Author Topic: Feedback: Nintendo item numbers  (Read 1098 times)


Feedback: Nintendo item numbers
« on: April 19, 2018, 12:21:48 pm »
This thread will be to discuss an update to the style guide in reference to Nintendo game/hardware item numbers. After feedback is received about these different issues, if there is no full agreement then I will make the polls and we can vote like we have done for other things in the past.

As always, if there is some other topic you want us to bring to a poll, post it into this thread here:,8361.0.html

Onto the topic at hand. Our standard practice (although not explicitly defined) regarding item numbers as a whole are the "primary identifying" number. As laid out in the style guide, this is typically associated directly with PS2/PS3 games having the specific number on the spine. For Nintendo games, outside of NES or Famicom games, it is a bit more complicated. Since we give priority to the packaging, rather than the cartridge or disc, the number on the back of the boxes are typically used... although we are also fully aware that MANY Nintendo game entries have the media item number on them.

But, since most Nintendo games and hardware have a more "generic" item number on the backs of the boxes, and a more specific number elsewhere (typically on the box flap), we should determine which number we should be putting into the item number field, and which go into description. It is my thought (and some other members here also that have brought this up) that we should be using the item number that specifically relates to the release in that field, instead of the general number that is on the back. So this would be the preferred order:
1. Game item number
2. Specific item number
3. media item number

Where as 1-3 in priority, and all others go into the description field. UNTIL A TIME when we can assign multiple numbers to an item or its parts.

The main issues with the box item number is that it is in the flap, which is not in view in a sealed or the typical boxed scenario.


Doom Troopers - SNES [NA]
Item number on the entry is for the cart.
Larger reference images:

Box item number from flap: M/SNS-AM9E-USA
game number from back of box: SNS P SM9E
cart item number: SNS-AM9E-USA

Should we use the box back item number in the item number field and put the box flap item number into description, or vice-versa?

This example for SNES should suffice for most of Nintendo's boxed games, including N64, Game Boy and hardware, as they all follow this same pattern.

US Gamecube games only have the game item number on the back. For example:
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003 has DOL P GTIE
However, EU Gamecube games have two numbers:
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003 [EU] has DOL-P-GTIP and DOL-GTIP-UKV
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003 [FR] has DOL-P-GTIP and DOL-GTIP-FRA
In this case we can see the first number is the "game" number and the second number is the release number.
We should likely prioritize the release number in the case of Gamecube, if the game has a number like that.

This also applies to Wii [EU] games but not

Wii [NA]
Wii games in US/Canada have two item numbers. In this example, Alien Syndrome US release has these two numbers:
- game number: RVL RLSE
- other number? 65004A
Even though there are different versions for US and Canadian version of Alien Syndrome, they both have these same two numbers. I think we should use the game number on these, akin to NES/FC games, and the other number can be added to description field... BUT it would not be required.

There is also some Japanese games that have two item numbers on the back, one with a (JPN). I'm drawing a blank as to which console those are from.

Anyways, let us know what you think!


Re: Feedback: Nintendo item numbers
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2018, 01:31:45 pm »
Thanks for bringing this up, tripredacus!

Good questions. I'll have to check my Nintendo items at home, but I'm always in favor of game item (disc or cart) numbers as a priority since a number of users won't have CIB items and then including other numbers somewhere else in the record. The more info, the better, but our current record fields are a bit limited  :-[
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)

Re: Feedback: Nintendo item numbers
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2018, 01:46:06 pm »
As I stated here:,8989.0.html

I think the only correct way would be using the box item numbers from the flaps because only there you can see which country version it is.

If you use just the back of the box or the item number on the cart there could be lots of different versions with the same item number. The item number on the flap is unique

Re: Feedback: Nintendo item numbers
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2018, 08:17:32 am »
I think that the correct way would be using the number from the back of the box in European releases like UKV, FAH etc., because only there you can see which country version it is.


Re: Feedback: Nintendo item numbers
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2018, 09:24:19 am »
I think that the correct way would be using the number from the back of the box in European releases like UKV, FAH etc., because only there you can see which country version it is.

That doesn't apply to SNES, N64 and hardware releases.