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Messages - doafan

Pages: 1 ... 75 76 [77] 78 79 ... 83
To be quite honest before this purchase I did a lot of research also received some advice from my friends who told me that if I wanted the adapter it definitely should be in a Gyromite cartridge cause all of them found it in the same game, attempted to purchase the following titles (they are the most common to have it) but right now am kinda short of money and since I already own the Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! I did opened without luck, really hope that when I get those games can find another adapter  8)

Clu Clu Land
Donkey Kong Jr.
Duck Hunt
Elevator Action
Hogan’s Alley
Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!
Raid on Bungeling Bay
Stack Up
Urban Champion
Wizards and Warriors
Wrecking Crew

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: May 18, 2015, 12:09:21 pm »
Another boring weekend where I saw another two movies with my daughter: Scooby-Doo! Moon Monster Madness and Scooby-Doo! WrestleMania Mystery  ::)

After a long wait my last purchase has finally arrived this morning, it took me a couple of time but I was finally able to found my copy of Gyromite with the only an original Famicom / Nes adapter developed by Nintendo, guess was lucky enough to find a good seller that allowed to check different things in the cartridge without open it, I guess that if he knew that the game had one of this adapter he definitely will have raised the price cause only paid $ 18.00 bucks for it, now just need to purchase a Famicom title to perform some tests but if this game work it will work with the other ones  8)

General / Re: Collection Achievements thread
« on: May 16, 2015, 02:31:30 pm »
Am hanging from almost two years and will continue acquiring titles no matter what, once a friend told me that if for some reason I stop playing I will "grow up "and totally forgot about having fun, it's a shame that he "grow up" and totally forgot about being a kid, my situation is not easy cause my daughter was rejected from public school so I decided to put her in a private one which is kinda expensive, this is one of the main reasons that I can't purchase as many games as I want every week, thank God my priorities are well defined and my family is always first, education is first and as my dad says knowledge is power also I hope too live for many more years so there is still time to find those games that I really want  ;D

Why is that I haven't seen this notice before, now I have to change my purchase priorities and look for my copy of Silent Hill: Downpour which is the only game from the whole saga that I don't own also as everybody said is kind obvious that will be not able to play newest games from this franchise, damn just hope that the prices about their games won't increase because of this  :-\

General / Re: Collection Achievements thread
« on: May 16, 2015, 01:18:18 pm »
So many achievements in mind and every day less money left in my wallet anyway am hoping to reach the 100 NES titles and not those crapy games like The Cheetahmen that are just for purposes collection, want to have titles that can actually play and enjoy with my daughter, it's kinda hard to complete them but as a gamer I won't lose the faith  :)

General / Re: 30 Days Away: What Would You Like To See At E3 2015?
« on: May 16, 2015, 01:10:15 pm »
Darkwing Duck Remastered

Are you serious ?, is there any information about this remastered version or you just want a version as the one from Ducktales ?, if this is real it will be fucking awesome cause I do love those Disney's games that Capcom released when still was a good company and not the piece of crap that it is today, a remastered version of Chip and Dale will be so damn epic  8)

Damn this is the first time in my whole time that I ever seen a manual for the NES that big, always had the idea that all of them where smaller maybe it's because wasn't able to purchase many new games when I was younger but that's besides the point, wonder how many titles for this console had this kind of manual also can you tell me how much you paid for both articles, a couple weeks ago purchased my copy  ;)

General / Re: 30 Days Away: What Would You Like To See At E3 2015?
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:43:38 pm »
To be quite honest I just want to see Gears of War for the Xbox One and see by myself if the images that were leaked these past days are true or fake, want to believe that was the first one cause Microsoft punished those users who filtered them and that's all, I really don't care about all the new titles  ;D

M&M's: The Lost Formulas (no box) - 10 pesos (about 70 US cents).
For that price they better should gave you the game for free, it's totally a bargain, just wonder if you do you mind if I ask where the hell did you found it  :P

General / Re: Recommended YouTube channels?
« on: May 14, 2015, 06:56:28 pm »
For the first one I found the channel when was looking some reviews about The Simpsons games, really liked the way that they use to review the titles and how they express they anger with those bad games, it's not like the AVGN cause that's so fucking exaggerated, my last purchase was because of one of their reviews  and am even searching for another two titles that I'll add to my collection as soon as I found them in a good condition, it's a shame that they don't have that many subscribers.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: May 12, 2015, 08:07:25 pm »
Started to play Crossy Road this weekend at the office cellphone, hard as hell, no matter which animal or person I use they always kick my ass before even reach the Top 100  :-\

General / Re: Recently completed/finished
« on: May 12, 2015, 07:17:48 pm »
Am very proud to announce that my daughter and myself completed the Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars this weekend, she really helped me a lot with the small battles and even with some bosses, obviously when she was about to get killed she asked for my help, have to said that was fucking awesome can't wait to see which game will be next  :'(


General / Re: Recommended YouTube channels?
« on: May 12, 2015, 06:04:58 pm »
A couple of days ago started to watch these two channels and at least in my opinion they are very good, if you are in the retro stuff you might going to like them.

* Drink a Beer and Play a Game

* Pat the NES Punk

General / Re: World of Nintendo
« on: May 12, 2015, 01:58:37 pm »
Damn really want to see this awesome find totally restored have to admit that I totally envy you  >:(

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