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Messages - kamikazekeeg

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Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: Today at 12:20:47 am »
Land of Bad - Felt in the mood for something kinda basic, so settled on this action thriller mostly because I saw a clip of it on TikTok once lol It's okay, kinda standard action thriller, small squad with an air force member to run communications to a drone crew go to extract an asset, things go bad, fight for survival.  The drone crew element is a little more standout, Russell Crowe is an aging Captain still doing the job.  Overall it's fine, nothing too standout, a couple cool shots they did with slow motion and drones added a little extra flare to some of the action, but definitely one of those movies you'd normally only watch back in the day because it was something you found on TV one afternoon lol

The Covenant - Picked another military movie, this one not completely different in concept to what Land of Bad was, a group of soldiers put into a bad situation and forced to fight for survival, though this is tackling a more realistic premise and being set in Afghanistan.  It's pretty good, the drama was well done, the two leads were solid, I'd recommend this one if you like these types of movies.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: July 23, 2024, 10:42:28 pm »
19 - Marvel Rivals - (PC 2024) - PLAYING - Put a couple hours into the new playtest and gotta say, it's pretty solid.  I haven't really played one of these hero shooter games like this since Overwatch, back when there was 2 tanks, which shows how long ago that was lol Marvel Rivals is just straight up the same exact sorta game, but I think it does a lot of fun stuff to set itself apart. 

The art style is gorgeous, stylized without going too far, great designs, a nice clean polish to everything, a lot of the UI is just flexing it's quality.  Gameplay is all that you expect, though it doesn't seem as strict about the class setup as I think Overwatch is now, like you can have 2 tank types if you can make it work.  A neat feature that I'm curious if it'll be a restrictive idea later on as people figure out everything, but Team Abilities is a cool gimmick where if you pick a character, someone can pick a certain character that compliments that one, and doing that gives the pairing (Or in the case of Peni, Venom, Spider-Man, a triple), and get a special ability.  It's a neat idea to try and get characters to pair up abit.

Character wise there's a cool spread, I like that while they have a lot of what you'd expect, there's others they chose clearly for kind of a different playstyle, like instead of getting Wolverine out in the first go, there's Magik for her melee action.  I think I've figured out almost a full spread of characters I like for most positions, I can't say I like flying characters a ton, they are so slow, but currently it's Punisher for his damage dealing, great on defense modes, can switch to close or long range, functionally the Soldier 76 of the group.  Magik is my melee, she's straightforward with her gimmick being a short range teleport that allows her to do different strikes, it felt good getting in with her compared to like Spider-Man or Black Panther.  My healer is Luna Snow, she's an original character for the game I think, but she reminds me of Zenyatta, long range attacks, almost a similar fire rate, but she has to direct fire heal, thoughc an off-side heal with a guard ability to.

Haven't worked out a tank yet, only played Hulk which I was abit mixed on, but I'll have to spend time on that.

Overall, maybe just because it's a new game, but I feel like the game is trying to be less sweaty than Overwatch, which is a positive.  Game is nice.  As long as it doesn't turn out to be egregious like Overwatch is with its microtransaction stuff, it could be a good time.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: July 23, 2024, 01:24:24 am »
Deadpool 1 and 2 - With the new movie coming out, figured I'd rewatch the first two movies.  They are still some dumb fun action flicks.  Over the top, absurd, a little awkward and cringe at times, but I still find them to be fun.  I'm not super amped for the new movie, I think they got abit desperate with the marketing, showed way too much without me trying to see it, kind of a big misstep there, though it'll probably be some good fun at the least and I'm cool with one more Hugh Jackman romp as Wolverine as long as this is truly the last time with him lol

The Marvels - Figured I'd keep the Marvel kick going by watching the only movie I haven't seen yet, because it's characters I don't find particularly interesting.  About what I expected, kind of a middling movie, nothing particularly bad, not much that stood out to me.  The one thing I did like was the early fight scene, it had the right amount of chaotic energy to it and was actually kinda fun.  The rest was just...fine, it's certainly not the worst of the Marvel movies as there's a few I would put below this one, particularly Black Widow, The Eternals, and Thor: Love and Thunder. 

I do feel like the movie is kinda weighted in favor of Danvers and Rambeau, with Kamala being more of the third wheel of the story. They try to inject her side of things more with her family being involved throughout, it involving the other bracer of hers, but it's Danvers and Rambeau doing most of the important stuff.  Oh well, all caught up with all the Marvel stuff other than when Deadpool/Wolverine comes out...oh shoot, no, still need to check out Loki Season 2 and What If Season 2 lol...Well, almost caught up.

Designated Survivor: Season 1 - With the political season happening, I kinda randomly wanted to watch this show, thinking I was getting something more out there as a political drama/thriller, but with how dumb the world is these days, this fictional show has less cartoonish and less ridiculous people than real life does.  The show itself is decent, I haven't watched what would be considered a standard tv show in a long while I feel, most streaming shows are 10 episodes at best, while this one is over 20 and each episode would be considered an hour long if there were commercial breaks.  It's kinda nice, everything gets to breath, there are some slow moments throughout, but it also works as a like a background show in that regard, where I do watch it, but It doesn't require a constant focus.

Cool getting Kiefer Sutherland in a tv show again, I was a big fan of 24 back in the day, even if this is pretty different character from Jack Bauer.  A whole lot less yelling lol.  It's funny, I think he works well in the part, but his voice is so strong and distinct, it almost works against the character abit who I think was meant to come across as like this more average guy, decent, well spoken, smart, but that voice just makes him stand out.

It is funny (and sad) how real life undercuts a lot of this show, because even the characters they want to kinda paint as too "partisan", feel literally conservative compared to some of the dense bricks in office in real life.  There's lots of appeals to common sense between the President and others, appeal to the betterment of the country, all this sort of stuff, things we need to see happen, but will never get, because things are so dumb right now...uggh...okay, no more political railing, the show is good enough, I'm gonna eventually get through the other 2 seasons.

Star Wars: Acolyte - Man, such a high with Episode 5, going to 2 episodes afterwards that were either not good or mixed, and then ending on what I thought was a fairly decent finale.  This might be the most up and down show I've seen of Star Wars.  This definitely should've been a movie, not an 8 episode weekly series, or a better written show with more depth that could justify it's length.  It's annoying, because I see a good story, good characters, it's cool having this different era and not tons of stuff connecting it to previous movies/shows, but the pacing is atrocious and there's sloppy writing throughout.

I still think I put this above Kenobi for me, because where that might've been a generally more consistent show, that show did very little for me than just enjoying Ewan McGregor as Kenobi and Vader later in it.  I would like this to get a second season, that they could hopefully fix a lot of the first seasons issues, because there could be some fun stuff coming.

They did a pretty good job nailing the art style for the game, the actual gameplay didn't do a lot for me, but solid work with the visuals.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: July 09, 2024, 03:57:04 am »
Deepwater Horizon - Random watch, had a mood to watch something different than what I have been lately, and been meaning to watch this, not for any particular reason, I think oil rig type settings are interesting, kinda feeds into the unsettling nature of deep water (no pun intended) settings for me, Abyss, Underwater, all sorts of that type of stuff, though this being a very real disaster, it was an interesting watch. 

Really intense drama to it, the effects were wild, I see where all that money I read about them spending on the movie went, a budget much higher than these movies usually get, because it shows, everything from the beginning of the blowout, to the actual explosive destruction, and following collapse was wild.  I think it also does a good job of showing the tragedy without being...exploitive about what happens.  Sorta see that in war movies where deaths of the characters get lingered on.  Story accuracy seems fine enough, I like to look at wikipedia after movies like this to see reception and generally accuracy, but it seems they did okay, though there were liberties taken for the sake of cinematic drama.  That's sometimes questionable, but the things changed didn't seem too egregious.

Modern Video Games / Re: Capcom Next - July 1st, 2024
« on: July 01, 2024, 07:50:06 pm »
Sounds like it might just be a fairly straight remaster for Dead Rising, which isn't bad, it's got some nice new visuals, improvements to NPC AI (A notorious problem lol) and gameplay, which is cool.  They seem to say that those things are what makes it "Deluxe", where I was hoping that meant they were going to add some new content or something, but I didn't see them saying it unless they are keeping it on the down low, but generally that stuff would get talked about if it existed.  I did mostly skim it, so I could've missed something, but it'll be fun to check out.  I never loved the time system in DR, time systems kinda drive me abit nuts in games that have it (DR, Majora's Mask), but the game was some goofy fun still.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: July 01, 2024, 04:32:42 am »
Goofy to say so quickly after the Elden Ring talk, but I had the sudden urge to poke around Final Fantasy XIV lol I haven't played this in years, but all the Dawntrail talk and seeing a couple streamers I watch play it, it got me wanting to maybe dive in, at least to progress through another expansion if possible.  I played up through Heavensward and was going to go into Stormblood before I quit, I'm a Level 65 Samurai, but I am completely lost lol Not even sure if I want to play as Samurai right now and I barely remember how to play.

They did offer up a "return bounty" thing that can put me into returning noob channel to kinda help out, but not sure if that's actually helpful or not.  Just feeling overwhelmed with everything, but hopefully I can kinda sort out how I want things to go for this next expansion.  I hate wanting stuff I see in the later expansions, like Reaper or Female Hrothgar, but I can't justify buying expansions I'm not gonna be able to get to anytime soon lol Think I also need to find a new FC to get into, as a community does a lot for an MMO.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: July 01, 2024, 01:25:54 am »
After having such an unpleasant time with most of the Elden Ring DLC, it had me feeling like "Did I really enjoy Elden Ring as much as I did"? I know that's me just kinda projecting my annoyance with the DLC where it's not needed, but decided to jump back into the game fresh, and been enjoying myself so far.  Gonna try and play abit differently, abit lighter if I can, playing a different kit I'm less use to (I fall back to giant swords and big armor with medium rolling alot), and just kinda get back into the swing of things, remember what I enjoyed about this game.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: June 30, 2024, 06:05:58 pm »
I feel strongly that A Quiet Place didn't need a sequel, especially considering it was written as such. The debut entry is good, but the sequel entry was far from it, in my opinion. I'm sure at some point I'll get around to watching A Quiet Place: Day One, but I wouldn't even consider it to be on my watch list backlog.

I agree, it didn't need a sequel whatsoever, but the sequel they did make was still good, like the original would be a 9, and the sequel would be a 7 or 8, which is still solid.  More often than not these type of movies get sequels that are so much worse, like Monsters from 2010, where it's just a solid, interesting, single story, but they made a sequel to capitalize on the success of the original, and ultimately failed.  I view 28 Days Later in a similar way to a Quiet Place currently, where you get this great single movie that didn't need a sequel, but it had a decent enough sequel, though it could certainly not do it right for the upcoming movie, but hopefully it's a situation where it turns out well.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: June 30, 2024, 05:32:52 pm »
A Quiet Place: Day One - The concept of A Quiet Place remains a strong elevator pitch that continues to erode logistically the longer the franchise runs and the larger the setting.  Fortunately this entry boasts some great setpieces coupled with really strong performances to counterbalance those issues.  Probably the weakest of the three films, but it is still pretty solid.

This feels like one of those series that didn't need a sequel, but it somehow seems to continue being decent.  I thought the second movie was gonna be unnecessary, so I avoided it, but it turned out to be pretty good.  This movie with it being set in the early point of the apocalypse is what I thought the previous movie was gonna be about, which I didn't really want, but it sounds like they did things decently enough, so I might check it out when it hits home release.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: June 30, 2024, 03:21:28 am »
Star Wars: The Force Awakens - This one is great, I feel as if I enjoy it more since my last watch. It certainly has the issue of being a light rehash of a New Hope, hero found on a desert planet, a Darth Vader type character, leading up to a planet destroying space station, but there's a lot of great stuff going on.  It's just a real fun scifi adventure, I love the whole cast.  It still annoys me how little they utilize Phasma, she gets the Boba Fett treatment, even though she has a great look and is a great actress.  I think she should've been on the planet when they show up to capture Rey, getting into that fight with Finn, pushing him to his limit, nearly killed because she's better, just to get blasted by Han, but survives and gets away.  Would've been way better.

Modern Video Games / Re: Capcom Next - July 1st, 2024
« on: June 27, 2024, 03:29:40 pm »
Pretty sure this event was confirmed to be only about 3 games, which was the Dead Rising Remaster, the RE7 Mobile release, and that other game Path of the Goddess which was an action game.  It's also pretty short, so probably not much else.

Also if they ever remake Dino Crisis, it's guaranteed to be like what they did with Resident Evil.  It's a successful formula that more people enjoy.

If it's only the three games then there's nothing really to discuss and no reason for Capcom to have a livestream. That just seems like a complete waste. I wouldn't put it past them, but that's a lot of money to throw out there for a half-assed presentation. There has to be something else.

They get to show off three games, two of which are new, I mean, seems like enough of a reason to have a stream lol Regular small streams like this is probably a good thing, lets them put a small spotlight on games that might not get to shine as much at big event reveals.

If they were going to announce something of any note, they would've done so earlier this month or they'd wait for something like Gamescom or the Tokyo Game Show, or if it's fighting game related, they can do EVO.

Modern Video Games / Re: Capcom Next - July 1st, 2024
« on: June 27, 2024, 03:02:17 pm »
Pretty sure this event was confirmed to be only about 3 games, which was the Dead Rising Remaster, the RE7 Mobile release, and that other game Path of the Goddess which was an action game.  It's also pretty short, so probably not much else.

Also if they ever remake Dino Crisis, it's guaranteed to be like what they did with Resident Evil.  It's a successful formula that more people enjoy.

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