Some pretty decent adds for these past weeks pretty pleased
Mediocre deals
Raiden 1 pc big box excellent cib shape 25 euro's shipping included a nostalgic buy had to have it
Izuna 2 20 euro's shipping included, Pretty hard to find in europe allot more expensive than in the US pretty steep price for a ds game But I have not seen one yet over here pretty pleased
terranigma box and manual in excellent shape worst case a 40 euro's loss probably 20 a decent deal. 17 euro loss in the end including the cart
Dragonball z ultime menace 57 euro's shipped. A decent price not really a game that one could find for a bargain since it wasn't released in my country, chances are higher of getting a hagane or wild guns than this game really aside from collectors. Still a pretty nice price a bit low wich is always nice also in pretty nice shape especially the box. There was some tape on it but it was removed succesfully.
also comes with the extra spanish manual so if I really wanted to I could probably sell that extra manual for like 20 - 30 euro wich makes this deal even sweeter, that being said deals have been pretty great so i guess I'll keep it complete even though it was originally given in certain countries so not really needed for a complete copy
Some random free deals all cib in nice shape
strategy guide
yu gi oh master of the cards
road trip adventure
yakuza fury
Hook game gear already made my money back from the set and i did want to keep it but it's a pretty uncommon one here in europe so I though I had to sell it nice one for keeps
The story of thor with extra dutch manual aside from the standard full colour english one and the 10 exclusive story of thor art cards, very nice suprice in excellent shape very unexpected

Ps1 cib 5 euro's loss
pocket fighter
Pretty cool ds lot for free Pretty rare to find good ds lots pretty pleased with this one. phoenix wirght games are not an easy find especially when being sold by casual people

Phoenix wright unfortuntely with vip points
phoenxx wright trials and tribulation with vip points
appollo ace attorney
And my best deals were with nintendo for this week. Some people really messed up with some very rare titles wich I already had or had no interest in also with some other games very pleased

The ones i added to the collection for free all in cib very nice shape
prince of persia 2
justice leauge task force
power blade
turtles II arcade game
darkwing duck