Author Topic: 52 Game Challenge 2017  (Read 78374 times)

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #345 on: July 05, 2017, 09:03:29 am »
I finished Super Princess Peach over the weekend. It was one of the easiest games to complete, but it was really enjoyable.
Honestly one of the easiest to overlook good games on the DS.

After about a week of just kind of being burned out and not wanting to play games (Spent most of it watching Marvel movies and anime).  I decided to start playing Gravity Rush Remastered.  Needless to say, I just ordered Gravity Rush 2 and will be picking that up on my way home from work today.

I'm really proud of myself, I've only got 4 abandoned games this year so far and I do plan on beating those 4 games this year still.  (I had 11 abandoned last year, and only 2 of which did I finish this year and only 1 that I picked back up this year that was abandoned again)
« Last Edit: July 05, 2017, 10:26:20 am by ignition365 »


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #346 on: July 05, 2017, 09:17:37 am »
Since I reached the limit in my first comment, I'll continue my reviews here !

Part 1 [Game #1 to #22] :,7980.msg133797.html#msg133797

23. The Warriors [20/20] - Playstation 2 - I've played this game a really long time ago with a friend when we were in pre-school and I absolutely adored it! I bought it a few months ago and playing it again was such a good feeling! I have never seen the movie, so I can't say if it's good based on that, however the whole vibe of this game is so good! I truly feels like you're in a movie from the 80's! It's definitely one of the best licensed game I ever played! The gameplay is really diverse, similar to Bully imo, which is normal since both games are made by rockstars. I also love the multiplayer mode, which I played a lot with my friend back in the days.

24. Murdered : Soul Suspect [18/20] - Xbox One - I bought this game because I liked the concept of playing a ghost, however I never heard of it before, and it didn't get amazing reviews (not bad but not good enough imo). This game was honestly a huge surprise, I didn't expect to like it that much! The characters are really good, with great voices and while graphically it's not the best game I've played, it still has it's own style. What I liked the most tho was the story, especially the end that shocked me a lot for some reason! The only issue I really found was the lack of diversity in the enemies, there's only one type of enemy so it can get a bit repetitive.

25. Donkey Kong Country 3 [20/20] - Super Nintendo - Donkey Kong Country 3 used to be my favorite of the trilogie, however after playing them again I now like DKC2 a bit more because of the more diverse level designs. DKC3 still remains one of my all time favorite game tho, I just love the whole "canadian/lake" vibe the game has. I also love the gimmicks each level have, it makes them more unique and memorable in my opinion. This game also has my favorite duo of the serie. Dixie is by far the best character imo, her flying ponytail trick is my favorite "special" skill of any Kong. Kiddy is basically another Donkey Kong, however I like his design way more, I think he's just more unique and funny overall. This game also has an amazing and very underrated soundtrack!
26. Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams [18/20] - Xbox One - Another game I got for free withe the Games with Gold. I had previously seen some videos of the game and thought it looked interesting but not enough for me to buy it. It was a nice surprise tbh, I loved how you could switch between good and evil worlds and overall the levels were all really diverse and pretty to look at. The gameplay is also really varied, both characters having their own moves. The game can also get really challenging, I died quite a few times in some levels, however I never gets to the point of being annoying. I feel like it's honestly a really underrated platforming game that deserves a lot more recognition for it's uniqueness and gameplay!

27. Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit [20/20]  - Playstation 2 - Before playing Fahrenheit, I had previously played both Heavy Rain and Beyond two Souls and I adored both games. I loved the story overall, the whole game has this weird atmosphere that I liked a lot. My main issue was that I didn't really connect with any of the characters, and I also found [spoiler] the fact that Carla and Lukas got together at the end pretty stupid and it kinda came out of nowhere. However as I said the game has a really unique vibe that makes it really enjoyable. This game is definitely and experience, kinda like Shadow of the Colossus, you're either gonna love it or hate it, I personally loved it!
28. L.A Noire [20/20] - Xbox 360 - I started playing L.A Noire in November 2016 but I stopped at around the middle of the game for some reason. I decided to finish it since I really like the first half of the game. I'm a big big fan of Rockstar, and this game didn't disappoint me. I feel like it's one of the most underrated Rockstar game, for some reason a lot of people don't talk about it. Graphically it's pretty nice, I do think that the city misses a few pedestrians here and there. The face are also extremely well  animated however I thought that a lot of characters looked the same. What makes this game great tho is the whole atmosphere, it truly feels like you're in a crime tv show from the 50's! I also liked Cole a lot, especially during the second part of the game where you get to know him a bit more. I also liked that they didn't try to make him look perfect (for those who played the game y'all know what i'm talking about lol). Overall it's a really good game that would definitely deserve a sequel!

29. Shenmue [20/20] - Dreamcast - Shenmue is a really weird game. It's definitely one of those games like Shadow of the Colossus that you're either gonna adore or hate. I honestly loved everything about the game, even tho I was a bit lost during the first hour lol. Graphically it's amazing, definitely way ahead of it's time and while the map is that big, it's incredibly detailed and alive. I also loved the bad English voice over which made the game so much better and unique imo. Gameplay wise it's also really diverse, with fighting, care driving, stealth moments... I just think that Shenmue is a classic that every gamer should at least try once in their life.

30. Grand Theft Auto V [20/20] - Xbox 360 - So the reason why I played this on 360 is because I got it when it came out, I just never finished the story for some reason (I had a few hours left like 5-8 hours i'd say). I definitely plan on getting the PS4 version really soon because this game is just a masterpiece imo. I love absolutely everything about it. First the characters, Franklin, Trevor and Michael are the perfect trio, and I'd even say that Michael and especially Trevor are one of my all times favorite characters. The voice acting is so good and the "bond" between the 3 characters works perfectly. Secondly the map, the city is just AMAZING. Probably my favorite open world city ever, I just love the diversity, you can see the whole USA in one city. Graphically it's also amazing, but i'm definitely excited to play the next gen version tho! The story is also well written and never gets boring, plus the diversity between the missions makes the game extremely fun.

31. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD [17/20] - Xbox 360 - I'm a HUGE Tony Hawk's pro skater fan, the whole Tony Hawk game serie is my second favorite game serie of all time. However I did hear a lot of negative things about HD before buying the game and already play Pro Skater 5 so I wasn't expecting anything that amazing. However I did go into the game with an open mind and actually enjoyed it! I love seeing the old map redesigned and while I prefer the older one it was still fun to see. My biggest problem with the game was the skater's stance, and the way he jumps. I wish they would've kept the original gameplay but as I said still fun to play.

32. Ms Sploison Man [15/20] - Xbox 360 - I saw a video of the game a few months ago and thought it looked hilarious! I was so excited to see it listed as one of the Xbox Game pass game and it was the first title I played. So first the positive :  Ms Sploison Man has to be one of the funniest video game character ever! She's just hilarious and definitely made the game for me! The music is also amazing even tho a bit repetitive (special shout out to "Donuts go nuts" lol). Now to the negative : it's incredibly repetitive! There is 3 worlds with about 15 levels each that looks really similar to each other. Also world 1 and 3 are almost the same. I really wish there was more worlds with fewer levels. Other than that it's still a fun game that can get pretty challenging!

33. Sleeping Dogs [20/20] - Xbox 360 - So I've played this game a few years ago when I got but didn't really went far. The first thing that shocked me when I started playing it again was how beautiful it actually is! The city is so alive and it's so good to just drive around, especially during nighttime! I also didn't remember Wei being such a good character! He's just really badass in a gentleman way. The fighting in this game is also extremely well made, and definitely makes the game stand out among other GTA likes. I really liked the story aswell, and [SPOILER] Jacky's death was one of the most brutal and saddest death i've witnessed in a video game tbh. My only issue with the game were the radios in the cars lol, the music fits the game since it's based in Hong Kong however I just didn't really like the majority of the songs.

34. Soulcalibur V [20/20] - Xbox 360 - Soulcalibur is my favorite fighting game franchise after Tekken, and when this game came out I was both excited and scared because of how different the roaster is. I bought the game when it came out but I never really had the time to fully play it and unlock all the characters. So when I started playing it this year the first thing I noticed is how beautiful the game is! By far one of the most visually appealing fighting game ever imo! I also thought the cast was pretty strong and I liked a lot of the new characters! However i'm not a big fan of Patroklos and Pyrrha, i've never liked Sophitia that much either but it was more about her fighting style then her character. Her kids are just annoying lbr. The character creation mode is also amazing and I wish other fighting games would include one too.

35. EA UFC 2 [20/20] - Xbox one - I'm a big UFC fan and fighting games are my favorite type of games so this one was like made for me. I already owned EA UFC 1 but I didn't have that much time to play it, but from my little experience with the first game I can say that the gameplay has been improved a lot! The fighting is so realistic (except some funny rag doll knockouts which don't away from the fun) and it truly feels like you're the fighter. I played the career mode which was shit lbr, the first 15 fights are easy af and then out of nowhere the CPU starts to spam clinches and ground attacks. I also only played career mode to unlock Bad Rutten but I ended not get getting him since I didn't reach 1 million followers after retirement so I just ended up buying him. The real fun tho comes with the online playing, i've played a good 300 to 500 matches and while it makes me rage when I loose I always start a new one until I win lol. I also loved the character creation, while their aren't that many options the fact that you can import a face to the game changes everything, it's sometime not really accurate but I was able to make a really realistic George Clooney and John Stamos lol

36. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse [17/20] - Wii U - So this was my first Wii U game I played and I was convinced I'd love it since I've previously played Kirby games and I adored them, I'd even go as far as saying that Kirby games are my second favorite platformers (as a whole serie in general) after the DKC serie. So at first I was kinda disappointed because my stupid ass didn't know that the game was only playable on the tablet lmao so I was kinda shocked for like 2 seconds and then got over it (when I say it's only playable on tablet I mean that you can't watch the tv screen and play at the same time since you have to use the tablet all the time ^^). Overall I LOVED the game, I love the whole vibes of the Kirby games and this one didn't disappoint! I do think it was kinda short (thought the same thing about Epic Yarn as well) but the levels were really diverse and so was the gameplay. The game in general was pretty easy but the final boss was for some reason way more challenging than all the game lol.

37. Virtua Fighter 5 [18/20] - Xbox 360 - I've had this game for a really long time but i've finally decided to "beat" it meaning unlocking Dural. I have to say that this game, for an early 7th generation game, is absolutely STUNNING! The characters all look amazing and everything is just really smooth. Technically Virtua Fighter 5 is probably one of my favorite fighting game, you really have to think about each one of your hit to win a fight against the boss or even the 6/7th opponent! You can just spam the same hit, it just won't work so you really have to master each character. My main issue with the game is the lack of story and the lack of charisma in the characters. The roster is pretty diverse but only a few of the characters stood out to me as really unique (especially compared to other fighting games with a lot of unique characters with interesting back stories). However Virtua Fighter 5 is still an incredibly good and FUN fighting game that everyone should at least try once.

38. Soulcalibur III [20/20] - Playstation 2 - While Soulcalibur is only my second favorite fighting game serie (after Tekken), Soulcalibur III is my favorite fighting game of all time! I've had this game for so long however when I was a kid I had no idea how to unlock the characters (and there are a LOT of characters) so I finally took the time and unlocked them all. The main roaster is fantastic with no filler character and the bonus fighters are just a really great addition to the game because even tho they aren't all that exciting it's still great to have so many characters to unlock. But what makes this game so great is the atmosphere, this game has my favorite stages from any fighting game. It's also imo the most stunning PS2 game ever made, everything is just so mind-blowingly beautiful! There are also a lot of different game mode AND a character creation mode! This game is really a must have to every PS2 owner!

39. Kane and Lynch 2 : Dog Days [17/20] - Xbox 360 - So this game got really negative reviews, usually I don't really care about reviews but even my favorite youtuber Naito75 who usually likes everything didn't like it so I was kinda reluctant to buy it. And I actually didn't even buy it, I got it for free with the Game with Gold so I was lowkey happy because I always wanted to test it but didn't want to waist money on it if it's really that bad. And to my surprise, I REALLY liked the game! Is it the best game ever? Of course not, but I think that starting the game with a really negative opinion about it helped me appreciate it more. It's EXTREMELY linear and repetitive, basically there are only shooting sequences but the atmosphere of the game is really unique, it almost feels like you're watching an amateur movie from the 80's and it just works really well tbh. I also loved the two main character, I wish I could've played with Kane more but it wasn't that big of a deal. I think I liked them so much because they're really similar to Michael and Trevor from GTA V, almost like a prototype version of them! I wouldn't be shocked if rockstar got inspired by this game when they made Michael and Trevor cause the game almost feels like a GTA V prologue!

40. Space Channel 5 [16/20] - Dreamcast - I LOVE this game, it's just so unique and weird and definitely a title you should own if you have a dreamcast. I honestly didn't know what the fuck was happening half of the time but it's what makes the game so funny! Ulala is awesome, her design and her dance move are everything XD My main problem with the game is that it's HARD AS FUCK. Your timing needs to be perfect because if not you're screwed. The game is really short but it's definitely a unique experience and I'd love if they remade it on a newer console tbh!

41. Tekken 7 [20/20] - Xbox One - Tekken is my number 1 favorite fighting game serie of all time. I love every character and the story in general, and it's also one of the first fighting game (maybe even the first) I've ever played. However I'm not gonna lie when Tekken 7 got announced I was pretty disappointed, especially because they took out a few of my favorite characters (Miguel for example). However he and many others did end up being on the final version of the game and the only one I truly ended up missing was Christie, and the 10 new characters definitely made up for her loss! So my disappointed quickly went away and I ended up pre ordering the game (something I rarely do) and OMG I absolutely love it. First of all the game is stunning, and the arenas are amazing. The story was also very good and the ending BROKE MY FUCKIN HEART =( Overall I love this game, I can understand why some people might not like it because of the lack of some old characters tho. I might be also a bit biased because I just love this serie so much but I truly think that it's one of the greatest fighting game of the generation.

42. Dead or Alive 4 [16/20] - Xbox 360 - This game omg. First i'm gonna talk about the positives because it does have a lot of positives. Graphically it's stunning, the arenas are big and full of life and the animations are fluid af. I also loved the roster, while it's pretty small, it doesn't have a lot of filler fighters, all of them have really unique fighting styles however some of the big guys definitely have a disadvantage because of how slow they are compared to the others. It also introduced one of my favorite character from the serie "La Mariposa", she's just a beast her moves are so fun tbh. Now the negatives. The story. There is no story. At all. Also this game made me realize how much I hate Bruce Lee inspired characters. But these things are just details, the real problem of this game is the FUCKIN AI that literally beats the shit out of yo while you're on the floor. I had to finish the arcade mode with all characters to unlock Nancy, then the time attack mode to unlock Tengu once again with the full roster and it was a nightmare. What I liked about Virtua Fighter 5 was that it was hard to beat because the AI was intelligent so you had to think about every one of your move, in DOA4 you just have to pray that you're gonna get lucky and somehow win. So yeah good game ruined by the Ai. It's still fun to play with friends but honestly one of the most cheapest AI i've ever seen in a fighting game.

43. Bloody Roar : Primal Fury [18/20] - Gamecube - Bloody Roar is imo the most underrated fighting game franchise ever. Primal Fury is the only one I own but I definitely want to get the other ones too! Graphically it's solid, the animations are fluid and the characters look very good. Speaking of the characters, they definitely are the reason why the game is so good! Not only do they all have really unique designs, but being able to change into their animal form during the matching is just so much fun! The concept of this game (or serie in general) is just amazing and I truly dont understand why there hasn't been a new game in years! Side note but Uranus is fucking hard to unlock tho! Little tip if someone is having a hard time with unlocking her : finish the arcade mode until you unlock the no wall cheat and then when you go into survival mode push your opponent the further you can and when the round starts change into your fury mode, that will expulse your opponent out of the arena. Saved me a lot of time lol.

« Last Edit: December 19, 2017, 11:53:10 pm by chrismb »

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #347 on: July 05, 2017, 09:43:40 pm »
32 - Crash Bandicoot 2 (PS4 2017) - BEAT - I was actually surprised at how different this game was from the first one.  I went in kinda just expecting a cleaned up version of the first game, especially since it only came out a year after the first one, but they redid alot.  Gone is the Donkey Kong Country-esque overworld for a hub world.  Gone are the collectibles in favor of just giving different paths.  They also weirdly get rid of the full 2D levels, outside of two towards the end mostly (2D sections primarily are the bonus areas and some of the alternate routes). 

Also there are two endings as the main crystal ending is actually not the real end, but I'm not too interested right now in doing the harder real ending that requires all the gems.  There were more gameplay additions which was nice and overall it was way more enjoyable.  I like the design of the game being a comfortable challenge, but you can do alternate routes that are way tougher and lead you to completion.  I'd definitely say I liked my time with the sequel more.  I'm more inclined to go back to this one to try and complete it some day.


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Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #348 on: July 08, 2017, 12:41:20 am »
52 Games list
1.  Dragon Quest VII- 3DS
2.  Dragon Quest Builders- PS4- Done- Beat Main Story
3.  Hyper Light Drifter- PS4
4. Roller Coaster Tycoon- PC- Done- Beat all Original Scenarios
5.  Titanfall 2- Done- Beat Main Story on Normal
6.  Deus Ex Mankind Divided-Done- Beat Main Story on Normal, all Sidequests
7. Skies of Arcadia: Legends- GC- 5 hours in
8. Mirrors Edge: Catalyst- few hours in, game is pretty dull, probably won't finish this one
9. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt- PS4- Done- Beat main story-
10. Paper Mario- N64- 5 hours in
11. Zelda- Breath of the Wild- Switch- One Divine Beat down- 3 to go
12. The Witcher 3 DLC- Hearts of Stone and Blood & Wine- Complete
13. Nier Automata- Beaten- Ending A and B, working on C- Still playing as the game is not really over yet
14. Persona 5- PS4- 90 or so hours in
15. Red Faction- PS2- Beaten on Normal- Took me nearly 15 yrs after the fact but finally beat this game
16.  Gears of War: UE- XBONE- Beaten on Normal- Co-op-
17.  Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped- PS4 Beaten - 105% Plat trophy
18.  Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back- PS4 beaten 90%
19. Crash Bandicoot- 30%



Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #349 on: July 08, 2017, 01:09:15 am »
9. Tokyo Jungle
  • Start - June 18
  • Finish - July 7
  • Total Time - 20-30

This game has a great concept, but I feel like so much more could have been done with it. After playing a few different animals they start to feel like the same deal. Eat food, mark spots, mate, rinse and repeat; no real adventuring or change of pace. I will say the story was actually very interesting for what this game is and I wish they implemented some of the things they used in the story in the survival mode.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #350 on: July 08, 2017, 02:52:55 am »
33 - Crash Bandicoot 3 (PS4 2017) - BEAT - This one wasn't as good as Crash 2 I feel.  It tries to do more varied things, which is admirable, but I kinda hate the hub world design, the varied levels such as the bikes, planes, and underwater weren't fun on the second or third time they showed up, and in a way it felt abit less interesting.  The first game is rough with its difficulty and design, but it's the first game on a new system, so it's forgivable.  Crash 2 is basically them cleaning it up and is just a more cohesive experience.  Crash 3 is still much of Crash 2, but the new stuff doesn't work out as well.  Overall Crash is an enjoyable time, but to me, even cleaned up, Crash isn't on the level most Mario games or the Rare N64 platformers.  Would help if the gameplay was better, but his special moves are kinda terrible.

Wish Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy was getting this treatment, but it's getting a more subtle remaster from the PS2 Classics stuff Sony is doing, so at least I'll be able to replay that favorite of mine again soon.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #351 on: July 10, 2017, 01:39:28 am »
Two more to go, however I can see this being the year where I play the most games I ever have.

50. Raiden DX (Arcade)
: While I haven't thoroughly played the original Raiden in a very long time, I am all but certain that I would like it more than this supposed updated version. The graphics have been updated no doubt, however this game suffers most in the gameplay department. The game desperately wants to be a bullet hell shooter like Dodonpachi, but doesn't realize it isn't. First off the ship speed and hit box size is not conducive of you being able to avoid enemy projectiles, especially during the looped sections of the game. This results in a game that feels terribly imbalanced and not really that much fun to play. It's a shame because this is probably the first Raiden game I've played that I flat out did not like. (7/9/17)


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #352 on: July 10, 2017, 04:26:15 am »
Two more to go, however I can see this being the year where I play the most games I ever have.

50. Raiden DX (Arcade)
: While I haven't thoroughly played the original Raiden in a very long time, I am all but certain that I would like it more than this supposed updated version. The graphics have been updated no doubt, however this game suffers most in the gameplay department. The game desperately wants to be a bullet hell shooter like Dodonpachi, but doesn't realize it isn't. First off the ship speed and hit box size is not conducive of you being able to avoid enemy projectiles, especially during the looped sections of the game. This results in a game that feels terribly imbalanced and not really that much fun to play. It's a shame because this is probably the first Raiden game I've played that I flat out did not like. (7/9/17)
This review really confuses me as someone who has 1cc'd both Training and Novice modes.
Which mode did ya play?
I'm also not sure how the game is trying to be like Dodonpachi, even though it came out three years before DDP, with less dense but faster bullet patterns and more aggressive zakos. While the ship speed is pretty slow compared to most newer games, having lots of cluster bombs ( especially in Training) and a general idea of stage routes will help you get survival clears.

Now I haven't played much of Expert course, but that one is considered to be more difficult, with a difficulty similar to Raiden II, especially for a 1cc. I will also say that it was dumb that the purple colgate laser is pretty bad compared to Raiden II, so the spread is 90% used except for a few specific spots.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2017, 04:29:03 am by maximo310 »


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #353 on: July 10, 2017, 09:24:37 am »
I'm killin' it! Both Wooly World and The Silver Case have been completed. The platinum in The Silver Case has been acquired, too.

Time to start writing some reviews!

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #354 on: July 10, 2017, 02:28:50 pm »
Two more to go, however I can see this being the year where I play the most games I ever have.

50. Raiden DX (Arcade)
: While I haven't thoroughly played the original Raiden in a very long time, I am all but certain that I would like it more than this supposed updated version. The graphics have been updated no doubt, however this game suffers most in the gameplay department. The game desperately wants to be a bullet hell shooter like Dodonpachi, but doesn't realize it isn't. First off the ship speed and hit box size is not conducive of you being able to avoid enemy projectiles, especially during the looped sections of the game. This results in a game that feels terribly imbalanced and not really that much fun to play. It's a shame because this is probably the first Raiden game I've played that I flat out did not like. (7/9/17)
This review really confuses me as someone who has 1cc'd both Training and Novice modes.
Which mode did ya play?
I'm also not sure how the game is trying to be like Dodonpachi, even though it came out three years before DDP, with less dense but faster bullet patterns and more aggressive zakos. While the ship speed is pretty slow compared to most newer games, having lots of cluster bombs ( especially in Training) and a general idea of stage routes will help you get survival clears.

Now I haven't played much of Expert course, but that one is considered to be more difficult, with a difficulty similar to Raiden II, especially for a 1cc. I will also say that it was dumb that the purple colgate laser is pretty bad compared to Raiden II, so the spread is 90% used except for a few specific spots.

I did play it on expert which might be my problem. I will replay it tonight on Novice and see if my opinion of it improves. If you haven't tried expert you should, you'll see what I'm talking about.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #355 on: July 10, 2017, 04:09:58 pm »
Two more to go, however I can see this being the year where I play the most games I ever have.

50. Raiden DX (Arcade)
: While I haven't thoroughly played the original Raiden in a very long time, I am all but certain that I would like it more than this supposed updated version. The graphics have been updated no doubt, however this game suffers most in the gameplay department. The game desperately wants to be a bullet hell shooter like Dodonpachi, but doesn't realize it isn't. First off the ship speed and hit box size is not conducive of you being able to avoid enemy projectiles, especially during the looped sections of the game. This results in a game that feels terribly imbalanced and not really that much fun to play. It's a shame because this is probably the first Raiden game I've played that I flat out did not like. (7/9/17)
This review really confuses me as someone who has 1cc'd both Training and Novice modes.
Which mode did ya play?
I'm also not sure how the game is trying to be like Dodonpachi, even though it came out three years before DDP, with less dense but faster bullet patterns and more aggressive zakos. While the ship speed is pretty slow compared to most newer games, having lots of cluster bombs ( especially in Training) and a general idea of stage routes will help you get survival clears.

Now I haven't played much of Expert course, but that one is considered to be more difficult, with a difficulty similar to Raiden II, especially for a 1cc. I will also say that it was dumb that the purple colgate laser is pretty bad compared to Raiden II, so the spread is 90% used except for a few specific spots.

I did play it on expert which might be my problem. I will replay it tonight on Novice and see if my opinion of it improves. If you haven't tried expert you should, you'll see what I'm talking about.

Yeah, the whole thing about DX was players in arcades back in the day complained about II's difficulty level, so DX was created w/ training and novice modes to address those concerns and make additional profit. The Expert course difficulty-wise seems similar to Raiden II; I feel like it is doable on my skill level but it would take awhile considering i've 1cc'd raiden i, but haven't played much of ii or dx expert course.
My girly could pass on some tips considering she's 1cc'd raiden ii and beat mushihimesama maniac mode on her 2nd credit!!!

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #356 on: July 10, 2017, 05:45:31 pm »
Two more to go, however I can see this being the year where I play the most games I ever have.

50. Raiden DX (Arcade)
: While I haven't thoroughly played the original Raiden in a very long time, I am all but certain that I would like it more than this supposed updated version. The graphics have been updated no doubt, however this game suffers most in the gameplay department. The game desperately wants to be a bullet hell shooter like Dodonpachi, but doesn't realize it isn't. First off the ship speed and hit box size is not conducive of you being able to avoid enemy projectiles, especially during the looped sections of the game. This results in a game that feels terribly imbalanced and not really that much fun to play. It's a shame because this is probably the first Raiden game I've played that I flat out did not like. (7/9/17)
This review really confuses me as someone who has 1cc'd both Training and Novice modes.
Which mode did ya play?
I'm also not sure how the game is trying to be like Dodonpachi, even though it came out three years before DDP, with less dense but faster bullet patterns and more aggressive zakos. While the ship speed is pretty slow compared to most newer games, having lots of cluster bombs ( especially in Training) and a general idea of stage routes will help you get survival clears.

Now I haven't played much of Expert course, but that one is considered to be more difficult, with a difficulty similar to Raiden II, especially for a 1cc. I will also say that it was dumb that the purple colgate laser is pretty bad compared to Raiden II, so the spread is 90% used except for a few specific spots.

I did play it on expert which might be my problem. I will replay it tonight on Novice and see if my opinion of it improves. If you haven't tried expert you should, you'll see what I'm talking about.

Yeah, the whole thing about DX was players in arcades back in the day complained about II's difficulty level, so DX was created w/ training and novice modes to address those concerns and make additional profit. The Expert course difficulty-wise seems similar to Raiden II; I feel like it is doable on my skill level but it would take awhile considering i've 1cc'd raiden i, but haven't played much of ii or dx expert course.
My girly could pass on some tips considering she's 1cc'd raiden ii and beat mushihimesama maniac mode on her 2nd credit!!!

That is just madness lol. Yeah, it just felt incredibly imbalanced and was not that much fun on expert. I don't doubt that it's possible to 1cc on expert (probably at least five people on youtube that have done it), but it would be quite the undertaking. On the loops I almost do doubt that it is possible.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #357 on: July 11, 2017, 02:12:33 am »
That is just madness lol. Yeah, it just felt incredibly imbalanced and was not that much fun on expert. I don't doubt that it's possible to 1cc on expert (probably at least five people on youtube that have done it), but it would be quite the undertaking. On the loops I almost do doubt that it is possible.

There is one guy in the west named saucy who got to loop 4 stage 4 on expert with a 17 mil score, but he's an exceptional player compared to many of us in the stg community. I've seen some ridiculous scores from japanese players on twitter, including one who supposedly got to 100 mil on the dx ps1 port:
There are also high scoring replays on niconico, which is pretty much japanese youtube.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #358 on: July 11, 2017, 08:10:20 am »
Reviews have been posted on my page for Clockwork Knight 2, Bug! and Super Princess Peach.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #359 on: July 12, 2017, 01:45:05 pm »
Wasn't sure if I should add these two because they are fighting games but since I still beat the career/story mode I think it's pretty reasonable to add them.

1. Watch Dogs 2
2. Mirror's Edge Catalyst
3. Jet Set Radio
4. Bully
5. Quantum Break
6. Assassin's Creed Syndicate
7. Saints Row 3
8. Watch Dogs
9. Rise of the Tomb Raider
10. Donkey Kong Country 2
11. Tomb Raider
12. Aggressive Inline
13. Hitman Season 1
14. SSX 3
15. The Wolf Among Us
16. Donkey Kong Country
17. Unravel
18. Never Alone
19. Shadow of the Colossus
20. Fragments of Him
21. Blackwood Crossing
22. Ryse : Son of Rome
23. The Warriors
24. Murdered : Soul Suspect
25. Donkey Kong Country 3
26. Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams
27. Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit
28. L.A Noire
29. Shenmue
30. Grand Theft Auto V
31. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD
32. Ms Splosion Man
33. Sleeping Dogs
34. Soulcalibur V
35. EA UFC 2