Author Topic: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time  (Read 5504 times)


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Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2017, 04:39:40 pm »
I really want to include MAME or Arcade in this.  It's not really a console though.

Carry on... Nothing to see here.

Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2017, 04:51:56 pm »
#1 PlayStation 2

The playstation 2 epitomizes everything I know and love about video games :). Innovation, quality, quantity, and accessability. The variety and depth of it's library is awe inspiring.  This console has spawned at least 5 of my top 10 favorites of all time.  It has done me well through my childhood, teenage life and adult life and although I am much more of a nintendo fanboy than Sony.  this console is incredible and my favorite of all time. :)

#2 Xbox 360

The previous generation was the most competitive and one of the more diverse console generations with flat out war between 3 juggernaut consoles (Wii, PS3, 360)  I was team Xbox during this time frame and it's controller and diverse line up really won me over.  I do love PS3 especially of recent but 360 has a warm place in my heart with it's first person shooter memories. :)

#3 Nintendo 64

Admittedly the graphics havenl't held up on early 3D visuals on both PS1 and N64 imo and it also has a pretty lack luster controller but that doesn't take away from the pure fun this console was when I was a little kid.  It was my first console and the one that got me into video games :).    Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Stunt Racer 64, Smash Bros, Mario Party, NFL Blitz.  All of these games were part of my life and I will never forget their impact on me :D   Everyone has their nostalgia console.  While PS3 and A few of the lower entires are most likely better, they weren't my first.   Your first is always special  ;).   The amount of memories radiating off just holding this console will always make it place high in my heart.

#4 Playstation 3

Quite honestly I was a naysayer of PS3 during its height but i'm glad I waited until the buzz died and the next gen to come to get one. I have gotten the games cheaper and been able to have a unbiased opinion on it.  Truth of the matter is it's a masterpiece.  A amazing console that has given me Last of us, a game that will most likely always be in my top 10 all time.  Along with incredible ratchet and jak and daxter collections, remakes and new entires.  The library is huge and diverse and it's a worthy sucessor to the PS2.

#5 Nintendo Switch

I know it's so early, a little bit of me jumping the gun.  Maybe my fanboyism in full effect.  But Switch gave me my favorite Zelda of all time by a large margain, a masterpiece I will never forget as long as I live.   It has given me a legendary Mario experience in odyssey and has also given me the best Kart racer remastered, a amazing strategy RPG in Mario + Rabbids,  a solid party fighter in arms and did it all in it's first year with the ability to take it on the go. It's really breathe taking and just Nintendo swining on every hater to ever exist. It's really impressive thus far. So far it has been a dream console and I am excited to see whats in store for it.  :)   (Placed as 5 off expectations but I have no doubt it could very well be #1 when it's all said and done)

#6 Xbox One

Xbox One is the succesor the Xbox 360 and while I don't think it has won my heart over as much this console is truly amazing.  I know we all have our side we pick, and many love the PS4 but this console generation in general has been amazing and spawed countless and I mean countless 3rd party amazingness just like the last console gen did.   From Cuphead to Sunset Overdrive as exclusives to GTA V and the amazing wonders of the 3rd party heavy hitters from the franchises we know and love.    Also 100 percent bar none undeniably the best controller every fathomed let alone created in my honest opinion.  A controller so amazing even PS4 lovers mod them to work on PS4.  It's truly the dream controller so for all those reaons It makes #6 :)

#7 Nintendo NES

The NES's likeness alone irradiates retro, it's the beacon we all love and the console all consoles aspire to be.  The savior and the Jesus Christ of consoles who came and paid for the sins of Atari and saved the gaming industry from damnation.  It's library is marvelous, it's visuals and 8 bit glory is one of only a lifetime and it's nuance is immitated but rarely replicated.  It's truly a gaming icon.  :)

#8 Super Nintendo

Picking between NES and SNES was hard for me but NES took it but such a slim margain.  SNES is the powerhouse that followed up with vengance and it's the best 16 bit console imo.  Super Mario World is the best 2D sidescroller ever to me and the amount of classic (but expensive) titles for this beast are as far as the eye can see.  I really love SNES and I always wish the surge of retro collectors hadn't made some of the games so difficult to get.  But SNES is of course a juggernaut and it ranking so low on my list makes me feel like I may have messed up :)  "Genesis does what Nintendon't"  Yeah, like lose the 4th console generation in terms of sales and critical acclaim.  BURN!!!  ( 8))   

#9 Playstation

PS1 is a tried and true classic with the historical signifficance and the prowess of a giant that brutally dethroned it's competition and sparked the sony wave we see today.  Crash bandicoot is one of my favorite franchises ever and this console is the haboring place of all the best ones.  :D.   Much love for the PS1.    8)

#10 Nintendo Wii U

The most underated console ever made imo :).  Truly a masterpiece in so many ways.  Media ruined it's reputation when really is had a amazing library with great substance.  It might be underwhelming in 3rd party content but it makes up for it with unique titles like Captain Toad Treasure tracker and it's virtual console is amazing and depthful.  This console has given many of my favorites of all time like Smash Wii U, It spawned Mario Kart 8, And of course pikmin 3 which I love a lot  ;D

« Last Edit: October 31, 2017, 04:53:51 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »


Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2017, 04:58:08 pm »
1. GameCube
2. GBA
3. PS2
4. DS
5. PS1
6. PS3
7. PSP
8. PS4
9. Wii
10. Dreamcast


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Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2017, 05:35:47 pm »

Really kills me not to have the n64 in the top 10 and the Saturn way back on the list but something's gotta give.


Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #19 on: October 31, 2017, 06:47:12 pm »

10 - PS1. After years of detesting it's existence as a Nintendo fanboy, I finally got one late in it's life cycle. By then it had a tremendous library, and plenty of games that could mimic the N64 style of 3D action/adventures I liked.

9 - OG Xbox. Was revolted by it back in the day, but many years later discovered that the console goes a bit deeper than Halo. I was surprised to learn about all of the console exclusives it has, and it has always been very inexpensive to pick games up for.

8 - Nintendo DS. Was the first portable I could ever really get into. I enjoyed the touch-screen gimmick, and found that library to be extensive and unique for it's time, and fun to collect for.

7 - Genesis. The only console to ever come close to the epic status of classic Nintendo. I played it some back in the day, but it took many years for me to realize that it actually had a fantastic library of 16-bit games I'd mostly never heard of.

6 - Dreamcast. Was so hyped for this machine when it came out, and my expectations were totally met. Unfortunately, the game-burning fad and PS2s arrival soon after put a damper on my early experience with it. However, I still think it was great short-live console, that had plenty of life left in it when Sega folded on it.

5 - PS2. The console I spent many of my teen years playing, and library so vast it could make your head spin. Not particularly nostalgic for this console, but I can't deny all of the hours I got out of this thing back when.

4 - Wii. Quirky and fun console. I liked the fact that it tried something different, and that it was so multi-player oriented (in a traditional everybody in the same room sense). Great library of games, both traditional and casual. Made for a great party machine, but also had a great first party line up.

3 - SNES. My childhood basically. Cut my teeth on this console, and created some of my most fond memories with it. Lots of great games, and undeniable classics.

2 - NES. Nostalgic feels abound. This thing is chalk-full of the kind of side-scrolling action games I remember and love. Several of which, I remember playing back in the day.

1 - N64. Probably pure nostalgia talking, but it was fantastic. I was so immersed in this machine when it came out, and blown away by the evolving graphical capabilities it seemed to make possible. Amazing titles, hours of multi-player fun. Many summers and winters spent glued to the TV set over a Nintendo 64.

Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2017, 02:15:38 am »
1 )  Vectrex
2 )  Vectrex
3 )  Vectrex
4 )  GameCube
5 )  Dreamcast
6 )  Vectrex
7 )  Wonderswan
8 )  Vectrex
9 )  Switch
10) PlayStation 2

Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #21 on: November 01, 2017, 11:53:28 pm »
1. Amiga 500
2. LCD/LSI handheld and tabletop games
3. Xbox 360
4. Sega Mega Drive/Genesis
5. Super Famicom/SNES
6. Sega Saturn
7. Famicom/NES
8. Nintendo DS
9. PS1
10. PS4

My first consoles were a Pong unit and a Philips Videopac G7000. I didn't like either too much and mostly played videogames at the arcades during the 80's. I was also totally into Game & Watch and other LCD/LSI handheld and tabletop games. Then I got an Amiga 500 which ended up being my only gaming device until a year or so after the PS1 was released.
To this day I still consider the Amiga to be the best gaming system of all time. So why the hell did I sell both of my Amiga 500s along with all my games some 10 years ago??! D'oh! :)

My main gaming device last generation was an Xbox 360 which I really like a lot, and this generation I enjoy collecting for the PS4. I just really hate all the online only/patched unfinished games/digital only/DLC/etc. stuff of the last and current generation, which has led me to look backwards towards all the great games and systems I missed out on due to my friends and I only owning Amigas. So for the past year or so I've been having a blast discovering all those great systems for the first time.

Next system I'm going to buy is a PC Engine. Oh, and I also still need a new Amiga 500 (or 600 or 1200) plus a sh**load of all the games I used to own for it back in the day! :)
« Last Edit: November 02, 2017, 12:06:02 am by medisto »


Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2017, 08:24:16 am »
1. PlayStation 2
2. Sega Saturn
3. PlayStation 3
4. Super Nintendo
5. PlayStation 4
6. PlayStation Vita
7. PlayStation Portable
8. Game Boy Advance
9. 3DS
10. Game Cube

Other than the top two, those aren't in any particular order.


Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #23 on: April 23, 2018, 06:15:24 pm »
Taking a look at some old posts in the forum, I saw that I didn't make a list of my top 10 consoles.
So, since the world NEEDS to know my opinion on this subject, here it is.
All things considered, I actually think that the PS2 is the best videogame console ever made, but when I tried to stop thinking rationally and left everything to my personal taste and nostalgia, this is the list that I got:

1 - Master System
2 - PlayStation
3 - Neo Geo AES
4 - Saturn
5 - PlayStation 2
6 - PC Engine
7 - Dreamcast 
8 - Mega Drive
9 - PlayStation 3
10 - Super Famicom

Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2018, 01:23:32 pm »
1. Playstation 3
2. Playstation 2
3. Playstation 4
4. Xbox One
5. Dreamcast
6. Wii
7. Super Nintendo
8. Xbox
9. Xbox 360
10. Playstation 1

Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2018, 05:10:59 pm »
1. Xbox 360
2. Nintendo 64
3. Nintendo Switch
4. Ps4
5. NES
6. Gameboy Advance
7. PC   (isnt that technically a platform?)
8. Xbox 1
9. 3ds
10. Sega Genesis

Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2023, 11:29:23 am »
1. Dreamcast: It is the only console I can say that at least 2/3 of the entire library is good and worth playing, and also it has some of my all time favorite games on it, including my favorite games of all time Shenmue and Shenmue 2. I also have a lot of nostalgia for this system as well since I owned one a few months after it came out back in 1999. Favorite Games: Shenmue, Shenmue 2, Marvel vs Capcom 2, House of the Dead 2, Crazy Taxi, Sonic Adventure

2. PS2: There are so many excellent titles for this console, and just when I thought I've heard of all of them I manage to find more that look appealing, hence why it is my biggest collection within my overall collection. While I don't have the same heavy nostalgia for the PS2 as I do certain other consoles, it is still one that I am very sentimental about as well.

3. Nintendo 64: The Nintendo 64 is home to several of my top 10-games of all time, and beyond that there are so many other excellent on it that it's hard not to place it higher. In addition to this I have the opposite attitude towards its controller and early 3D graphics than most people, and find them endearing more than anything. On top of that, it is probably the console I have the most nostalgia for as it was the system I played the most growing up and is what really made me the full on gamer I am today.

4. PS1: Like the PS2, there are just so many excellent titles on this console and I find it hard not to dive deeper and deeper into its library despite owning over 200 games for it. It is also an RPG lovers dream with how many great JRPGs it has, in fact I'd say it embodies the most essential JRPG titles of any game console.

5. PS3: At this point you're probably seeing a trend here; the PS3 also has an incredible amount of great titles for it, and it was my go to system last generation for exclusives and multiplats alike. i also remember just being floored by its graphics when it first came out, and still to this day they are very impressive.

6. Saturn: Even though I never owned one as a kid, I still am heavily sentimental of the Saturn since a few of my friends growing up had one and it had some of my favorite arcade games from the mid 90s ported to it. As I've got older it has also become a system I've come to appreciate more and more, mostly due to the vast amount of great imports that we never saw over here. If any console has the ability to rise in the ranks on this list, this console most certainly would.

7. Wii U: While it didn't do very well commercially, I had so much fun on the Wii U and in terms of quality titles it has some of the best of the last 10-years. While I think it gets a bad rap now, I have a strong feeling that it will go down as a system that many remember like the Dreamcast where it was underappreciated for its time.

8. XBOX: My little brother owned an XBOX back in the day, but it wasn't a system I learned to appreciate until years later when I began collecting for it. There are so many excellent games for it, and it is truly the second best thing to a PC in terms of the console ports that were released for it and the PS2. It has a lot of great exclusives as well, many of which I had no idea existed until fairly recently.

9. Genesis: My first game console and still my preferred console for 16-bit gaming, the Genesis has ome of my favorite titles growing up, and even still to this day I find new games for it that are amazingly fun. I feel like in most departments it holds its own against the SNES, and at least for me I enjoyed it more as a kid and now as an adult.

10. PS4: This is another system that will likely climb this list the longer it has been out and the more games I play for it, but so far it has proven to have a more interesting library than the PS3 did, and several of the games are leaps and bounds better than anything similar on its predecessor.

I was thinking about this topic this morning, and remembered there was a thread about it eons ago. I decided to go back and see if I still felt the same way about my top 10 consoles as I did back then. I was surprised to see how certain consoles have shifted up or down over the years of playing them. Here is my current Top 10 Consoles of All Time:

1. Dreamcast
2. N64
3. PS2
4. PS4
5. PS1
6. Saturn
7. Switch
8. Genesis
9. PS3
10. Wii


Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2023, 09:16:24 pm »
1. PS4
2. PS3 (launch 60GB)
3. PS1
4. Game Gear (nostalgia goggles)
5. Genesis
6. Gamecube
7. PS2
8. Dreamcast
9. Switch
10. NES

You'll notice PS5 isn't on the list. It's still too new to have earned its spot. It's literally taken from launch in Nov 2020 to Oct 2022 before I played a PS5 gen only title that actually interested me. Sony has a lot to prove to get PS5 on my list because if it wasn't PS4 backwards compatible, it would have been collecting a lot of dust.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2023, 09:20:51 pm by telekill »

Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #28 on: January 07, 2023, 09:38:12 pm »

You'll notice PS5 isn't on the list. It's still too new to have earned its spot. It's literally taken from launch in Nov 2020 to Oct 2022 before I played a PS5 gen only title that actually interested me. Sony has a lot to prove to get PS5 on my list because if it wasn't PS4 backwards compatible, it would have been collecting a lot of dust.

So far the PS5 has been the most disappointing Sony console for me by a fair amount. Two years into virtually every single other Sony console's life I was head over heals in love with many of the games that had already come out, and on the hype train for a bunch more that were around the corner. I had so much enthusiasm and love for the PS1-PS4 that it was hard to imagine any of them not being one of the best consoles I'd ever played. However with the exception of Gran Turismo 7 and to a lesser extent The King of Fighter XV, my PS5 has mostly felt like a colossal waste of money. The add in I've already had to get my PS5 repaired once (disc drive took a shit just one year after buying it) and one of the games that made me feel better about owning one, GT7, requires an internet connection to enjoy 95% of the single player game, and has some of the most ridiculously expensive in game items I've ever seen in a game. Of course you can get around that if you pay real money for a ton of in game credits....

While I'd be surprised if I still feel like I regret buying a PS5 several years from now, it's been something I wish I'd just held off on for the most part. And the worst part it, the PS5 will likely be the last Sony console I ever buy new since I'm 98% sure the PS6 with be a diskless, all digital, always online all the time glorified gaming PC with a few exclusives. If I'm right, I'm done with Sony and any other company that follows suit. The modern gaming industry has already taken away so much from its customers, and continues to Stockholm gamers into accepting bullshit like pay to win, microtransactions, day one DLC, broken games at launch, Drm, all sorts of other crap that a digital only console is the hill I finally say enough is enough and walk away from modern gaming.


Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #29 on: January 07, 2023, 10:09:51 pm »

You'll notice PS5 isn't on the list. It's still too new to have earned its spot. It's literally taken from launch in Nov 2020 to Oct 2022 before I played a PS5 gen only title that actually interested me. Sony has a lot to prove to get PS5 on my list because if it wasn't PS4 backwards compatible, it would have been collecting a lot of dust.

So far the PS5 has been the most disappointing Sony console for me by a fair amount. Two years into virtually every single other Sony console's life I was head over heals in love with many of the games that had already come out, and on the hype train for a bunch more that were around the corner. I had so much enthusiasm and love for the PS1-PS4 that it was hard to imagine any of them not being one of the best consoles I'd ever played. However with the exception of Gran Turismo 7 and to a lesser extent The King of Fighter XV, my PS5 has mostly felt like a colossal waste of money. The add in I've already had to get my PS5 repaired once (disc drive took a shit just one year after buying it) and one of the games that made me feel better about owning one, GT7, requires an internet connection to enjoy 95% of the single player game, and has some of the most ridiculously expensive in game items I've ever seen in a game. Of course you can get around that if you pay real money for a ton of in game credits....

While I'd be surprised if I still feel like I regret buying a PS5 several years from now, it's been something I wish I'd just held off on for the most part. And the worst part it, the PS5 will likely be the last Sony console I ever buy new since I'm 98% sure the PS6 with be a diskless, all digital, always online all the time glorified gaming PC with a few exclusives. If I'm right, I'm done with Sony and any other company that follows suit. The modern gaming industry has already taken away so much from its customers, and continues to Stockholm gamers into accepting bullshit like pay to win, microtransactions, day one DLC, broken games at launch, Drm, all sorts of other crap that a digital only console is the hill I finally say enough is enough and walk away from modern gaming.

I recently got a PS5 and don't see what the complaining is about. Especially when you consider everything that has been cross-gen because Sony pretty much had to for risk of excluding the majority of their base who couldn't or wouldn't buy a PS5 until it was truly available at retail. I already have a game collection nearly 40 titles deep, and between the various triple-a games and the smaller indies, there's plenty to play right now and a steady flow coming this first quarter. The first of which that I have my eye on being Forespoken, coming this month. In my mind, the justification for the new hardware doesn't need to necessarily be first party current gen exclusive games. I'm just thankful us console gamers are finally getting the decent frame rates that PC gamers have enjoyed for the past decade or more. Feels good.

« Last Edit: January 07, 2023, 10:11:59 pm by Warmsignal »