Author Topic: 52 Game Challenge 2017  (Read 78263 times)

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2017, 05:11:41 pm »
Hey, ignition did something really cool with his stats in the last thread. Now that begs me to have a question. Would anyone be interested in a google form I make where you can submit when you beat games, how long it took, etc. so we could have this information for everyone who is participating? That would be really cool in my opinion!

Sounds interesting.  I try to keep the details of my stuff if I can, though not all PS4 games keep track of time spent in the game.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #31 on: January 03, 2017, 05:13:41 pm »
Hey, ignition did something really cool with his stats in the last thread. Now that begs me to have a question. Would anyone be interested in a google form I make where you can submit when you beat games, how long it took, etc. so we could have this information for everyone who is participating? That would be really cool in my opinion!

I'm open to it
"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many." ( Hachiman Hikigaya)
"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)


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Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #32 on: January 04, 2017, 02:29:03 am »
If anyone wants to use another site to track this stuff to make it easier you can make a profile on and then track it there! If you make a profile be sure to add me as a friend :)

Is this better or Backloggery?

I have both and have used backloggery alot more. Not to say that howlongtobeat isnt bad but rather its good to get an estimate on how long a game last if that information is what you seek.

I know I've said it before but, I really wish this site had a checkbox for "beaten" or "completed" for each game.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #33 on: January 04, 2017, 03:04:27 am »
2 - The Last Guardian (PS4 2016) - PLAYING - Finally a Redbox got one of these in for rent.  Like none of them did for some reason, no one in the area got any copies.  Anyways, I'm enjoying it, but a number of hours in, the companionship between Trico and your character is very charming and enjoyable.  It has more than a number of issues with the AI, controls, camera, and framerate, but I'll leave that to the final review.  It's been a good game, but it's got some jank for sure, which isn't surprising after all these years in development lol


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #34 on: January 04, 2017, 09:03:46 am »
Let the fun begin! I did really well last year, so I'm hoping to continue that trend this year! My next post will be my review page.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #35 on: January 04, 2017, 09:04:18 am »
Reviews in purple are for games that I replayed. Reviews in teal are for games that I did not finish.

1. Corpse Party

2. DDRMAX2: Dance Dance Revolution

3. Siren

4. Red Ninja: End of Honor

5. Mega Man & Bass

6. Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

7. Aqua Aqua

8. Klonoa

9. DDRMax: Dance Dance Revolution

10. Dance Dance Revolution SUPERNOVA

11. Mega Man X4 - PlayStation Version

12. Onimusha Tactics

13. Dance Dance Revolution Konamix

14. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2 - Innocent Sin

15. Bayonetta

16. Wild ARMs XF

17. Tales of Berseria

18. Yakuza

19. Guilty Gear X

20. Super Smash Brothers

21. Aliens vs. Predator

22. Dance Dance Revolution X

23. Mr. Bones

24. Mega Man X6

25. Shining Force III

26. Scud: The Disposable Assassin

27. Shin Megami Tensei IV

28. Mega Man X4 - Saturn Version

29. Battle Monsters

30. Clockwork Knight

31. Ghosthunter

32. Trillion: God of Destruction

33. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE

34. Power Stone

35. Crimson Tears

36. Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception

37. Lunar: Dragon Song

38. Power Stone 2

39. Bloodborne

40. Croc: Legend of the Gobbos

41. Clockwork Knight 2

42. Super Princess Peach

43. The Silver Case

44. Poochy and Yoshi's Wooly World

45. Bug!

46. Fighting Vipers

47. Dark Savior

48. Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse

49. Valkyria Revolution

50. Galaxy Fight

51. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure HD

52. Burning Rangers

53. Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus

54. D

55. Lufia: The Legend Returns

56. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

57. Tokyo Xanadu

58. Norn9: Var Commons

59. Hyperdimension Neptunia U Action Unleashed

60. Mega Man 8 - Saturn Version

61. MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death

62. Arc Rise Fantasia

63. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle

64. Ys VII: The Lacrimosa of Dana

65. The Suffering

66. Blue Reflection

67. Xenogears

68. Dragon Seeds

69. Star Ocean: The Second Story

70. Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & the Monster Seal

71. Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure

72. Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure

73. Azure Dreams

74. Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth (review coming soon)

75. Undertale (review coming soon)

76. Secret of Evermore
« Last Edit: December 14, 2017, 09:14:46 am by kashell »

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #36 on: January 04, 2017, 09:26:45 am »
Main List

More games
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.

22. Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin (X1)
I started playing this, by myself, because my wife's cousin doesn't remember much about this game.  But then I played while he was around and he started guiding me.  I can't recall the area where I'm at and what it's called.  The game reminds me of Demon's Souls, much more so than Dark Souls.  A lot about it screams Demon's Souls.  It feels much easier for me than Dark Souls was, but I'm still getting my butt kicked.  The game does seem to have a bit of an issue with how long it takes for your character to raise their shield, which causes some issues, and sometimes the enemies animations and movements will behave erratically.  Sometimes I'll think I'm outside of their AoA, but then their entire character model will rotate in place by 45 degrees, not move, rotate like magic, and then they will hit me.  What's the point of such a game if the enemies can always basically teleport to be facing you.  Same thing goes with their shields when they want to block.  I have also died several times from enemies entirely missing me, and I have no animation of me getting attacked, but I still take damage and die.  I mean, a big boss slams his foot down 5-10 feet away from me and the dust that kicks up kills me.  I don't know.  I'm taking a break for a while.   Jumped back into this game, doing a lot of stuff in No Man's Wharf right now, jumped up at least 15 levels yesterday alone.  Got a pretty badass great sword and upgraded it to +4 or +5, so it does nearly 300 base damage.  Played this like crazy for a week or 2 and now I'm at level 80 something and I have a weapon that does 500+ damage.  Wife's cousin came over so I decided to start playing this again, at this point I was at level 97 or something.  Played through with some guidance and managed to get up to like level 140 and finished the game.
Rating: Great, challenging experience.  Not for the weak.  Highly recommended.

23. Fire Emblem: Heroes (Android)
Nice little small Fire Emblem mobile game.  Plays fairly well, seems totally playable without the micro transactions.  I've heard some stories of folks spending $1000 on it and not getting the character they want, so that kind of concerns me.  I've spent no money, but I've used the material that you would otherwise buy, and I have not yet been able to get the few characters I would like to have.  I've seen a lot of people complain that it is too simple and that any true Fire Emblem fan will be insulted by this game or that any newcomer would think that Fire Emblem is stupid, I guess I see that, but I kind of enjoy the game.  Finished the final chapter.  Nothing was resolved, no questions answered.  Obviously, they released an incomplete game with the intent of releasing the rest of the story down the line to either keep you coming back to play or to charge you for the story.  Either way, I now see why most reviewers gave it such a bad score.  Can't really recommend this while it is an incomplete experience.
Rating: Pass, for now, once the full game has been released, I'll probably change it to a recommended play.

24. 1-2 Switch! (Switch)
This is one of those unbeatable games, but played it for several hours.  Game starts you off with a random game out of the tutorial games.  After that you only have access to the 7 or so tutorial games, after playing for a while, they unlock the rest of the games.  Some of the games are pretty fun, some are pretty weird.  Sneaky dice is pretty good, not knowing what each other has, but trying to screw each other over.  The counting marbles one is pretty interesting, but not too difficult.  The rotating one got pretty competitive for us, we even tried to find ways to cheat the system, I got so far as 1900 degrees.  The wild west shooting games are pretty good too.  Didn't play any of the dancing ones or the baby game, but I'm sure we will eventually.
Rating: Kids would definitely like this game, especially in a party atmosphere.  Adults might get a kick out of it as well, but again, party atmosphere.  Any fewer than 3 players and you won't be playing for long, likely.  Definitely not worth MSRP nor 20% off.  Pick this one up cheap later on if you are interested.

25. Legend of Zelda, The: Breath of the Wild (Switch)
I'm going to do my damnedest to keep this whole thing spoiler free.  A lot of how the game feels reminds me of Skyward Sword, but in a good way.  It feels like a lot of what I wanted Skyward Sword to be.  It's pretty damned great.  The combat system is a bit different from previous Zelda games, you can't dodge roll anymore, which is a huge bummer, because it was really useful in other games.  In this game, you can only jump sideways, so the ability to dodge attacks is much more difficult.  On the same note, the combat system and balancing of enemies and the AI used by the enemies is much higher, I feel playing this, that almost any enemy, even a moblin can be huge trouble if you aren't prepared.  More than once, I've gone into a fight with a bigger enemy and wind up with them down to little to no health, but I have no weapons to speak of, so I just have to run away or deal 1 damage at a time getting tree branches or something.  You can't go fight bigger enemies early on, because you just don't have the ability to deal enough damage before running out of damage dealing options.  I defeated one of the more intimidating enemies pretty early on, but it was a lot of being very cheap and strategic on my part, I honestly don't even remember how I did it, because I know I ran out of weapons at some point.  I had my first experience with one of the few actually "dungeons" in the game, and I guess I just wasn't ready for the puzzles because I kept getting ahead of where I needed to be or figuring things out the not obvious way.  So I applaud the flexibility of the system, but on the other hand, I don't feel like I should be doing things the way I have been doing them to get ahead, feels a little unnatural, but I'm getting the job done.  So much about this game gets me laughing about the smallest things.  I'm also quite enjoying the ability to just take the system on the go.  I've played in the waiting room of a vets office, I've played at a relatives house, it's fantastic, I just wish that Nintendo would sell the docks separately at a lower price.  $60 for a dock is ridiculous.  I haven't updated this in a while, game is really fun and watching my wife play is showing me that, yes, I have been doing things the hard way a lot of times.  Almost every single puzzle has multiple ways to solve it.  I'm pretty much at the end of the game at this point, I might do more side stuff rather than just end it, but I may decide to just end it.  I just don't know if this game will top Mad Max for game of the year for me.  But I won't pass judgment until I finish the game.  I'm gonna put this one ahead of Mad Max, only because I recall Mad Max giving me trouble at times, glitches and such.  This game was just a wonderful experience all over.
Rating: A really great game by Nintendo, worthy of the praise it has been receiving.

26. Binding of Isaac, The: Afterbirth+ (Switch)
I may not have 100% beat this game, let alone unlocked all of the endings, but I did get the credits to pop.  I'll probably keep playing this game on and off because it genuinely is a fantastic game.  This game, the physical version, came with stickers and a physical manual.  If Nicalis keeps this up, I will be purchasing every Nicalis game for Switch on release day.  Nice little dungeon crawler shooter game.  Randomly generated levels, you can grab the seed to generate the dungeons and replay the same dungeon, but even then, the items acquired are random too, so that won't be the same.  Obviously it is a really weird game story wise, but gameplay wise, it is a pretty great game.  Game does have a lack of depth given how short the "story" is, but the incentive to replay is pretty high, because every successive win gets you a new ending.  20-ish endings in all.
Rating: Highly recommended if you have no issue with the lack of depth.

27. Fine Sweeper (PC)
One of the games that one of our fine members,metshael, was giving away.  I'm sure he still has plenty of codes to give away for various games if you are interested.  I'm a fairly big fan of minesweeper, so I jumped at this game.  It's pretty basic minesweeper, but they give you hearts for situations where you need to guess to get through a set of tiles, so it is far more forgiving than regular minesweeper in that manner.  Overall, this game is a much needed improvement over the original minesweeper, plus it has that achievement leaderboard etc stuff folks really like.
Rating: Recommended if you like minesweeper, if not, oh well.

28. Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4)
I was out and about and was in a Gamestop for a reason or another, and I saw they had this pre-owned, so I figured I'd give it a go and see how I like it.  So far, very meh.  Once I get a hang of the controls and get into the actual story, I might grow to like the game, but so far, it's pretty bland and boring.  As I get older, I'm realizing that games aren't grabbing my attention fast enough.  I remember playing Borderlands and that game snatching my interest straight from the intro movie.  That's the last game I remember just being totally enthralled from the start... and in retrospect, that game kind of sucked.  The game doesn't do much hand holding, so I wasn't aware there was a level up system until I was already level 12 or something, tons of points to spec out.  I didn't realize that you can craft a lot of the things you would buy like health potions and such.  I was nearly getting ready to give up on the game when my wife looked up and saw that you can get an unlimited fast travel pack.  I feel like there is more that I need to learn about this game.  Fighting humans is no problem, just headshot them with your bow and arrow.  The machines, at least the bigger ones, I find myself hiding behind rocks and pegging them in their weakspots with like 100 arrows.  I've yet to learn how to use anything but regular and fire arrows.  So as I'm reaching the end of the game I'm learning more and more about the game.  I've acquired new weapons, which have made the fights so much easier, plus it unlocks the other ammo types.  I've got this game down pretty well and I'm enjoying it very much.  So much so, that I've decided to go for the platinum trophy for the game.  So far I've missed only one potentially miss-able trophy, but from what I've read, it's not miss-able, so we'll see.  I'd really hate for it to be the one trophy that kills the platinum for me.  Platinum popped right after the credits, so nice.
Rating: Fantastic game, definitely a contender for GOTY, pretty easy platinum too.

29. Life is Strange (PS4)
I'm not gonna have a lot to say about this game given that I beat it over a weekend while I wasn't on here to really track my progress.  I'm a pretty big fan of time travel sci-fi stuff, so I was surprised with just how much time travel this game has, it's a bit of a spoiler, but this game is way old at this point, your character goes further back in time than the advertised minute or so.  The story is pretty great, and some of the characters are pretty memorable.  But the problem that basically you decisions in the game come out to 1 single decision that isn't truly affected by any of your choices throughout the game.  Say you don't save someone and they die, at the end of the game you make a decision that either lets them live regardless or they die regardless... so it doesn't matter if you saved them 15 times throughout the game, the only definitive decision that decides their fate is right at the end.  Trophies are just the combination of 2 things, taking all of the optional pictures and beating the game.  Easy Platinum.
Rating: This game is cheap enough at this point and short enough overall that this game is highly recommended, but it is basically an interactive visual novel.  Easy Platinum.

30. Gears of War 4 (X1)
I bought this game shortly after release for like $20.  Another Laura Bailey game.  I should probably keep a tally of games played in a year with her in it.  I've been putting off playing it because I thought maybe I could get my wife to co-op the entire franchise with me.  I gave up on that and started playing.  She immediately asked if the game does co-op story mode.  So maybe we'll play through the games on co-op at some point.  We do need a co-op game to start playing, almost done with Snipperclips.  I think this game takes place 25 years after GoW3, but if that's the case then JD at best is 24, assuming Marcus knocked Anya up immediately after GoW3.  I went in this blind not knowing what the game was about.  I was pleasantly surprised with the totalitarian regime created by the COGs, and then not so surprised by the return of the Lambent (or whatever they're called now).  Game seems to have a new mechanic that allows fast traversal of obstacles, but it seems very timing sensitive, so it doesn't work great.  Weapons are mostly the same with a few new additions, basically same old Gears.  New characters are nice and I'm digging the banter between JD and Del, Kait so far isn't as awesome as I was hoping, she seems very Anya so far.  Starting to like the characters more and more.  I was almost disappointed with the devs for going an obvious route, and poorly executed at that, but they didn't, so it's all good.  So got to this one really big monster and fought it... then the game ended.  Fairly anti-climactic, emotional sure, but fairly anti-climactic.  I expected more with Jinn or at least SOMETHING with the COGS at the end.  Just felt very abrupt.
Rating: Story wise, not nearly as good as the original trilogy, but it has some good moments.  Gameplay wise, many improvements.  Overall, meh, wait for bargain bin if you really want it.

31. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (Wii U)
This game is going to show up in my 52 list every single year because it gets played at least once a year and it gets played for quite a while.  My wife invited family over for Easter, which turned into having many kids over.  One kid had never heard of Super Smash bros. and thought that Samus dude looks pretty cool on the cover.  Got to explain that that's a girl.  He didn't understand that it is a Nintendo IP fight game, so he was talking about playing as someone from Halo.  The entire time we were there all he wanted to do was play Call of Duty, and I had to explain to him over and over that A)I don't own many CoD games, because they generally suck. B)We aren't going to play CoD., C) You aren't going to wreck me at anything.  D) If you want to play a shooter, we are going to play Timesplitters.  Anyways, we played Smash bros, and this kid (11 year old) plays like a 3 year old, he just jumps off the level and doesn't get what's going on.
Rating: Still a fantastic game.

32. Yooka-Laylee (PS4)
I finished Gears 4 Friday evening and decided to jump into this one.  I went into this with pretty low expectations because it's a Kickstarter game and I've been burned by other big name Kickstarter games.  As it is, I was already burned by this project because specifically, I wanted a Wii U copy, and they cancelled it.  Honestly, from what I can tell, there was no good reason to cancel it other than that they'd sell more copies on the Switch.  The game makes no use of the PS4 touch pad, so I wouldn't expect them to make use of the Wii U Gamepad either, so there's that.  So the characters of the game are fairly interesting and memorable, just forgettable bland characters like some other games, so they do have that going for them.  The introduction of a stamina bar over using inventory items (read as feathers) is pretty nice, but health items are dual use, eating them gives you health, collecting them fills your stamina bar.  So you have to pick and choose.  I find even early on, the difficulty for most challenges is very high.  There is very little margin for error in most challenges, some have NO margin for error.  Most boss fights give you zero recovery items (stamina and health), so you have to basically do a long multi-tier boss fight without getting hit more than a few times.  I believe the older games would give you enemies that would drop honey combs, but I could be wrong.  Races don't appear to have rubber band mechanics, which is GREAT, like so damned GREAT.  Cameras are just as frustrating as the N64 games, they obviously didn't use modern game design when deciding how to implement the camera system.  They attempt to shift you from 3D camera mode to isometric or 2D and this causes you to fall and die on many occasions.  Length wise, I beat the game in about 2 days.  In order to beat the game you have to collect 100/145 Pagies (Jiggies).  My end completion was 100/145 Pagies and 901/1010 Quills (Notes).  I'm mildly surprised by how short and simplistic this game was, nothing truly innovative or indie about this game.  It really feels like if the devs from Rare broke off from Rare and started their own company to create a spiritual successor to Banjo Kazooie, but back in 1999.  Mind you, this is all actually true, minus the 1999 part.  The director of Yooka-Laylee was the lead programmer on Banjo Kazooie, and they have the same artists and composers.  What I mean to get at is that, I won't be surprised when someone "demakes" this game into an actual N64 game, because the depth of this title is equivalent to an N64 game.  I mean, even a ROM hacker could probably just take Banjo Tooie and just tear it apart and put it back together to make this game.
Rating:If playing a Banjo-Tooie ROM hack sounds like fun, give this a go, otherwise maybe pass on this one.  Too much feels too dated.  Jokes are funny though... Fucking Trowzer Snake.

33. Warlock's Tower (PC)
Played this game at PAX South this year and the dev was doing a PWYW on the game, so I gave the dude a fiver and grabbed a code.  At the time the game wasn't out yet and he wouldn't say what the retail price was going to be, but he made it sound like the phone version was cheaper yet exactly the same as the PC version, so meh.  Simple little puzzle game, get through the room in the allowed number of steps.  Minor obstacles and murderous things here and there.  Pretty simple, pick up and go type of game.  Game is a bit like Witness later on, in that it is helpful to drop the game for a while and come back with fresh eyes.  The difficulty really ramped up about halfway through the game.  Last section of the tower drops the allowed steps, but basically each one still only has one or so acceptable solutions.
Rating: Pretty fun, pretty tough, really brutal at the end.  Not recommended unless you like brutal puzzles.

34. Hue (PS4)
Neat little platform game that uses color as a platforming/puzzle mechanic.  Game is short enough that the puzzles don't get too difficult and the game doesn't tire you out too quickly.  Certain objects are certain colors, you can change the background color of the world to match these objects.  When they match, they stop existing and you can walk through them and such.  Early on, the puzzles are simple easy puzzles, as you progress, the puzzles become more about timing and use platforming mechanics to get through.
Rating: Fun, cheap, quick game.  Not much story, no platinum.

Next List
« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 10:45:45 am by ignition365 »

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #37 on: January 05, 2017, 02:18:01 am »
2 - The Last Guardian (PS4 2016) - BEAT - Absolutely charming game filled with lots of little jankyness strewn throughout.  Controls sometimes just don't work right, the camera likes to freak out in narrow areas when your riding Trico, the AI for Trico can be sketchy at times once you can direct him, and the framerate definitely dies more than a few times on a regular PS4.

On the other hand, there's some cool looking locations, some of the puzzles are great (a couple aren't lol), and though the AI will piss you off, you will find a lot of moments to love when hanging out with your best bird-dog-cat friend.  If you got a PS4, I'd certainly recommend the game, especially if your wanting something that has abit less of combat focus to it.

Not a bad way to start off 2017 with my first completed game.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #38 on: January 05, 2017, 12:08:25 pm »
**Now using this post as my complete list for the year**

Finished my first game of the year with New Super Mario Bros 2 on the 3DS. It was enjoyable enough. Not too much to say about it really.

*Edit: Finished up the original DOOM today as well (not the 2016 DOOM, I'm still working on that). It was excellent and I'm looking forward to playing the other DOOM stuff that came in the bundle with it on Steam. It holds up well to this day and it was fun playing it through all the way to the end for my first time.

Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
  • New Super Mario Bros 2 (3DS) Jan-05
  • DOOM (DOS) Jan-05
  • Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson (3DS) Jan-13
  • Hoshi no Kirby: Yume no Izumi no Monogatari (Famicom) Jan-14
  • Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 (3DS) Jan-18
  • Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (GBA) Feb-20
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch) Mar-27
  • Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (3DS) **New**
  • NEKOPARA Vol.2 (PC) **New**
  • Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (WiiU) **New**
  • Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (GCN) Aug-16 **New**
  • Muv-Luv Extra (PC) Aug-25 **New**
  • Muv-Luv Unlimited (PC) Aug-26 **New**
  • Muv-Luv Alternative (PC) Aug-30 **New**
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 08:27:16 pm by abe »
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #39 on: January 06, 2017, 01:03:07 am »
I've been averaging almost a game a day since the new year started. I'm on a roll!

4. 1080 Snowboarding (N64): At the time this game came out it was hands down the best snowboarding game, however it has been outdone by so many other Snowboard games since. Even games like Tony Hawk Pro Skater which share aspects with this game is significantly better. But for what it is, it is a fun little sports game, albeit one with very little content. At least for me, it's best quality is its heavy load of nostalgia as it reminds me of simpler times over at my friends house on winter break, trying to land the coveted 1080 trick with little success.(1/5/17)


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #40 on: January 06, 2017, 03:58:59 pm »
Corpse Party review is up. It's my first review for 2017! I'm excited to write more reviews and re-read some older ones.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #41 on: January 06, 2017, 05:25:06 pm »
Corpse Party review is up. It's my first review for 2017! I'm excited to write more reviews and re-read some older ones.

Good to see you liked it. :)
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #42 on: January 06, 2017, 08:26:13 pm »
Ok. Even though I said I wouldn't do this actively, I guess there's no harm in keeping a track record at least.
Just beat Life is Strange...Good lord. What a trip. I'm honestly super bummed I had the ending spoiled for me, but overall it was a great experience. I truly felt attached to these characters, and there definitely were moments that really touched me. I won't dare to spoil anything, but highly recommended!

Currently I have a few plans on what to do next. I want to beat the original Kirby's Dream Land on hard mode, just so I can say I beat that one. I'm also planning on returning to Kirby Super Star Ultra. I've still not beaten the Arena in that game, and I really want to finally finish it. Also playing through New Super Mario Bros. U right now. We'll see after those three.
Also still playing a lot of Melody's Escape and Super Smash Bros., but I play them just for fun, not to complete them (especially since that's impossible with Melody's Escape).

EDIT: I like the easily understandable style people are giving this here, so I'm going to do that here too!
Bold is beaten
Italics is currently playing
Normal is planning on playing soon
  • Life is Strange. Simply amazing. Really managed to suck me in. I won't dare to spoil anything, but highly recommended!
  • New Super Mario Bros. U. I have a soft spot for the 2D Mario games, and I like what I've played so far. Looking forward to beating it!
  • Kirby's Dream Land. A REALLY short game, I know, but I just want to beat it on hard mode regardless, so that's going to happen soon!
  • Kirby Super Star Ultra. I've had this game for years, and I love it (one of my DS favourites), but I still haven't beaten the Arena. It's time to finish what I started so many years ago.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2017, 09:12:29 pm by realpoketendonl »
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.


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Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #43 on: January 07, 2017, 01:15:58 am »
1. The Little Mermaid: Magic in Two Kingdoms (GBA)
I did not plan on beating this game, but it's so short. It took me under an hour to finish. The game is essentially 8 short levels that that follow the course of the Little Mermaid film. These levels include fetch quests, rhythm, platforming, shooting/defense, and a horizontal swimming level that sort of played like a shooter. The game is clearly meant for children, but it sure is a solid kid's game. Graphically the game looks really good. I was honestly surprised with good it looked. It plays really tightly and is really enjoyable. I would probably have enjoyed it even more if I was a 7-year old.

2. Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (PS3)
I love this game. This is my seventh time playing through this game. I played the PS3 remaster and this old PS2 game looks great in HD. Some of the 3D cutscenes have aged poorly, but the cel-shaded graphics used in levels look fantastic. I think it is such a solid 3D platformer and one of the best PS2 games Sony released. I love how tight this game is. Later entries in the series go more open-world, but I love how streamlined this one is. The game is not very long and doesn't outstay it's welcome. Each world has solid levels that take enough skill to be challenging. I even platinumed it. The villains and story are fun and the whole game feels like a Saturday morning cartoon. My only complaint is that the game introduces a bunch of new mechanics towards the end of the game, which is odd. The game is almost over, why do I need to learn new stuff now? Regardless, this is a great game and I think the best game in the Sly series.

3. Pokemon Moon (3DS)
I started this game when it released in November of 2016. While I hadn't finished it before the end of last year, I named it my game of the year for 2016. And now that I've finished it, I stand by that statement, this game is fantastic. I'm a big Pokemon fan, and this is by far the best Pokemon game released so far. Mechanically the game fixes so much of the complexity that was always hindering the Pokemon game. The story is well written and has characters that are fleshed out, something past games have struggled with. The region of islands is well designed and feels fresh and unlike past games. There are tons of fun references for long time fans, and is easy enough to welcome newcomers, (and is albeit a bit dumbed down overall) but not so easy that someone like me who has played the past Pokemon games feels unchallenged. The writing is really well done, and the characters feel very thought out. The soundtrack is my favorite Pokemon soundtrack so far. The post game content is fairly brief, but tons of fun. A fantastic Pokemon game, and a great RPG overall.

4. Kingdom Hearts 0.2: Birth by Sleep – A Fragmentary Passage (PS4)
While essentially a demo for Kingdom Hearts III, this is a fantastic Kingdom Hearts game. If this is how Kingdom Hearts III is going to play, then I can't wait! As a big Kingdom Hearts fan, I was excited to finally play this game. It only took me 3 hours to finish, but they really packed a lot into that short amount of time. You play as Aqua, one of the main characters from Birth By Sleep. The game plays, fast, smooth, and frantic. More like a better version of Kingdom Heart's II's gameplay. The Unreal Engine 4 is looking really great with the Kingdom Hearts character models and the voice acting is really spot on. The ending sets up Kingdom Hearts III beautifully. Based on how polished this game is I wonder if Kingdom Hearts III isn't as far off as I originally thought.

5. Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland (GBA)
I like this game, but it is definitely my least favorite Kirby game I've played. Going into this game, I didn't know it was a remake of Kirby's Adventure on the NES. It looks great using the same style that the DS Kirby games would come to use. The issue is the levels are too short. Each level might be 4 or 5 rooms and then it would end. I never had enough time to get invested in the level. It plays a lot better when you marathon a bunch of levels. Finding the secret switches to unlock the bonus games was fun. They were easy enough to find, but some were hidden in such obscure places, that it made my scratch my head. Really great boss fights. Overall, a good Kirby game remake that hasn't aged as well as I would have hoped.

6. Adventure (Atari 2600/PS4)
The best 2600 game in my opinion. Playing this game I view as the video game equivalent of watching a silent movie. This game set some of the groundwork for the classic games that would come after it. The funny looking dragons are well crafted enemies, the bat is annoying, and the items are fun. I played this on the Atari Flashback Classics on PS4 and it emulated quite well. I even got the trophy for not slaying the dragons. Playing the game on level one is easy. Level 2 and 3 are more complex but more fun. The easter egg the creator hid with his name is also in this emulation which I was glad they kept. Great little game with a lot of history.

7. Mega Man 3 (NES/3DS)
I really enjoyed this one. While I do find it a bit easier than Mega Man 2, I think I like 3 is the better game. The levels are so tight and the bosses are fun. The health and power ups seem to be more spread out than in the previous games. Proto Man adds a lot to the actual story of Mega Man. Fantastic game.

8. Mega Man 4 (NES/3DS)
Mega Man 4 is a good game, but not as good as Mega Man 2 or 3. The weapons and levels don't feel as smooth. The story feels tacked on which is a shame coming from the decent story telling in 3. The endgame just wasn't as fun as the previous 3. It's a good platformer, but a weaker Mega Man game.

9. VVVVVV (Vita)
This is a fantastic puzzle game. Following the adventure of Captain Viridian as he finds his crew in a strange dimension. Really awesome level design. The game uses a gravity flipper style of gameplay to create some really complex points. The game is hard and frustrating too, but in the most satisfying way possible. There is a level called "Doing things the hard way" that is absolutely insane, but after about 500 tries I got the collectible. Exploring the world and filling out the map was fun and I did find all the collectible trinkets. It's very pretty game with old pc style graphics. I adore the soundtrack. Definitely one of my favorite indie games.

10. Severed (Vita)
I really sunk my teeth into this game. Really awesome dungeon crawler that actually uses the touchpad on the Vita in a fantastic way. One of the best Vita games. The art style is gruesome and creepy in the best way possible. The story is simple but really powerful. Trying to find your family sets such a good backdrop. The learning curve is perfect and I never felt overwhelmed by the mechanics. My only complaint is that it is very easy to max out your stats by the end of the game, I would have liked a bit more challenge in that regard. I did 100% the game finding all the secrets and exploring all the maps. I did get the platinum trophy since the trophy list was fairly easy. A phenomenal game that I really enjoyed.

11. Mega Man 5 (NES/3DS)

Another great Mega Man game. I liked that each stage had a collectible. Beat the bird is fun and useful addition to Mega Man's arsenal. The weapons were really different from the previous 4 games. Great stages, great game.

12. The Wolf Among Us (PS4)
This is an amazing game. This was my 2nd time playing through this game and I tried to make the opposite choices of what I did last time. Ended up playing as more of a ruthless sheriff. This one of the best noir games I've seen. The final episode is brilliant and has one of my favorite boss fights. The quick time events and the choices don't feel like ad ons to an interactive movie, the game still succeeds at being a game unlike other adventure games in this genre. Really great characters, and a great story that I was really invested in even a 2nd time. Here's hoping a season two releases eventually.

13. Mega Man 6 (NES/3DS)
The last NES Mega Man is a really fun one. I loved the robot master's powers. The alternate paths that are discoverable added a new element to the previous Mega Man gameplay. Awesome game.

14. Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope (Vita)
Shovel Knight is a masterful game. The developers really knew what makes a 2D platformer work. I'm glad I played Mega Man 1-6 recently before playing through Shovel Knight. It made it fun to see where Shovel Knight's inspiration came from and the gameplay elements that have been able to stand the test of time. The RPG elements of magic and armor were fun. The bosses and stages are all incredibly well crafted. Propeller Knight's stage was my least favorite. On the PlayStation version you can fight Kratos from God of War which was way cool. The reward is armor that actually changes the gameplay to be more akin to the faced paced hack-n-slash found in God of War. The soundtack might be the best video game soundtrack I've heard. Incredible game. Looking forward to playing through the DLC and New Game + in the future.

15. Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories HD (PS4)
This is such a strange game. A remake of a 2D GBA game into a 3D PS2 game then ported to PS3/PS4. The game works better as a smaller GBA game because on a console it feels lost. The game reuses assets from Kingdom Hearts 1,  but if you can wrap your head around the deck building mechanic and create the deck of cards to work to your advantage, the game actually makes for an enjoyable action RPG. It does suffer from repetitive gameplay since all you do is open rooms and fight heartless enemies non-stop so you can have more cards to progress through doors. Each level is a rehash of the Disney stories from Kingdom Hearts 1 with some minor tweaks mainly focusing on memories and ending with a boss fight. In between levels is where the actual important story segments and Kingdom Hearts character boss fights play out. The main story is actually good and is important for later entries in the series. The games biggest problem is how you can essentially get stuck locked out of a room without the proper key card. Then you have to search randomly for the card you need. You can manipulate the game to give you certain cards by using a roulette room card, but the game still leaves you to chance. That part can be very frustrating. Once the game is over, you unlock Reverse/Rebirth mode that lets you play as Riku in essentially another game. This version is much more streamlined, shorter, and eliminates the deck building mechanic by providing you with a premade deck.
Despite the games shortcomings and odd gameplay, I actually really enjoyed replaying this game. It's fun, but has an odd learning curve.

16. Gone Home (PS4)
Gone home is a very interesting game. I enjoyed it for it's very well executed use of environmental storytelling. I had a vague idea of what the game was about going in so the story wasn't super surprising but I do have to applaud the game on having a very eerie atmosphere that at times made me wonder if the game would turn into a horror game. I played through it twice, the first time just allowing the game to unfold as I explored. The second time I followed a guide to make sure I got all the journal entries to get the full story. To the games credit, the journal entries I missed the first time through did not hinder my enjoyment of the story but the first time through was more enjoyable. Exploring the house and picking up items is the extent of the gameplay which I don't mind. Interesting short and simple game.

17. Kirby's Dream Land (GB)
The first Kirby game is such a joyful little game. It's pretty short with only 5 stages, but the bosses are tricky enough that it feels balanced. . It is odd to play a game where Kirby can't suck in enemies for their powers, but there are two power ups that allow kirby to shoot projectiles out of his mouth. Great animation, and fun music make this probably one of the best original Game Boy games.

18. Abzû (PS4)
This is a very artistic game. Very pretty and relaxing. Reminds me of the Disney movie Fantasia. Fantastic calming music. The gameplay of swimming around and exploring is cool, but can be frustrating at times with how the camera and swim mechanics work together. The game can be disorienting. Rather short, but a beautiful experience.

19. 3D Gunstar Heroes (3DS)
This is such a 90s game and it's awesome. Very arcade-y. Intense action shooting throughout each stage, but the boss battles are where this game really shines and there are a bunch of them. The bosses are fun to battle and each have their own pattern that is easy enough to follow, but challenging enough to enjoy. The game is difficult as many games from this era but luckily the 3DS version has save states that made the game much more doable. The 3D effect in this version is pretty impressive, but like most 3DS games I played with it mostly off. There is some sort of story about defeating evil from collecting gems, but this is a game that is much more about gameplay than some hokey story. Looking forward to playing more games in Treasure's line up.

20. Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix HD (PS4)
I absolutely adore this game. I've never played the Final Mix version before, but the new additions are awesome. This is one of my top 5 games if not my favorite game. The combat is so fast and smooth it's a joy to play. Powering up the forms to gain more speedy abilities benefits the gameplay significantly. The game is incredibly well paced. Playing through each Disney world and going through the plot of the movies is really fun and each level doesn't overstay it's welcome. The overall plot of fighting Organization XIII is very well written and I'm still surprised how everything ties together at the end. The bosses are fun and fast. The 60 frames per second on the PS4 looks fantastic. I played the game on Proud mode which wasn't too hard. I did find all the collectable puzzle pieces, defeat all the absent silhouettes and Data Organization, as well as beat Sephiroth. I did not defeat the Lingering Will, or the Mushroom XIII but I plan on going back eventually. While the game is a bit linear, each level has an incredible atmosphere. Such a good game.

21. Frogger's Adventures: Temple of the Frog (GBA)
I try to beat this game at least once a year. I beat it this time in 56 minutes.  It plays like the Frogger arcade game with a platformer adventure game thrown in. The bosses and levels are quirky in the best way possible. Such a fun little game.

22. Gunman Clive 2 (3DS)
This is such an improvement over the original. The original is a good little platformer, but the sequel is longer and has super clever levels. One of the best uses of color I've ever seen in a game. The idea of traveling through levels based around the world was fun. Really cool bosses. Really enjoyed this one. Really good game.

23. Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep: Final Mix HD (PS4)
One of the saddest games I've ever played. I played this game back on the PSP 7 years ago when it came out, but I had forgotten a lot of it. The story telling in this Kingdom Hearts is probably the best in the series with fantastic characters and narratives. The gameplay is a bit slower than the 2nd game but the strategy is more akin to Chain of Memories as you have decks of commands that allow you to use special moves which can stack on top of each other to use even better moves. Somewhat obtuse, but easy to manage once you figure it out. The game is divided into 3 main campaigns each which feel like their own game taking about 8 hours each. This allows the story to be presented in a really unique way with revelations revealing themselves as the stories intertwine. The voice acting is on point. Another great Kingdom Hearts game.

24. Octodad: Dadliest Catch (PS4)
Octodad is kind of a weird game. The game controls an octopus who really can't walk since he's, well, an octopus. Because of that the game really feels like more of a puzzle game as you're walking through levels and solving obstacles without the ability to move normally. The dialog and plot are really funny and made me laugh more than once. Though the controls were frustration enough at times I would stop playing. I didn't go for any collectibles. The bonus two levels are also hilarious and highly enjoyable. Really funny and interesting game.

25. Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance HD (PS4)
As far as Kingdom Hearts games go, this one is not my favorite. It's mostly a good game. I played this game when it launched back in 2012 on an OG 3DS. The way the game plays you can tell it was made for a handheld at times. Let's start with the good. The game is very smooth and fast. The hack n' slash RPG blend is still fun. The bosses are really cool and challenging. The story, while kind of bonkers, is good and sets the stage nicely for Kingdom Hearts 3, whenever that decides to come out. Now for the not so fun. The game has too many mechanics going at once. Your party members consist of animal things called Dream Eaters that you create through synthesis, but then have to play with and nurture to get them to be strong and give you abilities. While I didn't really mess with this feature, I definitely missed some abilities since I skipped it. I mostly played the game with a dog, panda, sheep, and seahorse. The other mechanic is the drop system which forces you to switch between Sora and Riku after a certain amount of time. This is fine, but can get annoying and confusing as you jump back and forth between play styles and different parts of the plot. There is also a new magic command called ballon that is over powered. I did get teh secret ending but did not beat the secret boss. All in all a fun game, but sadly a step down from 2 and Birth By Sleep.

26. Kirby: Triple Deluxe (3DS)
Kirby games are always fun, and this game is no exception. Triple Deluxe is a solid platformer with really fun bosses. This games stands besides Mario 3D Land as a game perfectly optimized for 3DS. This would have been a better launch title for the 3DS. The 3D effect is great and I found myself leaving it on often. The gyro controls got old by the end and that is probably my biggest complaint. There is a bunch of collectibles. I found all the sun stones but didn't find all the secret keychains as those are stupidly well hidden, almost annoyingly so. The normal keychains are more random which I found about half of those. I won't go back to find those, if I do, it won't be for awhile. It is longer than other Kirby games clocking in at about 9 hours. At it's core, this is a solid Kirby game. Easy, colorful platformer.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2017, 01:32:19 am by Limeface »

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #44 on: January 07, 2017, 08:24:01 pm »
Ok, wasn't expecting to be posting again so soon, but I just completely binged New Super Mario Bros. U and beat it in one sitting. I haven't beaten all the levels in the game yet, but I did beat Bowser, so I guess the game's beaten!

UPDATE: Just beat Kirby's Dream Land, now working on the Extra Game (which is WAAAY harder than I expected). I figured I could at least add it before I go to sleep.

UPDATE 2: Just beat the extra game in Kirby's Dream Land, so I guess that means I completed it!

Bold is beaten/completed
Italics is currently playing
Normal is planning on playing soon
  • Life is Strange
  • New Super Mario Bros. U
  • Kirby's Dream Land
  • Kirby's Dream Land (completed)

So up next is Kirby Super Star Ultra!
« Last Edit: January 08, 2017, 01:35:11 pm by realpoketendonl »
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.