Another two weeks of pick ups and a great collector's edition.
XBone- Resident Evil 7: Biohazard - Collector's Edition
- Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark (clearance for $9)
- Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition (clearance for $7)
PS4- Yakuka 0 -The Business Launch Edition
- Fate Extello: The Umbral Star - Noble Phantasm Edition
- Tales of Berseria - Collector's Edition
And I missed this game when Limited Games first released it, and was refreshing Campo Santo's site all day til it finally popped up for sale and finally got a copy.
- Firewatch
Wii UStill hunting down Wii U games that could become "rare" games in the future.
- The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
- Game & Wario
- Tumblestone
- Tank! Tank! Tank!
- Hello Kitty Kruisers
I hunted down a copy calling many many Gamestops and when I found a Complete copy I had it transferred to my local store. The clerk told me she had calls most every day asking for this game because it appeared as they had it in stock. She even had one guy yell at her because she couldn't sell it to him because it was a special order. In case you don't know this game has been shooting up in price on Ebay.
3DS- River City Tokyo Rumble
PS3 - Duck Dynasty (on clearance for $3) lol
- Journey Collector's Edition (on clearance for $7)
- Doom 3 BFG Edition (on clearance for $12)
XB360- The Adventures of Tintin (on clearance for $9)
- Falling Skies The Game (clearance for $9)
Wii- Jimmie Johnson's Anything With An Engine (clearance for $9)
XBMy local used book store got this in for $2 and I couldn't pass it up.
- Ninja Gaiden Black
SNESFound a complete SNES game going for the price of a loose copy at my local used game store and I'm missing it.
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV
GB- Madden NFL 2001 ($2)
And last my Pokemon bootleg Hacks from Hong Kong arrived.
- Pokemon Christmas
- Pokemon Brown Version
- Super Pika Land
- Pokemon Cock Version
The last one I haven't laughed so hard playing a game in a while.
It's basically Pokemon Red but all the dialog is changed to Adult language.
I laughed hard when Red was talking to Professor Oak and he told Me does my mom so hard. (so to speak) lol