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Messages - doafan

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Some of the stuff here I've had for a while. I just never got around to posting.

Damn there are indeed pretty good additions and no offense but the way you used to take the image is fucking amazing just wondering if the one at back of the Mario NES cartridge is a N64  ???

Lucky ?, come on you just hit the jackpot am trying to get the SSBB but can't find it for less than 40 bucks  >:(

That is sad, but don't erroneously believe that marriage is the end of gaming.  Sure, being married takes up more of your time and you don't have the same opportunities to sit around gaming, etc.  But if your new spouse tries to make you stop doing things you love like gaming, then they are trying to change you and are not happy with the person you truly are.
You are complete right at my family am the clear example that being married doesn't mean the end of videogames but I do have to admit that I don't have all the time for playing and purchasing games as before, dunno why but got the idea that once you stop playing it means game over that I will get older more faster and crap really want to avoid that  :P

I see too many times a person trying to change who their mate/spouse/significant other is after they get together.  This is unhealthy and always leads to problems.  Sorry for the soapbox, but it bums me out when I see someone I know who has played games their entire life walking through the game section at Walmart (or wherever) and their spouse telling them "Forget it!  You don't have time to play games!"

For me I guess that I was lucky enough cause my wife used to play titles, when I have the videogame talk with her she confess me that she used to play some Silent Hill and Resident Evil titles at that moment totally knew that she was the one for me but you are right if that person wants to change how you are you already know that this kind of shit will happen, dunno what's the situation of my cousins but hell will froze before I stop playing  ;D

Off Topic / Re: The Comic Book Thread
« on: October 14, 2015, 02:26:04 pm »
Going in today to look at the next wave of new Marvel. But the last week's wave of New Marvel didn't impress me at all. The only one I liked was Invincible Iron Man #1, it felt like a well-written comic (although Madame Masque as the first villain isn't exactly pulling me in). All the rest of the issues felt spastic and kiddied-down, didn't like them at all. And what the hell is going on with Peter Parker? Even the comic itself pointed out that he's now Tony Stark light. Peter Parker will always be a loveable loser to me, not some cock-sure CEO that orders his minions around to be Spider-Man for him.

Can I have your impression of Avengers 00 for me it was pretty good and my favorite of the latest releases  ;)

Off Topic / Re: The Comic Book Thread
« on: October 14, 2015, 02:15:44 pm »
Please don't forget about the following ones ...

* A-Force
* New Avengers
* All-New, All-Different Avengers
* Ultimates
* Squadron Supreme

... really want to read the Ultimates 1 this line of Marvel is my favorite  ;)

Some people says that second parts are never better than the first one, have to admit that for a long time thought the same until Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, I was never a big fan of the saga in fact the titles from this franchise are in my collection because one of my cousins, he used to love his gold cartridge more than anyone that I know that's why that today am adding this game to my collection, it's a shame that he no longer play videogames (marriage) but is even more sadder that this situation is happening a lot to almost all the male members of my family anyway for this little fella I paid $ 18.12 bucks but it was worth it, just check the pictures of the label  ;D

Also bought the cheerleader costume for Kasumi cause I have already unlocked all her costumes in DOA5  8)

Come on what we need is a remake of Links Awakening, why ?, because this games is so badass anyway we already have to versions of the Twilight, damn am just planing to get my copy of this one for the Wii and they are already planning another copy of this, geez  >:(

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: October 12, 2015, 06:32:35 pm »
Has been a long time since I was able to see a decent movie and this past weekend was not an exception, dunno how but I managed to see the following titles and that's all cause everything at the cable is pure crap also can't believe that enjoyed more the Masha and the Bear cartoon with my daughter than anything else  ???

At the beginning of last month I paid $ 25 bucks for a copy of Dragon Warrior II for the NES, did received a copy of it but a with some details at the label and a broken part at the cartridge so I asked not for a refund but for the one that I saw at Mercado's Libre page, this past Friday received the good one and sent back the other one, to be quite honest this game it's not the big deal but when I was a teenager used to saw an anime called Las aventuras de Fly, years later a friend told me that this game was a port from that cartoon so decided to add some of these titles to my collection just because of those awesome moments that I used to spent in front of the TV  ;D

Classic Video Games / Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Costumes
« on: September 28, 2015, 03:26:58 pm »
Decided to get this title into my collection and only for some of the costumes for the ladies that are not available for the DOA5 like this one ...

... but have some doubts about it, previous this thread have been reading in some pages that this game has all the costumes available but being honest I really don't believe this completely true, for example I see at the page of the X-Box Live page some updates like the Costume Catalog Data that and other Catalogs that are completely free and also costumes that are non free so my question here is what are those catalogs for ?, if I download them when I get my copy that means that I'll have the costumes available for play or do I still have to pay for them ?

Off Topic / Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« on: September 26, 2015, 06:28:36 pm »
I was confused why there was food on this topic but then I read the text before it.
Now I' hungry.

Sorry that wasn't my intention anyway last week I searched for the 24th episode of Food Wars without luck, have to admit that I had a bad feeling about this dunno why but had the idea that it was canceled but appears that it was only a delay cause earlier today noticed that it was released (at least at the page that I use to see it) this past 22 of September, in my personal opinion this episode has ended the season very well, as always enjoyed the Soma and Erina "relationship", gonna read the Manga until the second season is released and just because a friend told me that there was a beach / swimming pool on it  ;D


- My Amiibo bundle came in.

How much did you paid for that Samus Aran ?, don't own a Wii U but am thinking very seriously to get a copy of her  ;D

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: September 23, 2015, 07:50:39 pm »
Have been playing Dead or Alive 4 for a least two months but since I have purchased the fifth release of this title I totally forgot about the first one, totally love the new gameplay and some of the costumes of the ladies specially the ones that are free, not gonna pay for the rest of them at least not right now cause my financial situation is not what I want, also I'm trying to unblock all those easy Achievements that I can get cause want to purchase Metroid Other M in two more weeks, need to see Samus at her Zero suit at my TV as soon as possible  ;D

Off Topic / Re: Wrestling Thread!
« on: September 21, 2015, 08:15:21 pm »
Saw the Night of Champions event this past Sunday where I do have to say that there were some good old memories here:

* Owne's has finally won his first belt in the company, the match in my opinion was good enough even when he cheated at the last moments of the match and maybe am saying this because this man is one of my favorites wrestlers right now, this is one of the few people that I do follow at Twitter hes kinda cool father and I do respect that a lot.

* The Dudley Boys match was epic but it was a damn shame that they didn't win but at least there was a table, for a moment I was expecting to see Spike too but anyway am very happy to see them again on the WWE, used to follow this badass team at TNA but after seeing them kinda felt bad for not seeing Edge and Christian also Matt and Jeff since this three teams were so awesome.
* The match of Dolph Ziggler was at least in my opinion not the big deal since there was a lot of mistakes from this wrestler and they even show these mistakes at the repetition of the match but it's always nice to see Lana without a doubt the winner of this one was her shoe, damn am kinda perv.
* The divas match well what can I say its always nice to see some females action and besides of all am glad that Nikki Bella has finally lose the belt also Rick Flair without a doubt was a nice couch and after all the pain that Charlotte received the last move leaved me speechless, also the boobs of course.
* About the fight of the family Wyatt! well never expected to see Y2J back in action, in fact I was expecting deep in my heart to see Seth Rollins helping his old team but don't get the wrong idea, Jericho was a nice addition even when he is a little fatty and well about the result of the match I do hope that he can start some fights with Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns.
* About the Cena / Rollins fight it's was pure lame that the first one have won again the USA title even when all the people was having big expectations about Seth, Cena was doing the same moves over an over, Rollins practically took the show.
*  Sting / Rollins well this was so fucking unexpected but it was true that you can stop time, practically this one was an important factor for the victory of Seth at the end got the feeling that he was about to loose the title with the Money in the Bank, about Kane well I didn't knew that he wasn't at WWE.

I do have ten of them in fact have purchased two more this year, all of them from the Brady Games brand and like 100 from Club Nintendo but the one that was released in Mexico, they started with a pretty good quality but later the standards changed so didn't purchased them anymore.

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