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General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: bikingjahuty on December 31, 2015, 06:13:48 pm
Here it is folks! Let's all make 2016 another awesome year of playing those games and reducing our backlogs, however ridiculously long they may be!
Just like last year, list the games you've beat and if you'd like create a small review, tell us how much time it took you to beat it, or any other details like you'd like to share about the games you'll finish in 2016.
1. Ghost Blade (Dreamcast): So this game is awesome! I'd go as far as saying it's my second favorite SHMUP on the Dreamcast (Mars Matrix is #1). The soundtrack is one of the best I've heard on the console as well. My only gripe was frame rate dips during certain sections of the game that made it hard to dodge what was coming at you. Other than that, this game is proof the Dreamcast is alive and well with awesome new games :)
2. Cruisin Exotica (N64): One of my favorite arcade racing franchises from the 90s, this one goes for the tried and true formula of the first two. The gameplay is shallow, but the reason you play these games is the odd and interesting stages, which this one had some, but not as much as I would have hoped for. A good game to keep yourself busy for half an hour or so.
3. Twisted Metal Black (PS2): Sadly, I remember this game being a lot more fun when I was younger. The game is decent. but I have more to complain about than to compliment.
4. Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (Dreamcast): This game is definitely a lot of fun, not F-ZERO or Extreme G fun, but the Star Wars settings and themes make it enjoyable if you're a fan of the series. The most irritating part of this game is the difficulty spike mid-game which outpaces how much money you have to upgrade your pod, which leaves you SOL at times. Pretty fun game overall though.
5. Mortal Kombat (PS3): This game literally had everything going for it; excellent reimagining of the first three MK games with an awesome story, great combat, amazing graphics. Hell, I'd almost go as far as to say it's one of the best fighting games of the 7th gen...and then there is the final battle with Shao Kahn. He is one of the cheapest, most unimaginative, and grossly overpowered final bosses I've ever had the displeasure of playing. My satisfaction with this game plummeted after trying a variety of tactics to beat him since, you know, fighting him was completely ineffective. While you can avoid playing against him in various other modes, story mode, which is arguably the best thing about this game, is ruined by him.
6. Super Smash Bros. Melee (Gamecube): Certain games become nearly obsolete due to their successors being better in almost every way. Melee, unfortunately, is victim to to this, mostly because of the newest installment on the 3DS/Wii U that outdoes it in controls, levels, modes, trophies, roster, balance and nearly everything else. Don't get me wrong, it is incredibly fun to play still, but I couldn't help but wish I was playing Smash on the Wii U most of the time.
7. Kirby's Air Ride (Gamecube): This game is crap. Aside from the interesting and flashy stages, and the occasional good tune, this game is one of the worst racing games I've ever played. Even Nintendo makes bad games from time to time.
8. Motorstorm (PS3): For a long time when the PS3 first launched, this was the game that made me want to get one so badly. Still, to this day it's an excellent racing game. The damage effects, the gameplay, the levels are all awesome! My only gripe is the lack of stages and vehicles, however there is definitely enough to keep you occupied for a long time.
9. Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax (PS3): Being a fan of the various series that this game has characters from, it was easy for me to enjoy playing with them and fighting against other awesome anime/manga characters. The combat is fun and I love the overt Sega love in this game. Pretty fun, although overall beyond the characters and Sega-fan service this game stands as a mediocre 2D fighting game.
10. Star Fox 64 3D (3DS): Aside from the controls not feeling as good as the N64 version, this game had almost everything, plus some, that made the N64 version so great. The upgrade to the graphics was very well done as well. One thing that bothered me only slightly was them changing the voice actors for some of the enemies that had voice acting so bad it was good, from the original.
11. Irritating Stick (PS1): This game is one of those instances where a games simplicity is exactly why it's good. Based on a Japanese game show, this game has you leading a stick through a maze where you are not allowed to come in contact with the sides of the maze or any objects. This game, while fun, gets boring due to the lack of stages, meaning you can see everything the game has to offer in an hour or less. I wish they would have added more stages since the fun was in each stage's unique challenge.
12. Life is Strange (PS4): God, what a colossal disappointment this game ended up being! The game was nothing short of amazing, that is up until the endings, yes there are two of them. What ends up happening is pretty much choosing between shit and worse shit! To add insult to injury, both endings leave giant plot holes that ruin all the good writing that lead up to the end. What a wonderful way of taking a game that would have definitely made my top 5 games of the year, to making it one of the shittiest games I've played in a while. ALL BECAUSE THE FUCKING ENDING! Fuck this game!
13. Lethal Enforcers 1 & 2 (PS1): Aside from one taking place in modern times and the other in the old west, these games are practically the same. The stop motion animation is pretty amusing and makes one sentimental about the time period these games were made. Each game is a decent light-gun shooter, however my main gripe in the overall repetative nature of both games as well as this game often throws way more at you than you can handle which makes it feel cheap at times. Overall, it's a fun game and worth playing when you're in the mood.
14. Street Fighter V (PS4): Given how bare bones this game is right now, I hate to write this up, but I feel I've played around with the game enough to pass judgement on its core gameplay. Overall, yes it's great, but the severe lack of content makes me wish I was playing pretty much any edition of Street Fighter IV instead. Excellent game, but desperately in need of more content.
15. Super Breakout (Arcade): For a 40-year old game this game is pretty addicting and fairly challenging. You simply have to break all the blocks with a pong-like paddle to win. Found myself playing it for far longer than I thought I would, and continuing to try and beat my high score.
16. Halo 2 (XBOX): Its hard to say whether the original Halo or it's sequel is better. Halo 2 definitely definitely has better gameplay and better pacing, but for some reason it's story didn't hit me the same way the original did. A great shooter however and fun as hell!
17. Dead or Alive 5: Final Round (PS4): Like the other DOA games, this games s hard hitting, flashy, and a surprisingly deep combat system. The stages are very fun and offer a variety of settings and destructible objects. A highly enjoyable game overall with a lot of fan service (those who are familiar with the series know exactly what I am talking about).
18. The Oregon Trail (Apple IIe): One of the first games I ever played, and probably the first PC game I ever played, this was one of my favorites in elementary school back in the early 90s. Thanks to the wonders of technology, I was able to play this through a web browser and after all these years it's still a fun, captivating game. Hunting is hard as hell, but as long as you buy enough food you should be fine. This game will always be a classic and will always be fun.
19. Unreal Tournament (Dreamcast): The best way to describe my experience with this game is to compare it to the Dreamcast port of Quake III Arena. Quake 3, while missing a lot of content compared to it's PC port is a very purest experience, playing very similar to it's PC counterpart. Unreal is also missing a lot of content compared to the PC version, but plays very different from its PC counterpart. Unreal on the Dreamcast played more similar to Goldeneye or Perfect Dark, complete with auto aim, and fewer bots which I feel worked way better for the console port of this game, versus Quake 3's approach of releasing a PC optimized game on a console which made the game very difficult to play. It's a tough trade off, but in the end I enjoyed Unreal for what it was on the Dreamcast, albeit an almost entirely different game than the PC version, for better and worse.
20. Project X Zone 2 (3DS): This game would have been significantly better if it were about half the length it ended up being. After the 20th chapter I kept on thinking, "is this the last level?" Nope! It dragged on for about another 20 episodes. The story is forgettable and generic, in fact the only thing that this game has going for it is quarky dialogue, an awesome mashup on great video game characters from many great franchises, and a fun combat system. Again, would have enjoyed this game way, way more had it been shorter with a more interesting story.
21. Home Alone (Genesis): This one comes directly from my childhood. The game itself is fairly basic, but doesn't let you know soon enough what you're actually able to do. While it definitely does capture some of the charm of the movie it is based off of, and stays true to the source material, the game is rather shallow and does nothing to really make it memorable.
22. Batman Returns (Genesis): This game is an abysmal piece of shit and definitely the weakest title of many games that were based of the popular Tim Burton film. the controls suck, the gameplay sucks; perhaps the only things that this game has going for it are its music and the art style.
23. Battle Assault 3 featuring Gundam Seed (PS2): The first word that comes to mind when I play this game is clunky, followed by stiff. That is because the controls and the way your mobile suites move is best described as just that! I honestly wanted to continue to play in order to unlock all the mobile suites and stages, but the difficulty posed by the broken controls was too much for me to tolerate so I gave up on this one. Sadly, not a good game at all.
24. Dragon Ball Z Extreme Butoden (3DS): The game itself plays pretty good for a 2D fighting game and the added bonus of it being a DBZ game makes it appealing to fans of the series, but overall I felt fairly disappointed by the lack of playable characters, the allocation of most of the game's claimed "100+ characters" as non-playable assist characters, and the amount of difficulty it takes to unlock many of the most basic of assist characters. Worth trying if you're a DBZ fan, but go in with low expectations.
25. Wacky Races (Dreamcast): Not being a fan of the source material (even as a kid I wasn't that interested in this show), I didn't expect much, and while I didn't get much, this game is still mostly a competent Kart racer game. Not Mario Kart tier, but a mildly enjoyable alternative on a non-Nintendo system.
26. Jurassic Park Arcade (Arcade): Not to be confused with the early 90s light gun shooter, this 2015 version is extremely fun! My only complaint was the lack of variety with the dinosaurs. The visuals were vivid, the controls were great, the scoring was fun, and the cabinet itself looks great! Only regret that it wasn't longer, but it's an arcade game so what would you expect?
27. DOOM (PS4): This game was satisfying as hell (no pun intended)! Definitely the best game I've played this year so far, the gameplay, the pacing, everything is incredibly addictive and is the first new FPS game I've played in years that got the old school FPS gameplay style down just right. I liked this game so much I am planning on replaying it to get 100% of the trophies and secrets. Highly, HIGHLY recommended this one!
28. Pokemon GO (Phone): Initially I thought this game was a godsend; catching Pokemon in real life, seeing a ton of other people doing the same, getting out and exploring. And while these things remain a very positive aspect of this game, the more you play, the more stale it gets. When you get to about the 80-Pokemon marker in the Pokedex, things start to slow down as you typically only run into the same 4 or 5 Pokemon 80% of the time. Still, for what this game is, it's probably the coolest app I've ever used and definitely the cell phone game I've sunk the most time into.
29. Timesplitters (PS2): The DNA of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark is definitely present in this game, however it fails to live up to how good either of those games are in every single way. The "story mode" is pretty much rinse and repeat for every stage, with only aesthetics like reskined enemies and level theme being the difference. There is a multiplayer mode, but I didn't like the story mode so much that I had no desire to play around with the bot modes or any of that shit. I sincerely hope the second game and Future Perfect are an improvement.
30. Killer Instinct Gold (N64): Having only played this game once before when it first came out, I forgot how deep and fun the combat in this game is! The famous combo system is pretty fun to master and when you pull it off you feel like a total boss! The characters all play pretty different and the stages are really cool. For what it's worth, it's one of the best fighting games on the N64.
31. Tekken Hybrid (PS3): I'm pretty much reviewing Tekken Tag Tournament HD since it is the only full playable game on the disk (the other content is a demo for TTT2 and a Tekken movie). But essentially it is a prettier port of the PS2 version which was an absolute blast and still is! All the content is already unlocked which takes out some of the replayability, but it's nice to be able to jump right in and enjoy this game for how I remember it, but with slightly updated visuals.
32. Gran Turismo 5 (PS3): While this game is a solid racing sim and does the franchise justice in that regard, the leveling system in this game, as well as the game's focus on certain vehicles being needed more than others to progress makes this my least favorite entry in the series. I also was not a fan of the used car system where the inventory changed daily. Pretty much I'd rather be playing Gran Turismo 4 which is far superior in nearly every way.
33. Unreal Tournament (PC): Having played and reviewed the Dreamcast version earlier this year, the PC version is by far the definitive version of this game with incredibly tight controls, amazing enemy AI, and very well done level design. This game is a blast for an hour or two here and there, but I will fully admit that deathmatch or capture the flag gets stale after so long, no matter how well tightly crafted the game is. Still, definitely one of the great FPS games by far!
34. King of Fighters XIV (PS4): I have poured some serious time into this game and I am still not tired of it. The combat is very deep, yet accessible. The characters are many and most play very different from one another. There are a ton of stages, extras, and unlockables making replayability very appealing. I'm a little biased since I have been a long time fan of this series, but I'd go as far as to say this is a top five entry in the series for me. I can definitely say that this game is leaps and bounds better than Street Fighter V, which kept my interest maybe a whole evening. Love this game!
35. The Last of Us (PS3): First off, this game is incredible from start to finish; the story and characters are by far the biggest standouts, and this game is definitely one of the best looking on the PS3. While it wasn't bad by any stretch, the gameplay was at times frustrating, creating limitations at certain parts of the game that made for some frustration. And this is a personal bias, but I'm not a huge fan of stealth is games, and this game definitely favors that approach during the majority of enemy encounters. I can't bitch too much though; the game was amazing and definitely one of the best games on the PS3 for sure.
36. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (PS3): Back in the day I had a blast with Hot Pursuit 2 on the PS2, and I feel like the franchise just kept on getting better and better, with Most Wanted being the best imo. Unfortunately after this the series began to slide rather quickly into mediocrity, and I just gave up on it all together. Decided to try the follow up to Hot Pursuit 2 and sadly I am still pretty disapointed in this franchise. Aside from aesthetics of the cars, they handle the same and the difference between 120mph and 200mph is barely noticeable. I got bored with it after a few hours. Next!
37. Gran Turismo 6 (PS3): Sadly, this was another disappointing entry in the Gran Turismo series, albeit not as bad a 5. Cars were mostly the same, tracks are mostly the same, and to add insult to injury there are barely any cars you can earn in order to help you advance. The whole game came across as lazy and almost just a re-skin of GT5. I had some annoying framerate issues throughout too which was hard to deal with too. Sadly, I don't think I'll ever like a GT game as much as GT4. Maybe I should give Forza a shot.
38. Contra 4 (DS): If you're a fan of the Contra series, which I am a little bit you will definitely enjoy this game, especially since you can actually unlock the first two Contra games here. You will enjoy it about the same as you did the other games in the series, for better or worse.
39. Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Dreamcast): Like most 2D fighting games that Capcom released in the later half of the 90s, this game is a masterpiece! The controls, the music, the roster, the stages, everything is just magical in this game. Despite all this, i still wouldn't rank it up there with my favorites in the series, but that is only because there are so many amazing games in the Street Fighter series.
40. Dementium: The Ward (DS): I was pretty excited about this game when I found it; a first person survival horror game on the DS, sign me up! What this game ended up being was a boring, repetitive corridor shooter with the same enemies, cheap bosses and broken gameplay. There is no narrative either, making you wonder who you are and why you are even in this haunted ward. Avoid this game.
41. Lightening Force (Genesis): An amazing shooter with an incredible soundtrack! There are occasional frame rate drops during some of the more hectic battles, but never anything that ruins the experience. Very fun!
42. Street Fighter Alpha 2 (SNES): This port had a time and a place at one time; it was for people who did not yet own a PS1 or Saturn, that wanted to play a new Street Fighter, but were willing to sacrifice most of the updated graphics, sound and gameplay. While far from unplayable, this game is a very, very watered down port, which has now made it to many consoles and can be experienced in arcade perfect or near arcade perfect quality for very cheap, meaning outside a collectors item there is no reason to own or play this game.
43. Kirby's Return to Dream Land (Wii): This game was pretty fun overall, especially since you can play with up to three other people cooperatively. The level design and difficulty leaves a little to be desired, however without spoiling anything, the end of the game, including the final bosses are totally worth getting to; you'll know what I mean when you get to them. A fun game and definitely worth checking out.
44. Sin and Punishment (Wii - Virtual Console): I played this game for the first time last year and I instantly fell in love with it. In fact, it was my favorite game I played last year. I decided to try out the Virtual Console release and just like the N64 version, it didn't disappoint! The story barley makes sense, but the gameplay, music, level design, everything is extremely good! Every time I play this game, I consider placing it in my top 10 games of all time, it is that good!
well I am starting out strong!
All ratings are based on my previous expectations of the game, not on gameplay, with 5 being exactly what I expected out of it.
Bold Numbers were beat entirely by my GF with no help from me. so proud of you babe!
1. Yoshi's Wooly World (Wii U): beat this at 12:47AM 1-1-16 and my gosh do I have to say that this game already made purchasing the Wii U worth it. It is such a cute game and I even sat down and 100% it with my gf unfortunately all in casual mode where you can fly forever. (she got too frustrated playing the normal way) rating: 9.5/10
2. Splatoon (wii u): I love this game something fierce not only have I beat replayed and 100%ed the game I have also got to rank "A" currently (all 100% random teams) and trying to get into that S bracket.
3. Contra (NES) beat 3 times: I seem to play and beat this game at least once every month or so but I am capable of going 3 lives no continues on this (I have yet to no death it but have gotten close)
4. Super Mario 3d land (3ds(digital)): my girlfriend went out and got a blue 3ds that had this game pre-installed and was having trouble beating one level in world 4... so I helped her beat it... then I went back and beat worlds 1-4 so I can say I played it from beginning to end lol. it was a fun game but it angered me when I got to the end of world 4 I believe. just to realize that I needed to go back and get a bunch of the big coins to proceed.
5. Runescape (OSRS) (internet): like I said this was the first game I ever played that was mmo and every now and then I get back into it and will play it almost constantly for 2-3 months. playing on my 12 year old account (aged 4361 days as of yesterday 1-10-2016) I was able to get a skill from lvl 1 to lvl 99 (fletching) in somewhere north of 7 days of gameplay. fletching is probably the second easiest skill to get to level 99 next to cooking
6. Super Mario World (snes): you know whats really sad? I realized while I was playing through this again that 1. I have never actually beat the game before. 2. I have never beat all of star road (just to where bowsers star is) 3. and I have never known that their were bonus levels that altered gameplay.
7. Kirby's Dream Course (snes): yet another game from my childhood that I have yet to complete. (mainly because it was too difficult to make some of the shots when I was young) It probably took me a good 2 hours just to beat course 8 and just barely managed to do it on my last life (thank you relatively easy 8th hole) and then I was witness to something that I never thought of as a kid. A BOSS LEVEL IN A GD GOLF GAME!!! lol that took me another 30mins just to realize how to kill mecha-dedede. at first I thought I had to push him off the level but boy was I wrong. I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who has yet to play it.
8. Final Fight (snes): my gf wanted to pick the next game I completed and this happened to be the one she picked. their really isn't much to say about this game other than its an ok beatem-up game. it took me 4 hours to beat from start to finish. I'm not a big fan of beatem-ups and have a difficult time playing them so I had to do 3 things to beat this game. find the hidden menu to turn up lives and reduce enemy difficulty, get 5 continues instead of 3 by naming my top 3 scores CAP, COM, KID, and get my turbo controller to be able to spam attacks lol. I admit it I'm weak but at least I was able to save the dang mayors daughter dang it!
9. NFL Quarterback Club '96 (snes): Another request from my gf (I think she is using a randomizer as she would never pick this). this is just your run of the mill football game. navigate menues and have your people run the ball on a passing play with the right play you can seriously just sit back and let the play run by itself. either way I found a 3 play combination that allowed me to idle and play something on my other snes while completing the season. this was actually quite difficult picking up because.. well.. this is probably the 3rd? football game I have ever played and the other 2 were ps2 titles with more required imputs and less play knowledge required.
10. Mega-Man X (snes): one of my original games I have owned ever since I can remember so of course I have played and beat this multiple times already but after not playing for years and years I found that I forgot the order to kill the bosses in. but I was able to figure it out after only a 1 or 2..dozen tries. I also figured that I would do something that I have never done before and looked up how to get the haidoken! it was so much fun being able to destroy things so easily.
11. Disney's Aladdin (snes): I forgot just how easy this game was. I ended up beating it with few lives lost the only reason I died any was that dang auto scrolling carpet ride when the magic cave was collapsing and that final boss... lagged sooo much and was so easy once you realize you can basically stay directly above him most of the fight (which took the fight from probably 5-10 mins to around 30-40 seconds when you take the lag out of the equation. but overall this was actually a very pleasant experience with good background, good level design, and a pretty good earwormy musical score. I did not actually read through all the dialogue but I assume that it follows roughly the movie anyway as all the levels did.
12. Oddworld Munch's Oddysee (GBA): this game actually depressed be all of the puzzles were so easy and they seemingly completely forgot that you can get an infinite amount of your power source just by standing near them and chanting. the game was also extreamly short and I managed to beat it in about 2-3 very casual hours. I experienced a glitch on level 7 (I believe it was 7 anyway) where I got to the end in an unintended route and because of it was unable to progress even though I completed all the objectives afterward... twice... so instead of playing the lvl a 3rd time I just looked up a code for the next level online. while looking up the code it told me their was 25 levels in the game which ended up being completely wrong as their were only 12.. game pace was slow and monotanace as I found myself running over the same spots multiple times. and in the later levels you would think you would need both abe and munch to complete but no, munch more often than not took a backseat in his own game. for example munch's only job in the final level was moving one platform for abe which the terminal for was directly out of the starting area with zero threats. you could literally just leave him their the entire last level. overall I would not recommend to play this game on this system to anyone.
13. Scooby-Doo 2: monsters unleashed (gba): this is actually a pretty fun game with a variety of gameplay elements to it. it was more or less easy up until the last levels 5-X where they really increased that difficulty curve. mainly because of moving platforms lots of enemy's and a bunch of instant kill pits that were only hinted at in previous levels. the bosses were actually varied with different gameplay required to hurt them. overall for a game that is specifically marketed twords kids it was quite a fun experience and I would play every level again except for 5-1. although the play time is only about 2 hours.
14. Shrek 2 (gba): another request from my gf. just another easy game marketed twords kids with easy controls and a bit of simple puzzle gameplay.
15. Finding Nemo (gba): This came to me as a challenge from someone who was never able to beat it. the only difficult part was finding the dang pearl (key) in the last level and finding all the fish in the fish tank when Nemo is at the dentists office. easily beatable in an hour-hour and a half.
16. Mario and Luigi: Super Star Saga (gba): I do not know why this game gave me such a hard time. maybe it was because I ran through the game completely avoiding every enemy I could or the fact that I never took advantage of the BRO's attacks but I finally managed to kill the final boss. I had to change up my entire strategy at the last 3 bosses though as I was only hitting for 30 damage every attack. switched to BRO's attacks and was hitting about 90-100 each attack so I had to run back to the item shop and look at every possible combination I could and notice an over-powered combination of badges and apparel that took that my damage from 90-100 to around 300 each which made short work of the final boss. after that combination the only thing difficult about the game was getting the timing down to not get 1 shot by the boss (my health was only about 40) I wouldn't have been one shot but all his attacks can hit multiple times especialy with 1 fail destroying your timing. this was a fantastic game and I would recommend it to any fans of Mario and RPG's.
17. Trials Fusion (ps4): This is both one of the few racing games I have ever played, and one of the hardest ones. I have spent a total of 6:30 hours in this game beating just the 50 levels that it took me to get to the credit roll. that's an average of almost 8 minutes a piece! and when you think about it the final level took me 42 minutes in total, and ~650 faults all but 30 of them being at the last freaking obstacle, yeah I am insane for spending all that time just trying to beat one obstacle but you know what that credits was worth it. If you are like me and have to watch the entire credits it is a ridiculously long one for you taking up 4 entire loops of the opening music so around 8-10 minutes. In all honesty though the controls were very fluid and every death/fault I experienced felt 100% my own doing. the sound, what little you will be able to pay attention to is nice and upbeat to keep you on your task and the courses have a very understandable difficulty curve. this is mainly a game of muscle memory and patern recognition that makes you feel great every time you beat a hard track. (yay rambling) this is a fun game and was worth it to pick up.
18. Popeye 2 (Game boy): an old title from 1993 that wasn't really worth all the headache. their are 4 world with 3 levels and a boss plus a bonus stage. the game has a very hard time with sprites that causes it to lag very bad. but what is very confusing is the time limit that is always ticking away is always extremely regular. most times when its lagging and your only getting like 10 frames a second the time guage also slows the heck down but in this game it is independent of the frame rate. also If you do not own the Manuel then you would not know that the B button is run, and in combination with a (jump button) makes long jumps possible which you WILL NEED. the reason you would never know that is because it never tells you and whenever you hold the B button, like you would at the start of the game to figure out what buttons do, It lags at the exact rate that makes you believe your walking normal speed. the only reason I found out is after exhausting 4 continues on 3-2 trying to jump from rope to rope i accidently hit both buttons and made it for the first time. both boss 1 and 2 you can literally just stand at the far left and keep attacking and never get hit. the third boss is easily dispatched buy jumping his fireballs and throwing cans of spinach (only with max power) at or taking a hit of damage and jumping to its back where it cannot hit you. the last boss I just threw cans of spinach at till i was hit then tanked damage till he died. BTW if their is lag you have NO invincibility after hits, AND moving rope is your sworn enemy as its difficult enough to jump on normal rope.
19. New Chessmaster (Game boy): You know I always thought I was good at chess. this game proved me wrong as i failed over and over again to try and beat the opponent. but after 3 losing games I found something that just barely worked. With only a rook, a bishop, and a pawn i was finally able to best the computer (I want you all to keep in mind I am a guy that was in chess club for 5 years and was the second best their after the teacher who was a registered master of chess). it was surprisingly intuitive for an early chess game (if you know chess) but the terribly synthesized voice that played after every move got annoying fast. I checked it out just out of curiosity and holy crap was the save system garbage. don't get me wrong it completely remembered everything about the board and whose turn it was but it was like 16 or 20 characters long and consisted of uppercase, lower case, numbers, and symbols (by symbols i mean everything brackets, math signs, punctuation marks, if it was on a keyboard it was n the game) and all are case sensitive btw. I found out why I had trouble. It was set to a high difficulty setting.
20. Sudoku Gridmaster (ds): This game is exactly what it sounds like.. Sudoku.. that's all it is. when you play through it you start out with a limited amount of puzzles (which is still extensive) and after you complete a ppuzzle you are ranked based entirely on time it took to beat and given stars. after you collect enough stars you will unlock new puzzles and rank tests. for levels their are 10 practice levels at 4 stars max (ranging from easy to hard difficulty to teach you new techniques), 80+ easy that reward 4 stars, 190+ normal levels at 5 stars, 120+ hard levels at 6 stars. and 4 rank tests that are randomized every time you play them that require you to beat them in less time the higher rank you get. I'm at 225 stars and unlocked gold rank which required me to beat a puzzle in under 10 mins and also took me close to 7 hours to achieve. I'm guessing platinum (last test) unlocks at around 350 stars total, which is about another 2-3 hours at my pace of 5-6 stars a puzzle. one thing to keep in mind. their is only a hand full of songs (I think I only heard 5?) and the same one will play until you go to a different puzzle so get used to it or turn off your sound.
21. Super Mario Maker (Wii U): I have been playing a lot of user levels and decided to start in on the 100 Mario challenge and have beat all difficulties. their are some very great levels/creators out their and a lot of hard courses to beat, and I will deffinately continue to play. I just wish that their were a lot less auto levels and levels showing off amibo collections.
22. Pokemon X (3DS): Rayne (my boyfriend) told me i had to enter this one on my own, so here we go. I can sadly say I've never beaten a Pokemon game before. If it wasn't for Exp Share i wouldn't even have beaten this one. The story line was amazing and i couldn't stop playing it. I'm not aloud to restart because i have Mew and Celebi from the Mythical Pokemon thingy going on every month on it. Yes, i could get Pokebank but Rayne's cheap (love you honey). We are going to get Y so he can play through it and fall in love with the story like i did.
23. Yoshi's New Island (3DS): This is not a bad game by any stretch but if you have played any other Yoshi's island game you will understand what I mean by this feeling like a LAZY game. Not only are the levels super short (compared to other Yoshi's islands) but they seem less involved, fleshed out, difficult, less levels, with less animations than those of the original. overall I still give it a 4/10 strictly speaking by its own merits but with a first party Nintendo title, especially of this title, I would have expected an 8-8.5.
24. Labyrinth (DS): For the love of god, if you see this title please pass on it. I picked this title up looking for puzzle games expecting it to be nothing more than actual labyrinths like what you find on pieces of paper. As you can tell my expectations were low. It came in below my low expectations. with 4 game difficulties varying in length of "puzzles" you need to complete. your given a ball that has a designated "weight" to it with weight affecting both falling speed (of which your ball always falls) and how far away you have to be to breakable blocks to break them (the heavier the closer you can be. so with the plusses of being a heavy ball why would you ever b the lightest one? (still waiting for this answer) the only real difficulty is placement of blocks that remove some of your time limit which can be hit multiple times a second to easily end your run. movement is solely falling downwards with the bumpers/left/right allowing you to rotate the whole level, but bumpers make it move faster meaning you will never use arrows. BTW the levels look like something a person will make as a novice making their very first level ever. overall this was not a fun game at all. ALL 23 MINUTES OF IT the entire game seriously took me 23 minutes according to my ds's application timer. overall I give this a 1/10.
25. New York Times Crosswords (DS): I finally got to the point where I don't think I can continue anymore without looking up answers or using a ridiculous amount of hints. This game is exactly like it sounds crossword puzzles. nothing to exciting but I was surprised by the amount of puzzles programed in. I refreshed the easiest difficulty for quite some time 20-30 minutes and didn't see the same puzzle twice. As I have said before I am really bad at crosswords and was only able to make it to the Wednesday difficulty, which is the 3rd easiest, and the difficulty follows the actual puzzles in the paper easiest on Monday and hardest sunday. If you can find it for cheap and like crosswords pick it up.
26. Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy (3DS): This is the first only other rhythm game I have played besides instrument games and I have to say the concept is fantastic. but because it only pulls music from the original final fantasies (1-13, no title offshoots) it makes it feel like their is not enough music. the reason I say that is because it only pulls 3 songs from every title so a total of 39 songs. their are 3 modes , easy, hard, and expert. when you beat a song you gain exp for your team of 4 characters you pick as your party (of 13, with 3 additional unlocked through LARGE amounts of play), once you level you increase 4 stats that are used for the 3 particular songs types (battle, travel, and cutsceens) leveling is actually a huge part of progressing through it. overall, not being a big fan of rythym games, I give this game a 6.5/10.
link to list #2,6762.msg111148.html#msg111148
Blue - Playing
Green - Beat
Black - Endless
Red - Abandoned
1 - Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD (Wii U) - 23 HOURS BEAT
2 - Blue Estate (PC) - 2 HOURS BEAT
3 - Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U) - 40 HOURS ABANDONED
4 - Slime Rancher (PC) - 9 Hours ENDLESS
5 - Bloodborne/The Old Hunters (PS4) - 40 Hours BEAT
6 - Rocket League (PS4) - 1 Hour ENDLESS
7 - Dying Light: The Following Expansion (PC) - 15 Hours BEAT
8 - Godzilla (PS4) - BEAT
9 - Street Fighter V (PS4) - BEAT
10 - Infamous: Second Son (PS4) - BEAT
11 - PVZ: Garden Warfare 2 (PC) - 10 Hours BEAT
12 - Stardew Valley (PC) - 49 Hours ENDLESS
13 - Metal Slug 3 (PC) - 80 Minutes BEAT
14 - Guitar Hero Live (PC) - BEAT
15 - Hyrule Warriors Legends (3DS) - 15 Hours BEAT
16 - Hyper Light Drifter (PC) - 5 Hours BEAT
17 - Twilight Princess HD (Wii U) - PLAYING
18 - Dark Souls 3 (PS4) - 39 Hours BEAT
19 - Uncharted 4 (PS4) - 12 Hours BEAT
20 - Overwatch (PC) - 35 Hours ENDLESS
21 - Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus (PC) - 4 Hours ABANDONED
22 - Mega Man 1 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - BEAT
23 - Mega Man 2 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - BEAT
24 - Mega Man 3 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - BEAT
25 - Mega Man 4 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - BEAT
26 - Mega Man 5 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - BEAT
27 - Mega Man 6 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - BEAT
28 - Song of the Deep (PS4) - BEAT
29 - Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE (Wii U) - PLAYING
30 - No Man's Sky (PS4) - ABANDONED
31 - Empyrion: Galactic Survival (PC) - 11 Hours ENDLESS
32 - Shadow Warrior (PC) - 11 Hours BEAT
33 - Journey (PS4) - BEAT
34 - Attack on Titan (PS4) - BEAT
35 - Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed (PS4) - BEAT
36 - Dragon Quest Builders (PS4) - ABANDONED
37 - Shadow Warrior 2 (PC) - 17 Hours BEAT
38 - Battlefield 1 (PC) - BEAT
39 - Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (PS4) - BEAT
40 - Titanfall 2 (PC) - BEAT
41 - Doom (PC) - 10 Hours BEAT
42 - Final Fantasy XV (PS4) - 100 Hours BEAT
43 - Dead Rising 4 (PC) - ABANDONED
44 - Abzu (PC) - 2 Hours BEAT
45 - Jotun (PC) - 3 Hours BEAT
46 - Furi (PC) - 2 Hours PLAYING
Expect reviews soon for both Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly and The Evil Within.
What a great start to the new year!!
I loved it last year, so I'm definitely going for as many as I can this year again :) I'm going for 52 different games played and as many beat as possible.
01/12 - Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX (3DS)
01/31 - Pokémon: Art Academy (3DS)
02/03 - Portal 2 (PC)
02/05 - Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (DS)
03/14 - Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)
04/03 - Child of Light (Vita)
04/06 - My Nintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (3DS)
05/?? - Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege (PS4/PC)
05/26 - Valiant Hearts: The Great War (PS4)
06/19 - LEGO The Hobbit (PS4) (100%)
07/06 - Zero Time Dilemma (Vita) (100%)
09/XX - Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (Vita) (100%)
10/XX - Journey (PS4)
Playing / played
Dragon's Crown (Vita)
Pokémon Picross (3DS)
Pokémon Shuffle (3DS)
Super Mario Maker (WiiU)
Catherine (PS3)
Dokuro (Vita)
Yoshi's Woolly World (WiiU)
Rayman 3D (3DS)
Atelier Totori: Adventurer of Arland (PS3)
Hyrule Warriors: Legends (3DS)
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft (PC)
Heroes of the Storm (PC)
Overwatch (PC)
Heroes of the Storm (PC)
Clannad (PC)
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE (WiiU)
We Happy Few (PC)
Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment (PS4)
Don't Starve (PC)
Pokémon: Moon Version (3DS)
-Total beaten/played: 13/32
As part of my "becoming a game designer" master plan, I'm also playing a bunch of smartphone games recently. It's always nice to see a wide variety of games, and great smartphone ones usually have to be very simple to succeed.Playing and understanding how and what in their simplicity makes them appealing is a great learning tool :)
Anyway, separate list of Android games:
Fast like a Fox
Alpaca World
Binary Puzzle
Rayman Jungle Run
Quiz RPG: World of Mystic Wiz (btw, this game isn't so good. I do not recommend ::))
Anime Gacha! (also an awful game)
Kingdom Hearts Unchained X
Puzzle & Dragons
Total played: 8
Last year was great! Hopefully this year I make the 52 games goal!
1. Portal Stories: Mel (Steam) Completed The closest thing we're gonna get to Portal 3! Amazing mod! Achievement Progress 100% (
2. Emily is Away (Steam) Completed I have no idea why I played this Achievement Progress 100% (
3. The Walking Dead (PS4) Completed I played the series in reverse but this game is overall better than Season 2 Trophy Progress 100% (
I'm still trying to focus on beating games myself, though there are some games that I just won't end up beating for reasons of it not being a good game, or I was getting bored.
My focus this year will be on completing games as well.
1) Rise of the Tomb Raider (Xbox One) (completed) I love Lara Croft and luckily my wife's ok with that.
2) Bravely Default (3DS) (completed twice) Just trying to get 100%
3) Super Mario Maker (WiiU) the makers here on VGC pulled me back into this one.
4) Child of Light (WiiU) (completed) a beautiful game with Metriod style side scrolling exploration, power ups, and nonlinear play. But turn based enemy battles with a very unique combat system.The game begins when the main character, a little girl named Aurora, dies in her sleep. Great game but prepare yourself for sadness early on.
5) Kirby Superstar Ultra (DS) great port of the SNES version. Currently cheaper to find in the wild and has more bonus features! :)
6) Saturday Morning RPG (PS4) (completed) Couldn't wait for my physical copy to arrive so I picked it up for $9.99 on the PSN. A great stroll down nostalgia lane.
7) Superman 64 (N64) - I said I'd play it live on Retro Reload Podcast if someone got it for me. Well Bad@chaos sent me a copy and I was true to my word! I was surprised to discover that it's not, in my mind, the worst N64 game of all time.
8) That's so Raven (GBA) got it in a bag o games from Goodwill and played it live on the Retro Reload podcast. It's surprising decent! If you have a young daughter or niece she'd probably like it.
9) Atomic Betty - (GBA) it's Like Lost Vikings but with terribly stiff and clunky controls. Play Lost Vikings instead. Was in the bag o games.
10) Hi Hi Puffy AMIYUMI KaZNappeD! - (GBA) a surprisingly decent platformer/puzzle type game where you switch between two Japanese pop stars as you work your way through the levels. This was in the same big o games and I played it on Retro Reload.
11) Cheetah Girls - (GBA) was in the bag o games. Played it on the show. I will never play it again.
12) Xenoblade Chronicles X - (WiiU) just started this game. The storytelling is a bit slow paced but the scale of this game is absolutely amazing for a WiiU title. I plan to play this one to completion.
13) Quantum Break - (Xbox One) (completed) an excellent game by Remedy about time travel. Hands down the best game about time travel released to date. Excellent story. Great blend of live action footage with 3D rendered actors during gameplay.
14) Bravely Second - (3DS) (completed) don't let the lukewarm reviews sway you. This is a great game. Improves on the original in every way.
15) Alan Wake - (Xbox 360) (completed) another masterpiece by Remedy. You are are Alan Wake an author trapped in your next horror novel you don't even remember writing. One of the best horror games I have ever played. Gameplay could use more balance and tuning but the story is so compelling you will need to finish it.
16) Escape Goat - (Roku) it was $2 bucks and I once met the indie Dev in person at a gaming event. It's and endless runner. You move a bouncing goat left and right as it tries to climb it's way into the mountains as high as it can. It's a simple mindless way to burn a few minutes while waiting for my wife to grab a drink or some snacks between shows.
17) Ori and the Blind Forest (Xbox One) (completed) - This is the next-gen 2d Metroid we've all been waiting for. With the definitive edition available for $20 there is no reason not to play this game. It even inspired me to write a small review here on VGCollect.
18) Shovel Knight - (WiiU) (completed) If Ducktales, MegaMan, and LoZ II had a baby it'd be this game. Playing through a 2 player campaign with my son using the Amiibo to unlock co-op! This game is Nintendo hard.
19) Super Mario Bros. 3 - (NES) (completed) did a playthrough to test my new 8bitdo Bluetooth dongle and SNES Bluetooth gamepad. Worked wonderfully with my CRT. I could not detect any gameplay altering input lag. :)
20) Mutant Rampage Bodyslam - (CDi) Someday I will finish this game. Good graphics, good sound, good animated sequences (admittedly terrible storyline). This is a Double Dragon/Streets of Rage style beat em up that's actually not bad. My friend and I took turns playing this for about an hour to test a SNES to CDi adapter that TPugmire made for me. The adapter works great.
21) Space Pirates - (3DO) (completed) played and almost beat this game while testing a model FZ1 before I purchased the console. Recently played again with dual light guns and a friend. Completed the game and recorded the playthrough. I'll post the video one of these days.
22) Alan Wake's American Nightmare - (Xbox 360) (completed) While not quite as polished and certainly much shorter than the first game this not quite spin off not quite sequel was a blast to play. It adds a lot to the story picking up where the second DLC leaves off. The music during some of the monster fights makes them feel really epic. The Alan Wake franchise (for now) replaces Resident Evil as my favorite survival horror genre game.
23) Beyond Eyes (PS4) (completed) You play Rae a little girl who became blind. Her only friend is a stray cat she named Nani that one day stops coming by. Rae ventures out into the world to find Nani. You experience the world as Rae does. The world springs to life around her immediate radius as she interacts with it. Painted in beautiful but vague water colors based on her memory of how things used to look. The concept sounds way cooler than its execution. Playing the game you will experience and appreciate the plight of a blind person. But For a blind person the sound should be much more powerful than it is. For example, when it rains you can't hear it!? Why can't you hear it? It should be all around you in glorious surround sound. When she interacts with the world it can be convincing at times but mostly falls flat. She'll fumble to find handles when opening gates. But if the gate can't be opened she just stands there, arms drifting. Why doesn't she at least attempt to open it?! She walks at a snails pace and the game requires frequent backtracking in the later levels. I feel like she should be able to at least walk double speed through areas she's become familiar with. She should be able to knock things over. She can't. She should be able to be in harms way. But you literally cannot get hurt, let alone die in the game. The world is relatively empty of people. But even when there are people around they seem completely oblivious to the fact that a blind girl is wandering around alone. Who the hell are these careless people?! What is their problem? Why won't they help her find her damn cat!? The game is creative and brilliant when it works. But it seems unfinished and, honestly, very unfun. It's literally a walking simulator. You will spend most of your time wishing she'd move faster and wondering what the hell it is you're supposed to do. I'm over halfway through and I used to have a blind neighbor that would walk the streets daily. Out of respect for him and a desire to understand him better I'll most likely finish the game. This game had real potential but it seems afraid to go that next mile and realize it. I want everyone to play this game but many will not enjoy it. I'll just stop my write up here.
24) Duke Nukem: Manhatten Project - (Xbox One) This is actually an Xbox 360 live game ported from the PC. It's rendered in 3D but it's a 2.5D sidescroller/platformer. It's not great but it's not terrible either. Overall not a bad way to kill some time.
25) Super Mario Land - (GameBoy via Game Cube Player) played the first couple levels while testing my video capture setup. Turns out the hauppauge capture software adds some bad and blatant ghosting when capturing s-video. Used capture4me and it was perfectly clean. Only played the first couple levels but I beat this game long ago. :)
26) Day of the Tentacle - (PS4/Vita) (completed) the sequel to Maniac Mansion. Got it for $5 in a psn flash sale. It's pretty great. You can switch between classic and remastered graphics in-game. There is an Easter egg which contains the entire first game fully playable. Both games allows cross/device save syncing. So you can pick up where you left off on the ps vita!
27) Rainbow Moon - (PS4/Vita) Another game I bought in a flash sale. Also allows for cross/save. Played for about an hour. I will probably play more.
28) Lode Runner - (Roku) a really good remake of the Atari classic. I suck at this game. A lot. I will probably play it to kill small amounts of time here and there.
29) Prince of Persia - (Roku) a port of the original computer game. Good looking platformer with very slippery and unforgiving controls. I may play it some more but dang it's difficult!
30) Hello Kitty - (famicom) never released in the US this is actually a sequel to Balloon Fight and it's excellent! Unlike the first game this game scrolls and has platformer elements and bosses. Two player mode is unique in that the other player picks up were the other player left off. Making it cooperative rather than competitive. This game starts out calm and simplistic but ramps up to brutal difficulty rather quickly. Don't let the cuteness fool you. It's a lot of fun to play!
31) Shantae: Risky's Revenge - (PS4) (completed) good (but short) Metriodvania style game by developer Wayforward.
32) Shantae: Pirate's Curse - (3DS) (Completed) more great Shantae!
33) Kirby's Return to Dreamland - (Wii) - Excellent platformer. Having fun playing couch co-op with this one.
34) Shantae: Half Genie Hero - (GBC) - Just played it enough to prove it works. Gonna pick it back up after I finish Pirate's Curse.
35) PAC-Man Championship - (PS3) - This game is addicting. Imagine the classic arcade game on speed and acid!
36) Duke Nukem 3D: World Tour - (PS4) - Played through the first three levels of the first episode. Trying to 100% the game. The dual analog controls and advanced lifting effects are nice and greatly increase the playability of this game. Other than that it's the same old Duke and that's ok!
37) Trauma Center - (Wii) - Excelent sci-fi surgery simulator. My wife and I take turns on the operations. Starts out simple but quickly becomes intense. Excellent motion controls. First of the four Trauma Center games on the Wii.
38) Burnout Paradise - (PC Steam) got this on sale and kind of regret it. Game looks amazing in 4k but is missing nearly half the dlc found in the PS3 & 360 versions. No big surf island. No Legendary cars. Very disappointing.
39) Double Dragon Neon - (PC Steam) (Completed) got this on a steam sale. Recorded a start-end playthrough with my son. Game looks fantastic in 4k and is just as fun on the pc as it is on PS3. Tongue in cheek interpretation to Double Dragon and a love letter to the 80's! Must have for any beat em up lover.
40) Bro Force - (PC steam) this game is like Jackal meets Contra meets Terraria. Absolute mayhem. Recorded a playthrough with my son. Started out fun but after a half hour of grinding and dying faster than I could see what was going on it got old pretty quickly.
41) 20XX - (PC steam early access) This is a Megaman Rogue-like game. One or two player platformer. Feels and plays like mega man but the levels are randomly generated. Excellent controls and graphics.
42) Dead Or Alive Final Round - (PC steam) played halfway through arcade mode. Graphics sadly cannot be pushed to 4k resolutions but the game looks and plays better than on the consoles.
43) Skull Girls Second Encore - (PC steam) played a few rounds with my son. A lot like street fighter but much harder to follow due to the crazy cartoony animation style. Characters aren't always animated in a straightforward way. So an attack might make a character mutate and slap someone with a chainsaw instead of simply punching them. Makes timing and spacing attacks difficult. But perhaps I'm just getting too old for fighting games. Graphics and sound are unquestionably fantastic.
44) Super Mario Run - (mobile) Played and completed the demo. It's alright good graphics and sound but super simple gameplay (just tap) doesn't seem worth $10 to me for the full unlock.
45) Life is Strange - (PS4) Played and completed episode 1 with my wife and son (we took turns). The language is terrible and the game could use a bit more polish. But it's compelling enough that we will probably play through the entire game.
46) Nidhogg - (PS4) a pointless game of hack n slash and run to the goal. My son loves it.
47) KHUx - (mobile) these just tap repeatedly to play games are not really my thing.
48) FF XV Demo - (PS4) I played through the entire demo in about 20 minutes. Graphics and sound were amazing but I have no clue what the hell was going on or why I should care.
49) Disruptor - (PS1) Played through the first 2 or three levels of this one. Worlds were more intricate than Doom and the game has live action cut scenes. A solid game but simply could not compete with the Doom name back in the day. Interviewed Craig Stitt one of the artists for the game. His pretty proud of it and rightfully so. It's a forgotten gem on the PS1.
50) Warriors Land: Six Golden Coins - (Game Boy) played a couple of levels live on the show. Beat it as a kid back in the day. Solid game.
51) Pinball Arcade: Attack From Mars - (PS Vita) My favorite Pinball game of all time. :)
52) the Oregon Trail - (PC) (completed) finished this game as a Farmer with the whole family intact. Live on Retro reload. Played a couple more times offline with my actual family. Always a fun time.
God I have lots of reviews to write. I finished Until Dawn. That makes three.
My son (7) finished Madgascar 3 yesterday. He practically beat the game in one day so that's 1 for him in 2016. I need to kick him off the console and get to finishing games or just concentrate on some handheld ones that I can play anywhere. Sheesh.
I'm going to try to do this this year! I'm going to try to play 52 games anyway.
Let's start with:
1: Mario Maker - It's simple. You make Mario Levels. It's awesome. Let the creativity flow!
2: Broforce - It's a throwback to games of a simpler time. It's sprite styled graphics, over the top action, and tongue-in-cheek humor. Such a good time.
3: Shantae and the Pirates Curse- Great 16-bit style 2D platformer. Such a fun game
4: Probotector - It's European Contra
5: Probotector II: The Return of the Evil Forces - It's European SuperC
6: StarFox Zero - I want to defend it, but the controls aren't good. It spoils an otherwise really good game.
I'm sure there's more to come. I've played a lot of games, I just can't remember them all
I think I played quite a bit last year, but totally forgot to write some stuff down. I guess I'll try my hand at reviewing stuff for 2016.
1. Dogyuun Arcade ( Toaplan V.2 board)- Completed to 2-1(2nd loop) 1cc Very fun shmup by Toaplan with some great/huge enemy designs,a good soundtrack, and a level where you jump into a invincible mech and punch things. The only main downsides are the lack of a spreadshot weapon, some of the level design at the end. 2cced the game, but still going for 1cc. 8.5/10
2. Kamui( PC)- Completed 1cc on easy A doijun shmup that is heavily inspired by Rayforce and Sokyugurentai with its scoring system and multi-parted bosses, only played through the game once so far; but its very enjoyable. 8/10
3. Solatorobo: Red the Hunter DS- Completed A pretty fun action rpg developed by the guys behind the .hack series and spritiual successor to Tail Concerto. Story was good, the quest system was actually more enjoyable then I thought, and the combat was solid. 8/10.
4. Point Blank DS Completed- Port of the 1994 Namco arcade game adapted for the DS with the stylus replacing the lightgun. Pretty barebones port, you can do arcade mode which consists of some of the games, although quite a few are missing. There's a brain challenge mode and practice mode, but those don't last very long. Stick with the PS1 version if you can. 5.5/10
5. Korg DS-10 Synth Plus DS Complete- This is surprising; it's a music creating tool which simulates a Korg synth from the early days of snyth technology. It's pretty cumbersome to learn how to make sounds, and the range of stuff you can make and do is limited but its fun nonetheless. However, there are much better tools than this nowadays, probably on PC. 7/10
6. Drone Tactics DS- On Hiatus- On Chapter 6 A typical SRPG with kids who are called by bugs to save this other world. The story feels pretty cut and paste so far; the combat can be fun although a bit limiting to attack options. The game was pretty easy for the first few chapters, but then chapter 6 has a huge spike in difficulty so I got my ass handed to me. Not sure if I want to keep playing, as I've heard its a very long game for a SRPG. Chapter 6 has a huge diffculty spike so I'm going to come back to this at a later date. 6/10
7. Dragon's Lair Trilogy(Wii)- Completed- This is great port of Dragon's Lair I and II, and Space Ace onto one physical package. The game plays pretty much like the original arcade release, faults and all, but there are arrow/sword/gun indicators on screen to help guide, and makes it a bit more fair to progress. Even with all three games, it takes less than a hour to beat. 6.5/10
8. Blazeblue Chrono Phantasma Extend (PS3)Completed- This was a co-op playthrough with me/bro in story mode. Story mode is way more streamlined and offers additional character development, and the combat system has defenitely stepped up from continum shift and is enjoyable in its own right. I'm looking forward to seeing how Centralfiction will be handled as a console port. 7.5/10
9. Trials HD (X360)- Completed ( except for Hard/Expert)- This game has some ridicuolously sensetive controls for your motorbike, and takes a ton of trial and error to get past certian sections and not get hit by something or flip on your back. I'm having fun with it, but the Hard/Expert levels feel near impossible at times. 7/10
10. Limbo (X360)- Completed- A platformer game with quite a bit of trial and error to it, but not as bad as Trials HD. The minimalism, and monochrome colors really do add to the atmosphere of the game. 7/10
11. 'Spolosion man (X360)- On World 3-1- Seems like a pretty easy platformer so far. I wish there was more variation in the enviornment and the music, but the mechanics are decent. 6.5/10
12. Ikaruga(GC)- Completed- Wow, this is a pretty good port of the great naomi arcade shmup. Not exactly accurate to the arcade, as there is less slowdown in some spots and the lack of story sequences, but it has a bunch of options for practice mode, which is something I love in shmup ports. The polarity mechanic is simple and fun to use in combat; I can defenitely see some influence from Radiant Silvergun in here. I'd like to improve my playskill at this before even atttempting to clear it. Defenitely the best shmup you can get on Gamecube, its also available on Steam,XBLA, and PSN as well. 8.2/10
13. DDR Mario Mix(Gamecube)- Completed This is kind of an unexpected spinoff. The story mode is made up of 5 worlds, with 4 levels each; and the goal is to dance your way to victory by not missing anything. I'm not that big of a fan of the remixes, but if you like DDR and Mario, then it wouldn't hurt to check it out, especially since its a pretty short game. 5.5/10.
14. Gunstar Heroes(Sega Genesis Classics/PC)- 3rd stage- Pretty fun run n gun game, especially since you can hold two weapons at a time, and switching them around in each level is estential to success. However, the base control layout for this game is not great, so I need to adjust it before I can go any further. 7.5/10
15. Fire Emblem Fates (3DS)- Chp.22 Birthright/Chp. 10 Conquest- Haven't gotten too much time to play it this week, but so far, I'm liking how the use of strategic elements on maps has gone up, the pair up mechanic isn't broken like Awakening, and they decided to go back to the damage formula present in the older Fire Emblems(FE 1-6) meaning that its more of a challenge this time around. This seems to be a verygood improvement from Awakening, and since I'm doing Conquest line first, the maps will continue to be challenging w/ varied objectives.
16. Night Striker (Arcade Taito Z Board/PS2) 2cc- A pretty solid looking Space Harrier clone with some pretty decent music, although it has a lot of repeated enviornments/bosses despite the 26 zones ( named A-Z like Darius). I just wish I had a better control setup cuz my keyboard's d-pad is not good for dodging those nasty missiles. Available on Taito Legends PS2, and import ports on the Saturn/PS1. 7/10
17. Liquid Kids(Arcade Taito F2 Board/PS2) 1cc completed- Cutesy platformer similiar to stuff like NewZelandStory and Bubble Bobble. This one has a very fair difficulty curve compared to some arcade platformers I've seen; has some good scoring mechanics with killing more enemies in a row generates additional points+ items. Defenitely reccomended for any platformer fan, also on Taito Legends for PS2. 8.5/10
18. Tokyo Beat Down (DS) Completed- I picked this game for cheap, and even though its a pretty clunky beat em up for the most part, the script is hilarious, and the main character's name is Lewis Canoon (loose cannon haha). This feels like a good stress reliever compared to FE Conquest right now. 6.5/10
19. Bayonetta 1 ( Wii U) Completed- Damn, this was a great experience from start to finish. It's a very good port of the xbox 360 port, ( considered to be the best), and every single aspect of the game comes together very well, especially the music and gameplay. My only compliant is some of the quicktime events don't give you much time to react, and then you can die and screw up your entire stage score. But this was really well done; one of the best hack n slashes and games of the last generation. 8.5/10
20. Bayonetta 2 ( Wii U)- Chp.10- So far, this one feels like a incremental sequel but with some better changes, they got rid of the quicktime events, difficulty feels a bit more balanced in the earlier stages, new ways to get more life/magic, not too many reused assets, you are able to fight infernal demons now in some chapters. The graphics are really good for the Wii U, its got a much brighter color palette than the first game, only a few minor slowdowns and a bit of extra time for loading screens. 9/10
21. House of the Dead: Overkill (Wii)- Completed This a light gun shooter that happens to be the prequel to the original House of the Dead. Its got a 70's horror B-movie vibe to it, and a money system that allows you to upgrade weapons. For the most part, it was graphically alright, but there were some slowdowns here and there due to the fact that there is a physics system for the zombie parts after you shoot them up. It's especially bad in level 5, where the game comes to a standstill with too much going on, and putting it in 480p makes it even worse. There are also missing parts to the story that can only be done in the director's cut mode, requiring a second playthrough. Overall, it was okay, but the upgradable system made the later stages a pain in the ass to not lose health and be forced to continue; I dunno if the PS3 port fixes any of this. 6/10.
22. Dragon Spirit( Namco System I Arcade/ Namco Museum 50 Annv. GC)- Completed A pure fantasy shmup from Namco that was originally released in 1987. It's the first game where Shinji Hosoe composed for, and its a pretty good first showing from him. The graphics are decent for there time, and there a quite a bit of powerups/ terrain/enemy patterns to deal with. The biggest problem with this game is your hugeass hitbox, and that having multiple heads only increases it, which leads to too many places where you'll get stuck, especially since many of the popcorn enemies home into your position. 6.5/10
23. Dragon Saber ( Namco System II Arcade/ PS1-JP Namco Museum Encore)- Stage 5 on 1c- Wow, the three year jump between Dragon Spirit and this game has a taken a huge leap in graphics and sound, many due to the vast increase of power in the arcade board. The soundtrack is even better this time; composed by Hosoe, and even includes a hidden soundtest to play remixed tracks from Dragon Spirit in the main game! Most of the old powerups are back, along with some new ones for different stages. Your hitbox is a little bit smaller this time, however you only have one bar of health, opposed to two in the original game. This makes many situations in the game extremely frustrating, especially since most of the bosses are beefed up compared to Spirit. This is even worse in the World version, requiring 2 credits for 3 lives, vs 1 for 3. Scoring is also more important here for end game bonuses, but I'm not gonna worry about it since I can only get halfway through the game on 1c right now. Quite a good improvement over Spirit. 7.8/10
24. Crimzon Clover: World Ignition ( Steam-PC)- Novice Arcade Complete- Got this for a buck, so I decided to check it out. It's a very well made bullethell shmup, with multiple ships/modes to test your skills. The main compliant is the lack of difficulty between novice and arcade; novice feels too easy while arcade will curb stomp you if you are trying to clear on one credit. There should have been a difficulty in between the two; everything else is pretty solid for the most part. 7.5/10
25. The Legend of Kage 2(DS)- CompletedThis is a sequel to the 1984 arcade game Legend of Kage, and feels like a reboot in many ways. The gameplay has been improved with new skills, ninjustu from orbs, and a pretty decent soundtrack. However, the level design is not great; you can skip over huge portions to get to the end of it; bosses aren't too bad besides the last few. The ninjustu was a waste due to only a few being useful and the rest not really helping. I'd say it was ok; but a bunch of fixing will be needed for a better sequel. 5.5/10
26. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia(DS)- Completd- A friend reccomended this one to me. Overall, there's a lot of items and weapons to get and the difficulty is actually pretty well-balanced so far. I think it has a way better dunegon variety, and the soundtrack was good as well. The only bummer was how Death was so pathetic in this game. 8/10
27. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow(DS)- Completed- This is a sequel to Aria of Sorrow for the GBA and continues mr. soma's story as well. There's some weapon synthesis and soul systems in place, although some of the later drops seem to be really uncommon. It feels quite a bit easier than Eclessia. I really dislike how the touch screen is only used for boss seals, and don't add anything to the game, and the soundtrack wasn't as good as well. 6.5/10.
33. Fixeight( Arcade Toaplan V.2 board) 1cc Euro ver.- This is the sequel to Outzone, and quite a bit is changed around this time. You can select from 8 different characters, each with 2 different weapons, one that is fire in any direction ( weak), or one that has a fixed direction( strong), along with bombs. You can change between the two weapons at change panels, and pick up various items including point items, special weapons/speed ups, etc. This version is much easier than the original Japanese version since you can breeze through bosses with C. Horn's weapons , but still manages to be a lot of fun,especially since you have to use the level terrain to your advantage to get past most enemies and certain bosses. The game does loop indefenitely with difficulty increases, so score is the main objective here. As with Dogyuun which runs on the same board, this game looks great for a 1992 game, although the color palette is a bit washed out at times and creates some very strange looking enemies. Music is mostly fits the aesthetic, but its not too strong in this game. You'll like this game if you're a fan of run n guns. 8/10
33. Fixeight ( Arcade, Toaplan V.2. board, 1cc completed on Euro/Jap versions)- Refer to pg.18 of this thread for more info. Awesome vertical run n gun with a ton of characters and varied stages. You have two main weapons ( can hold one at a time) and can pick up question marks for various items for each character. The color palette is very subdued, but I think this gives it a unique look. Soundtrack was a bit weak. There's also multiple scoring opprotunities and fast bullets( Japanese version mostly) to worry about. Defenitely give this one a shot if you enjoy arcade games. 8.8/10 My 1cc run of the Japanese ver is here:
34. Under Defeat HD: Deluxe Edition ( PS3)- This is a HD port of the Naomi/Dreamcast shmup, Under defeat which was created by G. rev, a company made up of former Taito employees. You can select from two modes, Arcade and New Order ( i'll cover that soon). Arcade seems to be very similar to the original arcade mode, with a better resolution.( I'll cover more tomorrow when I play more of the arcade mode).
35. Pacman & Galaga Dimensions (3DS)- This is a collection of Pac -Man and Galaga games, which includes Galaga, Galaga Arragement, Pac Man, Ms. Pac Man, and Pac Man Championship. Overall it's a nice package for getting your fix on pac man/ galaga on the go, but it could have had more content from other classic namco games, or championship dx. 6/10
36. Metal Slug Anthology- (Wii, MAME, Completed 1cc on 1, X)- This is the reason I bought a Wii, and I decided to revisit it a month or two ago. This contains all of the Metal Slugs released at the time ( 2006), and allows you to unlock art gallery, interviews, and music tracks through repeated playthroughs. My favorities on this collection are Metal Slugs 1,X,3 and 6. The biggest problem of the Wii port ( same for the PS2) is that the emulation is pretty off at certain points, and that the control schemes besides the sideways Wii remote aren't very good. If you're looking to clear the games on a 1cc, MAME is a far better option but if you like a collection on consoles, then stick with the PS2 version. 7/10
37. Metal Hawk- ( Arcade, Namco System 2 board ,1cc completed)- I played this game a year ago not getting very far, but this time it was a completely different story. It's mainly a shmup with a xevious style of gameplay, although the main difference is that your helicopter can change altitude and direction ( free roaming style) thanks to the sprite rotation and scaling supported as hardware features. You need to get a certain amount of points within the time limit in each area in order to advance to the next stage. The soundtrack is very good, offering a 80's hard rock backdrop with a mix of FM and lots of PCM songs that fit the game's style. The game is pretty short, but can quickly get difficult due to the agressive enemies and ground targets, along with a necessary knowledge of the controls. Graphics are also some of the best of 1988, and because of the scaling was planned to have a 32x port but was canceled. A very unique game for its time, and its the only game of its kind, so check it out if you can. 8/10
I was able to clear it (first in the West it seems) and here is my run here:
38. Outzone (Arcade, Toaplan V.1. board,1cc, completed)- This is the prequel to Fixeight, although you have to worry about your energy bar instead of an invisible timer. The gameplay is mostly the same, but there is a greater amount of special weapons. The one weapon that will carry you through the game is the super ball, which spins in a ridicuolously huge area and can shoot projectiles across the screen. This game isn't too hard, but it can easy to screw up and lose a run on one part. 8/10.
39. Assault/ Assault Plus( Arcade, Namco System 2 board or Namco Museum Vol. 4, PS1, Plus Easy 1cc completed)- This is a game where you control a tank from an overhead perspective. It predates Metal Hawk by half a year, and has many of the same effects and soundtrack composers as Metal Hawk. The tank can flip over ( useful for dodging waves of shots), launch regular shots, ranged nuclear missles and use assault pads to damage far ranged enemies. The controls are a twin stick method with a fire button on the left stick, but on MAME you map the sticks to keyobard keys, or to buttons on the PS1 Museum port. There is a very interesting story in that you are reclaiming your home planet from an invasion by Earth's forces, and there are variety of different areas where your goal is to destroy different types of cannons in each area within the time limit. The main game is made up of 11 stages ( only have gotten through 5 on 1 credit), while Plus has ( an improved color palette and fixes the 0 sec glitch), an Easy mode with 5 stages based off the original version, and a Super mode with reworked stage layout that is 10 stages. The graphics are some of the best of 1988, and the soundtrack is pretty good, although imbalanced ( due to the PCM sound driver being incomplete; this is fixed for the Namco Video Game Graffati soundtrack vol. 3). It's defenitely a very unique and challenging game, and its a shame that Namco never made an offical sequel. 9/10
I can give this a try, I finished Battlefield 4 yesterday so one game down.
- Battlefield 4 - PC
- Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor - PC
- Aliens: Colonial Marines - PC
- Rise of the Tomb Raider - PC
Here is my list, linked below will be my thoughts, experiences, and ratings.
bold text denotes games that were beat, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized text denotes games that are currently being played.
standard text denotes games that have been abandoned, if only temporarily.
- Thomas Was Alone (PS4)
- Infamous: First Light (PS4)
- Rise of the Tomb Raider (X1)
- Chibi-Robo! (GCN)
- The Stanley Parable (PC)
- Castlevania (NES)
- Yard Sale Hidden Treasures: Sunnyville (NDS)
- Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol (NDS)
- Gone Home (PC)
- Biker Mice from Mars (NDS)
- Grand Theft Auto III (PS4)
- Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (NDS)
- Portal (PC)
- Pony Island (PC)
- Road Rash Jailbreak (GBA)
- Human Resource Machine (PC)
- Party Hard (PC)
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS4)
- Fire Emblem: Awakening (3DS)
- Amplitude (PS4)
- Tiny Toon Adventures: Plucky's Big Adventure (PSX)
- Tiny Toon Adventures: The Great Beanstalk (PSX)
- Luminosity (PC)
- Capsule Force (PS4)
- Fallout 4 (X1) :Automatron (X1)
- Child of Light (X1)
- Retro City Rampage (PC)
- Hacknet (PC)
- Firewatch (PC)
- Gas Guzzlers Extreme (PC)
- Please, Don't Touch Anything (PC)
- Rock of Ages (360)
- Mahjong (Android)
- Need for Speed: Rivals (PS4)
- Road Redemption (PC)
- GodBall (PC)
- SuperTruck (PC)
- Assassin's Creed (360)
- Assassin's Creed II (360)
- Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (360)
- Assassin's Creed: The Lost Archives (360)
- Pocket Mortys (Android)
- Assassin's Creed: Revelations (360)
- Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China (X1)
- Assassin's Creed III (360)
- Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles (NDS)
- Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD (360)
- Assassin's Creed II: Discovery (NDS)
- Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (3DS)
- Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines (PSP)
- Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (3DS)
- Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (X1)
- Kirby Block Ball (GB)
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (NDS)
- My Nintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (3DS)
- Assassin's Creed: Rogue (360)
- F-Zero GP Legend (GBA)
- Assassin's Creed: Unity (X1)
- Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS)
- Assassin's Creed: Syndicate (X1)
- Assassin's Creed: Syndicate: Jack the Ripper (X1)
- TimeSplitters (PS2)
- TimeSplitters 2 (PS2)
- TimeSplitters: Future Perfect (PS2)
- Air Combat (PS1)
- Bomberman GB (GB)
- I Am Bread (PS4)
- Road Rash (PS1)
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PS4)
- Metal Gear (NES)
- Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland (GBA)
- Klonoa: Empire of Dreams (GBA)
- Mirror's Edge: Catalyst (PS4)
- Drill Dozer (GBA)
- Homefront: The Revolution (PS4)
- -KLAUS- (PS4)
- Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation (3DS)
- Aero Fighters (SNES)
- Star Fox 2 (SNES)
- Demon's Souls (PS3)
- Super Boss Gaiden (SNES-CD)
- Mega Man & Bass (SNES)
- Cave Story 3D (3DS)
- Blacksite: Area 51 (360)
- Hexcells (PC)
- Hexcells Plus (PC)
- Hexcells Infinite (PC)
- Regency Solitaire (PC)
- Ace Combat 2 (PS1)
- Forza Horizon 2 (X1)
- Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere (PS1)
- Catlateral Damage (PS4)
- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS4)
- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS4)
- Haunting Ground (PS2)
- Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PS4)
- Dark Souls (360)
- Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (PS4)
- Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)
- Aragami (PS4)
- Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour (X1)
- Stikbold (X1)
- Rise of the Tomb Raider: Blood Ties (X1)
- Dokapon Kingdom (Wii)
- Pokemon: Fire Red Version (GBA)
- Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin (X1)
- Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India (X1)
- Dungelot: Shattered Lands (PC)
- Yoshi's Woolly World (Wii U)
- Risk of Rain (PC)
- Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (PS2)
- Tales from the Borderlands (X1)
- Lococycle (PC)
- Tokyo Mirage Sessions: #FE (Wii U)
- Watch Dogs 2 (PS4)
Games 1-15 (,6762.msg106124.html#msg106124)
Games 16-27 (,6762.15.html#msg106471)
Games 28-45 (,6762.msg106774.html#msg106774)
Games 46-59 (,6762.msg107129.html#msg107129)
Games 60-79 (,6762.msg107460.html#msg107460)
Games 80-98 (
Games 99-Final (,6762.msg108338.html#msg108338)
Final Stats (,6762.msg132352.html#msg132352)
My challenge list! I'm still going to do my little reviews of each game I beat in a separate post like last year, but this post will be the running list without all the clutter. Only games that I picked up or beat for the first time this year will be on this list. Very excited to fully tackle this challenge since I was a latecomer last year.
New Games Played in 2016:
1. Solar Jetman: The Hunt for the Golden Warpship (XbOne)
2. Fire Shark (Gen)
3. Bust-a-Move '99 (N64)
4. Pokemon Shuffle (3DS)
5. Resident Evil (GC)
6. Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits (PS2)
7. Time Crisis 3 (PS2) - Is awful without a GunCon, so I will definitely need to pick up one of those before playing again.
8. Mark of Kri (PS2)
9. Splashdown (PS2)
10. Gauntlet: Dark Legacy (GC)
11. Mario Party 7 (GC)
12. Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue Version (GBA)
13. Metal Slug X (PS2)
14. Perfect Dark (Xbox One)
15. Jetpack (Xbox One)
16. Rocket League (Xbox One)
+ New Games Beat in 2016: (Click the link to see each post I made about the game!)
17. (1). Super Smash Bros. For 3DS (3DS) (,6762.msg106382.html#msg106382) - 1.15
18. Donkey Kong Country (SNES) (,6762.msg106504.html#msg106504) - 1.17
19. Ace Combat: Infinity (PS3) (,6762.msg107829.html#msg107829) - 1.30
20. Xenoblade Chronicles 3D (3DS) (,6762.msg108561.html#msg108561) - 2.6
21. (5). Ace Combat Zero (PS2) (,6762.msg109615.html#msg109615) - 2.22
22. Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3) (,6762.msg112123.html#msg112123) - 3.26
23. The Thing (PS2) (,6762.msg112513.html#msg112513) - 3.30
24. Suikoden (PS1) (,6762.msg112811.html#msg112811) - 4.5
25. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS) (,6762.msg115032.html#msg115032) - 4.24
26. (10). Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly (PS3) (,6762.msg116124.html#msg116124) - 5.6
27. R.C. Pro AM II (XbOne) (,6762.msg116823.html#msg116823) - 5.12
28. Mega Man 4 (PS2) (,6762.msg117027.html#msg117027) - 5.16
29. We Love Katamari (PS2) (,6762.msg119471.html#msg119471) - 6.4
30. Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy (3DS) (,6762.msg119472.html#msg119472) - 6.11
31. (15). Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (PS2) (,6762.msg120005.html#msg120005) - 6.22
32. Ace Combat: Assault Horizon (PS3) (,6762.msg120190.html#msg120190) - 6.25
33. Luigi's Mansion (GC) (,6762.msg120291.html#msg120291) - 6.27
34. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (PS1) (,6762.msg121278.html#msg121278) - 7.10
35. Golden Sun (GBA) (,6762.msg121805.html#msg121805) - 7.17
36. (20.) Ratchet & Clank (PS2) (,6762.msg122282.html#msg122282) - 7.19
37. Metal Gear Solid (PS1) (,6762.msg122793.html#msg122793) - 7.28
38. Super Monkey Ball 2 (GC) (,6762.msg122943.html#msg122943) - 7.31
39. Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3) (,6762.msg123543.html#msg123543) - 8.9
40. Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals (DS) (,6762.msg124486.html#msg124486) - 8.18
41. (25.)Wipeout XL (PS1) (,6762.msg125241.html#msg125241) - 9.2
42. Sly 2: Band of Thieves (PS2) (,6762.msg125885.html#msg125885) - 9.9
43. Super Mario World (SNES) (,6762.msg126476.html#msg126476) - 9.18
44. Pokemon Picross (3DS) (,6762.msg129239.html#msg129239) - 10.28
45. Medal of Honor: Frontline (PS2) (,6762.msg130025.html#msg130025) - 11.15
46. (30.) Conker's Bad Fur Day (XbOne) (,6762.msg130809.html#msg130809) - 11.24
47. Ori and the Blind Forest (XbOne) (,6762.msg132019.html#msg132019) - 12.23
48. Pokemon Moon (3DS) (,6762.msg132117.html#msg132117) - 12.25
TOTAL PLAYED: 48/52 - Argh, I was so close! Next year :)
Ace Combat 04 - ps2
Sniper Elite 3 - ps4
Far Cry 4 - ps4
Assassin Creed Unity - ps4
NES Remix Pack - Wii U
2 - Blue Estate (PC) - 2 Hours FINISHED - Goofy on rails shooter. Very much like House of the Dead, but kinda like Shadow Warriors humor to me. Very over the top, but entertaining.
Reviews in purple are for games that I replayed. Reviews in teal are for games that I did not finish.
1. The Evil Within (
2. Fatal Frame (
3. Until Dawn (
4. Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly (
5. Kirby Super Star Ultra (
6. Stella Glow (
7. Devil Kings (
8. Jikandia: The Timeless Land (
9. Demon's Souls (
10. Castlevania 64 (
11. Kirby Air Ride (
12. Indigo Prophecy (
13. Heavenly Sword (
14. Mega Man X (
15. Mega Man X2 (
16. Mega Man X3 (
17. Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (
18. Klonoa: Empire of Dreams (
19. DDR MAX2: Dance Dance Revolution (
20. Valkyria Chronicles 3: Extra Edition (
21. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (
22. Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament (
23. Kirby: Squeak Squad (
24. Kirby: Canvas Curse (
25. Tobal No. 1 (
26. Glover (
27. Folklore (
28. Shenmue (
29. Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble (
30. Kirby's Epic Yarn (
31. Resonance of Fate (
32. Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (
33. Kirby's Pinball Land (
34. Project X Zone 2 (
35. Nightshade (
36. Muramasa Rebirth: Fishy Tales of the Nekmoata (
37. Muramasa Rebirth: A Cause to Daikon For (
38. Muramasa Rebirth: A Spirited Seven Nights' Haunting (
39. Muramasa Rebirth: Hell's Where the Heart Is (
40. Mega Man X4 (
41. Kirby: Triple Deluxe (
42. Panzer Dragoon Saga (
43. Galerians (
44. Nights of Azure (
45. Kirby's Avalanche (
46. Snatcher (
47. The Bouncer (
48. Lufia: The Ruins of Lore (
49. Onimusha: Warlords (
50. Mega Man, as part of the Mega Man Legacy Collection (
51. Mega Man 2, as part of the Mega Man Legacy Collection (
53. Final Fantasy XIII (
54. Akiba's Trip (
55. Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny (
56. Mega Man 3, as part of the Mega Man Legacy Collection (
57. Kirby's Block Ball (
58. Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest (
59. Time Stalkers (
60. Onimusha 3: Demon Siege (
61. Kirby: Planet Robobot (
62. Zero Time Dilemma (
63. Seven Samurai 20XX (
64. Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness (
65. The World Ends with You (
66. PaRappa the Rapper (
67. EOE: Eve of Extinction (
68. Kirby's Dream Course (
69. Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth (
70. Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars (
71. Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X (
72. Baten Kaitos Origins (
73. 7th Dragon III: Code VFD (
74. Mega Man Xtreme (
75. Mega Man 4, as part of the Mega Man Legacy Collection (
76. Mega Man 5, as part of the Mega Man Legacy Collection (
77. Kirby's Star Stacker (
78. Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book (
79. Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA (
80. Fatal Frame III: The Tormented (
81. Azure Striker Gunvolt (
82. The Getaway (
83. Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (
84. Magic Knight Rayearth (
85. Aragami (
86. Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls (
87. Shovel Knight (
88. Quest 64 (
89. Gravity Rush (
90. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (
91. Mega Man Xtreme 2 (
92. Shadow Complex Remastered (
93. Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 (
Added 2 more games to my list on page 1 :)
Maybe I will be able to finish this challenge this year!
Main List (
Bold are beaten games or games that are otherwise unbeatable
I'm not a fan of "scores", you know 9/10, 93%, 4/5, etc. I'm going to give my personal rating of the games.
1. Thomas Was Alone (PS4)
Fairly short puzzle platformer game, it's the context and narrative that make this game interesting and worth a playthrough.
Rating: Definitely worth a play, if you got the game with PS+ check it out, if not, wait for a sale, it's a short game, but definitely amusing
2. Infamous: First Light (PS4)
Probably about the same amount of content as the full game of Second Son, better narrative than Second Son from what I recall. Really enjoyed playing this, it doesn't hurt that I'd probably play any game with Laura Bailey as a lead.
Rating: If you are a fan of Infamous, definitely check this out. Otherwise, my opinion is that it is a great game and definitely worth playing if you got the game with PS+, if goes on sale, or is somehow included in a bundle with Second Son.
3. Rise of the Tomb Raider (XB1)
I beat this game on New Year's eve, but I played quite a bit after New Year's getting collectibles and stuff. Really good game, not much connectivity from the previous game aside from minor references to characters in the previous game. The game didn't feel like the "survivor" game like the last game. I suppose it's supposed to show that she has grown and knows how to handle herself now, but my understanding is that this game does pick up shortly after the last game, I might be wrong. A lot of the
trailers for this game showed her talking with a therapist and dealing with her PTSD from surviving the first game, so I was expecting PTSD and narrative that would delve into that aspect of her character, but it never occurred. My understanding was the theme of the game was rising above and surviving, but the game very strongly showed that she had no trouble surviving and didn't need to "rise above" anything. Still a great game, 9/10 in my book.
Rating: Buy, definitely buy this game, if you haven't played the first game in the reboot series, play it first. Both are highly recommended in my book.
4. Chibi-Robo! (GCN)
Having read very little about this game, I went into it expecting exactly what I got, plus a little more. The humor is fairly childish, but who am I kidding, that stuff is the best. Quite a bit of humor mostly a child would laugh at, and quite a bit of humor only an adult would laugh at. So I was laughing quite often with this game. The last 2 "chapters" of the game kind of confused me and caught me off guard, but everything made sense once they started explaining things. They showed these pictures or drawings that I felt were supposed to mean something and I didn't get what was going on until they explained it, maybe that was the point, but I liked it. I'm going to try to get my hands on a copy of Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol. I had a chance at a copy for $5, but I would've had to drive pretty far and I think it's not quite worth that + gas. I'll have to go put it on my wishlist now. Might be my first handheld game for the year, unless I go play Izuna. I really wanna play Okaeri! Chibi-Robo! Happy Richie Ōsōji!, but it being Japan exclusive complicates things, but there is a fan translation in the works.
Rating: Really fun game, it is a chore game, but there are always things to do and you are rewarded for everything. If any game in the chibi-robo series is worth playing, it is this one. I definitely can't recommend paying over $50 for the game, but it is a game I recommend nonetheless. More on this in the Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol review.
5. The Stanley Parable (PC)
Really short game. Short enough that it wouldn't take an hour or two to get through every single ending openly known. The narrative and story is what makes this game worth the play.
Rating: Fun intriguing game, but definitely not worth the money it costs to play. If you can get it in a steam sale for under $1, I'd say go for it, you'll get more out of it than a bottle of water... unless you live in Michigan.
6. Castlevania (NES)
Decided to start playing the Castlevania series, going to try to burst through a bunch of the games. I tried playing this on the retron5, but my retron5 wireless controller doesn't hold a charge for very long and is pretty much a shitty controller in general. I tried using an NES controller, but to be quite frank, I think NES controllers are shit as well, maybe all of my controllers suck, but I the amount of force required for the controller to register a button press and the inability to press the d-pad quickly or the d-pad reading that you held down left for 5 seconds even though you just tapped it, very very frustrating. I hooked up a SNES controller, because I like the SNES controller... sometimes... but this is the retron5, in order to use a SNES controller for an NES game, you have to go to the OS settings and make it so, well, without the retron5 controller I have no way of getting back to the main OS screen without restarting. So, I gave up and loaded up my hacked wii, loaded up mednafen, and loaded up Castlevania. Relatively short game, I think 6 levels, broken down into 3 sections. I think this is honestly my first time knowingly playing a castlevania game, not my first metroidvania game though. I might have played Castlevania 64 when I was younger, but I really don't remember. Really enjoyed it, I loaded up Castlevania 2 Simon's Quest next, played it for like 15 seconds and decided I didn't feel like playing Castlevania anymore, so I started messing with WiiWare/DS stuff.
Rating: This is a great game, and it's not too expensive, so I would definitely recommend checking this game out, it's the only Castlevania game I've ever played and I liked it, the controls are fairly solid and is only frustrating at certain parts, definitely worth your time if you like side scrolling adventure games.
7. Yard Sale Hidden Tresures: Sunnyvillle (NDS)
I expected this game to be a yard sale game, like you go through a neighborhood of yard sales to buy random stuff to furnish your home, which kind of is basically what you are doing, but I thought there would be some choice in it. I think I was expecting a Sims like game. Turns out, it's just a hidden object game... and a weird one at that. Doesn't seem too long and I've already played through what seems to be half of the game, so I might as well see it through. Fairly short, my wife would love this game, pure I-Spy stuff.
Rating: Pass on this game, it's short, stupid, and boring. I got relatively nothing out of it other than an idea for a hidden object/life simulation game.
8. Chibi Robo: Park Patrol (NDS)
Similar to the Gamecube game, but you are revitalizing a park. Fairly good so far, but the controls are slightly frustrating. The smoglings murderballing my flowers is super frustrating, but I think I'm getting used to slapping them right in the mouth before they can kill a flower or two. Might actually finish this game in a few days at this rate. I hit a point, where as soon as I woke up my PC exploded, so I can't buy anything, and I walked outside to go find a new control panel, and the bad guys sent 3 Smoglobs at my park and blew away all of my items and vehicles... and the water gun landed in a stream, and I don't currently own the waterproof spray. So I had to go to town and find a control panel, fix the control panel and buy the waterproof spray, go pick up my water gun, go find a vehicle conveniently located at the furthest point on the map, all while 3 smoglobs are wreaking havoc on my park. Very frustrating, but by the end of the day, I regrew enough plants that I only lost 25 flowers... mostly a waste of a day and I was still set back by the end. I beat the game and felt compelled enough to continue playing until I made the entire park green, I received basically nothing at that point... so I saved and quit.
Rating: Really good game, if you liked Chibi-Robo, it's definitely worth the play. If you have never played Chibi-Robo, this game is significantly cheaper and will give you an idea of how Chibi-Robo plays, so I would recommend this before spending the big bucks on Chibi-Robo for GCN.
9. Gone Home (PC)
I started playing this the other night, I had heard good things about this game, but I also heard that the developers are kind of dicks and don't accept criticism and delete/ban negative reviews of the game. I have a personal problem with that. So I explicitly did not pay for this game and played it on a friend's computer who does own it. It's a really great game, I would recommend the game to tons of people if the developers weren't explicitly going out of their way to hide and destroy negative reviews. But I also don't think this game is worth the asking price, definitely wouldn't pay over $5, I'd personally wait for a sale where it is Stanley Parable cheap.
Rating: My issue with the developer aside, and how much I actually really liked this game, I still can't recommend paying money for this game. It's too short and too expensive. I don't think even at 70% off it would be cheap enough.
10. Biker Mice from Mars (NDS)
I have no clue why I decided to play this game, but I'm relatively glad I did. I don't know how well this game saves your data, as I played the game in its entirety without shutting off the system. The game is split into 2 different genres, half of the game is a slightly frustrating Twisted metal esque racer (I say frustrating because my "L" button doesn't work, so I can't use the alternate weapon, which I assume is heatseeker missiles. The other half is a beat em up arcade game. Some parts are frustrating, mostly fighting the guys with guns.
Rating:I actually recommend this game, the racing parts are fun if you have a fully working DS, the fighting levels can be challenging, but mostly easy.
11. Grand Theft Auto III (PS2 on PS4) (Platinum)
The GTA Trilogy is on sale on PSN for PS2 on PS4, so I decided to buy it. I haven't played GTA 3 since Vice City released, and I haven't played Vice City since San Andreas released. I played Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories when they came out for PS2, but I didn't spend much time in those small short games, though I do wish those 2 titles had been included in the pack. I have however played San Andreas several times over and over since release. Beat it tons of times before 4 came out, beat it once more before 4 came out, beat it again after finishing 4 because San andreas was better, played it again sometime between 4 and 5, played it again before 5 was released, and played it again when it was released on 360 Games on Demand (Not Xbox originals version). San Andreas, as you can tell, is my favorite entry in the franchise, but this time around, since I bought the trilogy, I decided I would not touch San Andreas until I finish 3 and Vice City. The controls for GTA3 so far are very frustrating. I don't fully understand what was done for this release, my understanding is that they have to physically modify the game to allow trophy support, which was their reason for not doing trophies for PS1 and PS2 classics. As part of this "theory" since they lost licenses and such, they have stripped several songs from all of the games, GTA3 may not be included in that as the soundtrack was fairly indie all around. If this is the case, I don't understand why they didn't update the control schemes to match later entries in the series, it is painful to play. I mean, I am dying within 2-4 seconds in any single gunfight because I get flustered with the controls and wind up switching weapons instead of firing among other things. I just need to get used to the controls, but I'm remembering why I never went back and played GTA 3 and I'm sure the same will apply to Vice city... but I will attempt to prevail and finish this title. I doubt I will 100% this game, but I may try, I do have the old PS2 strategy guides, so I may be able to rely on that. So my wife has family over, so I'm playing this Remote Play from PS4 to PSTV, at first it was working fairly well, I was impressed, but now her dad is streaming movies and youtube and her cousins are both playing computer games online, so the connection keeps dropping so I have to stop playing frequently. We have 300Mbps internet, and a router that will transfer over 1Gbps, I would assume that remote play only uses local bandwidth, but it appears to be using actual internet or something, it gets frustrating. I've had the game paused for most of the weekend in the middle of the final mission, family finally left, getting ready to play, I unpause the game, my car immediately explodes... yay. Took me about 15 tries, but I finally beat it, I truly don't remember GTA 3 being as difficult, hopefully I don't have nearly as much trouble with Vice City, though I recall having a terrible time with some missions. I'm going to attempt to Platinum this game, it will be my very first platinum trophy. Ugh, these last 42% are going to be really painful. Down to the last 8%, the 4x4 mission is going to be my bane... maybe that Flatbed. Gripped! took me forever to beat, after I beat Gripped! and Rumble, I drove to Staunton Island and immediately saw a flatbed. 100% complete. But my trophy progress is at 96% because I have 2 trophies left: 2000 cars exploded and busted 20 times. Busted is cake, I'll probably get that trying to blow up the remaining cars. I managed to sit down for about 30 minutes and blew up 250ish cars, so it should hopefully only take me an hour and a half to get the rest. So close to that platinum. Woot, done. First platinum.
Rating:$15 for a $5 PS2 game that you can do remote play and trophies and such... if you've never played GTA 3 before, now's the time to jump in. If you've played it before, you probably want to pass. If you care about trophies and want the nostalgia, jump right in. I bought it during a sale and I don't regret it, but I paid about $5 a game for the trilogy. (This review applies to all games in the trilogy)
12. Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (NDS)
I already have save data that has 22 minutes logged. With this information, I presume I have beaten Curious Village and Diabolical Box, I remember beating Curious Village, and I do remember starting and not continuing Unwound future, and I'm a stickler, so I don't think I would've just plum skipped Diabolical, plus I remember the intro to Diabolical, so I must have played it through. Puzzle, Puzzle, Puzzle, you're a hero Professor Layton. That ending, got me right in the heart. Seeing a gentleman cry, it's heartbreaking.
Rating: If you are into puzzle games of any kind, then look no further than the Professor Layton franchise. Great puzzles, admirable story, fun and interesting characters, what more could you ask for.
13. Portal (PC)
Portal, always a great game. Fairly short, but fun puzzles and only takes about an hour or two to beat. Game is on sale right now for $1.99, so if you don't have it go grab it. I really don't know what else to say about this game, it's a staple game, everyone should play it.
Rating: SPAAAAAAAACE!!! What's that? Wrong game? Oh. Okay. This game is great, play it, love it, and then go play Portal 2.
14. Pony Island (PC)
I've been on a PC binge lately, and it will probably continue. This game is interesting, basically you are playing what I presume to be a kids game, that is possessed by a demon, or the devil himself. Half puzzle game, half action/platformer?. I don't know, you are side scrolling bullet hell/shmup style, I don't want to spoil anything, it's a really fun game, and I'm enjoying it so far. You will definitely get your $5 out of the game.
Rating: Fun little half puzzle, half action game. Fairly short, but plenty entertaining. Not much in the way of replay value, but for $5 you won't be disappointed.
15. Road Rash Jailbreak (GBA)
Story tiem. I had no intent of playing this, and this review is going to be very long for having nothing to do with the game. Our neighbor's dog is kind of an asshole. Most nights he will just bark intermittently. He is a pretty big dog with one of those really piercing barks, loud, and piercing. And he absolutely loves to stand right at the fence outside of our window and bark in our direction, it's fantastic. Our neighbors don't speak english, and we live in an unincorporated area, so best case, we can get county sheriffs out here, but they don't respond to noise complaints. We try noise makers (white noise machines, box fans, etc.), we try ear plugs, headphones/earbuds playing music. Most nights, something works. But last night, my wife woke up and went to our guest bedroom. I woke up, realized she was gone and I couldn't sleep, so I went to find her. We both tried to sleep in the guest bedroom, didn't help, dog is loud as fuck. So she woke up and went to our loft and just sat in a corner and played with her phone. I woke up not too much later, went and asked if she wanted to just be awake and watch a movie or play a game. So I went and grabbed pillows and blankets so we could veg out on the floor and watch Netflix or play something on the Gamecube/GBPlayer. She decided that since we can actually not hear the dog, or he stopped barking now that we gave up, she would try to nap and that I would just play games on mute until I need to get up for work in about 30 minutes. Mind you all of this occurred between the hours of 1am and 5am, the dog was continuously barking from 1am to 5am, for no reason mind you. I looking, he was just standing out there, barking, occasionally, he would stop standing and he would sit and bark in my direction. So I go and look at the GBA games and try to pick a game to play, after playing Road Redemption at PAX South, my interest in Road Rash games has returned, so I decided to play Road Rash Jailbreak. GBA is kind of the handheld equivalent of a SNES, so graphics are about that. I beat the basic story mode in about 30 minutes, played cop mode for about 5 minutes, and then decided to get up and get ready for work. I didn't play long enough to get a grasp of how the difficulty changes when you upgrade your character, or if it changes at all. But this game was very frustrating, I found that if you are behind a guy, he can hit you and you can't hit him, and if you are ahead of a guy and he is behind you he can hit you and you can't hit him. You have to be just perfect to make contact, they don't. No breaking to help with the really tight turns. Cops only attack you. Game has rubber band mechanics, which has it's own pros and cons. Cops have a special rubber band mechanic where you can never outrun them, and they will never outrun you, almost always right next to you, unless you hit them, then they slow down for a few seconds. Game gives you 3 boosts per race, they serve almost no purpose, if you boost next to a racer or cop, they automatically boost with you. I found that 7/9 times, when you get a weapon pickup, as soon as you activate it, all enemies immediately boost and rubber band away from you until your weapon expires. Overall, this game is a solid pass, don't bother. Mind you, this review is for the GBA version and does not reflect my opinion on the PSX version... which I also own and might play to compare.
Rating: Ugh, pass on this, seriously, just pass on this. It is so inferior to other Road Rash games, the only good this I have to say about this is that the graphics are fairly smooth.
Continued down the page,6762.15.html#msg106471
Updated my log on the 1st page, 5 completed so far.
I gave up on this early last year but I'll stick with it again this year and try it out
Currently playing in 2016
Witch 3: The Hunt
Walking Dead Season 1
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
Persona Q
Game Beat in 2016
Fallout 4 - 01/11/2016
So I'm still sitting at 0 completed, however I have a list of games that I started in 2015 with intentions to finish soon. I also just completed a FE9 + 10 draft so I'm currently plowing through FE9...
1. Undertale- Neutral Route, Genocide Route (ATM), Pacifist Route
2. Borderland 2 - Normal Mode, True Vault Hunter (ATM), Ultimate Vault Hunter
3. Borderland 1 - Normal Mode (ATM)
Game 1 - Super Smash Bros. for 3DS ~ 40 Hours
+ Finally can count this game as finished after getting the last character, Bowser Jr. There's not much to say about Smash Bros. that hasn't been said already. It's a great game series and this iteration is very good. Plays great, looks great, playing online is fun (though laggy at times). Tons of stuff to do in the meantime as well! Really don't have much else to say, and had very little gripes with it.
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
Main List (
bold are games that I have beaten, beaten previously, or are unbeatable.
16. Human Resource Machine (PC)
Progress: Year 35
This is a really interesting "programming" game. You play a meaningless office stooge. Your goal is to transfer items from an inbox to an outbox programmaticly using the commands given to you. It starts off pretty simple, and you think to yourself "Oh, this is programming? I can do this" and then you get a few levels in and you think to yourself "Oh my gord, what in the hell, get the shit out of here." to which I actually think "Ah, this is why I got a degree in computer science, to make things more efficient than little office peons". It's a fun game that makes you think really hard, and then you realize you were thinking 64 steps too hard for what was actually necessary. Definitely worth checking out for $9.99. I'm a little more than halfway through the game and the puzzles are getting pretty harsh, and I am a programmer. Out of nowhere this game went from Year 33 with me doing a puzzle in like 1 minute, destroying all optimization challenges in the first run, to a level where I as a programmer can't even comprehend how I'm supposed to solve the problem in under 100 steps let alone in 17 steps. Gosh, that last level kicked my butt. Took me double everything to beat it, I was just plum tired of the game and wanted to be done though. I do this for a living kind of, so it's hard to do this at work and then come home and do a similar thing.
Rating: It's a really good game if you have interest in what programming is like. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's hard, and a lot of times there are more efficient ways to do things, especially if you have a limited tool set.
17. Party Hard (PC)
One of the games I played at PAX South. They gave out 50% off steam coupons so I decided to get it. I can relate to a game where you want to murder your neighbors for playing music really loud all hours of the night. I mean, my wife and I have been playing this game since like 5pm, it's now 9pm. The neighbor has been blaring Tejano music since noon, he is still blaring his music and our bedroom is right next to his backyard, but that doesn't matter, the computer room is on the far end of the house completely opposite of his house and the backyards and I can still hear his music over my typing. So, it's kind of therapeutic to murder loud party goers. Now if only my neighbor spoke English and were kind enough to lower his music if I asked. I find it so baffling that a person can be gainfully employed and own a home and not speak English in the slightest. All that ranting aside, it's a pretty fun stealth murder simulator with a little bit of a story to it. It seems like the story is a police officer telling the story of a serial killer to someone. There seems to be a giant bug with the Boat level where there is a missing file that causes the game to repeatedly report this information to the log file over and over, causing the log file to reach over 20MB. I powered through and it was one of the most painful experiences I have had playing a game, but I did it.
Rating: This game's art style reminds me of Hotline Miami, it's not top down like the game, just that pixel art and 80's vibe. The game is a stealth murder sim, kill everyone you can without getting caught. I wanna say there is another game like this, but it escapes me. Naughty Bear? I bet I'm thinking of Naughty Bear. Naughty Bear isn't a fantastic game, it's not even a serious game, but it can be fun... this game however, is great, is serious (most of the time), and I could replay this game over and over just because you can play it in so many different ways.
18. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2 on PS4)
Current Progress: 48% complete
After playing GTA 3 for the past week, I am sooo glad to be playing this game. I don't remember much of this game, I don't believe I played it nearly as much as I played GTA 3. But all of that aside, the physics are so much better, you can turn off the trails so you don't get that annoying video blur, which sometimes causes some annoying graphical issues, and the trophies seem to be less time consuming. I'm going to attempt to platinum this game as well, the one thing that seems to be an issue is doing a wheelie for 30 seconds, but I'll give it a try, I'll try to do it earlier than later. So having played quite a bit now, I'm realizing that the steering in this game is slightly different, slightly difficult, cars steer too fast and motorcycles either steer too far or not at all, with seemingly no reason for the difference. I did a little research on the trophies, and it sounds like there is a trophy that requires a criminal rating of 1,000,000, it took forever to get a criminal rating of 5,000 in GTA3, I will likely not go for a platinum as I have no interest in grinding for 1,000 hours. So I may go for most trophies I can, or I may just beat the story and move on to San Andreas. Might take a break after this one and jump into -KLAUS- or Amplitude. Progress is relatively slow for me right now, I've been getting home late from work because I'm trying to cover my hours since I'm taking off of work to go to PAX South. I've already unlocked the other island, and taken over the Vercetti Mansion, and bought a few properties. Managed to fast track it to the end so I could be done, I plan on coming back to this to get some of the trophies, still don't think I'm gonna go for the plat on this one.
Rating:$15 for a $5 PS2 game that you can do remote play and trophies and such... if you've never played GTA Vice City before, now's the time to jump in. If you've played it before, you probably want to pass. If you care about trophies and want the nostalgia, jump right in. I bought it during a sale and I don't regret it, but I paid about $5 a game for the trilogy. (This review applies to all games in the trilogy)
19. Fire Emblem: Awakening (3DS)
I actually beat most of this game last year, or was it the year before, I don't know. I'm a noob to the Fire Emblem franchise, it was the first game I bought in the franchise, and the first game I played... and I played it in casual mode. I knew what I was choosing when I picked casual mode, I'm not familiar with the franchise, but I wanted my first experience to be forgiving. Honestly, it was too forgiving, there was no challenge whatsoever, as long as I had a single strong character, I could make it through any chapter. My wife watched me finish the game and kept complaining that she thought I was playing Final Fantasy because of the music... so now that I beat it, she is going to play through the game. I think she is more aware of the franchise than I was, because she was talking like she knew the characters were dead forever if they died, and I had to explain casual mode to her. Finished this just in time for Fates. I think I didn't do everything I wanted to in the game, I certainly didn't finish all of the paralogues. I don't know if the children from the future can get married, but I never did much of their support situations.
Rating: This game is fantastic, I don't know if this game has the most content of the Fire Emblem franchise, but it is definitely the most forgiving with its casual mode, so if you are thinking about starting the Fire Emblem franchise, I would definitely recommend this game as a starter.
20. Amplitude (PS4)
Growing up, I loved playing Amplitude and Frequency, as such I was one of the backers for the Kickstarter for this. I preferred Frequency's tunnel layout over the flat track of Amplitude, but we'll come back to this. At some point Harmonix released the track listings for the game along with the artists. To my surprise, Noelle Leblanc did a lot of the vocals for Harmonix's original tracks for the game. Most of you won't know who Noelle Leblanc is, and that's no big deal because I don't think she was widely known at all, let alone as a solo artist. But I digress, Noelle Leblanc was the lead singer of the band Damone, which was and is one of my favorite bands, but they disbanded after the drummer passed away. She has still been active in the music scene, and seeing her listed in most of the original tracks really hyped me for this game. Certain backers got early copies, not me, I just wanted the game, none of the special stuff, so I had to wait until release date to play, I almost wish I had done the special tiers that got early access. On January 2nd, my eardrum ruptured and I was deaf out of my right ear for about a month and a half. Game released on January 6th I believe. So I downloaded it day one, but I decided not to play it until my ear was better so I could enjoy the game. My hearing came back about a week ago, but I've been having earaches and headaches so I haven't wanted to touch it until I could enjoy the music and not be pained by it. So Sunday morning I was feeling fine, so I decided to finally play it, and I loved every minute of it.
Rating: If you ever played Amplitude and Frequency and liked the game, you owe it to yourself to give this game a go, you'll love it too. The soundtrack is very electro techno rave dance music, but it does also have some music (read as like 2 songs) from other games such as Minecraft and Necrodancer. So if you can't stand techno music, you might want to pass on this.
21. Tiny Toon Adventures: Plucky's Big Adventure (PSX)
I played this game in my youth, and I also played this game when I was testing the tissue and straw trick on my PSOne. This game is basically an escape game, collect items, use/trade items, meet your goal, win. Beginning of the game gives you a brief explanation of how to play, but they leave out things like using 2 items at the same time. The game is really short, like an hour or so. I enjoy this game because it's easy to amuse yourself just cursing at Max and Elmyra, escape games are pretty menial, and I love Tiny Toon Adventures. Basic premise is, Plucky forgot to do his homework, so instead of doing his homework with what time he has, he chooses to build a time machine to go back in time and do his homework, flawless plan.
Rating: Honestly, this game is a solid pass unless you love escape games or you love Tiny Toon Adventures enough to play an escape game. It's a fairly solid escape game, though some things aren't very intuitive.
22. Tiny Toon Adventures - The Great Beanstalk (PSX)
I've owned this game for quite some time, for the most of that time, I thought it was Plucky's Big Adventure, then I realized it wasn't and quickly went out and purchased said game. But since I just played the previous game, I decided to play this as well. This game plays like a CD-i game, it's pretty damned bad, like everything about this game screams bad CD-i game. I believe originally this game was a PC point and click game, but then someone decided to port it to PSX. The problem is that it really should be a PC game, or a really bad CD-i game. There are times when the characters make comments that make it seem like the game wasn't official licensed and that they can't use certain things, such as the Tiny Toon Adventures theme song. Game is short, took me less than an hour to beat. This game is one of those games that are so bad, I really really wish I had streaming equipment so that I could stream how bad this game is.
Rating: Pass, pass so hard on this game. It's really bad, and really not worth anyone's time.
I backed this game on Kickstarter and took part in the beta, I've been patiently awaiting this game's release. I was not disappointed, this game is fantastic. It's almost like a puzzle having to figure out the order of what to do and figuring out where everyone will be, and the addition of endless mode after you finish the story is pretty great. The story gets a little confusing because you have to do some meta stuff... but it's all part of the game. There are also some neat little extra features like a fake IRC channel with people that you can watch interact with one another and people who join the channel. Story mode is fairly short, 40ish levels, but endless mode is the selling point in my opinion. Plus your replays can be uploaded to their website killstagram, which is cool and kind of funny.
Rating: For the steep price of $24.99, I'd probably pass on this. For the sale price of 22.49, I'd still probably pass. Getting it for under $20 with the current sale plus the game owner discount (the code you get from someone who owns the game), I'd suggest getting it. If you are like me, and generally do story mode and walk away from a game, you might feel empty afterward with a $25 purchse... but I paid $40 (I think) for a beta copy that I've had for almost a year at this point, and I don't regret it. Definitely a game to check out.
24. Luminosity (PC)
I think I got this in a bundle, and noticed it was like Jezzball back in the old days, so I sat down and played through the campaign, took a few hours. Game isn't that great, not even a little bit, but given that I got it with a bunch of other games that I wanted, I won't complain. But I really only cared because I loved playing Jezzball when I was younger. The game throws a little thing here and there to differ the gameplay. Sometimes the laser shooting things behave differently, sometimes the enemies move at different speeds and directions, and stuff. I'm actually really really tired right now.
Rating: It sucks, but if you like jezzball, can get this for next to nothing, and are willing to waste a few hours of your life; go for it. But otherwise, solid pass.
25. Capsule Force (PS4)
Another one of those games I played at PAX. My wife really enjoyed this game and insisted that I purchase it the next time it goes on sale, so I obliged. We had her cousin over, so we played multiplayer in it for a while, and then I decided to do the mission mode and beat the game. It didn't actually take more than an hour or two, I think. Unlocked everything in the game short of some concept art which requires an "A" and/or "S" rank in all missions.
Rating: If you have the opportunity to take advantage of local multiplayer and play parties games, this game is a must have. I played this game with a small group of folks who don't generally care for 2-d side scrolling shooters, but they absolutely loved playing this game. It's rounds are relatively short, simple, and very addicting. If you are like me, and rarely have the opportunity to play party games, you might want to consider passing on this game, but this game does play fairly well with 2 player, so my wife and I can play this any time.
26. Fallout 4 (X1)
I actually beat this game last year, but I'm still kind of planning on beating it one last time playing through the Minutemen route. For some reason, no clue why, I decided to get back into Fallout. I'm sitting at 25 games beat already, and once I get into this my high margin of completes is going to drop because this game is going to eat up my time. Fun story, my power went out last week and I started playing Fallout 4 the other day, I kept doing saves and quicksaves and finally after several hours of playing I died because I wasn't sure what would happen when I did something, guess what, I died. I went to reload and I couldn't find any of my saves from that day, I was freaking out and unhappy, then I decided to scroll down and check the bottom of my list. Turns out when the power went out, the Xbone reset it's clock back to launch date.
Rating: What? You want a rating? No. Go buy and play this game. Seriously though, this game is kind of a let down compared to the varied content and difficulty brought on by Obsidian with New Vegas, but it's an absolutely solid game worth playing.
26.1 Fallout 4: Automatron (X1)
Given that this isn't a stand alone experience, I don't believe it deserves its own number, but I do believe it deserves its own bullet. I don't know what's going on with this DLC, I'm level 53 or 54, pretty high up there, and I went into the first fight of this DLC, and died... several times. It was consistently one thing or another... generally 1 robot with lasers so fast and so strong that it would tear through my armor and health in a second or two... or something would explode, fatman style, and kill me regardless of health and armor. I got through that and eventually got to the second fight of the game, I died several more times until I decided to go get big guns and badass power armor, that did pretty well. I eventually made it to the third fight of the DLC, badass armor, upgraded companion, and I got demolished. <-- This last one was weird actually, I pulled out my weapon, but it wouldn't fire, so I just stood there until I died... made me mad enough that I stopped playing altogether. Part of that anger was the fact that the autosave system (which is supposed to auto save every 5 minutes or so) wasn't working and the game hadn't saved in about an hour. Jumped back into this after a few days to chill out, the difficulty seemed much lower after using Power Armor and some powerful weapons, I think it may have been my own stubborn choices that made it so hard.
Rating: For $10, you get a questline (with multiple quests), 1 new companion, the ability to build many robot companions, several new characters to interact with, 1 new "settlement", 1 new radiant quest, several new and unique weapons and outfits, and new workshop items. I can't recall if the FO3/NV DLC were $5 or $10, but this is significantly less content than any previous Fallout DLC we have seen, given that there is no new "world" like most DLC gives you. My personal opinion is that it is worth having, but not having it won't lessen your experience with Fallout 4, though building robots is pretty cool.
27. Child of Light (X1)
This game has been in my backlog for a while, bought it for my wife and she played it for all of five minutes. I had been interested in this game for some time when it first came out, but a while back I found out that one of my favorite musicians, Beatrice Martin aka Cœur de Pirate, composed the music for the game, I just knew I had to play it. We were babysitting all weekend, so I decided to play it while my wife was taking care of the baby. To my surprise, the game is written and told very much like a child's storybook, art style kind of matches too. This game actually has very little battles compared to most RPGs, but the battles can be fairly long and require constant attention, which generally comes with a generous amount of XP. In my playthrough, I never found Tristis and I never used Robert or Gen. Pretty much rotated between Norah, Aurora, Finn, Óengus, and Rubella. Generally depended on the type of battle. It may have been my trying to rush through the game towards the end because I was so tired of the battles, but the climax towards the end of the game didn't feel too built up, but I was also tired so maybe I can't remember well.
Rating: Definitely a must play, might make you feel like you need to talk in rhymes, but a great game with a great story and great gameplay.
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Updated my review list with my replaying of Kirby Super Star Ultra.
Game 2 - Donkey Kong Country - 4 game hours recorded, probably actually played 8 or so.
+Quite the fun platformer,and definitely a classic. The soundtrack and graphics are fantastic, and the gameplay is really fun. I like being able to switch between the Kongs to tackle different obstacles, and the secret areas are fun to explore. The game also has the perfect length and difficulty. It's definitely a great game with a lot of personality.
- Like many platformers I've played, sometimes you have to play the level once before you can actually try to beat it, because you often die from sudden enemies or traps you can't predict the first time. It's why I personally don't like Sonic and prefer platformers like Mega Man or even Mario: they typically shy away from this more.
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Wew boy we are already on week 3 are we? I'm still at 0. Need to make that change this week for sure.
Been dragging my feet abit on a couple games I got planned, cause they are pretty reasonable time sinks. Hoping to get a PS4 here within the next month, so that'll give me a new batch of games to run through and I can start picking up the pace. I'm still playing Xenoblade Chronicles X, which was technically something I was playing last year, but I'm gonna put it onto this years since I'm going to beat it and I'll likely put just as much time into it this year as I did last year, if not more lol
3 - Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U) - 40 HOURS PLAYING
5. Mortal Kombat (PS3): This game literally had everything going for it; excellent reimagining of the first three MK games with an awesome story, great combat, amazing graphics. Hell, I'd almost go as far as to say it's one of the best fighting games of the 7th gen...and then there is the final battle with Shao Kahn. He is one of the cheapest, most unimaginative, and grossly overpowered final bosses I've ever had the displeasure of playing. My satisfaction with this game plummeted after trying a variety of tactics to beat him since, you know, fighting him was completely ineffective. While you can avoid playing against him in various other modes, story mode, which is arguably the best thing about this game, is ruined by him.
I will be taking a break from video games until I take my Network+ Certification test (aiming for late Feb or early March), but played this one pretty extensively right before. Sadly, a game I was so sure I'd love while playing it, was completely ruined by the final boss who is up there for cheapest asshole in a game ever. All well, happy to hit five games down before the first month of the year is over :)
Main List (
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
28. Retro City Rampage DX (PC)
I went into this game expecting a GTA parody game, but so far this game parodies everything pop culture. I'm kind of rushing through this game, I've never been too much of a fan of these top down sandbox action games. The controls are too difficult for me to not kill myself. But I'm giving it the good old college try. This game is quite funny, lot's of little jokes here and there, definitely not my type of game though, it's very difficult to control vehicles and aiming weapons.
Rating: If you like top down shooters a la GTA, this is definitely the game for you. It even has short levels that play like other games. If you despise top down shooters, or are just not good at them, you may wanna pass on this one.
29. Hacknet (PC)
This is another one of those games I got as part of that deal with the devs at PAX South. This game is really good. I used to do some of this stuff back in college during my time in the security department, we strictly used honeypots though, so nothing was illegal. This game's premise is basically you are dragged into the underground world of hacking to help a dead guy. I presume the game ends at some point where you resolve the dead guy's request. Sweet jeebus, if you get traced during a hack, your computer goes into failsafe mode and you have about a minute to alter your IP address otherwise the game deletes your save data. I had to forkbomb my own computer a few times just to kind of "pause" the game so I could look up what I was supposed to do. If you ever play this game, be prepared for that, that was harrowing. This isn't a game to just pick up casually and come back to on a whim, you have to remember the names of executables and such. Finally sat down and finished this game.
Rating: I really really liked this game, I did stuff like this back in college for security courses, and do it a little from time to time for work... of course it isn't as simple as typing the name of an executable, and they explain that at the very end of the game. Spoilers? I don't know, I think it should be a given that hacking isn't this easy. If you have any form of familiarity with using Linux, you should enjoy this game... otherwise you might be on a learning curve. I have several other similar hacking games I'm going to try and play this year, but I think this one will be my #1.
30. Firewatch (PC)
I went into this game knowing that this was a short 3 hour-ish experience. I've been looking forward to this game for some time, but I think I may have rushed the game. I may go back and play it again and truly explore the game. The beautiful environments make me want to just run around and find all the little nooks and crannies of the environment, but I did run through the game just doing the story... and as such I never found the main character's turtle pet. I don't want to spoil anything, but for me personally, I found the ending kind of empty and shallow, but that's because I'm a fan of fan service, and when games don't give you that fan service or at least ultimate closure, it bums me the fuck out.
Rating: It's a great game, you'll love the environments, you may even get lost in the story (figuratively and literally). Definitely a game worth playing, maybe even playing twice. But with the short story and honestly limited amount of content aside from the beautiful and lush environments, it may be worth waiting for a sale. But if you have no issue paying $20 for a great experience, even if it'll only last you 3-5 hours, definitely go check this game out.
31. Gas Guzzlers Extreme (PC)
I explained this game to my wife as Road Rash but with cars instead of bikes, but I guess more accurately this is basically a spiritual successor to the destruction derby games. This game is actually quite fun, I just last night made it to the second portion of the game and unlocked a higher tier vehicle. The game has a campaign, but it does certainly feel like the campaign could be endless, but worst case I'll stop playing once I unlock all of the vehicles.
Rating: I actually really really liked this game, if it were released in physical form for a console, I would buy it day one. Extremely fun. Definitely recommend this game.
32. Please, Don't Touch Anything (PC)
It's an interesting concept, kind of feels like it should just be a flash game. I think I got it on sale for like 49 cents, so I don't really regret it, I'll try to get my wife to play it, but she probably lose interest like I did.
Rating: Meh, not really worth anyone's time, but it requires a higher order thinking for a lot of the endings.
33. Rock of Ages (360)
I was in a weird mood this weekend, I didn't really want to play anything in particular, but I did want to re-watch Arrow, so I hooked up my 360 to my GAEMS and put Arrow on Netflix on my TV. I thought I was gonna play Red Dead Redemption, but it required too much paying attention to, and I like Arrow and want to pay attention to it. So I went through my XBLA library to find a game that I figured would be easy to not pay attention to and play. Rolling rocks and destroying things, sounds pretty menial. Kind of was, beat it over the course of half a season of Arrow.
Rating: Meh, like super meh, I don't think I could really recommend this game. If this game is a game you are in the mood for, go play Katamari.
34. Mahjong (Android)
I had no intent of counting this one, because it's just some app I play when I have down time. I can do a game in about 5 minutes win or lose, so it's good for pick up and play. I also had no intent of counting it because I didn't think I'd get through all of the layouts, but I did. I think I put in, if my average for time for winning a level is 4 minutes, is ~14 hours. And that doesn't count all the times I lost, it only tracks the time when you win.
35. Need for Speed: Rivals (PS4)
I'm probably going to regret adding this game, because I hate this game so much. This game was so close to being a fantastic experience, almost surpassing the Hot Pursuit reboot. The game's one fucking downfall? You can't pause, the first in EA's new line of always on experience games. Yes, even if you set everything to off-line, singleplayer, turn off your internet, and shove a potato in your ethernet port, the game still acts as if you are playing online. I mean, it would be unfair for the AI if you were allowed to pause the game to go take a piss. Oh, you aren't racing and are hidden out in the desert where no one drives, so you can go take a leak? We'll just spawn an angry police officer right behind you, this is a shooter game, no camping. If you can't tell, I'm very bitter about what EA has done to this franchise. Oh my gawd, the final race in the racer career is just plain difficult, 54 checkpoints, metric shit ton of cops, 5 other racers, and a spread out amount of repair shops. I don't know how many times I got busted doing this race until I finally gave up and saved up the money to buy a more durable vehicle, not a faster vehicle, more durable.
Rating: Don't even bother with this piece of shit of a game, and don't bother with any NFS game that proceeds it. Any game that doesn't let you pause in singleplayer mode is the most mentally challenged piece of dog excrement ever to exist, but I assure you, it always comes from the same dog (EA).
36. Road Redemption (PC)
I've actually played this one quite a bit this year since I bought it, but it kept crashing after a few levels in, so I didn't bother counting it until I could finish the campaign, kind of stupid that I treated this one as an all or none, but I just felt it didn't feel worth mentioning if I couldn't get passed level 3 without the game crashing. I did however finally get to play through the full campaign. Game has some nods at other franchises and other racing games.
Rating: If you feel you are a fan of the old school Road Rash games, this game is a must have, it's very fun to play, moderate replay value since you gain XP and Money to buy different skills and power ups. If you are considering buying the game, keep in mind it is early access so it is fairly buggy, but the developer alleges that the price will go up once the game exits early access.
37. Godball (PC)
Basically Descruction Pinball. You are tasked with basically destroying the world, using a pinball shaped from different animals. Pretty basic stuff, pretty fun, in a Katamari Damacy destroy the world kind of way. I think there is something around 51 levels, but I could be wrong, I don't feel like counting, maybe it's only 41.
Rating: It's free, it's fun, it's worth your time.
38. SuperTruck (PC)
Super Hot meets Clustertruck. It's free and it's mostly fun... until you get to the last 2 levels. My wrist hurts a lot, like holy cow it hurts a lot.
Rating: Ow.
39. Assassin's Creed (360)
I started playing this game back in 2008, but I decided that Assassin's Creed was poop and never touched another Assassin's Creed game (as in to play) until a few days ago. From what I remembered of this game, I couldn't remember much story, but I remembered that the gameplay seemed fairly repetitive and boring. I guess that's the mood I'm in, because I'm kind of enjoying the game, minus the weird glitches and Altair humping invisible walls and trying to hang from a table. Over the course of the past 8 years, I've picked up almost every main AC game in some manner (excluding Brotherhood, Rogue, and Syndicate), so I decided that once I got AC1 I would start playing the games. I just FINALLY found AC1 for a good deal CIB, so I decided to start playing. I tried to get the early games in the AC franchise back when GS did their 4 for $10 deal, but I couldn't find CIB copies of any of the games at any of my local GS stores. Good lord the combat and running mechanics are whack in this game. I kept trying to climb a ladder and kept missing it by a foot.
Rating: *WARNING:Long rating* I was saving my review for this until after I finished AC2, because many people told me the franchise gets better. Some even told me to skip 1 altogether, but I refused. After playing AC2, I realized some things about AC1. The story is kind of lacking, there is no connection with the player to Altair, a lot of the gameplay is very repetitive, and the story leaves you kind of empty, Altair's story that is. AC2 in every way was a better game... but, AC1 does feel necessary to the main plotline. The game is a solid game if you can get past the slightly wonky parkour mechanics and repetitive nature. AC2 probably summarizes this game fairly well, so you won't miss much by not playing it, but I suggest playing this game because I know I gave this franchise shit for so long, but I am now enjoying it and it is becoming one of my favorite franchises (despite the consistently wonky parkour mechanics, more in AC2)
40. Assassin's Creed II (360)
Just started it last night, I've only played through the intro, but from what little I've seen, the graphics are much better and the combat seems like it might wind up usable. I finished the first Memory Block of the game last night. I don't think they called it a Memory Block, I'll have to verify what they call it in this game, but it said I synched a whole memory unit or something. I haven't been able to play much in the past few days, so I actually don't recall which memory block I am on, could be 6, could be 8. I just made my way to Venizia (Venice). I trucked through the rest of this game pretty quickly over the weekend, lots of rain, lots of video games. My one complaint about this game, the wonky parkour mechanics. Too many times did Ezio jump off of a building while I was trying to do the extended jump or when I was trying to jump from roof to roof he would jump and miss the next roof and fall to his doom. It felt much more refined compared to AC1, but still fairly frustrating. My only other complaint would maybe be that there still is nothing to do outside of the animus, I just wish there was slightly more character interaction outside of the animus, you know they are building up to something in the real world of the game.
Rating: Solid game, I absolutely loved this game, everything about it is amazing. Definitely worth a play, this game makes you care about the characters in the game as opposed to the previous entry.
41. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (360)
Current Progress: Memory Sequence 4
I was kind of concerned about this game, I was afraid it was going to feel out of place and sort of side story like, but it seems to fit in fairly well. Either the game assumes you fully completed AC2, or it reads your save file because Ezio had all of the stuff from AC2 maxed out, which I did. I figured the game would do something to make you lose all of your progress, and it did. There is a flash animation out there that pokes fun at this type of thing, I think it references Metroid 2, stating that Samus trips over a rock and lands above one of those drainage things in streets and all of her powerups fall in. My complaints so far with this game, the parkour mechanics seem to have gotten worse. Very quickly I ran into a situation where I needed to climb up a building and had severe trouble, and when I reached the top, I needed to climb one of those giant crosses. Well Ezio doesn't seem to know how to climb it, so he jumps off the roof, repeatedly. It's super tedious to do these things, almost painful, actually downright painful. It seems this game instead of multiple open world maps, has just one giant open world map, I have yet to see any form of fast travel mechanic like the last entry, and Rome seems fairly large. Good god, this game requires you to basically take over a district before you can do anything. Not that big of a deal right? No. You have to defeat the district leader, but when you go to fight him, he runs away like a little bitch. You'd think, oh well as long as you don't let him get too far from you, you just chase him and beat him, right? No. He has to stay within the small bounds of his little alley, if he gets outside of his alley, he de-spawns and you lose. Booooooo. Ezio is still stupid and doesn't know how to climb or jump, if you want to climb, he jumps; and if you want to jump, he just walks off of the ledge to his doom. Despite the consistent bullshit of the parkour mechanics, this game gets better after you get through all of the tutorial missions. maybe a smidge better than AC2.
Rating:Gooooooood stuff, an excellent sequel to an already great game.
42. Assassin's Creed: The Lost Archives (360)
I know this is DLC, but it is a stand alone story and experience and it actually plays more like Portal than Assassin's Creed, but I wanted to hear the story (even though I already knew) so I bought it. Took a few hours to get through this, maybe less. I'd say this is definitely skip-able. I don't know if the information revealed in this is revealed any where else in the franchise, but you can read about it online.
Rating:Meh, skip it unless you like Portal but would be happy if it didn't have the portals.
43. Pocket Mortys (Android)
I started playing this the other day during my downtime and I'll try to continue until I beat it, but it seems like my downtime may go away now that I've got a stack of stuff to do. Pokemon, Rick and Morty style. This game has a nice mechanic where you can kind of bypass the grinding of an RPG game. What you do is capture 2 Mortys of the same type and you combine them, they then "evolve" and become a higher level Morty of a different type of Morty. So on the one hand you can grind like old games, or on the other hand you can spend your time trying to capture many of the same type of morty (capable of evolving multiple times preferably) to evolve them.
Rating: You like Pokemon? You like Rick and Morty? Why not?
44. Assassin's Creed: Revelations (360)
Just started this, sounds like their first step towards getting rid of the present day stuff. This game seems to take place entirely in the Animus, but it sounds like the entire purpose of this game is to "kill off" Ezio and Altair. I don't think it's spoilers since it appears to be the entire premise of the game, but I won't go into it regardless. I've finally made my way to Constantinople, what I assume is the main location for the game. It doesn't seem nearly as big as either Roma or the multitude of locations in the other titles.
Rating: This game did a lot of interesting things and a lot of new things. Some of it turned me off, so I pretty much did 0 side stuff in this game, which is probably why I beat it so fast. But, the one upside that makes me say this game is worth playing, it gives so much story to Altair, and that's pretty much my only reason for suggesting you play this game.
45. Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China (X1)
I decided to jump into this one after watching AC:Lineage, Ascendance, and Embers. It almost has nothing to do with Ezio, but in Embers you meet the main character from China, so I decided I would play this before leaving the Ezio series behind. Pretty fun 2.5D game. Kind of Metal Gear Solid-esque. You can sneak, assassinate, or fight your way through levels. Fighting is by far the hardest, saying that the combat is difficult would be an understatement.
Rating: A really good game worth you effort if you like 2.5D stealth games. Doesn't play much like AC games, doesn't have all of the same conspiracy stuff of other AC games, but it is faintly connected to the Ezio series, so it might be worth a play.
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4 - Slime Rancher (PC) - 5 Hours PLAYING - I stopped doing early access games, because too many were released far too early than they should have and I normally one should avoid doing these. I caved in with Slime Rancher cause I thought it would be that perfect kind of casual gaming I love to have with a podcast. That's what Minecraft was for me, a very mindless thing, though this isn't nearly on that level. It's much simpler, like a casual Harvest Moon I guess, as there isn't a lot of depth yet. It's of course not finished either, so stuff is missing/unfinished. Like I think I've finished most of what I can really do now in that time, but it's very well put together. Didn't have any real issues other than a few things acting up, showing that this is one of the early access games that definitely had more time before put into it.
Three more games down!!
Stella Glow, Devil Kings, and Jikandia: The Timeless Land.
Two more added to the list on pg.1- Dragon's Lair Trilogy and Chrono Phantasma Extend.
So I guess I'll give this a shot. Maybe it will motivate me to play games more instead of buying. Probably won't finish 52, but I'll aim at giving 52 games a shot.
1. Alias (Xbox) - Just finished this. It's a solid budget game that was probably ignored by everyone who wasn't a fan of the show and dismissed as licensed TV show tie-ins often are. For the record, I never watched the show myself, but the story was entertaining enough. Voice acting by official cast was good, music was fitting. Gameplay is a combination of beat-em up and stealth, and in most cases it's your choice for the approach. My Xbox died towards the end of the game, so I started over on 360. The emulated version ran poorly and had more graphical glitches. The main boss fight was strangely kind of underwhelming, and the game overall felt a little short. But I enjoy the genre and I'd say it was pretty good for a bargain bin title.
Got my PS4, so I got a few games to play on that, though I'm gonna probably spend this week trying to beat Wind Waker and Xenoblade Chronicles X so that they don't get left behind unfinished.
5 - Bloodborne (PS4) - 3 Hours PLAYING - I think most know this game lol It's a snappier, quicker, Dark Souls. Just as tough as always. Struggling on Cleric Beast at the moment, but that is mostly just needing to level up so I can deliver more damage.
Main List (
More in progress games
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized games are in progress.
46. Assassin's Creed III (360)
I actually own this for 360 and Wii U, from what I've read and seen it seems like the Wii U version is higher rated than any other platform, so I really consider playing on Wii U, but I'm gonna stick with 360 because I have xbox money and I like achievements. Good god, the 2nd and 3rd sequence for this game. I'll try not to spoil anything, but it feels so slow and out of place. I truly considered giving up on this game like I gave up on the first AC game nearly 10 years ago. But I persisted and made it through, and honestly, I suppose it was worth it, it built to something important and was somewhat necessary for the story. But definitely one of those games that you have to give a solid few hours before you get into anything good. That being said, I've almost completely skipped over all optional content with this game because this game feels so out of place. I did manage 100% sync on story missions up to Sequence 9, then I just started giving up on that because I was spending an hour on a single mission in a single sequence trying to figure out how to get 100% sync. So wasteful. I'm really close to the end of the game, but I'm going to have to work late for the next 2 weeks so I might not get much free time to play. This game doesn't do any forced tutorials for any of the side stuff, so you have to figure that out on your own. There is no problem with that, I'm not saying the player needs their hand held, but without forcing an explanation of the side content, I will likely ignore it because they felt it wasn't important enough. That being said, I may go and do the side content now that I'm done.
Rating: Just a little bit better than the first game, this game is slow paced and boring compared to the Ezio trilogy, but obviously a must play for the storyline.
47. Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles (NDS)
I'm going by the progress listed in the walkthrough I found, not using the walkthrough other than to know what level I'm on. I wasn't really planning on playing this one, but I got it cheap and decided why not. I originally played through the first level or two to see if I can stand to play it. I don't really like it, but when I went to check where I was and noticed that I'm a chunk of the way through the game I figured I'll just go for it. The game is fairly bad, the controls aren't very intuitive and the gimmicky DS sections kind of suck and are pretty wonky. The levels in this game are very quick and it's a fairly easy game, I wasn't expecting to get through this game so quickly, but I'm nearing the end. It seems like the first few "world" or what have you have multiple parts, but the later worlds have shorter or single levels to them.
Rating: Meh, mostly painful, contributes nothing to continuity. Definite pass.
48. Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD (360)
I kind of took a break before starting this game, and then I spent the weekend hunting for video games instead of actually playing video games, so not only did that cut into my ratio, but I found it particularly painful to hop back into Assassin's Creed. Like... I really really didn't want to play Assassin's Creed anymore. But, I made myself play, and this game has a different kind of story, the meta story that is, so it kept me interested enough to keep playing, would've been better if it was more obvious, as opposed to making itself aware a few sequences in. There are some interesting mechanics in this game. The character has 3 personas, Lady, Assassin, and Slave. Lady can't really fight or climb, but she has certain skills and traits that are nice. Slave can fight some, climb well, and blend in with slave groups. Assassin is almost always wanted, can fight and do all that stuff, but sneaking is much harder as an Assassin. Should be done by the weekend and then on to Black Flag.
Rating: Relatively short, fairly unique experience for the AC franchise, well worth the play.
49. Assassin's Creed II: Discovery (NDS)
I really wasn't planning on playing this game either, but since I finished Altair's Chronicles, I figured I might as well play through this one. This game plays completely differently than the previous title. The other title was a full 3D game, it played kind of clumsy. This game is a 2.5D side scroller, run through a level point A to point B. This probably won't be too painful, I just need to get used to the controls.
Rating: This game is actually a really good precursor to the Chronicles Trilogy. This game plays fairly well, is quite enjoyable, and is actually referenced in one of the games, can't recall if it was Brotherhood or Revelations.
50. Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (3DS)
I have this marked as Fire Emblem Fates currently, because I have the SE cart with all 3 games and I have yet to figure out how to choose which path I want to do. Once I figure out how to choose a path, I will mark them as the separate games, because if I play through all 3 modes, that is basically 3 different full feature games. So far I've made my way to Chapter 7, so far there is no map for me to traverse like Awakening, no support stuff yet, can't really pause other than inside of a mission. I assume I haven't reached that choice yet. As soon as I started the next chapter and it let me choose. I chose Birthright first. I'm not playing this game like most purists do, I actually care about the support conversations, so I'm doing a lot of the challenges and such to build support. Consequently, that levels up my characters so they are pretty strong. So for every chapter I do finally complete, I probably do 4-6 challenge maps, maybe more. I expect I won't put as much effort into Conquest, but I'll probably put just as much effort into Revelations. I really didn't play this game like I played Fire Emblem: Awakening. I played Awakening where I didn't bother about support so much and just worried about leveling up characters fairly evenly, about half way through the game I started working on support, but I mostly worked on S Rank support, so by the end of the game I had all of the children. In Fates, I worked on support the entire game, but I didn't do a single S Rank. With Awakening, I read all of the S Rank supports and decided whom I wanted with whom, like a horrible dating sim. I couldn't find a comparable list of S-rank support conversation for Fates, so I didn't do it. I also thought I still had a lot more time in the story.
Rating: AWESOME!!! I really enjoyed the story of Birthright, I somehow doubt I'll like Conquest nearly as much, will update after Conquest.
51. Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines (PSP)
Probably the first PSP game I expect to beat, thinking about it, probably only second PSP game I've ever played. First being Wild Arms XF, which I didn't get very far into, but I plan on jumping into after Bloodlines. This is another Assassin's Creed game that I wasn't particularly planning on playing, but this game is the only thing that makes much of the Altair stuff in Revelations make any sense, so I feel like it is necessary to truly experience Revelations.
Rating: Plays only slightly better than the original Assassin's Creed, but has a much better story, well worth playing.
52. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (3DS)
I've been about halfway done with this game for some time, and I was going to start Fire Emblem Fates, but my copy got delayed, so I started playing this instead, was kind of hoping I would beat it before Fire Emblem came in the mail, but alas, I've still got 2 whole mansions to get through still. So I'll come back to this after I beat Fire Emblem Fates. Back at this after finishing Birthright. After I finish this I will try to finish Phoenix Wright before I go back to do Conquest and Revelations.
Rating: Fairly good sequel to the GCN game. Modified the game mechanics very well to be an on the go handheld game. Plays similar to the original game, plus some added mechanics. Definitely recommend this for fans of the original.
53. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (X1)
This game, just like Liberation, you are a game tester/researcher, kind of stupid and lazy. I'm really hoping they turn things around. I was really hoping for Desmond to become this Grade A, Tier 1, Master God-like Assassin with all of the bleeding effects, and then we would get a modern day, no Animus Assassin's Creed game, totally bummed that it might never happen. I won't get into spoilers, but I'm still rather confused about this game's character. They made it sound like he's an Assassin, but it certainly doesn't seem that way, at all. But I'm sure they'll get to the point eventually. So far this game feels like the Wind Waker of the franchise, in more ways than one. World is mostly water and about borderline pointlessly floating around in the ocean. Also, it seems to be one of the most liked games, which is kind of a surprise. I have some Xbox money that will be expiring in June, I need to verify how much. I may spend that money on AC DLC, but I don't quite know enough about Adewale to know if I care about playing through his little side story, but I probably will after this game. Good grief this game is annoying, I've never been a fan of water levels or sea based combat, so this game is slightly painful for me. I really want to enjoy this game, but the ship controls are wonky at best. When I do brace for impact, my ship immediately makes a 90 degree turn, which usually result in me T-boning something. Good grief, this game consistently wants you to upgrade your ship, I'm wording this wrong. For every mission you do, they want you to basically plunder 20 ships and majorly upgrade your ship. It makes it nearly impossible to just run through the story and not do any side stuff, so now I'm doing side stuff. This game almost forces you to have a high completion rate to beat the game. I was going to buy and play through Freedom Cry, mostly just to buff my played game count, but it really seems unnecessary for the franchise, I do have about $70 in promo money for xbox that expires in less than a month, so maybe I'll change my mind.
Rating: Actually one of the best AC games I've played since AC2 and Brotherhood, I still like AC2 and Brotherhood more, but this is definitely #3 on my list so far. Really recommend this.
54. Kirby Block Ball (GB)
I played this game quite a bit while I wasn't feeling well a day or two ago, but I only got to Stage 4 and then I gave up, I might pick it up again and try to get further. I decided to jump back into this one and I've gotten further, this game is pretty tough.
Rating: I can really only suggest this game if you like Breakout, it's basically that.
55. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (NDS)
I played through most of this game years ago, almost 10 years ago, so I'm finally finishing this game, probably won't take me more than an hour or so. From what I remember of this game, you can't proceed to the next section without gathering all of the information you can/need from your current situation, which is great and doesn't make you screw yourself if you miss something. The actual trial and testimony sections are relatively tough and unforgiving if you aren't paying attention. Took me a while to figure out exactly what was going on because I left off in the middle of a testimony. Definitely not a game you can leave for 10 years and just jump back into, at least not easily. pfffffbbbbbbbbt. This game, right at the end of the game, requires the mic, and my mic doesn't work. I have another DS, but I don't know if the mic works on it either, but I'll give it a try later. I moved this down the list because I might not finish it. My other DS is fine, just has a lot of dead pixels on the top screen. Finished this game, took several hours of game play to get through the last day of the final act.
Rating: I don't know what it is about this game, but it's difficult for me to recommend. Might be because it took me 10 years to beat, but I'll give the second game a chance and see if it changes my opinion.
56. My Nintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (3DS)
Good grief, the tutorial for this game is painfully long, it wasn't until the final tutorial I figured out that I could skip the tutorial altogether. This will probably be a quick game because I play Picross a lot, but the Mega Picross might take me a while since that's kind of a new thing Nintendo came up with. This is one of those games where it's relatively difficult to track your progress, and you progress so fast, so I'm just going to say what mode I'm beating at the moment. I finished Picross mode, and I'm more than halfway done with Mega Picross, did a little bit of Micross just to see what it is.
Rating: The fact that this game is essentially only obtainable for free, why not, but it is an objectively good Picross game.
57. Assassin's Creed: Rogue (360)
Just started on this last night, haven't even jumped into the Animus after the intro stuff. Another "game tester/researcher" game. I'd venture to guess that you aren't the same tester from the last game, mostly because your desk is in a different location on the same floor as the last game. Don't yet know if this is still a part of the Sample 17 project. This game feels slightly similar to Liberation in some manner, so I expect this game to be fairly quick. It's called the Helix Project, not the Sample 17 project, but it's the same floor, layout, and everything as Sample 17, so I don't know if they are cutting out Sample 17 altogether or what. I'm really not feeling this game, I don't know if it's burn out from playing 10+ Assassin's Creed games, or if this game is just bland, or what the issue is.
Rating: While not a bad game, all this game really does is sort of set up Unity, sort of, but not really at all, nothing is explained as to WHY they set up the events of Unity. Not a bad game, actually a pretty good AC game, probably my 4th favorite game, maybe 5th.
58. F-Zero GP Legend (GBA)
I didn't actually intend on playing this game. I did a giant overhaul of our handheld gaming area. It used to be fairly uninviting, I think I've even posted a photo of it at one point, it just plainly kind of sucked. But I moved stuff around, hooked up a TV (which doesn't make much sense for handhelds, right? WRONG), and then I hooked up a PSTV and a Gamecube with a GameBoy Player. So I decided to test it out and grabbed the first game I could find, which just so happened to be one of the newest entries to my collection (Thanks davifus), F-Zero GP Legend. So I turned it on, plugged in the game, and somehow I wound up playing for a good portion of my evening. I beat Rick Wheeler's story mode, and I'm halfway through Captain Falcon's story mode, racing against Blood Falcon. I might actually give up on this game, because the race with Blood Falcon feels really hard and cheap and I know the game is only going to get harder. Popped the credits several times beating story mode.
59. Assassin's Creed: Unity (X1)
This game... I've been concerned about this game. I've only ever been told that this game ruined the franchise, but having played Rogue, which was released at the same time, I figured they would play similarly. O. M. G. This game sucks so hard, this is going to be by far the most painful AC game to play to date, definitely my least favorite AC game yet... and I've played through the handheld games. Conveniently, it also seems like the laziest. MILD SPOILERS at best, the original games let you walk around in modern day to some fashion, AC style (3rd Person style). The Abstergo Entertainment games let you walk about FPS style in modern day, this includes Rogue. This game has nothing, just some cut scenes of modern day stuff. SPOILER END On top of all of that, they completely changed up the control scheme, the battle system, and the climbing system... all for the worst. Control scheme is annoying at best, almost like throwing it back to the original AC game. Battle system, again, like throwing it back to the original AC game, it's pretty painful to deal with, very unintuitive. Climbing system, Arno will climb invisible walls, but won't attempt to climb real walls, refuses to jump off of things, jumps off of things when you don't want him to, can't walk down a street without stopping to dance on a table (weird), and just general NPC like movements... matter of fact, the NPCs move more fluidly than Arno does. I want to rate this game before finishing it, but I know I shouldn't, so I won't, but this game sucks. I have a better understanding of how this game works, but again, the crashes, glitches, and bugs make this game unbearable to play. I definitely would've given up on this franchise on this game, like most people, but I'm persisting. Good god, so glad to be done with this game.
Rating: Skip this game altogether, it adds literally nothing to the franchise, even the story adds literally nothing. I do not consider this title to be a main title in the franchise. Rogue is definitely a better choice for a real entry. This game "continues" from Rogue, but it feels more like a one off of Rogue's story.
Why this game sucks: Eagle vision works like macros in other games, you activate it and it works for about 3 seconds, then you have to wait 10 seconds for it to cooldown. Premise of this game is that you are a gamer, playing a video game, helping the Assassins by finding information before the Templars do. The stealth mechanics in this game are wonky at best, cover mechanics are non-intuitive, and stealth only ever works sometimes. Combat is just as non-intuitive, the counter system is flaky, double assassinations are near impossible (I've not successfully done a double air assassination, and yes I bought the skill), gun shots do 70% damage, and the game will say you are dead even though your health bar still has about 10-20% health. Looting bodies never give you bullets, rarely give you extra blades, and not too often they give you medicine. Consumables can cost you several thousand dollars to refill, something that IMO you purchase frequently, but your theatre gives you 80 dollars a day, missions give you maybe a thousand dollars, and chests give you $250-750, so saving money for any equipment is asking a lot. And the final straw, the game crashes a lot, NPCs glitch out, go crazy routes, and teleport, enemies will sometimes become unhittable, Arno will get stuck in walls, refuse to climb walls, refuse to climb down or jump down from locations, refuse to jump into haystacks but rather jump in a different direct and die, when you want him to climb, he will run in front of a few guards and stand still until you are seen, it's all quite frustrating.
Continued at,6762.msg107460.html#msg107460
Updated with my latest accomplishment: finishing and earning the platinum trophy in Demon's Souls.
added games 6-10 to my post on page 1
4. Xenoblade Chronicle X - I guess around 5-7 hours? Just got back to the city after finding the Potato creature... His name slips me.
First impression with the game was okay. Beginning cut-scene was cool but when I started the game. I hated how the camera in the game was sort of stiff or even awkward sometimes and even with the adjustment with the camera it didn't really fix anything. I would of been okay with the camera if the auto center was quicker but it's really delayed for my taste. Mouth sync could of been better for cut-scenes but my assumption is that it was just copied and pasted over from the Japanese version with the English dub over it. It really reminds me of Sonic Adventure 2 In the scene when Sonic calls shadow a faker is de-synced at the end because of it being copied and pasted from the Japanese version.
The battle system is something I'm getting used too. I really hate how action skill or Aura? selection is so stiff. The skill selection in battle is laid out in a linear fashion which can get tedious because of constant push on the left and right d-pad to the skills. Maybe, a implementation on the gamepad would of been better.
I haven't dived too much into the game to talk about story.
Main List (
More in progress games
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized games are in progress.
60. Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS)
I finally decided to start working on this one, I started from the split point at Chapter 6. Sounds like the story isn't quite what I was expecting, which is good. Also sounds like this game doesn't let you scout and do challenge levels to level up your folks, so this game may be relatively quick for me. Winds of Change was really difficult, and I don't know for certain if that is because the enemies are getting stronger or because I don't understand that battlefield, probably the latter. That winds of change level was the hardest level of the game I would say, only one other level came close to being that difficult, but that's because I was doing it all wrong. This one is fairly impossible to do all of the supports since there is a limited number of missions.
Rating: Better than I was expecting story wise, really solid game. Definitely the game to play if you are a FE purist, but I enjoyed Birthright better.
61. Assassin's Creed: Syndicate (X1)
Same real life premise as Unity (Starting off bad), combat seems to be a bit better, climb mechanics seem a bit better (but the 2 separate buttons for climbing up and down seems a little non-intuitive), no glitches so far (we will see), stealth mechanics seem just as broken as before, and most of the other complaints about Unity, I have not seen so far. So far, this game actually makes me feel like doing all of the content, it feels like it fixes a lot of the broken stuff from Unity, and I like Jacob and Evie quite a bit, so that helps. Not to say I didn't like Arno and Elise, because I did like those characters and had Ubisoft fixed all of the issues I would've loved that game too. It's been a while since I updated on this game, but I've played it quite a bit. It's been a bit of time since I've played AC2 and Brotherhood, but this game might actually be my favorite AC game, if not, at least in my top 3 AC games. Modern day story wise, it adds almost nothing to the continuity, but it's a solid game.
Rating: Really good, probably my 3rd favorite AC title, only adds a very little to the modern storyline, but it presumably sets up for the alleged Rising Phoenix game that was teased years ago.
62. Assassin's Creed: Syndicate: Jack the Ripper (X1)
Again, DLC that is a stand alone experience, takes place 20 years after the ending of Syndicate. Presumably adds nothing to the modern story. This was a pretty fun story, literally adds nothing to the franchise though, story wise. I could see Ubi retaining the fear tools for future games, they are pretty neat and useful, but they might feel out of place elsewhere. This stand alone expansion adds new combat mechanics that make the game feel fairly fresh compared to the main game, where the main game already added some mechanics to make the game fairly fresh as well.
Rating: Pretty fun, fairly fresh experience. If you play Syndicate and like Syndicate, I'd recommend this DLC. If you rush through, you'll get a few hours out of it, if you are thorough, you'll get at least another 10 hours out of the game. Not sure what the price point on this is though.
63. TimeSplitters (PS2)
This and the rest of the franchise I have beaten before, but my wife decided to play through the story modes of the games, so we did co-op and beat the story mode. This game was a launch title for the PS2 and is exclusive to the PS2. The story mode in this game is very lazy, no context, just collect the item and head to the exit. This franchise isn't known for its story, especially this entry, only really known and liked for its multiplayer mode, which plays fairly similarly to Perfect Dark and Goldeneye (Same folks).
Rating: Fantastic game. If you are looking for single player, this won't thrill you. If you are looking for a solid local multiplayer game, this is pretty solid.
64. TimeSplitters 2 (PS2)
This title however was available on all three major platforms. This game has a slightly better story mode. It has a few cinematics and some context. The story levels have objectives, Goldeneye style. The HUD is very similar to Goldeneye. There is a reason this game is touted as "Heir Apparent to Goldeneye". It is everything you loved about Goldeneye and then some. Multiplayer mode in this game is very solid and very fun. The mapmaker in this game is what truly thrilled me about this game, being able to create your own story mode missions was fantastic.
Rating: Fantastic game, highly recommended. The story mode definitely feels like Goldeneye, and you'll see it if you play it. The multiplayer feels like an updated Goldeneye and you'll love it. The mapmaker has great updates and tons of features.
65. TimeSplitters: Future Perfect (PS2)
Another one on all platforms, but I still have no clue why the GCN version is so pricey. Hopefully it's strictly rarity and not due to exclusive features, as I've not yet played my GCN version and I have never recommended it over the PS2 version. The story mode in this game is fantastic, great dialogue from all characters, even henchmen (which I think was a new thing for its time). Cinematics, objectives, timey-wimey stuff. The story mode for this game, I generally tell people, is a first person shooter for Doctor Who fans. It has some of that dry british humor (made by British folk) as well as silly lines and time related humor. Multiplayer is fantastic, with a good mixture of levels and maps, some of them being huge compared to others (looking at you Siberia).
Rating: Fantastic game, highly recommended. Best story mode of the franchise. Multiplayer is just as fun. Mapmaker has new features, but some of my favorite things were removed and the level themes are fairly bland compared to TS2.
66. Air Combat (PS1)
Ever since that scheisse with Tokyo Mirage, I just haven't been wanting to play it, and my wife was hogging the TV so I decided to play something in the loft or game room, decided to start on the Ace Combat series. My main concern with starting the Ace Combat franchise was that I wasn't going to like using the neG-con controller, dual joystick, or flight stick controllers. Well, as of writing this, I still do not own the dual joystick controller, and I don't believe the PS2 flightstick will work with the PS1 games. So I used the neG-con controller, the controller actually does work very well with Air Combat, it takes a bit of getting used to, and it would probably be more useful if I swapped up the button configuration to something more intuitive, but by default it works really well.
Rating: Great game, I was surprised by how well the game plays and how the graphics look for a game so old.
67. Bomberman GB (GB)
I don't know what to say, I felt like playing a Bomberman game, so I played Bomberman GB. Then I beat it. Fairly short game, and it seems like for each "World" you get a choice between 2 play styles (?), basically every world has 2 different mechanics to beat the levels. I picked left for every world.
Rating: The game is something, if you like Bomberman, great. If you don't like puzzle combat, you won't like this game.
68. I Am Bread (PS4)
Another one of those spur of the moment things. I bought this because of the current sale, so I decided to play it. Used it as an excuse to open my crystal PS4 controller, it is so pretty. Definitely one of those weird game jam simulator games with wonky controls that make little sense, but the game is fun as fuck.
Rating: Really short, fairly fun, good for a laugh, might be fun with friends.
69. Road Rash (PS1)
Updating these next few fairly late, been so busy with the Fourth of July and my AC going out. I brought my PS3 over to my parents since my AC was out, so I played some Road Rash. Not much to say about this game, it's road rash, the menus are very laggy and I couldn't figure out how to use weapons.
Rating: Meh, there are many better Road Rash games.
70. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PS4)
I actually beat this game last year, but after our AC got fixed I decided I wanted to play Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection, and probably load up Subsistence and play the original Metal Gear games. But during the title update for MGS: Legacy, the system went YLOD again. So the next morning I went and dropped the system off at the repair shop to be repaired within the warranty period, should be picking it up during my lunch break today. But since I couldn't play the PS3 and I was feeling frustrated and still wanting to play a MGS game, I loaded up The Phantom Pain. I went and re-acquired Quiet, completed some side missions, unlocked a bunch of new weapons, and messed with the FOB stuff a bit. Then I got tired and decided to go play some Fallout 4, no DLC yet, when I do it will show up around number 26/27 on this list.
Rating: Ugh, I still love this game, it's so great.
71. Metal Gear (NES)
My wife had family over, so me and her cousin went in the game room and I played through Metal Gear on the NES, took several hours, but I burned through it. I proceeded to pop in Snake's Revenge afterward, but I couldn't figure out how to open the first door, so I just gave up and turned the game off. No clue what I was supposed to do, but I just didn't care enough.
Rating: Meh, some of this game is very frustrating, especially the not having weapons for most of it and eventually enemies attack nonstop.
72. Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland (GBA)
I decided to start playing this on a whim. I'm trying to think, I don't know if I've ever played a Kirby game before. I really really enjoyed this game. The levels are really short, but have winding paths in some levels. I think I finished the game with 84% completion, which is good enough for me. I'll probably play another Kirby game soon.
Rating: Really fun, I really enjoyed it and I will play more Kirby games because of it.
73. Klonoa: Empire of Dreams (GBA)
I'm having trouble writing these little blurbs when I'm beating these games faster than I am visiting the forum. This game seems to be a puzzle platformers. This game plays pretty well. The little racing levels are kind of boring, but make for a good break from the repetitive puzzle platforming. Each world seems to add a new gameplay mechanic to the puzzle mechanics, only once have I found myself in a situation where I have to quit entirely to start the level over because I trapped myself in the puzzle, but I've seen a few situations where I'm sure a similar thing would happen.
Rating: Pretty fun game, story feels pretty bland, and some of the mechanics can get frustrating. Overall, I'd pass on this game if you aren't a fan of puzzle based platformers.
74. Mirror's Edge: Catalyst (PS4)
I'm actually not certain what mission I'm on, but I know I'm past that mission. This game is so good. When the first game was announced and coming out I was so hyped. I immediately preordered it, and then I found out about the runner's bag and got even more hyped. I used that runner's bag as my college backpack for almost the entirety of college. That game was so fun, but it was definitely too short and fairly linear. So when EA finally announced they were making another title (a reboot) I was hyped. But when they announced the collector's edition was going to be $200 or something for just a statue, I knew I had to pass and wait on this. I knew I'd be able to snatch the CE for cheap, it still hasn't been cheap enough for me, but I've seen it down at $100. But I decided that I wanted to play the game, so I went out and rented it, I'm already more than 2/3 the way done with the story mode. I'm really digging the open world and running around and gathering collectibles. The world of Glass is so beautiful sometimes it's nice to stop and just stare around the city. And I'm actually really really digging the story and the characters. I'm sitting here making predictions about what's going to happen and different character's backstories and not wanting to look at anything online about the game to prevent spoilers because I'm liking the game so much. I don't get that too often. Definitely one of my favorite games for this year so far. Oh, that ending. As I was working towards the ending, I noticed what I believe to be many similarities with the original ME game's ending. I really can't wait until the next title, assuming it gets made. EA has said that ME:C sold what it expected to sell, which sounds good to me. It's a great game, my only complaint is that by making the decisions that EA did, yes they gave us an open non-linear world, but they gave us linear gameplay mechanics. In ME, you had to choice of HOW you went about a level, you could run, you could fight, you could shoot your way through levels. In ME:C, you pretty much have one choice, RUN. Some situations you can fight, but most you can't. It makes some sense because fighting such a one sided fight, you'd lose every single time, but it's a choice I miss.
Rating: High contender for GOTY for me. I love parkour, and I love FPS games. Definitely worth playing.
75. Drill Dozer (GBA)
I wasn't really planning on beating this one either, but I wound up playing through several levels, it's actually a really fun game. I think if the levels were a little bit shorter and more levels altogether, this game would be an easier game for me to make time for. I'm finding with most of these handheld games, I'm having less and less to say about them. One of the few Game Freak titles that is not Pokemon related.
Rating: Really good, really fun game. I really like the artwork, the characters are pretty cool. I'd love to see another entry in this franchise one day.
76. Homefront: The Revolution (PS4)
I think that's the name of the district I'm in, the one where you need a gas mask. So I went into this game expecting that it was going to be horrible and that I wouldn't finish it, so I wasn't planning on adding it to my list, but I'm really liking the game so I plan to beat it. This game is made by the same company (most likely not the same people, especially since Doak and Ellis don't run the company any more) who made Timesplitters, Second Sight, and Haze... and previously Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. Their last good game was Timesplitters FP, but I was expecting this game to be more Haze and make me hate myself. But this game is actually quite good. Only a few minor complaints. What people say about the game freezing up frequently, absolutely true. Every single time this game does and auto save, it freezes for 5-10 seconds, which is fairly frequently and sometimes during combat. I can mostly deal with that, it's not that big of a deal and it gives me a few seconds to analyze what's going on with no repercussions. I have had a few situations though, where the game kills me. I beat one of the location strikepoint things, it finished, started to show me the updated map, and it shows my little pinpoint for my current location go flying across the map, the map closes and it goes back to gameplay, and then I am somewhere else entirely, and I'm dead, because I just took MAJOR fall damage. I fought so hard and valiantly to keep my hard earned tech so I could sell it for money, but then the game killed me and said no, you don't get money, and we are taking your tech away. I liked this game so much, and am liking it so much, that I went out and bought a new copy while I still have it rented. Going to go return the rental today so I can take my time enjoying this game. I proceeded to beat this game the day after I purchased my own copy. That's kind of disappointing, especially since it is one of those games that doesn't let you go back and finish missed content. I may actually start the game over and play again on easy and just screw around. It's actually a really fun game, one of the better FPS games I've played... since... Wolfenstein the new order, actually. Fallout doesn't count, it's its own thing entirely.
Rating: This game is a shooter, there is no way around that, it's a fairly plain jane shooter, but it has difficulty, as it should given that you are the underdog the whole game. I highly recommend this game to shooter fans.
77. -KLAUS- (PS4)
I actually played a few levels of this after I downloaded the game, but I want to make sure I beat this game, so I'm putting it on my list now so I remember to come back to it. La Cosa Entertainment was at PAX South 2015 and I played this game quite a bit and maintain the top score all weekend, as part of that, the top 3 scores would receive free keys for the game when it released. I couldn't decide what to do after beating Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, so I played this for a few minutes, mostly just to figure out where exactly I am at. This game is so good and mysterious, but I have such a problem keeping my attention span on 2D side scrollers.
Rating: This game is so damned good. Highly recommend it, shouldn't take more than maybe 5 hours to beat the game completely.
78. Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation (3DS)
This game seems to be where you get the style of gameplay as Birthright, but you get some characters from both Birthright and Conquest. I have had one defeat the Boss levels, so maybe it's a total mixture of Birthright and Conquest. The ability to do challenge levels and go at your own pace, but also have some of the challenge based chapters where the mission isn't just to kill all enemies, but to meet a specific objective. As far as I have gotten in this game, it definitely seems like you are getting ALL of the characters from both stories. I've still yet to do any S rank supports, but I'd like to do that before I finish this game, and I know I'm getting pretty close to the end. I beat this, and I've still yet to get any S rank supports. I actually got Corrin and Jacob, but I don't like Jacob, so I refuse to accept their S rank. If I can't find my case full of games, I may just keep playing this and build up supports.
Rating: Definitely the best version of Fire Emblem Fates, it is suggested to play both Birthright and Conquest first, but I really don't see how it matters other than to see how shitty things could've been but now are awesome in Revelation.
79. Aero Fighters (SNES)
I'm not a particularly huge shmup fan, but I used to play a lot of shmup games in my youth, mostly because they were so easy to just pick up and play as portable games. So I decided to give this one a go. It's a fairly basic shmup. Pick up power ups, kill things, use bombs when you need them. Nothing really special about this game, definitely nothing you couldn't get from some other shmup without paying the ridonkulous price this game commands. Also, it's really short.
Rating: Meh, nothing special, definitely not a game to buy based solely on it's gameplay.
List continued on next page
1. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (PS3) Such an interesting concept for a Star Wars game with Darth Vader's secret apprentice, but rather flawed execution. The gameplay feels very similar to God of War, but not as polished. The story serves as a good sequel to Revenge of the Sith, but not that great of a prequel to the original trilogy. Very dull boss battles, fighting against Jedi's should've been interesting, but each boss falls short of being interesting. There is one part where you have to bring down a Star Destroyer that was SO infuriating. It was unnecessarily difficult, and the controls for that part were just plain dumb. The game is a bit glitchy too. There was one part where the light part of the lightsaber got stuck in mid-air. I could swing around the hilt, but not actually do any damage while the beam of light just sat there.
I'd recommend the game to diehard Star Wars fans, but don't set your expectations too high. It's has some good ideas, but the execution misses it's mark. 3/5
2. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered (PS4).
I LOVE this game. I've played this one before on PS3 a few years back, and it's still just as good. Awesome story, great gunplay and exploration, and overall a great remaster; Bluepoint Studios did a great job updating it. I actually went through and actually found all the treasures this time around. Not my favorite collectible hunt but worthwhile enough. Amazing game. Had me smiling throughout! 5/5
3. Mega Man 2 (3DS)
I finally understand the hype around Mega Man. After picking up the Mega Man Legacy Collection I tried Mega Man 1, but it didn't really click. But Mega Man 2, wow! What a solid game! Such tight gameplay that was a joy to play. Great bosses, and levels with obstacles that kept me guessing. Very rewarding with an ending that made me laugh. 5/5
4. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Remastered (PS4)
Man oh man, the Uncharted games are awesome! What a game! Uncharted 2, does everything Uncharted 1 does but better. Though, I think I enjoyed Uncharted 1's story more. The remaster is beautiful! I was amazed at some of the landscapes and cutscenes. Weird final boss fight. A masterpiece in Playstation's library. 5/5
5. Gunman Clive (3DS)
Solid little platformer with a fun Western theme. Short but sweet. It only took me about 1 hour to finish. Wish it was longer, but it is certainly one of the better smaller Indie Games I've played. 4/5
6. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PS4)
The third Uncharted game has me torn. The gameplay was mesmerizing, tight, action filled, and beautiful! Some of the scenarios were jaw dropping! This game has the best set pieces the series has. The story on the other hand, started off really strong had me engaged. But by the end I was just confused. There are a bunch of plot holes and unanswered questions. I feel like the there was more planned to the story, but was left unfulfilled. The plot holds the game back from being a masterpiece for me, but the gameplay was certainly fun and I enjoyed my time with it. 4/5
7. Toy Story (Sega Genesis)
This is a game I had played years ago on a Windows 95 PC. I could never beat it, and I now remember why. The game is uses some very cheap tactics to extend the gameplay length. This is one of those platformers that focuses on dumb obstacles and enemies instead of challenging jumps and such. Thank goodness for infinite continues cheats! The driving levels were lame, no fun. There is one level that is entirely in first person that had me completely disoriented. I was impressed and frustrated with the boss fights, they're...odd. I have no idea what the bonus levels were supposed to do. The game is fun enough, it's a great looking Genesis game and it has some ambitious levels but it will certainly be a while (if ever) before I revisit this one. 3/5
8. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)
Holy cow! What a fantastic game! The best Uncharted game hands down! From the amazing story, fantastic gunplay encounters, and jaw dropping scenes this game had me smiling throughout. A perfect end to the series. 5/5
9. Entwined (Vita)
I played this game on and off for a few months playing a level before I went to bed. Entwined is one of the best examples of video games as art I've seen in quite a while. You could put this game playing in an art museum. While the game is beautiful, the actual gameplay part is rather lacking. It's essentially a rhythm game where you have two flyers (A fish and a bird) on either side of the screen and you have to collect blue and orange orbs so power up the two so the bird and fish can combine into a dragon. Each level finishes with an artistic open flight zone where you can make a light trail. The rhythm part of collecting orbs became frustrating at times, but overall I enjoyed the games beauty and simple, albeit sparse, gameplay. 3/5
10. Mega Man 1 (3DS)
Mega Man 1 is a very ambitious NES game. The game is difficult in a good way. The bosses are tough and fun. The gameplay is a little rough and can be frustrating, but the satisfaction of beating a tough section was great. *pew, pew pew* 4/5
11. The Last of Us (PS4)
Man oh man... This game left me speechless in the best way possible! I'm a few years late to this one but what a game! Story, characters, gameplay, pacing; all perfect. I've never had a game cause me yell out in shock at the television so many times. The crafting system was on point. The story pieces you can find along the way are so detailed. The game makes you be resourceful and stealthy with fear of being killed. Joel and Ellie's relationship is so well written. I'm glad I played Uncharted 1, 2, 3, 4, and then the Last of Us in that order. Really shows the evolution of Naughty Dog's skills. Even though the Last of Us is older than Uncharted 4, I think the Last of Us is the better game. Certainly one of the top 5 games I've ever played and maybe one of the finest games ever created. 5/5
12. Until Dawn (PS4)
Jump scares galore! This game was fascinating and genuinely scary. I loved the branching paths and having choices that actually mattered in whether or not the characters died. A good story, with good characters made this a very memorable game. My only complaint is that the controls sometimes would be unresponsive in odd ways. I left the game with only 2 survivors, though I went back and tried some other paths and ended up with 7 surviving. I'm definitely looking forward to playing this one again to grab all the collectables and going for the platinum trophy. (5/5)
13. Sonic the Hedgehog (3DS)
I have never actually completed a Sonic game until now. And I've got to say, I was more impressed than I thought I would be. It's a super solid platformer albeit a bit strange with how many different paths each level has. This was part of the Sega 3D Classics collection and the 3D was really well done. I liked how there were multiple ways to complete a level. The whole rings as lives mechanic is interesting, I liked it at first, but by the end I was more annoyed with losing all my rings frequently. The water mechanic of finding bubbles to breathe I thought was great. Might be one of my favorite water level mechanics I've seen. The bonus levels were bizarre, but I liked them. I didn't get the "good" ending by missing one crystal. The mixture of speed and precision made this a fun game that I thoroughly enjoyed. 4/5
14. Deadpool (PS4)
As a Deadpool fan, I really enjoyed this game. But ultimately this game is a average hack-n-slash game with some shooting elements. It's not that it's bad, but if it wasn't for Deadpool being the games main character, there probably wouldn't be much of a point. The gameplay is very bland. The writing is great, I laughed a ton. Nolan North nailed it as the Merc with the Mouth. Having Deadpool break the fourth wall to talk to player is amazing. The script is definitely the best part of the game. The enemies are varied enough to be interesting, but they're somewhat of a pain to fight. The game has some strange difficulty spikes that come out of nowhere. That made me annoyed more than once. On a technical level this game has some problems. At one point, I couldn't get a lift to lower so I could continue with the level, after restarting it worked, but those kind of bugs shouldn't be in the game. Is it a memorable game? Not really. But is it a fun game? Yep. Not bad, but not great. I wanted a funny Deadpool game and that's what I got. I only wish the actual game part was a little better. (3.5/5)
15. Thomas Was Alone (Vita)
This game really surprised me with how charming it is. First game in a while that I didn't want to put down. The game is well written; somehow they gave rectangles personalities and were able to create a story that I was genuinely interested in. As far as puzzle platformers go this game is top notch. Very clever puzzles and obstacles. This what indie games should be about; creativity. (4/5)
16. Frogger Adventures Temple of the Frog (GBA)
This is a game that I have beat multiple times. It's such a charming little gem. It's got the basic Frogger mechanics implemented, but with more of a 2d adventure type of gameplay. Only 5 worlds, but each presents some interesting challenges. I beat it in a little over an hour. This is probably the only game that I could attempt to speed run. It is easy to get careless with how fast you can make Frogger move and that result in some unexpected deaths. (4/5)
17. Pokemon Yellow (3DS virtual console)
Yellow version was the first Pokemon game I played years ago. This game made me fall in love with the franchise then, and it was really fun to revisit the old Kanto region now. Building a team was more difficult than I remember, I never even filled up my last two slots only using 4 Pokemon throughout. There really aren't a ton of viable characters. I ended up using Pikachu, who was annoying at first but eventually became a star player, Charizard who was fun, but way weaker than I remember, Mew (through the glitch) who was bit of a novelty and destroyed many foes, and Gyarados who became my team leader Pokemon. I didn't realize how rudimentary of an RPG the original Pokemon games are. Rock, Dragon, Ghost and bug types are basically useless with only few moves total in the game. Your inventory is surprisingly small, and the boulder puzzles are interesting enough to make you think. I really love that the story is very subtle. It's not a tale of epic battle and saving the world. Taking down a crime syndicate and becoming a Pokemon Master are simple goals for a simple RPG. (5/5)
18. The Order 1886 (PS4)
The Order 1886 had the potential to be an amazing experience, but is unfortunately the end product leaves something to be desired. While I enjoyed my time with this game, I walk away from the game perplexed. The game looks incredible, certainly one of the best looking games on the PS4. The story was interesting enough, albeit somewhat clichéd. The characters were well done, but somewhat underdeveloped. The game plays like a bad Uncharted game. The shooting sections are fine, but in a game where super natural monsters are the enemy, "man with shotgun" is the most difficult enemy. The variety in guns and creativity is fun. Battling the monsters is a dull experience. The boss fights are odd quick time + trigger button fights, not great. I didn't mind the game being shorter, but I do mind that some of the chapters were just cutscenes. I ended up playing on easy because I got frustrated enough that I just wanted to coast through. There is a good game here, but it's buried under some strange design choices. I hopefully it get's a chance at a sequel that can fix upon the problems this game has and can build upon the intriguing world. 3/5
Currently playing
Pokemon Moon
Sly Cooper
Battletoads - Why is this game popular? I don't get it, I don't mind hard or frustrating games. I do mind games that play unfair. I stopped at the rat race level, that was just so un-fun.
Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Questt - This game is stupid. While it looks and sound great as far as Genesis games go, the gameplay is mundane, and I found the final level impossible to complete. I'm not sure if my copy is broken or if the game is just flawed. Regardless, I spent enough time trying to finish the final level to know that I don't like this game.
Mighty No. 9 - What is this? The levels are poorly designed, and the boss battles are not fun. I may go back to this one just to see it through, but it is not a good game.
Onechanbara ZII: Chaos - This game is so strange. The story and characters are ridiculous, and the combat is so repetitive. But part of me wants to return to this absurd game just to see where it goes. Kind of a so bad/strange it's good sort of game.
Star Fox Zero - Bad controls ruin an otherwise great looking game.
Vanquish - Really interesting third-person shooter. I plan on starting this one over.
Bastion- This game is really intesting and I was having fun with it, but it just fell by the wayside. I will go back to it.
Doom- Old Doom, I started but it didn't click with me at the time. I plan on returning to it.
Alright! Let's get this show on the road! Reviews in purple are for games that I replayed.
1. The Evil Within (
2. Fatal Frame (
3. Until Dawn (
4. Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly (
5. Kirby Super Star Ultra (
6. Stella Glow (
7. Devil Kings (
8. Jikandia: The Timeless Land (
9. Demon's Souls (
Thanks for the review of Kirby Superstar Ultra! I just read it.
Just beat my first game of the year too!
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - GCN
It was a replay so not too much to say but I did do a draft so that was fun! Used some characters I haven't really used heavily before so not too bad. Gonna update with more once I build my PC this week!
Thanks for the review of Kirby Superstar Ultra! I just read it.
Anytime! It's a great Kirby title.
I've mostly played 3 games so far this year:
Cities: Skylines- I pretty much stopped playing once I got the City to the largest "achievement size"
Super Mario Maker - You can't really beat this I suppose, but I've finished Expert mode several times over now.
Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! - I've recent set up my office where I can stream my retro consoles to Twitch (or where ever), and this was my pilot run. Just beat Tyson this morning.
Tomb Raider (2013)
Alien: Isolation
Mega Man X2
LEGO Marvel's Avengers
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright
Halo 3: ODST
6 - Rocket League (PS4) - 1 Hour FINISHED - This was bought mostly as a multiplayer thing for local game meetups I take part in, but I did a short season and it's pretty fun. There's really no campaign or anything and I don't really want to play anymore seasons. Pretty entertaining though. It's very intuitive with its controls and it doesn't take too long to figure things out.
Two more games finished! Reviews have been posted.
1. Portal Stories: Mel (Steam) Completed The closest thing we're gonna get to Portal 3! Amazing mod! Achievement Progress 100% (
2. Emily is Away (Steam) Completed I have no idea why I played this Achievement Progress 100% (
3. The Walking Dead (PS4) Completed I played the series in reverse but this game is overall better than Season 2 Trophy Progress 100% (
4. Teslagrad (PS4) Completed Would recommend to anyone who is interested in Metroid-esque games. Trophy Progress 100% (
5. LittleBIGPlanet 3 (PS4) Completed Great game, but ruined but numerous glitches and bugs. Trophy Progress 100% (
*Added Teslagrad and LittleBIGPlanet 3 (PS4)
Game 3 - Ace Combat Infinity (PS3) - 64 Hours
Final beat the last campaign mission that was included in the original release. They've since put out additional missions with updates, but for me those count as DLC.
+ I know a lot of people hate on this game, but I love it. It plays really well - kind of like a modern version of the PS2 classics. It's really fun to level up your plane and show it off to other people as you compete in lots of different missions and special raids. Namco also adds a lot of bonuses and promotions to spice up the game and keep you wanting to play it. The soundtrack features a ton of classics from old AC games which really helps make it exciting too.
- The campaign is really really bad in my opinion, it's boring and takes a ton of credits to unlock each mission; (Maybe 2,000,000 or so unless you buy an unlock with real money). Overall the story doesn't live up to the games on the PS2. Also since the game is free to play, you have to wait and play a little bit everyday; you can't binge and level up the things you need. You have to be patient and slowly work your way up which sucks (again, you can buy your way up with real money if you want to go faster).
But... since the game is completely free, I can really look past all the flaws in the campaign and the grinding pace of the multiplayer. I didn't pay anything for the game, so I really don't feel offended by what it does wrong. For me I got 60+ hours of entertainment without paying a single dime! I'll take that any day. :D
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
A few more games will be added to my list once the reviews are finished!
Main List (
More in progress games
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
80. Star Fox 2 (SNES)
That one guy posted that he got a boxed Star Fox 2 repro from some guy and it made me really want to play this. I've never played Star Fox 2 before, and I've been wanting to play this game for years. I wanna say every time I went to play it it wouldn't load, so I finally got to play it. It's such a good game, but it did crash once and it is very short. I would've loved to see more of this game. Would've been nice as a small inclusion into Star Fox 64 since the game was mostly done at that point.
Rating: Short and Fun Star Fox game with rather unique mechanics of having to defend Corneria from the enemy's assault.
81. Demon's Souls (PS3)
I wasn't really planning on putting this on my list, but I spent a good portion of 2 days playing this game, swapping back and forth between myself and my wife's cousin. I also don't know quite sure how to track the progress, since you can kind of play it in any order. So I decided to list what levels we have started but haven't beaten. I don't know for sure if we did anything on 2-2, but we made it to the bosses for 1-2 and 3-1. This game really seems like it wants you to use Bow and Arrows for the bosses a lot. Went and beat the boss for 1-2, which was pretty simple once I had some arrows. Can't move to 1-3/1-Boss until I beat an Archdemon, not sure what that is. Went and beat the boss for 3-1, wasn't too hard. Went to the boss of 4-1 and proceeded to get my ass handed to me, not sure what exactly it wants me to do, Boss hits you no matter where you are. I'm leveling up my Vitality in preparation to go at that again. Went pretty far in 2-2 and decided to leave to go spend my souls before dying. Got to the boss of 5-1 but had no arrows so I left. Pretty much just stocking up on arrows, grinding for souls, ore, and grass at this point. Going to try and stick to not playing this game without my wife's cousin because it's slightly more fun that way. Grinded quite a bit whilst waiting for my wife's cousin to come over again. Absolutely wrecked the few bosses we went at. A quick run through 4-2 nets so many souls, it's gonna be cake to grind some more if necessary. I'm fairly certain that all we have left is the first world. We beat all the final bosses of all of the other worlds. The Penetrator kicked my ass like 8 times before I gave up and looked up how to beat him easier. I knew beating him my way would work eventually, but it was just getting too tedious. So next time my wife's cousin comes over, we will probably beat the game and move onto Dark Souls.
Rating: This game is fantastic, very skill based though. Highly recommend this over Dark Souls so far.
82. Super Boss Gaiden (SNES-CD)
A video popped up in my feed about the first game for the SNES-CD, or atleast the first homebrew game. Apparently the owner of the Nintendo Playstation released the BIOS, and someone modified their SNES emulator to be compatible with the SNES-CD BIOS. Then someone made a game for it. So I decided to put it all together and play the game. It's a fairly short game, if you are good you can probably beat it in under 30 minutes. It's a really fun game. A beat 'em up game, but you gain "heart rate" (read as health) by beating up enemies in rapid succession. The game tells the story of a Sony exec who finds out that the Nintendo Playstation got leaked... then proceeds to destroy tons of stuff and kill tons of people. The emulator that was released to work as a SNES-CD emulator (no$sns) pops up as a trojan in my anti-virus software, so I ran it inside of an enclosed VM, so be vigilant if you are going to mess with it.
Rating: Pretty fun, really short, definitely at least check out the SNES version. Read above if you want to read the issue with the SNES-CD version.
83. Mega Man & Bass (SNES)
I'm playing the translated SNES version, I really don't know why I'm playing this one over the GBA version, but I am. I'm playing through as Bass. The usual Mega Man frustrations. Don't really understand which items are good or not, but I don't get enough screws to consider buying anything.
Rating: Really good Mega Man game, I really have no clue why we didn't get it back then.
84. Cave Story 3D (3DS)
I started playing this Sunday, but I hadn't decided if I was going to stick with it. At this point, I'm probably pretty far along in the story, so I guess I'll stick with it. I only really started playing this because I brought my little case of 3DS games with me and my wife's cousin and I were stuck sitting in the car for an hour or so. He was playing Cave Story (The 3DS eShop version), and he always talks about how it's his favorite game of all time. So I decided I'd finally play my copy that's been sitting in my 3DS case for who knows how long. It's a pretty fun 2.5D platformer/shooter. I think I remember playing the PC version back in the day. I got to the point where I'm asked if I want to leave. I decided to kind of spoil it for myself and see, because I figured that would trigger an ending. I know that I missed some things and can't get the best ending, but at least I can get the good/neutral ending.
Rating: Really good, but there are cheaper versions that play just as well. But I like this one.
85. Blacksite: Area 51 (360)
I dropped this game back in 2008, I don't know why, it's not a horrible game, just kind of bland. I decided to pick it back up and finish it because I thought I was near the end. Turns out I was near the beginning. Game is really short though, finished it in about 6 hours total probably.
Rating: Meh, easy pass.
86. Hexcells (PC)
This game seems to be a different take on the minesweeper style of gameplay. It's kind of interesting, but for a minesweeper player, the controls are backwards and are really easy to get wrong. I changed the controls to the other way around to match minesweeper. That seemed to help some, but I still got confused on occasion. The game is partly based on patterns and designs, so kind of like Picross you can kind of tell what it should look like to help you out when you get stuck. Pretty quick game, took about an hour.
Rating: I really enjoyed this game, I bought the HB Indie 17 bundle mostly for this game and its sequels.
87. Hexcells Plus (PC)
Same basic concept as the previous game, but with a higher difficulty. Some of these puzzles were painfully long and very difficult to grasp. I'm still having the problem that I some times forget which button does which action.
Rating: I enjoyed this game slightly less give the extreme jump in difficulty. Kind of concerned about the 3rd game.
88. Hexcells Infinite (PC)
Again, same concept as before, but the difficulty seems a little lower than Plus, but I did have the problem that I didn't have enough points for the last "world", so I had to go back and redo a lot of puzzles to get better scores, so this game had to have been harder.
Rating: Overall I'd skip this franchise and just play minesweeper, it's interesting, but I would rather play minesweeper.
89. Regency Solitaire (PC)
Got this in a humble bundle, same as the previous games. I vaguely recalled hearing really good things about this game, I could be wrong and it was another solitaire game, but I like solitaire regardless, so no brainer to play it. It plays like Golf or Tri-peaks, where you have an active card and you can play any cards that are one below or above that number, suit doesn't matter. You also have wild cards and jokers.
Rating: I probably could've done without this, but the story was vaguely interesting. Yes, there was a story.
90. Ace Combat 2 (PS1)
After rearranging some furniture, I finally decided to continue playing the Ace Combat games. I can't honestly tell if the graphics are much better in this one, but they definitely use darker tones and have more night missions. This causes a lot of issues if you are playing during the day time or have color perception issues. When having support on missions you only ever have 2 choices, I don't know if there is truly a difference between the choices and the pilots seem to level up, but they are just as useless as the rookie pilots in Air Combat, never nearly as useful as the veteran pilots. If you destroy a plane, you don't seem to lose it forever like in Air Combat, which is nice when you screw up on those night missions maneuvering through canyons. A lot of creative missions compared to the previous game though. Some improvements, some set backs, but definitely a great game. While Air Combat could use the neG-con controller, this game fully supports it with its own set of options when it detects the neG-con controller. I think with Air Combat I had to manually set up the neG-con, but I didn't with this game.
Rating: Great game, plays great, much fun. See Air Combat.
91. Forza Horizon 2 (X1)
I've actually already beat this game, but I started playing it again after my wife made me buy her the Logitech G920 Steering Wheel and Shifter. Through the process of replaying the game, I popped the credits again, so I actually "beat" this game again. This is mostly going to be about my experience with the G920 than Forza, as I already played it before. The controller takes a little getting used to after playing with a standard controller your whole life. It also doesn't quite feel the same as actually driving a car. Of course, you can only simulate so much, but the more you use it the easier it is to use. I definitely have to drive with the in car camera view otherwise I just can't control the car. Precision driving is much easier using the steering wheel, and using the foot peddles to control how much gas or brake you use is fantastic as the triggers on a controller aren't as easy to apply different pressures. So I can drive pretty fast through a forest without hitting trees, great. But too many times I'm finding that the car will spin out using the wheel, whereas that usually never happens with the controller. This may be due to my unfamiliarity with the wheel.
Rating: Obviously a fantastic racing experience with tons of content and unlockables.
92. Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere (PS1)
The first thing I noticed about this game is that, and this is totally based on my usage of the Namco neG-con controller, when you rotate the controller to rotate the plane, it doesn't turn the plane back when you turn the controller back to a neutral position. This took a lot of getting used to and in turn it makes it much more difficult to stabilize the plane when you need to. This is a minor complaint, and I'm certain this only affects the neG-con controller. This game removes the standard AC feature of earning money from missions to be spent on planes, planes are just unlocked as you progress through the game, rather than be unlocked for purchase. A new feature, I believe, is the ability to choose which weapons you equip on your plane (if eligible). Another new feature, which is welcomed, is the introduction of storylines. From what I recall of playing AC and AC2, there wasn't much of a story to the games. Of course, now that I'm reading, it sounds like the Japanese version of Electrosphere has a more in depth story and characters than the US version.
Rating: So far, my least favorite entry. Many features removed. neG-con controls are significantly different.
93. Catlateral Damage (PS4)
Bought this to play with the PSVR, but it doesn't play very well, so I decided to play through the objective mode with the dualshock 4 controller like normal. I don't think this game is really a game you can "beat", but I did complete objective mode, so I consider this beaten. You get to play as a cat who has been wronged in some cat manner. So you must knock as much as you can to the floor within the time limit. Pretty fun game.
Rating: If you want to be a cat and knock things over, it doesn't get much better than this.
94. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS4)
This series was on my list of series I wanted to play through this year, but I thought I wouldn't get around to the Uncharted series. Partly because I don't expect myself to go out and buy Uncharted 4 this year, but that may change. I had tried to play through this game a few years back on the PS3, but the graphics and controls felt pretty aged compared to the recent Tomb Raider games, so it was sort of painful for me, so I gave up shortly after the intro chapters. So I decided to give it another try on the PS4 version, played through a little further than I had before and quit playing for the night. Decided to go play it some the next day and wound up playing it almost all day. Some of the controls are fairly frustrating, and I'm noticing that it doesn't matter what PS4 controller I use, eventually it gets some interference from something and acts up. No joke, I'll be cursing and yelling because I'm not touching the controller and Drake will go run off a cliff and the camera will turn, or I will press forward to run and he'll just stand still, then run but not stop, and then jump off a cliff. Really good story, good gameplay, good cinematics.
Rating: Well recommended, play the PS4 version over the PS3 version.
95. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS4)
Immediately jumped into the second game after I beat the first, well after playing around with Doughnut Drake for a few minutes. Played through several chapters, I'm probably around Chapter 9 at this point. I stayed up later than I had wanted to, on a work night, because I was enjoying the game so much. I actually stopped playing only because the PS4 controller was acting up like crazy. I think my Uncharted controller is bad or something, it keeps acting up, same with my Crystal PS4 controller. I resynced the Uncharted one and it worked for a while, acted up once or twice. I bought the Uncharted controller Refurbished and the Crystal controller was imported from Japan. So maybe that's the whole deal. Anyway, had a 3 day weekend and beat this game. Great story again. I'm realizing that there isn't much special about this franchise except a fun story, fun characters, and it tries to keep you guessing. But other than that, it's pretty frustrating. New Tomb Raider > Uncharted > Old Tomb Raider.
Rating: Great story, worth playing through. Great addition to the franchise.
96. Haunting Ground (PS2)
I started playing this at the request of Kashell. Depending on how much I enjoy this game, I may jump into more survival horror games before the end of the year, probably Fatal Frame. I haven't tracked my progress with this game so far, and it doesn't seem so easy to keep track of where I am at in the game. I had some trouble with hiding and getting Huey to listen to commands. I am following a walkthrough, mostly because I'm finding it terribly difficult to remember where things are and the map doesn't particularly help. Danielle just went psycho on a window (mirror?) and I stomped her ass until she curled into a ball and started crying or something. I'm pretty much only playing this game during dark hours when my wife is willing to sit and watch me play, so very infrequently. This game will likely never be marked as an active game on here, it'll just go from inactive to completed. Just like that, went from inactive to completed. Finally decided to sit down and finish this game. Such a good, creepy game. This game went from freaking me the crap out (Deb), to mildly turning me on/largely weirding me out (Daniella), to becoming dastardly difficult (Riccardo), to just being completely WTF (Old Man). I ended with the "A" ending, so great experience. Not sure if I'll ever play again. My wife wants to play through on Hard to unlock the rest of the outfits.
Rating: Great, fun, creepy, scary game. Probably not worth the cost of entry, but definitely a fun, kind of campy game.
97. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PS4)
I beat this game in under 24 hours, it was a relatively short game, but it just was so great and packed in so much story and action. Some of the fights were just down right frustrating and seemingly impossible. You can die pretty quickly in a lot of situations, and a lot of fights have you fighting guys coming at you from all directions with little to no cover and very limited ammo. There was more than a handful of fights where I died repeatedly within a second or two of spawning. This game did a lot more of the running towards the screen whilst some threat is chasing you down. These are frustrating because you'll be at the end of the chase scene with no obvious exit route and just have to die and try over and over until you figure out which direction you are supposed to jump. This franchise really reminds me of Far Cry. Just magically you are a guy who can take down a giant army single handedly.
Rating: Definitely the best story and characters of the franchise, felt like the biggest and longest of the games.
98. Dark Souls (360)
Started playing this pretty much right after finishing Demon's Souls. Did a little bit in NG+ in Demon's souls and decided to just start up Dark Souls instead. This game feels clunkier compared to Demon's Souls. I've had several instances where I press the button to roll and my character won't roll until 2-3 seconds later. I just need to figure out the timing difference between Demon's souls and Dark souls. I wasn't made aware of invasions and such until it was too late. I stopped before one of the first bosses to go eat, came back and I was at the last bonfire with no souls and bacon face. Turns out if you are human, people can and will invade you and kill you. So either I will continually play with bacon face or I will shut off Xbox Live during gameplay. I intend on playing through this game without invading, being invaded, nor summoning other players. My only option for now is to quit when I stop playing for any period of time. I'm following my wife's cousin's instructions and we have skipped through 3-5 areas entirely, so now I'm at Sen's Fortress, but I'm only level 27, so I'm way underpowered for the enemies here. I'm trying to decide if I want to play this one without his help or not. Demon's souls I made sure to only play when he was around because he had never played Demon's Souls, but he's played and beaten Dark Souls 1 and 2. So no loss for him if I play without him, but he does know all of the little secrets. Also, when I got to Blighttown, I noticed the game was lagging quite noticeably, so I'm going to take advantage of BC on X1 and try to play this on X1 from now on. Then I'll buy DS2 and DS3 for X1. I think I'm level 50 at this point and I think I only have 3-5 bosses left to beat. Still playing this on and off when my wife's cousin comes over. We beat a few more bosses and I've been playing on X1 and he has been bringing his 360 and being summoned into my game so we can work together. I got my butt wrecked by the 4 Kings, so we are going to go do some other stuff and I'm going to try and level up my faith so I can use Iron Skin or whatever. I think we are planning on going after Seath the Scaleless next. Took some time, but we finally finished the game. Failed fighting Gwyn so many times until eventually the game let us summon two people.
Rating: Such a good game, but requires skill.
Continued below,6762.msg108338.html#msg108338
Strange thread!? I tend to pick a game (typically PvP MMORPG) and play it for years. They had to shut down the last one (Warhammer Online) to stop me from playing it.
Till death do us part...=)
Here we go again!
1. 1/30 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Steam)
2. 2/5 Alter Ego (Steam)
3. 2/14 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn (Steam)
4. 3/9 Fist Slash: Of Ultimate Fury (Steam)
5. 3/20 Saturday Morning RPG (Steam)
6. 3/20 Project Rub (DS)
7. 4/10 WarioWare: Touched! (3DSDL)
8. 4/18 Condemned: Criminal Origins (Steam)
9. 4/23 Binary Domain (Steam)
10. 4/28 Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3)
11. 5/2 The Legend of Dark Witch (3DSDL)
12. 5/4 Fairune (3DSDL)
13. 5/29 Fallout 4 - Automatron (Steam)
14. 6/2 Fallout 4 (Steam)
15. 6/5 Fallout 4 - Far Harbor (Steam)
16. 7/1 Shovel Knight - Plague of Shadows (3DSDL)
17. 7/2 LIMBO (Steam)
18. 7/29 Renegade Ops (Steam)
19. 7/30 Renegade Ops - Coldstrike (Steam)
20. 8/31 Fallout 4 - Nuka-World (Steam)
21. 9/18 The Blackwell Legacy (Steam)
22. 9/19 DEADBOLT (Steam)
23. 9/27 Max Payne (Steam)
24. 10/2 Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (Steam)
25. 10/9 Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt (Steam)
26. 10/16 Shadow Warrior 2 (Steam)
27. 10/17 Burgers (Steam)
28. 10/19 Just Cause 2 (Steam)
30. 11/15 Double Dragon Neon (Steam)
31. 11/19 Bulb Boy (Steam)
32. 11/28 Pokémon Moon (3DS)
33. 12/7 Magicka (Steam)
34. 12/29 Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)
I'm having a hard time focusing. Since the new year I have started quite a few games and get unbelievably bored just before beating them.
So here is a list of games I have ALMOST finished this year.
Dark Cloud (PS2)
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos (PS1)
Resident Evil Remake (PS4)
Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii)
I've just been alternating between them all. I hope to finish them by the end of Feb.
(I have beaten Dark Cloud and Croc in the past, but it's been too long to even remember the endings.)
I got spread out myself. I started Wind Waker, haven't gone back yet, though I want to before Twilight Princess HD. Still deep into Xenoblade Chronicles X, haven't played in awhile, but that's actually cause the game is fairly boring. Been going through Bloodborne which is amazing and has taken most of my time lately, though once I beat the DLC, I'll just have the very last bit of the game to beat.
Main List (
More in progress games
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized games are in progress.
standard games are games I am not currently trying to beat.
99. Everybody's Gone To The Rapture (PS4)
I really had a hard time following this game. I didn't really get that I was supposed to follow the lights. I thought I could go where I want and hear the stories, but you kind of have to do them in order. I had a lot of back tracking to do because of how I played. I literally got 1 trophy, for beating the game. Didn't manage to hit any other trophy, probably won't go back to this game solely because of how painfully slow you walk around.
Rating: Interesting story, painful gameplay. I'd say pass.
100. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)
This came in the mail a day early, so I loaded it up and started playing it. Some first notes about the game. The fighting mechanics are significantly different than the previous games, I would say not for the best. Only 5-6 chapters in, the majority of the game is cinematics and cutscenes. I definitely thought it was funny when Drake sat down and played Crash Bandicoot, so you are playing Drake... playing Crash Bandicoot.
Rating: So good, definitely the best entry in the franchise.
101. Aragami (PS4)
I read some reviews prior to purchasing this game, most reviews said that it plays like the Tenchu games, but the Tenchu games are better. I've never played a Tenchu game, but if they play BETTER than this, I'm definitely going to jump into those games soon. I really really like this game, I'm even planning on playing through it twice, because it basically makes it a new game altogether playing it a different way. The game was absolutely fantastic until the last 2 levels. A lot of running and hiding. I wound up taking advantage of some poor level design to skip through a good chunk of the second to last level. Overall a great game and I'm currently going through it a second time to pick up collectibles and get the Oni medals.
Rating: Great game, a little buggy at times, fairly short, but definitely fun.
102. Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour (X1)
Mostly just played through the new levels and stuff because I've beaten the game before, but again, I've beaten the game before. Pretty fun, the levels feel like they fit well. I'd love to see some of the original expansions and stuff get released, that definitely would've made this is better buy.
Rating: Even at $20, I'd pass, wait for it to hit the bargain bin at under $10.
103. Stikbold (X1)
A dodgeball game... with a story. Actually kind of fun and tough. Played through this one with my wife. Mostly a painful experience, but then we calmed down, mostly me, and it was much more pleasant.
Rating: Would make for a fun party game, a la Capsule Force, Videoball, etc.
104. Rise of the Tomb Raider: Blood Ties (X1)
Another one of those stand alone, separate of story mode, run at the main menu DLC story things. Sat down and played this and got a lot of backstory on Lara's character and family. Pretty fun experience, no combat whatsoever, straight puzzles and exploration.
Rating: Actually this is a great add-on to the game and well worth your time.
Watch Dogs 2 (PS4)
See Game Challenge 2017 (,7980.msg132350.html#msg132350)
Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin (X1)
See Game Challenge 2017 (,7980.msg132350.html#msg132350)
Pokemon: Fire Red Version (GBA)
See Game Challenge 2017 (,7980.msg132350.html#msg132350)
Lococycle (PC)
See Game Challenge 2018 (,8821.msg149004.html#msg149004)
107. Tales from the Borderlands (X1)
Current Progress: Episode 1 Chapter 6
Progress on this game is slow because I'm playing through this with my wife kind of, she half pays attention, but wants to at least hear whats going on, so she wants to physically be there while I play the game. This game is going to be the game that is going to take me months to finish. Another Laura Bailey game. :)
109. Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India (X1)
Current Progress: Memory Sequence 2
This and Russia are the last 2 Assassin's Creed games in the franchise to play. I was kind of expecting, given that this released the same year as Syndicate, that this game would be directly related to Syndicate. So far it's its own story, takes place within 100 years of Syndicate, before the events of Syndicate, but I have yet to see if it is in any way related. I expect it will have some events that might have been referenced in Syndicate. I really don't know if I'm going to come back to this game and I only put in a short period of time, so I may remove this game altogether and just abandon it.
110. Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (PS2)
My wife and I decided that we would not be playing any games on Valentine's Day unless we were playing them together, so I asked about playing Gamecube games, since we have a Gamecube hooked up in the loft (for the GameBoy Player). No dice, couldn't agree on a game. So I thought about it and went and grabbed a PS2 and a handful of games for her to pick from. Again, no dice as she didn't want to pick. So I picked Fallout and she obliged. We played for a few hours and got to level 3, still haven't left the main area of Carbon, but I intend on continuing playing this game because I'm quite enjoying it.
111. Dungelot: Shattered Lands (PC)
Progress: Dungeon 14/18
So this game I got a free steam key from one of the streams that was taking part in the Dungelot 100 level challenge (Thanks RT_LoZelda). This game was explained to me as minesweeper meets roguelike?, it's very confusing and I barely see it... but the game is pretty good. I'm either 1/3 of the way through, or like 1/12 of the way through, I'm not sure yet. A few dungeons left, and as expected, they get pretty tough as you go along. The game is mostly luck, a lot of situations, just like minesweeper, you'd fail due to dumb eff-ing luck. I'm towards the end of the game with the last 4 dungeons and sometimes I fail and die within the first 10 levels of the dungeon and sometimes I make it a little further, but it does seem to be very much down to luck. Sometimes you get lucky and get no horrible mobs, sometimes you get the scorpion who gets free attacks if you make any moves instead of attacking it, but you can't attack it because it has 6 defense and you have 5 attack, so you just die. I got that scorpion on Level 1 first mob to pop on the first tile checked. I made it to level 2 of the dungeon with 5 health and no armor and no items... honestly I should've just quit and start over at that point.
112. Risk of Rain (PC)
I thought about not adding this game, because I wasn't sure if this game was a beatable game, so I had to do some research. It appears there are minimally 4 levels in the game and the faster you beat it, the easier it is. I got to the final stage, but I got bum rushed so fast and so hard. This game is pretty fun, but it is definitely one of those arcade-ish games where you start from scratch every time you play. I think I would've liked a mode where you can keep your stats and such, but I guess that isn't the purpose of the game, is it? Gah man, this game is so hard. I'm not playing on drizzle because I want to unlock a couple of artifacts.
113. Dokapon Kingdom (Wii)
Current Progress: Chapter 8
This game, man. This game. There is a lot of fun to be had with this RPG board game. But there is a lot of frustration too. Like an RPG, it is LONG AS FUCK. Like longer than any game rightfully should be. Early on, you'll attack each other, and try to slow each other down. But then you'll realize that about every 4 weeks you have the opportunity to set everyone back to ZERO basically. The goal of the game is to have the most money at the end. Well, if someone goes Darkling, basically super evil, super powerful, unstoppable, at the cost of all of your money and items, they will have the power (and very easily too) to take away all of your money. 4 weeks is a short period of time in game, I'm currently around week 150. If you play against each other and go Darkling frequently, it will take you several hundred weeks to beat the game. But if you work together, always together, regardless of who is winning, you can get to Chapter 8 fairly quickly. Once you get to chapter 8, feel free to fight among yourselves on your way to the end game, Heck. Taking forever does have the advantage of leveling up your character and jobs, but that's up to you, I guess. We got all the way to Chapter 7, with a lot of fighting each other, and eventually made a truce because the boss in 7 is ridiculous and we were going to work together to unlock the Hero job. I'm holding 3 Hero's Licenses, so we don't want me to die, and I've been trying to work together the whole game. We agreed that once we unlock Hero and Robo-Knight it's back to war, which for me means, let her do all the damage she wants while I go activate end game. If this game were less board game (basically the random dice movement) and more free roam, this game could make for an absolutely awesome Co-op/anti-co-op RPG. So I have the mindset of designing a friendly Co-op/PVP RPG video game, and my wife has the mindset of designing a true board game version of this game.
115. Yoshi's Woolly World (Wii U)
Current Progress: World 2-4
I love Nintendo, and I love the Mario/Yoshi games, but I always have trouble finishing the 2-D games. After getting 2 or 3 worlds in, I just stop playing. The 3-D Mario games, I'll sit there and 100% them, but the 2-D games I lose interest too quickly. Super Mario World being the one exception, I could play that game for hours. I'm going to make it my goal this year to play through and beat all the Mario/Yoshi games I haven't finished. Finally used an amiibo with the game, because my wife wanted to take part in the game and wanted to be the pink yoshi which requires you use your pink yarn yoshi amiibo in single player mode first. Single Player mode with an amiibo double is one of the most frustrating experiences I have had playing a Nintendo game. I think I wasn't prepared for what they threw at me. Co-op mode can be frustrating as well, accidentally eating each other or ricocheting eggs at each other.
116. Tokyo Mirage Sessions: #FE (Wii U)
Current Progress: Chapter 1
I was really enjoying this game yesterday when I started playing it. But then it got to being around 8pm and I decided to start playing some more, played for about an hour. Generally fighting people my level, about 8 or so. Then I went in to a door and was immediately thrown into a fight with 2 level 10s and 1 level 13. Needless to say I got my ass handed to me hardcore. All three enemies one-hit killed all of my people on the first turn, game over, go back to the beginning of chapter 1. Very very discouraging, and now I must remind myself to go through the system menu and save before opening any door.
Added two more games to the list. Indigo Prophecy and Heavenly Sword.
Added Alter Ego (Steam) to the list. Great game, but what a shit ending that was.
Haha, my post of the first page is too long, so I moved my active games to my post on the second page.
Haha you're playing a lot of games, that's pretty cool! Your backlog seems to be doing good ;)
As for me, I unexpectedly beat Portal 2 the other day. The last time I played was 2 years ago. I was just progressing this week to get "back in the game" to design some levels using their level editor, and what do you know, I was actually very close to completing it when I stopped ::)
I'm pretty close to beating Bowser's Inside Story too; 2 bosses left and I'll change it to the other list 8)
Haha, my post of the first page is too long, so I moved my active games to my post on the second page.
Haha you're playing a lot of games, that's pretty cool! Your backlog seems to be doing good ;)
As for me, I unexpectedly beat Portal 2 the other day. The last time I played was 2 years ago. I was just progressing this week to get "back in the game" to design some levels using their level editor, and what do you know, I was actually very close to completing it when I stopped ::)
I'm pretty close to beating Bowser's Inside Story too; 2 bosses left and I'll change it to the other list 8)
I'm not even denting my backlog... at this rate I'm aiming for 104 games... Though I'll bet good money that something is going to happen that will prevent me from playing games for a long period of time. Buying a house did it last year, getting married did it a few years back, last year of college did it for like 6 months straight.
I'm planning on playing through Portal and Portal 2 so I can jump into Portal Stories fresh from a playthrough of the Portal series.
I decided to change things up a bit and do some speed runs. I finished Mega Man X, X2 and X3 for nth time and tried to finish them as fast as possible.
I wasn't successful. I guess I'm out of practice, but I did finish them. Classic Mega Man X is always a good way to go.
EDIT: I also attempted a (poor) speed run of one of my favorite games in the Castlevania series: Harmony of Dissonance. That game doesn't get enough love.
Game 4 - Xenoblade Chronicles 3D (3DS) - 71 Hours
Finally can mark this game finished. Overall it's pretty good. For me it sits riiiight in the middle of my spectrum of RPGs.
+ I think this game does a lot of things really well. I really enjoyed the story despite some minor pacing issues; it was very interesting and the plot twists were impactful. I found the environments to be really cool and interesting, there was a lot of variety in where you go over your journey, especially some moments at the end of the game. I also really enjoyed the combat; it was a lot of fun and really didn't feel that stale. There also was an optimal amount of grinding, and the bosses were really fun and challenging. The soundtrack was excellent too.
- Obviously since I'm on the 3DS, the game looks pretty bad. Rain effects look particularly awful, and things look blocky and cluttered; it's not a deal breaker, but it is noticeable. There was also some slow-down, though it was towards the end of the game only. Also I found the voice acting to be less than exceptional haha. Some people were great, but Reyn, Fiora and PARTICULARLY Alvis were unbearable for me. Lastly, there is just waaaaaaayyyyy to much stuff to do, and it's all really mundane fetch questing and monster hunting and other things of little interest to me. It's overwhelming how much "extra" stuff there is, and since the game is 65+ hours to begin with, it's kind of a turnoff.
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
Never tried this last year. I guess I'll give it a try this time. Definitely won't make it to 52 completed but I'll try to at least finish as many as last year. I'm pretty far behind schedule if I want to make it to 52. :P So far I've yet to finish anything completely new to me. Only finished one remake and replayed through one game. :(
Finished Games
1) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
-First time playing through this version of the game, but I've played through the original plenty of times before. An excellent remake. I have no complaints about this one.
2) Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
-Quick replay through an old favorite. Still great.
5 - Bloodborne (PS4) - 40 Hours FINISHED - An amazing game, with fantastic gameplay, incredible setting and design, it looks fantastic, especially for a console game, but I hate everything about the stories execution. I have tid bits of story that helps to maybe piece together what befell Yarnham, but that's it. There's so little explanation that it just drives me nuts and beating the game helps nothing, it just makes it more confusing and vague. I even beat The Old Hunter DLC. This is a tough ass game, but was pretty incredible to play. I had never beaten a Souls game before, I for some reason fell out of both Dark Souls 1 and 2, but I stuck through this one and really loved most of it.
Finished my playthrough of my Japanese copy of Kirby's Dream Land 2. Pretty fun for an original Game Boy game, but it was a little rough around the edges compared to newer games in the series. I suppose that is to be expected, though not being able to dash or slide was a little annoying. Its challenges made finishing it all the more satisfying, unlike a lot of modern games that hold your hand a little too much.
For now I'm going to try to clean up my backlog and try to finish some games I've already started, rather than starting anything new before Fire Emblem Fates releases next Friday. Hopefully I can finish GTA V by then.
Inspired by Kashell's purdy list, I've decided to put games I've replayed in purple. Thanks for the idea. ;)
Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
1) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
2) Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
3) Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07 **New**
Just finished up Tomb raider definitive edition. Great game and very similar to the uncharted series. Although the story isn't as indepth as Uncharted, still fun to play none the less
Game Beat in 2016
Fallout 4 (XBone) - 01/11/2016
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition (XBone) - 02/09/2016
7 - Dying Light: The Following Expansion (PC) - 2 Hours PLAYING - Been waiting on this expansion for awhile and it's gonna be some good fun to dive back into a game that was a favorite of mine last year. The new buggy stuff seems cool and I get a whole new area to explore with all sorts of new challenges.
Just got around to finishing GTA V. It's a really well-made and fun game, but I felt like the story mode almost dragged on for too long, which is why it took me more than a year to get around to finishing it. There's so much extra stuff to do and it's so easy to get distracted by things (or at least I'm easily distracted). In the end, it took me a little under 40 hours to finish.
Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
1) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
2) Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
3) Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
4) Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09 **New**
As Klonoa says, "Wahoo!" My list has been updated with Klonoa: Empire of Dreams.
Inspired by Kashell's purdy list, I've decided to put games I've replayed in purple. Thanks for the idea. ;)
Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
1. Portal Stories: Mel (Steam) Completed The closest thing we're gonna get to Portal 3! Amazing mod! Achievement Progress 100% (
2. Emily is Away (Steam) Completed I have no idea why I played this Achievement Progress 100% (
3. The Walking Dead (PS4) Completed I played the series in reverse but this game is overall better than Season 2 Trophy Progress 100% (
4. Teslagrad (PS4) Completed Would recommend to anyone who is interested in Metroid-esque games. Trophy Progress 100% (
5. LittleBIGPlanet 3 (PS4) Completed Great game, but ruined but numerous glitches and bugs. Trophy Progress 100% (
6. inFAMOUS Second Son (PS4) Completed This game is amazing. Play it now. Trophy Progress 100% (
*Added inFAMOUS Second Son (PS4)
6. inFAMOUS Second Son (PS4) Completed This game is amazing. Play it now. Trophy Progress 100% (
After I'm done with the Dying Light expansion and I play the Resident Evil HD Origins collection, I'm going to do that game myself. That and Bloodborne were the two games I really wanted to play on PS4.
6. inFAMOUS Second Son (PS4) Completed This game is amazing. Play it now. Trophy Progress 100% (
After I'm done with the Dying Light expansion and I play the Resident Evil HD Origins collection, I'm going to do that game myself. That and Bloodborne were the two games I really wanted to play on PS4.
If you wind up liking Second Son, you may want to check out First Light.
My first post is packed to the brim with completed games and my thoughts about them, now I'm having to put my complete games with my in progress games on my second post. That one's gonna get filled soon too.
I think I'm sitting at 16 games complete.
7 - Dying Light: The Following Expansion (PC) - 15 Hours FINISHED - Quality expansion. Added some fun new stuff, a big new area to explore, a mostly interesting little addition to the story that raises some interesting possibilities for the sequel.
If you wind up liking Second Son, you may want to check out First Light.
I defiantly plan on it. :D
8 - Godzilla (PS4) - FINISHED/PLAYING - If I had to simply describe this game, I would say "Half-Baked". The fan service part of this with all the great looking Godzilla monsters and variations is fantastic. I kinda like the sluggish movement too which makes you feel like you are controlling some giant 100+ foot tall monster. That's where the good stops. Mission structure is repetitive and poorly designed. There's almost no variation in the game. The grinding nature of having to evolve your Godzilla to fight on higher difficulties means you have to constantly repeat the first stages and there is NO guarantee you'll get the items you need to level up either. I don't even think that leveling will truly give you the advantage you need either since going the alternate path on hard puts you up against Monsters that are incredibly high leveled and they are almost impossible to beat, even if I could use more atomic breathes. Just the worst design. It reminds me of Dragon Ball Xenoverse, where they added a lot of stuff that people would like, but the combat and missions are so bad and grindy, it's not really a good game. Such a shame, cause I felt like there's potential here, but it's clear they didn't either have a lot of time or much money to make a proper game and found ways to stretch out what is a very barebones experience...BUT I GET TO PLAY AS GODZILLA 2014! WOO!
Updated list, now with three more complete games(Ikaruga, DDR Mario Mix, Limbo).
My list has been updated with DDRMAX2: Dance Dance Revolution. And man, that game brought back so many memories.
Updated my list on the first and second page after the weekend. I had planned to beat 2 games this weekend, them being GTA:VC and Hacknet, but not only did I not beat them, I added a handful of games to my playlist.
Still hoping I can beat one of those games this weekend. Might even be able to beat Party Hard.
I think I completed my first game of the year yesterday!
Gunpoint - Steam - 2 Hrs
Great game I replayed and finished in one sitting because I wanted to have some fun in the AM. Gotta start making the final list now!
2. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered (PS4).
I LOVE this game. 2nd time playing through it. Still great. Awesome storytelling and gameplay.
Up next, one I've never played, Uncharted 2! I think I'm in for a treat ;D
Beat 2 more games, I'm up to 19 games beat this year so far. Looking to beat Hacknet before the end of the week. When I can, I plan on continuing playing Fallout with my wife. Might start another game so I have a console game to play... probably something PS4.
I have a few games I stopped playing for one reason or another, I'm gonna try to pick those games back up at some point.
I finished Valyria Chronicles 3: EE last night. I'm writing a review for it now.
Played through Hoshi no Kirby. Super short, but fun. Was a nice freebie with the Game Boy I bought recently. That makes it the third Kirby game I've finished this year. :o I never noticed until just now.
Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
1) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
2) Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
3) Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
4) Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
5) Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16 **New**
Double post oh noooo... :(
Just finished Wolfenstein: The New Order. It was fun. Not much to say other than that.
Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
1) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
2) Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
3) Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
4) Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
5) Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16 **New**
6) Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Feb-16 **New**
9 - Street Fighter V (PS4) - PLAYING - Mechanically, it's Street Fighter, so it plays really well, it's just abit of a bummer it was so clearly released early. The network servers weren't ready for the player load despite many betas, and it's missing things ranging from a proper story mode, arcade mode, to the costume/character store, and I'm sure other things. It's a very barebones release. Even that Character Prologue they weirdly mislabel as "Character Story", isn't anything more than 4 fights against easy CPU's with some voice acting and kinda very rushed artwork. It's not as good as it could've been. Even rushed, it seems likes it could've looked better with the artwork, especially from such a respected Capcom artist. Everyone's prologue only takes like 5 or 10 minutes a piece to beat. I shouldn't say I'm surprised by it being rushed, mostly because it's clear they wanted the game out before the big tournaments start up. Totally playable, but it's not gonna be a complete game till at least June when they release story mode.
10 - Golden Axe (Genesis/PC) - 18 MINUTES FINISHED - Well this game is kinda awful lol I got it free cause of the current Steam deal and figured I'd give it a look since I never did before, but it's not fun. Combat is basic, but it's incredibly easy to just get stunlocked or rammed by people. Magic isn't super helpful either, cause it stacks, so if you have 4, then you are just gonna use up all 4 at once, rather than having 4 to help you out in jams. I'm probably cheating by adding in such a short experience, but I played to a gameover and just wasn't wanting anymore lol
Updated my page 1 post.
Beat Rise of the Tomb Raider and Child of Light this week.
Started Xenoblade Chronicles X.
I didn't get much done Saturday, so I thought I wasn't going to get any games knocked off this weekend, which isn't horrible since I've got so many beat...
But Sunday, without planning it, I beat 3 games.
Updating my list now.
Sitting at 22 beat out of 30 played.
11 - Infamous: Second Son (PS4) - PLAYING - This was one of the very few games I really wanted to play on the PS4 as the previous 2 on PS3 were actually pretty fun open world games. Being one of the earlier titles for the PS4, launch window I think, it looks pretty great, particularly with the facial animation and all the effects it has. Good voice acting too. Should be a good time with this.
Game 5 - Ace Combat Zero (PS2) - 2.5 Hours
Thought this game was really good, but there was some key things that made it probably my least favorite of the PS2 ACs in the end. That said, this is one of my all time favorite series, so the game is simply excellent, rather than near-perfect ;)
+ All the main things that I love from previous Ace Combats are here. The gameplay is as good as ever, and the dogfights were the best in the series. I actually got shot down a few times, which typically doesn't happen for me - usually I run into the ground :P The game has a fantastic soundtrack and a lot of replayability too.
- For me, I found the story to be the weakest part of this game. I thought the cutscenes were wayyy to cheesy, even compared to the cheesiness of AC5. The story was also really short, and in my opinion copies a lot of concepts from the missions and stories in AC04 and 5. It didn't have as much staying power for me as the other games.
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
12 - Streets of Rage 2 (Genesis/PC) - 37 MINUTES UNFINISHED - Another old Sega game I got for free that I played to a game over. Screw Abadede. He can grab you at any time, even when using specials lol Lot more fun though than Golden Axe.
Last night, I finished Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament. Time to concoct another write-up.
1. Portal Stories: Mel (Steam) Completed The closest thing we're gonna get to Portal 3! Amazing mod! Achievement Progress 100% (
2. Emily is Away (Steam) Completed I have no idea why I played this Achievement Progress 100% (
3. The Walking Dead (PS4) Completed I played the series in reverse but this game is overall better than Season 2 Trophy Progress 100% (
4. Teslagrad (PS4) Completed Would recommend to anyone who is interested in Metroid-esque games. Trophy Progress 100% (
5. LittleBIGPlanet 3 (PS4) Completed Great game, but ruined but numerous glitches and bugs. Trophy Progress 100% (
6. inFAMOUS Second Son (PS4) Completed This game is amazing. Play it now. Trophy Progress 100% (
7. Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Completed Great game, never play through the game on UBER legit. Trophy Progress 100% (
*Added Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4)
8 - Godzilla (PS4) - FINISHED/PLAYING - If I had to simply describe this game, I would say "Half-Baked". The fan service part of this with all the great looking Godzilla monsters and variations is fantastic. I kinda like the sluggish movement too which makes you feel like you are controlling some giant 100+ foot tall monster. That's where the good stops. Mission structure is repetitive and poorly designed. There's almost no variation in the game. The grinding nature of having to evolve your Godzilla to fight on higher difficulties means you have to constantly repeat the first stages and there is NO guarantee you'll get the items you need to level up either. I don't even think that leveling will truly give you the advantage you need either since going the alternate path on hard puts you up against Monsters that are incredibly high leveled and they are almost impossible to beat, even if I could use more atomic breathes. Just the worst design. It reminds me of Dragon Ball Xenoverse, where they added a lot of stuff that people would like, but the combat and missions are so bad and grindy, it's not really a good game. Such a shame, cause I felt like there's potential here, but it's clear they didn't either have a lot of time or much money to make a proper game and found ways to stretch out what is a very barebones experience...BUT I GET TO PLAY AS GODZILLA 2014! WOO!
If your going for the platinum GOOD LUCK! The amount of tedious and boring grinding to evolve EVERY monster to the max, gives no reward whatsoever. I'm still determined to plat it no matter what. I only have a few left to evolve and then I'm on the clear.
If your going for the platinum GOOD LUCK! The amount of tedious and boring grinding to evolve EVERY monster to the max, gives no reward whatsoever. I'm still determined to plat it no matter what. I only have a few left to evolve and then I'm on the clear.
I barely wanted to unlock all the monsters, which I still haven't done yet, because it forces me to play on Hard, which is on the verge of impossible. I don't care about platinums anyways lol
Beat a few more games, sitting at 24 games beat out of 34 I think.
Had to move to a third post for my stuff because I went over the 20k limit again.
My main page has been updated with reviews for three new games and replays of two others. So far, it's been a great year for games!
Double posting time! Yesterday, I went through Quest Mode and Tournament Mode of Tobal No. 1 on the PlayStation. My review page has been updated accordingly. It's nice to take a break from RPGs and Kirby games with a fighter every now and then.
Finished up Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest last night. While it doesn't dethrone Radiant Dawn as my current personal favorite Fire Emblem game, it was an excellent game. I also found it was the most difficult on Normal out of all the FE games I've played. I felt the story was a little lacking though, which seems to me like it's the result of making three paths instead of one that's longer and better. Perhaps after I play the other two arcs, I'll get the full picture and my opinion may change. If I didn't have the Special Edition with all three storylines it really would've felt like an incomplete game. Yes, there is plenty of content in each version (including resets, it took me a little under 60 hours to finish Conquest), but it almost felt like it wasn't quite as satisfying as it could've been. Some features also felt like they were just thrown in at the last minute just because they were popular in Awakening. In particular, the way the game explains why you can recruit the children of the units in your army seemed really silly to me. I won't spoil anything, but I will say that it was handled much better in Awakening, as it was incorporated better into the game's story.
Even with the minor complaints, it was still well worth the money and an easy recommendation to anyone who enjoyed Awakening.
Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
1) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
2) Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
3) Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
4) Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
5) Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16
6) Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Feb-16
7) Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) Mar-01 **New**
11 - PVZ: Garden Warfare 2 (PC) - 10 Hours FINISHED/PLAYING - Kinda grabbed this spur of the moment, but it's not bad. It's goofy and some casual shooter fun. I can't see myself putting a ton of time into the multiplayer as it gets a little repetitive after abit, but I at least went through the story missions which is like 6 or so hours long. I'm sure it's a more fun game if you got a group to do all the co-op stuff with as going through it singelplayer is kinda boring. Too many of the wave missions that aren't overly fun. Would've liked more of the clever goofy missions.
12 - Stardew Valley (PC) - 10 Hours FINISHED/PLAYING - I don't know if this game technically has an end state or how long it might take me to finish what could be the background story stuff or just run it out, so I'll add this in now. Talked about it in the "Playing" thread already, but it's basically the gameplay of old Harvest Moon with the visuals of stuff like Terraria/Starbound. I hear that anyone who loved Harvest Moon basically loves this.
Updates from last week:
15. Fire Emblem Fates (3DS)- Chp.7 Birthright/Chp. 7 Conquest- Haven't gotten too much time to play it this week, but so far, I'm liking how the use of strategic elements on maps has gone up, the pair up mechanic isn't broken like Awakening, and they decided to go back to the damage formula present in the older Fire Emblems(FE 1-6) meaning that its more of a challenge this time around. This seems to be a verygood improvement from Awakening, and since I'm doing Conquest line first, the maps will continue to be challenging w/ varied objectives.
16. Night Striker (Arcade Taito Z Board/PS2)3cc completed- A pretty solid looking Space Harrier clone with some pretty decent music, although it has a lot of repeated enviornments/bosses despite the 26 zones ( named A-Z like Darius). I just wish I had a better control setup cuz my keyboard's d-pad is not good for dodging those nasty missiles. Available on Taito Legends PS2, and import ports on the Saturn/PS1. 7/10
17. Liquid Kids(Arcade Taito F2 Board/PS2) 1cc completed- Cutesy platformer similiar to stuff like NewZelandStory and Bubble Bobble. This one has a very fair difficulty curve compared to some arcade platformers I've seen; has some good scoring mechanics with killing more enemies in a row generates additional points+ items. Defenitely reccomended for any platformer fan, also on Taito Legends for PS2. 8.5/10
My ratio kind of died after playing Fallout 4 for a week, but i'm sitting at 27 beat out of 38 played.
More than half way there.
My ratio kind of died after playing Fallout 4 for a week, but i'm sitting at 27 beat out of 38 played.
More than half way there.
Damn, that's not bad! I'm almost on pace to finish up at exactly 52 by years end (at 10 finished right now)
After I got back on Sunday, I did some power gaming through a couple of games. The first was Glover. I didn't finish it, but I got to a good point in which I said, "That's enough." The review for that is on my page.
The second was Shenmue. Damn, what a game. It had truck-sized ambition and a look that rivals the stuff seen on the current gen. I'll probably end up watching a video for Shenmue II since I don't have an original Xbox.
My ratio kind of died after playing Fallout 4 for a week, but i'm sitting at 27 beat out of 38 played.
More than half way there.
Damn, that's not bad! I'm almost on pace to finish up at exactly 52 by years end (at 10 finished right now)
I'm gonna try to concentrate on beating some of the games I've already started with. Hoping to finish RCRDX today.
After I got back on Sunday, I did some power gaming through a couple of games. The first was Glover. I didn't finish it, but I got to a good point in which I said, "That's enough." The review for that is on my page.
The second was Shenmue. Damn, what a game. It had truck-sized ambition and a look that rivals the stuff seen on the current gen. I'll probably end up watching a video for Shenmue II since I don't have an original Xbox.
N64 Glover I assume. You should play the PSX version and hate it even more.
Shenmue was on my wishlist, because I have Shenmue II, but when they announced Shenmue III it went from a $15 game to a $40 game. I knocked it off my wishlist because I just don't care enough to deal with those shenanigans. When games jump more than 100% of their asking price overnight, I just decide it's not a game worth having right now. Phantom Dust is a good example I think.
After I got back on Sunday, I did some power gaming through a couple of games. The first was Glover. I didn't finish it, but I got to a good point in which I said, "That's enough." The review for that is on my page.
The second was Shenmue. Damn, what a game. It had truck-sized ambition and a look that rivals the stuff seen on the current gen. I'll probably end up watching a video for Shenmue II since I don't have an original Xbox.
Interested on what you think of Shenmue. I've only played it a little bit and I've heard so many different opinions about it!
After I got back on Sunday, I did some power gaming through a couple of games. The first was Glover. I didn't finish it, but I got to a good point in which I said, "That's enough." The review for that is on my page.
The second was Shenmue. Damn, what a game. It had truck-sized ambition and a look that rivals the stuff seen on the current gen. I'll probably end up watching a video for Shenmue II since I don't have an original Xbox.
Shenmue 2 is slightly better than the first imo, especially the story and characters. It is well worth the $40 asking price on ebay, especially if you enjoyed he first one.
I don't have any intention of purchasing an original Xbox, so the chances of me playing Shenmue II are close to zero.
N64 Glover I assume. You should play the PSX version and hate it even more.
I actually liked Glover; I just got tired of it and the camera started to irritate me. If things were slightly more polished, I could see it being a game I go back to just to kill time. I heard the PS version was terrible.
I don't have any intention of purchasing an original Xbox, so the chances of me playing Shenmue II are close to zero.
N64 Glover I assume. You should play the PSX version and hate it even more.
I actually liked Glover; I just got tired of it and the camera started to irritate me. If things were slightly more polished, I could see it being a game I go back to just to kill time. I heard the PS version was terrible.
I had Glover 64 on my wishlist a year or so ago and my wife decided to buy Glover for me...
She bought a loose disc Glover PSX. I was dumbfounded. I had no clue there was a PSX version, I wish I still didn't know.
I play games way too slow to hope to clear this. We're already 2.5 months in and I'm at like 2 games finished.
Finished 28 last night. So 28 beat out of 38 played I think.
Now that I'm more than halfway through with the 52 game challenge, I've made some observations about myself.
Prior to taking part in the 52 games challenge, I would strictly play games based on whether or not I actually wanted to play the game, occasionally I would play for achievements. So I would maintain a gigantic backlog and I would spend more time deciding on a game to play than actually playing games in most cases. But when I did pick a game, I would play it until I was bored and never play it again, or I would play the game fairly thoroughly until I was tired of playing it.
But now, I'm noticing that I'm knocking out more backlog because I'm not thinking about what game to play, I just play something. But on the other hand, I'm also basically speed running these games, doing very little side stuff and just playing to get the credits to pop. There are exceptions, quite a few games I liked so much that I spent way more time than necessary to pop the credits. But a game like Retro City Rampage DX, I played through it very quickly, did 0 side missions, and just ran through the story and wiped my hands of it. A game like Fallout 4, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Capsule Force, Party Hard, etc... completely random games, I spent tons of time on these games doing tons of side stuff and trying to unlock everything. Without the 52 challenge, I may not have played Capsule Force or Party Hard, but I would've played Fallout and Tomb Raider regardless. I definitely wouldn't have forced myself to finish RCR without this challenge.
tl;dr I'm bursting through backlog like crazy, at the cost of putting a lot of effort into the games.
Yeah, creating arbitrary goals for myself is definitely one of the best ways I have found to power through games (or spend time playing something that I'm starting to find dull).
My Gf finally beat her first game this year and has added it to my post on page 1. We are also going back and forth editing it to make it look better.
GF: We?! You mean me!!
Rayne: What are you talking about babe? I edited it too. Plus you had a typo.
GF: Guys don't believe this weirdo, if it wasn't for my fixes his posts would look terrible
Rayne: Help! She's trying to take over my account!! Tell her to stop!!
GF: You love me. I find the best finds. Who basically got you your Gold PS4? Who found a .hack game for 50 cents?
My Gf finally beat her first game this year and has added it to my post on page 1. We are also going back and forth editing it to make it look better.
GF: We?! You mean me!!
Rayne: What are you talking about babe? I edited it too. Plus you had a typo.
GF: Guys don't believe this weirdo, if it wasn't for my fixes his posts would look terrible
Rayne: Help! She's trying to take over my account!! Tell her to stop!!
GF: You love me. I find the best finds. Who basically got you your Gold PS4? Who found a .hack game for 50 cents?
Your girlfriend is weird.
My Gf finally beat her first game this year and has added it to my post on page 1. We are also going back and forth editing it to make it look better.
GF: We?! You mean me!!
Rayne: What are you talking about babe? I edited it too. Plus you had a typo.
GF: Guys don't believe this weirdo, if it wasn't for my fixes his posts would look terrible
Rayne: Help! She's trying to take over my account!! Tell her to stop!!
GF: You love me. I find the best finds. Who basically got you your Gold PS4? Who found a .hack game for 50 cents?
Your girlfriend is weird.
Who cares if she's weird as long as she this comment has been removed because it might offend some participant's delicate sensibilities.
I restarted Resonance of Fate last night. I'm thinking about making that my next trophy quest. I played it when it was first released and really enjoyed it. After going through the refresher tutorial courses, I'm thinking I might be able to get the platinum since there are some exploits available that I didn't know about.
My Gf finally beat her first game this year and has added it to my post on page 1. We are also going back and forth editing it to make it look better.
GF: We?! You mean me!!
Rayne: What are you talking about babe? I edited it too. Plus you had a typo.
GF: Guys don't believe this weirdo, if it wasn't for my fixes his posts would look terrible
Rayne: Help! She's trying to take over my account!! Tell her to stop!!
GF: You love me. I find the best finds. Who basically got you your Gold PS4? Who found a .hack game for 50 cents?
Your girlfriend is weird.
Who cares if she's weird as long as she this comment has been removed because it might offend some participant's delicate sensibilities.
lol I missed the pre-strikethrough.
I was trying to see if I could instigate more shenanigans. I do it to my wife all the time and it's quite humorous.
Just finished up Twilight Princess HD. Wow. :o This was my first time playing the game, and I'm glad I skipped the Wii version and waited for this as soon as it was announced. Easily one of my favorite games I've played so far this year, and now my new favorite Zelda game. I can't say enough good things about the game. It's a good length, with plenty of stuff to do, and a really satisfying ending.
Gotta love the WiiU Pro controller too. I started and finished the whole game on one charge and it's still at somewhere around 50%.
Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
2. Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
3. Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
4. Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
5. Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16
6. Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Feb-16
7. Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) Mar-01
8. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (WiiU) Mar-11 **New**
Just finished up Twilight Princess HD. Wow. :o This was my first time playing the game, and I'm glad I skipped the Wii version and waited for this as soon as it was announced. Easily one of my favorite games I've played so far this year, and now my new favorite Zelda game. I can't say enough good things about the game. It's a good length, with plenty of stuff to do, and a really satisfying ending.
I played it on the Wii originally, so I wasn't really in love with everything at the time, but I remember really liking it and considered it one of the top 3D ones for sure. Not sure about how I place it with Ocarina which has nostalgia piled onto it, but hoping a replay will settle that for me. I'm pretty sure I'm going to like it more than my current run through Wind Waker HD. Haven't played it since I originally played like 80% on Gamecube back in the day, but right now, I really hate sailing. I try to fast travel as much as possible because of how boring it is lol
Decided to join you guys, because hey, why not? ;D
Before I start I just wanna mention that in 2015 I decided to play all Shin Megami Tensei games and spin-offs. So that's gonna have some influence on the games I'll play this year. If someone is interested in seeing which games I already played, the banner in my sig should link to my backloggery account.
1. Jetpac (as part of Rare Replay) [XBO]: 2/5, roughly 2 hours
Simple, but fun game. Got all Jetpac related achievements.
2. Mario's Picross [3DSVC]: 3/5, 16 hours and 12 minutes
I like Picross a whole lot. Of course with this being a Gameboy game, it doesn't have all features that modern Picross games have, but it's a fun game nonetheless.
3. Fallout 4 [XBO]: 3/5, ~55 hours
Fallout 4 was a disappointment for me. It's not that I didn't enjoy playing it, I did, but I was hoping for so much more. Writing, dialog choices (or the lack thereof) and the lack of choices during vital parts of the main questline, especially in the last few quests, were a huge turnoff. I enjoyed some of the sidequests, and the shooting mechanics also feel like a big improvement over Fallout 3.
4. Battletoads Arcade (as part of Rare Replay) [XBO]: 2/5, ~1 hour
Eh. I was never a huge fan of Beat 'em ups and this doesn't seem to be a particulary great one either.
5. Atic Atac (as part of Rare Replay) [XBO]: 3/5, ~1.5 hours
Very confusing, but kinda charming. Finished it with all 3 characters.
6. Slalom (as part of Rare Replay) [XBO]: 3/5 ~2 hours
Not much to say about this one either, fun little game. Got all achievements.
7. R.C. Pro-Am (as part of Rare Replay) [XBO]: 3/5 ~1 hour
As a child I freaking loved the GB version of this, but I don't think I ever saw all tracks. Was nice playing this now.
8. Corpse Party: Blood Drive [Vita]: 3/5 ~25 hours
When I discovered the Corpse Party series in 2013, it quickly became one of my favourite franchises in gaming. Sadly, Blood Drive did not live up to the expectations I had based on the previous games. Still, it wraps up the Heavenly Host trilogy nicely enough. Platinum'd it.
9. Picross e5 [3DS]: 3/5, 13 hours and 22 minutes
It's Picross, it's fun. I don't like some of the extra modes though.
10. The Sad Story of Emmeline Burns [steam]: 2/5, 2 hours
It's fine for what it is, a free VN on steam. Nothing special. Collected all steam achievements.
11. Lifeline 2 [Android]: 3/5
Not as good as the original Lifeline, but still alright.
12. Life is Strange: Complete Edition [PS4]: 4/5 ~15-20 hours maybe?
Man, what a great game. I think the last episode is maybe not as great as 2-4, but overall I really, really enjoyed LiS. Got all trophies as well.
13. Puyo Puyo Tetris [PS3]: 4/5, ~3 hours
Tetris is always fun, and this is a great version of it. I never played much of Puyo Puyo before, just a bit of Mean Bean Machine really, turns out it's a pretty great puzzle game heh. Most of the modes that combines the 2 games are good too. I bought it mainly for multiplayer, but I enjoyed it so much that I went through the story mode as well.
14. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2: Innocent Sin [PSP]: 3/5, ~30 hours
Monotonous gameplay drags down what's otherwise a pretty good game. I liked its atmosphere, characters, and the music. I'm gonna play Eternal Punishment in April and hope for some more improvements, because I think Innocent Sin is a huge step up over Persona 1.
15. DemiKids: Light Version [GBA]: 2/5, ~20 hours
Fun battle system, anything else not up to par. Just short enough to not overstay its welcome.
16. Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles [PSP]: 4/5, ~4 hours
I was watching Vinny from Giant Bomb playing Rondo of Blood and thought the game looked pretty awesome. I had this game for years now and never really played it, so I figured I might as well play it haha. I really liked it. It's not as hard as CV3, but also not as easy as SCV4.
17. Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth [PS4]: 4/5, 97 hours and 34 minutes
Really fun jRPG, especially in its second half. Some of the translation errors are unfortunate, but hey, I'm glad we got this game at all. Collected all trophies.
18. My Nintendo Picross The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess [3DS]: 3/5, 9 hours and 46 minutes
Another Picross game, still fun as always. There are some strange control changes that I don't really like in this one, but that's a minor complaint, especially for a free game.
19. Puzzle & Dragons Z [3DS]: 3/5, 32 hours and 5 minutes
I played PD: Super Mario Bros. Edition last year, but never bothered with this one until now. It's a fun game, but I think SMBEdition is the better one of the two. I don't think having this town to walk around in and all these people to talk to, (things I usually like in games) are fitting for this type of game. Also SMBEdition felt better balanced. There is a whole lot of post-game content, but I think I'm done with this game.
20. Persona 2: Eternal Punishment [PS1C]: 4/5, ~50 hours
I really liked this one. This game provides a great ending to this half of Persona, before the series got rebooted.
21. Castlevania Chronicles [PS1C]: 4/5, 10-15 hours
Finished Original Mode. Oh boy, this game is way tougher than Rondo of Blood was. But it never really felt unfair, except for maybe 1 or 2 jumps that I felt were unnecessary. Great game :)
22. Corpse Party [steam]: 3/5, ~16 hours
Way inferior compared to the PSP version, but it was definitely interesting to play this version. Not sure if I will play it a third time on 3DS though :P Collected all steam achievements.
23. Sound of Drop - fall into poison - [steam]: 3/5, 11-12 hours
Neat horror VN, I like the water theme. There's some scary stuff in there :x
24. Arc the Lad [PS1C]: 3/5, ~11 hours
Not that great, but good enough to keep my interest for the sequels. Also, it's always kinda refreshing when a jRPG isn't 40 hours+ long.
25. Dino Crisis [PS1C]: 4/5, ~7 hours
As a RE fan, I've always been curious about this series. As similar as it is compared to RE, it's interesting to see where the differences lie. Neat game and I'll probably play the sequel soon.
26. Gears of War Ultimate Edition [XBO]: 2/5, ~12 hours
Having never played a Gears game before, I don't think this one holds up particulary well. Too many samey looking areas, not enough variety. Oh well, still enjoyed shooting some stuff.
27. Nano Assault EX [3DS]: 3/5, 3 hours and 21 minutes
Short, but very enjoyable. There are also some extra modes which I'll probably check out.
28. Dino Crisis 2 [PS1C]: 4/5, ~5 hours
Man, this is such a good game. Completely different than the first Dino Crisis (and better, in my opinion) and just super fun to play.
29. Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright [3DS]: 4/5, ~30 hours
Pretty much Awakening 2. Fun, but I'm expecting more of Conquest.
30. Grabbed by the Ghoulies (as part of Rare Replay) [XBO]: 2/5, ~10 hours
Alright game, kinda repetitive. The QTE's are really dumb.
31. The Ultimate DOOM [steam]: 4/5, ~14 hours
DOOM is still awesome even after over 20 years. Never played Ultimate DOOM before, and I gotta say, the new levels are not great. Oh well.
32. Higurashi When They Cry - Ch. 3 Tatarigoroshi [steam]: 4/5, ~13 hours
Each Chapter so far has been fantastic, and this one is no exception. Very different atmosphere, but just as good. I just think the slice of life stuff is slowly getting old, but still, I enjoyed Tatarigoroshi a lot. Hopefully it doesn't take another 7 months till Chapter 4.
33. Wolfenstein: The New Order [PS4]: 4/5
Really fun shooter and the story is nice too. Got all trophies.
34. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE [Wii U]: 4/5, ~53 hours
I was sceptic about this game before release, as it pretty clearly wasn't what I wanted SMTxFE to be. After playing, it might be my favourite game of the year! Great and fun turn-based battle system, and while the plot is super silly, it still managed to be intriguing to me. I could live without the fan service though.
35. Grow Home [steam]: 3/5, 5-6 hours
Fun little game, but after finishing it I feel very little desire to go back and collect everything.
36. Ryse: Son of Rome [steam]: 2/5, ~8 hours
Yeah, this game is no good. I played it to see just what my new PC can do, and man does it look spectacular. But boy, both gameplay and story are really bad.
37. Hotel Dusk: Room 215 [NDS]: 4/5, ~15 hours
Finally got around to play this! I really enjoyed my time with this game, great atmosphere. The puzzles tend to be a bit on the easy side, could have been a little more challenging I guess. Still, very nice game.
38. Final Fantasy III [steam]: 3/5, 52 hours and counting
I forgot how much I like FFIII. Sure, the job system isn't as complex as in V, but still fun to mess around with. This mobile port isn't the best, but that's okay. I beat the game at less than 30 hours, but a lot of grinding is required to even have a chance against the superboss :-\
39. Pony Island [steam]: 3/5, ~3 hours
Not much to say about this one, short and pretty fun.
40. The Walking Dead + 400 Days [steam]: 4/5, ~13 hours
Been meaning to play this for years. Gameplay's pretty clunky, but worth it imo. 400 Days DLC isn't so great unfortunately.
41. The Walking Dead: Season 2 [steam]: 4/5, ~9 hours
Not quite as good as the first game, but it was still very enjoyable for me.
42. The Wolf Among Us [steam]: 4/5 ~10 hours
Setting and Style of this game is amazing. Sadly I encountered a few bugs and crashes while playing.
43. Resident Evil Zero HD Remaster [steam]: 3/5 27 hours and counting
This game isn't as good as I remembered it. I'm still having fun with it, but it's probably my least favourite classic-style RE. Gonna do another run on hard to pick up the last achievements.
44. Hexcells [steam]: 3/5 ~3-4 hours
Pretty neat puzzle game.
45. Hexcells Plus [steam]: 3/5, ~9 hours
A lot harder than the first game, but enjoyable nonetheless.
46. DOOM [steam]: 4/5, 17-18 hours
Easily one of my favourite FPS in years. Maybe a bit slow at the start, but once it picks up, boy does it pick up.
47. Hexcells Infinite [steam]: 3/5, ~10 hours
Quite similar to Hexcells Plus, except that it also has computer generated level. These aren't that good unfortunately.
48. Dino Stalker [PS2]: 2/5, <1 hour
This game is really not good heh. Bad controls and super short. Now only Dino Crisis 3 is left, unfortunately I don't have an Xbox currently.
It's been a real dry spell for me. I need to get to beating some more games! I want to start Dragon Quest VIII and Luigi's Mansion very soon
I didn't anticipate finishing Pikmin 3 so quickly, yet here I am the day after I've started it and I'm already finished. Aside from the last level/area/stage/thingie, the whole game was really enjoyable. Even for somebody who's awful at RTS games like me the game is manageable, and it makes really good use of the WiiU game pad. It was just so much fun I couldn't stop playing until I finished. :D Well worth the new price it goes for as part of the Nintendo Selects line, though to me it wouldn't have been worth the price it was going for before the reprint. Lots of replayability as well.
Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
2. Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
3. Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
4. Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
5. Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16
6. Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Feb-16
7. Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) Mar-01
8. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (WiiU) Mar-11
9. Pikmin 3 (WiiU) Mar-13 **New**
Filled up my second post to the brim with tales of completed games.
Need to update my post now that the weekend is over.
30 beaten out of 40 played. Hoping to knock out Gas Guzzlers by the end of the week.
I've been wanting to set up my backloggery account for the longest time, but with close to 3000 games in my collection and no import functionality, it's just such a pain to import everything by hand... but I'm gonna start adding my library to backloggery little by little.
Decided to join you guys, because hey, why not? ;D
Before I start I just wanna mention that in 2015 I decided to play all Shin Megami Tensei games and spin-offs. So that's gonna have some influence on the games I'll play this year. If someone is interested in seeing which games I already played, the banner in my sig should link to my backloggery account.
Welcome to the madness! I really enjoy seeing what others are playing and what they thought of their conquests.
well my first post on page 1 finally hit that 20,000 character cap so this is my continued completed list.
All ratings are based on my previous expectations of the game, not on gameplay, with 5 being exactly what I expected out of it.
Bold numbers were beat by my girlfriend
Link to post #1,6762.msg105560.html#msg105560 (,6762.msg105560.html#msg105560)
27. Polarium (ds): This is an interesting little puzzle game. their are 100 challenge puzzles and the point of the game is to change the color of the tiles (black or white) to be completely the same horizontally using only 1 unbroken line. At first the challenges are simple, probably the first 20 levels, you can complete making only 1 color for the entire board. but as you go you have to change your thinking to focus on how to just complete the puzzle and later levels require more and more intricate ways to beat the level, like the only answer requires you to start I a very particular square. if you are good at puzzles like I am then this seems to be a very short game, but they add another mode to it that is very reminiscent of tetris. entire blocks of rows fall at once and you are required to clear them as fast as possible because additional rows keep falling and if it reaches the top it is game over. one gripe about this mode is when you clear rows it takes an entire animation before you can continue to clear rows. so you benefit from clearing the most possible at once. overall if you are a fan of puzzles and find this for about a buck or so pick it up, its a few hours of working your brain at least.
28. New Super Luigi U (WII U): this was a very fun game more up my alley than seemingly any other Mario title. This is definitely a higher difficulty and faster gameplay than Mario meaning that I couldn't play it with my gf like I wanted too but every challenge was well worth it in this game. controls are exactly what you would expect for this type of game tight and responsive. one very major thing to keep in mind while playing is you are playing luigi, for those who do not know just think high floatie jumps and ice physics for stopping. Out of this entire game I never once felt that any death on my part was undeserved. definitely pick this up if you think normal Mario games are too easy.
29. Duck Tails (Wii U): I have never played the original but I have played the ps4 version of this and I can easily say I like this version better. from what I can remember I believe the wii U version has an extra level? anyway Its a really fun game that trolled me a lot on bosses in particular. from recently playing a whole bunch of Mario titles I would always hit the boss 3 times then set the controller down and take a drink/bite of a snack, and almost die wondering why the boss didn't die. the pogo ability was fun to exploit and I think I found all but 1 secret area in the levels. this is a very short game and only took about 2 hours to beat start to finish.
30. Mario Picross (GB): I remember seeing somewhere in this forum that someone else had beaten this this year at something like 17 hours or so. at first I thought it was because they were slow at it or just failed puzzles a lot but after playing I instantly know why. with 256 levels in total that equates to only 4 minutes a puzzle. I did it slightly faster but not by much with the whole game taking me 15 hours. For myself the game wasn't very difficult with the cause of much of the errors being the occasional dropped input for d-pad (it never dropped a fill/x command) which caused me to fill in the wrong square causing a penalty. after I got onto the time-trial portion (after beating all 64 levels of kinnon? and then 64 lvls of star) i stoped ever failing puzzles. this is because it removes the penalty for filling the wrong squares and the ability for you to see if you are correct or not, which is more how I am used to doing puzzles.
31. Paper Mario (Wii): paper Mario is one of those maro rpg's (Rpg games just to annoy Kashell) that are interesting and fun when you are used to only the 2d/3d platformers. im not to terribly fond of the story line because SPOILERSIm not to much of a fan of plot twists that involve the evil guy who the entire game has been nothing but evil, turning good at the end to help save the world from the more evil lackey. like seriously count bleck (the main bad guy) reveals that he is destroying the universe because he and tippi (one of your traveling companions from the beginning) got separated some unknown amount of time previously, had loved each other, and now hes destroying everything. when he is bested one of his minions stabs him in the back proverbially and continues with the destruction that the count no longer wants. on a different note (and this is more on me than the game) every time I returned to the game (which was always a month or so later) to play again i was instantly confused on what i was supposed to be doing with little way of figuring it out other than consulting a guide till i was back on track. overall though this was a very good and fun game and is probably a 8/10.
32. Dinner Dash: Sizzle and Serve (DS): Rayne bought this from Gamestop for like $1. It was an okay game. It gave me something to do in between classes.
33. Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii): my GF and me played through this game together, and I will judge this by how she reacted to it. She liked it and said it was a cute game but way less cute than Yoshi's wholly world. the game was way to easy (literally impossible to loose a level), but with rather interesting boss battle (although she made me do them all myself). the storyline was more or less garbage, mindless, skip worthy, with a annoying narrator. the more we played through the game the less interested she was in playing it. they also sort of destroyed much of the fun of Kirby by removing his ability to steal the power of enemies. overall I give this a 5/10 it was fun but could have been much, much better.
34. Fallout 4 (Ps4): I finally decided to get off my lazy butt and make finally make the decision of which faction to run with to finish the game. I went with the railroad on this one and somewhat regret it. I believe I should have gone with the institute and wish that I could make peace between the institute and the railroad but alas I know that the option would not be their. fallout 4 was a very fun open world game that engrosses you into the world. based on previous entries the story line and your actual tangible decision making has been hit hard in this game. most conversations that allow you to pick different paths are fake and do not affect anything as it forces you to more linear conversations. but the levelup and perk system has been overhauld dramatically and makes you feel like you are really building your character how you want them to be. overall I give this a 7/10
35. Farcry 4 (ps4)X2: first off I need to say I did not actually beat this game... I got it started watched part of the starting of it, got up to go make diner, and forgot to pause it. apparently if yu do nothing for a long period of time at the start you will get to a point where you can beat the game (get to credit role).... after like 20-30 minutes...
So I finally finished my real play through of the game and have to say their is a shit ton of things to do. I feel like their are quite a few paths you can go on because at the end it made you do quite a few tough choices to beat the game and I feel like each severely altered the ending. just doing only campaign missions I ended up spending ~20 hours invested in this game overall I give this title a 7.5/10 and its definitely very repayable.
36. Pokémon Rangers (ds): this is a very interesting twist on the formula of Pokémon and actually quite difficult. early game all the way through is relatively easy with a bit of backtracking just to get the proper Pokémon to continue the area but when you get up to ranger rank 8+ the difficulty curve shows its face. throwing many strong Pokémon together that all defend each other like on the last mission where I spent 30 minute on just one fight. in all honesty if I had brought the proper Pokémon to the final area I could see how it could be relatively easy. I have not done the endgame material and don't think I will because Pokémon guardian signs is such a more friendly capture mechanic that doesn't harm you for one mistake. overall it was a very fun game and worth a play. 7/10
37. Smite (PS4 digital): I know this is a MOBA and as such has no end to it but after about 40-50 hours spent in it I have gotten one character to god level 8 which was more than my GL 7 goal. I'm a Hades main and a very aggressive one with the team I play with. all our skills built off of each other and for the most part I would distract the entire enemy team in the center while our other members flanked and I will Ult pulling everyone caught in my field to me which would usually be 2-3 have a friendly character (Freya?) that would sit and do damage to those caught while simultaneously pulling down any people who try to escape back to me and Ulting.... either way we usually win about 8-9 times out of 10. its a very interesting game with a lot of characters with unique skills and abilities. I wish their were more to it like campaigns for the characters but being that it is a MOBA it fits exactly in with its category. and as such is a million times better when you play and communicate with people you know. overall 8/10 when playing with friends and 6/10 when solo.
38. Pokémon rangers: guardian sign (ds): this was a much better pokemon ranger than the first title but doesn't really show itself until you play both. on this iteration you have the ability to take pokemon between areas, the capturing mechanic is much better, more fluid, and doesn't suffer from the issue of requiring you to make all the required loops at once. the story was in the same vain but I personally found this title to have a more engaging title. additionally this game was longer that the previous title with me completeing it in around 19-20 hours while the previous was about 14-15. the final boss was also a lot more challenging that you would think but I was able to take it down with well placed Pokémon moves and pichu's support. I would say this game deserves a 8.5/10 if you played the first one first or an 8/10 if this is the first you played.
39. Ultimate NES remix (3ds): I never realized just how close I had been to beating the game. I finally got to bonus stage 25 and at least one star on every level. this was a very fun throwback to all the great games on the nes in a challenging format. I know their are probably hidden stages for getting all the stars in every level but I am probably not ever going to be capable of getting some of them. the thing that surprised me the most about this is just how horrendous I am at Dr. Mario(which makes no sense as I'm above average at Tetris. This was quite a fun thing if you are a fan of quick few minute games. overall I give this a 7/10
40. Until Dawn (ps4): Generally speaking im not usually a fan of QTE games but I actually really liked how this game did it. it was an extremely fun game and I have to say that I still have no idea how to play it while saving everyone. I managed to save 3 people out of 4 that I had left at the end. the reason I was unable to save the 4th was because I thought he had escaped by the time I ran out. what is worse is I had everyone but 2 people alive at the last chapter where I started making incredibly stupid decisions that sounded like a great idea at the time. I was in a mic chat with a friend who had never played it and was describing my actions to him and one line really resonated with one of my deaths. "Someone's never seen a horror movie before" when I split up one person to try and save someone who ended up being a windigo (however you spell it). most of the deaths are really quick and gruesome. someday I will probably play this again to try and save more people but for now I give this a 8/10 for the great visuals and situations they through at you. (I really liked the flamethrower guy and wish I would have saved him)
41. Bayonetta 2 (Wii U): this game was... not my thing... I found some enjoyment out of it simply because I set it to the lowest difficulty so it was a breeze to get through. the story line was incredibly hard to follow (probably my fault because I did not play the first one) the gameplay was extremely repetitive and it just mainly boiled down to a button mashing fest. the cut scenes were ok for the motion ones but it kept swapping between full motion cut scenes and almost like a comic book style minus the word/thought bubbles, which actually threw me off even further from the story line and just made it look cheap. this game actually really disappointed me and I give it a 3/10 (again based on my expectations for it where 5 is exactly what I expected)
42. Color Cross (Ds): This game is a Picross game but the only one I own that does things any differently. instead of black and white it gives you between 2-6 colors all with their own number hints and your goal is to successfully fill in the ENTIRE grid which goes from a 5x5 for the first puzzle to a 20x20 for the farther puzzles. all puzzles are fit into categories and each category has 15 puzzles 12 of which are required to fill out the category pictures, the other 3 are "bonus". I forgot how many categories their are but I believe their are somewhere between 8-12 categories. and in my personal opinion the love category is the hardest just because of all the random one off pixels that occur all throughout all the puzzles. overall I give this iteration a 5/10 as it is exactly what I was expecting it would be.
43. Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (Wii): Me and my GF finally got around to finishing this game after starting it almost a year ago. Just like every other Lego game this is a collectathon game and a good one at that. throughout the game you go through the events of the movies in a really nice "kids imagination" type way. throughout the game you are constantly using the power you have to affect the world and figure out the puzzles to progress and gain new abilities. their were 2 parts that absolutely aggravated me to no end which affected my feelings for this game near the end of the game. while playing we ran into a major glitch that made it impossible to progress the way it intended us to go. after 20 minutes of wasted time looking for a puzzle to drop the stairs we game up and consulted Google and were given an alternate path around that issue. and when you had to place the dynamite and it is in black and white it makes it almost impossible to figure out what you need to interact with to finish the puzzle. their is a chest that is covered by vines that looks like nothing more than a rock and had no aura around it to indicate we needed to do anything with it, and we spent another 20-30 minutes on that before consulting google again. also near the end of the game it starts to chug along at a reduced framerate that makes it feel like they either put too much at the end or didn't test it enough to catch the issue. overall i give this a 5/10 but it would have but it would have been a 7/10 had I not just wanted the game to end for the last hour-hour and a half.
44. Tom Clancy's: The Division (ps4): this was a very enjoyable title but it had a very large grin influence to it. In all honesty when one of my psn friends saw me play it they asked why I bought it telling me it was garbage but they must have patched out a lot of the issues as I found the game fluid with relatively difficult but achievable missions and not too much grind to find better gear for my character. I played enough past the main game to fully upgrade my main base, get to level 30, and get to DZ level 55. one thing that helped a whole lot for me throughout the game was constantly getting sniper upgrades which I tend to use most in FPS games. the story line was more or less throw away as I did not pay attention to it at all and instead focused on the objective. objectives for the most part on main missions are hoard mode which works for this game and enemies have a few different types that will attack you differently. overall I give this a 6/10.
45. Big Brain Academy (ds): This was a very easy game to beat. for the most part I just went into the training and played every game mode (5 categories, 3 sub categories, and 3 difficulties for a total of 45 required game) till I got to at least silver (you will get bronze even if you chose all wrong answers) then I took the test till I was able to get an A- which only took me 3 tries after all the "training" I did. as always with these games that don't really push the limits of the tech I always wish they at least try to make it graphically pleasing (realistic graphics or stylized graphics) but I was a little disappointed with this titles graphics. this is on me but I never bothered to turn the sound on so I don't know if the music is good or not but the mind games you play are fun and challenging in short bursts like it should have been. I personally will never pick this up again but I felt it was worth the like 70 cents or so I ended up spending on it. overall its what I expected it to be so 5/10
46. Elements of destruction (ds): Have you ever played sim city and all you did was summon tornadoes and shoot meteors at your town? then this is your game. the entire concept is to use weather to achieve certain requirements to beat each day (level). their are 21 levels arranged in 3 weeks where you get better acts of nature to destroy towns. each act requires a certain amount of power which you gain for destroying things. after about week 1 day 7 it gets very hard nearly impossible in the time limit to achieve what destruction you need but their are cheats to remove time limit which I used after 2-3 which took me nearly 2 hours to beat. the insane difficulty of this games far levels makes this title unfortunately a very bad pick and as such I give this a 3/10.
with this last entry I have ran out of the 20,000 character limit again and as such here is the link to my 3rd post,6762.msg119949.html#msg119949
Goals for the year:
1. Beat 100+ games in a year (any game even easy one hour games)
2. Watch every Pokemon episode (Rayne: 87 Girlfriend: 40)
I need to start letting my girlfriend type out my posts she does a better job at it then i do ;D
Oh man, Pokemon... my wife and I tried to watch it a long time ago, I think we got to like season 3 and then she said she couldn't watch it anymore. I never have time to watch stuff, so I haven't gone any further. So like 160 something episodes in, we even watched the movies according to when they should fall into the timeline.
I think I'm kind of aiming for 100+ games as well.
Goals for the year:
1. Beat 100+ games in a year (any game even easy one hour games)
2. Watch every Pokemon episode (Rayne: 87 Girlfriend: 40)
I need to start letting my girlfriend type out my posts she does a better job at it then i do ;D
Oh man, Pokemon... my wife and I tried to watch it a long time ago, I think we got to like season 3 and then she said she couldn't watch it anymore. I never have time to watch stuff, so I haven't gone any further. So like 160 something episodes in, we even watched the movies according to when they should fall into the timeline.
I think I'm kind of aiming for 100+ games as well.
lol my gf supports my game buying habbits so whenever she wants to do something I will gladly do it for her. so if that mean watching all 800+ episodes in preporation for pokemon sun/moon then that is what we will do.
Speaking of pokemon I am surprised nobody has commented about the year of the mythical pokemon thing. everyone that plays pokemon should go and grab their celebi if they haven't already.
GF: AWE! Honey! You get a cookie! that was sooo sweet!
Goals for the year:
1. Beat 100+ games in a year (any game even easy one hour games)
2. Watch every Pokemon episode (Rayne: 87 Girlfriend: 40)
I need to start letting my girlfriend type out my posts she does a better job at it then i do ;D
Oh man, Pokemon... my wife and I tried to watch it a long time ago, I think we got to like season 3 and then she said she couldn't watch it anymore. I never have time to watch stuff, so I haven't gone any further. So like 160 something episodes in, we even watched the movies according to when they should fall into the timeline.
I think I'm kind of aiming for 100+ games as well.
Ugh, I would say that out of all things Pokemon, the anime is without a doubt my least favorite arm of the franchise. :P
Goals for the year:
1. Beat 100+ games in a year (any game even easy one hour games)
2. Watch every Pokemon episode (Rayne: 87 Girlfriend: 40)
I need to start letting my girlfriend type out my posts she does a better job at it then i do ;D
Oh man, Pokemon... my wife and I tried to watch it a long time ago, I think we got to like season 3 and then she said she couldn't watch it anymore. I never have time to watch stuff, so I haven't gone any further. So like 160 something episodes in, we even watched the movies according to when they should fall into the timeline.
I think I'm kind of aiming for 100+ games as well.
Ugh, I would say that out of all things Pokemon, the anime is without a doubt my least favorite arm of the franchise. :P
It is very Dora the Explorer. Do you see Team Rocket? Where? Noooooooo, that's an old lady with Purple hair, her mustached red head son, and her talking Meowth. What? It's really Team Rocket? Get 'em Pikachu. EXPLOSION!!! When will Team Rocket ever give up. THE END.
Yesss. For me, I just wish they could do more with the show and make it more consistent. I get frustrated when Ash never wins a League championship for once, his Pikachu still sucks in battle, and all the gym battles and episodes are really formulaic from season to season, especially in the later ones. >:(
Maybe it's just wishful thinking, I get that there are certain sacrifices that need to be made because it's targeted at kids. Doesn't mean I have to like it any more lol
Yesss. For me, I just wish they could do more with the show and make it more consistent. I get frustrated when Ash never wins a League championship for once, his Pikachu still sucks in battle, and all the gym battles and episodes are really formulaic from season to season, especially in the later ones. >:(
Maybe it's just wishful thinking, I get that there are certain sacrifices that need to be made because it's targeted at kids. Doesn't mean I have to like it any more lol
I actually want to see the Pokemon series where it's based off of the games with Red and Green/Blue instead of Ash and Gary.
Yesss. For me, I just wish they could do more with the show and make it more consistent. I get frustrated when Ash never wins a League championship for once, his Pikachu still sucks in battle, and all the gym battles and episodes are really formulaic from season to season, especially in the later ones. >:(
Maybe it's just wishful thinking, I get that there are certain sacrifices that need to be made because it's targeted at kids. Doesn't mean I have to like it any more lol
I actually want to see the Pokemon series where it's based off of the games with Red and Green/Blue instead of Ash and Gary.
There is a short 4 episode special series thingie called Pokemon: The Origin that features Red and Green/Blue.
Yesss. For me, I just wish they could do more with the show and make it more consistent. I get frustrated when Ash never wins a League championship for once, his Pikachu still sucks in battle, and all the gym battles and episodes are really formulaic from season to season, especially in the later ones. >:(
Maybe it's just wishful thinking, I get that there are certain sacrifices that need to be made because it's targeted at kids. Doesn't mean I have to like it any more lol
I actually want to see the Pokemon series where it's based off of the games with Red and Green/Blue instead of Ash and Gary.
There is a short 4 episode special series thingie called Pokemon: The Origin that features Red and Green/Blue.
Yes, that. I thought it lasted longer than 4 episodes.
Yesss. For me, I just wish they could do more with the show and make it more consistent. I get frustrated when Ash never wins a League championship for once, his Pikachu still sucks in battle, and all the gym battles and episodes are really formulaic from season to season, especially in the later ones. >:(
Maybe it's just wishful thinking, I get that there are certain sacrifices that need to be made because it's targeted at kids. Doesn't mean I have to like it any more lol
I actually want to see the Pokemon series where it's based off of the games with Red and Green/Blue instead of Ash and Gary.
There is a short 4 episode special series thingie called Pokemon: The Origin that features Red and Green/Blue.
Yes, that. I thought it lasted longer than 4 episodes.
Unfortunately not. :(
Man, Stardew Valley has killed my forward momentum on my list lol I am starting to get a little bored at about 50 hours into the game, so I might go back to try and get through Wind Waker. Really wanting to beat that so I can get to Twilight Princess.
Can I count all the games I played at the Louisville Arcade Expo?
Robotron 2084 - Sweet Baby Jesus! I need more of this game. What a good time. It's got such a unique control style with 2 joysticks and no buttons. Man, I enjoyed this.
*Must fight the urge to buy this cabinet* *Must just play it in MAME*
Can I count all the games I played at the Louisville Arcade Expo?
Robotron 2084 - Sweet Baby Jesus! I need more of this game. What a good time. It's got such a unique control style with 2 joysticks and no buttons. Man, I enjoyed this.
*Must fight the urge to buy this cabinet* *Must just play it in MAME*
Hell, I'd be at 152 if counting the arcade games and console games played at the Arcade Expo:
Bubble Bobble
Mega Man 8
Smash 64
And that was just during the first evening.
1. Portal Stories: Mel (Steam) Completed The closest thing we're gonna get to Portal 3! Amazing mod! Achievement Progress 100% (
2. Emily is Away (Steam) Completed I have no idea why I played this Achievement Progress 100% (
3. The Walking Dead (PS4) Completed I played the series in reverse but this game is overall better than Season 2 Trophy Progress 100% (
4. Teslagrad (PS4) Completed Would recommend to anyone who is interested in Metroid-esque games. Trophy Progress 100% (
5. LittleBIGPlanet 3 (PS4) Completed Great game, but ruined but numerous glitches and bugs. Trophy Progress 100% (
6. inFAMOUS Second Son (PS4) Completed This game is amazing. Play it now. Trophy Progress 100% (
7. Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Completed Great game, never play through the game on UBER legit. Trophy Progress 100% (
8. Gun.Smoke (NES) Beat Blistered thumbs! Used unlimited continues.
*Added Gun.Smoke (NES)
Finished playing through Kirby 64 today. It was enjoyable and cute as expected from the series, though I felt it didn't control quite as well as other Kirby games. Maybe it was just my controller. ??? The graphics are pretty decent for an N64 game. The 3D environments were nice, but the way some of the levels were laid out suffered as a result. In particular, the mall level (or toy factory, whatever it was supposed to be) was pretty awful. It was still more than enough fun for what I paid for it, despite its shortcomings.
Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
- Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
- Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
- Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
- Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16
- Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Feb-16
- Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) Mar-01
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (WiiU) Mar-11
- Pikmin 3 (WiiU) Mar-13
- Hoshi no Kirby 64 (N64) [JP] Mar-17 **New**
Some reviews have been added to my original post!
13 - Metal Slug 3 (PC) - 80 Minutes FINISHED - This was a miserable, torturous, experience, that was thankfully short. On the other hand the charm it has is top notch and it has the best sprite work. These games are just not fun. If it had like half the enemies and projectiles, it might be more of an actually entertaining experience. Thankfully with basically infinite lives, I could just brute force my way through. I think it said I used 60 continues lol
Jesus! I've been playing through one game that is seemingly never ending! Whenever I think I'm almost done, nope! There's more! I think I started it back in early February and am still trucking away. I may have to play something in between because I'm getting slightly fatigued.
13 - Metal Slug 3 (PC) - 80 Minutes FINISHED - This was a miserable, torturous, experience, that was thankfully short. On the other hand the charm it has is top notch and it has the best sprite work. These games are just not fun. If it had like half the enemies and projectiles, it might be more of an actually entertaining experience. Thankfully with basically infinite lives, I could just brute force my way through. I think it said I used 60 continues lol
I think X and 3 were great for challenging 1ccs, but 3 especially is quite on the long side. Metal Slug 1 would probably be a more enjoyable experience if you feel overwhelmed by the sheer challenge of Slug X/3, etc. It's got a lot less enemies to deal with, and the overall difficulty level is easier compared to the later games.
I think X and 3 were great for challenging 1ccs, but 3 especially is quite on the long side. Metal Slug 1 would probably be a more enjoyable experience if you feel overwhelmed by the sheer challenge of Slug X/3, etc. It's got a lot less enemies to deal with, and the overall difficulty level is easier compared to the later games.
I'm cool with the length, it's only an hour and a half and that's from me just dying constantly all the way through. I imagine like a more comfortable run of the game is closer to an hour. It's just an artificial challenge to me, rather than one designed around good enemy patterns and relying on your skill. I know it's because it's an arcade game, it's designed to be purposefully unfair, but I'd rather the challenge of the game come from quality enemy patterns that push you, but are realistic with its difficulty.
I might check out Metal Slug 1 if it's more reasonable, maybe on a sale sometime since I know it's a very short game.
I think X and 3 were great for challenging 1ccs, but 3 especially is quite on the long side. Metal Slug 1 would probably be a more enjoyable experience if you feel overwhelmed by the sheer challenge of Slug X/3, etc. It's got a lot less enemies to deal with, and the overall difficulty level is easier compared to the later games.
I'm cool with the length, it's only an hour and a half and that's from me just dying constantly all the way through. I imagine like a more comfortable run of the game is closer to an hour. It's just an artificial challenge to me, rather than one designed around good enemy patterns and relying on your skill. I know it's because it's an arcade game, it's designed to be purposefully unfair, but I'd rather the challenge of the game come from quality enemy patterns that push you, but are realistic with its difficulty.
I might check out Metal Slug 1 if it's more reasonable, maybe on a sale sometime since I know it's a very short game.
I think you're right about enemy patterns and such, but I remember the biggest problem when doing the 1cc is that the huge length of stage 5 makes it significantly harder to not lose lives over the various sections of that stage. It doesn't help that there are no extends in the game to help ease the difficulty at all, especially due to the length ( it usually it about 60 minutes for a reg run), because I haven't really gone back to it since I beat it 2 years ago.
Metal Slug 1, in comparison feels a lot shorter and more managable; the game was intentionally not supposed to have many enemies, since the developers were worried about the possibility of slowdown from too many enemies and wanted to keep the action to be fun and fast. It's too bad that none of the other entries are as fair as Metal Slug 1.
15. Fire Emblem Fates (3DS)- Chp.17 Birthright/Chp. 10 Conquest- Conquest Chp.10 has me stuck right now; ugh this map.
18. Tokyo Beat Down (DS) Completed- I picked this game for cheap, and even though its a pretty clunky beat em up for the most part, the script is hilarious, and the main character's name is Lewis Canoon (loose cannon haha). This feels like a good stress reliever compared to FE Conquest right now. 6.5/10
19. Bayonetta 1 ( Wii U) Chp. 2- Didn't get to play too much of this, but this game is fantastic so far. It defenitely looks similiar to the X360 version with better textures/framerate, and although it seems that the color palette is a bit too subdued at times, the gameplay, script, music, and art style totally make up for that.
Sitting at 33 beat out of 42 played.
I might try to sit down and play Tales of the Borderlands again, or maybe I'll start up -KLAUS-... more likely, I'll do the same thing with Rock of Ages and just play some random XBLA game while watching Arrow... maybe I'll play Fire Emblem.
I think I caught Kirby fever. I went to a friend's house yesterday and we replayed my copy Kirby's Epic Yarn.
When it was first released, the guy I was seeing at the time (also a gamer) and I finished the entire game from start to finish. I'm not sure why I waited so long to not only purchase it, but also give it a proper review. It will be posted soon.
I think I caught Kirby fever.
Me too. Four of the ten games I've finished so far this year are Kirby games. :o
I think I caught Kirby fever.
Me too. Four of the ten games I've finished so far this year are Kirby games. :o
Are you going to get Robo-Kirby? It looks just as adorable as the others.
I think I caught Kirby fever.
Me too. Four of the ten games I've finished so far this year are Kirby games. :o
Are you going to get Robo-Kirby? It looks just as adorable as the others.
Probably, which means I'll need the Amiibo too. The Waddle Dee Amiibo is too cute not to buy. :-[
How about you?
I think I caught Kirby fever.
Me too. Four of the ten games I've finished so far this year are Kirby games. :o
Are you going to get Robo-Kirby? It looks just as adorable as the others.
Probably, which means I'll need the Amiibo too. The Waddle Dee Amiibo is too cute not to buy. :-[
How about you?
Absolutely. I remember a Christmas YEARS ago when my brother got Kirby's Dream Land for the Game Boy Cinderblock and I got...something else for it. I can't recall. Either way, we traded and my love for Kirby began.
I doubt I'll drink the Amiibo Kool-Aid (even if they are cute enough to make my heart melt) but I'm really glad to see that Kirby is getting another traditional game on the 3DS. He's like the Nintendo guinea pig.
Sitting at 33 beat out of 42 played.
I might try to sit down and play Tales of the Borderlands again, or maybe I'll start up -KLAUS-... more likely, I'll do the same thing with Rock of Ages and just play some random XBLA game while watching Arrow... maybe I'll play Fire Emblem.
Spoke too soon. Automatron releases tomorrow, so Fallout 4 will likely eat up my time for the next week or so.
14 - Guitar Hero Live (PC) - FINISHED/PLAYING - Finally got this on a good sale that made me feel comfortable to pick it up and I'm glad I waited for it to get cheap. This is easily the worst songlist in all of the main releases for the series. Downright garbage at times with very few high points. It's saving grace is the new gameplay. I had to basically unlearn 10 years of GH playing to then start learning the new mechanics. It's much more varied now and it's forced me into the "Hard" difficulty, rather than my usual "Expert" from before. The live action stuff is fine, but mostly a waste, especially since we lose having a customizable band. It basically loses any charm or humor because of this. I'm done with the main solo play and just have online stuff to do now with GHTV, which I haven't done much with yet.
Original post:,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013 (,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013)
17. Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth [PS4]: 4/5, 97 hours and 34 minutes
Really fun jRPG, especially in its second half. Some of the translation errors are unfortunate, but hey, I'm glad we got this game at all. Collected all trophies.
My Kirby kick continues. I finished Nightmare in Dream Land and Kirby Pinball. I don't think you can actually "beat" KP, but I kicked some serious puff with a high score to prove it. ^.^
Finished FE Fates: Birthright, and now all that's left is Revelation and I'll be done with the game for quite a while. Birthright is a lot more forgiving and a lot less of a challenge than Conquest was. Having played two of the three paths, I really don't think that they needed to be separate releases. There are maps that are reused between paths, and the paths are structured similarly enough to one another that once you've played one path the other will be fairly predictable. While Birthright may have been much less frustrating, I enjoyed Conquest more.
Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
- Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
- Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
- Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
- Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16
- Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Feb-16
- Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) Mar-01
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (WiiU) Mar-11
- Pikmin 3 (WiiU) Mar-13
- Hoshi no Kirby 64 (N64) [JP] Mar-17
- Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (3DS) Mar-26 **New**
Finished FE Fates: Birthright, and now all that's left is Revelation and I'll be done with the game for quite a while. Birthright is a lot more forgiving and a lot less of a challenge than Conquest was. Having played two of the three paths, I really don't think that they needed to be separate releases. There are maps that are reused between paths, and the paths are structured similarly enough to one another that once you've played one path the other will be fairly predictable. While Birthright may have been much less frustrating, I enjoyed Conquest more.
Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
- Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
- Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
- Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
- Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16
- Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Feb-16
- Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) Mar-01
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (WiiU) Mar-11
- Pikmin 3 (WiiU) Mar-13
- Hoshi no Kirby 64 (N64) [JP] Mar-17
- Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (3DS) Mar-26 **New**
What difficulty did you play on in FE Conquest? I'm still stuck on Chp. 10 on my Hard Classic run.
Finished FE Fates: Birthright, and now all that's left is Revelation and I'll be done with the game for quite a while. Birthright is a lot more forgiving and a lot less of a challenge than Conquest was. Having played two of the three paths, I really don't think that they needed to be separate releases. There are maps that are reused between paths, and the paths are structured similarly enough to one another that once you've played one path the other will be fairly predictable. While Birthright may have been much less frustrating, I enjoyed Conquest more.
Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
- Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
- Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
- Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
- Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16
- Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Feb-16
- Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) Mar-01
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (WiiU) Mar-11
- Pikmin 3 (WiiU) Mar-13
- Hoshi no Kirby 64 (N64) [JP] Mar-17
- Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (3DS) Mar-26 **New**
What difficulty did you play on in FE Conquest? I'm still stuck on Chp. 10 on my Hard Classic run.
Normal Classic for both paths so far, though I think playing Birthright on Hard is probably closer to the difficulty of Conquest on Normal. Birthright was almost too easy.
Finished FE Fates: Birthright, and now all that's left is Revelation and I'll be done with the game for quite a while. Birthright is a lot more forgiving and a lot less of a challenge than Conquest was. Having played two of the three paths, I really don't think that they needed to be separate releases. There are maps that are reused between paths, and the paths are structured similarly enough to one another that once you've played one path the other will be fairly predictable. While Birthright may have been much less frustrating, I enjoyed Conquest more.
Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
- Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
- Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
- Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
- Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16
- Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Feb-16
- Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) Mar-01
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (WiiU) Mar-11
- Pikmin 3 (WiiU) Mar-13
- Hoshi no Kirby 64 (N64) [JP] Mar-17
- Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (3DS) Mar-26 **New**
What difficulty did you play on in FE Conquest? I'm still stuck on Chp. 10 on my Hard Classic run.
Normal Classic for both paths so far, though I think playing Birthright on Hard is probably closer to the difficulty of Conquest on Normal. Birthright was almost too easy.
Ah, I see. Birthright on Hard is still pretty easy, so I think you'd have to crank up the difficulty to Lunatic to get some challenge out of Birthright. However, I can safely say that Conquest Hard is probably one the most difficult playthroughs for a normal difficulty FE game, just due to limited options in leveling, enemy stats, and the necessity of good strats to get good rewards ( like the 10,000g for saving 3/5 villages in Chp.8). I've debated trying Hard Casual for Conquest just to see if I can make better progress for the time being.
1. Portal Stories: Mel (Steam) Completed The closest thing we're gonna get to Portal 3! Amazing mod! Achievement Progress 100% (
2. Emily is Away (Steam) Completed I have no idea why I played this Achievement Progress 100% (
3. The Walking Dead (PS4) Completed I played the series in reverse but this game is overall better than Season 2 Trophy Progress 100% (
4. Teslagrad (PS4) Completed Would recommend to anyone who is interested in Metroid-esque games. Trophy Progress 100% (
5. LittleBIGPlanet 3 (PS4) Completed Great game, but ruined but numerous glitches and bugs. Trophy Progress 100% (
6. inFAMOUS Second Son (PS4) Completed This game is amazing. Play it now. Trophy Progress 100% (
7. Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Completed Great game, never play through the game on UBER legit. Trophy Progress 100% (
8. Gun.Smoke (NES) Beat Blistered thumbs! Used unlimited continues.
9. Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative (Steam) Beat Another amazing Portal 2 mod!
10. TRANSFORMERS: Devastation (PS4) Beat Certainly a well made Transformers game, the trophy list isn't though. Trophy Progress 91% (
11. Rocket League (Steam) Completed Such an amazing game I beat it twice! Achievement Progress 100% (
12. Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows (Steam) Beat For a free expansion YCG went above and beyond. 10/10
*Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows (Steam)
Game 6 - Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3) - 32 Hours
Can't say that I was a huge fan of this game, however there were a few things that it did right. I really need to play GTA V or San Andreas next.
+ The shooting and driving are sooo much better than GTA III, which is the only other GTA game I've played. I also really liked doing the non-mission stuff; like getting little vignettes by talking to random people, and doing all the vigilante cop or racing side missions. It was also really fun to just drive around the city listening to the jazz radio station :)
- On the other hand, I thought the story was kind of weak. It just didn't grab me or pull me in, and there were so many random bland people that you do missions for then forget about them: it all seems kind of pointless and uninspired. The missions themselves were probably the worst for me, I wish there was a little more variety. It seemed like 90% of them were either "go to this location and chase down/kill everyone there" or "We're attacked at this special event/deal! We have to kill everyone who's in our way!" It got reallly repetitive. Lastly, the social link stuff in my opinion was really dumb. Like many people I didn't care about being forced on dates with my friends, and it got annoying only after a few times.
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Resonance of Fate has been finished for the second time with 100% trophy completion.
EDIT: Project X Zone 2 has been finished. I have a lot of reviews to write. @_@
Latest update!
Cities: Skylines
Super Mario Maker
Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!
Tomb Raider (2013)
Alien: Isolation
Mega Man X2
LEGO Marvel's Avengers
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright
Halo 3: ODST
Dark Souls
Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows
New Super Mario Bros. U
Max Payne 3
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Mega Man
Mega Man 2
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Mad Max
Just updated... 36 games beaten out of 45 played this year. I may try to spend this week working on some of the games I gave up on earlier this year.
I'm getting pretty close to needing a 4th post with all of my shenanigans.
19. Bayonetta 1 ( Wii U) Chp. 10- Man, the learning curve is strong with this game. Golem has given me the most trouble so far, but I've heard the Lumen Sage battle is more difficult. Anyways, despite my difficulties with trying to get good ratings for the stages, I really like the enemy designs and music in the game; story is also fun as well. I love the hidden Sega references sprinkled throughout the levels as well.
15 - Hyrule Warriors Legends (3DS) - PLAYING - Just started, but I'm gonna be trying to get through this quick. I have no plans to invest any real time into this version, cause I have a 100 hours invested in the Wii U version with tons of stuff left to do lol Mostly just gonna get through Legends mode for the story. Sadly can't skip the main story line it seems as I just want to hurry up and get through to the Linkle/Wind Waker story. The game plays well though, I was surprised. There are some nice little added features, but then you see stuff they took out, as it seems like there might not be any big boss strikes when you bust their stamina down, just a generic power blast. Not too big of a deal as it still plays very smoothly.
Finished up Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest last night. This was the first FE game I've played and really enjoyed it. At the time I got so frustrated with trying not to lose any characters I said to myself "Once I beat this game, I'm not playing any of the others". But now that I've actually finished it I'll definitely be playing the others. So good!
Game Beat in 2016
Fallout 4 (XBone) - 01/11/2016
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition (XBone) - 02/09/2016
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) - 03/29/2016
16 - Killer Instinct (PC) - PLAYING - Much like Street Fighter 5, it's not something to finish, but I'm gonna be playing this for abit, at least till I decide if I want to buy it or not, since it's free to play, which gives one character to play as and the tutorial stuff to do, which is incredibly challenging. Learning the advanced mechanics is super tough, though rewarding when you get all these nutsbar combos to chain together. I'll of course never once get them in a real match, but till then, I'll pretend I'm awesome lol There's actually a lot of leniency to the chaining inputs, where you can sorta spam them to get them out. Not being so strict is nice compared to combos in Street Fighter which are generally harder I feel.
So far going pretty well I think on my list. 16 games played after three months. If I continue to be consistent like this, I should make 52 games played. Not sure about finished games since I kinda have a few games already that aren't things you really beat to have a finished state to them, but I'm mostly just trying to focus on playing games with beating them being secondary.
How would we count add-on content in this list? Like, I'm going through the first of four DLC episodes in Muramasa for the Vita and when all is said and done, will probably have a good 50 hours with them in total.
How would we count add-on content in this list? Like, I'm going through the first of four DLC episodes in Muramasa for the Vita and when all is said and done, will probably have a good 50 hours with them in total.
I probably put about 10-20 hours into the Fallout 4 DLC Automatron, but I just counted it as a sub of Fallout 4. (Fallout 4 is 26. Automatron is 26.1)
Fair 'nuff. I'll just add Muramasa to the list at some point. I went through the main campaign last year.
For me it mostly depends, I don't know about Muramasa, but if the DLC is a stand alone experience, then I'd count it. Not necessarily stand alone content, like Infamous First Light.
I'm trying to think of an example. Maybe the Bad Blood DLC in Watch Dogs, where I assume your stats from the main campaign doesn't cross over since you are playing as a separate character. Or some of the DLC in Dead Rising 3? If the DLC is basically its own story mode, I'd count it.
Basically, Muramasa is divided into the main campaign and then there are four separate chapters called the Genroku Chronicles. Or maybe it's Genroku Chapters. I can't recall. Either way, each one is a side-story that takes place in the same setting but with a new character that uses a variety of different weapons.
The one I'm working on now is Fishy Tales of Nekmoata. You take control of a cat-demon that wants to take revenge on her master's murderers.
Basically, Muramasa is divided into the main campaign and then there are four separate chapters called the Genroku Chronicles. Or maybe it's Genroku Chapters. I can't recall. Either way, each one is a side-story that takes place in the same setting but with a new character that uses a variety of different weapons.
The one I'm working on now is Fishy Tales of Nekmoata. You take control of a cat-demon that wants to take revenge on her master's murderers.
Yeah, I'd probably do that separately as Muramasa: Genroku Chronicles/Chapters/Whatevas
That sounds like a good idea.
Game 7 - The Thing (PS2) - 6 Hours
I purchased this game mainly because of the cover, I love it so much. That said, this was a lot better then I was expecting; it's not perfect, but it nails that American horror/gore movie vibe thing pretty well.
+ The game had a lot of the atmosphere I just mentioned, particularly after the first hour or so of the game. It's also really cool to control your squad members and keep them from being too scared by giving them weapons and avoiding dead people and gruesome sights. The story was decent too- it fit the mood of the game really nicely.
- There was a criminally small amount of music in this game. It really could have used some scary sounds or tracks to accompany the game and not just the cutscenes. Also graphically the game has not aged well. There were some minor AI bugs too - sometimes I couldn't get them to follow me where I wanted.
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17 - Hyper Light Drifter (PC) - 5 Hours FINISHED - Just beat the game and I was rather underwhelmed. It's a generally good game, but I feel like some design decisions lessen the experience for me. Outside of game related tutorial elements, there is no dialogue or voice anywhere. This works out well with interactions involving NPC's as they are basically like speech bubble pixel art paintings. You can basically figure out what they mean through them and I really like it. But because this game tells you very little, I know nothing about the plot at all. I can sorta piece out some basics, but it's so vague most of the time, it just lacks any substance because of it. I don't want to spend time reading reddit threads about translations people do with the monoliths hidden in the game to piece it all together. It's like Bloodborne, but even more vague and it wasn't great in Bloodborne either. Still a good game, despite my issues with its storytelling and it's combat is a little wonky at times.
I finished the Fishy Tales of the Nekomata. Now it's on to A Cause to Daikon For.
I usually can't stand DLC, but the way they handled it with Muramasa is great.
Finished up Life is Strange tonight. I had no idea what the game was like before picking it up but it was well worth it. It's very similar to the Telltale games where there's 5 different chapters and you mostly just make important decisions with a few puzzles thrown at you here and there. First of all the soundtrack is amazing. I'm so glad I picked up the collectors edition which included it. The game was great up until chapter 5, where it got pretty confusing. Overall still a great game! :)
Games Completed in 2016
Fallout 4 (XBone) - 01/11/2016
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition (XBone) - 02/09/2016
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) - 03/29/2016
Life Is Strange (XBone) - 04/03/2016
1 - Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD (Wii U) - 23 HOURS FINISHED
Wow, took me long enough with this lol I kept getting sidetracked by other stuff. Didn't help that I was honestly getting kinda bored with this game abit and trying to hurry and beat it so I could get to Twilight Princess HD. I had never finished the game back when it first came out, but coming back to it, I don't particularly like this one too much. The boat stuff is incredibly dull and tedious. Having 85% of the world just be sea is boring. Generally it was fine (I haven't found a bad Zelda yet, though the DS ones could become that based on controls I've seen), the art style is great and pretty timeless, and Ganon at the end was cool, not the usual truly evil Ganon we tend to get, though still bad, but classy I guess lol I don't know how I'd place it in the realm of 3D Zeldas. Might depend on how much I end up loving Twilight Princess again which I use to really like and that was back even with the awful wii controls. I feel it might be somewhere in the bottom three with Skyward Sword and Majora's Mask as I know I love Ocarina of Time and I'm pretty positive I will still really like Twilight Princess.
While playing Assassin's Creed on 360, I broke 100,000 points on my Gamerscore.
Game 8 - Suikoden (PS1) - 19 Hours
This game has a lot of things going for it, and I did enjoy it a fair amount. It actually lessens my view of Suikoden II since SII is pretty much a copy-paste of a lot of the major themes and ideas from this game. At the same time, there are some major flaws with Suikoden, so it is far from my favorite. Funnily enough though I have a lot to say about it regardless.
+ As mentioned above, this game does a lot of great things. Music themes, vast and interesting characters, dark and interesting story elements; it’s all done really well. If you’ve played both games you might agree with me that it’s essentially the same basic structure in both. However, the major battles are done better in this game in my opinion, and the game has a certain charm to it, even though on the face of it, it is a little primitive.
(Warning: I don’t outright spoil anything, but you might get a tiny hint of how Suikoden’s story pans out if you already have played II, so just a fair warning for the negatives section.)
- There are two major flaws that stand out to me. It was so annoying to be forced to take characters along during story elements. Even though you can have a party of 6, the game forces to take you 2 or sometimes 3 that you don’t get a choice over. It’s really sad that out of 108 characters, you can really only pick 3, 2 or sometimes none at all to take along. In addition, the game really drops the ball on some story elements that I wish were expended on further. If you’ve played both, maybe you see where I’m coming from: the similar "main theme" in both games just dies out and is never revisited in the middle of Suikdoen. It’s handled so much better in the second game. There’s also some nitpicky stuff like really unrefined menu and controls, really repetitive boss fights with the same attack patterns each time. Stuff like that.
And for those who are curious, I found 89/108 characters. Even though I didn’t use a guide like SII, it was much easier to find characters in this game.
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Original post:,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013 (,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013)
18. My Nintendo Picross The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess [3DS]: 3/5, 9 hours and 46 minutes
Another Picross game, still fun as always. There are some strange control changes that I don't really like in this one, but that's a minor complaint, especially for a free game.
Game 8 - Suikoden (PS1) - 19 Hours Stuff
I 100% agree with your complaints about forced party members. It would drive me nuts when I was forced to always take some low-level nitwit along that ended up being dead weight. That was probably my biggest gripe with the game. What's the point in having over 100 personalities if you are forced to put up with three to four at a time?
These days, when someone asks which Suikoden is my favorite on the PlayStation, I tell them that I like them equally. Both did great things and both did not so great things, but the great things make them both worth playing. Nice job on getting so many stars without a guide!
Game 8 - Suikoden (PS1) - 19 Hours Stuff
I 100% agree with your complaints about forced party members. It would drive me nuts when I was forced to always take some low-level nitwit along that ended up being dead weight. That was probably my biggest gripe with the game. What's the point in having over 100 personalities if you are forced to put up with three to four at a time?
These days, when someone asks which Suikoden is my favorite on the PlayStation, I tell them that I like them equally. Both did great things and both did not so great things, but the great things make them both worth playing. Nice job on getting so many stars without a guide!
Gremio... ::)
Also I didn't think Victor was that great either haha
Sitting at 39 games beat out of 51 games played this year. Game 52 will likely be Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.
Gremio... ::)
Also I didn't think Victor was that great either haha
Gremio...don't get me started on Gremio. I'll just say this: I have a new respect for roses.
Finished up my replay of Super Mario Sunshine. I still prefer it over Super Mario Galaxy, but there are some annoying bits. The sections without FLUDD were kinda annoying, and the camera wasn't great either. Good fun regardless.
Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
- Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
- Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
- Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
- Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16
- Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Feb-16
- Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) Mar-01
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (WiiU) Mar-11
- Pikmin 3 (WiiU) Mar-13
- Hoshi no Kirby 64 (N64) [JP] Mar-17
- Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (3DS) Mar-26
- Super Mario Sunshine (GCN) Apr-07 **New**
You fine people are really getting your game on! I'm just dropping by to mention that I beat Skyward Sword a while back, and Child of Light and My Nintendo Picross: Twilight Princess recently. All three were awesome on different levels, though I do have some complaints on Skyward Sword's damn motion controls ::)
I'm currently sitting at 7 beaten / 16 played, which is okay given the circumstances. Progress is progress!
Finally added some reviews to my page.
New stuff from last week:
15. Fire Emblem Fates (3DS)- Birthright Completed/Chp. 13 Conquest- So the Birthright side was finally completed, the endgame chapters weren't too bad in my opinion. I made a little bit more progress in Conquest as well, thanks to some reworking of strategy for Chp.10.
19. Bayonetta 1 ( Wii U) Completed- Damn, this was a great experience from start to finish. It's a very good port of the xbox 360 port, ( considered to be the best), and every single aspect of the game comes together very well, especially the music and gameplay. My only compliant is some of the quicktime events don't give you much time to react, and then you can die and screw up your entire stage score. But this was really well done; one of the best hack n slashes and games of the last generation. 8.5/10
20. Bayonetta 2 ( Wii U)- Completed This one feels like a incremental sequel but with some better changes, they got rid of the quicktime events, difficulty feels a bit more balanced in the earlier stages, new ways to get more life/magic, not too many reused assets, you are able to fight infernal demons now in some chapters. The graphics are really good for the Wii U, its got a much brighter color palette than the first game, only a few minor slowdowns and a bit of extra time for loading screens. I was a bit dissapointed about the final boss compared to the first game, but I still had a great time. I'm looking forward to see what happens in its sequel. 9/10
21. House of the Dead: Overkill (Wii)- Completed This a light gun shooter that happens to be the prequel to the original House of the Dead. Its got a 70's horror B-movie vibe to it, and a money system that allows you to upgrade weapons. For the most part, it was graphically alright, but there were some slowdowns here and there due to the fact that there is a physics system for the zombie parts after you shoot them up. It's especially bad in level 5, where the game comes to a standstill with too much going on, and putting it in 480p makes it even worse. There are also missing parts to the story that can only be done in the director's cut mode, requiring a second playthrough. Overall, it was okay, but the upgradable system made the later stages a pain in the ass to not lose health and be forced to continue; I dunno if the PS3 port fixes any of this. 6/10.
22. Dragon Spirit( Namco System I Arcade/ Namco Museum 50 Annv. GC)- Completed A pure fantasy shmup from Namco that was originally released in 1987. It's the first game where Shinji Hosoe composed for, and its a pretty good first showing from him. The graphics are decent for there time, and there a quite a bit of powerups/ terrain/enemy patterns to deal with. The biggest problem with this game is your hugeass hitbox, and that having multiple heads only increases it, which leads to too many places where you'll get stuck, especially since many of the popcorn enemies home into your position. 6.5/10
23. Dragon Saber ( Namco System II Arcade/ PS1-JP Namco Museum Encore)- Stage 5 on 1c- Wow, the three year jump between Dragon Spirit and this game has a taken a huge leap in graphics and sound, many due to the vast increase of power in the arcade board. The soundtrack is even better this time; composed by Hosoe, and even includes a hidden soundtest to play remixed tracks from Dragon Spirit in the main game! Most of the old powerups are back, along with some new ones for different stages. Your hitbox is a little bit smaller this time, however you only have one bar of health, opposed to two in the original game. This makes many situations in the game extremely frustrating, especially since most of the bosses are beefed up compared to Spirit. This is even worse in the World version, requiring 2 credits for 3 lives, vs 1 for 3. Scoring is also more important here for end game bonuses, but I'm not gonna worry about it since I can only get halfway through the game on 1c right now. Quite a good improvement over Spirit. 7.8/10
24. Crimzon Clover: World Ignition ( Steam-PC)- Novice Arcade Complete- Got this for a buck, so I decided to check it out. It's a very well made bullethell shmup, with multiple ships/modes to test your skills. The main compliant is the lack of difficulty between novice and arcade; novice feels too easy while arcade will curb stomp you if you are trying to clear on one credit. There should have been a difficulty in between the two; everything else is pretty solid for the most part. 7.5/10
18 - Twilight Princess HD (Wii U ) - Playing - Been excited to play this since I heard it was going to be released. I last played this years ago when I bought it at launch with a Wii and from what I remember, I use to love the game (Minus the controls) and I have it in my head that this could be up there as one of my favorite Zelda games. Ocarina of Time is basically up there for nostalgia value, but I remember Twilight Princess essentially just being like an updated version of Ocarina in the best way, so we'll see if that is true at all. Also just wanting this to be good after a rather mediocre experience with Wind Waker HD.
Finished the campaign for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. It was enjoyable. Short and didn't overstay its welcome. Kinda cool seeing Kevin Spacey in a video game too. Makes for a good break between long RPGs.
Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
- Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
- Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
- Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
- Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16
- Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Feb-16
- Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) Mar-01
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (WiiU) Mar-11
- Pikmin 3 (WiiU) Mar-13
- Hoshi no Kirby 64 (N64) [JP] Mar-17
- Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (3DS) Mar-26
- Super Mario Sunshine (GCN) Apr-07
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4) Apr-10 **New**
18 - Dark Souls 3 (PS4) - 3 Hours PLAYING - Gonna be some tough times for abit with this game lol This and Twilight Princess are probably gonna keep me busy for awhile.
I'm coming to this late but I'll give it a shot (no chance!)
1) Samurai Warriors 4-II (PS4) - An excellent add-on to the original with an interesting new character and new takes on old battles. The final scenario is like the 'dream' battles in Samurai Warriors 2, but spread over several stages. There were a few laughs but that was a little flat. Otherwise delighted with it. Nice side-modes too :D
2) Samurai Warriors 4 Empires (PS4) - Passable as an 'empires' musou title, interesting castle set-up for the strategy component. It's a bit weird setting the game during the period of famous battles without you even taking part in said battles, necessarily, but it's OK.
3) Monster Attack (PS2) - This is actually the first Earth Defense Force game, released in Europe by Agetec. It's Earth Defense Force... There's only 25 stages, the single character type (soldier), no AI team-mates (so no "EDF EDF EDF" or silly banter) although vehicles are present. There's not even any giant spiders, or voice over/commentary, nothing. Still, enjoyed it.
Finished up The Wolf Among Us today. Probably my favourite TellTale game so far with an ending that made me immediately google if there was a "Season 2" come out!
Games Completed in 2016
1) Fallout 4 (XBone) - 01/11/2016
2) Tomb Raider Definitive Edition (XBone) - 02/09/2016
3) Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) - 03/29/2016
4) Life Is Strange (XBone) - 04/03/2016
5) The Wolf Among Us (XBone) - 04/13/2016
I'm coming to this late but I'll give it a shot (no chance!)
My goal for this has been less about getting to 52 and more making sure I try to complete the games I get. Also a good way to keep track of what I've played over the year. Getting to 52 games played is a secondary goal in the long run, because that's hard, especially for me as I tend to play more new games than diving back into shorter retro stuff lol
Cleared career mode on hard in Guitar Hero II. Lots of fun, but I find I can't play Guitar Hero for too long anymore before my shoulders get really sore. It's hard to believe that this game's a few months short of being 10 years old already. :o The plastic instrument fad doesn't seem like it happened all that long ago.
Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
- Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
- Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
- Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
- Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16
- Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Feb-16
- Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) Mar-01
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (WiiU) Mar-11
- Pikmin 3 (WiiU) Mar-13
- Hoshi no Kirby 64 (N64) [JP] Mar-17
- Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (3DS) Mar-26
- Super Mario Sunshine (GCN) Apr-07
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4) Apr-10
- Guitar Hero II (PS2) Apr-15 **New**
Original post:,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013 (,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013)
19. Puzzle & Dragons Z [3DS]: 3/5, 32 hours and 5 minutes
I played PD: Super Mario Bros. Edition last year, but never bothered with this one until now. It's a fun game, but I think SMBEdition is the better one of the two. I don't think having this town to walk around in and all these people to talk to, (things I usually like in games) are fitting for this type of game. Also SMBEdition felt better balanced. There is a whole lot of post-game content, but I think I'm done with this game.
I took a break from Panzer Dragoon Saga and finished a couple of things over the weekend. First, I went through Nightshade since I wanted to see Hibana do her thing outside of PXZ2. Also, I finally finished all four chapters of Genroku Legends in Muramasa.
EDIT: I'll need to add one more. I went through Mega Man X4 (as Zero) for the nth time.
I had actually intended on not starting my 52nd game before finishing some of the other games on my list, but I decided I really really wanted to start Brotherhood.
So I'm sitting at 40 games beat out of 52 games played.
I also had to move onto a fourth post for all of my content.
Finished up Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and had some fun with it.
Shadow Dragon is a remake the original Fire Emblem on the Famicom (which had already been remade once before as "book 1" of Monshō no Nazo on the SFC). As a result, the game is a little simple compared to the other, newer Fire Emblem entries. It's a little short as well. I was only around the 20 hour mark when I finished it. Still, it's worth a play through and is a little more accessible to new players than the original games it was based on. If you can find it for a decent price, or you're a fan of the series, it's worth picking up.
Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
- Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
- Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
- Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
- Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16
- Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Feb-16
- Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) Mar-01
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (WiiU) Mar-11
- Pikmin 3 (WiiU) Mar-13
- Hoshi no Kirby 64 (N64) [JP] Mar-17
- Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (3DS) Mar-26
- Super Mario Sunshine (GCN) Apr-07
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4) Apr-10
- Guitar Hero II (PS2) Apr-15
- Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (DS) Apr-18 **New**
1. Undertale- Neutral Route, Genocide Route (ATM), Pacifist Route
2. Borderland 2 - Normal Mode, True Vault Hunter (ATM), Ultimate Vault Hunter
3. Borderland 1 - Normal Mode (ATM)
4. Final Fantasy X HD Remastered (Complete) (4/17/2016)
18 - Dark Souls 3 (PS4) - 39 Hours FINISHED - Very solid game overall. I don't know why I stuck through this one and didn't beat the previous 2 Dark Souls games, but I liked this. It feels really good to play and it keeps up that frustrating difficulty with only minor conveniences they added to the game to make things a tiny less miserable which I appreciate. I don't think I like it as much as Bloodborne, but it's a good end cap for the series as it is. I hope they take a good bit of time away from the franchise and come back with something to actually inject some new blood into the series. Also give it some narrative you jerks! All of this constant tiny details hidden away and very little explanation for most stuff without weeks of researching and compiling information is stupid. And if this and Bloodborne are any indication of the whole series, they apparently ALWAYS bomb the ending, every single time. Real lame payoffs for a conclusion.
Original post:,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013 (,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013)
20. Persona 2: Eternal Punishment [PS1]: 4/5, ~50 hours
I really liked this one. This game provides a great ending to this half of Persona, before the series got rebooted.
New week, new stuff:
25. The Legend of Kage 2(DS)- CompletedThis is a sequel to the 1984 arcade game Legend of Kage, and feels like a reboot in many ways. The gameplay has been improved with new skills, ninjustu from orbs, and a pretty decent soundtrack. However, the level design is not great; you can skip over huge portions to get to the end of it; bosses aren't too bad besides the last few. The ninjustu was a waste due to only a few being useful and the rest not really helping. I'd say it was ok; but a bunch of fixing will be needed for a better sequel. 5.5/10
26. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia(DS)- 60% complete- A friend reccomended this one to me. Overall, there's a lot of items and weapons to get and the difficulty is actually pretty well-balanced so far. I'm looking forward to playing the rest of it.
Finally got some more reviews up. Since the four Muramasa DLCs count as one, I'll go for a 55 Game challenge. ^.~
1. Portal Stories: Mel (Steam) Completed The closest thing we're gonna get to Portal 3! Amazing mod! Achievement Progress 100% (
2. Emily is Away (Steam) Completed I have no idea why I played this Achievement Progress 100% (
3. The Walking Dead (PS4) Completed I played the series in reverse but this game is overall better than Season 2 Trophy Progress 100% (
4. Teslagrad (PS4) Completed Would recommend to anyone who is interested in Metroid-esque games. Trophy Progress 100% (
5. LittleBIGPlanet 3 (PS4) Completed Great game, but ruined but numerous glitches and bugs. Trophy Progress 100% (
6. inFAMOUS Second Son (PS4) Completed This game is amazing. Play it now. Trophy Progress 100% (
7. Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Completed Great game, never play through the game on UBER legit. Trophy Progress 100% (
8. Gun.Smoke (NES) Beat Blistered thumbs! Used unlimited continues.
9. Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative (Steam) Beat Another amazing Portal 2 mod!
10. TRANSFORMERS: Devastation (PS4) Beat Certainly a well made Transformers game, the trophy list isn't though. Trophy Progress 91% (
11. Rocket League (Steam) Completed Such an amazing game I beat it twice! Achievement Progress 100% (
12. Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows (Steam) Beat For a free expansion YCG went above and beyond. 10/10
13. Freedom Planet (Steam) Beat Completed Mila's Quest. All character quests done!
14. Gunstar Heroes (Steam) Beat Defiantly going to have to re-buy for my Genesis, a blast to play.
Added: Gunstar Heroes (Steam)
And another one :D
21. Castlevania Chronicles [PS1]: 4/5, 10-15 hours
Finished Original Mode. Oh boy, this game is way tougher than Rondo of Blood was. But it never really felt unfair, except for maybe 1 or 2 jumps that I felt were unnecessary. Great game :)
22. Corpse Party [steam]: 4/5, ~16 hours
Way inferior compared to the PSP version, but it was definitely interesting to play this version. Not sure if I will play it a third time on 3DS though :P Collected all steam achievements.
Game 9 - The Legend of Zelda, Phantom Hourglass (DS) - 20 Hours
My third Zelda game! Here's what I thought:
+ First, I was really blown away by how nicely the game controlled, and how it really used everything that the DS was capable of. I've never played a DS game that used the touch screen, mic, putting the game to sleep, etc. like this game. Being able to write on the map was also really nice, it made me want to be able to do that for other Zelda games. It was also really cool to just sail through the open waters finding islands and treasure. Plus the story wasn't half bad either!
- My major gripe with the game was that it was farrrr to easy. I never really had any trouble with any of the dungeons or puzzles; almost every secret and obstacle was directly described for you in a sign or otherwise obvious location. There would be maps and images of how to navigate trouble spots, and non too hidden directions on how to locate secrets. It was a little disappointing that there wasn't a lot of challenge, the most challenge I had was from trying to make it through the Ocean Temple in as quick a time as possible. And the soundtrack was kind of uninspired and repetitive, but that's more of a minor point.
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
Handheld games get played so much slower for me, I'll probably get through AC Revelations and 3 before I finish Fire Emblem Fates Birthright.
Handheld games get played so much slower for me, I'll probably get through AC Revelations and 3 before I finish Fire Emblem Fates Birthright.
Hey at least you're not playing Conquest and/or Revelations. Those maps are even longer, especially in Conquest with the enemy formations and objectives. Some RPG's feel like they go for a bit too long at times.
Handheld games get played so much slower for me, I'll probably get through AC Revelations and 3 before I finish Fire Emblem Fates Birthright.
I still haven't beaten Hyrule Warriors Legends yet, despite getting it back when it launched, and I've beaten two other games since then lol I plan to just finish it soon since I don't think I have much left with the story after getting to the first Wind Waker level. Handhelds aren't my favorite systems, so I rarely play them. Heck, I also have Prioject Mirai DX to beat and I've had that for weeks too and I'm only part way through that. Also need to beat them and Twilight Princess HD here soon. May has kind of a few games I plan to get too such as Overwatch and I'm planning to rent Uncharted 4 and Doom.
Handheld games get played so much slower for me, I'll probably get through AC Revelations and 3 before I finish Fire Emblem Fates Birthright.
Hey at least you're not playing Conquest and/or Revelations. Those maps are even longer, especially in Conquest with the enemy formations and objectives. Some RPG's feel like they go for a bit too long at times.
I'm taking a break after Birthright to finish Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, and then I'm going to jump into Conquest. After Conquest I might take a break and finish Phoenix Wright before I jump into Revelations. Probably won't get to Revelations this year.
On a topic related note, I finished AC: Revelations last night, so I think I'll be starting AC3 when I get off work. I'm thinking about playing AC Chronicles China though, since it sounds like it is relevant to the Ezio story.
My first game completion of the month and the first thing I've finished since wrapping up the last of my exams and schoolwork is... Mother 3! It remains an awesome game after this replay, and the ending was still pretty emotional even though I knew how it was going to go down. It was nice to have a repro cart to finally be able to play the game in English on actual Game Boy hardware rather than emulation. If this ever gets an official release through the WiiU Virtual Console or some other means, I'll gladly buy it. Let me give you more money Nintendo!
Since my completion list is making my posts kinda long now, I'll just keep editing this post for my full completion list and link back to it in future posts to cut down on their length. I probably should've done that from the start, but oh well. :-[
*Edit: Started adding new completed games to this post.
Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
- Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
- Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
- Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
- Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16
- Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Feb-16
- Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) Mar-01
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (WiiU) Mar-11
- Pikmin 3 (WiiU) Mar-13
- Hoshi no Kirby 64 (N64) [JP] Mar-17
- Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (3DS) Mar-26
- Super Mario Sunshine (GCN) Apr-07
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4) Apr-10
- Guitar Hero II (PS2) Apr-15
- Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (DS) Apr-18
- Mother 3 (GBA) May-01
- Tales of Graces f (PS3) May-06
- Call of Duty: World at War (PS3) May-16
- Pokémon Omega Ruby (3DS) May-28
- Mega Man (via the Legacy Collection on the 3DS) May-31
- Resident Evil HD (PS4) Aug-30 **New**
- Pokémon Sun (3DS) Dec-01 **New**
- Battlefield 1 (PS4) Dec-02 **New**
- Mario Kart 7 (3DS) Dec-18 **New**
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle (PS3) Dec-23 **New**
4) Dark Souls III (PS4)
Whew, made it, never managed to beat a Souls game before. Coming from Bloodborne (which I count as Souls and is one I've yet to beat) this seemed surprisingly easy, though several bosses did require many attempts before they gave up the ghost. The second half of the game, despite some massive areas to explore, also seemed more willing to give up its secrets (to an extent, optional areas hard as hell). This was a good challenge and something I really enjoyed, looking forward to going back to Bloodborne with renewed drive to finish it.
Galerians has been finished and a review is posted. I'm still working on my Panzer Dragoon Saga review. The next game I finish will probably be Nights of Azure.
Handheld games get played so much slower for me, I'll probably get through AC Revelations and 3 before I finish Fire Emblem Fates Birthright.
Just to further this. I beat AC Revelations and AC Chronicles China, and I'm at memory sequence 11 of 12 in AC3. I have made no further progress in FE Fates... at all... still sitting at Chapter 20.
I will probably finish AC: Syndicate before I beat Birthright. And I still have AC:IV, AC:Unity, AC:Rogue, and the rest of the Chronicles trilogy.
To update. I'm at 45 game beat out of 56 games played. Will beat game 46 by the end of the week.
5) Guerrilla Strike (PS2)
Budget shoot em up where you shoot down choppers and space ships with your chopper, plays like a budget Amiga game, 15 levels of average shooting. Managed to finish it in a single sitting. Well, they can't all be RPGs or 40-hour + monsters.
I think I finished my first game last night by beating South Park the Stick of Truth (PS3)
I should write a review/make a video. Maybe I'll do that!
Beat game 46, Assassin's Creed III. Was going to jump into Assassin's Creed IV, but then I checked about Assassin's Creed III: Liberation. So Liberation will be my next game. But I've decided that since I disliked AC3 so much, that I'm going to force myself to do some of the side content to see if it sways me any before I jump into Liberation.
Cleared two more games recently:
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23. Sound of Drop - fall into poison - [steam]: 3/5, 11-12 hours
Neat horror VN, I like the water theme. There's some scary stuff in there :x
24. Arc the Lad [PS1C]: 3/5, ~11 hours
Not that great, but good enough to keep my interest for the sequels. Also, it's always kinda refreshing when a jRPG isn't 40 hours+ long.
Yesterday, I finished Nights of Azure. I've still got work to do before I get the platinum, but I can at least get a review going.
Game 10 - Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly (PS3) - 9.5 Hours
Very interesting game, and it does a lot of neat things. My game froze during the credits, so I didn't get to see all of the end, but nonetheless!
+ First of all, I really enjoyed the story, I thought it was well paced and nicely conveyed without being too obvious. I liked the dark atmosphere and decrepit buildings that you get to explore. It was also really fun to search for ghosts and read background information about the village (even though there was a little too much). Also, the game was very scary for me, with some great moments and enemies to fight. The game handles jump scares and overall anxiety incredibly well. The camera was a cool and unique way to fight bosses and uncover secrets.
- Even though it was scary, the game was far too easy. I had sooo many health items and ammunition after I finished, and you are forced to play normal as the highest difficulty from starting the game. The filament on the camera gives you too much information about where the position and location of the ghost is (I wish it was like SH2 and you just had radio static). The controls were also atrocious. Since the game is all fixed camera angles that change all the time, having your movement based on where the camera is means the you change directions mid run and go a different direction each time the camera changes. It should have been like again, in SH2, where pushing up in the stick always moves James forward no matter where the camera is positioned.
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
Just finished up Tales of Graces f. Wow. :o What a journey that was. Definitely among the very best of the games I've played so far this year. A really satisfying game the whole way through. In particular, the CC system was really great. Perhaps one of the best implemented battle systems out of all the action-RPGs I've had the pleasure of playing. The only minor complaint I had was that the dungeon puzzles were a bit lacking compared to others in the Tales series, but they got more interesting towards the end anyways. I would wholeheartedly recommend this game to anyone who enjoys a good RPG.
Finished (replayed games are in purple) Full List Here (,6762.msg115543.html#msg115543)
17. Tales of Graces f (PS3) May-06 **New**
Latest review. Going to kick things into high gear with playing more games this summer.
19. Unreal Tournament (Dreamcast): The best way to describe my experience with this game is to compare it to the Dreamcast port of Quake III Arena. Quake 3, while missing a lot of content compared to it's PC port is a very purest experience, playing very similar to it's PC counterpart. Unreal is also missing a lot of content compared to the PC version, but plays very different from its PC counterpart. Unreal on the Dreamcast played more similar to Goldeneye or Perfect Dark, complete with auto aim, and fewer bots which I feel worked way better for the console port of this game, versus Quake 3's approach of releasing a PC optimized game on a console which made the game very difficult to play. It's a tough trade off, but in the end I enjoyed Unreal for what it was on the Dreamcast, albeit an almost entirely different game than the PC version, for better and worse.
Finally, my page is about up to date. Reviews have been added for Nights of Azure, Galerians and Panzer Dragoon Saga. I finished Kirby's Avalanche over the weekend, too. A review is currently in the works.
added 3 to my list on page 9... ive really been slowing down... 3 in a little over a month
19 - Uncharted 4 (PS4) - 12 Hours FINISHED - Rented the game and found it to be a very enjoyable experience. Incredibly solid story, characters, acting, all of that. Combat still doesn't feel like it's 100% what it should be, but Uncharted has always been a little on the weaker side for that. Naughty Dog didn't really get it down right till The Last of Us. Great game though.
Game 11 - R.C Pro Am II (XBox One) ~ 5 Hours
This game was really really fun; another great game in the Rare Replay collection. It's got great graphics, strong gameplay and really catchy music and sound effects. I like how you can purchase parts and upgrade your vehicle how you want, unlike the first game. Overall it was a really fun experience. It is a little easy on the XBox cause you can use rewinding and saving at anytime you want ;) You don't have to do that though if you want the true-to-life experience of the original.
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
I'm going to be busy. @_@
I finished both Snatcher and The Bouncer. Obviously, there's lots of incentive to replay The Bouncer due to the way the story pans out, but we'll see. Valkyria Chronicles comes out next week so that might take my attention. Reviews are on the second page of this topic.
Nice idea for a challenge. I’m trying t do something similar with comics, but so far only 4 titles =’D
As for the games…
1. Not a Hero (Steam) 7/10, ~6 Hours
2. Gravity Ghost (Steam) 9/10, ~4 Hours
3. Batman (NES) 5/10, ~2 Hours
4. Flame Over (Steam) 7/10, ~9 Hours
5. One Upon Light (Steam) 4/10, ~1Hour
6. Earthbound (SNES) 10/10, ~30 Hours
7. Star Fox Zero (Wii U) 9/10, ~4 Hours
8. Dark Souls (PS3) 9/10, ~200 Hours
9. Dark Souls 2 – Scholar of the First Sin (PC) 7/10, ~131 Hours
10. ChromaGun (Steam) 9/10, ~4 Hours
11. Firewatch (Steam) 8/10, ~4 Hours
12. Luftrausers (Steam) 9/10, ~9 Hours
13. Dreaming Sarah (Steam) 9/10, ~2 Hours
14. Blitz Breaker (Steam) 9/10, ~9 Hours
15. Project Neon (Game Jam) 9/10, ~30 Mins
16. She Wants Me Dead (Steam) 7/10, ~2 Hours
6) Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time (PS3)
Been meaning to finish off my remaining PS3 R&C games for awhile, really happy to have done so, this one was classic R&C even down to an arena with multiple challenges. Little else to be said.
25. Dino Crisis [PS1C]: 4/5, ~7 hours
As a RE fan, I've always been curious about this series. As similar as it is compared to RE, it's interesting to see where the differences lie. Neat game and I'll probably play the sequel soon.
26. Gears of War Ultimate Edition [XBO]: 2/5, ~12 hours
Having never played a Gears game before, I don't think this one holds up particulary well. Too many samey looking areas, not enough variety. Oh well, still enjoyed shooting some stuff.
27. Nano Assault EX [3DS]: 3/5, 3 hours and 21 minutes
Short, but very enjoyable. There are also some extra modes which I'll probably check out.
Halfway there! ;D
Finished up a co-op replay of CoD: World at War. It was enjoyable.
Finished (replayed games are in purple) Full List Here (,6762.msg115543.html#msg115543)
18. Call of Duty: World at War (PS3) May-16 **New**
Game 12 - Mega Man 4 (PS2) - 6 hours
Another Mega Man game down, I've now beaten 2, 3 4 and 6. It's pretty much the same as any other Mega Man game, with the addition of the charge shot. That's for better or for worse though, it still plays really well and is a lot of fun, but it seems like it's really starting to get same-y with these later releases. And the soundtrack wasn't as good as the other games either. Overall though, it was a good game.
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
Game 12 - Mega Man 4 (PS2) - 6 hours
Another Mega Man game down, I've now beaten 2, 3 4 and 6. It's pretty much the same as any other Mega Man game, with the addition of the charge shot. That's for better or for worse though, it still plays really well and is a lot of fun, but it seems like it's really starting to get same-y with these later releases. And the soundtrack wasn't as good as the other games either. Overall though, it was a good game.
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
Take a break and play something else. Come back the Mega Man games later. 4,5, and 6 are good games. The formula doesn't change though.
slowly cutting down on my currently playing list... and adding a few after a while of none beat. up to 38 beaten this year and have 12 more to go, by the end of next month, for my personal goal.
I updated my list with a review on Snatcher.
Nice idea for a challenge. I’m trying t do something similar with comics, but so far only 4 titles =’D
As for the games…
1. Not a Hero (Steam) 7/10, ~6 Hours
2. Gravity Ghost (Steam) 9/10, ~4 Hours
3. Batman (NES) 5/10, ~2 Hours
4. Flame Over (Steam) 7/10, ~9 Hours
5. One Upon Light (Steam) 4/10, ~1Hour
6. Earthbound (SNES) 10/10, ~30 Hours
7. Star Fox Zero (Wii U) 9/10, ~4 Hours
8. Dark Souls (PS3) 9/10, ~200 Hours
9. Dark Souls 2 – Scholar of the First Sin (PC) 7/10, ~131 Hours
10. ChromaGun (Steam) 9/10, ~4 Hours
11. Firewatch (Steam) 8/10, ~4 Hours
12. Luftrausers (Steam) 9/10, ~9 Hours
13. Dreaming Sarah (Steam) 9/10, ~2 Hours
14. Blitz Breaker (Steam) 9/10, ~9 Hours
15. Project Neon (Game Jam) 9/10, ~30 Mins
16. She Wants Me Dead (Steam) 7/10, ~2 Hours
Just updated my list. Will put reviews when I have time.
28- Retro Game Challenge(DS)- Completed pretty much I originally started this game last year, but got sidetracked halfway through the challenges. I came back to it this week and finally completed it. It's defenitely a nice and enjoyable title with 8 mini retro styled games with challenges, although they vary greatly in quality with the last two games, Gauda Quest and Robot Haggleman 3 were the best overall. The final challenge does take a long time, but I glad its done. 7.5/10
29- Etrian Odyssey Untold (3DS)- 3 hrs in at B5F- Decided to play through the story mode of this one, even though the classic option is better for creating a party. Looks like there's a lot of variety in materials, item crafting, sidequests, skill trees and enemies (espeically FOE's). I made it to the first major boss, but I think I'm gonna have to grind more before taking it on again.
30. Dracula X Chronicles ( PSP)- Decided to go through this remake first so I can play Rondo of Blood. So far, this remake looks ok for a psp game, but it feels a bit hard to manuever Ritcher through tight situations with the d pad.
31. Castlevania: Potrait of Ruin (DS)- Completed The second in the DS Metroidvania trilogy. It looks like the main gimmick of this one is the dual protgainsts, although Johnathan is gonna be used for a majority of the game. Bosses seem too easy so far like Dawn of Sorrow, so I hope the difficulty picks up at some point.
32. Super Monkey Ball Touch+Roll (DS)- Wow Sega. This is the equivalent of the Bannana Blitz on the Wii, except the story mode is disjointed, you are not forced to use the stylus, and everything looks kinda ugly. The difficulty is also all over the place with the floors they picked.
Just to update, I have beaten 54 games out of 62 games played this year.
My current list
- Thomas Was Alone (PS4)
- Infamous: First Light (PS4)
- Rise of the Tomb Raider (X1)
- Chibi-Robo! (GCN)
- The Stanley Parable (PC)
- Castlevania (NES)
- Yard Sale Hidden Treasures: Sunnyville (NDS)
- Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol (NDS)
- Gone Home (PC)
- Biker Mice from Mars (NDS)
- Grand Theft Auto III (PS4)
- Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (NDS)
- Portal (PC)
- Pony Island (PC)
- Road Rash Jailbreak (GBA)
- Human Resource Machine (PC)
- Party Hard (PC)
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS4)
- Fire Emblem: Awakening (3DS)
- Amplitude (PS4)
- Tiny Toon Adventures: Plucky's Big Adventure (PSX)
- Tiny Toon Adventures: The Great Beanstalk (PSX)
- Luminosity (PC)
- Capsule Force (PS4)
- Fallout 4 (X1) :Automatron (X1)
- Child of Light (X1)
- Retro City Rampage (PC)
- Hacknet (PC)
- Firewatch (PC)
- Gas Guzzlers Extreme (PC)
- Please, Don't Touch Anything (PC)
- Rock of Ages (360)
- Mahjong (Android)
- Need for Speed: Rivals (PS4)
- Road Redemption (PC)
- GodBall (PC)
- SuperTruck (PC)
- Assassin's Creed (360)
- Assassin's Creed II (360)
- Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (360)
- Assassin's Creed: The Lost Archives (360)
- Pocket Mortys (Android)
- Assassin's Creed: Revelations (360)
- Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China (X1)
- Assassin's Creed III (360)
- Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles (NDS)
- Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD (360)
- Assassin's Creed II: Discovery (NDS)
- Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (3DS)
- Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines (PSP)
- Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (3DS)
- Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (X1)
- Kirby Block Ball (GB)
- Assassin's Creed: Rogue (360)
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (NDS)
- Dungelot: Shattered Lands (PC)
- Yoshi's Woolly World (Wii U)
- Risk of Rain (PC)
- Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (PS2)
- Tales from the Borderlands (X1)
- F-Zero GP Legend (GBA)
7) Project Zero (Fatal Frame) 3 (PS2)
The quality is right up there with the first two games, did enjoy it very much. However, the home 'hub', like the one in Silent Hill 4, did give the game a stop-start kind of feeling which wasn't so hot, having 3 playable characters also worked better as a plot device than a gameplay one. So, pretty much business as usual, just with some jittery "Quick, we need to change it up!!" messing from the devs.
I finished Onimusha: Warlords. Great game. I'm already excited to start Onimusha 2.
20 - Overatch (PC) - 10 Hours PLAYING - It's basically everything I expected and wanted. Very solid, team based, shooter. It's a lot of fun and I like that I enjoy playing so many different characters, even ones I don't usually expect I would like.
As part of my "becoming a game designer" master plan, I'm also playing a bunch of smartphone games recently. It's always nice to see a wide variety of games, and great smartphone ones usually have to be very simple to succeed.Playing and understanding how and what in their simplicity makes them appealing is a great learning tool :)
So I added a part for smartphone games in my list! So far I've discovered and learned so many things already.
I'm a little behind schedule now for the 52 game challenge, having only just finished my 19th game of the year today (Pokémon Omega Ruby). It's hard to believe that the year will be half over already in a little over a month. Hopefully I'll be able to finish up some stuff I've been in the middle of and catch up to the challenge. As for Pokémon, it was great. :D I've always loved the remakes, and OR was no exception. This was also the first of the 3DS Pokémon games I've played and it was pretty cool seeing 3D Pokémon battles on a handheld. Now, what to play next?
Finished (replayed games are in purple) Full List Here (,6762.msg115543.html#msg115543)
19. Pokémon Omega Ruby (3DS) May-28 **New**
Original post:,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013 (,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013)
28. Dino Crisis 2 [PS1C]: 4/5, ~5 hours
Man, this is such a good game. Completely different than the first Dino Crisis (and better, in my opinion) and just super fun to play.
I decided to take the plunge and buy the Mega Man Legacy Collection on the 3DS. During downtime over the weekend, I knocked out Mega Man and Mega Man 2.
I decided to take the plunge and buy the Mega Man Legacy Collection on the 3DS. During downtime over the weekend, I knocked out Mega Man and Mega Man 2.
I still have trouble with Gutsman's stage. Fuck those platforms.
Right? That stage was awful. This was my first time actually finishing Mega Man from start to finish. I never bothered playing it on the Mega Man Anniversary Collection and never bothered to look for the cartridge back in the NES days.
I'm currently on Mega Man 3, which happens to be my favorite.
All this talk of Mega Man made me want to play too, so I opened up my copy of the Mega Man Legacy Collection (3DS) after discovering my GameCube copy of the Anniversary collection doesn't work anymore. Just finished playing through the original Mega Man today. I've finished a few of the others, but I do believe that this was the first time I've actually finished the original.
Finished (replayed games are in purple) Full List Here (,6762.msg115543.html#msg115543)
20. Mega Man (via the Legacy Collection on the 3DS) May-31 **New**
I finished Final Fantasy XIII yesterday. That good.
I've already started to hunt for the remaining trophies. I'm starting with finishing all of the C'ieth Stone Missions.
UPDATE: Finally, the reviews are up for The Bouncer, Lufia: The Ruins of Lore, and Onimusha: Warlords.
I'm not sure what I should do after I finish the Assassin's Creed games, I should be done with Unity by the end of the week and then I'll go get Syndicate. Still looking like I'll be done before E3.
Either I'll jump into Ace Combat, Uncharted, or I'll play some indie games to give myself a break.
Reorganized my lists and indexed them on the first page.
Looking through my list, I'll probably play Fallout 4: Far Harbor after Assassin's Creed Syndicate/Chronicles.
21 - Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus (PC) - 2 Hours PLAYING - I kinda just wanted something dumb to play and wouldn't take a lot of real attention or focus...So yeah...that's what this is...with boobs. I got exactly what I was expecting lol
Here's where I stand for the year now:
Cities: Skylines
Super Mario Maker
Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!
Tomb Raider (2013)
Alien: Isolation
Mega Man X2
LEGO Marvel's Avengers
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright
Halo 3: ODST
Dark Souls
Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows
New Super Mario Bros. U
Max Payne 3
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Mega Man
Mega Man 2
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Mad Max
Lumines: Electronic Symphony
Doom (2016)
I spent way too much time on Mad Max going for 100% completion. It's not a particularly great game, and I don't even really know why this was one where I had to get. Every. Single. Collectible. Going to take a break from anything too heavy before I move on. I spent WAY too much time on it.
33. Fixeight( Arcade Toaplan V.2 board) 1cc Euro ver.- This is the sequel to Outzone, and quite a bit is changed around this time. You can select from 8 different characters, each with 2 different weapons, one that is fire in any direction ( weak), or one that has a fixed direction( strong), along with bombs. You can change between the two weapons at change panels, and pick up various items including point items, special weapons/speed ups, etc. This version is much easier than the original Japanese version since you can breeze through bosses with C. Horn's weapons , but still manages to be a lot of fun,especially since you have to use the level terrain to your advantage to get past most enemies and certain bosses. The game does loop indefenitely with difficulty increases, so score is the main objective here. As with Dogyuun which runs on the same board, this game looks great for a 1992 game, although the color palette is a bit washed out at times and creates some very strange looking enemies. Music is mostly fits the aesthetic, but its not too strong in this game. You'll like this game if you're a fan of run n guns. 8/10
34. Under Defeat HD: Deluxe Edition ( PS3)- This is a HD port of the Naomi/Dreamcast shmup, Under defeat which was created by G. rev, a company made up of former Taito employees. You can select from two modes, Arcade and New Order ( i'll cover that soon). Arcade seems to be very similar to the original arcade mode, with a better resolution.( I'll cover more tomorrow when I play more of the arcade mode).
Added 3 more games on my post on page 9,6762.msg111148.html#msg111148
Akiba's Trip has been finished. It was short, so I think I'll go for all of the trophies.
15 - Hyrule Warriors Legends (3DS) - 15 Hours FINISHED - Finally finished the game and I gotta say that it's a pretty impressive port (on the New 3DS that is). It takes everything from the Wii U version and downsizes it in a way that doesn't hurt the game. There's still lots of enemies, all the content is there, there's more content, and it plays really well. This is how you do a port well compared to Xenoblade Chronicles 3DS, but I think that was just too big of a game to fit onto a handheld. Not gonna invest a ton of time into the handheld version though, just because I've put too much time into the Wii U version to abandon it lol
I'm having such a tough time making myself play Assassin's Creed: Syndicate... so much so, that I'd much rather do productive things around the house rather than play it. I'm so burned out on the AC franchise. Maybe it's time for a break and go play something else.
8] This War of Mine: The Little Ones (PS4)
An interesting diversion, nice mix of strategy and action, if a little repetitive, but it's real nice to play something which feels genuinely different from 99% of what I normally spend time on. Once you've got combat mastered it's a lot easier to play, ditto figuring out which things to prioritize.
Original post:,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013 (,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013)
29. Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright [3DS]: 4/5, ~30 hours
Pretty much Awakening 2. Fun, but I'm expecting more of Conquest.
30. Grabbed by the Ghoulies (as part of Rare Replay) [XBO]: 3/5, ~10 hours
Alright game, kinda repetitive. The QTE's are really dumb.
Nice idea for a challenge. I’m trying to do something similar with comics, but so far only 4 titles =’D
As for the games…
1. Not a Hero (Steam) 7/10, ~6 Hours
2. Gravity Ghost (Steam) 9/10, ~4 Hours
3. Batman (NES) 5/10, ~2 Hours
4. Flame Over (Steam) 7/10, ~9 Hours
5. One Upon Light (Steam) 4/10, ~1Hour
6. Earthbound (SNES) 10/10, ~30 Hours
7. Star Fox Zero (Wii U) 9/10, ~4 Hours
8. Dark Souls (PS3) 9/10, ~200 Hours
9. Dark Souls 2 – Scholar of the First Sin (PC) 7/10, ~131 Hours
10. ChromaGun (Steam) 9/10, ~4 Hours
11. Firewatch (Steam) 8/10, ~4 Hours
12. Luftrausers (Steam) 9/10, ~9 Hours
13. Dreaming Sarah (Steam) 9/10, ~2 Hours
14. Blitz Breaker (Steam) 9/10, ~9 Hours
15. Project Neon (Game Jam) 9/10, ~30 Mins
16. She Wants Me Dead (Steam) 7/10, ~2 Hours
17. The Ninja Warriors (SNES) 7/10, ~2 Hours
18. Aladdin (SNES) 9/10, ~2 Hours (Replay)
Onimusha 2 has been finished. I liked the first one more, but it wasn't awful.
Game 13 - We Love Katamari (PS2) - 11 hours
+ This game was so much fun to play. I've never played any of the KD games before, but this one definitely lived up to what I've heard. Really interesting gameplay, a great soundtrack, and I like the love-themed story and self referential tone to the dialogue. It was so hard to put the game down, I wanted to play the next level! Just a really fun enjoyable game.
- I suppose if you aren't prepared for what the game has in store, you may not enjoy it. If you're expecting it to just be a fun silly game, then it's perfect :) That's really the only "bad" thing I can think of anyway.
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
Game 14 - Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy - 7 Hours
This game was really hard for me to pin down. It's alright, but it's got a lot of stuff missing.
+ The gameplay is really solid, and they added some interesting features that allow you to dodge missiles and circle an enemy to lock on easier. It feels like a QTE, but here in a jet combat game I think it fits well. In addition, the game has a lot of interesting missions and a ton of replay ability to unlock all the alternate missions, skins and planes. Overall I would say it's a much better upgrade over Ace Combat 2, which I personally did not like at all.
- The story, in my opinion, was awful. It just drops you in with hardly an explanation and expects you to just shoot down everyone. The context of the war and the reason why you're fighting at all never develops past the battles at hand, which was really disappointing. The music was also extremely mediocre, and with music from other games (like AC0) added in just to fill in missing music, it felt really cheap as well. Also playing the game on the 3DS can be rather frustrating with the somewhat slippery thumbstick.
The last two Ace Combat games that I need to play are ACX and AC6!
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
God I have lots of reviews to write. I finished Until Dawn. That makes three.
Necroing this comment. Did you ever write a review?
Was it any good?
I got Kirby's Blockball in the mail on Saturday. Yesterday, I finished it. It has to be one of the most addictive games I have ever played. A review will be coming soon.
God I have lots of reviews to write. I finished Until Dawn. That makes three.
Necroing this comment. Did you ever write a review?
Was it any good?
Yes I did. I gave it an 8/10. It's a great game.
It's not cheating if I count each game in the Mega Man Legacy collection as separate as I try to beat them right? I know there aren't really any rules for this thing, but I feel like I'm good counting these individually lol
It's not cheating if I count each game in the Mega Man Legacy collection as separate as I try to beat them right? I know there aren't really any rules for this thing, but I feel like I'm good counting these individually lol
Nah, I've included single games in compilations before on here. As long as you beat it, or at least tried to, it counts in my book.
It's not cheating if I count each game in the Mega Man Legacy collection as separate as I try to beat them right? I know there aren't really any rules for this thing, but I feel like I'm good counting these individually lol
Nah, I've included single games in compilations before on here. As long as you beat it, or at least tried to, it counts in my book.
Yeah I plan to beat them if I had them. I had a quicky Genesis game I tried to play, but didn't finish that I was going to add to the list, but I didn't feel like they counted for my list personally since they were mostly under an hour or so. I only have unfinished games on my list if I'm just done playing them after a few hours.
I ran out again on room for my 2nd post so here is all bottom bits of my post. the link below adds the last 3 reviews. (please ignore all bad writing, I'm an engineer not a book writer)
All ratings are based on my previous expectations of the game, not on gameplay, with 5 being exactly what I expected out of it.
Link to post #2,6762.msg111148.html#msg111148 (,6762.msg111148.html#msg111148)
47. Guinness World Record: The Videogame (ds): This is another game of mini games that only uses the touchscreen and requires the ds to be turned sideways. As you can imagine doing this is very awkward for long periods of time and because of this I would definitely not recommend spending the 2-4 hours of this game all at once (which I did). this definitely has some fun mini games and the "highest score in a video game" game was definitely my favorite with "tallest building" my second favorite and my grind level. you start with 4 pages of 3 games unlocked (normally you run around the world to find these), but I found a menuing work around because I found running around on the map to be overly complex and as such not fun. after you play a few and get coins you can go around and unlock 24 more games for a total of 36 games. some of the games like "most plungers thrown in 1 minute" are broken and are nearly impossible to get even the regional record let alone the world record. A bunch of the games I just kept thinking that it would be such a better game if I could use the d-pad. I just ended up playing till I got the regional record or I played the mini game 5 times. overall I give this game a 3/10
48. Kirby's Super Star Ultra (ds): this is a Kirby game that is more a set of smaller levels and mini games to get through. you have to play and beat them in order to start unlocking more stages to play. the gameplay is relatively varied and consists of many random things like beating a level, doing a boss rush mode, or racing a boss and gathering food along the way just to name a few. overall this fits in well with the normal Kirby theme, easy game anyone can pick up and play. overall I think this deserves a 7/10 for throwing more at me than I was expecting it to.
49. Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal (steam): Ive had this for a while (yay friends gifting stuff) but finally got around to beating it. I remember playing the original creeper worlds on kongregate and other flash game sites and have to say they really outdid themselves in making one of the ONLY good tower defense titles I have ever played. you have to land your base and place down structure that are directly connected to your dase and slowly branch out to push back the creeper. The creeper is this blue liquidy substance that flows out of dispensers throughout the maps that you have to destroy. the game is constantly giving you new tech and throwing more situations at you that require you to think about how to proceed. after you proceed throught the game you unlock more game modes and their is a plethora of user made content that can push you to getting better at the game. graphics are dated as everything is rough edges terrain, enemy lines, your buildings as this was designed as a semi-early flash game that was fleshed out to full length. but if you enjoy tower defense games this is definitely worth a play as it is very fun. 7/10
50. Song of the deep (ps4): this game was worth the price and the collectors edition, although not much, was well made. story line in this game is really good and makes you feel for Merryn. the visuals are fantastic, while running through the world backgrounds and for grounds are dynamic and will react to your movements. the controls are very good for this kind of game. when you move and let go of the joy stick your character slows down over time (wish it would have been floatier after all you are a submarine). you get a surprising amount of power ups and abilities but it seemed to me that it was mapped to the controller a bit poorly at times. when they occurred the puzzles were fun and interesting and my favorite area has to be the tower because of this. this game was also very well polished. normally when you get a game brand new there are loads of bugs/glitches but throughout this entire game I did not notice a single glitch. no sound issues no freezing. the only thing close was whenever you went over a save point it would slow down/lag but only for the time that it took to save. there were a few boss fights throughout the game and were relatively difficult.. except for the last fight.. that is my only complaint with the game, the final boss was easier than ALL the mob rush rooms before it. in fact I walked away from it still thinking there had to be more. btw their is no NG+ for this game. overall I give this a 8/10
51. Knack (ps4): very fun game with loads of secrets and relatively hard beat-em-up sections 6/10
52. Lego Indiana Jones (wii): I always have fun playing these games with my GF. lego games are deffinately a fun experience. but it seems to me that more often than not anymore I start dreading the end of the game. too much puzzleing creates too many instances where the game can screw up, and this is deffinately no exception. Although we ran into no game breaking glitches we still ran into parts where they didn't fully play test and certain scenes caused major headache with trying to figure out what to do. also ran into a part where indi's phobia ended up glitching him to constantly fall into a pit of snakes. we got past it but it destroyed all ~20,000 studs I had at the time. overall this is still a very fun game and I give it a 5/10 (Rayne dont know what hes talking about. This was a great game! We had so much fun playing it! He's just mad that he couldn't figure out how to throw chairs at the bosses. Lol! Love you honey)
53. Just dance (wii): Ok. I know i've been slacking. I have the attention span of a squirrel. Anyway, i dont know what got into to me to play the Just Dance games again.... in order. I played every song and made it a goal to get at least get 3 stars (or 7000 points). I even got Rayne to play with me. I forgot how bad the song selection was in the first game. I mean who wants to dance to a song about mashed potatoes? Thankfully the games makers have improved a ton since the original came out. On to Just Dance 2 (it has double the songs).
54. Thief (ps4): My gf wanted to watch me play through this one again so I got to play it on a higher difficulty and I have to say the thief taker general is a MASSIVE pain in the ass. I pretty much breezed through the rest of the game otherwise but spent almost 2 hours on the thief taker just to try and get out of the room (would have killed him but didn't have the ammo for it). this still gets a 4/10 from me but I did find out something that made it a bunch easier. it never tells you but if you press down on the d-pad you pull up a mini-map that stays on screen and makes it about 10X easier to move around. (On the PC it plays much better. Asylum is best:D)
55. Animal crossing: Happy home designer (3ds): So, i didn't even mean to complete this game. I didnt even know it had an "end". I was playing and doing the public works buildings for Isabel when she said she wanted to throw a party. I go to the party and speeches are made then the credits roll. I flipped out i was so excited. Rayne bought me this game since it was on sale and i had to ground myself from it since i play it so much. Its a great time wasting game. I was extremely surprised how much you can do. I still havent unlocked everything. Im going to continue to play it till at least classes start then ill have to hide it so i can get homework done. Lol!
56. Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill Remastered (PC): I'm a huge Nancy Drew game fan i own every one and have played and beaten almost everyone. I decided to break them out again and play them in order in preparation for #34 coming out this fall. I decided to play the remastered version of the original because 1. the graphics are better, 2. i haven't played it yet, and 3. i don't have to switch disc every time i go to a new location. Since i've played and beaten the original i kinda knew what i was doing (lol yeah right). i really enjoyed this game but i have two things i wasn't too happy with... Possible Spoilers coming up? 1. The game was extremely short for a Nancy Drew game, and 2. I didn't get to shoot anyone ( in the original you get to shoot someone with a gun) Other than that it was pretty good for a remake. On to Nancy Drew #2 Stay Tuned for Danger. EDIT: #2 wont work on my computer so im going to skip of it and go to number 3.
57. Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion (PC): After finding out the second Nancy drew wouldnt work on my computer i jumped to number 3. I remember when i was little this game was really hard for me, but going through it again and knowing what to do it was fairly simple. Is game was really fun to play through again and i cant wait to start the 4th one which is one of my personal favorites.
58. Super Smash Bros: Wii U (Wii U): still one of the best games ever to be made. controls feel very fluid and characters very diverse not to mention lots of unlockables and your GF finding out she really loves the game and plays the entire thing with you. great game, loads of dynamic maps, fun items, lots of characters, lots of moves, and finally being able to once again destroy with my Kirby... this game was great! 6/10 for my expectations and 10/10 for how good it is.
59. Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower (PC): This is still one of favorite Nancy Drew games. It's a fairly easy play and i only had to cheat once and look at the forums, only because i thought i screwed up and had to start over. #1 rule for this game, dont make Lisa mad. On to #5 The Final Scene.
60. The gym (internet): one of my friends linked me this online game. it was.... interesting... that is all I will say about it. knowing that its running through individual web pages is also... interesting. I don't even know why I played through this game..
61. The Physio (internet): I had previously seen a youtube video of playing the most randomest games ever and saw bits of this game, which just so happened to be the sequel to the gym so I ended up playing through it also. im not sure if I will play through the sniper or not which is the game after this one but they are seriously brain dead games you can beat in 20 minutes. but I still wouldn't recommend playing them.
62. Gundam Seed: Battle Assult (GBA): this is an ok and relatively easy fighting game. there really aren't and combo moves (at least none that I found). to beat the game there are 12 battles you must go through with 3 rounds each... geez I really don't want to write these reviews. 4/10 easily beat in under an hour.
63. The Santa clause 3: The escape Clause (gba): a crappy platformer based off of a movie. you have 6 worlds with 4 parts each separated into a minimum of 2 screens each (max 3) the last part is always a elves making toys part and a delivering presents part where failing has no effect on the story or your lives. there are a bunch of frozen platforms where you slide down directly into spikes that damage you and just overall bad gameplay that I have seen too much with not enough variation on these games. the boss at the end was very easy and took WAY to many hits to beat. 3/10
64. Dora the explorer: Super spies (GBA): this was a challenge game from my GF who didn't think I could have the endurance to beat it. this game is a chore to beat and one of the longest shovel ware games I have ever played. it doesent help that all the dialogue in the game is displayed in slow fade in fade out pictures and there is a LOT of text for this game (like usual I ignored them). there were 6 worlds with 3 parts each and each part requires you to get 3 large gems that are scattered throughout the level and sometimes hidden (some levels artificially inflate the time by requiring you to go from one end of the map to the other to the other to the other) and it gets very tedious sometimes. you have 8 powerups and will realistically only ever use half of them end each time you get one you have to do a horrendous (its not hard just not what you want to do) button mash to tell swiper to GTFO. Dora walks slow as crap and there are times when you can swap to boots and he walks super fast I even spent a few minutes trying to glitch it so I could remain boots. btw this takes about 2 hours to beat which is 2 times longer than most shovel ware games 3/10
65. Titanic Mystery (ds): this is a I spy game that is WAY to long for its own good. with 19 chapters that all have between 2-4 segments all with 3 games in each segment (in a few chapters there are only 1 game). why I say its way to long (although you can easily get through it in 2-3 hours) is because every possible room on the ship (don't remember how many possible room there are) have pre-determined item placements. so if your on the same map as a previous game every item will be in the EXACT same location. there is a story element to it but reading the amount of text added to the game easily can add 30 minutes+ to the game and trust me by the end you will just want it to end. on thing that really upset me is the chapter count is 19 but it looks EXACTLY like a 10 with the 0 having a slash through it so you don't confuse it for the letter. the biggest issue with this game is it will drop inputs, so if you click those pair of glasses it will most of the time not pick up. some items have the absolutely worst hit box possible like a pin... I swear that thing is pixel perfect just to pick up. 3rd game puzzles are fun and challenging and if you are not thinking outside of the box I can easily see how difficult and long they will take you. but that was about the only part that I personally found enjoyable. overall I give this game a 2/10 (not a big fan of look and finds and this was very poorly done also)
66. luigi's mansion (GC): a very fun game that I am glad I got the chance to play. the mechanics were fun and challenging but I seem to be very confused on how a few things work. 1. most of the time when I pull back on a ghost the count drops by 10 points but every now and then it will have a huge boost where I will get 20-30 points all really quickly (same time frame as 10 points). 2. the point system is rather weird, I played through the entire game and found the secret hidden treasure room, every room I went in I manipulated everything to get every single $ and I found every optional ghost and every boo and yet at the end of the game with just under $40 million I only got a medium sized house. 3. sometimes on the final boss the spikeball would go through his head and not allow me to catch the boo. other than those I was extremely impressed by the game. never once did I ever receive any framerate issues. overall I give this a 7/10.
67. Journey (PS4): this is a very interesting game. it plays more like a video than it does a game and is very story driven in the way that it makes you think about what is happening rather than telling you. this is a very short game only taking about 1.5 hours but it flows together very nicely and seamlessly (no wonder it was in the flower and flow bundle on ps3) unfortunately I came into this thinking this would be more along the lines of a god type game where you had to try and egg the character to follow a path (don't know where I got that idea from) and as such this gets a lower score by me. 5/10 although it would have been a 6-7 otherwise.
68. Overwatch (ps4): I finally got into diamond league and am happy there. it took a god aweful amount of effort and luck as I kept on getting placed with people who decided to test out new characters/didn't know how to play there role. realistically I should have been placed in platinum to begin with as im a really good player but my internet was on the fritz during my placement matches and it ended up dropping during 3 matches which caused me to take gold. the team I play with are all good as well (2 diamonds, 1 platinum and me) this is a very fun game and it really impressed me with how deep it is in the character department overall I give this a 8/10 because is my bae.
EDIT: I realize now that I am in ELO hell when I solo-queue for competitive. my team hasn't been online in a while and I have not found any teammates that were worth their salt and have fallen to 1800 rank because of it. nothing is more frustrating than not being placed with a team your own skill level.
69. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (ds): I finally got around to playing this game and oh my god was it good. my favorite part of it was how tense the final trial was (where you are defending edgeworth) that guy was just horrible and doesn't let you do anything. in fact there were a few times when I would easily have lost the case had it not been for dumb luck on my accusations. overall this was a very good game and my only grip would be wishing it were longer than it is. 9/10
70. Battlefield 1 (ps4): playing through some parts of the great war was actually really fun and enjoyable to see how they decided to make their campaign. unfortunately I was hoping for more of a trench warfare type singleplayer than what I got. the intro mission was bad but I know it was just getting you started on the game but I wish the mechanics of it were fleshed out in the game more. (where if you die you don't respawn but instead take over another soldier and continue the fight. that would have been interesting and would have made you care about your ai companions more. either way the campaign is split up into stories of certain heroes on the battlefield with each part being centered around one major design, tanks, planes, stealth, etc. the longest part was the first chapter which took place as a tank driver and was one of the best. overall for the single player I give this game a 5/10
71. Olli Olli 2: Welcome to olliwood (ps4): this game is the absolute worst game difficulty wise I have played since I beat trials fusion earlier this year. its one of those games that require perfect inputs from you to finish the levels. in fact the last level I didn't beat by skill, more like I beat it by shear luck and memorization as the final level probably took me 5 hours of in game time to beat. the levels are very colorful with nice themes and obstacles that all work for the theme and all flow together in such a way that you can pull off entire level combos with a little skill. when you get a perfect input you know because the trick you do (grinding or manueling) flashes green behind you and gives you a slight speed boost (which is required to get through the later levels). one gripe I have with this game is that throughout the game it just feels like the controls would have been better if they were maped to the d-pad instead of the joystick (I constantly found myself switching to the d-pad for better inputs and failing as a result). overall if you like games that require you to make outlandish inputs (like trials games) then this is the game for you and I give it a 6/10. it would have gotten higher but you cannot re-map buttons in the game.
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22 - Mega Man 1 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - If this game wasn't so short, I'd say I hate it lol This was a miserable experience. Level design is tedious and I would say in fact bad at times. By the time I was going through Wily's stage, I was starting to use save states. Not constantly, just as a check point here or there because I was getting frustrated by constantly having to replay levels. Eventually you start to learn a few more tricks, but the game has too many pixel perfect moments. I'm really hoping my memory of Mega Man 2 being a more fun game is true and not just nostalgia.
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest has been completed. It's been a while since I played a nine hour RPG.
Game 15 - Dragon Quest VIII (PS2) - 68 Hours
This game was fantastic, was really a fun RPG to play
+ Pretty much everything in this game is masterful and really well done. The battles, graphics, music, story, difficulty level and the unique themes and overall atmosphere were all really great. It was so amazing walking through all the towns and large open maps and experience the great story with the really great voice acting and musical score as accompaniment. It was just a lot of fun to play from every perspective, and it felt like a really special experience.
- A couple really trivial nitpicks ;) For one, the map sucked. Nothing on it was labelled, and it was only viewable either zoomed out all the way out or focused right on your location. It made it really hard to find where anything was or see ahead to where I was going. Also, a lot of people spent too much time reading their lines, and it made conversations drag on and on. I would just read through it and continue without the voices finishing.
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23 - Mega Man 2 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - FINISHED - Night and day practically with this one and Mega Man 1. Mega Man 1 is like a 3 or 4/10, while Mega Man 2 is way up there as a like an 8/10 if I had to compare them. Mega Man 2 has so much better level design and bosses and while it still has some annoying points to it, it's far more reasonable to play. Genuinely good game.
23 - Mega Man 2 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - FINISHED - Night and day practically with this one and Mega Man 1. Mega Man 1 is like a 3 or 4/10, while Mega Man 2 is way up there as a like an 8/10 if I had to compare them. Mega Man 2 has so much better level design and bosses and while it still has some annoying points to it, it's far more reasonable to play. Genuinely good game.
I agree, I think the only really unfair part of Mega Man 2 was that 4th Wily boss with the lasers in the walls. So difficult.
23 - Mega Man 2 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - FINISHED - Night and day practically with this one and Mega Man 1. Mega Man 1 is like a 3 or 4/10, while Mega Man 2 is way up there as a like an 8/10 if I had to compare them. Mega Man 2 has so much better level design and bosses and while it still has some annoying points to it, it's far more reasonable to play. Genuinely good game.
I agree, I think the only really unfair part of Mega Man 2 was that 4th Wily boss with the lasers in the walls. So difficult.
That's one I was specifically thinking about too. It's more of a puzzle in that you have to specifically utilize the bombs in a certain way and if you run out, you can't beat it. This is terrible game design. Thankfully I have save states, so I don't have to keep restarting the level when I run out of lives. I must've easily died a half dozen times in it and it isn't even hard, it's just annoying.
Original post:,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013 (,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013)
31. The Ultimate DOOM [steam]: 4/5, ~14 hours
DOOM is still awesome even after over 20 years. Never played Ultimate DOOM before, and I gotta say, the new levels are not great. Oh well.
32. Higurashi When They Cry - Ch. 3 Tatarigoroshi [steam]: 4/5, ~13 hours
Each Chapter so far has been fantastic, and this one is no exception. Very different atmosphere, but just as good. I just think the slice of life stuff is slowly getting old, but still, I enjoyed Tatarigoroshi a lot. Hopefully it doesn't take another 7 months till Chapter 4.
Half way point!
26. Jurassic Park Arcade (Arcade): Not to be confused with the early 90s light gun shooter, this 2015 version is extremely fun! My only complaint was the lack of variety with the dinosaurs. The visuals were vivid, the controls were great, the scoring was fun, and the cabinet itself looks great! Only regret that it wasn't longer, but it's an arcade game so what would you expect?
Half way point!
26. Jurassic Park Arcade (Arcade): Not to be confused with the early 90s light gun shooter, this 2015 version is extremely fun! My only complaint was the lack of variety with the dinosaurs. The visuals were vivid, the controls were great, the scoring was fun, and the cabinet itself looks great! Only regret that it wasn't longer, but it's an arcade game so what would you expect?
It's a fun one. The Boy and I dropped a couple of bucks in that one. It was a blast.
I updated my page with two more reviews: Kirby's Block Ball and Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest.
Nice idea for a challenge. I’m trying to do something similar with comics, but so far only 4 titles =’D
As for the games…
1. Not a Hero (Steam) 7/10, ~6 Hours
2. Gravity Ghost (Steam) 9/10, ~4 Hours
3. Batman (NES) 5/10, ~2 Hours
4. Flame Over (Steam) 7/10, ~9 Hours
5. One Upon Light (Steam) 4/10, ~1Hour
6. Earthbound (SNES) 10/10, ~30 Hours
7. Star Fox Zero (Wii U) 9/10, ~4 Hours
8. Dark Souls (PS3) 9/10, ~200 Hours
9. Dark Souls 2 – Scholar of the First Sin (PC) 7/10, ~131 Hours
10. ChromaGun (Steam) 9/10, ~4 Hours
11. Firewatch (Steam) 8/10, ~4 Hours
12. Luftrausers (Steam) 9/10, ~9 Hours
13. Dreaming Sarah (Steam) 9/10, ~2 Hours
14. Blitz Breaker (Steam) 9/10, ~9 Hours
15. Project Neon (Game Jam) 9/10, ~30 Mins
16. She Wants Me Dead (Steam) 7/10, ~2 Hours
17. The Ninja Warriors (SNES) 7/10, ~2 Hours
18. Aladdin (SNES) 9/10, ~2 Hours (Replay)
19. Mighty No. 9 (Steam) 7/10, ~4 Hours
20. Titan Souls (Steam) 8/10, ~5 Hours
21. Neon Drive 8/10, ~1Hour
22. Dropsy (Steam) 8/10, ~6Hours
Game 16 - Ace Combat: Assault Horizon (PS3) - 9 hours
A very controversial title for many Ace Combat fans. I actually enjoyed it a fair bit: I think it's a pretty decent game, and it's a little too harshly criticized.
+ I really enjoyed the gameplay, for one thing. The DFM, while it can be annoying in parts, was a really cool addition to the series. The game definitely has those "badass" moments that I loved from the older games and Infinity. I also liked piloting all the alternate aircraft like an Apache and bomber missions (the only one I didn't like was the AC-130 mission).The soundtrack is back full force and is as good as ever, and I thought the supporting cast and voice acting was excellent and memorable as well.
- The story in my opinion was not great and pretty cliche; it's a standard nuclear war prevention story while fighting against Russia.. (zzzz) and it doesn't have the anti-war tones that previous Ace Combat games had. And I had some issues with the in-game controls, some of the alternate vehicles, and that damn ICBM mission.
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24 - Mega Man 3 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4 - FINISHED - While Mega Man 1 is almost a terrible game, and Mega Man 2 is a very solid game, Mega Man 3 is a weird beast where I feel like they just wanted to artificially inflate the game by not only rehashing levels with a harder format, before you even do the Wily stages, but bosses from the previous games, making it so you fight 24 bosses in this game, not counting midbosses. It feels real lazy and at certain points it makes the game really drag, especially compared to Mega Man 2 which felt like a very tight experience. Also I don't know if I'm just remembering wrong, but I remember Mega Man 1 had a good bit of slow down, Mega Man 2 had very little, and Mega Man 3 has shit tons. It's pretty ridiculous how bad it seems at times. Overall, despite introducing the slide, which is a series staple afterwards, I definitely place it under Mega Man 2.
Also I've come to realize that if I didn't have save states, I probably wouldn't finish any of these games, especially Mega Man 3. They can be frustratingly hard and I don't enjoy banging my head against games most of the time.
Sidenote, I really hope we get a Legacy Collection like this for the Mega Man X games. The whole time I play the old NES games, I just wish it was Mega Man X lol Except for X7. I'm constantly reminded by Lets Players how awful this game is lol
Time Stalkers has been finished. I can't believe how short the story is. That said, there is incentive for some to play it some more.
Onimusha 3 has also been finished. Whip issues aside, it was a great way to end the trilogy.
I have a lot of reviews to write. @_@
25 - Mega Man 4 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - FINISHED - I think I'm about to hit max franchise fatigue with these games lol When you are pushing to really beat them, one right after the other, you start to see how tiny the changes are between releases. This one introduces the charge buster at least which is awesome, another staple of the series like the slide introduced in MM3. All I need now is the wall climbing of MMX and I'll be super happy!
After having fought...30 robot masters since the first game, I'm starting to hate bosses in these games. I'd say the majority of these guys aren't fun to fight. They have annoying, unavoidable moves and patterns. Wily at the end has a form that you can almost not really ever hit. Once you figure out a certain way to move, it becomes slightly doable, but they literally placed the thing almost higher than you can reach. It's super dumb and makes for a weak fight.
I would say this is generally better than Mega Man 3 though as it has less rehashing. Instead of dragging in previous bosses and redoing alternate versions of the levels, you get Dr. Cossacks levels that are all new with unique bosses and then you get Dr. Wily's stage with all unique bosses outside of the boss gauntlet that I wish didn't become a series staple lol So currently from best to worst, it's Mega Man 2, Mega Man 4, Mega Man 3, and Mega Man 1.
Game 17 - Luigi's Mansion (GC) - 7 hours
+ This game is awesome! It's so fun, original, and I had a hard time putting the game down. It's super explorable with fun "haunted house" themes, a little bit of humor, and great controls and replayability. It was just a really fun and unique game, and I kind of want to get the sequel on the 3DS now since I heard that was excellent as well.
- The ONLY thing I could think of is that you can't skip cutscenes. The final boss in particular was a pain to get back too after dying, it took way to long.
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26 - Mega Man 5 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - FINISHED - Might easily be the best NES Mega Man game (unless MM6 somehow surpasses it). All of the bosses have relatively doable patterns to follow and deal with, it's probably the smoothest the game has been in terms of menu's and such, and it's consistently good with its levels and new ideas to keep it all pretty fresh. I was feeling kinda burnt out with MM4, but this game was enjoyable. Just one more left in the bundle.
Also, finally hitting the halfway point in the challenge with half the year left. I might be able to make it this time in terms of at least doing 52 games. Doubt I can make it 52 games beat.
27 - Mega Man 6 (Mega Man Legacy Collection PS4) - FINISHED - Finally done with the NES Mega Man games and it went out with abit of a whimper. It's not bad, but compared to how good Mega Man 5 was, MM6 was really just going through the motions. It did clean up the Beat gun thing, introduced the Rush power suit, and made both Rush items a limited use power up which is way better, but some of the bosses felt weak and almost felt kinda like power rehashes such as the plant shield, which is just the leaf shield that you can't throw. Also the Wily stuff was kinda stupid easy. There also wasn't anything really inventive with stage designs like MM5. I'm not surprised really, it was just a final cash-in for Capcom on the SNES with the awesome Mega Man X releasing the month after this on the SNES.
So placing the games, I'm gonna put it as... Mega Man 5, Mega Man 2, Mega Man 6, Mega Man 4, Mega Man 3, Mega Man 1 for my final Best to Worst placement of these games. I really hope they release the Mega Man X collection this year or next. I've only ever played Mega Man X and never any of the others, and I think the X series is just way cooler.
I need to play some catch up. Going to try and crank out several games this month and get back on track to getting 52 games beat by the end of the year!
I finished Robo Kirby and got a few of the endings in Zero Time Dilemma. The credits rolled in both, so that means it's time for more reviews!
I beat a game thanks to the steam sale!
I played through Ronin (Steam) from start to finish in about 4 hours. The game is amazing and you should all definitely play it if it is in your library!
I beat a game thanks to the steam sale!
I played through Ronin (Steam) from start to finish in about 4 hours. The game is amazing and you should all definitely play it if it is in your library!
Good to know, I think I got it in a humble bundle, will definitely try to make time for that this year.
Update: I think I'm at 72 games beat out of 83 played this year.
Updated my review page with Onimusha 3 and Zero Time Dilemma reviews.
Game 18 - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (PS1) - 6 hours (estimated)
+ What can I say? it's Tony Hawk! It's a really fun game with great gameplay, controls, level design and a killer soundtrack. It's a classic that everyone knows about.
- For me, coming off of THPS4, this game did not age well and lacks a lot of features and controls I missed from the newer games. No spine transfers, no grind meters, no free roaming around the maps without a time limit in career mode. The missions were also more varied in THPS4, in this game it's "find x number of items in a stage" and "get a high score" for the majority of the missions.
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Game 19 - Golden Sun (GBA) - 20 Hours
I don't know when I will be getting around to buying and playing the second game, but here's my thoughts on the first one!
+ This game is technically very impressive. For an early GBA game, the graphics, animation and art are really well done. I found the battles to fun and challenging, with a good difficulty balance and random encounter rate. The music was also pretty good too! Lastly, I looooved the puzzles both in the dungeons and on the world map.
- Because the story is stretched over two games, it really sucked to have this game just end with so much missing. Even with that though, the main story didn't really hook me anyway, I thought it was rather boring and standard fare personally. In addition, I found most of the characters, particularly the main 4 to be pretty uninteresting and flat. I also felt like there was a lot of redundant and unnecessary dialogue.
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28 - Song of the Deep (PS4) - Playing - Finally got around to actually putting some time into this and it's fairly good so far. It's very much just Ori & The Blind Forest, like I have to wonder how much of Ori was known before this was made, but maybe it's just coincidence. Being like that game is good still, because Ori is a wonderful game. Song of the Deep relies more on maneuverability than the mobility of Ori, but much of all the same stuff there. I think what does set the game apart is probably it's sub and being able to leave it in a diving suit, though getting out of the sub doesn't really change the gameplay much, just allows you to get into smaller areas. It's a very enjoyable game so far. Subtly creepy at times, very peaceful at others...
I do have to question their use of a spider boss in an underwater game though. It's like the first boss and this is underwater. I know there's a spider or two that can basically be under water for abit, but they don't survive under it lol It's weird when you start seeing spiderwebs under the water because of it. This feels like kind of a lazy design since spider bosses are so common in games and it could've been just about any sort of creature with a few tweaks.
28 - Song of the Deep (PS4) - Playing - Finally got around to actually putting some time into this and it's fairly good so far. It's very much just Ori & The Blind Forest, like I have to wonder how much of Ori was known before this was made, but maybe it's just coincidence. Being like that game is good still, because Ori is a wonderful game. Song of the Deep relies more on maneuverability than the mobility of Ori, but much of all the same stuff there. I think what does set the game apart is probably it's sub and being able to leave it in a diving suit, though getting out of the sub doesn't really change the gameplay much, just allows you to get into smaller areas. It's a very enjoyable game so far. Subtly creepy at times, very peaceful at others...
I do have to question their use of a spider boss in an underwater game though. It's like the first boss and this is underwater. I know there's a spider or two that can basically be under water for abit, but they don't survive under it lol It's weird when you start seeing spiderwebs under the water because of it. This feels like kind of a lazy design since spider bosses are so common in games and it could've been just about any sort of creature with a few tweaks.
Im playing song of the deep too and got past that part last night (been streaming it on twitch so my gf can watch it). and to fill your nightmares.
btw this is a very enjoyable game with a LOT more to it then you would have thought.
well I managed to beat Song of the deep. the final boss seemed a bit.... easy? im not sure if I unintentionally skipped phases in the boss by moving quickly through it. I didn't even die once which I had on previous bosses. btw if you haven't played this game it is well worth the money for a new copy. the game is about 6-8 hours but with lots to find and collect. I collected less than 20% of all things hidden in the game.
BTW this game is #50 beat this year.
Original post:,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013 (,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013)
33. Wolfenstein: The New Order [PS4]: 4/5,
Really fun shooter and the story is nice too. Got all trophies.
34. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE [Wii U]: 4/5, ~53 hours
I was sceptic about this game before release, as it pretty clearly wasn't what I wanted SMTxFE to be. After playing, it might be my favourite game of the year! Great and fun turn-based battle system, and while the plot is super silly, it still managed to be intriguing to me. I could live without the fan service though.
Game 20 - Ratchet & Clank (PS2) - 10 Hours
+ I love the Ratchet and Clank games, and this one is pretty solid, with all the stuff I love from the series. It has great worlds to explore, fun weapons, really nice gameplay, funny writing, and great replayability. The previous games improve even more upon all these things, so while it is lacking some great features (like weapon upgrades) but it's still really enjoyable.
- The only thing I wasn't crazy about was the music, I remember how great some of the soundtracks were in the later games. And like I mentioned above, there are a lot of features that I just missed from the older games, like ship combat and up-gradable weapons, etc.
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Now with the "reviews"
1. Not a Hero (Steam) 7/10, ~6 Hours
A crazy bunny man runs for Mayer of the world and contracts mercenaries to apply his campaign strategy, killing all bad guys. Seems like an act of justice, but is a gore massacre delivered by you, the player.
Its similar to Gunpoint, but with more fast packed action gunfight and an insane level of difficult, at last for these how try 100%.
2. Gravity Ghost (Steam) 9/10, ~4 Hours
A beautiful tale about family, friendship and death. Control a girl trough the spirit realm and save the day while recovering memories. For that, use your ability to float in low gravity levels and acquire terraforming powers.
3. Batman (NES) 5/10, ~2 Hours
An action platform featuring batman as a hero in a world that has not to do with him, except for the existence of Joker. In general a pretty easy and fun game, until the last boss. Some levels seems a bit broken as well.
4. Flame Over (Steam) 7/10, ~9 Hours
An arcade game at the mold of the classic Fireman (SNES), and with some elements from Ignition Force (SNES). Short, difficult, but fun.
5. One Upon Light (Steam) 4/10, ~1Hour
Puzzle game about light and shadow. You’re a scientist how can’t traverse light due to a mysterious accident. Very poorly design on some levels, and very boring.
6. Earthbound (SNES) 10/10, ~30 Hours
SNES RPG Classic. Need to say more?
7. Star Fox Zero (Wii U) 9/10, ~4 Hours
It’s a remake of Star Fox 64... wich was a remake of Star Fox (NES). Basically, Nintendo still don’t know how to create a new game for the franchise at the mold of these old classics, and therefore contracted another company to reset the timeline again.
The result although was an incredibly beautiful and well made game.
8. Dark Souls (PS3) 9/10, ~200 Hours
The hardest game on earth…. Kkkkkkkkkkk. Ok, not so much. I actually find it ok on the difficult level. It just take time to learn the enemies pattern and to grind sometimes.
9. Dark Souls 2 – Scholar of the First Sin (PC) 7/10, ~131 Hours
This one is harder, at last on the DLCs. Not as good as the first one.
10. ChromaGun (Steam) 9/10, ~4 Hours
Miss Portal? Then try this. Awesome action puzzle with a color gun.
11. Firewatch (Steam) 8/10, ~4 Hours
The new adventure game from the creator of Gone Home. Beautiful scenery, interesting story and fantastic characters. Still, could be better.
12. Luftrausers (Steam) 9/10, ~9 Hours
Incredible 2D dogfight game. Hard, but awesome!
13. Dreaming Sarah (Steam) 9/10, ~2 Hours
Cinematic platform as you never seen before.
14. Blitz Breaker (Steam) 9/10, ~9 Hours
Very fast-paced 2D action platform with fantastic level design.
15. Project Neon (Game Jam) 9/10, ~30 Mins
Shoot targets, bounce on arrows. Seems to simple, but the result was an amazing game. Extremely creative.
16. She Wants Me Dead (Steam) 7/10, ~2 Hours
Super Meat Boy was easy, this is hard.
17. The Ninja Warriors (SNES) 7/10, ~2 Hours
Single player beat em up with robot ninjas. Short, but fun.
18. Aladdin (SNES) 9/10, ~2 Hours (Replay)
Just play it, ok.
19. Mighty No. 9 (Steam) 7/10, ~4 Hours
Sorry reviewers and Megaman fanbase, but this game is good. It’s just not the best one, have a lot of flaws on the last level and had spending close to nothing of the collected money, but still good.
20. Titan Souls (Steam) 8/10, ~5 Hours
Shadow of Colossus 2D. Ideal for those how like boss fights.
21. Neon Drive 8/10, ~1Hour
Psychedelic hybrid between race and rhythm game. Lot’s of great music and frenetic gameplay. Love it.
22. Dropsy (Steam) 8/10, ~6Hours
The sad clown that can’t speak adventure. Good, but I was expecting more. The semi open world and the side missions ware great.
9) Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion (3DS)
Nice little return to Mickey's classic 2D platformer roots, beautiful visuals and FX. It's a short game, with 12 (sizeable) levels and only a few bosses, but I really enjoyed it and there's still more side-tasks to be done before it's complete as opposed to beaten.
I updated the page with my reviews (,6762.msg105642.html#msg18) with a review for Robo Kirby and Seven Samurai 20XX. New reviews on the way are for The World Ends With You and Star Ocean V.
10) Dragon Quest Warriors (PS4)
Plays a bit more like Sengoku Basara than Dynasty Warriors due to your party of four being the only friendlies on the battlefield most of the time and enemies tending to hang around their preset areas rather than attack in waves. Enjoyed it very much, sickly sweet but anything with Yangus in it is worth a try, wasn't disappointed. I was tempted to stick around and do more quests etc., but I want to work through some different games.
11) Amelie's Summer Time Cafe (PC)
Generic time management game, nothing remarkable (or bad), made a nice change of pace.
Filled up another post with reviews and such.
78 games beat out of 87 played I think. Having a tough time deciding what to play next. I might jump into Puzzle + Dragons Z for my handheld game. Not sure about console. Thinking about Valkyria Chronicles Remastered.
added 51-55 on my post on page 19. a few reviews are not completed yet and 2 of the games were beat by my GF.
12) Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario Bros. Edition (3DS)
Candy Crush but even simpler, with visual effects and a basic RPG-like party lineup system, did enjoy it but could have beaten a couple of shorter action games on the Xbox 360 in the time it took to put this to bed.
Original post:,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013 (,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013)
35. Grow Home [steam]: 3/5, 5-6 hours
Fun little game, but after finishing it I feel very little desire to go back and collect everything.
36. Ryse: Son of Rome [steam]: 2/5, ~8 hours
Yeah, this game is no good. I played it to see just what my new PC can do, and man does it look spectacular. But boy, both gameplay and story are really bad.
37. Hotel Dusk: Room 215 [NDS]: 4/5, ~15 hours
Finally got around to play this! I really enjoyed my time with this game, great atmosphere. The puzzles tend to be a bit on the easy side, could have been a little more challenging I guess. Still, very nice game.
Game 21 - Metal Gear Solid (PS1) - 11 Hours
Ughhh long review this time around! Let me begin by just saying that I have never been a particularly big fan of the Metal Gear Solid series. The only game I really enjoyed was MGS3, but after playing through 2-4, I wanted to see what the first game was like. It was after all the game that kick-started a lot of interest in the series in the first place.
+ First, this game did a ton of really interesting and innovative things. I loved how they took full advantage of the vibration and memory card features in the PS1. It never gets old and is still really cool to see. There were also some great moments in this game, like the credits and ending, and the big buildup in the first moments of the story. I also really enjoyed most of the boss fights and VR missions. There also are a lot of hidden secrets, references and replay value, which I can appreciate.
- There were two big things I do not like about this game. The first is the gameplay and controls. It is so hard to hit anything by shooting that I usually just drop a stun grenade and auto knock out all soldiers in the stage. In addition, the radar is wayyy to overpowered and completely breaks any difficulty the game has to offer. Being able to see enemy movement, looking cone, position and the layout of the terrain makes the game too easy. Taking the radar away in hard mode, however, makes the game impossible if your a first time player like me. So, most of the game was me running around keeping my eyes glued to the radar instead of the actual game, and throwing stun grenades to walk by enemies that I couldn't engage because the fighting controls are so unresponsive and inaccurate, it's not worth trying. It was overall very unfulfilling and boring to play this game, whereas later games in the series do have a lot better and more refined gameplay
The second thing I personally don't like about this game is the story: I have always had issues with storytelling in Metal Gear games, and this one was no different. It seems to me like every MGS story has:
1. Bloated, redundant, plodding, confusing and ridiculous writing that's not concise or centralized at all.
2. Plot twist after plot twist and betrayal after betrayal explained by information that's hastily added in after the fact to make it actually make sense
3. Multiple different central themes and ideas that dilute the main idea of the game. In this game in particular, nuclear nonproliferation conflicts with love on the battlefield, genetics and destiny, following orders and superiors, the cost of advancing technology and science... it's just too much content in my opinion; this game has many ideas to tell but excels at telling none of them.
After seeing all of the above again in this game and hearing Snake repeat the last word of whatever was said last with a question mark on the end over and over again, I gave up. I just couldn't enjoy the game anymore. I thought this game would be more like MG3 and scale things a little, but I was still disappointed.
So, TL:DR, I personally do not like this game. The issues I have with the storytelling in MGS games are still here, but now the gameplay sucks as well. I would like to try out Twin Snakes and MGSV at some point, but I for me, MGS3 is still the best game in the series (I would argue it's the only good one, too :o). This was quite the ranty post from me, sorry guys.
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
Yeah MGS has always been kinda messy. I also love MGS3, it's probably my favorite, with MGSV in second, which I think says something about an unfinished game.
I loved MGSV. I've only played Metal Gear and MGSV... and maybe 10 minutes of MGS and MGS2. I'm planning on playing all of the games in the franchise this year, but I always get conflicted on whether or not I want to play MGS or Twin Snakes. I feel like I'll enjoy Twin Snakes more than the original.
I loved MGSV. I've only played Metal Gear and MGSV... and maybe 10 minutes of MGS and MGS2. I'm planning on playing all of the games in the franchise this year, but I always get conflicted on whether or not I want to play MGS or Twin Snakes. I feel like I'll enjoy Twin Snakes more than the original.
The original MGS is kinda rough to go back to. I'd probably recommend Twin Snakes over that. Not that I've played much of either, but what I saw was that it was definitely a worthwhile improvement, especially if wanting to go back to it today.
Newest review:
30. Killer Instinct Gold (N64): Having only played this game once before when it first came out, I forgot how deep and fun the combat in this game is! The famous combo system is pretty fun to master and when you pull it off you feel like a total boss! The characters all play pretty different and the stages are really cool. For what it's worth, it's one of the best fighting games on the N64.
Game 22 - Super Monkey Ball 2 (10 Hours)
+ This game was really a lot of fun! It's got good level design and challenging but addicting gameplay; it was really hard to put this game down, I wanted to play the next challenge after! Also the game has a lot of fun party options as well, I'm looking forward to trying it out with some friends at some point.
- I had some issues trying to center the camera behind myself. Since movement is based on the camera, it can be a little tricky to navigate some tough platforms when you can't be directly behind your monkey. It would have been nice to have a button that automatically re-centered the camera.
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
Now with the "reviews"
1. Not a Hero (Steam) 7/10, ~6 Hours
A crazy bunny man runs for Mayer of the world and contracts mercenaries to apply his campaign strategy, killing all bad guys. Seems like an act of justice, but is a gore massacre delivered by you, the player.
Its similar to Gunpoint, but with more fast packed action gunfight and an insane level of difficult, at last for these how try 100%.
2. Gravity Ghost (Steam) 9/10, ~4 Hours
A beautiful tale about family, friendship and death. Control a girl trough the spirit realm and save the day while recovering memories. For that, use your ability to float in low gravity levels and acquire terraforming powers.
3. Batman (NES) 5/10, ~2 Hours
An action platform featuring batman as a hero in a world that has not to do with him, except for the existence of Joker. In general a pretty easy and fun game, until the last boss. Some levels seems a bit broken as well.
4. Flame Over (Steam) 7/10, ~9 Hours
An arcade game at the mold of the classic Fireman (SNES), and with some elements from Ignition Force (SNES). Short, difficult, but fun.
5. One Upon Light (Steam) 4/10, ~1Hour
Puzzle game about light and shadow. You’re a scientist how can’t traverse light due to a mysterious accident. Very poorly design on some levels, and very boring.
6. Earthbound (SNES) 10/10, ~30 Hours
SNES RPG Classic. Need to say more?
7. Star Fox Zero (Wii U) 9/10, ~4 Hours
It’s a remake of Star Fox 64... wich was a remake of Star Fox (NES). Basically, Nintendo still don’t know how to create a new game for the franchise at the mold of these old classics, and therefore contracted another company to reset the timeline again.
The result although was an incredibly beautiful and well made game.
8. Dark Souls (PS3) 9/10, ~200 Hours
The hardest game on earth…. Kkkkkkkkkkk. Ok, not so much. I actually find it ok on the difficult level. It just take time to learn the enemies pattern and to grind sometimes.
9. Dark Souls 2 – Scholar of the First Sin (PC) 7/10, ~131 Hours
This one is harder, at last on the DLCs. Not as good as the first one.
10. ChromaGun (Steam) 9/10, ~4 Hours
Miss Portal? Then try this. Awesome action puzzle with a color gun.
11. Firewatch (Steam) 8/10, ~4 Hours
The new adventure game from the creator of Gone Home. Beautiful scenery, interesting story and fantastic characters. Still, could be better.
12. Luftrausers (Steam) 9/10, ~9 Hours
Incredible 2D dogfight game. Hard, but awesome!
13. Dreaming Sarah (Steam) 9/10, ~2 Hours
Cinematic platform as you never seen before.
14. Blitz Breaker (Steam) 9/10, ~9 Hours
Very fast-paced 2D action platform with fantastic level design.
15. Project Neon (Game Jam) 9/10, ~30 Mins
Shoot targets, bounce on arrows. Seems to simple, but the result was an amazing game. Extremely creative.
16. She Wants Me Dead (Steam) 7/10, ~2 Hours
Super Meat Boy was easy, this is hard.
17. The Ninja Warriors (SNES) 7/10, ~2 Hours
Single player beat em up with robot ninjas. Short, but fun.
18. Aladdin (SNES) 9/10, ~2 Hours (Replay)
Just play it, ok.
19. Mighty No. 9 (Steam) 7/10, ~4 Hours
Sorry reviewers and Megaman fanbase, but this game is good. It’s just not the best one, have a lot of flaws on the last level and had spending close to nothing of the collected money, but still good.
20. Titan Souls (Steam) 8/10, ~5 Hours
Shadow of Colossus 2D. Ideal for those how like boss fights.
21. Neon Drive 8/10, ~1Hour
Psychedelic hybrid between race and rhythm game. Lot’s of great music and frenetic gameplay. Love it.
22. Dropsy (Steam) 8/10, ~6Hours
The sad clown that can’t speak adventure. Good, but I was expecting more. The semi open world and the side missions ware great.
23. Ghost 1.0 (Steam) 10/10 (Steam), ~18Hours
A hybrid between Metroidvania and Rogue Like from the creator of Unepic. Very challenging, funny dialogues with nerd references to sci-fi and a fantastic weapon system.
38. Final Fantasy III [steam]: 3/5, 52 hours and counting
I forgot how much I like FFIII. Sure, the job system isn't as complex as in V, but still fun to mess around with. This mobile port isn't the best, but that's okay. I beat the game at less than 30 hours, but a lot of grinding is required to even have a chance against the superboss :-\
39. Pony Island [steam]: 3/5, ~3 hours
Not much to say about this one, short and pretty fun.
13) Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires (360)
The game I got with my first 360, hard to believe it's a decade old, though its PS2 graphics don't lie. It's much simpler than modern iterations, a bit grindy, but it was still fun for the most part. The hilarious voice acting is also a huge plus. I'm not sure if I ever did manage to beat this back in the day, but it's done now.
Finally, those reviews I submitted were accepted. It took them long enough!
Game 23 - Batman : Arkham Asylum (PS3) - Unknown play time, probably about 12 hours
+ This game was really really good. I really enjoyed the combat, stealth elements exploration and hunting for all the hidden secrets and Easter eggs that the Riddler leaves for you. I really liked some of the more darker and interesting/scary moments in the game, especially the times fighting Scarecrow and exploring the containment areas of Arkham Island. I must say, I think I like this game a little better than Arkham City
- The one thing that I did not like about this game was the boss battles, particularly the final boss battle, which was awful. That's really the only thing I can think of though, this is a great game and worthy of the praise, at least to me.
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
I gotta believe! I finished the PSP version of PaRappa the Rapper. It's such a great game!
I gotta believe! I finished the PSP version of PaRappa the Rapper. It's such a great game!
There are very few games I have sucked at more than this game. I have never been able to get the rhythm mechanic down, and this is someone who has poured hours into other rhythm games lol
Now with the "reviews"
1. Not a Hero (Steam) 7/10, ~6 Hours
A crazy bunny man runs for Mayer of the world and contracts mercenaries to apply his campaign strategy, killing all bad guys. Seems like an act of justice, but is a gore massacre delivered by you, the player.
Its similar to Gunpoint, but with more fast packed action gunfight and an insane level of difficult, at last for these how try 100%.
2. Gravity Ghost (Steam) 9/10, ~4 Hours
A beautiful tale about family, friendship and death. Control a girl trough the spirit realm and save the day while recovering memories. For that, use your ability to float in low gravity levels and acquire terraforming powers.
3. Batman (NES) 5/10, ~2 Hours
An action platform featuring batman as a hero in a world that has not to do with him, except for the existence of Joker. In general a pretty easy and fun game, until the last boss. Some levels seems a bit broken as well.
4. Flame Over (Steam) 7/10, ~9 Hours
An arcade game at the mold of the classic Fireman (SNES), and with some elements from Ignition Force (SNES). Short, difficult, but fun.
5. One Upon Light (Steam) 4/10, ~1Hour
Puzzle game about light and shadow. You’re a scientist how can’t traverse light due to a mysterious accident. Very poorly design on some levels, and very boring.
6. Earthbound (SNES) 10/10, ~30 Hours
SNES RPG Classic. Need to say more?
7. Star Fox Zero (Wii U) 9/10, ~4 Hours
It’s a remake of Star Fox 64... wich was a remake of Star Fox (NES). Basically, Nintendo still don’t know how to create a new game for the franchise at the mold of these old classics, and therefore contracted another company to reset the timeline again.
The result although was an incredibly beautiful and well made game.
8. Dark Souls (PS3) 9/10, ~200 Hours
The hardest game on earth…. Kkkkkkkkkkk. Ok, not so much. I actually find it ok on the difficult level. It just take time to learn the enemies pattern and to grind sometimes.
9. Dark Souls 2 – Scholar of the First Sin (PC) 7/10, ~131 Hours
This one is harder, at last on the DLCs. Not as good as the first one.
10. ChromaGun (Steam) 9/10, ~4 Hours
Miss Portal? Then try this. Awesome action puzzle with a color gun.
11. Firewatch (Steam) 8/10, ~4 Hours
The new adventure game from the creator of Gone Home. Beautiful scenery, interesting story and fantastic characters. Still, could be better.
12. Luftrausers (Steam) 9/10, ~9 Hours
Incredible 2D dogfight game. Hard, but awesome!
13. Dreaming Sarah (Steam) 9/10, ~2 Hours
Cinematic platform as you never seen before.
14. Blitz Breaker (Steam) 9/10, ~9 Hours
Very fast-paced 2D action platform with fantastic level design.
15. Project Neon (Game Jam) 9/10, ~30 Mins
Shoot targets, bounce on arrows. Seems to simple, but the result was an amazing game. Extremely creative.
16. She Wants Me Dead (Steam) 7/10, ~2 Hours
Super Meat Boy was easy, this is hard.
17. The Ninja Warriors (SNES) 7/10, ~2 Hours
Single player beat em up with robot ninjas. Short, but fun.
18. Aladdin (SNES) 9/10, ~2 Hours (Replay)
Just play it, ok.
19. Mighty No. 9 (Steam) 7/10, ~4 Hours
Sorry reviewers and Megaman fanbase, but this game is good. It’s just not the best one, have a lot of flaws on the last level and had spending close to nothing of the collected money, but still good.
20. Titan Souls (Steam) 8/10, ~5 Hours
Shadow of Colossus 2D. Ideal for those how like boss fights.
21. Neon Drive (Steam) 8/10, ~1Hour
Psychedelic hybrid between race and rhythm game. Lot’s of great music and frenetic gameplay. Love it.
22. Dropsy (Steam) 8/10, ~6Hours
The sad clown that can’t speak adventure. Good, but I was expecting more. The semi open world and the side missions ware great.
23. Ghost 1.0 (Steam) 10/10, ~18Hours
A hybrid between Metroidvania and Rogue Like from the creator of Unepic. Very challenging, funny dialogues with nerd references to sci-fi and a fantastic weapon system.
24. Crypt of the NecroDancer (Steam) 8/10, ~15Hours
A very hard Musical Rogue Like. Yep, that’s right. You need to fight dozens of undead and freaking dragons following the song beat.
25. Monster Loves You! (Steam) 6/10, ~1Hour
I gotta believe! I finished the PSP version of PaRappa the Rapper. It's such a great game!
There are very few games I have sucked at more than this game. I have never been able to get the rhythm mechanic down, and this is someone who has poured hours into other rhythm games lol
If you want to get better, you gotta believe!
Jokes aside, it's still a difficult little game. Once you get to the cooking rap, things get really tricky.
Add EOE: Eve of Extinction to the list. I just finished this underrated PS2 title.
Been awhile since I could actually add anything to the list as I kinda got sidetracked with other things for abit and wasn't making any progress on stuff I already had to do.
28 - Song of the Deep (PS4) - FINISHED - Finally finished this game and while it's not as good as Ori and I think the ending is pretty weak with a far too big of a "sequel bait" attitude about it, it's still an absolutely charming and enjoyable game. It's again not as tight as Ori and the Blind Forest, it's pacing is a bit weird, but I didn't hate playing the game at all. I'd certainly recommend it for the price.
29 - Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE (Wii U) - PLAYING - I've had this for awhile, but never put it on the list, but I've got like a good 20 hours or so in it I think and it's a generally an enjoyable turn based RPG if you like the whole pop music setting to it. I'll be getting this finished this month since I want a good enough time between this and Final Fantasy XV.
30 - No Man's Sky (PS4) - ABANDONED - Visually interesting, an ambitious game by a small team, but it's just a shallow experience. I put maybe 15 to 20 hours into it and I'm just done. I had very low expectations for this game and it couldn't even reach those for me. I think as a casual experience, like you just explore a world a day, take it slow, it's at least an alright game, but like as a proper crafting/survival/exploration game, it doesn't have enough going for it to me. I'm going to just save the money I get back from this to put into something like Dragon Quest Builders coming up in a month or two I think, which I'm sure I'll enjoy much more.
I have lots of reviews to write. Kirby's Dream Course is finished.
I have lots of reviews to write. Kirby's Dream Course is finished.
What'd you think? I dig it. It's a fun one to pick up and play for a few minutes at a time.
I have lots of reviews to write. Kirby's Dream Course is finished.
What'd you think? I dig it. It's a fun one to pick up and play for a few minutes at a time.
It was hard for me to grasp the controls and mechanics; after that I really started to enjoy it. I can see it being a good time killer when I want to play something different.
14) Lost Land Adventure (Arcade)
15) Jurassic Park Arcade (Arcade)
2 Lightgun arcade games I beat with my nephew on a short break we've just returned from, had a blast with these two, looove lightgun games.
Here's where I stand for the year now:
Cities: Skylines
Super Mario Maker
Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!
Tomb Raider (2013)
Alien: Isolation
Mega Man X2
LEGO Marvel's Avengers
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright
Halo 3: ODST
Dark Souls
Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows
New Super Mario Bros. U
Max Payne 3
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Mega Man
Mega Man 2
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Mad Max
Lumines: Electronic Symphony
Doom (2016)
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin
Shovel Knight (PS4)
Resident Evil HD
Hitman: Blood Money
Donkey Kong Country
Transformers: Devastation
The Banner Saga
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest
Finally adding Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin to this list. There is just so much content there, especially when you factor in the DLC. DS1 is the better game, but this plays so much more smoothly on the PS4 that I found it be an experience almost on par with the first game.
I'm only up to 19 games so far this year. (Updating my original post on page 1) Doesn't look like I'll hit 52. But I'm completing a ton of the games I'm playing this year which is a first in a long while!
I don't know where the month has gone, but my ratio is dying. I don't think I've completed a single game this month. Just been sitting at 85 for a while.
Game 24 - Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals (DS) - 27 Hours
Don't let the Disney logo fool you, this is a really solid game, and a hidden gem of the DS library.
+ The game is a collectible RPG, like Pokemon, but with the really interesting mechanic of digging out fossils with the stylus and awakening them with the mic. It's really fun and challenging to try and get the best fossils out of ice, lava and mud. The game has really deep mechanics in battling, evolving and customizing your spectrobes. The game has really impressive graphics for a 3D DS game, and a solid soundtrack as well. Also, (sidenote) Jeena rulez; she is my favorite character in the game, and she's awesome. :D
- The story is pretty bland in my opinion. It's the same as the first game just with a different skin, and nothing else that's really enticing or interesting, other than the somewhat weak addition of "dark spectrobes". It's also sometimes a gamble when evolving a spectrobe, some really suck when they get to their final form, and you won't know if you wasted your time until you actually evolve them.
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
Updated my review page (,6762.15.html) with four reviews, one of which is for a game that has been replayed.
31 - Empyrion: Galactic Survival (PC) - 11 Hours PLAYING/FINISHED - This is basically No Man's Sky crossed with 7 Days to Die, but better than either game. It has a pretty solid crafting system along with a pretty deep building system that allows you to make not just your own bases, but create your own hoverships, small space ships, and giant massive cruisers out of blocks. It's almost like if someone added a ton of depth to the Gummi Ships in Kingdom Hearts and you could build literally anything basically. I've seen people make functional Star Destroyers and Star Trek ships, and to like scale also, these ships are giant. It's not a particularly great looker, certainly not on No Man's Sky level, but it's performance is really good, which I say is more important. It's still got abit of time in early access and will see improvements and changes, but I like it way more than No Man's Sky and it's like 3 times cheaper.
Updated my review page (,6762.15.html) with four reviews, one of which is for a game that has been replayed.
Kash, how do you review each game? Do you take notes when you play the game? I'm always impressed how in-depth your reviews are. Really wish there was a strong site where user reviews could be posted and appreciated.
Updated my review page (,6762.15.html) with four reviews, one of which is for a game that has been replayed.
Kash, how do you review each game? Do you take notes when you play the game? I'm always impressed how in-depth your reviews are. Really wish there was a strong site where user reviews could be posted and appreciated.
Thanks so much!
I don't take notes or anything fancy like that. I just play the game (usually to completion) and try to write my thoughts down as soon as I finish watching the credits. After some heavy editing, I'll just submit them for approval.
I've actually thought about using something like Word Press to have my own review site since I can't stand the new "heart system" GameFAQs uses.
Failed to update in a little while, so here goes:
40. The Walking Dead + 400 Days [steam]: 4/5, ~13 hours
Been meaning to play this for years. Gameplay's pretty clunky, but worth it imo. 400 Days DLC isn't so great unfortunately.
41. The Walking Dead: Season 2 [steam]: 4/5, ~9 hours
Not quite as good as the first game, but it was still very enjoyable for me.
42. The Wolf Among Us [steam]: 4/5 ~10 hours
Setting and Style of this game is amazing. Sadly I encountered a few bugs and crashes while playing.
43. Resident Evil Zero HD Remaster [steam]: 3/5 27 hours and counting
This game isn't as good as I remembered it. I'm still having fun with it, but it's probably my least favourite classic-style RE. Gonna do another run on hard to pick up the last achievements.
32 - Shadow Warrior (PC) - 11 Hours FINISHED - I've had this game for awhile and even put 6 hours into it initially, but stopped for whatever reason. With Shadow Warrior 2 coming out soon and looking really cool, figured I'd finally beat this. Much like a lot of the other reboots of the old 90's shooters, it has a lot of the same kinda feel you'd get out of Serious Sam, Duke Nukem, Wolfenstein, Doom, that kind of wave based action shooter with lots of blood and violence. Shadow Warrior does stand out more by the melee and magic it utilizes and that it feels more like Duke Nukem should've been than what happened with Duke Nukem Forever lol Overall it's a solid action shooter, lots of humor, though the last few chapters are buggy as hell. Audio issues, delayed subtitles, and I almost got stuck on a level when the doors stopped working, but luckily there was a save I had not too far back. It's weird that it's only in the last few chapters once you get to the mountains, because otherwise the game was playing fine before. I'd recommend it if you are into these styles of shooters and can get it cheap.
Just hit 100 games played. Only 89 beat and some of the games I stopped playing I don't know if I can be bothered to go back and finish.
Game 25 - Wipeout XL (PS1) - 2 hours
+ This game was pretty fun while it lasted. It has great gameplay, visuals and a decent soundtrack. I'm sure it would be a lot of fun to play with friends as well.
- This game was brutally short and shallow. I beat every race with all gold and one bronze in under 2 hours. And as far as I know, there aren't any hidden tracks or cars to unlock like in Mario Kart. It was really dissapointing.
Game 25 - Wipeout XL (PS1) - 2 hours
+ This game was pretty fun while it lasted. It has great gameplay, visuals and a decent soundtrack. I'm sure it would be a lot of fun to play with friends as well.
- This game was brutally short and shallow. I beat every race with all gold and one bronze in under 2 hours. And as far as I know, there aren't any hidden tracks or cars to unlock like in Mario Kart. It was really dissapointing.
Play Alan Wake if you haven't already! :)
Huge update incoming: * still working on it, will resume in a bit
33. Fixeight ( Arcade, Toaplan V.2. board, 1cc completed on Euro/Jap versions)- Refer to pg.18 of this thread for more info. Awesome vertical run n gun with a ton of characters and varied stages. You have two main weapons ( can hold one at a time) and can pick up question marks for various items for each character. The color palette is very subdued, but I think this gives it a unique look. Soundtrack was a bit weak. There's also multiple scoring opprotunities and fast bullets( Japanese version mostly) to worry about. Defenitely give this one a shot if you enjoy arcade games. 8.8/10 My 1cc run of the Japanese ver is here:
35. Pacman & Galaga Dimensions (3DS)- This is a collection of Pac -Man and Galaga games, which includes Galaga, Galaga Arragement, Pac Man, Ms. Pac Man, and Pac Man Championship. Overall it's a nice package for getting your fix on pac man/ galaga on the go, but it could have had more content from other classic namco games, or championship dx. 6/10
36. Metal Slug Anthology- (Wii, MAME, Completed 1cc on 1, X)- This is the reason I bought a Wii, and I decided to revisit it a month or two ago. This contains all of the Metal Slugs released at the time ( 2006), and allows you to unlock art gallery, interviews, and music tracks through repeated playthroughs. My favorities on this collection are Metal Slugs 1,X,3 and 6. The biggest problem of the Wii port ( same for the PS2) is that the emulation is pretty off at certain points, and that the control schemes besides the sideways Wii remote aren't very good. If you're looking to clear the games on a 1cc, MAME is a far better option but if you like a collection on consoles, then stick with the PS2 version. 7/10
37. Metal Hawk- ( Arcade, Namco System 2 board ,1cc completed)- I played this game a year ago not getting very far, but this time it was a completely different story. It's mainly a shmup with a xevious style of gameplay, although the main difference is that your helicopter can change altitude and direction ( free roaming style) thanks to the sprite rotation and scaling supported as hardware features. You need to get a certain amount of points within the time limit in each area in order to advance to the next stage. The soundtrack is very good, offering a 80's hard rock backdrop with a mix of FM and lots of PCM songs that fit the game's style. The game is pretty short, but can quickly get difficult due to the agressive enemies and ground targets, along with a necessary knowledge of the controls. Graphics are also some of the best of 1988, and because of the scaling was planned to have a 32x port but was canceled. A very unique game for its time, and its the only game of its kind, so check it out if you can. 8/10
I was able to clear it (first in the West it seems) and here is my run here:
38. Outzone (Arcade, Toaplan V.1. board,1cc, completed)- This is the prequel to Fixeight, although you have to worry about your energy bar instead of an invisible timer. The gameplay is mostly the same, but there is a greater amount of special weapons. The one weapon that will carry you through the game is the super ball, which spins in a ridicuolously huge area and can shoot projectiles across the screen. This game isn't too hard, but it can easy to screw up and lose a run on one part. 8/10.
39. Assault/ Assault Plus( Arcade, Namco System 2 board or Namco Museum Vol. 4, PS1, Plus Easy 1cc completed)- This is a game where you control a tank from an overhead perspective. It predates Metal Hawk by half a year, and has many of the same effects and soundtrack composers as Metal Hawk. The tank can flip over ( useful for dodging waves of shots), launch regular shots, ranged nuclear missles and use assault pads to damage far ranged enemies. The controls are a twin stick method with a fire button on the left stick, but on MAME you map the sticks to keyobard keys, or to buttons on the PS1 Museum port. There is a very interesting story in that you are reclaiming your home planet from an invasion by Earth's forces, and there are variety of different areas where your goal is to destroy different types of cannons in each area within the time limit. The main game is made up of 11 stages ( only have gotten through 5 on 1 credit), while Plus has ( an improved color palette and fixes the 0 sec glitch), an Easy mode with 5 stages based off the original version, and a Super mode with reworked stage layout that is 10 stages. The graphics are some of the best of 1988, and the soundtrack is pretty good, although imblanced ( due to the PCM sound driver being incomplete; this is fixed for the Namco Video Game Graffati soundtrack vol. 3). It's defenitely a very unique and challenging game, and its a shame that Namco never made an offical sequel. 9/10
My newest review. This will probably go down as a top five game this year. Excellent, EXCELLENT STORY and just an amazing game all around!
35. The Last of Us (PS3): First off, this game is incredible from start to finish; the story and characters are by far the biggest standouts, and this game is definitely one of the best looking on the PS3. While it wasn't bad by any stretch, the gameplay was at times frustrating, creating limitations at certain parts of the game that made for some frustration. And this is a personal bias, but I'm not a huge fan of stealth is games, and this game definitely favors that approach during the majority of enemy encounters. I can't bitch too much though; the game was amazing and definitely one of the best games on the PS3 for sure.
Game 25 - Wipeout XL (PS1) - 2 hours
+ This game was pretty fun while it lasted. It has great gameplay, visuals and a decent soundtrack. I'm sure it would be a lot of fun to play with friends as well.
- This game was brutally short and shallow. I beat every race with all gold and one bronze in under 2 hours. And as far as I know, there aren't any hidden tracks or cars to unlock like in Mario Kart. It was really dissapointing.
Play Alan Wake if you haven't already! :)
I should get Quantum Break at some point! That comes with a copy of Alan Wake too, no?
16) Evil Dead: A Fistful Of Boomstick (Xbox)
Not a brilliant game, it's yet another of those Xbox/PS2/GC era walk-around-and-shoot games with little bits of NPC chatter and exploration thrown in (reminds me of the Punisher, for instance). It's good at a basic level, but far too easy to wander around and completely miss the thing you need to grab/activate to proceed, the last area had me pulling my hair out. Still, not bad.
Any hope of reaching 52 is pretty much gone, Toukiden Kiwami (monster hunter clone) has already swallowed more time than a JRPG or two.
17) Metal Slug 3 (Xbox)
Oh, OK, that was quick. Not easy, though. In order to beat this I had to use the option to start on any stage (limited continues), reached the final stage but then ran out of continues, so restarted at that stage and even then finished with only 2 lives remaining. Phew! Still, MS games are so much fun to play, this is why I love to have my PS2/Xbox always set up in the den :D Looking forward to trying some more games from their libraries to take a break from monster slaying.
Game 26 - Sly 2: Band of Thieves (PS2) - 17 Hours
I loved the first Sly Cooper game, and this one is pretty good as well. However, I still think I like the first one a bit better, though they both come rather close.
+ The game play in Sly 2 is a lot better. It's really fun to travel around the more open world finding loot, clue bottles and pick pocketing guards. I loved a lot of environments, particularly the ones in Canada and the first level. There's a really nice amount of variety in the missions, from shoot em ups, turret sections, fighters, pretty much everything. It was also cool to play as the additional characters other than Sly, though at the beginning of the game I found myself wanting to play as Sly anyway.
- Some of the voice acting was kind of off for me, Neyla and the new voice they gave Carmelita were particularly bad. There were also some villains who barely got any screen time or development, like Arpeggio. Lastly, it seemed to me like there was a lot of padding in some of the missions, requiring you to do the same thing 3, 4 or 5 times to actually finish the mission.
Halfway there!
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
17) Metal Slug 3 (Xbox)
Oh, OK, that was quick. Not easy, though. In order to beat this I had to use the option to start on any stage (limited continues), reached the final stage but then ran out of continues, so restarted at that stage and even then finished with only 2 lives remaining. Phew! Still, MS games are so much fun to play, this is why I love to have my PS2/Xbox always set up in the den :D Looking forward to trying some more games from their libraries to take a break from monster slaying.
If you're a fan of that stuff I'd reccomend picking up Metal Slug Anthology for the PS2, or if that's out of your price range, then get the Metal Slug 4/5 pack on Xbox. Anthology gives you all 6 Metal Slug games, and extra bonus content with it.
I still might have a chance at getting 52 games beat this year. 52 games played will be easy, but only about half way there on beaten. I got about 6 or 7 games coming out the rest of the year that I plan to buy, I got 2 games to finish on my list already, and I have a backlog of like a dozen games on PC and PS4 that have built up and I just added 2 more with Journey and Lords of the Fallen coming out for free on PS+.
I still might have a chance at getting 52 games beat this year. 52 games played will be easy, but only about half way there on beaten. I got about 6 or 7 games coming out the rest of the year that I plan to buy, I got 2 games to finish on my list already, and I have a backlog of like a dozen games on PC and PS4 that have built up and I just added 2 more with Journey and Lords of the Fallen coming out for free on PS+.
It's honestly going to be a photo finish for me this year. I've had a crazy year so far and my life for better and for worse has got in the way of me playing a lot of games in my backlog. Sadly, many of the games i have played/beat have been games you can easily get through in a few hours if even that. I did a fair amount of these reviews last year, but I made a point to try and do more in depth games this year. Sadly, next year will likely be a year I may only reach half of the 52 games goal since there is already looking to be a significant amount of stuff I'll need to do. But for what it's worth, I will try and finish strong and get 52-games out of the way before year's end.
Not making much progress at all. I don't think I beat many games in August and haven't beaten any so far this month. I've been playing Fallout 4 for quite some time.
I played a little Dark Souls since my wife's cousin came over.
I (slightly) updated my review page (,6762.15.html). Reviews that are in teal are for games that I did not finish.
33 - Journey (PS4) - FINISHED - I'm glad I never bought this, but I didn't hate my experience. The character and "co-op" are charming, and visually it's quite a treat, but I feel like generally it was fairly boring. It feels more like it would be better served as like a 20 to 30 minute high quality CG short than a 2 hour game experience. It's kinda grown as this darling gaming gem since it released and in the end, but I feel it's slightly overhyped. Maybe because of the generic background plot to the whole thing and the nothing ending just mostly kept the experience kinda flat. Again, I don't hate it, but I'm never likely to play it again. I guess I can be thankful they didn't just pad it out for like 5 hours or something. That would've actually made me hate the game lol
I still might have a chance at getting 52 games beat this year. 52 games played will be easy, but only about half way there on beaten. I got about 6 or 7 games coming out the rest of the year that I plan to buy, I got 2 games to finish on my list already, and I have a backlog of like a dozen games on PC and PS4 that have built up and I just added 2 more with Journey and Lords of the Fallen coming out for free on PS+.
It's honestly going to be a photo finish for me this year. I've had a crazy year so far and my life for better and for worse has got in the way of me playing a lot of games in my backlog. Sadly, many of the games i have played/beat have been games you can easily get through in a few hours if even that. I did a fair amount of these reviews last year, but I made a point to try and do more in depth games this year. Sadly, next year will likely be a year I may only reach half of the 52 games goal since there is already looking to be a significant amount of stuff I'll need to do. But for what it's worth, I will try and finish strong and get 52-games out of the way before year's end.
I don't think I'll be hitting 52 this year. I've picked some pretty involved games and have committed to playing them to completion. I don't regret it, but I'm only at 24/52.
Original post:,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013 (,6762.msg111013.html#msg111013)
45. Hexcells Plus [steam]: 3/5, ~9 hours
A lot harder than the first game, but enjoyable nonetheless.
46. DOOM [steam]: 4/5, 17-18 hours
Easily one of my favourite FPS in years. Maybe a bit slow at the start, but once it picks up, boy does it pick up.
47. Hexcells Infinite [steam]: 3/5, ~10 hours
Quite similar to Hexcells Plus, except that it also has computer generated level. These aren't that good unfortunately.
48. Dino Stalker [PS2]: 2/5, <1 hour
This game is really not good heh. Bad controls and super short. Now only Dino Crisis 3 is left, unfortunately I don't have an Xbox currently.
Finally, got some new reviews posted. One for Conception II and the other for Hatsune Miku Project Diva X.
Game 27 - Super Mario World (SNES) - Unknown play time
+ Obviously this game is a classic. Classic gameplay, music, and just a ton of fun. I haven't played SMB 2 or 3, so I don't know how innovative this game was over the last entry in this series (Yoshi obviously), but regardless, this is a game that everyone enjoys and for good reason.
- My only nitpick is that the spare item drops out automatically whenever you get hit, whether you're ready to receive it or not. I wish you could save it even after you got hit so you could use it when you want to. Sometimes you get hit and the item will drop through a high wall and will become inaccessible, or in a place where you can't get to it without dying.
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
34 - Attack on Titan (PS4) - FINISHED - This ended up being a much more fun game than I was expecting. I thought it was gonna be too similar to the other Musou games, your Hyrule Warriors, Dynasty Warriors, Dragon Quest Heroes, etc, but the complete shift in combat that deals with Titans using the maneuver gear really amps things up. Rather than just mindlessly dealing with waves of pointless enemies, you are specifically targeting titans. Makes it feel like you are in more control rather than just spamming combos.
It does have a lot of the same setup and extra stuff that those games have, side-missions to grind for leveling up, gear to unlock and craft, but as a fan of the series, I think it does enough to draw you in. It even has some bonus material after the main story that seems to be from the manga and upcoming season, though it's honestly kinda silly, but it is new content, so I'll finish that up and spend time doing the survey missions to try and unlock more. It's much like Hyrule Warriors was in that way, though it feels less intimidating because there are a lot less characters and items to deal with.
Sidenote, if you plan to get the game, I'd recommend grinding the expedition stuff a good bit after every chapter. I did one full survey area before I left with the Scout Regiment out of the city and you are out in the plains and such fighting, but there's a definite up tick in difficulty around when you gotta start dealing with the female titan. She's meant to be hard, but I felt like my damage was pretty low at times fighting her, even with Levi. Just got a tad frustrating dealing with her in a bunch of missions, so definitely recommend extra grinding to really beef up your gear and particularly Armin and Levi going against her if you can. You'll have to do it anyways, so might as well do it when it benefits you more.
Gah, I don't know if I've beaten more than 2 games in the past 2 months. My ratio is totally down. After a day or two more of Fallout 4, I really really need to move on to something else.
Gah, I don't know if I've beaten more than 2 games in the past 2 months. My ratio is totally down. After a day or two more of Fallout 4, I really really need to move on to something else.
Haunting Ground!
Gah, I don't know if I've beaten more than 2 games in the past 2 months. My ratio is totally down. After a day or two more of Fallout 4, I really really need to move on to something else.
Haunting Ground!
Good Gosh, Kash. Keep yelling at me to play it, I might just remember when I'm done with Fallout 4. I got the last achievement yesterday, now I want to check out the mods and survival mode. I'm already pretty tired of survival mode.
Haunting Ground will likely have to be one of those games I play with my wife. It'll be what is probably my second foray into the survival horror genre.
I got your back. I'll keep reminding you.
Time to start writing some reviews. I finished both 7th Dragon III and Mega Man Xtreme! I'm still waiting for the review for Baten Kaitos Origins to get accepted.
I got your back. I'll keep reminding you.
Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash. I don't like Hewie. Hewie is the worst.
I'm trying to use a walkthrough for the game, but events are definitely not happening in the same order. I got chased by Debilitas, but I couldn't get rid of him. Eventually I flipped a bookcase on to him when he was trying to play peekaboo. So I'm like, good, he's taken care of until I get to a cutscene where he'll get free, awesome. Well, the walkthrough told me, "Tell Hewie to hide in this hole in the wall, he won't come out until you tell him to", so I did. I proceeded like it told me, and then I decided to walk back for some damned reason, and Debilitas respawned. So I went and hid in some bushes. Debilitas is running around like a chicken with his head cut off. Eventually he gives up and starts walking away. Right as Debilitas is about to walk off screen into another "zone", HEWIE FUCKING COMES OUT OF NOWHERE AND TAUNTS THE BASTARD. So Hewie brings the Debilitas back to me and then Hewie runs into the zone I need to go into and Debilitas follows... and then I get the Coast Clear message.
Hewie is the worst.
I got your back. I'll keep reminding you.
Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash. I don't like Hewie. Hewie is the worst.
Hewie takes some getting used to. Even if you treat him like royalty and praise him each time he makes a discovery or does what he is told, he still can act out.
I'm not sure which guide you're following, but since the stalkers seem to appear at random it might be tricky to rely on a guide for 100% accuracy.
I got your back. I'll keep reminding you.
Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash. I don't like Hewie. Hewie is the worst.
Hewie takes some getting used to. Even if you treat him like royalty and praise him each time he makes a discovery or does what he is told, he still can act out.
I'm not sure which guide you're following, but since the stalkers seem to appear at random it might be tricky to rely on a guide for 100% accuracy.
I was referring to actual events. It said something like go search the wall over here and it'll activate a cutscene, but no cutscene happened. It's one of the walkthroughs on GameFAQs.
But yeah, it throws a wrench into things, the random spawns. And I guess I really don't understand how to get rid of the Debilitas. They either chase too fast or too slow. Either I can't hide because they are too close, or I can hide, but they are too far away and never initiate the hiding to coast clear scene.
But I did beat Ace Combat 2 during the day since I didn't want to play Haunting ground during sunlight hours. Soon we are going to invent in some nice light blocking curtains.
Did Hewie attack Deb's neck when he popped out of the hole? If so, then that's actually a good thing. Hewie can sort of "level up" and learn new attacks during certain moments of the game.
Did Hewie attack Deb's neck when he popped out of the hole? If so, then that's actually a good thing. Hewie can sort of "level up" and learn new attacks during certain moments of the game.
No. The hole was like 2 or 3 zones away. He came from several screens away, barked at the Deb, and then ran away.
So my wife convinced me to continue playing.
I walked into the zone with the Deb and Hewie, the Deb proceeded to limp away back towards his house. I guess Hewie beat him up?
Apparently, if Hewie is away from you, he barks, and when he barks, it attracts Debs.
Yeah, that's really helpful for Deb. The other stalkers aren't as dimwitted as Deb so you'll get to start experimenting with new methods of teamwork with him.
17) Metal Slug 3 (Xbox)
Oh, OK, that was quick. Not easy, though. In order to beat this I had to use the option to start on any stage (limited continues), reached the final stage but then ran out of continues, so restarted at that stage and even then finished with only 2 lives remaining. Phew! Still, MS games are so much fun to play, this is why I love to have my PS2/Xbox always set up in the den :D Looking forward to trying some more games from their libraries to take a break from monster slaying.
If you're a fan of that stuff I'd reccomend picking up Metal Slug Anthology for the PS2, or if that's out of your price range, then get the Metal Slug 4/5 pack on Xbox. Anthology gives you all 6 Metal Slug games, and extra bonus content with it.
Thanks for the tip Maximo, I've got MS Anthology for the Wii, haven't played it yet. I do have a couple of decent quality arcade sticks for the Wii, hope it's compatible :D I also want to play the CT Special Forces games for the PS1/GBA - apparently they're very similar too, have the third one already, need to try it.
18) House of the Dead III (Xbox)
And another one bites the dust, no description needed. Was surprised to find that after trying and failing it once, my next go gave me twice the continues (yay!), so when I slumped in the chair for a quick go I ended up beating it.
Ignition: Haunting Ground's a pretty unusual game compared to most survival horrors, but it is well worth sticking with, you will get the hang of it and get through. It's pretty unforgiving when it wants to be.
Reviews are posted for 7th Dragon and Baten Kaitos Origins. This year has been so awesome for video games!
The review is posted for Mega Man Xtreme.
Also, I finished both Mega Man 4 and Mega Man 5 for the first time! Both were pretty fun, but Mega Man 5 was better.
Deadpool (PS4) (10/06/2016)
As a Deadpool fan, I really enjoyed this game. But ultimately this game is a average hack-n-slash game with some shooting elements. It's a worse version of Devil May Cry. It's not that it's bad, but if it wasn't for Deadpool being the games main character, there probably wouldn't be much of a point. The writing is great, I laughed a ton. Nolan North nailed it as the Merc with the Mouth. The script is definitely the best part of the game. The enemies are varied enough to be interesting, but they're somewhat of a pain to fight. The game has some strange difficulty spikes that come out of nowhere. That made me annoyed more than once. On a technical level this game has some problems. At one point, I couldn't get a lift to lower so I could continue with the level. After restarting it worked, but those kind of bugs shouldn't be in the game. Is it a memorable game? Not really. But is it a fun game? Yep. Not bad, but not great. I wanted a funny Deadpool game and that's what I got. I only wish the actual game part was a little better. (3.5/5)
I am nowhere near close but after a rough month with little game time, I finished the Deadpool game. Might be time to go for some more retro titles.
19) Dungeons II (PS4)
Dungeon Keeper clone, nice narration, enjoyed it, might continue in order to get achievements and try skirmish mode.
Atelier Sophie has been finished. I'm really looking forward to writing a review for it because this was one of the best games I have played not only this year, but for quite some time.
Wow, was it really that much of a departure from previous games in the series Kashell?
Wow, was it really that much of a departure from previous games in the series Kashell?
Slightly. The two most apparent changes were Item Creation and battles, both of which got a sizable make over. Since it's the beginning of a new series, it feels fresh with a new setting, new lore, new characters, etc.
It's still an Atelier title, but the combination of all of the little changes make it stand out. It's great. I only need one more trophy before I get the platinum.
Sweet, sounds like my next PS4 RPG when the current crop are whittled down a bit, I do like the Atelier series (particularly Escha & Logy and Atelier Iris 2) but Ayesha violently disagreed with me. I'll look forward to your review :)
Thanks! I'll be sure to post on here when it's finished.
I don't want to detract this topic, but what was it about Ayesha that you didn't like? I ask because I usually see people prefer it to Escha/Logy. This is the first time I've seen it the other way around.
12 to go!
40. Dementium: The Ward (DS): I was pretty excited about this game when I found it; a first person survival horror game on the DS, sign me up! What this game ended up being was a boring, repetitive corridor shooter with the same enemies, cheap bosses and broken gameplay. There is no narrative either, making you wonder who you are and why you are even in this haunted ward. Avoid this game.
Thanks! I'll be sure to post on here when it's finished.
I don't want to detract this topic, but what was it about Ayesha that you didn't like? I ask because I usually see people prefer it to Escha/Logy. This is the first time I've seen it the other way around.
Sorry for the long delay Kashell. With Ayesha there are 2 killers for me, the first is the limited time limit to beat the game, the second is the characters.
My main memory of Ayesha is loading and loading saved games, running around the map trying to activate events in order to beat the story, having put hours into it and trying to avoid unnecessary battles and trying to play the game according to this huge overriding "thou shall!", it was really limiting. After all that I admitted defeat, got to the end, thinking it can't be that bad. "Now do that again", it said, nope, I said.
The other thing is the characters, they just totally didn't amount to anything for me. The Atelier series hardly has deep characters, but these didn't seem to have anything about them at all. Escha's not much more than "I like cake!", but Logy's got a bit more about him and their interactions do raise them higher than Ayesha, for me.
In between Fatal Frame III, I decided to step outside of my comfort zone and start The Getaway. It's...ok. The controls are really stiff, but I'm sticking with it so I can hopefully knock out Charlie's teeth.
12 to go!
40. Dementium: The Ward (DS): I was pretty excited about this game when I found it; a first person survival horror game on the DS, sign me up! What this game ended up being was a boring, repetitive corridor shooter with the same enemies, cheap bosses and broken gameplay. There is no narrative either, making you wonder who you are and why you are even in this haunted ward. Avoid this game.
Agreed. That game is terrible. So, so terrible. The developers should be ashamed of it.
Sorry for the long delay Kashell. With Ayesha there are 2 killers for me, the first is the limited time limit to beat the game, the second is the characters.
My main memory of Ayesha is loading and loading saved games, running around the map trying to activate events in order to beat the story, having put hours into it and trying to avoid unnecessary battles and trying to play the game according to this huge overriding "thou shall!", it was really limiting. After all that I admitted defeat, got to the end, thinking it can't be that bad. "Now do that again", it said, nope, I said.
The other thing is the characters, they just totally didn't amount to anything for me. The Atelier series hardly has deep characters, but these didn't seem to have anything about them at all. Escha's not much more than "I like cake!", but Logy's got a bit more about him and their interactions do raise them higher than Ayesha, for me.
That's interesting because those criticisms usually seem to be reserved for Escha & Logy. Personally, I never had an issue with Ayesha's time limit, but I know that it's a deal breaker with a lot of folks. I always had more than enough time, but I was following a guide. As for the characters, I always enjoyed the characters but that might be because I did all of their events. In every game, it's a requirement to do all of the character events in order to get the platinum trophy.
Either way, you'll be glad to know that Logy is in Atelier Sophie. He's not a playable character, but it's cool to see him again.
Finally got through all of that Daniella stuff in Haunting Ground, that bitch be crazy.
Decided to finally play Killer 7. That game is almost as crazy as Daniella.
Finally got through all of that Daniella stuff in Haunting Ground, that bitch be crazy.
Decided to finally play Killer 7. That game is almost as crazy as Daniella.
Yeah, it's crazy. Crazy BAD!
*quietly leaves*
Finally got through all of that Daniella stuff in Haunting Ground, that bitch be crazy.
Decided to finally play Killer 7. That game is almost as crazy as Daniella.
Yeah, it's crazy. Crazy BAD!
*quietly leaves*
It is though. I'm still on the first level. I can only play for like 5 minutes at a time. I'm hoping it's just this first level is really painful. I think the controls could work for a light gun controller or PS Move, but a GCN controller is just kind of painful with this.
Unlike that awful campaign on YouTube, it doesn't get better. After a certain point, I got fed up. I feel like Killer 7 is a great movie trapped in a terrible game.
I guess I finished Dance Dance Revolution Supernova. I saw the credits and unlocked a bunch of stuff so...yay?
Forgot to put these up, helps me keep track of what I got going on. Gonna try and finish Shadow Warrior 2 and Akiba's Trip this week before Battlefield 1 releases on Friday. Then I got the Dark Souls 3 DLC next week and possibly Dragonball Xenoverse 2, not sure about that one at the moment. Then I got a nice break on game releases till Final Fantasy XV at the end of November I believe. Gives me some time to catch up on backlog.
35 - Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed (PS4) - PLAYING
36 - Dragon Quest Builders (PS4) - PLAYING
37 - Shadow Warrior 2 (PC) - 17 Hours FINISHED - Somewhat of a mixed bag with this one. It's not bad, I think gameplay wise it's a lot better, more refined than the first game, easier to perform all the abilities and movement is way better. I like how many weapons there are, the implementation of co-op seems good (I didn't play it), and I'm kinda into the Borderlands-esque upgrade system (Around 50 guns with different stats, but then you can upgrade them with whatever extra abilities). The problem with the game is that because they went with procedural levels, you start to get bored with what you are seeing. That, combined with the re-used character models, and some other issues dealing with quality, you can see why this is a $40 game, because they wanted to add new stuff to the game, but also needed to keep it at a certain budget. It works, but the game is kinda sloppy technically, just like the first game was. If you liked the first, you'll probably enjoy this one.
Finally got some new reviews posted. Atelier Sophie and DDR Supernova.
Fatal Frame III: The Tormented has been finished. Great game (probably my favorite in the series) but not without it's issues.
38 - Battlefield 1 (PC) - PLAYING
Also grabbed the Dark Souls 3 DLC, so I might count that. I counted the Dying Light expansion since it was so large and I believe these Souls DLC's are pretty large themselves.
This has been a productive weekend. I finished Azure Striker Gunvolt. I'm looking forward to reviewing this one!
20) The Evil Within (PS4)
New game plus replay, enjoyed it a heck of a lot more than the first time around, ammo was still fairly scarce but I didn't feel like I was getting locked in with enemies with no chance of beating them.
TEW is basically Resident Evil 4 with a different setting/characters and slightly unpolished gameplay. It has stealth, for instance, but half of the time enemies are scripted to appear and attack you at certain points in the game, making sneaking around pointless. Ammo is very scarce, once an enemy is floored it can be burned alive with a match, but matches are also single use items which you can run out of. Melee attacks are ineffective also.
I do like the game, but it's a little long-winded and does slightly outstay its welcome, but it's still a 4/5 game for me.
38 - Battlefield 1 (PC) - FINISHED/PLAYING - Just finished the campaign as it's pretty short, even playing on Hard. Overall, one of the slightly better campaigns Battlefield has done in awhile, but only because it's treated with a little more respect and grounding...kinda...for the scenario. Instead of one big action movie like we got with BF3 and BF4, we get about 5 or 6 little stories from different points throughout the war that takes maybe 5 or 6 hours. It's not a bad idea, but some are pretty short and others probably should've been fleshed out more to be more interesting, like just take 3 characters and give them each 3 to 4 hour stories so you get drawn in more. Not terrible, but it's abit lacking. Multiplayer is great though. Needs some tweaks here and there and they kinda shortchanged the weaponry abit, but overall one of the better Battlefields in awhile.
Game 28 - Pokemon Picross (3DS) - 35 Hours
I finally got to area 30 after playing this game since January. Here are my thoughts.
+ I've never played a picross game before, so it was really fun to try it out for the first time. The first 5 hours or so were really enjoyable catching Pokemon and solving the puzzles. I liked the use of secret puzzles and codes to unlock rarer Pokemon to catch. The puzzle gameplay itself is fun as well, even though it's essentially Picross with Pokemon that give you abilities thrown in.
- I have a lot more negative things to say than positive. Because it's a F2P game, there are some huge gameplay issues. Basically after you catch all the Pokemon on the stage, you have to do daily 7x7 training puzzles to get enough picrites to go to the next area (unless you pay money to get them in the store). That means that the vast majority of the game is doing those crappy 7x7 puzzles for weeks on end without actually playing the game until you can finally unlock the next level and catch some new Pokemon. Like I said, it didn't take long before this game became boring, but I powered through it since it was only a couple minutes a day and easy to pick up.
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
My game completions have been low as hell this year so far thanks to Overwatch, well work and my daughter had an effect too, but mostly Overwatch. Games in order of what I played earliest this year and what I know I completed. The end will probably be any console titles I've finished.
1. Ori and the Blind Forest, I loved this. The artstyle and the storytelling I thought were so well done, and even if I don't usually like the style of gameplay found in a Metroid, namely the backtracking, but I felt the depth of the platforming enhanced by the different forms of movement you unlocked, changed navigating the map enough to not have it become too tedious. The game wasn't very long either so that helped as well. I completed this in about 10 hours, give or take so afk time. Highly recommend even if only for the visuals and soundtrack.
2. Firewatch, I got this looking for an easy going and interesting adventure style game. Another game I find to be visually stunning, if a little yellow and orange. The gameplay is simple, walk around, interact with things, and pick dialogue options to say over your hand radio to a woman in a watch tower across a valley. The game is real short, I finished in about 3 hours though I also took my time a bit enjoying the scenery and environments, trying to interact with as much as I could. I really enjoyed the experience though and it was a really nice game to play towards the end of the evening while unwinding, though, no spoilers, some parts of the story get pretty... interesting.
3. You Must Build a Boat! Short little match 3 game about building a boat, finding fellows to man the boat, and sailing that boat. I actually put about 10 hours into this game but some were from playing after finishing it so I can't say how long it actually took.
4. Final Fantasy X, a big name game for me to check off of my list. I spent a lot of time throughout the summer playing this and its probably one of the big reasons I didn't complete much else throughout the year. I loved the experience. I grew up playing this only at a friends house, he was the only one I knew who owned it, and I was obsessed with it, but for some reason, I never bought it for myself. I actually played through most of this game about 3 or 4 years ago. I had bought a ps2 to play some old games, but between moving, and getting newer toys to play with I ended up dropping off the game, and sold the ps2 and the games I had for it, I was at the end game Sin fight too. Since completing it I've been going back to it off and on to farm and work my way into the late game content. I would absolutely love to eventually earn the platinum trophy for it, but I don't know if I'll be able to talk myself into trying to complete the sphere grids for every character. So far I have about 62 hours in game I'd say I was probably around mid 50s when I actually finished off the main boss, probably around 50 when I first got to it though but decided to go about doing some of the end game content, and ended up steamrolling the final boss.
That's actually it for me so far, though there are a lot of partially completed games I'm going to be pushing to complete before the end of the year. Doom, Assassins Creed Syndicate, maybe Dying Light, Dark Souls III, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, among a few others. My biggest issue is there are games I'm dying to start, but wanting to complete these other titles is standing in my way!
I finished the 3DS version of Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. It was a blast.
setting up another page as I ran out of room on my previous with the inclusion of battlefield 1 and olli olli 2 and finally filling out a few reviews that I didn't feel like writing at the time. I decided to add the beaten date information for all future additions.
link to previous page reviews 47-71:,6762.msg119949.html#msg119949 (,6762.msg119949.html#msg119949)
72. Mario Kart Wii (wii): played through this so me and my gf could play all the tracks together. its a Mario kart game with 24 tracks to pick from. the waggle wand really detracts from the gameplay on this but we had plenty of steering wheels to make it easier. the only track I really struggled on was the rainbow road. every now and then though there was an issue with the controller where if you tipped it more than 45 degrees it would turn the other way and we pinpointed it down to the speed at which we turned the wheel. needless to say in tight turning situations it was more of a major issue as you needed to turn supper quick to maintain speed and not hit a wall. overall id say its a 5/10. 11/05
73. Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (PS4): this was a strange top down multiplayer tomb raider game. it worked out well though because I have a soft spot for top down games. unfortunately I did not know this so I didn't play it with anyone to check if the multiplayer was any good. surprisingly I cant recall a single glitch I ran into other than framerate issues that occurred after I beat the final boss. so I would have to say this is one of the most well polished games I have ever played. the game was relatively short (about 5-6 hours) but if I'm not mistaken this was originally a vita game so I give it the botd. certain story telling aspects I was not a fan of and one of the bosses you killed comes back in/just before the final fight which I feel was a terrible decicion but it allowed for a more varied final fight. overall I give this title a 7/10. 11/06
74. The Deadly Tower of Monsters (ps4): man this was just one of the strangest games ever. you take control of dick starspeed a character in a 70's sci-fi B movie where the director is adding commentary over what unfolds for the dvd release of the original movie. it has literally all the best parts of movies of those times you can think of. crappy Claymation, bad looking props, visisble wires holding them, etc. and everything even what would be considered lazy of game designers now a days is placed in a nice and cleaver way and described by commentary in the most elegant and funny way possible to make it very believable. it plays really nice and aside from a few glitches here and there (none major) it is a very well polished game. this game was also roughly 3-5 hours and it had a variety of things to do other than progressing the story like finding and shooting targets, jumping through hoops, finding and killing monkeys that had watches on, etc. it also had a very strange idea for its map. as you can probably guess by the name you work your way up this VERY tall tower fighting monsters along the way. but its not just straight up climbing, the tower will meander in certain dirrections in an imposible climb. overall I would have to say this game is a 7/10. 11/07
75. Secret Ponchos (ps4): unfortunately this game is now one of the many games that have been destroyed by being online only. this is an online game where you have to kill players solo or in teams with one other person but because the online community for this game has all but dried up do not expect to ever get into a match online. I left it searching for a challenger while I downloaded a different game and it took probably a good 20-30 minutes to be matched up with one other person. so I managed to be able to play half a match of this before that other person left. back when this game came to be free on ps+ I played a few matches enough to know it wasn't for me. now that there is no playing this game though I will retire it having only played a total of 9 matches according to the in game statistics. of what I can remember of the game and the current state of it I give this a 2/10. 11/07
76. Stick it to the man! (ps4): finally got around to beating this and it is an interesting game. unfortunately point and click adventures are kind of hit or miss on consoles and this game has certain aspects of point and clicks mixed with platformers and puzzlers. specifically the issue I am talking about is when you are around enemies and have to go into their mind to get powerups you will likely catch a pin and travel right next to them instead. overall I give this game a 3/10. 11/08-11/09 (completed at 12:10am)
77. Everybody's gone to the Rapture (ps4): 2 major things. 1. a friend of mine perfectly summed this up to me before I played it. "walking simulator" and 2. I never realized that this game was a college project till I got to the credits and did my normal thing of actually reading them to the best of my ability. for a college project this definitely blows my mind out of the water. there was just sooo much there. sure the gameplay was lacking but for 3:30 hours I ran through the game definitely not doing everything possible in the game nor seeing every possible location or hearing every audio log. the visuals in this game are mind numbingly great but unfortunately I do not think the paceing of the game was the best. some moments moved by so quick while others were just sooo slow. the music is my all time favorite for games opera (ist?) so it gets very high marks there. overall I think I give this game a 9/10. 11/09
78. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire (3DS): I finally sat down and decided to finish this game i started earlier in the year. Pokemon AS didnt disappoint. Pokemon X is still my favorite, but this one came in at a close second. Can't wait for Pokemon Sun & Moon to come out! 11/10
79. World of Final Fantasy (PS4): man this is really sad to say but I think this is the first RPG I have beat all year and it took me 22 hours over 3 days to do so. it was a very good game and I will always say this; stylized graphics always look better and stand up to time better than ultra realistic graphics. I'm just realy confused on why they decided to go with 3 graphics styles throughout the game. it was always very odd when the swapped to the anime styling. I wish they stuck with just one styling. gameplay was fun and spot on. the fact that they put voice acting through the entire game was very nice even all the unimportant npc's had full voice lines which really allowed me to stick with the story (I'm not a fan of reading stories and would have skipped through much of the dialougue otherwise) the main characters were opposites which was interesting but I wish they didn't make lann so dumb (although he had a few voice lines that made me chuckle). I found most of the game to be really easy and a few portions were skillless. overall I give this game a 7/10. 11/13
80. Auralux (IOS mobile): I know most people dont consider mobile games games and generally i would agree with you but this is one of those handfull of apps that i would consider a game. its a simplistic touch RTS game where you control stars that produce units at the exact same intervals and you have to command them to capture every star in the map. this game would have been a very easy beat had it not been for the fact that i made myself beat it on the supernova difficulty. which both increases the speed of the game and makes every enemy spawn 2 times as many units as they normally would. there were some very very difficult ones (ranked insane on normal mode) that litterally almost took 30+ minutes by them selves to beat and that was with me skating by in my last ditch efforts. since this was the very first mobile game i had ever found that i would consider an actual game i have to give this a 9/10. the only reason its a 9 is because when you first play it (without purchasing anything) you have to beat 5 levels to unlock speedrun mode, which if you dont have speed run mode on the game is ungodly slow. 11/17
81. Contrast (ps4): this was an interesting concept that unfortunately i have seen before in my flash game days. it was very nice to see in a 3d setting. the story was very strange and more than half the time i would have stoped helping if it were me. the main problem with this game was the number of bugs i encountered, from being teleported through the floor, to switches not working, items not being able to be picked up, the nearly the final straw being on the last level after you scale the tower it glitches out and makes it unable to be beaten right at the very end of the game (puzzle wise). the only way to fix it is to turn off the game and restart it which makes you start from the begining of the last level. the puzzles in this game were very straight forward and the most difficult ones werewhen you had to move a cart that produced light around the environment. overall i give this game a 2/10. 11/17
82. Infamous: First Light (ps4):I really didn't like this game. it was short, way to easy, and the story was terrible. the main character was really dumb, and the situations made it imposible for the enemy not to die but they managed to survive (like a 10 story free fall in a ravine). it was also extreamly short. I believe I beat the entire game in ~3 hours, which also leads to another issue I had with the game. Its map was way too small. you can literally run from one side to the other in 2-3 minutes, I somewhat wish the map was larger just to pad the length of the game. 3/10. 11/21
83. Limbo (ps4): how have I never played this game before? as an avid puzzle game player this was a very interesting game. not really all to difficult but it had a variety to the puzzles that constantly made them interesting. im also a big fan of the story playing out on mute, where it makes you somewhat feel for your character. although it didn't have too many moments like that it had enough to draw me in. this was a very short game ~1-2 hours depending on your puzzle aptitude but if I remember correctly this game was an indie game. the art style works for the game well as you are traveling through forests and caves and automated factories the black and white aesthetic makes it feel even more foreboding traveling through it. 8/10. 11/21
84. Ultratron (ps4): this is a simple joystick arena shooter where you have to kill everything that spawns in, collect the money they drop, and avoid any contact/fire. the upgrade system was a lot more complex than I would have ever given it credit for with quite a bunch to purchase but everything seemed to be a little too expensive to level up (although I was constantly spending money to buy back lost shields). occasionally upgrades drop onto the field and they do the things you would expect, increase bullet fire speed, increase damage, 2 projectiles, split projectiles, etc, the only issue I have with the upgrades are that they do not show anywhere how long they will be active for. the upgrades also last a few rounds so at first you think they are permanent then after they go away you figure it may have been because you got hit. either way with it being an infinite game I called it beat after I unlocked all characters (which I did in one life). 5/10. 11/21
85. Auralux Constelations (IOS mobile): This game is also called Auralux 2 and is the second game to auralux. it is a vast improvement over the original. not only do they make it so its not painfully slow in the beginning (they allow you to set the speed manually), they added many new planetary functions including supernovas, gas giants, rotating planets, speed and slow space, etc. not only that but they added in extra difficulty so now insane difficulty is almost unbeatable (as it should be) the only way to beat them is usually simultaneously building your planets while defending against 2-3 enemies that rarely attack each other (all done by map setup not ai changes). they also introduced a verses mode where you can compete against real players (although I recently got this app and the online is dead) unfortunately they removed my favorite part of the first game (supernova difficulty) and replaced it with time trials. it makes cense as the increased difficulty would have made some levels 100% unbeatable. this also features more levels than the first one with 14 worlds of 10-11 worlds each it will be assured to raise your apm to beat all of them. it also improved under the hood allot. on the first one I would always see what the biggest unit I could get was (they would one shot planets) but getting them would lag the game so much that you always felt it would crash, in this game they remedied that issue by making individual units disappear after so many units were on screen but dividing the total unit count to every other unit so you can get massive armies (200,000+ units) with zero lag. unfortunately this made it so you can no longer get these visibly massive units. overall I give this game a 10/10 for all the improvements it has made to the original game. btw it took me easily 10+hours to beat every map and I knew exactly what to do because of my previous experience. 11/21
86. Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze (wii u): this is definitely not your easy Mario platformer. its a platformer made for the skills of an experienced player as a lot of the level were hard to get through. the level design was very fleshed out and personable with things that would happen inside of the levels. the movements of the kongs you get are perfect and the abilities are interesting and helpful throughout the levels. the boss battles are extremely interesting and the patterns are varied with all of them requiring 9 hits instead of the 3 in other Nintendo platformers. completeing each level is a very rewarding feeling as each level is extremely varied in play style and requires you to quickly adapt to the certain situations you are in. overall this was a very, very fun game and I give it a 9/10. 11/26
87. Guacamelee! Super Turbo Champion Edition (ps4): I really ended up liking this game. it was a faster paced platformer with good fighting added in. it was definitely a difficult one also as a bunch of the bosses (especially near the end) required you not only to memorize their movements but react to each movement in a very quick amount of time and balance all your attacks to be able to beat them. this was definitely a multiple player game, but as I beat it with only myself im unsure if the difficulty rises with each additional player. it was also a longer game 5-6 hours and tested your quick ability to swap between skills. it followed along with cultural lore (I Did not look it up but it seems like the characters would exist in real life cultural stories). overall I give this game a 8/10. 11/27
88. Pix the Cat (ps4): simple arcade style game with not that much when it comes to content. you run around and pick up eggs that hatch to chicks and you walk them to the objective. after all chicks have been taken to the objective a portal appears to shrink you down to the next levels board and it all happens again. you get faster and faster all based on your performance with previous levels up to like 15-20X normal speed. you unfortunately are given a time limit not a life limit so each game only lasts 300 seconds. if you stay in the same place too long you explode killing all chicks following you or if you get caught by the chick train you will blow up. some boards to perfect require you to go back to a higher board and use the second entrance to complete. overall this really isn't my kind of game and I give this a 3.5/10. 11/27
89. Never Alone (ps4): this was an interesting puzzle platformer with a very interesting story to tell. it came from the stories of a eskimo (the exact group I cant remember) in his native tongue and translated via subtitles to English. it was great because I had never heard speech quite like it and almost every portion of the story was broken down in the cultural insights section so if you wanted to you could learn about each part of the story. its narrative was the best part of the game hands down. the puzzles were very simple and I did not run into any issue doing them (minus the moving platforms near the end of the game killing me). this game gets a 6/10 for the narrative and actually getting me to look at all the additional material for the game. 11/28
90. Dead Star (ps4): another online only game whose servers have been shut down. I went through all tutorial missions. shame too as this game looked interesting. 2/10. 11/28
91 Line Rider 2 (ds): this is an abomination of a game. almost everything about this game is a vast de-volution from the original web game. when you make tracks if you start going fast it lags if the tracks take longer to complete than 30 seconds it lags. if you use the degrading track it can sometimes break the game because it doesn't always go away so when you loop to the other side you will hit the platform that shouldn't be there. the animated portions are just beyond painful to watch as its slow, jumpy, fast, long, and at a much lower resolution than it should be at (like 720i kind of resolution on a 1080p tv bad) the story mode is both too long (50 levels )and too broken (mainly because of the formentioned degrading track) in fact every map I played that featured the degrading track in a loop I had to spend 10 more minutes than should have just making very slight tweaks just to make a certain portion degrade instead of remaining there. the only thing it has going for it is that the lines can be manipulaterd into a curve which the original did not posses. no wonder I never heard anything about the game other than it was in development 1/10. 11/30
92. Super Mario 3d World (wii u): the both of us (me and my gf) both re-played through this game thinking we had already beaten it. unfortunately the first time we played through it we didn't have the required number of stars to even face the last level so we both forgot about not beating it. we did end up playing through the entirety of it again and almost 100%ing the whole thing with much more stars than we would have ever needed. needless to say it was a fun enough title that we wanted to play through it again. it a very nice 3d platformer with tight controls. exactly what you would expect from a 1st party Nintendo title. overall I give this a 5/10. 12/10 (I didn't even give up and make Rayne play it by himself. And i died a lot:D)
93. Imagine Detective (DS): my first foray into the little girl shovelware titles and I have to say I am impressed by it. I had always assumned these were utter trash titles but they are just mediocre titles that are clearly targeted tword younger girls. just about the same gameplay as any I-spy game with more fleshed out mini-games and an actual story (I got bored of it though). overall I give this a 4/10. 12/14
Alright this should be the last post for this year,6762.msg131488.html#msg131488
I finished Magic Knight Rayearth for the Super Famicom. Are there enough hours in the day to write all of these reviews?!
I finished Magic Knight Rayearth for the Super Famicom. Are there enough hours in the day to write all of these reviews?!
look at the bright side your actually good at writing reviews, im not.
39 - Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (PS4) - PLAYING - It's Xenoverse with more stuff so far. More of a "1.5" than anything and they kinda cheaped out with repeating missions since it's a lot of the same fights all over again as it always is with Dragon Ball games. Lazy, but for DBZ fans, we are use to it lol
40 - Titanfall 2 (PC) - FINISHED/PLAYING - I wasn't originally gonna pick this up, since I had Battlefield 1 already, but based on a few peoples push of the game to increase sales since it's going to suffer with sales where it was released, I grabbed it anyways, figuring now is the time to play since I fully expect it to die off like the first.
The singleplayer was fairly good. I don't know if I'd say "The Best in Years" for a shooter like some have, but at some points it's really good, particularly the last half of the game because the first half is almost kinda boring. You hit one point, one specific level and it becomes something more from there and I dug that. It's nothing amazing, but it's a good bit of fun. Kinda gives me a vibe that mixes Halo with Call of Duty. Ending is abit predictable lol
Multiplayer is also better than I expected. I normally don't care for the fast paced shooters these day, in particular Call of Duty, but the game has more weight to it than those, so it feels better and the Titans are great. I played abit of the first with a demo and thought it was alright and since they didn't change a ton, anyone that liked the first will probably like this one. It's much the same, but that's not bad. It also is supposed to have free DLC maps, so that's a good feature these days.
39 - Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (PS4) - FINISHED/PLAYING - Finished Xenoverse 2 and while there's stuff I generally liked, it's a mixed bag. It improves on a number of things from the previous game, but so much content is just straight up re-used here that it's very clear to see how they rushed to get this game out, barely a year and a half since the first game. If this had another year of development, and the story didn't rehash so much of the same story and missions as before, delving more into the movies, GT, or Dragon Ball original somehow, I'd be far more excited about this game.
In the end, it's not bad, but it's real lazy. There's so much more that they can do I think to really expand on what they got here as the best things about this game are everything dealing with character creation and customization and "What If" scenarios. I feel like maybe it's Toei that's holding back Dragon Ball products and have been for years as it seems like we can't get anything new out of these games. Just the same rehashed sagas every time. Since this whole thing is not canon anyways, why not do brand new stories in this Xenoverse setting? Let someone do something actually original than just slight alterations to established stories and characters.
Oh well, if your DBZ fan, you'll probably get some enjoyment out of it, just don't buy it new and expect too much of a different game from the first.
35 - Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed (PS4) - FINISHED - Finished this up real quick as I was closer to the end than I thought, especially when I began skipping all the side missions. I didn't want to abandon another game, I already had 3 this year, but I think this is a mostly poor game. Combat is just kinda boring, fights are kinda boring, the gimmicky clothes ripping loses it's novelty in the first hour or so and some fights will just last forever, and all the side content is just tedious crap. Even as someone that likes collecting things like the clothing or weapons, it's just so boring and hard to get fun stuff.
I had heard it had a great "recreation of Akihabara", but I'd probably say that is wrong, because even if it's the general shape, there's nothing to do in it. Most shops are just the same exact shops, with there being over a dozen that all sell like 4 or 5 items, most of which are the same items. It's just shallow crap and it's silly pervy gimmick isn't remotely entertaining enough to keep people in this game, at least it didn't for me. I'm finding that more often than not, these silly action perv games like Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1, and Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus are just mostly tedious and dull as far as a game goes.
I was also about to say, this games "Portness" was obvious, cause I thought it was a port of an older handheld game, and that it felt and looked like one, but no, this was a game made for consoles and the Vita 3 years ago and is a sequel to a PSP game. It feels like a PSP game updated for more modern systems lol I feel like they know this series kinda sucks, so they are turning the next sequel into a more straightforward and serious JRPG. Kinda weird.
Wow...85 games this year. And yet I feel like I'm just getting started.
Anyways, I finished Aragami today. It's a fantastic game and I'm super excited to start going for the remaining trophies.
I swear I must hold the record for the longest time anyone has taken to beat Medal of Honor Frontline. I'll finish it soon, I swear! It's tough playing it on hard mode with no checkpoints. :'(
due to character limitations per post, here is part two of my 52 games review:
45. Gigawing (Dreamcast): I feel guilty saying this about a SHMUP on the Dreamcast, but this isn't a very good game. It is a very imbalanced, haphazard shooter that has too many problems to mention, but probably the biggest is having way too many projectiles thrown at you in such a way that does not allow you to dodge them with how big your hit box is. On top of that, the game gives you unlimited continues which more or less boils down to you using up all your bombs before dying and having to use your next continue. There are definitely better SHMUPs on the Dreamcast, and this one is likely not worth the ungodly amount of money it is probably worth these days.
46. Gunbird 2 (Dreamcast): While I can say with certainty that this game is better than Gigawing (see above), it's still mediocre for the most part. It is far from perfect, but on it's own it is a competent shooter, however its biggest flaw is its length whih can be beat in around 20-minutes. At this point this game is very overpriced and I'd say skip it honestly.
47. Fast Striker (Dreamcast): While not as flashy as many other SHMUPs, this one is an exemplary example of how a SHMUP should be! Tight, accurate controls, dynamic gameplay (stronger shot, but slower ship, versus weaker shot and faster ship), and excellent stage design. The soundtrack for this game is phenomenal as well. Highly, HIGHLY recommend this homebrew title!
48. Gunblade NY (Wii): Playing this awesome 90s rail shooter on the Wii is 98% the same as I remember it in the arcade (it's been easily over 20-years since I last played it though). The only differences I notices were some of the advertisements being different in the levels, as well as the World Trade Center buildings being removed from the skyline and background. If you can get past these changes, the game is a near perfect port of the excellent arcade game!
49. L.A. Machineguns (Wii): There is a slight framerate decrease between this port and the original arcade version; I'm not sure if this was done due to hardware limitations of the Wii or difficulties porting the game to a home console, but either way it is a small compromise in the grand scheme of things. The game is still 80% pure to its arcade counterpart which is more than enough for me to relive one of the most memorable and one of my most favorite rail shooters of the late 90s arcade scene.
50. Dodonpachi (Saturn): THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE A SHOOTER! The game is ultra smooth, balanced, challenging yet fair, and incredibly varied in terms of level and enemy design. It truly deserves its place among SHMUP royalty as it is usually granted.
51. Virtua Fighter Kids (Saturn): This game is essentially Virtua Fighter 2 with Chibi characters and gameplay that has been dulled down for the sake of fitting the more light hearted feel of this game. Personally I felt like it sucked most of the charm that makes me like Virtua Fighter so much, but as a novelty it was okay I guess.
52. Virtua Fighter Remix (Saturn): This game manages to update the character models significantly over the original release whole retaining all the charm, gameplay, and frustrations of the original as well. I really like this addition, but despite it looking very rough these days, I still prefer the original. And I have to say it, FUCK YOU PAI!!!!!
53. Raiden Fighters (360): What I like to call a classic shooter, Raiden Fighters is less about a zillion projectiles on the screen and more about reflexes and timing. I thoroughly enjoyed this game and felt it was very well made overall. The soundtrack was great, the ship variety was good, and all around I had a great time with this one.
54. Raiden Fighters 2 (360): This game is more or less just like the first one albeit with new stages, new bosses and a lot more ships to choose from. Everything i liked from the first one was carried over to this game and I enjoyed it just as much.
55. Virtua Fighter 10th Anniversary (PS2): While radically different, especially in gameplay, which resembles the newer Virtua Fighter titles more, this is the best home console port of the original Virtua Fighter to date! The music and the graphics are lifted straight from the arcade and as mentioned, the gameplay is tweaked in order to provide a more refined experience and reduce the amount of cheap matches. Definitely had a lot of fin with this one.
56. Street Fighter EX3 (PS2): Definitely one of the better examples of 2D fighting game franchises that made the jump to 3D, this game plays super smooth and has an excellent, original roster of fighters. The music is a huge standout too. Only complaint about this game is the final boss (M. Bison) who is incredibly cheap. Definitely worth picking this one up.
57. Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival (Wii U): I actually played and "beat" this game earlier in the year, but was reminded during a conversation I was having with someone about how awful this game is to jar my memory to write a review. This game is painfully simple and boring, and it's cuteness and Amiibo integration wares off in about 5-minutes, no joke. On top of that, let's all be honest, we all bought this game because of these exclusive Amiibos that came bundled with the game. I know I did at least lol.
58. Metal Black (PS2): While this shooter had some great cinematic level design and interest bonus levels, at its core it just felt like an R-Type wannabe. However, one interesting aspect is the almost surreal atmosphere of the whole game that gave me a body horror vibe the whole time. Overall, a decent game.
59. Gekirindan (PS2): I found this SHMUP to be below average for the most part; you have an enormous hit box which does not mesh with the amount of projectiles thrown at you through most of the game. I mean seriously, if you even come within an inch of an enemy bullet you will die! Graphic-wise the game looks pretty good for a SHMUP of its time period, but overall I found this one to be forgettable.
60. Virtua Cop Rebirth (PS2): While the arcade gameplay is in tact, the graphics have been updated quite a bit; I might be the only one who has a soft spot for early 3D graphics, but it is something I sort of missed while playing this more polished version. The Guncon 2 does a good enough job of reproducing the feel of playing this in an arcade, although to be honest it is only about 80% as accurate as the arcade. While not debilitating, it does become annoying at times, specifically when an enemy is hiding towards the far left of the screen; no amount of calibration I could do could correct this either. Overall it's still a great arcade port and a welcome update to the otherwise dated graphics. BTW, this review applies to both VC and VC2.
61. Thunder Force VI (PS2): For better or worse, this was the easiest Thunder Force game, but regardless it was incredibly fun. Some of my favorite parts were several subtle and not so subtle references to the previous games in the series, and the whole thing felt like a huge nostalgia trip a times, which I guess is fitting since this is the last Thunder Force game. Definitely a good time to be had here!
62. Darius Gaiden (PS2): I've heard for a long time how good the Darius series was and this seems to be everyone's favorite so i decided to see if it is as good as everyone says. I thought the gameplay and graphics were excellent and appealing; I also really liked the Choose Your Own Adventure style of level progression. Music was decent, but overall I thought this was barely above average in terms of me enjoying it. A solid shooter, but maybe not completely up my ally.
Game 29 - Medal of Honor: Frontline (PS2) - Unknown play time, easily 25 hours
+ This game has a lot of really great things going for it. For the time, the graphics and gameplay are really good. I like how hitting different parts of the body does different damage. I liked the missions and the overall story was exciting and engaging without being too outlandish. The music was also really good.
- Since I finished the game on hard mode, I must say that the difficulty was BRUTAL. Since there are no checkpoints in MOH, I had to restart levels multiple times over after spending 36 minutes playing a level. Part of the problem is how some weapons purposely miss the target, even when aiming. the silenced pistol was a particular problem; I hated that weapon. This was probably one of the toughest games I have ever played, yet it wasn't really in a good way. It was a struggle to keep playing and beat it, that's for sure.
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
yesterday was a very productive day. I managed to beat 4 games (82-85 on my list a few posts up) mainly because I didn't know just how close I was for 2 of them.
and for anyone who likes simple RTS games and has a smart phone I highly recommend getting Auralux Constelations, The first world is free and you can play the first level in every other world without paying for it. this is one of less than a handful of games on mobile phones I would actually consider a game
I've been meaning to post an update.
I've been fairly unproductive in terms of beating games the last 4 or 5 months, but I'm sitting at 99 games beat. Working on game 100 right now and I expect to beat at least 4 more easily before the end of the year. So I should have no trouble meeting my initial goal of 104 games this year.
I'm definitely not making 52 games beat. I might be able to squeeze out 52 played perhaps, but I don't have a lot more new stuff coming and not a lot of backlog I want to go do in particular. I got Final Fantasy XV, Dead Rising 4, and maybe Last Guardian as I'm not sure if I'm grabbing that right away or not. That would put me to 43 and there's maybe a few random titles I have I might check out that I've gotten on PS+ or the one or two I have in my Steam library that I actually want to play that could me up to 52.
Updated my list with Quest 64. I think the folks in charge at GameFAQs are on vacation since none of my reviews are getting posted.
EDIT: And I updated it again with Gravity Rush.
Finished Uncharted 4... and with that... I've beat 100 games this year.
Finished Uncharted 4... and with that... I've beat 100 games this year.
100! That's awesome. Congrats on that.
Finished Uncharted 4... and with that... I've beat 100 games this year.
Holy cow!
Way to go!
I'm not going to make it to 52 games played this year. But I did finish many of the games I played.
I'll probably top out at 40.
I'm planning on beating a few more, but I'm hoping to hit 110 at least.
That is really impressive. I'm pretty sure that I will reach 52 this year, maybe 1 or 2 over, but yeah, it's going to be down to the wire.
41 - Doom (PC) - 3 Hours PLAYING - The game finally dropped down to 20 bucks on Steam, so I grabbed that as I had been wanting to play the singleplayer more after dabbling with it on console. It's your standard shooter, nothing super fancy or special, but it's fine. It's dumb fun.
41 - Doom (PC) - 3 Hours PLAYING - The game finally dropped down to 20 bucks on Steam, so I grabbed that as I had been wanting to play the singleplayer more after dabbling with it on console. It's your standard shooter, nothing super fancy or special, but it's fine. It's dumb fun.
This game felt anything but standard to me. In fact it is the best FPS I've played in years by far. It was so frantic, chaotic, and smooth, almost as if a really good SHMUP some how became a FPS. Everyone is obviously going to feel different about each game, but this game was completely exceptional in my opinion.
41 - Doom (PC) - 3 Hours PLAYING - The game finally dropped down to 20 bucks on Steam, so I grabbed that as I had been wanting to play the singleplayer more after dabbling with it on console. It's your standard shooter, nothing super fancy or special, but it's fine. It's dumb fun.
This game felt anything but standard to me. In fact it is the best FPS I've played in years by far. It was so frantic, chaotic, and smooth, almost as if a really good SHMUP some how became a FPS. Everyone is obviously going to feel different about each game, but this game was completely exceptional in my opinion.
It just doesn't do anything new to me. I understand what it was trying to be, an old school game with modern sensibilities, but I already got that with Shadow Warrior and Wolfenstein, twice! It's got your standard gear and weapon upgrades, your standard grab a colored key to progress, collectibles, and multiplayer I'll never play. It's damn polished and fun, and I love the heavy, grinding, industrial, metal that kicks in during fights, and the hyper-violence is always nuts, but otherwise it's just a pretty regular mindless shooter. That's what Doom is though, so I can't really fault it for that.
And just to add, I've never been a huge Doom fan. Never really liked the old games and I didn't have any real issues with Doom 3. It's not normally my kind of shooter, which is why I think the new Wolfenstein is a way better game. It has what is familiar to the older style, but it's very much a modern game, offering stealth action as an option or you can just go balls out along with an entertaining story and setting.
42 - Final Fantasy XV (PS4) - PLAYING - Still only a couple hours in and mostly just doing side stuff, but I'm liking it. Enough side stuff to keep one busy, earn money and gear, and get you exploring areas. Open world, open questing, that's the kind of game I like. There's also enough depth and interesting features that are really drawing me in and I haven't even really started the story. I love that there looks like there will be a good bit of customization to everything as you can change our bro's outfits and fully customization the Regalia with colors and other things you can purchase or find.
Game 30 - Conker's Bad Fur Day (Xbox One) - 24 Hours
This game was excellent, and in my opinion fully deserving of all the hype it gets.
+ The game has a lot of style and humor, and is pretty funny in a lot of places. I loved the settings too: it reminded me a lot of Toy Story 2 in the gameplay style and music. The characters were all memorable and funny, and even the ending stuck with me in a really profound manner. It was just a really great experience from start to finish.
- I had some issues with controlling Conker, and would often fall of platforms and the like. It's better with the Xbox One controller, I imagine it would be hell with an N64 controller. The multiplayer stuff kind of sucks too. That's about all I can think of.
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
I updated my page with reviews that finally got posted.
After playing and reviewing Gigawing on the Dreamcast, I saw a lot of people online praising it heavily, enough to where I second guessed myself and thought that maybe there was something I overlooked or missed.
I replayed the game tonight. While I did not utilize the reflect shield mechanic as much as I should have the first time around, it did little to improve my overall opinion of this game or how enjoyable, or rather the lack thereof, it is. Really sad because I can't understand why others praise this one so much.
I finished Kirby and The Rainbow Curse last night. This was the first Wii U game I finished this year. I'm so glad I finally have one of these consoles!
After playing and reviewing Gigawing on the Dreamcast, I saw a lot of people online praising it heavily, enough to where I second guessed myself and thought that maybe there was something I overlooked or missed.
I replayed the game tonight. While I did not utilize the reflect shield mechanic as much as I should have the first time around, it did little to improve my overall opinion of this game or how enjoyable, or rather the lack thereof, it is. Really sad because I can't understand why others praise this one so much.
That's interesting you mention that. I saw Giga Wing at a store today for over 100 bucks. I asked the guy what the deal was with this and he mentioned it was one of his favorite shmups of all time. But, he was probably just trying to make a sale so I said no.
I finished Kirby and The Rainbow Curse last night. This was the first Wii U game I finished this year. I'm so glad I finally have one of these consoles!
After playing and reviewing Gigawing on the Dreamcast, I saw a lot of people online praising it heavily, enough to where I second guessed myself and thought that maybe there was something I overlooked or missed.
I replayed the game tonight. While I did not utilize the reflect shield mechanic as much as I should have the first time around, it did little to improve my overall opinion of this game or how enjoyable, or rather the lack thereof, it is. Really sad because I can't understand why others praise this one so much.
That's interesting you mention that. I saw Giga Wing at a store today for over 100 bucks. I asked the guy what the deal was with this and he mentioned it was one of his favorite shmups of all time. But, he was probably just trying to make a sale so I said no.
Maybe it's because there was such a limited amount of SHMUPs on the console and also because the Dreamcast is so loved, but I feel like this game is overhyped for those two reasons. The only SHMUP on the Dreamcast that was officially released during its lifespan (at least in North America) that I think is worth what it's going for online and lives up to the hype is Mars Matrix. Don't get me wrong,most of the other SHMUPs on the system are good fun too, but unfortunately the Dreamcast has fallen HARD to collectorism recently and games that I would argue should only be worth no more than $50 are going for over $100, like Gigawing. I got in a long time ago when most of these games were $30 or under and glad I did.
I finished Kirby and The Rainbow Curse last night. This was the first Wii U game I finished this year. I'm so glad I finally have one of these consoles!
After playing and reviewing Gigawing on the Dreamcast, I saw a lot of people online praising it heavily, enough to where I second guessed myself and thought that maybe there was something I overlooked or missed.
I replayed the game tonight. While I did not utilize the reflect shield mechanic as much as I should have the first time around, it did little to improve my overall opinion of this game or how enjoyable, or rather the lack thereof, it is. Really sad because I can't understand why others praise this one so much.
That's interesting you mention that. I saw Giga Wing at a store today for over 100 bucks. I asked the guy what the deal was with this and he mentioned it was one of his favorite shmups of all time. But, he was probably just trying to make a sale so I said no.
Maybe it's because there was such a limited amount of SHMUPs on the console and also because the Dreamcast is so loved, but I feel like this game is overhyped for those two reasons. The only SHMUP on the Dreamcast that was officially released during its lifespan (at least in North America) that I think is worth what it's going for online and lives up to the hype is Mars Matrix. Don't get me wrong,most of the other SHMUPs on the system are good fun too, but unfortunately the Dreamcast has fallen HARD to collectorism recently and games that I would argue should only be worth no more than $50 are going for over $100, like Gigawing. I got in a long time ago when most of these games were $30 or under and glad I did.
I have been hunting for Giga Wing too, and its riduculous how much it went up in price in the last few years along with the other shmups like Gunbird 2 and Zero Gunner 2. I heard the Dreamcast port may have an input lag issue too. The Dreamcast imports selection is also having a huge price creep in imports similar to the Saturn shmup library, which forces me to use emulation for most of what I want to play.
Although I will say that Giga Wing 2 is probably more overhyped than the first game, and the price being almost $200 is even crazier considering it was a $30 MSRP on release.
I finished Kirby and The Rainbow Curse last night. This was the first Wii U game I finished this year. I'm so glad I finally have one of these consoles!
After playing and reviewing Gigawing on the Dreamcast, I saw a lot of people online praising it heavily, enough to where I second guessed myself and thought that maybe there was something I overlooked or missed.
I replayed the game tonight. While I did not utilize the reflect shield mechanic as much as I should have the first time around, it did little to improve my overall opinion of this game or how enjoyable, or rather the lack thereof, it is. Really sad because I can't understand why others praise this one so much.
That's interesting you mention that. I saw Giga Wing at a store today for over 100 bucks. I asked the guy what the deal was with this and he mentioned it was one of his favorite shmups of all time. But, he was probably just trying to make a sale so I said no.
Maybe it's because there was such a limited amount of SHMUPs on the console and also because the Dreamcast is so loved, but I feel like this game is overhyped for those two reasons. The only SHMUP on the Dreamcast that was officially released during its lifespan (at least in North America) that I think is worth what it's going for online and lives up to the hype is Mars Matrix. Don't get me wrong,most of the other SHMUPs on the system are good fun too, but unfortunately the Dreamcast has fallen HARD to collectorism recently and games that I would argue should only be worth no more than $50 are going for over $100, like Gigawing. I got in a long time ago when most of these games were $30 or under and glad I did.
I have been hunting for Giga Wing too, and its riduculous how much it went up in price in the last few years along with the other shmups like Gunbird 2 and Zero Gunner 2. I heard the Dreamcast port may have an input lag issue too. The Dreamcast imports selection is also having a huge price creep in imports similar to the Saturn shmup library, which forces me to use emulation for most of what I want to play.
Although I will say that Giga Wing 2 is probably more overhyped than the first game, and the price being almost $200 is even crazier considering it was a $30 MSRP on release.
I don't have any of the Japan-only Dreamcast SHMUPs so I feel you there. I've been dying to get my hands on Zero Gunner 2 and it's going to be a sad day for my wallet when I finally take the plunge.
I haven't really noticed any lag, but then again I have never played most of these games in the arcade so I guess I can't say for sure.
Gigawing 2 is extremely overpriced. I dislike it more than the first Gigawing despite having better graphics and definitely is not designed as well. I think a huge aspect of its price is its rarity; I picked up my copy about 3-years ago and remember having to check in to eBay daily for several weeks before an auction popped up. I think there were only a few overpriced BINs at the time, but yeah, it's a genuinely rare game.
Well, I did it; with nearly a month in the year to spare I actually did it :)
Thanks to me getting really into arcade ports of Sega's last two home consoles I was able to quickly beat these and move on to the next. I am in the middle of a few more in depth games that I may end up beating before the end of the year, in which case I will post them here. Here is review number 52 in case anyone is interested:
52. Virtua Fighter Remix (Saturn): This game manages to update the character models significantly over the original release whole retaining all the charm, gameplay, and frustrations of the original as well. I really like this addition, but despite it looking very rough these days, I still prefer the original. And I have to say it, FUCK YOU PAI!!!!!
42 - Final Fantasy XV (PS4) - FINISHED - Really burned through this game and have done a majority of what is available here to do and realized I am almost about to Platinum the game which I never do. I already wrote up my review of the game in the FF thread, but basically, I think it's a great game, strong 8/10, that suffers from some poor story execution, occasionally frustrating camera system, not a particularly amazing combat system (though it's kinda always a visual treat I think), and a few other minor issues that didn't really hamper what I thought was a real enjoyable experience. Easily the best Final Fantasy game I've played in many years.
Updated list:
Cities: Skylines
Super Mario Maker
Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!
Tomb Raider (2013)
Alien: Isolation
Mega Man X2
LEGO Marvel's Avengers
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright
Halo 3: ODST
Dark Souls
Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows
New Super Mario Bros. U
Max Payne 3
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Mega Man
Mega Man 2
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Mad Max
Lumines: Electronic Symphony
Doom (2016)
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin
Shovel Knight (PS4)
Resident Evil HD
Hitman: Blood Money
Donkey Kong Country
Transformers: Devastation
The Banner Saga
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
God of War
God of War II
God of War III
I can add Shadow Complex to the list. I finished it over the weekend.
well this should be the last post (especially with only 2 and a half weeks left)(Rayne thinks that, but its my birthday this weekend and i want to play videogames!!!!)
previous list,6762.msg129397.html#msg129397 (,6762.msg129397.html#msg129397)
94. Imagine Sweet 16 (ds):
95. The Amazing Race (Wii):
96. Mario Super Sluggers (Wii):
97. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (Wii):
98. Endless Ocean: Blue Planet (Wii)
Rayne is Playing:
Shovel knight: I have beaten this last year but now im playing through the plague knight storyline and its a lot more difficult so far.
Animal Crossing New Leaf:
Personal trainer: Walking: this will be a very long time to complete because the walk the world feature requires literally the equivalent of walking around the world to 100% but I figure just throw the walker into my pocket and I will eventually beat this. currently taken about 200,000 steps and am 15% through the pictures which take more and more steps to complete each picture. I did the math and it will take ~50,000,000 steps to 100%
Bowsers inside story
Girlfriend is Playing:
1. Guild Wars 2
2. Skyrim (Modded)
Goals for the year:
1. Beat 100+ games in a year (any game even easy one hour games)
I need to start letting my girlfriend type out my posts she does a better job at it then i do ;D
43 - Dead Rising 4 (PC) - Abandoned - Unfortunately, I'm dropping the game. Had a review written up, which I think the game is still fine, something to enjoy well enough I assume on Xbone if you have one, like a 7/10 game, but the PC version runs bad. I didn't bring it up as much before, but once I got out of the mall, I took a performance hit. I dropped the settings abit and it was going okay, I was gonna persevere. This was on top of a few crashes and bugs that were frustrating, but I'm someone that can deal with a lot of issues with certain games. I'm a huge fan of the STALKER series and anyone that knows, knows those games are buggy as utter hell...or basically most of what Bethesda makes lol
I was okay into the third area of the game, performance was holding since it's not a very crazy area, but I hit the 4th area and took another performance hit. I will not stoop to playing a PC game on low. They do not look good. I will drop some stuff down to medium and turn a few things off that don't bother me, but I can't forgive a game like this. I was able to play Doom, Battlefield 1, Titanfall 2, and others on mostly high settings across the board. My PC is getting abit rough around the edges, but it's not that bad, especially since I feel like they've just brought over a lot of what Dead Rising 3 was, which ran fine for me.
I'll get back into this game again when it comes out on Steam, I thought I saw someone say maybe 3 months, and it has hopefully been fixed. Bit bummed to abandon yet another game, but this one I'll get back to someday unlike the others.
Also, luckily Microsoft was mostly easy enough to get a refund for the game so I'm not just eating 60 bucks, though it was a tad hard to figure out how to find where I needed to get help from. Now I guess I got time to finish Tokyo Mirage Sessions or see about renting The Last Guardian.
The review for Mega Man Xtreme 2 is up. Also, last night I finished Gunvolt's side in Azure Striker Gunvolt. Now I'm going to start Copen's side.
Going above and beyond this year lol
53. Raiden Fighters (360): What I like to call a classic shooter, Raiden Fighters is less about a zillion projectiles on the screen and more about reflexes and timing. I thoroughly enjoyed this game and felt it was very well made overall. The soundtrack was great, the ship variety was good, and all around I had a great time with this one.
54. Raiden Fighters 2 (360): This game is more or less just like the first one albeit with new stages, new bosses and a lot more ships to choose from. Everything i liked from the first one was carried over to this game and I enjoyed it just as much.
44 - Abzu (PC) - 2 Hours BEAT - I only grabbed this cause it was super cheap, but much like Journey, it's a very visually pleasing game that blends music wonderfully, but is pretty shallow really and that is not a pun. It's clearly meant to be just a chill swim with no threats, puzzles, or anything like that, but it sorta just makes it feel abit hollow by the time you beat it. Maybe if it had a story that could be followed, it might seem more interesting, but like Journey, there's nothing there. I'd say Abzu is lesser than Journey, because it's almost a complete recreation of it, just underwater. The same vague story of going through ruins and learning the background which is just "Things were good, then they weren't", it's practically beat for beat, though I think Journey did it all better. It's not bad, I can't honestly say a single bad thing about it, the game is absolutely charming at times, it's just nothing more than what it is. Maybe that's unfair to put what I'd like to see onto the game and not look at it for what it is, but in the end, it's just a nice small game. I wouldn't recommend a full price tag on it, but if you can get it for like 5 to 10 bucks, that's probably alright.
21) Mount and Blade: Warband (PS4)
This one took a month's solid gaming time away from everything else, may as well have played an epic RPG for all the time it took, not that I mind, absolutely loved this game!
Life got busy and Overwatch has taken up quite a bit of my free gaming time, so I've kinda fallen (very) short of the 52 games challenge for this year. :-[ On the bright side, I did get a couple more platinum trophies. :) Here's a mini update.
Finished (replayed games are in purple) Full List Here (,6762.msg115543.html#msg115543)
21. Resident Evil HD (PS4) Aug-30
22. Pokémon Sun (3DS) Dec-01
23. Battlefield 1 (PS4) Dec-02 (
24. Mario Kart 7 (3DS) Dec-18
25. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle (PS3) Dec-23 (
45 - Jotun (PC) - 3 Hours BEAT - Now this is a fun little game. I've wanted it for awhile, but never hit the point of actually picking it up, but a good sale will do that and I'm glad I did. It's very short and it's not a hard game really, but I loved all the Nordic lore used and the hand drawn animation looks pretty great. It's slightly Zelda-like in that you have your levels you go into, get the runes that are basically boss keys, and then fight the boss, using abilities you've picked up in the levels. There's almost no enemies to fight, other than 2 levels that have them, each of the 5 zones having two separate areas to explore in each one. It's more about just revealing this old mythology and maneuvering around stage hazards. Combat is real basic, but I'm fine with basic if it works with the gameplay and I think it does mostly. I'd certainly recommend it, especially now that it's 5 bucks on sale on Steam.
Met my goal yesterday by beating my 104th game this year.
I was cutting it kind of close, a lot of stuff over the past 6 months has really killed my ratio, but I still met my goal.
I had planned to have my goal get hit real easy with some of the PS4 games I had been playing and was planning on playing, but after my drive got wiped, I'm done with the PS4 for the time being. Returning a lot of X-mas presents just because I can't be bothered to keep games that I'm not going to play. Going to take roughly 25 days to recover my data, assuming the data actually gets recovered.
Game 31 - Ori and The Blind Forest (Xbox One) - 11 Hours
+ The gameplay was what really made this game fun. The power ups, moves and metroidvania style platforming was really refreshing. I loved playing and exploring all the environments and secrets; I didn't want to put the game down! The game also has an excellent soundtrack and art style. Everything just plays and looks fantastic. I also thought the story had a lot of touching moments; though it was simple, it fits the style of the game. The difficulty was also perfect.
- I really don't have a lot of negative things to say, just an overall solid experience.
This will probably be the last game I finish for the challenge, unless I can beat a couple Metal Slug games or maybe something else off Rare Replay
Back to my list (,6762.msg105642.html#msg105642)
And it looks like I'm only making 45. I'm gonna finish up Doom probably today I hope, then maybe Tokyo Mirage Sessions, so my completion count will be a little better. I could rush out some short games I probably have, but I never really wanted to rush my list, I wanted to just play games as I wanted to, so I'm not gonna rush out like 7 games in this last week lol I might do possibly one or two others as I got Furi as a gift from a friend, but that might be it and won't make 52.
I'm pretty satisfied this year though as I did way better than last. Looking back, I only made it to 31 games played last time, so making it to 45 isn't bad at all.
Decided to test drive one of my XMAS presents and given it is Virtua Cop and Virtua Cop two rolled up in the same package I was able to beat it in under and hour. Another one down. And I was worried I wouldn't even reach 52 :p
60. Virtua Cop Rebirth (PS2): While the arcade gameplay is in tact, the graphics have been updated quite a bit; I might be the only one who has a soft spot for early 3D graphics, but it is something I sort of missed while playing this more polished version. The Guncon 2 does a good enough job of reproducing the feel of playing this in an arcade, although to be honest it is only about 80% as accurate as the arcade. While not debilitating, it does become annoying at times, specifically when an enemy is hiding towards the far left of the screen; no amount of calibration I could do could correct this either. Overall it's still a great arcade port and a welcome update to the otherwise dated graphics. BTW, this review applies to both VC and VC2.
Met my goal yesterday by beating my 104th game this year.
I was cutting it kind of close, a lot of stuff over the past 6 months has really killed my ratio, but I still met my goal.
I had planned to have my goal get hit real easy with some of the PS4 games I had been playing and was planning on playing, but after my drive got wiped, I'm done with the PS4 for the time being. Returning a lot of X-mas presents just because I can't be bothered to keep games that I'm not going to play. Going to take roughly 25 days to recover my data, assuming the data actually gets recovered.
Turns out PS+ backed up my game saves regularly, so I may jump back into Watch_Doge 2 after X-mas.
But my wife's save data is currently gone, and she was almost at the end of Until Dawn. P.T. is gone. Any captures are gone.
The repair and recovery process "finished" this morning by erroring out. The file was accessible, so I tried another restore, still claims corruption.
I tried uploading the file to Google drive and re-downloading it and seeing if that did anything as some other folks claimed results with that. I'm currently in the process of moving the data to a 3rd drive to attempt to run a restore from a drive that has a stand alone power supply and a similar formatting to the original backup drive.
41 - Doom (PC) - 10 Hours BEAT - Pushed through to beat this and gotta say I wasn't super impressed. Not that this is a bad game, I can't think of a bad thing I could really say about it, it's actually a well done and good game, but for the hype people put on it, I didn't get that. Saw a lot of "best shooter in years", when I would say that I think Wolfenstein brought this style back and did it better. Doom is better if you just want a lot of quick big dumb action, but fighting the waves of enemies got kinda boring after a short bit and I'm really glad I dropped the difficulty to normal or I would've gone mad during a few of the last levels and I wasn't even on the hardest of the difficulties, I was on like 3 of 5 lol
I think I'm just losing interest in these style of shooters. Shadow Warrior and Shadow Warrior 2 were just alright, Doom was fine, there isn't anything else like this I'm interested in, but I feel like I could do another Wolfenstein, but not sure I'd do another Doom.
Game 32 - Pokemon Moon (3DS) - 43 Hours
Finished the main story of Pokemon Moon yesterday. I have a lot of thoughts about it, because this is my first Pokemon game since White version. So, I’m splitting this up into some more detailed categories. I am excited to get into all the postgame stuff! Sorry for the long post.
Things I liked
- The region. Alola is so beautiful and varied, it really takes your breath away. The environments are well designed and interesting.
- The characters. Because of the island challenge, I felt like a lot of the characters in this game got more screen time and development. I liked the Professor and Lillie especially. The captains all that their interesting quirks and traits.
- The new Pokemon. I thought the nailed a lot of the new designs! Some of my favorites were Mimikyu, Rockruff, Toucannon, Mareine, Decidueye, Crabrawler and many others.
- Poke Pelago! This is such a fun minigame thing. It's fun to train your pokemon, gather treasure, explore caves and grow berries.
- Pokemon Refresh. This is such a cool feature. It's not forced on you, but it's so immersive and fun to do. You really feel like you are growing more and interacting with your Pokemon instead of just using them to battle only.
- No HMS! It's so nice to not have to load up your party pokemon with a bunch of HMS just to navigate through the world.
Things I both liked and disliked
- Team Skull. I love their aesthetic, it's funny and cleverly done. However, what the heck are they even here for? It seemed like they had no purpose for existing as a group unlike other teams in B/W or Ruby/Sapphire, etc.
- The Alolan forms. My favorites were Marowak, and the Sandshrew / Vulpix lines. I will say however that the majority of them I found were worse than the originals or otherwise did not change my opinion about them. And also, why the heck is Alolan Exeggutor dragon type?? ??? ??? Ridiculous.
- The story. I don't want to spoil the story, so I'll just say that there is a detour in the last few hours of the game that I just found really stupid and the motivations of the main antagonist suddenly made no sense to me. I do however like the overall progression of the story. The whole island challenge thing really helps with that. Speaking of which...
- The Island Challenges. I like that there are no gyms because it makes the game flow more and it fits the story better. However, the challenges themselves were pitifully easy or otherwise nonexistent. I really think that this feature has a lot of potential, but it was somewhat poorly executed.
Things I was neutral about
- Z-moves. They were cool, they make the battles more interesting, but weren't super overbearing. They're just kind of there to use if you want to.
- Battle Royale. It was cool, I just didn't play it enough to form an opinion about it.
Things I disliked
- The SOS system. Screw this feature. It's fine when you're trying to train, but it's so annoying when you're trying to catch something since you can't capture a Pokemon when there are two on the field! You have to take out one, and when you do, the first calls in another buddy since their at low health because your trying to capture them! I liked this feature in DQVIII and Earthbound, but in those games you had a party of 4.
- There is a lot of lag during double battles. Even on the New 3DS it is still very prevalent, though thankfully it’s only during the double battles with another trainer.
- Gladion. He's such a angst filled whiner. And that stupid pose that he makes whenever you talk to him. So dumb.
- The very slow, controlled start and the hundreds of free handouts you get from pretty much everyone you meet really made me feel like I was being treated like a child, lol.
- Your character's unchanging, unwavering, dopey smile. Every scene... every situation... While every other character has really nice inflection and facial animations, yours never changes... make it stop!
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46 - Furi (PC) - 2 Hours PLAYING - Frustrating game lol It's centered around a boss rush, where there is nothing in between the fights and the boss fights are quite long. It mixes the bullet hell of a space shooter with the hack and slash of an action game. It's reasonably well done, but trying to figure out the timing for parrying strikes is proving annoying. On the third fight now and every time I lose a bar of life, it resets back a good bit and is abit tedious, so I don't get a lot of time to figure out the timing which is murdering me. None of it is quite Bloodborne hard or anything like that so far, just long battles that change as you go through, so you regularly have to adjust to new movesets, abilities, and different attack times. Also the downtime between fights is kinda lame. You just walk slow as this other guy talks about who you just fought or who you will fight. I understand it, but I think they could've just done cutscenes and cut out the boring walking. The environments you see as you walk aren't as good as they think it is to make it worth it. It's not bad, but this is a game that takes all of your concentration.
Surprisingly I'm only 11 games away from 52. Wonder if I can bang out 11 games tomorrow before the flip to 2017. :)
Game 31 - Ori and The Blind Forest (Xbox One) - 11 Hours
+ The gameplay was what really made this game fun. The power ups, moves and metroidvania style platforming was really refreshing. I loved playing and exploring all the environments and secrets; I didn't want to put the game down! The game also has an excellent soundtrack and art style. Everything just plays and looks fantastic. I also thought the story had a lot of touching moments; though it was simple, it fits the style of the game. The difficulty was also perfect.
- I really don't have a lot of negative things to say, just an overall solid experience.
This will probably be the last game I finish for the challenge, unless I can beat a couple Metal Slug games or maybe something else off Rare Replay
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Did you play the regular or Definitive edition?
I played the definitive edition. Do you know what the differences are from the original?
I played the definitive edition. Do you know what the differences are from the original?
Some new areas, new secrets, and new abilities, and some convenience adjustments to backtracking and teleporting and such.
Blegh, it's 40 minutes till 2017 and I'm stuck on 21. Bring on next year's challenge :D All the best to you guys for 2017
Wooooo I made it!
Played a few more games this week and remembered a few I hadn't counted!
All 52 of mine are on the first page of this thread.
Should I post my 10 best and which I think were the worst?
My last game of 2016
62. Darius Gaiden (PS2): I've heard for a long time how good the Darius series was and this seems to be everyone's favorite so i decided to see if it is as good as everyone says. I thought the gameplay and graphics were excellent and appealing; I also really liked the Choose Your Own Adventure style of level progression. Music was decent, but overall I thought this was barely above average in terms of me enjoying it. A solid shooter, but maybe not completely up my ally.
Stats time.
Platform with Most Beat games: PC with 20. PS4 was close with 19.
Platform with Most unfinished titles: Tie. PC and X1 with 3 titles unfinished. Wii U close with 2 unfinished titles.
Modern v. Retro v. PC/Mobile: 51 - 32 - 22 (Retro any console released prior to 360)
Game that ate up the most time: Fallout 4 (X1)
Quickest Game beat: The Stanley Parable or Please, Don't Touch Anything (PC)
Crap! I missed my goal by 2 games!!!
Crap! I missed my goal by 2 games!!!
I missed my goal by 4, I feel ya. :(
The last game I finished for 2016 was Azure Striker Gunvolt 2. Finally, all reviews are posted. 2016 was a shitty year, but I got the chance to play (and replay) some excellent games.