Author Topic: Feel the Rage!  (Read 2845 times)


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Feel the Rage!
« on: April 20, 2016, 12:44:34 pm »
We've all done it.  We've thrown controllers.  We've cussed and screamed. 

What games made you lose your cool?  What made you... dum du dum! RAGE QUIT!


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Re: Feel the Rage!
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2016, 12:49:25 pm »
Playing the OG Tony Hawk on N64 against my brother. Many a controllers were slammed against the wall. (i hated losing to him).
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Re: Feel the Rage!
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2016, 12:53:53 pm »
I've never rage quit before. Although I did punch my one friend multiple times due to him resetting  a melee match multiple times just because it was "a bad start" translation I was able to close the gap fast with Roy.

Although a rage quit story of his is that he got so pissed off at Tony Hawk's Underground he threw the disc across the room then searched for it and broke it in half

Re: Feel the Rage!
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2016, 01:15:36 pm »
I've had many games where I've gotten so mad that some one would have to tell me to stop playing.

Examples... the ridiculous rubber band race in Banjo-Tooie.  You know the one, the one with that bitch who fucks with you the whole race making you think you can do it, but that bitch takes the fuck off.

Being spawn killed in CoD4 Modern Warfare... in story mode.  I hit a checkpoint in one of the levels on veteran, and immediately got sniped by a soldier who knows where.  Sat there for a while getting really angry because I didn't want to start the whole level over.  Needless to say, I never finished that game on veteran.

Need for Speed Rivals... unable to pause the game in offline single player mode.  I would pull over, off of the road... and a racer would speed by with a cop following him, the racer would hit me causing me to have some sort of over 0mph speed, so the cop would say I'm speeding and arrest me.  Or the cop would hit me and then say I was speeding and arrest me.  I really really hated this game.

Fallout 3 and New Vegas... the game constantly crashing.

Fallout 4... having full health and power armor and then some dude firing a mini-nuke at you from a distance and you just die, having not saved in about an hour or so.

Any fighting game.

I think I have anger management issues.


Re: Feel the Rage!
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2016, 01:28:49 pm »
I've cracked a couple of controllers playing Metal Gear Solid 2 HD. I still finished it anyways and now it's one of my favorite games.

I've roughed up some computer mice too from Team Fortress 2 related frustrations. The stuff that really gets me going is usually when my internet connection decides to stop playing nicely and ruins a good match I was having.

Plenty other games have pissed me off too, but no others bad enough for me to end up breaking something.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)

Re: Feel the Rage!
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2016, 01:33:45 pm »
Oh yeah, I mean, I get angry and I curse and yell... but I never break anything.

I might throw a controller at a pillow or punch a pillow, but I never break anything.


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Re: Feel the Rage!
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2016, 01:48:08 pm »
Mortal freaking Kombat 3. There's some cheap moves that my friends loved to spam. Like the fly-up-in-the-air move, then comes up underneath you and slams you into the ground. Hated that one.


Re: Feel the Rage!
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2016, 02:52:44 pm »
Pretty much most of the games I've played make the monster in me come out! lol

Currently Halo 5 makes me curse and at times rage quit, which I'm ashamed to admit...


Re: Feel the Rage!
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2016, 03:42:08 pm »
Arc the Lad II is one game that made me swear like a sailor. It wasn't during a difficult part of the game. I was in a random battle and all of my characters kept missing their attacks for some bizarre reason. They were facing familiar enemies, they weren't afflicted by any status ailments and they weren't under leveled. And yet, they kept missing. I was cursing and shouting like a madman.

Re: Feel the Rage!
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2016, 04:04:56 pm »
Arc the Lad II is one game that made me swear like a sailor. It wasn't during a difficult part of the game. I was in a random battle and all of my characters kept missing their attacks for some bizarre reason. They were facing familiar enemies, they weren't afflicted by any status ailments and they weren't under leveled. And yet, they kept missing. I was cursing and shouting like a madman.
RPGs like that get me every time.

Pokemon man.  Running into a million zubats.  A Pidgey using sandstorm and you miss 15 times in a row.

Random battles will do it for me.  Wild Arms, I get the swear fits.  I'm trying to solve a puzzle, but random battle every 2 steps.

Re: Feel the Rage!
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2016, 04:22:09 pm »
Never broke a controller before, kinda dumb to do I think, no matter how mad you are, but I have gotten pissed off at a game before with Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3.  Frustrating to die on a boss so many times in a row lol Lots of cussing, annoyance, and eventually will lead me to quit the game to take a breather.


Re: Feel the Rage!
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2016, 04:22:59 pm »
Arc the Lad II is one game that made me swear like a sailor. It wasn't during a difficult part of the game. I was in a random battle and all of my characters kept missing their attacks for some bizarre reason. They were facing familiar enemies, they weren't afflicted by any status ailments and they weren't under leveled. And yet, they kept missing. I was cursing and shouting like a madman.
RPGs like that get me every time.

Pokemon man.  Running into a million zubats.  A Pidgey using sandstorm and you miss 15 times in a row.

Random battles will do it for me.  Wild Arms, I get the swear fits.  I'm trying to solve a puzzle, but random battle every 2 steps.

Random battles rarely bother me, but I understand your frustration. Wild ARMs had a high rate and when you're trying to solve a puzzle, it could get tedious. Only a few RPGs caused me to go, "Come on! Not again!": Off the top of my head, Breath of Fire II and Tales of Phantasia caused me to get frustrated.

I should also point out that there aren't random battles in Arc II, it was just during a battle that had absolutely no impact on the story and was just part of a dungeon. I guess "random" wasn't the right word to use. ^.^()


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Re: Feel the Rage!
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2016, 04:35:57 pm »
Remember the original PS1 controller, before they got the Dualshock thumbsticks? I never did break one, but they always felt so fragile in the middle, like I could easily snap one in half if I got enraged.


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Re: Feel the Rage!
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2016, 05:54:59 pm »
Quote from: ctracy87
Pokemon man.  A Pidgey using sandstorm and you miss 15 times in a row.

You mean sand attack right?


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Re: Feel the Rage!
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2016, 05:59:19 pm »
Quote from: ctracy87
Pokemon man.  A Pidgey using sandstorm and you miss 15 times in a row.

You mean sand attack right?
Gen 1 sand-attack
