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Messages - doafan

Pages: 1 ... 72 73 [74] 75 76 ... 83
General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: June 03, 2015, 04:05:36 pm »
This is something that I’ve been debating for a while, so I figured I could get some opinions from everyone here.

As some of you know, my fighting game of choice is Guilty Gear. With the announcement of Xrd’s latest patch, I find myself not being as excited as I used to. The more I think about the patch (and the series) the lower my interest gets. Like, to be at the level I consider good, it would take lots and lots of time in the lab. I’ve spent hours training before, but when I get to an actual match I usually end up messing up because of nerves or because I’m trying too hard to perform the combo I just studied. That time in training could have been used for other games. Which leads me to another issue: there are tons of games that have been ignored because I was trying (unsuccessfully for the most part) to master new stuff in GG.

So, I’m thinking about quitting fighting games altogether.

Are you kidding ?, not trying to tell you how you should make your own decisions but since you already wanted some opinions here is mine so please don't take it the wrong way, also remember that my primary language is the Spanish one, you want to quit fighting games because one of them has took a lot of your time and you have ignored a lot of them here's where you can take it as bad my opinion, quiting just for this at least for me is like quitting all women because you can have one, maybe have used a bad reference but why don't you try first to ignore this kind of titles for a while and see if some time later you can recover that excitement you used to have.

Being a gamer is not to focus just in one style of games, fighting ones are my favorites too but this doesn't mean that am always playing them, I'll play almost every title if it is good, RPG, Platformer, Shooter, Puzzles even Sports when I totally hate them, so my recommendation here is to change these genre for a while and see if this works to you, if not there always a second option or plan but quiting at least for me it's definitely the last choice and a extreme one, can't imagine doing this.

And I was ashamed to have the Zumba game at my collection, no offense but it seems that you were looking this game in specific, can I ask why ?, it's just curiosity a lot of it  :-\

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: June 03, 2015, 12:08:28 pm »
In another region free question, is the PS2 fat region free?

No and as far as I remember you can play Japanese titles with the Action Replay Max   ;)

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: June 03, 2015, 11:47:53 am »
Now why, Capcom, can't you do this?

Because they are stupid, that's why but they are stupid in doing things well, they are very good in know how to take the money from our pockets with absurd DLC that are already at the disk, don't want to be mad for this but I do have to say that this remake is so fucking awesome, definitely will pay for it if it and for the Nemesis if they were released, is this one available or is just for private use ?

RE2 is the best entry in the series, as far as I'm concerned.

Yesterday I had a talk with some people at a different forum and none of them wasn't able to tell me if the cartridge is original, where one of them told me that he need to check it out personally which was pretty stupid cause he ask me if there was any chance that I can send it to his address and then he will return it, so I want to believe that it's kinda rare, this weekend will check the rest of my cartridges to see if another one has this condition  :P

Damn I guess that have to search with some friends more info about it and see in the web if this is official, also to see if somebody from here has it and if it's looks as mine, didn't spent that much but the long time that I took to received was a pain in the ass  >:(

Off Topic / Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« on: June 02, 2015, 12:46:16 pm »
It seems that you got the wrong idea cause I wasn't offend at all so relax, when I said that you touched a nerve was referring to the fact that at least in my personal case the word particular taste in anime terms means something that I must have to see  ;D

Am blind as a mole so here is a image of it, so please be my guest and help me to solve this doubt  :-\

Off Topic / Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« on: June 02, 2015, 12:07:56 pm »
Monster Musume is definitely for people with particular taste.

Your comment touched a nerve so yesterday searched for some images of it at Tumblr and what I saw didn't disappointed me, thanks for the recommendation kinda remind me the harem style that has To Love-Ru which is ok to me also when I was there saw some images of Sidonia no Kishi and started seeing the first two episodes of it, it's just me or this anime is also kinda weird, dunno why but I got the impression that at least the animation, the characters or something is related to Akira, it's anyone following this one ?  ???

After 19 days of waiting two of my latest purchases finally arrived into the office yesterday, I do hate the Mexican postal service can't believe that every time that a package goes to the main city they always lost them for several days anyway the two tittles that I just received are Dragon Warrior and The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World, paid only $ 5 bucks for the first one and $ 6 for the second by the way this is the first time that I that see the back of the cartridge is not like the rest, this one has the Manufactured by Akklaim logo in the Nintendo license, as far as I remember they had a policy where all the cartridges that was sold to the developers had to be manufactured by them, guess that I need to read little more just to be sure about this or maybe they did some exceptions.

Off Topic / Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« on: June 01, 2015, 06:19:23 pm »
Caught up with Triage X.  It's alright.  The fan service is pretty ridiculous, not really in any particularly good or bad way, but I don't think it's nearly as entertaining as something like Highschool of the Dead.  Might be because HOTD seemed to have the fan service as secondary to the overall show, even with its prominence in certain scenes, but with Triage X, it seems like the fan service wants to over take a lot of the show.  Hard to take Episode 8 quite as seriously as it should

Damn you already are on the episode 8 about the censorship I hated as well but really hope that there will be a uncensored one, don't mind if I have to see the whole series again just because am a perv, by the way didn't resist the temptation and this weekend I saw eight episodes and today the number nine, these two last ones were the best, the fight between Takumi Aldini's team and Sōma Yukihira entertained me but without a doubt the fast interaction between Hinako and Megumi was the best, I'm glad that the event at the hotel is not finished, want to see more about this event  ;D

I did say what I paid for them.  :P

Sorry, I did read your post from my phone so din't saw the prices cause fonts are so damn small  :P

General / Re: Your collecting policy for the consoles you own
« on: June 01, 2015, 12:55:56 pm »
Interesting post and before leaving my comments I have to totally agree with Hayabusa1021  ;D

* NES: Without a doubt this is my main console for collection purposes and even when there are so many awesome games there are crap titles too, don't want to collect all of the cartridges, my policy here and my first priority are those games that I played as a Kid, then those that are becoming rare but not only because it's rare it means that I'll purchase, those that are pure crap like The Cheetahmen will definitely won't be here, and for the rest if it's good and the price is accessible it will be added.

* Playstation / Playstation 2: Almost have all those games that I wanted to play with some little exceptions most of them from Capcom like Dino Crisis 2, Strider, Strider 2 and some fighting titles like King of Fighters XI also some Japanese releases, already have an Action Replay system and with this one I can play these ones where my main goal is the fighting Sengoku Basara X Cross.

* GameCube: Same as Sony consoles where are some titles that need to have them but they are not that important like Mega Man Legends where already have almost all of the games at the NES, priority here are familiar games and those that I can play with my daughter like Mario Party and some sports exclusives with Nintendo's characters.

* Nintendo 64: There are only one priority here and it's Conker's Bad Fur Day and that's all, don't get the wrong idea, there are so many awesome titles here but most of them are first person titles and since I have a vision problem that make me sick every time that I play at least the 90% of the time these kind of games.

* Super NES: Priority here is like the NES and because it's another of the consoles that I played the most as a kid.

* Wii: This is the one with less games and even when they are some exclusive titles, the priority here is only those games that I see at the reviews and I really like them also some that my friends told me that I need to purchase.

* Game Boy / Game Boy Color: Again don't want to collect them all, this isn't Pokemon you know, priority here are those fun titles and those from the genre puzzle, why ?, even when I have the Super Game Boy I do enjoy a lot playing with the real thing, it bring me a lot of awesome memories back every time so if the game doesn't have these requirement I'll wont be added.

* Nintendo DS: This one it's another one at the bottom of the priorities list, just need if am not wrong at least five titles, purchased this one just for some exclusives titles like The Legend of Zelda, Mario Bros series, most of them from Nintendo.

* Game Boy Advance: Only need two titles, priority here was purchased the same day as this one.

* Dreamcast: Those games that I tested with the copies of the GD-ROM and I totally felt in love with them, like Canon Spike, Shenmue, Soul Calibur and maybe some others, priority is not the big deal here since there is always easy to play them in the original console, sorry but it's true.

* Xbox 360: This one was purchased only for the Gears of War saga, priority here are just those titles that have boobs and blood but in my personal opinion they aren't that much, at least 10 more.

Off Topic / Re: The Comic Book Thread
« on: June 01, 2015, 11:55:38 am »
Started to read the Sneak Peek numbers this past weekend just to be sure if in one of these I can see more about the Earth 2 superheroes, why ?, because I kinda like more this universe and because Power Girl is over there also the planet where they used to live was destroyed, was lucky enough to see more about it in the Sneek Peak - Earth 2 Society but even when I have read the number several times there are still some questions or events that I didn't understand, guess that I'll have to wait to the Earth-2 Society #1, damn  :-\

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: June 01, 2015, 10:06:03 am »
This weekend was bored as hell, there wasn't nothing good at the cable or the movies so decided to see the latest SpongeBob movie, since my girl and my wife don't like this character is I was surprised when both of them arrived into the bedroom and ended up seeing it with me, don't have any regrets with this one, in fact I liked this one more than the first one  ;D

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