Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages ... VGCollect proudly brings to you its SECRET SANTA of the world!
***Copying and pasting last years rules***
If you want to participate this year, please post your name on this thread. I want people to have been members of these forums for at least 3 months prior to this and some sort of activity here. We have had 5 years so far of 100% success and we are not going to fail this year! Sign ups will be for 1 month. Once its done, you have a 2 weeks to send me your wishlist, address info, and what not. Also include if you are willing to send out of your own country cause every year we get non US participants.
When you reply on this thread, post what you think the spending limit should be. I will take the most popular option and thats what we will go with. And since Im mentioning it ... if the limit is $100 (an example) please dont send someone $10 worth of crap. The limit is more of a guideline as to what to expect to spend. Almost everyone here the past few years has went over the limit for their participant. Within the time of sending in the wishlists, if the limit becomes more than you want to spend, let me know and I can remove you from the list. No hard feelings will be had.
Every year we have a reveal thread and IIRC, Kashell/Dash/Turf and a few others actually do theirs on their YouTube page. If you wish to wait to open your gift til Christmas, that is definitely your prerogative. However, I would like to ask that no one posts anything about their stuff til after Christmas.
Links to the last 5 years :
2013 -,4178.0.html2014 -,5554.0.html2015 -,6559.0.html2016 -,7734.0.html2017 -,8571.0.htmlLet the show begin ......
1. Soera
2. Kashell -
sentreceived3. Telly -
sent received4. Justin8301 -
sent received5. Desocietas -
sent received6. Turf -
sent received7. Redblaze57 -
sent received8. NickAwesome -
sent received9. Ignition365 -
sent received10. Tpugmire -
sent received11. Flashback2012 -
sent received12. Davifus -
sent received13. Droaa -
sent received14. Wolfen -
sent received15. Brandon913 -
sent received16. Azure -
sent received17. Cartagia -
sent received18. Dashv -
sent received19. Puddingm -
sent received20. Indenton -
sent recievedAll right. The line up is locked in! Time to get those wishlists sent (PM me on here). You can do them any way you like. Some people already have a VGCollect wishlist, some want to make their own, others just want anything they dont have. Please include your mailing info in the reply. Every year someone forgets to send it and its more to deal with to try to get it. Thanks!
Wishlist send ins are done. I will get everyone their recipient soon and time to buy is upon us.

Peeps are picked ... and sent out to their buyers! Its on like Donkey Kong! Remember, you have about a month to take care of this. I am hoping to have every name marked as sent by Dec 1.
All people are marked sent!
I have sent out emails to the people who have yet to notify me of receiving their gift. I would like to see this completed by actual Christmas.

And we are good. Mere hours before Christmas itself, I got the final message saying all gifts have been received.