Author Topic: The Nintendo Switch (Formerly NX) - March 2017  (Read 24515 times)


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Re: The Nintendo Switch (Formerly NX) - March 2017
« Reply #75 on: October 22, 2016, 02:52:04 pm »
I'm excited. The whole concept is sounds awesome. Taking your games on the go, as in actual console games. And the third-party support list looks amazing! Finally a Nintendo system with great third-party support again!


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Re: The Nintendo Switch (Formerly NX) - March 2017
« Reply #76 on: November 03, 2016, 02:47:37 pm »
Think it will be powerful enough to get games like Red Dead Redemption 2 or Skyrim Remastered?

Or will this be another repeat of the Wii's third-party support; where they were there, yeah, but they only gave us shovelware. I REALLY hope it's not a case of the latter.


Re: The Nintendo Switch (Formerly NX) - March 2017
« Reply #77 on: November 03, 2016, 02:50:44 pm »
I was thinking about that too, especially how if/when new consoles come out from Sony and Microsoft, how will that affect the 3rd party support the Switch gets in a few years. At least so far as we know it "seems" comparable for now.
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Re: The Nintendo Switch (Formerly NX) - March 2017
« Reply #78 on: November 03, 2016, 02:52:08 pm »
Well seeing that they were promoting Skyrim, I'd assume they are going to have it on the system.  Bethesda says they aren't confirming it, but seeing that Bethesda is on the confirmed list of developer support, they just aren't wanting to promote it right now, and instead just promote the Xbone, PS4, and PC versions.  RDR2, I'm not sure.  Kinda depends in the end actually how powerful it is.  I hear that it's supposed to be fairly close to the Xbone and easier to develop for, so maybe we are likely to get more ports.

Also gotta keep in mind that since this is gonna replace their handhelds also, that the handheld library will be moved to the Switch too.  It should have a lot more 1st party and third party games in general.

Re: The Nintendo Switch (Formerly NX) - March 2017
« Reply #79 on: November 03, 2016, 03:27:23 pm »
Also gotta keep in mind that since this is gonna replace their handhelds also, that the handheld library will be moved to the Switch too.  It should have a lot more 1st party and third party games in general.
I keep hearing this, and it's just absolutely frustrating to hear folks spout such drivel.  I need to calm down.  The 3DS/DS has 2 screens.  The Switch has 1 screen.  I think it's silly at this point to even consider that the handheld games will be ported to the Switch.

Don't get me wrong, I'm aware that I could be wrong and Nintendo could do some weird mumbo jumbo to let the Switch be stood up Portrait style.  Or Nintendo could allow Second screen experience with a phone.  Or Nintendo could SOMEHOW let the Switch display on the TV AND Gamepad at the same time.  Mind you that every thing they've shown, shows that you get one or the other, but not both at the same time (TV and Gamepad)

But anyway, while the rumors persist that Nintendo is shutting down production of the Wii U (which they have denied), there are absolutely 0 rumors that 3DS production is shutting down, and the 3DS has TONS of games coming out for it over the next year or so.  (Whereas the Wii U has what... 2?)

Re: The Nintendo Switch (Formerly NX) - March 2017
« Reply #80 on: November 03, 2016, 03:40:09 pm »
I'm not talking about 3DS ports, I'm simply talking about the future of their handheld line.  There's no good reason to make a new handheld now that they have the Switch and the 3DS doesn't have too much longer, maybe a year, maybe a little longer, maybe a little less, and there aren't really that many games confirmed for the 3DS right now.  Some, but not much 1st party that are particularly big and there's a few ports, as what we are seeing are downgraded versions of Wii U games and probably will see more alongside Super Mario Maker and Yoshi's Wooly World.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2016, 03:46:12 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: The Nintendo Switch (Formerly NX) - March 2017
« Reply #81 on: November 03, 2016, 03:51:48 pm »
I'm not talking about 3DS ports, I'm simply talking about the future of their handheld line.  There's no good reason to make a new handheld now that they have the Switch and the 3DS doesn't have too much longer, maybe a year, maybe a little longer, maybe a little less, and there aren't really that many games confirmed for the 3DS right now.  Some, but not much 1st party that are particularly big and there's a few ports, as what we are seeing are downgraded versions of Wii U games and probably will see more alongside Super Mario Maker and Yoshi's Wooly World.
I suppose that's true.

But there are things you can do with 3DS that you can't with Switch.  And 3DS is way more portable than Switch I would imagine.

Re: The Nintendo Switch (Formerly NX) - March 2017
« Reply #82 on: November 03, 2016, 04:02:27 pm »
But there are things you can do with 3DS that you can't with Switch.  And 3DS is way more portable than Switch I would imagine.

Not sure about that.  Sure, the Switch won't have 3D, a dual screen, and the cameras (Which I think is a good thing), but it's a much more powerful portable with options the 3DS doesn't have, like same-screen multiplayer and likely other stuff once we know more.  The 3DS is only more portable as it's smaller (And the New 3DSXL is kinda too big for most pockets anyways), but it's a pretty old handheld by now that's really underpowered.  It can't go much longer and I don't think it'll have nearly the same lifespan the DS did, because it's not selling nearly as much.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2016, 04:04:41 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: The Nintendo Switch (Formerly NX) - March 2017
« Reply #83 on: November 03, 2016, 06:39:51 pm »
But there are things you can do with 3DS that you can't with Switch.  And 3DS is way more portable than Switch I would imagine.

Not sure about that.  Sure, the Switch won't have 3D, a dual screen, and the cameras (Which I think is a good thing), but it's a much more powerful portable with options the 3DS doesn't have, like same-screen multiplayer and likely other stuff once we know more.  The 3DS is only more portable as it's smaller (And the New 3DSXL is kinda too big for most pockets anyways), but it's a pretty old handheld by now that's really underpowered.  It can't go much longer and I don't think it'll have nearly the same lifespan the DS did, because it's not selling nearly as much.
Possible, but I still question the portability of the system.  3DS, even the XL, I can fit in my pockets, so it's not inconvenient to always have it.  The switch is definitely too big for a pocket, so I'd need to carry a bag.

I'm really not meaning to argue, I'm just stating that the 3DS is as simple as carrying around a large phone, the switch is like carrying around a tablet.  I own several tablets, but I never use them because they aren't as portable as my phone, plus I always have my phone... which is honestly probably why folks aren't using 3DS as much because they can just use their phone.


Re: The Nintendo Switch (Formerly NX) - March 2017
« Reply #84 on: November 24, 2016, 12:43:28 pm »
So going on the latest rumors....

New 3D Mario
Splatoon (Enhanced)
Mario Kart 8 (Enhanced)
New Super Mario RPG

Launch Window:
Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Pikmin 4 (Reboot?)
Xenoblade Chronicles X (Port)

Year 1:
Pokemon Stars
New Retro Game (Metroid Prime 4???)
Super Smash Bros (Enhanced)

Mario Maker (Enhanced)
Pokken Tournament (Enhanced)

Throw in Skyrim and some other solid 3rd party titles and it could be a big first year for Switch.

Seems the strategy is flood the system with first party gold in order to move units, and then use that player base as a carrot for 3rd parties. Sound strategy.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2016, 06:34:32 pm by kmacdw »

Re: The Nintendo Switch (Formerly NX) - March 2017
« Reply #85 on: November 24, 2016, 04:33:09 pm »
Smart too me as they need a strong first months, so releasing a proper Mario and a proper Zelda in that window is important.  I'm not surprised they are allegedly bringing over more Wii U games as only a couple really moved any major units on the Wii U, not that I'll try and get into Xenoblade Chronicles X again cause I thought it was too boring, but it'll be interesting if they can improve draw distances and loading with a Switch version.

Pokemon Stars is a big deal as it's what I want, which is to play the handheld games on a console, so to get a Switch version that'll allow me to play on my TV is incredibly smart.  I was only hoping to play a 3DS port of the game digitally, but maybe getting a proper new version like a Yellow is perfect.

Also just to point out in your list, that isn't a "Super Mario RPG" in the way of a return to the SNES version, it's a rumored Ubisoft RPG where the Rabbids invade the Mushroom Kingdom, so it's a property mashup.  Could be silly fun, just didn't want people to think we were getting a Super Mario RPG 2 lol
« Last Edit: November 24, 2016, 04:35:26 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: The Nintendo Switch (Formerly NX) - March 2017
« Reply #86 on: November 24, 2016, 06:28:59 pm »
Smart too me as they need a strong first months, so releasing a proper Mario and a proper Zelda in that window is important.  I'm not surprised they are allegedly bringing over more Wii U games as only a couple really moved any major units on the Wii U, not that I'll try and get into Xenoblade Chronicles X again cause I thought it was too boring, but it'll be interesting if they can improve draw distances and loading with a Switch version.

Pokemon Stars is a big deal as it's what I want, which is to play the handheld games on a console, so to get a Switch version that'll allow me to play on my TV is incredibly smart.  I was only hoping to play a 3DS port of the game digitally, but maybe getting a proper new version like a Yellow is perfect.

Also just to point out in your list, that isn't a "Super Mario RPG" in the way of a return to the SNES version, it's a rumored Ubisoft RPG where the Rabbids invade the Mushroom Kingdom, so it's a property mashup.  Could be silly fun, just didn't want people to think we were getting a Super Mario RPG 2 lol
I'm aware of what it is. And I think that's exactly what it is. A spiritual succesor to Super Mario RPG.

Think about it.

Ubisoft are doing simplistic turn based RPGs packed full of humour for South Park.

What was Super Mario RPG? A simplistic turn based RPG packed full of humour.

I think that's exactly their aim. Announce an RPG with Ubisoft behind it, around the time Fractured But Whole is launching. People will be mega hyped.

Super Mario RPG is one of those games that's good but has built up a hype over the years that it probably doesn't quite deserve. Nintendo are banking on that nostalgic hype. Smart.


Re: The Nintendo Switch (Formerly NX) - March 2017
« Reply #87 on: November 24, 2016, 06:36:50 pm »
One thing though is if Nintendo's strategy does fail.

They are literally screwed. As they will be dry of big first party titles for a while. Fire Emblem is the only other notable first party series I could seeing a release in the first two years; and it isn't really a system mover. Maybe a Mario Party too but again not much of a mover. Yoshisi, Toad....hell even Kirby it just wouldn't be enough.

Sure Mario Kart 9, Smash 5 and Splatoon 2 can come eventually but that's maybe 3 years down the road. I think they're hoping this big splurge will be enough to keep people happy, while they trickle out lesser titles while they prepare for Phase 2 per se.

They are throwing shit at the wall and hoping something sticks. Bold strategy.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2016, 06:39:48 pm by kmacdw »

Re: The Nintendo Switch (Formerly NX) - March 2017
« Reply #88 on: November 24, 2016, 07:57:01 pm »
I don't think that at all about this Mario/Rabbid crossover.  It's not Square Enix making it, it's purely being made by Ubisoft (going by the rumors), it's not going to focus on Mario and the usual main group seemingly of Mario, Peach, Luigi, etc, but Yoshi and some others, so I don't think it's trying to bank on that nostalgia in any way.  Now if it includes Mallow and Geno somehow, MAYBE then I would say that, but it's not like Super Mario RPG is the only RPG they've done, there's the entire Paper Mario series and the Mario & Luigi stuff that have come out since then, so this is just another common Mario RPG experience at the moment.


Re: The Nintendo Switch (Formerly NX) - March 2017
« Reply #89 on: November 28, 2016, 05:49:38 am »
I don't think that at all about this Mario/Rabbid crossover.  It's not Square Enix making it, it's purely being made by Ubisoft (going by the rumors), it's not going to focus on Mario and the usual main group seemingly of Mario, Peach, Luigi, etc, but Yoshi and some others, so I don't think it's trying to bank on that nostalgia in any way.  Now if it includes Mallow and Geno somehow, MAYBE then I would say that, but it's not like Super Mario RPG is the only RPG they've done, there's the entire Paper Mario series and the Mario & Luigi stuff that have come out since then, so this is just another common Mario RPG experience at the moment.
I think this game will have a lot more in common with Super Marios RPG than either series.

I feel what Ubisoft is doing with South Park atm is far too striking for it to be coincidental.

I never had any desire to play Paper Mario or Mario & Luigi; but I'd be hyped to play this game.