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Messages - doafan

Pages: 1 ... 74 75 [76] 77 78 ... 83
General / Re: Favorite controller?
« on: May 25, 2015, 05:27:35 pm »
My favorite controller without a doubt it has to be the one for the Playstation 2 I even purchased a PS2 to USB adapter to play in my computer the M.U.G.E.N engine, the least favorite it should be the Dreamcast, don't get the wrong idea I do love the console but for some damn reason the controller doesn't fit well in my hand but that was never a reason to avoid playing it  ;D

General / Re: Dealing with spouses. Wait, it's not what you think!
« on: May 25, 2015, 05:22:56 pm »
In fact that was of reasons why I choose her (who am kidding she was the one who choose me), before we even get married we talk a lot about videogames, she used to play not only the classics titles like Super Mario Bros in fact when she told me that she actually played Silent Hill or Resident Evil games my first impression was damn: I just hit the jackpot, unfortunately she doesn't like to collect games the only things that she do collect are shoes but that's totally normal in women, the only game that she wanted was the Zumba for the Wii and because of this have to add the Wii to my collection  ;D

General / Re: Your top games of all time
« on: May 25, 2015, 01:19:16 pm »
Green Lantern posts on favlists?!

Kyle Rayner is my favorite character from the DC Universe :P

Classic Video Games / Re: All-In-One Cartridge Console Coming!!!
« on: May 25, 2015, 01:09:22 pm »
If I remember correctly...  To play NES, the customer has to buy a Famicom-NES adapter.

If this work am totally fine with this but my worst fear is about the price once it's released, if the price is to high at United States really don't want to know the price that it will be here in Mexico, they over exaggerate them when they come to my country  :'(

¡Gracias, Peña Nieto!

A friend told me that Amazon now shipped stuff to Mexico. Maybe get it from there, if it ever comes to this side of the world?

To be quite honest the Mexico border patrol are some Hijos de Puta that a lot of times if they like what they see they stole the packages for themselves and said that it were lost of never received anything, had a lot of bad situations in the past with these mothafuckas that I do prefer to paid a PO Box than send something directly into my city  >:(

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: May 25, 2015, 01:06:12 pm »
This past weekend I "enjoyed" three movies and without of doubt the one that I really didn't want to saw it but because of my wife I ended seeing it was the only one that I really liked, am talking about Horns, didn't expect to be the way it was and really want to see it again  ;D

Off Topic / Re: What Are You Listening to Right Now?
« on: May 25, 2015, 12:59:27 pm »
At this exact moment am listening Breaking Benjamin - Unknown Soldier  8)

General / Re: Why do you collect?
« on: May 25, 2015, 12:46:02 pm »
As most of all people I do have different reasons, the first one without a doubt I collect to remember all those joyful moments that spent in front of the TV playing like as if there were no tomorrow even when my parents get angry for it, they were the happiest days of my life even my mom did some times a big sacrifice to purchase me those games that I really wanted, used to go with my uncle to the arcades to play titles like Moon Patrol, Pitfall or even Pac-Man, as a teenager spent all my weekends playing at the arcades with my two best friends, entered a lot of tournaments at my city, always enjoyed to see the face of my rivals every damn time that I beated them, the emotion of playing a new game, to master it can be only compared to the day that my daughter was born and this is the second reason why I collect, to share with her all those fantastic moments that I lived before I pass away, am collecting not for me am collecting for her, trying to create a link where she can feel as I do how fantastic is to play, to enjoy those amazing stories, to feel like the character and became part of the game also that she can see even when am old that I don't feel it this way cause playing makes me feel young, have to stop writing cause there's a fucking ninja cutting onions at the office.

General / Re: Your top games of all time
« on: May 25, 2015, 12:27:28 pm »
This is the most awful thread since I started at this forum, don't get the wrong idea but I hate to decide which titles were supposed to be at this list, have selected only 15th even when FavsList only show 10 of them, the order of them well is kinda awkward cause are different genres but at this moment it should be like this :

The end of this month is coming and still continue trying to archive my goal to complete 100 NES titles and today I'll add another two Capcom games to my collection, was able to found the greatest Section Z at Mercado Libre Mexico in a very good condition for less than 7 bucks, this game bring me a lot of good memories when life was much easier, grown up is a trap in all senses but that's besides the point, the second title was found in a store in the Mall and am talking about Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight, this little fella was kinda alone with some SNES games so for 11 bucks I decided to give it a home, even when a lot of people talk crap about it years ago I read an awesome review that made things little easier about purchasing it or not, it's practically in mint condition almost like new  8)

Classic Video Games / Re: All-In-One Cartridge Console Coming!!!
« on: May 22, 2015, 01:57:58 pm »
If I remember correctly...  To play NES, the customer has to buy a Famicom-NES adapter.

If this work am totally fine with this but my worst fear is about the price once it's released, if the price is to high at United States really don't want to know the price that it will be here in Mexico, they over exaggerate them when they come to my country  :'(

Damn it really took me my time to complete this post but since it's time that I spent at the office is ok  8)

A: Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (Dreamcast) - The first and only one that have played from the series.
B: Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team (NES) - My ass is kicked every time but damn I do enjoy it a lot.
C: Contra: Shattered Soldier (Playstation 2) - At least for me the best Contra after all those Nintendo versions.
D: Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 (X-Box 360) - Do I really have to say why I love these game ?
E: Earthworm Jim 2  (SNES) - I want it back at my collection and I want it right now.
F: Fatal Fury Special (Arcade) - Just for the pleasure of seeing Terry fighting Ryo, love this crossover.
G: Gargoyle's Quest (GB) - Gotta love Firebrand / Red Arremer even if he is the bad guy sometimes.
H: Haunting Ground (Playstation 2) - My beloved Fiona Belly and her Illegal in some states costume
I: Isolated Warrior (NES) - After seeing the review of RetroGoodness this game became one of my favorites.
J: Journey To Silius (NES) - Once I knew that this one was supposed to be a Terminator game had to have it.
K: Kirby's Dream Land 2 (GB) - There are so many Kirby's titles but its friends and combinations are so fucking awesome.
L: Luigi's Mansion GameCube - First title that my wife played with me, just noticed that I haven't played with my daughter
M: Mega Man 5 (NES) - Mom gave me this one for Christmas and it also was the first one that I really owned.
N: NeoGeo Battle Coliseum (Playstation 2) - Am a big fan of the M.U.G.E.N game engine and this one is the most similar thing but official.
O: Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad (X-Box 360) - Bikinis + Blood + Babes = DoaFan excited.
P: Parasite Eve (Playstation) - Perfect combination of RPG and Survival Horror that I have ever played in my entire life.
Q: Quake II (Dreamcast) - Because it's one of the only first person games that I can play without vomit or having a headache.
R: Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (Playstation) - First RE game that I purchased and just because Jill looked so gorgeous at the back of the case
S: Silent Hill 2 (Playstation) - Played this one at the house of one friend and I totally felt in love with the terror of it.
T: The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA) - Because one asshole from Best Buy told me that this game was for sale.
U: Unreal Tournament (Dreamcast) - My buddies form the university and myself enjoyed this game every weekend as chimps.
V: VICE: Project Doom (NES) - Three kinds of playing in one official Nintendo cartridge, totally blow my mind
W: Whomp 'Em (NES) - Noticed the existence of this game because of one Michael B. the Game genie video.
X: X-Men: Children of the Atom (Arcade) - Only because it was my first time kicking Wolverine's ass with Cyclops.
Y: Yoshi's Island DS - Some people say that the SNES version is superior but I enjoyed more the portable version
Z: Zanac (NES) - Without a doubt the most complete Shoot 'em up that I ever played in this console.

Guess that it will be action platformers since I started with Pitfall, Jungle Hunt and Moon Patrol and then I migrated to Mario Bros and Mega Man series, in Arcades definitely it has to be fighting titles because of Street Fighter II, World Heroes and Fatal Fury,  then Survival Horror since Resident Evil 3 and Silent Hill 2 were my two first games that I have played from this genre but I do play at least 99% of the rest but not first person, they make me sick and some times I do have to puck cause my eyes can't afford them that means no Dead Island, Left for Dead or Doom for DoaFan :'(

Off Topic / Re: The Comic Book Thread
« on: May 20, 2015, 02:29:03 pm »
Has been some days since my last visit to this thread where I have a lot to read but what I don't have is time to do it, need to make a space between the anime, manga, games, porn, work, pinterest and even the real life to acomplish this before the Convergence event reaches is final line, have the following numbers in the list and those from the Marvel event waiting for me, damn I do miss those old times where the only way to read my comics was only in paper format :(

The only one that is guaranteed to have one in it is Stack-Up.  Every copy has a Famicom adapter in it.

Unfortunately there is no copy of this game at Mercado Libre Mexico and it's a shame, I don't have an eBay account so I searched for it at Amazon but the prices are to damn high guess that will have to search for it in a second title, want to add to my collection the 1942, Excitebike, Golf, Pinball, Rygar and Wrecking Crew maybe I'll find another adapter in one of these  ;D

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: May 19, 2015, 10:46:44 am »
Me and my brother shared rooms the whole time growing up. And he watched Scooby Doo everytime it was on. Do you know how many times a day Cartoon Network used to show Scooby Doo in the 90s?

Dunno how many times cause at that time I didn't have cable but I can tell you that Tooncast show Scooby-Doo cartoons the whole day, my daughter saw the cartoon this morning before she went to school, she will see it again once she is at home and definitely she will see it again before her bed time and the weekends she see it at 12 AM, the good thing is that after Scooby-Doo! thet always show Courage the Cowardly Dog  ;D

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