I do wonder if there's golf fanatic video game collector who has all the golf games ever made. And refuses to play any other type of video game.
I can see that most of you don't like golf games, Ill be honest

I have just about every golf game made by EA. Plus many others, but my favorite is the EA sports series, and mostly the Tiger Woods franchise for PS2 and PS3. My grandma also hates the sport of golf claiming it as stupid, like whats the point some of you wounder? but believe it or not their are a lot of other people who like golf.

But I play other games too
I suppose it is kinda of stupid in Tiger woods series 2007 and further every time you hit the ball correctly and knock it in the hole you see and hear the crowd jumping up and down all cheering. and seeing the people in the hundreds all sitting on stands just waiting and anticipating for you to knock the ball past their seated position just so they can see how magnificent watching someone else play golf really is

hey I'll be honest I have watch part of a game before on tv but it is more fun to play both in real life or video game then to watch it. in my opinion