Author Topic: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?  (Read 9067 times)

Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« on: September 07, 2016, 04:43:55 pm »
Do you take pride in collecting trophies and seek them out or do they kinda just happen and you just play the game without trying for them :D.

Usually when I beat a game I treat them as side missions and go for all of them but some are just too time consuming to get :)


Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2016, 05:02:01 pm »
for me I just go about my normal play style and if I get a trophy cool if not no big deal. I have 1000+ trophies all received through normal gameplay. no guides, no cheats, no exploits.

I do have a friend that is in the top 6000 in the country for trophies.

« Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 05:08:11 pm by rayne315 »
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Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2016, 06:19:49 pm »
I both play and collect for fun. Achievements are a cool extra if you're REALLY into a game and want to go for them, IMO, but I don't play just to up my achievement score.


Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2016, 07:11:08 pm »
The first couple games, jax and daxter/sly I got all the trophies for them cause they were basically play the game and you can't miss them. Then I just wanted to see if I could get them all for a game. Now it has turned into a competition between my boyfriend and I. But usually I just play through and go back if I enjoyed the game.

Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2016, 07:15:56 pm »
I have zero interest in them since they are pretty pointless. I've seen some people make it out like they are "content", which I couldn't disagree with more, but it gives people goals to accomplish, so I guess it's whatever people want to make of them.  Right now I'm playing Fallout 4 with mods which turns off being able to even get achievements in the new content lol


Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2016, 07:55:48 pm »
i didn't think i cared until i tried to play wii u and there's just no achievement system whatsoever.
it's hard to play wii u and give a shit.

so yeah, i like them. i don't focus on them, but i do look over trophy lists when playing anyway.

if i'm an NPC, i want to be the secret boss in a low tier niche JRPG.


Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2016, 08:06:55 pm »
I like the idea of Trophies/Achievements, nice way to show some kool accomplishments you've achieved. That being said a lot of people take it too seriously to the point where I've seen individuals say: "Game doesn't even have trophies, why bother playing it". As for myself, if I like the game I may try to get all the trophies as an extra challenge. Often it ends up being a good time, if it isn't I don't stress over it.


Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2016, 08:40:07 pm »
As for myself, if I like the game I may try to get all the trophies as an extra challenge. Often it ends up being a good time, if it isn't I don't stress over it.

That's kind of how I do it too. I definitely keep my eye out for trophies and try to go for the ones that I think are interesting. But if I lose interest then I just drop it. I will go for platinums if I like the game a lot or it's an easy trophy to get.
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Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2016, 08:42:01 pm »
I like the idea of Trophies/Achievements, nice way to show some kool accomplishments you've achieved. That being said a lot of people take it too seriously to the point where I've seen individuals say: "Game doesn't even have trophies, why bother playing it". As for myself, if I like the game I may try to get all the trophies as an extra challenge. Often it ends up being a good time, if it isn't I don't stress over it.

I've had people say "What? You don't do trophies? That's like half the game!" It's even worse when they try and play through games they know they don't like, but will try to get as many trophies as they can.  If I really love a game, I'll try and accomplish more if I can, if it is within reasonable means of normal gameplay.  I try and find all the secrets if I can, but I don't have much interest playing my games on increasingly harder modes or 100% every little thing, or being forced to replay the game multiple times, even if it is a game I like.

I did do the Dead Rising 1 kill a bajillion zombies for the Mega Man Buster, but that was for the weapon, not the achievement and that took me like 3 hours lol


Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2016, 09:19:38 pm »
I like the idea of Trophies/Achievements, nice way to show some kool accomplishments you've achieved. That being said a lot of people take it too seriously to the point where I've seen individuals say: "Game doesn't even have trophies, why bother playing it". As for myself, if I like the game I may try to get all the trophies as an extra challenge. Often it ends up being a good time, if it isn't I don't stress over it.

I've had people say "What? You don't do trophies? That's like half the game!" It's even worse when they try and play through games they know they don't like, but will try to get as many trophies as they can.  If I really love a game, I'll try and accomplish more if I can, if it is within reasonable means of normal gameplay.  I try and find all the secrets if I can, but I don't have much interest playing my games on increasingly harder modes or 100% every little thing, or being forced to replay the game multiple times, even if it is a game I like.

I did do the Dead Rising 1 kill a bajillion zombies for the Mega Man Buster, but that was for the weapon, not the achievement and that took me like 3 hours lol
I forget to even mention that side of things, have a friend who is a "Trophy Hunter". He will rent/buy/borrow pretty crap-tastic games, and trudge through them just for the trophies. I feel ya on the Dead Rising deal, did the same thing. May even be doing it again now that it is coming to PS4.

Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2016, 09:23:06 pm »
I forget to even mention that side of things, have a friend who is a "Trophy Hunter". He will rent/buy/borrow pretty crap-tastic games, and trudge through them just for the trophies. I feel ya on the Dead Rising deal, did the same thing. May even be doing it again now that it is coming to PS4.

I'm tempted to grab it, but that first game when you go back to it is kinda crap compared to DR2.  I was excited at first, because maybe they were gonna like tweak the game a little to fix some of its issues, but it's just a straight up port.  Dealing with Otis and crap survivor mechanics is gonna drive me nuts lol


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Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2016, 09:30:00 pm »
Unless it's something easy and has a hilarious name is will not go out of my way for achievements or trophies honestly I don'the see the benefits of it. However I like how Nintendo will treat unlockables  like an achievement system in certain games like Kid Icarus Uprising, Smash Wii U, and Metroid Prime 3 being how those are things that can be used in game.


Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2016, 09:39:30 pm »
I forget to even mention that side of things, have a friend who is a "Trophy Hunter". He will rent/buy/borrow pretty crap-tastic games, and trudge through them just for the trophies. I feel ya on the Dead Rising deal, did the same thing. May even be doing it again now that it is coming to PS4.

I'm tempted to grab it, but that first game when you go back to it is kinda crap compared to DR2.  I was excited at first, because maybe they were gonna like tweak the game a little to fix some of its issues, but it's just a straight up port.  Dealing with Otis and crap survivor mechanics is gonna drive me nuts lol
I can agree with that, it's been quite a long time since I played so I'll end up giving it a shot at least.


Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2016, 12:14:43 am »
Do you take pride in collecting trophies and seek them out or do they kinda just happen and you just play the game without trying for them :D.

Usually when I beat a game I treat them as side missions and go for all of them but some are just too time consuming to get :)

No, not at all.

I ventured into modern gaming late and never really cared for the whole Trophy achievement earnings. Not a completest, and would rather enjoy playing games first.

Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2016, 08:15:45 am »
Trophies? No.  Achievements?  Yes.

I have on more than one occasion played through a game knowing I would hate the game just so I could get achievement points.  I have also refused to play through games multiple times to get a missed achievement or playing on a harder difficulty for achievements, but I absolutely keep achievements in mind when playing through a game.