Author Topic: What is a game that everyone hates but you love?  (Read 5520 times)


Re: What is a game that everyone hates but you love?
« Reply #30 on: August 06, 2016, 04:49:17 am »
I used to hear about how Castlevania 64 is such a bad game, so my brother and I bought it to see how bad it really is. Like one of those so bad it's not really good, but at least silly and amusing in how bad it is and worth playing for a few hours.

Turns out it's actually a pretty good game, in my opinion! It's not the best game ever, but I enjoyed it quite a lot. I especially liked playing as Carrie, she was really cool.

Sure it's a little janky, but nothing out of the norm for a 64 game. The very first area has some lag, but it played fine after that. I've played and enjoyed other Castlevanias as well, and I can't understand why people disliked this game so much.
No, really.


Re: What is a game that everyone hates but you love?
« Reply #31 on: August 06, 2016, 12:08:25 pm »
I think the problem with Chrono Cross was that its hype was inescapable. Everywhere you looked, Chrono Cross was getting hyped beyond belief. Possibly more than something like FFVIII. And when people finally played it, they realized all of the hype wasn't worth it.

I really enjoyed Chrono Cross, too. I loved using Eagle Eye to decimate everything in my way.

Re: What is a game that everyone hates but you love?
« Reply #32 on: August 06, 2016, 04:00:09 pm »
So, once upon a time there was a hidden grove where all the hate... nah, no story this time, I'll give a legitimate answer.

Two Worlds. Never has there been such an underrated game... and it's not even because it's that good, it's because outside of Elder Scrolls and Fallout, no such other games exist! It's not as polished as it's Bethesda overlords, but god-dammit, it is an open world RPG with lots to do and many systems of power progression I can't get enough of. This is personal, but the horrible quality of the writing just gave it so much charm with the hero constantly saying ridiculous campy one liners using excessive amounts of medieval talk. Foorsoth! Why can't more companies go for the Bethesda Western RPG formula? The skill reset system was also quite amazing and simple, yet not really ever replicated.

In the end it's a poor-man's Elder Scrolls, but when there are only 5 coins in the world, you still do pretty good getting the silver instead of the gold. Also, it was way better than Witcher 3, which sucks because of it's crap controls and combat ;)

Me and my friend played Two Worlds for a half hour and quickly agreed it was a pile of garbage and quickly returned it to the video store for something else lol  Not that I disagree with you on Witcher 3 for combat...I always thought I was sorta alone on that game having kinda miserable combat lol

I wouldn't say I loooooooved it, but I really liked the 2010 Splatterhouse.  It didn't get great reviews.  I saw more than one place say that the inclusion of the older games was the only reason to buy this game. 

It was silly and repetitive, but I had a good time playing it.  It's one of the few games I played through more than once last generation.

I love that game.  Yeah it isn't anything amazing, but I thought it was a ton of fun and Jim Cummings as the voice for the mask was amazing.

I have a similar game, in that Brutal Legend is kinda along the same lines.  It wasn't particularly well loved and didn't sell well, but I 95% love that game.  The tone, the humor, the style, the guest musicians, and it has one of the greatest soundtrack collections ever lol I think if they had not done the RTS gameplay sections or made them way better, that game could've gone further than it did.  I'm still hoping for a sequel of any sort some day.


Re: What is a game that everyone hates but you love?
« Reply #33 on: August 07, 2016, 06:40:39 pm »
I love Chrono Cross, even more than Chrono Trigger.

I second this.


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Re: What is a game that everyone hates but you love?
« Reply #34 on: August 07, 2016, 08:16:34 pm »
I love Chrono Cross, even more than Chrono Trigger.

I second this.

Greetings, brother!  ;)

Good to know someone else feels the same way. Most people think I'm whacked when I mention that.
I'm definitely not saying CT is a bad game, I still love it. I just liked CC more overall, with the unique battle system, colorful world, amazing soundtrack, and the "gotta catch 'em all" aspect of the characters.


Re: What is a game that everyone hates but you love?
« Reply #35 on: August 07, 2016, 10:25:37 pm »
I love Chrono Cross, even more than Chrono Trigger.

I second this.

I have a hard time picking one over the other as my favorite; I love both for different reasons. I think it's because I didn't play either of them until much later.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2016, 10:35:28 pm by telly »
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Re: What is a game that everyone hates but you love?
« Reply #36 on: August 08, 2016, 01:52:35 pm »
I have a similar game, in that Brutal Legend is kinda along the same lines.  It wasn't particularly well loved and didn't sell well, but I 95% love that game.  The tone, the humor, the style, the guest musicians, and it has one of the greatest soundtrack collections ever lol I think if they had not done the RTS gameplay sections or made them way better, that game could've gone further than it did.  I'm still hoping for a sequel of any sort some day.

One of my favorites from last gen.  Brutal Legend is a good game. 
I agree with you about the RTS parts of the game.  That was a drawback.


Re: What is a game that everyone hates but you love?
« Reply #37 on: August 10, 2016, 06:58:25 am »
Greetings, brother!  ;)

Good to know someone else feels the same way. Most people think I'm whacked when I mention that.
I'm definitely not saying CT is a bad game, I still love it. I just liked CC more overall, with the unique battle system, colorful world, amazing soundtrack, and the "gotta catch 'em all" aspect of the characters.

Heya, badass name btw :D

I feel like CC didn't get the love it deserved. Seemed to always get overshadowed by other ps1 era rpg's.

People hardly ever talk about it in my circles. Maybe I need better circles...

One of my favorites from last gen.  Brutal Legend is a good game. 
I agree with you about the RTS parts of the game.  That was a drawback.

I really, really need to pickup that game. I've only played a demo of it way back, but I remember it being wicked.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2016, 06:59:56 am by jupiter »


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Re: What is a game that everyone hates but you love?
« Reply #38 on: August 13, 2016, 10:59:32 am »
Greetings, brother!  ;)

Good to know someone else feels the same way. Most people think I'm whacked when I mention that.
I'm definitely not saying CT is a bad game, I still love it. I just liked CC more overall, with the unique battle system, colorful world, amazing soundtrack, and the "gotta catch 'em all" aspect of the characters.

Heya, badass name btw :D

I feel like CC didn't get the love it deserved. Seemed to always get overshadowed by other ps1 era rpg's.

People hardly ever talk about it in my circles. Maybe I need better circles...

Thanks ;)
It's actually a name I've been using on a Transformers collecting site for a few years now. I had trouble coming up with a good name so I just combined my favorite pro wrestler with a Transformer :p
It's a little long, but UnderPrime and TakerPrime just sounded stupid :D

Yeah, CC did get overshadowed because its predecessor is so beloved, as well as having contemporaries like the super-popular FFVII. To be fair, though, most circles don't talk about it so you might have trouble finding one that does. Maybe we need our own circle, "Citizens of Chronopolis: Friends of Chrono Cross" or some such :p  ;D


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Re: What is a game that everyone hates but you love?
« Reply #39 on: September 11, 2016, 05:44:39 pm »
I'll be honest and say Ephemeral Fantasia for PS2 i said that because some people say Sephiroth clone when they're talking about Xelpherpolis comparing Xelpherpolis & Sephiroth from FFVII i forgot who but one person said that Rummy looks like or reminds him of 1 of favorite characters Kasumi from Dead Or Alive series & yes i admit it that Ephemeral Fantasia for PS2 is 1 of my favorite games :).