Pretty good weeks nothing to major but still some needed adds.
Mediocre deals
contra lcd sealed 14,50 euro's shipping included
I don't collect lcd's but this is contra and it wasnt expensive by all means.
wonderswan random deal 15 euro's loss all cib very nice shape
one piece
Completing my klonoa platform set since one title was released exclusively on the wonderswan very random that has to be said. There is one rpg game but that's not really a klonoa game.
Some small Sega dreamcast deals
maken X cib excellent shape 14 euro's shipped
Street fighter double impact cib excellent shape 27 euro's loss shipped
Small Sega deal cib 30 euro's loss
A very good price for this game in excellent shape, I'll pay some for those ntc exclusives very pleased with this title
mystical fighter
The good deals
Random deals for free all cib in very nice shape
mech assault
r-type tactics
KOF orochi saga
opoona pretty pleased to cross this one of the list
star wars jedi outcast
summoner pretty hard to find in ukv kinda regret selling it in the past sold for a nice amount though glad to find it for cheap once again
big bang mini
turtles 3
planet scape tormented english box version, heard good things about this game + with some other sets that i bought the seller pretty much gave it away
Excellent shape cib plane scape torment
A free sega deal
Hulk cib excellent shape
midnight resistance no manual but box inlay etc in excellent shape these american boxes are pretty much always ex rentals so the boxes in nice shape are hard to find. this was an ex rental but it wasnt used much more importantly the ex rental stickers were on the plastic case
I'll keep it for now but not in the collection just yet.
Ps1 and ps2 deals have been kinda dissapointing as far as personal adds go, than again it is to be expected if you have allot already and hunt on the cheap.
Still pretty pleased with these free adds
point blank 2 box set, kinda has allot, white box for the gun a guncom manual and even an insert for the game wich is a not for resale version, kinda allot to miss
Ghost in the shell cib excellent shape UKV, was kinda shocked how pricy this one has become I always saw it as a 40 euro game tops. Pretty pleased to find this one nonetheless I pretty much never see this game and it was a game that I still wanted.
Cheap Gameboy deals have been really good to me If I didn't have to many games already I would have added some excellent games to the collection
Free adds
All complete in box in excellent shape
lose spare cart adds
smash drive completing my copy
harvest moon
phantasy star collection
Cib in excellent shape
tekken advance
lady sia
banjo kazooie grunty
earthworm jim 2
gunstar heroes
spider man x-men missing the cart
earthworm jim
bubble ghost love the art

A pretty interesting last find
Some time ago i offered the guy 17 euro's shipped he accepted so I did not give him a higher offer, unfortunately some guy offered a very high amount wich I was not willing to pay, I was cool about it and said if the other seller ever backs out I offer 50 euro's shipped.
Quite Some time later the guy did back out and i got this nice piece of cardboard for 50 euro's shipped
There were more higher offers by other people even when the guy backed out but the seller felt bad that he didn't sell it to me in the first place quite some luck i guess depending on how you look about it since I'm pretty sure many would not spend money on cardboard. it might just be cardboard but at the very least it is a very nice looking piece of cardboard

A pretty cool promo sign double sided, not a fan of sonic but this game is quite excellent will most definitely be a nice display piece with my megadrive collection very pleased.