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Topics - kamikazekeeg

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Modern Video Games / Playstation 5 Pro
« on: September 10, 2024, 03:26:47 pm »
Damn, Sony is having a year.  From the Helldivers 2 mess, to the much bigger disaster of Concord, to a little bright light with Astro Bot, to announcing that the new Playstation 5 Pro is 700 dollars, with no disc drive that is sold separately, along with the stand, meaning the full setup would cost over 800 dollars.  It sounds even worse people outside the U.S. from what I'm reading. 

I'm both a console and PC gamer and as someone that just got a new PC, I have little reason to get this for the likely small performance boost it'll offer.  They talk up all the GPU and AI upscaling stuff, but I haven't played a game on PS5 so far that I'm like "Dang, I wish I had a better system for this". I don't even think they were taking full advantage of the PS5 to begin with as I think games nowadays are optimized super poorly.  They push to hard for graphic fidelity and not actual performance.

Off Topic / General Movie/TV Show News Talk
« on: September 04, 2024, 05:17:06 pm »
I think we use to have one of these threads at some point, but this is just a general talk thread about current movie stuff, less about what you just watched, which is for the other threads, but more on  trailers, news, etc.  No spoilers for movies other than what trailers show, so no talk about leaks or the early previews and such.

I'll kick it off by being both surprised, but also not surprised by how bad the Minecraft trailer looks lol To me I got Spy Kids vibes, where you have this excessive amount of CG, but then throw in real people who don't match into it at all.  It's wild how we've had decent game to movie stuff lately like Sonic, Mario, FNAF, Detective Pikachu, and then we still get such outright major disasters like Borderlands and I don't expect too much better from this. 

Not that this will be Borderlands bad, that movie seemed to have suffered through development hell from the sound of it, and the director for this is the guy from Nacho Libre and Napoleon Dynamite, so he can at least do something kinda funny, but the visuals are wildly distracting to me.  I'm also a big softie for Jack Black (Not even he can get me to watch Borderlands lol), but this is maybe the most "Jack Black" I've seen him in a movie, where it feels like he's doing an SNL bit or he was brought in to be in a Youtube Minecraft video, rather than playing a character.  Jason Momoa is also doing something with his look, but I have no idea what lol

I expect it to do well, like it's Minecraft, the children yearn for the mine, and if the kids like it, that's all that matters, but this was such a weird direction to take things lol

Modern Video Games / Xbox Showcase 2024
« on: June 09, 2024, 01:06:23 pm »
This was last minute, but I'll see if Xbox has anything...

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 - set in the 90's, they are keeping CoD on all systems and will be on Gamepass Day 1. October release
Doom: The Dark Ages - Medieval, but not, Doom lol Looks sick.  2025. Will still be on PS5.
State of Decay 3 - I always wanted to really like these games, but they never really turned out to be quite the survival, community building, games I wanted. No date, probably next year. Hopefully it's better.
Dragon Age: The Veilguard - Fall 2024 release.
Starfield: Shattered Space - This looked pretty cool, but that it's a Starfield (I thought it was a new Prey at first lol), so I'm not that interested in this.
Fallout 76: Skyline Valley - New map expansion, play as a ghoul.  I wish I liked this game lol
Expedition 33 - Very gorgeous turn based rpg, not the type of game you usually see in this style, thought it was gonna be an open world action game. 2025
South of Midnight - The art style is interesting, I don't adore the framerate differences between cinematics and gameplay, but neat.  Cool action game though. 2025
World of Warcraft: The War Within - August 26th
Metal Golid 3 Remake - This was a surprise.  Looks cool.  No date...come on...
Sea of Thieves: Season 13 - July 15th.  Wish they got their offline mode better sorted, I remember it had some obnoxious limitations.
Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn - July 18th, cool looking action game.
Age of Mythology: Retold - September 4th.  Nice to see RTS games back around. Never played what this was remaking, though I thought it was Age of Empires at first lol
Perfect Dark - Damn, never thought to see this show up again.  Adding like platforming and more spy stuff. No date again.
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred - Well that was terrifying lol October 8th.
Fable - Wild that this is Fable with these graphics lol I remember these games being way more cartoonish.  2025
Fragpunk - Sick name, cool style...Hero shooter, but the ability stuff is slightly more interesting.
Winter Burrow - Didn't 100% tell what this was, a little bit of survival and farming I think 2025
Mixtape - Story driven game, kinda reminds me of Life is STrange, but very different art style and very 80's/90's soundtrack. 2025.
Flight Simulator 2024  - Lots of job/mission stuff? Is that new? I don't know this series at all lol November 19th
Elder Scrolls Online - Gold Road June 18th, play all the DLC for free for a limited time.
Life is Strange: Double Exposure - Speaking of Life is Strange lol October 29th
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Possibly bonus missions reliving other Jones moments.  2024
Mecha Break - More actual gameplay to this, this is looking super sick. Dangit, 2025 again
Wuchang: Fallen Feathers - So many souls/sekiro-likes lol Looks neat. 2025.
Avowed - 2024
Atomfall - Fantasy alt-history WW2 era FPS.  2025
Assassin's Creed: Shadow - Didn't expect this here.  Getting actual gameplay though.  Looks sick.  Going between super ninja styled gameplay, or heavy, hard hitting Samurai action.  November 15th.
STALKER 2 - Yes, more gameplay...I'm so amped for this game lol Looks so damn good. My most anticipated game this year. Love seeing the same mutants in high end graphics now. Still September 5th, getting so close.
Digital only Series X, 1tb harddrive, so it can hold like 3 games lol They also kinda confirmed next gen hardware in the works.
Gears of War E-Day - Prequel I believe.

Modern Video Games / Summer Game Fest 2024 - June 7th 5pm EST
« on: June 06, 2024, 12:22:42 am »
Another year, another lack of E3, but also another year of Summer Game Fest.  Geoff has downplayed the event, which I can't believe the dope did that, but it seems he's trying to curtail expectations so that people don't go in expecting crazy reveals.  That being said, Monster Hunter Wilds is confirmed to be getting a new trailer there, so I'm on board for that at the very least.

What to actually expect?  Sounds like from what he's talked about, that it's going to be more upcoming releases, not "Here's a CG trailer, see you dummies in 2028!" type stuff, more already known things, so DLC content, and gameplay trailers for games coming out within the next year.  I know the Silent Hill 2 Remake is out this year, but apparently the Metal Gear Solid 3 remake was going to happen this year too.  Can't see that happening so close to Silent Hill 2, but we could at the least get gameplay for MGS3.  I'm cautious about that one, because I think it's Konami's first foray back into serious game development that isn't just a small release, collection, or one of their yearly release things (Silent Hill 2 is a third party developed game).

One thing I was reminded of, Sega reviving like a half dozen of their properties, so guaranteed we get something on one of those games.  None of the properties are big ones for me, but I'm interested to see what comes out of Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio in particular for just something different gameplay wise to check out.

This could be where the next Resident Evil game is revealed, fits the right timeframe if it's going to come out by early next year.

If I had to throw out something as a surprise, it's been over a year since the last Mega Man collection, so give me Mega Man Legends.  Mega Man Legends 1, 3, and Tron Bonne, with some cleaned up visuals and performance, some updated controls, and I'm golden, could not be happpier.  That's my big "this is just for me, that isn't unrealistic, but would make me overjoyed" prediction lol

Oh and this is a Geoff event, so probably something Kojima.  Maybe more Death Stranding 2, but I'm avoiding anymore reveals for that game.  Also probably like the final trailer for the Elden Ring DLC with that out in 2 weeks.

Hardware and Tech / New PC Talk...
« on: May 11, 2024, 06:32:01 pm »
I never went through my previous upgrade I thought about a couple years back and with most of my PC being 6 years old, it's time for a fully new system.  Performance on games is functional, but getting a little rougher, honestly surprised I've done as well as I have on some games with a GTX 1060 still, like Helldivers 2 can play pretty decently.  New Egg has a nice handy PC builder setup now, and so just wanting some opinions on this build.

I think the only thing I'm missing is that the initial build guide didn't give me any extra fans for the case that I can see, the cooler comes with a big one for up top, and then I'd just need like 4 more for the side and back.  Is Windows 11 a must yet for new systems or can I do just fine with Windows 10 for now? Cutting that out would save me 140 bucks and I can just grab that whenever if I need to upgrade.

I'm still probably fine with my 144hz 1080p monitor I bought a couple years ago, though I'll maybe see about a 1440p or perhaps 4k one here eventually and just make this one my secondary.  This is my general budget, like 1600 to 1800.  I was gonna try and be ready for Memorial Day to see about getting on some sales, but might not make it till next month, but figured I'd get some opinions on the build for now.

*EDIT* Ack, just realized I put this in Off Topic and not Hardware, if a mod could move it for me, that would be helpful.

Modern Video Games / Pokemon Presents 02/27/24
« on: February 20, 2024, 05:41:17 am »
This was a known thing to be coming up, they usually have one on "Pokemon Day", but funny enough, I'm more interested to see what comes out of this one than the Partner Showcase, out of sheer morbid curiosity. 

Do we get a shallow, middling to bad, next generation (Pokemon Generation that is) release that may or may not, but most likely will flop in many of the same ways the last two mainline entries have, while still releasing it in an obnoxious double format that was never actually a good idea but is now horribly annoying? Do we get a shallow, middling, but mildly entertaining spinoff release that isn't great, but I kinda like despite its issues? Do we get a shallow, middling, remake with a boring art style that probably doesn't have all the content it should and doesn't bring anything all that interesting that is new? Or do we finally get New Pokemon Snap DLC, because I had absolutely charming time with that game and I have zero complaints with that release other than I wish they would give me more content, because I will pay for it? lol

Eh, I'm just a bitter old fan who stopped playing after Yellow and kinda hoped the Switch era would be so much better and great jumping back on point, but has mostly been middling to bad releases and New Pokemon Snap.  I would like to be surprised and something really great shows up at the event to make up for how terrible Scarlet/Violet was, but I just don't see it happening, it's not really possible unless it wasn't Game Freak making it and this new studio had a proper development run...but that might be too much to ask for, who knows.

Off Topic / Music in 2023
« on: December 18, 2023, 06:26:34 pm »
We don't do as much music stuff around here, but what was everyone's favorite listens this year?

Starbenders - Take Back the Night: This was a newer find for me in the past couple weeks, but this is a great rock band.  Kind of a mixture of styles, some glam rock, 70's rock, alt rock, all with sort of a darker energy at times with some of the lyrics, but turned into a band I'm really digging now and need to look into their previous stuff.

Warmen - Here For None: Another recent find, album wise, I knew of the band, primarily the brainchild of the Children of Bodom keyboardist.  Mostly an instrumental band with some voice stuff added, but they got a proper singer for this album who with the first song, sounds very close to Alexi Laiho (RIP).  To me, the song "Warmen Are Here For None" is a definite homage to Children of Bodom as it feels and sounds like a missing Bodom song.  The singer isn't exactly Alexi, doesn't have that higher range, but it's good and the rest of the album is more of its own thing as it's not just trying to replace Children of Bodom, but the vibes are inevitably there because of who is involved, so if you were a Bodom fan, this is a must listen.

Dethklok - Dethalbum IV: It's more Dethklok and I've been waiting for that.  I still need to watch the movie that just came out, but this albums is fun as usual.  I still think Dethalbum II might be my overall favorite, but they are all good.

Ghost - Phantomime: Ghost always releases fun cover albums and this is another good one, my favorites being Jesus Knows Me and Phantom of the Opera.

Electric Callboy - Tekkno: Really goofy and fun band that I dig for their Metalcore/Electronic music mixture and the fun they have with songs.

I think that's the best stuff I've listened to the most album wise this year from what I can remember or find going off stuff in my library on Amazon.  I did try and get into a rising band called Sleep Token, as there's some similar vibes to Ghost with their execution, but I can't get into the music.  It's harsher Djent stuff, mixed with kind of a lighter modern rock sound that just doesn't work for me.  Good stuff in the music, but I don't think this will be a Ghost situation where I'll get into them with later albums and then retroactively appreciate their previous stuff as Sleep Token would have to drastically change their style for me (Which they very well could based on their new masks/look they just showed off).

Modern Video Games / The Game Awards 2023
« on: December 07, 2023, 02:05:55 am »
Been abit since we had a game event with possible new announcements.  The awards themselves don't really matter in the long run, but I'm interested to see what takes GOTY just out of curiosity sake.  TOTK didn't have the same impact as BOTW, but it was still a very popular and successful game.  I've seen people say that Baldur's Gate 3 is an easy win, which I don't agree with, I don't think it's an instant guarantee next to Zelda, even though it sounds like the game absolutely deserves it.  My personal choice is Zelda, though I've only played half of the nominees (Spiderman 2, Resident Evil 4, TOTK).

As for game announcement stuff, anyone hoping for anything in particular? I'm always holding out for something Bloodborne, every event, doesn't even need to be Sony, could be an Xbox event, I'll hope for Bloodborne lol More realistically, I am kinda hoping for Monster Hunter World 2 (Or whatever the equivalent would be) to be announced.  Rise is done, Capcom supposedly has another big game meant to release for early next year (I don't think Dragon's Dogma 2 in March was supposed to be that, so I'm hoping it's this.  They could also announce another remake which would be cool (Just don't be Resident Evil 5), which I would be on board with.

Can't think of anything else off the top of my head other than something random like Banjo-Kazooie getting something due to some random talk being brought up lately, though Elden Ring getting its DLC showed off would be great.  Could certainly use an excuse to jump back into that after being away for a good while now.

One pie in the sky reveal could be Switch 2, it feels like we are coming up onto the timeframe for it to come out by March next year maybe, so this would be a decent event for it if they didn't want to just do it themselves, which they may.  I would be shocked if the Switch 2 doesn't release next year.

General / Shiny Game Sprites
« on: October 08, 2023, 05:20:06 pm »
This is a slightly odd request, but I do bead art, I posted them here in the past, but I wanted to try something I'd seen before, which is when you iron the beads, you take something called "Diffraction Sheets", it's a clear, holographic, sheet that when you iron, it transfers that holographic aspect to the beads, making it look like a holographic pokemon card or holofoil comic cover.

What I need help with remembering is video game sprites that give off that sort of vibe, where they get flashy looking, from the NES/SNES era.  Genesis could be possible too.  The best example of this is the Super Star from Super Mario Bros.  I kinda need help finding stuff like that.  Others that maybe I can think of off the top of my head would be like Mega Man X when he's holding a blast, same for Samus with her charge beam.  I don't just want ANY and ALL stuff like this, but stuff from notable characters that could fit within this would be greatly appreciated than me spending an hour or more digging through dozens and dozens of different games lol

Modern Video Games / TGS 2023
« on: September 21, 2023, 02:46:07 pm »
TGS is here, so what are you hoping to see be shown off, either newly revealed or perhaps hoping to see something new on an already released or shown off game?

I've already kinda seen what I was initially hoping for a little bit ago, we got the Separate Ways DLC for RE4 announced and released, and then I was hoping to see a little on the new FF7 game, but they let folks have access to the TGS demo, so I've already seen a decent amount of gameplay, of which that game looks incredible. 

For new stuff, my one big want of this show is a new Monster Hunter.  I didn't get into Rise that much, it was good gameplay, but I thought was held back by being a Switch game, so I'm wanting the big, new, designed for better hardware, new engine, experience.  The 20th anniversary of Monster Hunter is coming up in March, so I'm assume that's when the new game releases, so it would probably be around now that they announce the game perhaps.  Would make me very happy as I loved Monster Hunter World, I think I put 500 hours into that and the DLC (Which is rookie numbers compared to some people, but more than 150 hours for me in a non-multiplayer game is relatively rare lol), and I think I'm just extra hyped as I've been playing the Pokemon Go knockoff version of Monster Hunter on my phone recently lol

*EDIT* Damn, got this all typed up for Monster Hunter and apparently I got the schedule wrong and Capcom already did their showing early, I missed it, and they had nothing for a new Monster Hunter.  Well shoot lol

General / New Low Poly Games?
« on: April 01, 2023, 02:04:57 am »
I've been seeing some fun small scale indie things going on, nothing in terms of proper releases yet I feel, but I love the look of the old school, low poly, game styles.  N64/PS1 era stuff with the low poly 3D models, perhaps textured animations for mouths and such, games like Mega Man Legends, but are also modern enough games that aren't going to play like the old ones did.   Anything out there to maybe check out?  I feel like a great looking take on this is that "Bloodborne Kart", where it's a silly PS1 demake of Bloodborne, but as a kart racer. 

Off Topic / The new DCEU plans.
« on: January 31, 2023, 04:47:49 pm »

As someone that was absolutely not a fan of the Snyder DC era, I'm pretty hopeful for the future of these movies with all the changes going on and a big push for coordination between tv, film, animation, and games.  They are absolutely utilizing the Marvel formula, which is good, it worked, take the time to build up to the big projects, and theming it as "Gods and Monster" is a cool way to differentiate it.  I also appreciate that we are going to get stuff that isn't a part of the universe with the "Elseworld" branding, something I wish Marvel did more of, as we are still going to get the Matt Reeves Batman movies alongside the other Batman movie coming.

I wouldn't say I'm the biggest DC Comics fan, (Mostly just into Batman stuff) I was always more interested in Marvel, but there is DC stuff I like, and I want to be excited for some of these films.  I'd like a good Superman movie and especially a good Batman movie that deals with the crazy villains (I love Pattinson Batman, but he's not likely to ever fight Mr. Freeze, or Clayface, or Poison Ivy).  Even the Supergirl movie sounds cool with how they are going to handle her, and I've never really dealt with anything from her stories beyond some of the cartoons.

So whats your guys take on this? Of course none of the new story stuff is happening any time soon as they need to finish out what is left, but I can see some good stuff on the horizon.

Modern Video Games / Anticipated Games of 2023
« on: December 11, 2022, 09:21:53 pm »
2022 is almost over, which means it's basically over already, and who cares about the old, lets only care about the new!

But really, what are folks looking forward to next year?  For me...

Legends of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - BOTW is one of my favorite Zelda games of all time, I'm not 100% sure if it's THE top, but it's pretty close.  Not that it doesn't have issues, but I'm hoping that's solved with this sequel.  Less shrines, bigger and more dungeons with proper boss fights, better music, and while I don't hate the weapon degrading feature, I think it would be better to not have that and maybe work out something new, like add blacksmithing that lets you create a few custom weapons that you can carry on you and switch between and upgrade.  There's a lot they can do to make this game pretty crazy.

Atomic Heart - It's like you took Bioshock, the future-retro scifi feel of Wolfenstein, replaced Nazi's with the Soviet Union, and then you had in Mick Gordon for the music and I'm into it.  I'm not like 100% crazy about it yet, but what I've seen looks really cool.

Street Fighter 6 - I've never really devoted a lot of time to fighting games, I've played them very casually since I was a kid, but never really got good at any.  I tried to remedy that with SFV, but that game was so bad, I just never tried.  SF6 though, it looks like it'll have a lot of cool singleplayer content which is a big plus for me and it's also just looking like a crazy awesome fighter, so I'm hoping to give it a real go this time.

Final Fantasy 16 - I like that the series is going back to its much more "traditional fantasy" setting, which hasn't been seen in the main line games since like the early days of the series.  Not that I played those ones, I started with FF7, but  this seems like a big change of pace from what they've been doing for like 20 years at least.  Gameplay looks really cool and I'm glad we are sticking with the action rpg stuff.

Resident Evil 4 Remake - The original game was one of my favorite RE games until everything from RE7 and up came out, and I'm not 100% sure on placement now, but it was still an awesome game for the time.  I'm hoping this game keeps a lot of what I liked from that game, while adding in new stuff to spice it up.  I know it's not gonna be the same game and I'm cool with that, the cheesy story and dialogue is funny, but not necessary to me, though I can still see a lot of elements sticking around with some ramped up horror to it.

Honorable Mentions

Wild Hearts - It looks like someone trying to make an alternative to Monster Hunter and that's great.  Monster Hunter Rise didn't really win me over entirely and until Monster Hunter World 2 happens, this could be a nice stop gap, or just a good game on its own.

Dead Island 2 - I'm still a sucker for zombie games and while this game has had such a journey to get here, it seems to be happening.  With Dying Light being a more serious experience, this could be a nice alternative to that series, filling the gap left by Dead Rising fading off as a series. 

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Again another I'm looking forward to that will likely be a good game, but not amped for it either.  The first game was cool, but it had some jank to it and dragged abit here and there, but was a very solid game.  Hopefully this really expands things.

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League - This one is real low for me, it has potential to be awesome, but I'm not keen on the gameplay idea of it at all.  I'd much rather have just had something like another Arkham game with some different Bat Family (Gotham Knights, but actually good), but we'll see.

Armored Core 6 - I love mechs and I liked AC2 back in the PS2 days, but I'm wondering what a post Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring FromSoftware does with the series as the game almost has a Souls vibe to it lol

STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl - This would go in my list proper, but there's no telling if this game happens or not.  The devs are Ukranian, so the issues with the game are quite clear.  It was already delayed into 2023 because of it and it's likely to get delayed again, but we'll see as I'd love to see the studio revive the series.  I want to love this, though I am worried they might try to modernize the series a little too much and not like add more depth and details and a deeper world to explore from the previous games, but who knows, we'll see.

Death Stranding 2 - This one is unlikely to come out next year, it's probably 2024 or 2025, but I'm stupid excited for this game.  Death Stranding turned out to be a surprise favorite of mine, like almost top 10 of all time possibility and I could not truly explain why.  The story is weird as hell, I can not explain most of it, I've played it through twice now, I will play it more, but the gameplay is just oddly satisfying to me, the world is interesting, Kojima's weird loves and quirks are plastered all over so it's cool getting this game where you see this one director's vision just bursting out of it in ways a lot of games don't.  It's also a wildly polarizing game.  If someone said they hate it, I fully understand and would never fault anyone for it, because that gameplay and the wacky as hell story is not for everyone, but I fell in love with it.  It's questionable release is mostly why I'm putting it at the bottom and I wanted an excuse to just gush about Death Stranding for no real reason lol

Modern Video Games / Favorite game of the year (So Far)
« on: November 01, 2022, 05:18:59 pm »
Coming up on the tail end of the year, only a couple big, notable, games left to release (God of War, Pokemon, perhaps The Callisto Protocol), so if you've been playing new stuff this year, what would you view as your favorite?

For me, it's still Elden Ring.  There's kinda nothing else that drew me in as much except for perhaps Grounded, which is possibly one of my favorite survival games.  There were other games I enjoyed like TMNT: Shredder's Revenge, Stray, and Metal: Hellsinger, but nothing else I enjoyed so thoroughly as Elden Ring.  I did miss out on a couple games that I'm not sure when I'm gonna get to like Bayonetta 3, Horizon: Forbidden West, Dying Light 2 (I actually tried to play it, but my PC wasn't having it) and most likely God of War: Ragnarok, but I feel like they still wouldn't quite reach the top level for me.

General / Spook'um Games
« on: October 11, 2022, 05:22:46 pm »
I've been struggling to figure out games to play for this month, like I'm not really into most horror games folks tend to play, I don't want to play stuff that is just jump scares, no real gameplay, lots of hiding, or just a walking simulator mostly.  I'm not into the games for the outright spooks, I'm more here for like the atmosphere or good gameplay.  The one exception I made was SOMA, which was a nice time, but nothing else similar has appealed to me. 

I feel like I've played most of the type of games I prefer, like I enjoy zombie stuff, so I've played the Dead Rising, Dead Island, Resident Evil stuff, I've done Evil Within, Dead Space, Alien: Isolation...I played FEAR back in the day, tried FEAR 3 and it sucked.  I am going to play the new Evil Dead game as I've had it since launch, but I haven't gotten around to the multiplayer yet lol I'm also going to be playing the upcoming Resident Evil 8 DLC when that releases.  I've played other games also, I've just been struggling to find the right games that appeal to me.  I did consider that Tortured Souls, it's basically a modern take on the classic Resident Evil style, fixed camera, but waiting to see a sale show up on that one as I'm not huge into classic Resident Evil gameplay.

I'm mostly looking for PC games with this and really this thread can just be a general horror game talk alongside recommendations.

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