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Messages - teck

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General / Re: Complete List of PS3 RPGs - Help!
« on: March 16, 2014, 03:17:58 am »
Yakuza's a RPG? I've never played it so I don't know anything about it. I may need to check it out, for some reason I thought it was a GTA type of game. ha

An action RPG yeah....  Combat at a glance really resembles a beat'em up but there are meters to manage for performing special attacks and stat gear to equip and lots of story dialogue....  Its basically a spiritual successor to Shenmue....

Classic Video Games / Re: Retro collecting is dying!
« on: March 16, 2014, 03:15:53 am »
I'm going to call shenanigans on this retro is dying thing by simply citing my job as an example....  In 2010 the store I work at was opened on August 19 at 11:05 in the morning....  I started working for the owner in April of 2011....  I was the only employee for a period until February of 2012....  We now have 3 locations and we're worried that we can't stock fast enough....  We have consistently sold more games than we buy with November of 2013....  Every year since the first we have made significantly more money each month than the year before....  We're likely to go out of business only because our supply can't keep up with our demand....  Granted I'm hoping this is just a trading lull and that it'll pick back up, but around here there are more collectors than ever....

I hope you're not talking about Play N Trade. If you are, I wish you luck. As franchise stores, they have an unusually high failure rate and only typically last 3 - 5 years before shutting down with no help from overhead to keep games stocked or even have accesses to new releases.

Oh dear god no....  In my state, ALL of them have gone out of business except one as far as I know....  We're no franchise....  Play N Trade's biggest problem is that they are attempting to compete directly with Gamestop too much....  They invest quite a bit into stocking new games and end up taking big hits on unsold stock....  We don't really stock much new unless it is requested....  I actually hired an ex-PnT employee and from what I gathered it seems that the owner over there was a decent enough business man, but knew nothing about the gaming industry specifically....  I presume this to be a continuous issue....  I monitor all our costs and sales and compare them to our previous years and I can see no signs of danger right now other than drying up stock....  Judging from a handful of other game stores over the years, I can say that the ones that saw success all managed to get into the black by the end of their first operating year and kept stable sales....  Even if there were not "great" sales, stability seemed to be a common factor....

General / Re: Goodwill prices.
« on: March 16, 2014, 03:06:57 am »
A friend of mine who manages a local game store had a women with a bunch of really common NES games come in asking how much she could get in cash for them. From what I remember she had about 10 games with the most valuable one being Mario/Duck Hunt. My friend told her she had about $10 cash in games and she totally flipped out. She was so sure she was sitting on a fortune and seriously though the lot was worth thousands. She pretty much stormed out and told my friend that she was going to contact BBB and the news about how much they are trying to rip people off. Lol she was dead serious I guess.

But yes, the internet s heavily to blame, as are stupid fake reality shows like American Pickers, Pawn Stars and Storage Wars. The producers intentionally sensationalize what they find (almost all which is planted or staged in some way) and make people believe their box of worthless baseball cards is worth thousands, or their son's old Super Mario World is worth over $100. I contacted a guy about a yellowed, beat up NES he had on CL for $2000 to ask where the hell he pulled that price out of (we all know the real answer to that lol), and he seriously said Storage Wars. . . I nearly peed myself laughing :P

Well, can't say I've ever had someone threaten that....  Usually its just bad reviews on yelp or something....  I did have someone accuse me of being racist in one once....  I find that hilarious because my coworkers are black and mexican and we get along famously....

General / The Collection Achievements Thread gave me an idea....
« on: March 15, 2014, 12:27:18 am »
Well I thought that I wouldn't get enough feedback from my post here:,650.360.html considering my post would get drowned in that huge thread....  So I'm here to ask people to choose my next 10 PS2 titles that will help me hit 400 PS2 games~!  I obviously don't want duplicates of what I already have....  I'll pick a combination of the most recommended and what simply catches my eye in 2 weeks....

Already Recommended:

Maximo: Ghosts to Glory - Argyle
I-Ninja - Argyle
Jak II - Argyle
Jak 3 - Argyle
Dokapon Kingdom - Karyann
Tales of the Abyss - Karyann
BloodRayne - Veilor
Burnout - Veilor
Burnout 2: Point of Impact - Veilor
Burnout 3: Takedown - Veilor
Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex - Veilor
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening - Special Edition - Veilor
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 - Veilor
Family Guy - Veilor
Futurama - Veilor
Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks - Veilor
Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge - Veilor
SoulCalibur 2 - Veilor
Capcom Classics Vol. 2 - Soera
Katamari Damacy - elraiser

Doesn't suck > Sucks > Sports.

^  This....  Oh so, so this....

General / Re: Complete List of PS3 RPGs - Help!
« on: March 15, 2014, 12:03:25 am »
Yakuza Dead Souls seems to be missing....

I own this one but haven't played it yet, and I've heard it plays pretty differently from the others so that's why I didn't include it.  You would still consider it an RPG tho?  I'll plead ignorance on this one.  :)

Oh yeah....  I found it VERY much like the main games....  The combat is actually almost identical....  You just basically always have weapons....

Site Feedback / Re: Import Ratings Systems....
« on: March 14, 2014, 11:59:45 pm »
How do you think these should be listed?

CERO A (Japan)
CERO B (Japan)

I think that would be appropriate yes....  I think I may work on a guide for these over the next few weeks if foxhack thinks its needed....  I'll review the stuff Veilor posted too....  Also Campercarl, don't worry about it too much, Matt has too much on his plate as it is....  Like I said we'd discussed the Japanese ratings a few months ago a little but I'm sure the work here is over bearing already so just expect that things may take some time....

Just got Dark Souls II CE and I can't decided if I should open it or not~!  D:

I didn't have a problem opening mine (I never do tho, I don't buy games to keep them sealed) but I couldn't decide if I should leave the figure in the box to display him or remove him.  My wife told me he would look much better removed & setup, and I believe she was right.  :)  Of course, the decision was made somewhat easier by the fact that the box got a little dinged in shipping...  :-\

Well, considering that I'm maybe half way through Dark Souls and that I don't want to play part 2 until I'm done, I figure I'll likely find a cheap copy of the standard edition by the time I'm ready to play it so keeping it sealed might not inhibit gameplay at all....

General / Re: Recently completed/finished
« on: March 14, 2014, 05:44:23 am »
Finished South Park: The Stick of Truth last night....  It was funny as all get out, but really quite short....  Still, I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys that style of humor....  Not the greatest in terms of pure RPG though....

Off Topic / Re: Music thread
« on: March 14, 2014, 05:20:42 am »
Picking a Miyavi favorite is TOO hard for me....  His slap style accoustic stuff is fantastic and a fresh sound that you don't get to hear much anywhere else....  I also love Sex Machineguns~!  I don't even recall how I first heard them, but all their albums are great....  I only have one Maximum the Hormone CD....  To be honest, I haven't really kept up with them....

I love Maximum the Hormone, they are just a crazy mixture of styles.  I need to get their newest album, but it doesn't seem like they are gonna release it in America which saddens me.  Not paying import prices for the cd lol

I've dropped thousands of dollars on imports....  It kills me, but its a hobby like no other....  Locally I have not heard of a single person who is into it....  Though there seems to be a small Visual Kei following online, I haven't bumped into any at local cons either....  Miyavi's last album that I got in December ran me like 50 bucks for the LE version with shipping....  I'd love a cheap place to buy locally, but that is totally not going to happen....  I'd love to run my own hybrid Japanese culture store....  A place with a strong showing for music and film and not just anime....  Hell, even manga seems to get burned most of the time....  I only ever see manga for established anime franchises usually....

Off Topic / Re: Music thread
« on: March 14, 2014, 05:05:55 am »
Picking a Miyavi favorite is TOO hard for me....  His slap style accoustic stuff is fantastic and a fresh sound that you don't get to hear much anywhere else....  I also love Sex Machineguns~!  I don't even recall how I first heard them, but all their albums are great....  I only have one Maximum the Hormone CD....  To be honest, I haven't really kept up with them....

Modern Video Games / Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« on: March 14, 2014, 05:03:42 am »
I have a feeling that the Wii U could pull a DS or 3DS move if Nintendo plays their cards right....  I remember the DS not doing too hot until the DS Lite came out then it blew up....  There were tons of naysayers for the 3DS in the beginning too....  I heard so many rants about how it was going to fail....  Is it a thing to hate on Nintendo no matter what they do~?  How many times does a company have to prove itself before they get the benefit of the doubt for once~?

While I would like that, I still don't think Nintendo can turn around the Wii U.  It's simply losing too much third party support and it actually has competition with the other systems.  For the 3DS, there was only the Vita which isn't much competition at all and it's the best way to have handheld mobile gaming, even with the cry for Nintendo to go mobile.

I think the Wii U will pull itself around just a bit, we have some big games coming out this year, but I don't think it'll be enough for the system to ever make the same numbers of the Wii.  They just didn't do a good enough job selling the system.  I don't think it'll fail though.  Nintendo is much smarter with what they do.  They'll struggle, but never fail, they'll never become Sega.

Oh yeah, I guess I didn't really iterate it well....  I don't think the Wii U will get even CLOSE to the Wii in sales....  That being said, I do have to agree with the lack of any decent marketing....  I have heard too many times that people don't even understand that the Wii U is a different system than the Wii....  The 2DS is similarly suffering in this aspect....  They are not good at distinguishing their product lines these days....  Their attempts to cleverly build related naming conventions is definitely backfiring on them....  I expect that in 2 years the Wii U will be a stable maker....  They'll have several more must have first party titles that will consistently bring in money by then....  Will they meet their projections~?  No....  Will it be a "struggle" though~?  I'm not sure I agree with that wording....  I just think they'll be disappointed....  It would be hilarious if they end up producing a Wii U model with only a pro controller and not a pad for a significantly lower price a la 2DS though....  I can see that happening honestly....  I'll say this though, they've got me and I'm sure I'll buy every half decent exclusive they churn out....  Multiplat though.... ehhh....

Off Topic / Re: Music thread
« on: March 14, 2014, 04:54:28 am »
Well I'm usually big on Japanese Rock....  Not so much pop, more like Miyavi, MUCC, Girugamesh, etc....  But recently I've been really into Capsule for some reason....

Off Topic / Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« on: March 14, 2014, 04:40:58 am »
I just started into figure collecting a bit ago....  I love Tekken and realized I really like the Kotobukiya Bishoujo line and picked up a few....  This week I got Asuka rounding me out to 4 now....  They're a little pricey for the older ones though, so I still need Christie and Alisa....  Apparently Christie was the first and she's WAY too expensive online which sucks because she's literally my LEAST favorite female from the game, but I gotta catch em all you know....

Modern Video Games / Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« on: March 14, 2014, 04:16:41 am »
I have a feeling that the Wii U could pull a DS or 3DS move if Nintendo plays their cards right....  I remember the DS not doing too hot until the DS Lite came out then it blew up....  There were tons of naysayers for the 3DS in the beginning too....  I heard so many rants about how it was going to fail....  Is it a thing to hate on Nintendo no matter what they do~?  How many times does a company have to prove itself before they get the benefit of the doubt for once~?

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