Author Topic: 52 Game Challenge 2017  (Read 78369 times)

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #105 on: February 01, 2017, 09:35:42 pm »
With the Switch coming, I'm having to not buy a lot of games.  Nioh, Neir, probably Berserk will have to wait for awhile, so my only likely game this month is Yakuza 0 that I'm still playing and Horizon.  Already looking like I won't hit the number this year lol


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #106 on: February 02, 2017, 08:05:22 am »
I only have one game beat :( Though it's not my fault I picked a 70+ hour game to play haha

I'm assuming the 70+ hour game you're talking about Persona 3 FES, since it's in your sig. If so, 100% worth it. ;)
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #107 on: February 02, 2017, 09:17:07 am »
I only have one game beat :( Though it's not my fault I picked a 70+ hour game to play haha

I'm assuming the 70+ hour game you're talking about Persona 3 FES, since it's in your sig. If so, 100% worth it. ;)

Yeah it's that.  ;) It is worth it, but that's why it's taking me so long to post new games beaten.

And the box says there's 30 more hours of additional gameplay after the main story is beat!  :o
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #108 on: February 02, 2017, 02:59:19 pm »
I only have one game beat :( Though it's not my fault I picked a 70+ hour game to play haha

I'm assuming the 70+ hour game you're talking about Persona 3 FES, since it's in your sig. If so, 100% worth it. ;)

Yeah it's that.  ;) It is worth it, but that's why it's taking me so long to post new games beaten.

And the box says there's 30 more hours of additional gameplay after the main story is beat!  :o

Indeed there is. :) FES adds the "Answers" story to the post-game that wasn't in the original version of Persona 3, and unfortunately was omitted from Persona 3 Portable. :'(

Also, woo 2000th post! :D
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #109 on: February 03, 2017, 09:25:56 am »
Another year, another completion of Mega Man X4. I may go through it a few more times because I want to beat my personal record, but going through it again for the first time this year was a blast. This is my favorite game in the entire Mega Man universe.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #110 on: February 03, 2017, 05:00:17 pm »
Another year, another completion of Mega Man X4. I may go through it a few more times because I want to beat my personal record, but going through it again for the first time this year was a blast. This is my favorite game in the entire Mega Man universe.

Excellent choice! I agree though, it is the best.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #111 on: February 04, 2017, 08:11:32 pm »
1. Watch Dogs 2 [20/20] - Xbox One - This was the second game I've ever played on Xbox One (first being Steep, with no main story/career mode). I was expecting a lot from this game, I watched multiple videos on it before playing it and I was already pretty impressed. When I started playing it, I was SHOOK! Graphically it's one of the best games I ever played, the city is stunning and everything feels so alive and real, the animations are smooths and realistic overall the whole thing is just a pleasure to look at. I also fell in love with most of the characters, Marcus was imo a really great main character and having played this game before the first it didn't really affect me that the hero was changed. I also loved the story, and the missions were all, while having often the same goal, pretty diverse and always fun. Maybe it's because it was my first next gen game, but this game really impressed me and I was really sad when I finished it! Also, not that important but still important enough to mention imo, the soundtrack is AMAZING and corresponds perfectly to the game.

2. Mirror's Edge Catalyst [20/20] - Xbox One - Mirror's Edge is one of my all time favorite game, and also one of the game that made me start playing video games more seriously and being more interested in video games in general, so I was expecting a LOT from Catalyst. I was not disappointed! While not being as good as the first, it still was a solid sequel/spin off definitely worth playing if you liked the first one. I liked the open world aspect and I thought the story was pretty interesting overall, we got to know more of Faith and her background which was one of the missing thing from the first game. The end also had me shocked and left me hoping for a sequel! Visually it was also way better than the first one, I don't think, however, that the gameplay in itself really changed. But as they say : if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

3. Jet Set Radio [20/20] - Dreamcast - Jet Set Radio is a game I've always been interested in, so when I bought a dreamcast it was one of the first game I got for it. When I started playing it, I got SO frustrated because of the controls. I spent at least an hour trying to finish the first two levels. However this is the type of game where the weirdness of the controls make it imo a better game, yes the controls are sloppy as hell, but once you get used to it it makes you appreciate the game more. So after getting used to the controls, I realized how much I actually loved the game! The whole vibe of the game is just so unique, the characters, the level design, the music, everything is just so weird and right! It's definitely one of those game that you're either gonna love or hate. In my case, I absolutely ADORED it and it quickly became one of my all time favorite game.

4. Bully/Canis Canem Edit [20/20] - Playstation 2 - I'm a big fan of Rockstar's work and I've already started playing this game on PC a few years ago (probably only an hour our two tho) so I knew I would love it. The game as such a unique atmosphere, everything seems like a caricature but it just works so well! The music, the characters, the map, everything just fits together and makes a really unique game imo. Jimmy is also an amazing video game character imo, labeled as a "bad boy", he still tried to fight against injustice in the school and always found a way to beat everybody who went against him. Overall I absolutely loved the game, I still have it on steam so I might play it again on PC, however i've seen videos of the PC version and I honestly prefer the PS2 version's graphics over any other versions for some reason. 

5. Quantum Break [19/20] - Xbox One - Quantum Break was I game I was really excited for! I LOVED Alan Wake so I couldn't wait to play Remedy entertainment's new game. Visually the game is stunning, I also loved the powers given to Jack and the gameplay in general was just really fun! The story was also extremely well written and never boring. I also loved the parts with the real actors, I thought it was a really unique and interesting touch. The main problem with the game imo was the main character, Jack Joyce. He wasn't a bad main character, but I just couldn't really relate to him for some reason, however all the other characters were interesting so it wasn't that big of an issue. Overall I really liked the game, the story was great and everything was just really solid. Imo definitely a game worth buying and Xbox one.

6. Assassin's Creed Syndicate [19/20] - Xbox One - I've played a few Assassin's Creed games (Brotherhood and III) before that I really liked however I saw a lot of negative reviews of this game before buying so I was kinda hesitating. However since I rarely pay attention to reviews, I got the game and thank god I did because I absolutely LOVED it! The city of London is so beautifully made, so alive and truthful to how London really looked like! Of course the gameplay is one of the main aspect of the game, some people say that it's getting a bit dated but I honestly still had as much fun running on the rooftops as I did in the first AC game I played! The only small problem was maybe the characters, I liked them a lot but I wish they would've detailed their personality a bit more. Still, it was an incredibly fun game that i'd definitely recommend!

7. Saints Row 3 [16/20] - Playstation 3 - I've played a little bit of Saints Row 2 like 4-5 years ago on PC so I knew what type of games the Saints Row's were, however I didn't really remember the story or anything really about the second game except the crazy weapons and some part of the city. So Saints Row 3 visually isn't bad but it's also nothing crazy, I remember the second game to be really pretty but that also may be because I played it so long ago. However I think the most important part of the game isn't the graphics but the crazy missions! This game is a 100% fun, everything is so over the top and I just loved it. The final mission was such a good way to end the game tbh! I also think the character creation is crazy good! I love being able to create my own character so it was definitely a + to me !

8. Watch Dogs [20/20] - Xbox One - After playing Watch Dogs 2 I totally had to play with the first game. Watch Dogs was a game that I actually wanted to play for SO long, I remember seeing videos of the game when it was only supposed to come out on the 7th gen! After it was announced on the next gen I decided to wait until I got an Xbox One or a PS4 and buy the next gen version instead. When I started playing it I was actually pretty scared I wouldn't like it since I loved the second one so much. I was expecting it to be an inferior version to second game but soon I realized how wrong I was for thinking that! The game is definitely as good as the second one! Graphically it's amazing, Chicago is stunning and the whole atmosphere of the game is just so incredible. I also loved the more serious story compared to the second game, Aiden was a perfect main character, he has a lot of charisma and I just found myself really liking him! Missions wise, it's the same as the second game so I wasn't disappointed at all. Also, the soundtrack was once again PERFECT and definitely fit the game!

9. Rise of the Tomb Raider [20/20] - Xbox One - I already had a few Tomb Raider games from my childhood (Underworld and Legend) but never got past the first 20-30 minutes because I was a pretty stupid kid lol. I also already played Tomb Raider on PS3 but didn't finish it(i was probably close to the middle of the game). So starting this game, I knew I liked the serie but I wasn't that excited about the game either. This game was, however, probably the because surprise I ever experienced since I started playing video games (with Jet Set Radio probably). The first few minutes of the game already had me shook! Visually it's crazy stunning, I had to stop at several part of the game to just look at how pretty it was! I also LOVED the story, i'm usually not that into "adventure" type of scenarios because they're often alike imo but this one was very unique and had a few surprises that kept it interesting from the beginning to the end. Lara Croft is also probably one of the best female video game character, she's strong and has a lot of charisma which makes her a really enjoyable character to play with.

10. Donkey Kong Country 2 [20/20] - Super Nintendo - I was definitely not new to the DKC series before playing it, the trilogy were actually the first game I've ever played with some other SNES games. However I never got to fully experience the games because I was around 3 years old and my grandpa had the SNES in Hungary (where I would only go once a year) and would barely let me play because he was always playing with it lol. So after getting a SNES for myself, the first games I bought were obviously the 3 DKC games! I first got DKC 2 hence why it's the first I finished. It is imo the best Donkey Kong game ever, the levels are all really diverse with a good amount of difficulty and I also think that this game has the best duo of the serie gameplay wise (not my favorite character wise tho), Dixie is by far my favorite kong, her flying ponytail trick makes some of the levels way easier and Diddy is also enjoyable to play with because of his quickness. Visually it's also a STUNNING game, way ahead of it's time and by far the prettiest game of the console (with the two other games). I honestly think that if it came out today with an HD resolution, it would still be considered a really pretty game. Overall I think it's probably one of the best if not the best platforming game ever made.

11. Tomb Raider [18/20] - Playstation 3 - After finished Rise of the Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider was the next game I started. I already played a few hours of it a few years ago but then I had to delete my save files because my PS3 had a weird glitch =/ I didn't remember the game that well except a few part of it. I found it to be visually really pretty, one of the prettiest PS3 game. Gameplay wise it was of course really good and enjoyable, I especially liked the Bow as a weapon! The story was also extremely well written and interesting, although a little less interesting than Rise of the Tomb Raider's. I think had I not played the game right after finishing Rise of the Tomb Raider I would've appreciated even more, but it was still an amazing game that I would definitely recommend to anyone who owns a PS3!

12. Aggressive Inline [20/20]  - Playstation 2 - I am a HUGE Tony Hawk's pro skater games fan, so I was always kinda interested in Aggressive Inline, however I always thought it would be a "knock off" version of Tony Hawk PS. All I can say is that this game was a HUGE surprise! While it's clearly inspired by the THPS serie, it's good enough for me to don't mind at all. The levels are all really original and super fun to skate! Graphically it's really similar to the Tony Hawk's games on PS2, especially reminding me of my favorite one THPS3. The gameplay is also really enjoyable, no glitches or anything, + there is a good amount of tricks to make the game really fun! So what I thought would be a simple low coast copy of an amazing game turned out to be an also amazing game that all THPS fans should own imo!

13. Hitman Season 1 [20/20] - Xbox One - So before playing this game I had previously plaid Hitman Absolution which I liked a lot so I was only expecting good thing from this game. I wasn't disappointed because I think I liked it even better. I saw some people commenting about the graphics being a bit dating but I honestly found the game beautiful! I think what I like the most about the game was the way the missions were done, there isn't a real story line but I don't think the game really needed one tbh. All missions have the same goal : kill someone, however all scenarios are so different  and there is so many different ways to kill the targets that it never gets boring. My favorite missions were probably Paris and Italy. The only issue I had, and it was my same only issue with Absolution, it's that I found the game way too short! I don't know if it really was that short or if I just wanted to play it more but a few other mission would've been great!

14. SSX 3 [20/20] - Playstation 2 - I've had SSX 3 for a very long time, it's one of my favorite childhood game however I've never actually done the story mode/unlock all the levels. SSX3 is imo one of the best snowboarding game ever made, it has amazing levels, an amazing soundtrack and great characters. The gameplay is very arcade like without being too much. I also think that it's one of the prettiest PS2 game I've ever played with! Overall it's definitely a game everybody needs to own, it's fun solo and even more fun with friends!

15. The Wolf Among Us [20/20] - Xbox One - I bought The Wolf Among Us because I heard a lot of good things about telltale games so I thought why not try one. However I wasn't really expecting anything from the game, and it turned a huge surprise! I loved everything about it, the characters (especially Bigby), the story, the QTE type of gameplay... The whole idea of taking characters from kid stories and turn them into more mature, adult characters was such a good idea imo! I also was expecting a huge surprising end, and at first I was pretty disappointed, but then the last seconds happened and all I can say now is that I can't wait for the second game !

16. Donkey Kong Country [20/20] - Super Nintendo - As i've said in my DKC2 "review", the DKC serie were one of my very first video games. I've always remembered Donkey Kong Country 1 as being my least favorite, it has my least favorite duo and my least favorite theme ("jungle"). However playing it again, I realized that the levels as so much more diverse than I remembered. Also, something that I forgot to mention in my DKC2 "review", the soundtrack is outstanding and probably the best I've heard in ant video games (this is for the entire serie and not just this game). Graphically it is also stunning, I still can't believe that this is a SNES game tbh, especially the snowy levels which are just breathtaking!

17. Unravel [20/20] - Xbox One - This game has to be one of my favorite platforming game ever! It's such a beautiful game with a really short but emotional story. Visually it's one of the prettiest game I've ever seen, it's almost like you're playing on a postcard! The levels are also really diverse, going from summer to winter, snowy to sunny! They can also be a little challenging from time to time which I didn't really expect from a game like that. The gameplay was really fun and original, which made the puzzle less frustrating than what they could've been. Yarny has also become one of my favorite video game character, he's just the cutest thing and throughout the whole game I just wanted to protect him, he might be made from yarn but there's something so alive in him! The soundtrack is also beautiful, really calm and relaxing and totally fitting the game. Honestly if you have 20$ just buy this game you won't regret it at all.

18. Never Alone [17/20] - Xbox One - Never Alone is a really fun little indie game that I bought because I thought that it was visually interesting. I finished it in 3-4 hours however it didn't feel short at all and it would've probably ended up being boring if it was longer. I really liked the gameplay in this game,switching from 2 characters was a really interesting choice. However, the one thing I absolutely hated in this game [don't read if you don't want to get spoiled] is how the the fox reincarnated into a little boy. I thought that was completely stupid and I would've definitely enjoyed the game more if the fox stayed a fox. However I still enjoyed the game a lot and it's definitely a game I would've recommend to anyone who wants to play a game that is a bit more unique and different!

19. Shadow of the Colossus [20/20] - Playstation 3 - Shadow of the Colossus is a game that you're either gonna love or hate, no in between. I definitely think it's a game that you need to understand, understand how everything was made as a choice by the developers. For example, the controls might seems sloppy when you first start playing, and why the game is 10 times more frustrating because of the controls, you understand at the end that it's one of the biggest part of the game, it adds more realism to it, especially when you're climbing the multiple colossi. Aside from the controls, the game is also really beautiful, and definitely ahead of it's time (especially if you look  at the PS2 version). I've seen worse looking games coming out on PS3 who weren't HD version of PS2 games. Overall, I love everything about this game which is definitely an experience that I think all gamer should at least try once.

20. Fragments of Him [16/20] - Xbox One - Fragments of him is a nice short little game that makes you think about life a lot. As a gay man I was able to relate to the story a lot, the main character being gay as well. It was also a pleasant surprise since you don't see gay characters really often in video games. Visually it's probably one of the most interesting game I've ever played. It almost looks unfinished, but it works. It's simple, and makes you focus more on the story and the feelings of the characters rather than the graphics. The gameplay is really simple tho, and some parts might be a bit long/boring, but overall I did like the game a lot. I also thought the voice over was really great.

21. Blackwood Crossing [17/20] - Xbox One - I originally got this game because I loved the trailer, and thought the game looked pretty interesting. It turned out to be a completely different game that I imagined, I didn't expect it to be so death related and thought it would be kinda like Alice in Wonderland. However I did really like the game, it was kinda scary without being a horror game, and had a really unique feel to it. The story was also really beautiful and made me even more sad especially playing this right after Fragments of Him lol. I also really liked the graphics of the game, really childish, almost like a Pixar Movie.

22. Ryse : Son of Rome [17/20] - Xbox One - Rise Son of Rome was one of the first game I wanted on Xbox One, when I first saw clips from the game back in 2013/14, I was speechless at how beautiful the game was and couldn't wait to get it. However after it came out, I heard a lot of bad things about the game, a lot of people were saying that except the graphics, the game was empty and really boring, so it kinda made me not want to buy it while still being somewhat interesting in it. So when it came for free with Game of Gold I was super excited to finally try it and honestly, I think people were being way too judgmental. Yes the game is mainly a "basic" beat them up, however I never got bored and I thought the game was extremely immersive! The only thing I didn't really like was the main character, who I thought was kinda bland.

Part 2 here :,7980.msg140404.html#msg140404
« Last Edit: November 28, 2017, 11:50:13 am by chrismb »

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #112 on: February 05, 2017, 01:53:44 am »
6 - Yakuza 0 (PS4 2017) - 38 HOURS BEAT - I've been waiting to get into this series for quite awhile and I'm glad to have gotten into it with this game.  Its a real solid experience, with lots of badass action, super serious crime drama story, and goofy ass sidequests.  I probably have the game only like 60 to 70% complete, there's LOTS of sidequests and side activities to do, so I'll probably play the game off and on for awhile.  I definitely plan to buy Yakuza Kiwami later this year and probably Yakuza 6 next year, even if I don't have all the inbetween story.  It'll be interesting to play Kiwami to see what stuff in Yakuza 0 was meant to reference the next games.

Oh geez, finally got to the completion screen.  I thought I had a lot more done, but I have a 31% completion on the game after nearly 40 hours lol I'm guessing the two big side activies for both Majima and Kiryu factor into big parts of the games completion percentage and I have a good bit to go on both.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2017, 02:19:41 am by kamikazekeeg »


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #113 on: February 05, 2017, 03:05:31 pm »
I finally finished my second game of the year today, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst (on Steam), it's been a while since i have played to a Naruto game (since the PS2 era actually) and it was really fun, most of the fights were a bit easy, only three boss fights were "challenging" (and by "challenging" i mean retry the fight a few time until you know the attacks of the boss), i wanted to explore while doing the story but sadly you can't really explore until you finished all the chapters and so almost all the side stuff have to be done at the same time during the post game, it was fun a few hours but i start to become a bit bored because of those go and back between the different villages to do some requests, i will see if i can finish it to 100% until i become too bored to touch it.

List of games i've beat in 2017 :
1 • Final Fantasy XV (PS4 - 93h28 - 9 January)
2 • Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst (Steam - 28h - 5 February)


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #114 on: February 06, 2017, 08:53:57 am »
Another year, another completion of Mega Man X4. I may go through it a few more times because I want to beat my personal record, but going through it again for the first time this year was a blast. This is my favorite game in the entire Mega Man universe.

Excellent choice! I agree though, it is the best.


It's such a fun game. I know the game inside-out, but I never grow tired of playing it.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #115 on: February 06, 2017, 05:10:33 pm »
YES! After having owned this game for years, I've finally beaten The True Arena, which means I finally beat Kirby Super Star Ultra! Haven't 100% completed it, because I'm still missing 30 out of 60 items in The Great Cave Offensive, but honestly, I don't think I'm going to bother finishing that up right now, since I have beaten it. One of my favourite DS games of all time, possibly my favourite Kirby game of all time, and finally I can consider it beaten!

That brings my total so far up to seven:
Italics means I had already started with the game november last year or earlier.
  • Life is Strange
  • New Super Mario Bros. U
  • Kirby's Dream Land
  • Kirby's Dream Land (completed)
  • Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - PC version
  • Super Mario 3D World
  • Kirby Super Star Ultra

Right now I'm still working on Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (I'm at the third case) and Bayonetta 2 on Infinite Climax (which is brutal, but for Bayonetta I won't back down from anything).
EDIT: Also just started playing Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 because why not?
« Last Edit: February 13, 2017, 08:06:36 pm by realpoketendonl »
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #116 on: February 06, 2017, 10:06:26 pm »
I only have one game beat :( Though it's not my fault I picked a 70+ hour game to play haha
Almost the exact same issue for me.  I got 100% completion on Super Mario 3D World, but I started it over the Christmas break.

Then I just finished Dark Souls III.  Probably right at 70 hours of game time between both of them.  I am WAY behind so far this year.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #117 on: February 07, 2017, 07:11:20 pm »
The latest:

16. Nintendo World Championships 1990 (NES): While this probably does not have to be stated I do not own a real NWC cart nor did I play one when trying out this game. I was able to play a reproduction several times through to see what this game was like, which it was exactly like I expected it to be. If you are to break 100k you'll need to play through Mario and Rad Racer perfectly so you can ramp up as many points as possible during Tetris. At least from my experience you'll be lucky if you even have time to complete one Tetris, let alone 3 or 4 single lines. But then again I have never been the best at Mario Bros or Rad Racer either. As a repro I can see this being fun to play with other gamers, but its place is really during the actual competition. What I'm trying to say this game is a way more a piece of gaming history rather than a game you'd really play extensively in 2017. (2/7/17)


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #118 on: February 07, 2017, 07:22:15 pm »
I've never done one of these, but it sounds interesting. Do I need to 100% every game or do I just need to complete it in some form, for example just beating Bowser in Sunshine?

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #119 on: February 07, 2017, 08:02:00 pm »
I've never done one of these, but it sounds interesting. Do I need to 100% every game or do I just need to complete it in some form, for example just beating Bowser in Sunshine?

The nice thing is that there is no official way to do this. The purpose of it was to challenge yourself to play (and presumably beat at least 52 games a year). I think "beating" a game depends on the game itself, but you by no means have to 100% a game, but you can if you want to. I think many of us feel like it is acceptable to abandon a game that you ended up not caring for and listing it as well. I know I've done this several times.

I guess you should play a game as much as you want until you feel like you've gotten all all you want out of it.