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Messages - krelyan

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Modern Video Games / Re: What game are you waiting for the most?
« on: June 28, 2016, 05:01:16 pm »
Xenogears remake with an actual second half.

General / Re: Dissertation Survey
« on: May 03, 2016, 12:54:44 am »
I understand what you mean.

However I had to make it black and white in order to make the study plausible. If I was doing a thesis and have a far greater word count, than I likely would has delved into the many grey areas of censorship in video games but I had to limit things.

I realise Xtreme 3 isn't censorship in the traditional sense but it is 'self-censorship' in a way.

Similarly I know that changes for localisation due to cultural differences are common practice; so again it's not censorship in the purest sense, however nonetheless it does involve altering the original artistic vision.

Truth be told when I got to my literature review I cam to the realisation that studies on video game censorship weren't very common,so I likely would have been better off focusing on video game censorship in the purest sense; the likes of GTA San Andreas and Manhunt 2 for example. However it was too late for me to start fresh.

Sure I get that you can't cover all sides with the limited format, just thought I'd share that I personally didn't agree with either of the 3 options rather strongly.  I think the DOA example is a bit of an unusual case because how it's addressed makes the assumption that the comment referenced reflects the position of the company as a whole.  So if you go with that it does for the sake of the argument it's basically saying that the developer was "self-censored" for fear of criticism... which is I feel a whole different bag of worms than the other arguments you use in part two.  And that seems like a universal, super broad worry for any artistic medium: the concern of what others will think of your work.

General / Re: Dissertation Survey
« on: May 02, 2016, 07:07:29 pm »
Interesting questions, though the DOA section felt a tad iffy and everything was centered around "censorship", when I think there's instances that are definitely less about censorship and more about localization and making sure a game is more easily accessible, especially in the case of Nintendo.

I agree.  I personally would have liked to have seen more options for something like question #6.  I felt railroaded into a position I didn't necessarily agree with.  I personally feel that commercial justifications on something like localization (especially when it's done by the developer/publisher themselves) being lumped in with "censorship" dilutes the word from what most people intend for it to mean.

Off Topic / Re: Any dog lovers?
« on: May 01, 2016, 11:10:43 am »
Big props on adopting the strays gf78!

I was a little surprised to see them push Zelda to 2017 as that leaves them without a big game for the holiday season.  Even though they say the NX won't replace the WiiU/3DS, I don't see how their actions relay that same message.  Off the top of my head I'm not aware of any other first party games they have in development other than a new Paper Mario game and a new Pokemon so I would have to imagine its full steam ahead on the NX.  I'll probably pick up SMTxFE but that's about it for the WiiU this year.  The 3DS fares a little better with the more robust 3rd party support but looks like it's headed for the same fate. :-/

Off Topic / Re: Everything we have been taught was all a lie?
« on: May 01, 2016, 10:48:24 am »
Did the man who invented college go to college? Hmmm.

Personally, I think having teens decide their career path is a horrendous idea.  I was a total dumbass in high school despite myself (at the time) thinking otherwise and thought I had it all figured out.  But all the tests I did well on I later found out just meant I was pretty good at rote memorization and said very little about any of the critical thinking tools I was lacking.  College changed a lot of that.  I have zero regrets about my college education despite not having done stuff like differential equations in 10+ years.  It helped challenge me on a lot of misguided perspectives I had about what makes someone "intelligent."  You sound like you're still rather young Marvel and I hope I don't come across as too condescending but if you keep an open mind concerning your education I think you'll find it will pay off in the long run.

Thanks for the heads up.  Been eyeing Affordable Space Adventures for a while now.

Off Topic / Re: Prince killed by the Illuminati?
« on: April 24, 2016, 03:38:11 am »
This thread did not disappoint.  Well done, Marvel.

Video Showcase / Re: The Hardest Games Ever?
« on: January 17, 2016, 09:49:13 am »
Since I'm getting a PS4 soon, I'm curious to see if Bloodborne is as challenging as it's said to be.  Dark Souls 1 and 2 were considered pretty hard games at one point and while they have their challenge, I felt like once you played the game for awhile and hit like the half way point, the game got fairly standard in terms of difficulty and stopped being that hard, other than surviving the tedium of long runs back to where you died lol

That's pretty much Bloodborne as well, if not more so.  I beat quite a few of latter bosses on first try and I'm by no means great at those games.  My buddy did as well and this was his first Souls game.

Video Showcase / Re: Top Five Must Have PS4 Games, What's Yours?
« on: January 09, 2016, 07:28:00 pm »
Ignoring remakes/ports...

1. Rocket League
2. Bloodborne
3. Axiom Verge
4. Until Dawn
5. Puyo Puyo Tetris

Modern Video Games / Re: VR
« on: January 07, 2016, 05:29:30 pm »
FWIW, I will (mostly) gladly pay $600 for Oculus if it ends up being the superior product.  I'm just waiting to see how it shakes out with the Vive and Playstation VR.

Video Showcase / Re: Top Five Must Have PS4 Games, What's Yours?
« on: January 06, 2016, 05:10:07 pm »
Gotta make a change to my list. Remove Witcher 3 (it's Sofie's Choice up in here) to make room for Until Dawn Someone finally followed through on the promises that Quantum Dreams keeps making with its games. If you overlooked this due to the Fall crunch, I highly recommend it. Incredible game.

Yeah, I was really surprised by this game.  I've never played any of the Quantum Dream games, but I keep hearing that this game does those systems a lot better.  Even if it's a rather standard story by other medium's standards, it's so refreshing with the interactive fiction elements.  They're by far the best part of the game.  That game was definitely one of my favorites of the year and I hope to see other games continue to build on its tech.

Funny how this game keeps coming up. I'm about to finish Until Dawn for my third time to get a couple of trophies. Did Quantic Dream have a part in it? I thought it was Supermassive that did the development.

QD had no involvement.

Modern Video Games / Re: VR
« on: January 06, 2016, 05:04:26 pm »
What it boils down to are all the components in a PC required to run the Oculus include a hefty price tag.  Again, minimum requirements to run the damn thing are steep, not even taking into account what it takes to run it's "flagship title" Elite:  Dangerous.
I thought the flagship title was EVE: Valkyrie.

I don't know, I haven't been following Oculus, I find it hard to believe the thing costs anywhere near $600 to make when they were selling the DKs for what, $250?

I think the DK2 was $350.  That's a big jump up to $600.   :o

That's what they were selling it to (mostly) developers for.  I honestly wouldn't be surprised if $600 is pretty close to break-even for them just to get it out.  And they'll probably have a price drop once Valve and Sony get close to release date especially if they have lower price points.  I'm almost positive that Playstation VR will be less expensive as there is no way they can get any kind of mass market adoption if it costs double what the console itself does.  However, I think they can get away with a higher price on PC however especially to a hardcore crowd that was probably willing to pay more than the $600 to be one of the first to own one.

Honestly, I'm a bit surprised to see so many balking at the price point.  This is kind of where I assumed it would be ($500+).

Edit: Here's a tweet saying they are selling it at cost by the founder.  So take that for what it's worth, I suppose.

Modern Video Games / Re: VR
« on: January 04, 2016, 04:50:13 pm »
I think Konami can shove it up their ass.

Not my first choice for a VR experience.

Video Game Database Discussion / PS2 emulation on PS4
« on: December 31, 2015, 11:43:11 am »
I'm curious what the consensus is on how to handle the new PS2 games that are being emulated on the PS4 (ex: Rogue Galaxy).  They don't quite fit under PS2 Classics, so I would assume they would go under Playstation Network (PS4)?  Thoughts?

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