s? The only one using big guns and pouches? you even 90s, dude?


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Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #58 on: March 29, 2016, 02:11:14 pm »
If you can find a comic with that Captain America image, I will concede...but you won't.


Re: Batman v Superman is Looking Bad
« Reply #59 on: March 29, 2016, 02:15:25 pm »
Sam Keith...YUCK! He's got to be the worst artist to come from the 90s. 50 times worse than Liefeld could ever be:

Sam Kieth has a stylized art that works for what he does.  I found it quite enjoyable, certainly more than Liefeld's garbage.
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