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Messages - teck

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 ... 29
Modern Video Games / Re: The Witcher 3
« on: March 14, 2014, 04:13:24 am »
I'm not too disappointed in the delay....  I have a huge backlog....  Actually I played the first 2 on PC but I'd like a trilogy of sorts to release on home consoles....  That'd be nice....

Modern Video Games / Re: Depending on how you look at it....Shaq Fu
« on: March 14, 2014, 04:12:09 am »
You know....  The original actually had pretty good graphics in comparison to other fighters of the time....  I recall the animations being very smooth in it....

Classic Video Games / Re: Counterfeit Games Being Sold
« on: March 14, 2014, 04:09:37 am »
Man, don't get me started on the fake and repro debate....  I see them all the time at work and it drives me nuts....  I can't see how either can be good for collectors in ANY way....  Hell, even casual gamers are being hurt by them to be honest....  I had to tell a guy his US version of Terranigma was fake last week and boy was he heart broken....  So many scams on ebay....

Classic Video Games / Re: MOST EXPENSIVE GAME!
« on: March 14, 2014, 04:06:54 am »
Popful Mail for Sega CD. I think it was about $150.

Funny timing....  I just got one of these in my store the other day....  I put it on hold and I'll pick it up for 110$ next week or the week after....  Great game, wish I hadn't gotten rid of my original....

Classic Video Games / Re: Retro collecting is dying!
« on: March 14, 2014, 04:04:34 am »
I'm going to call shenanigans on this retro is dying thing by simply citing my job as an example....  In 2010 the store I work at was opened on August 19 at 11:05 in the morning....  I started working for the owner in April of 2011....  I was the only employee for a period until February of 2012....  We now have 3 locations and we're worried that we can't stock fast enough....  We have consistently sold more games than we buy with November of 2013....  Every year since the first we have made significantly more money each month than the year before....  We're likely to go out of business only because our supply can't keep up with our demand....  Granted I'm hoping this is just a trading lull and that it'll pick back up, but around here there are more collectors than ever....

General / Re: Games you cannot find
« on: March 14, 2014, 03:57:22 am »
It's funny seeing all the things listed here that I have found several times over like the .hacks, suikoden 2, etc....  The hardest thing for me to find was a relatively cheap PS1 title called Ghost in the Shell....  It took me over 3 years to find a copy....  Keep in mind that I run a Video Game store and I go to other stores in the valley and swap meets every week....

General / Re: Goodwill prices.
« on: March 14, 2014, 03:48:46 am »
Goodwill stores in Arizona have gotten ridiculous as well....  I have seen NES consoles with 100$ price tags on them....  To be honest here it is bad all around now....  Craigslist, Savers, Pawn Shops, you name it and they think they're some collectors second hand expert when it comes to gaming....  I have been working specifically with retro video game retail for 3 years now and the change in the industry has astonished me....  Even a large portion of customers walk in my door and call me out on my prices saying that they're either too low or too high....  I'll be honest and say that it bothers me when people treat me like I have no clue what I am doing and tell me their Intellivision in barely working condition with no box or manual is worth over 100$ and they get mad at me like I'm trying to rip them off....  It happens SO often now....  I blame the internet....  We'll never have consistent Goodwill good deals again....  :(

General / Re: Starting a youtube channel
« on: March 14, 2014, 03:42:52 am »
I'd say the best thing that you can do is be consistent....  Its not usually mentioned, but keeping to a strict video release schedule will do WONDERS for your viewer count....  In the end it will help you provide better content as well because it will force you to work on your time management....  Twice a month or twice a week, whatever you choose, just try not to fall behind and I think you'll be golden....  The rest will work itself into place over time....

Just got Dark Souls II CE and I can't decided if I should open it or not~!  D:

General / Re: Collection Achievements thread
« on: March 14, 2014, 03:39:12 am »
After updating some of my newer purchases tonight, I realize that I'm at 390 PS2 titles right now~!  I'm interested in hitting 400 before the end of the month, so for some added entertainment I'll propose a little game of sorts~!  I will buy the next 10 PS2 games all in the same day 2 weeks from today....  The games I will buy are....  Whatever everyone here proposes~!  I'd like the community to decide how I hit my 400 PS2 games achievement....  As long as it is not a game already on my list I'll take the top 10 most suggested here until then....  I'd appreciate it if they weren't all 100$+ though, lol~!  I'll post the 10 I ended up getting here then of course....

TL:DR - Tell me what 10 PS2 games to get for my 400 achievement~!

General / Re: What System Do You Have the Most Games For?
« on: March 14, 2014, 03:31:42 am »
Hmm....  Seems that I'm quite late to the game here....

01.)  PlayStation 2 - 390
02.)  Nintendo DS - 153
03.)  PlayStation 3 - 120
04.)  Sega Genesis/Mega Drive - 107
05.)  PlayStation Portable - 102
06.)  PlayStation - 101
07.)  Sega Dreamcast - 79
08.)  Sega Saturn - 59
09.)  Sega Master System - 59
10.)  Wii - 49

Also, I recall theFlea having an insanely high number of games, but I didn't realize that the PS1/PS2 count was so high....  Impressive....  That being said....  I now feel that my numbers are pitiful....  Even if I haven't listed hardly any of my NES/SNES/N64 here, I know they are all under 100 each so I want to weep....  Then I'll build a shrine dedicated to theFlea....

General / Re: Complete List of PS3 RPGs - Help!
« on: March 14, 2014, 03:22:29 am »
Yakuza Dead Souls seems to be missing....

Site Feedback / Re: Couple of ideas
« on: March 14, 2014, 03:12:27 am »
I put in the prices that I've paid...

I used to put in the prices, but stopped when I realized I don't know what I paid for half of my stuff. Then for awhile I was only tracking how my I paid for my Castlevania stuff.. but then I just gutted all my prices paid.

^ This....  Even if I started now it would be a moot point....  More than half of what I acquire is through trading....  Can you imagine how convoluted the math would get if I say, bought a lot of a couple dozen games at a swap meat and traded said games with friends for higher value games....  THEN I usually take THOSE games and trade then at local game shops to get the titles I want....  I bought 8 games at Bookman's today with credit only and I picked up Darksouls II CE from Gamestop and only paid 13$ out of pocket....  I'd have NO clue how to divvy up today's acquisitions monetarily....

Site Feedback / Import Ratings Systems....
« on: March 14, 2014, 02:57:29 am »
This was brought up quite a while back, but I forget which thread, and it seems it was never implemented so....  I'll just leave this here:

and also this since I have some Korean games and will likely get more:

I'm not familiar with other regions, but I may familiarize myself with other Oceanic stuff soon enough....  I'll probably update this thread then....

Site Feedback / Re: VGCollect v3 Support Thread
« on: March 14, 2014, 01:59:35 am »
After a significant amount of time spent following your instructions Scott, I have determined the problem....  While technically your info is 100% correct, the 3-dot icon is only in the corner of the screen while you are logged in....  I use a Galaxy S3 and after poking around, it seems that I do not remain logged in from page to page all the time on my mobile....  While I am on the go I use the mobile site to remind myself of what I do/don't need and check my friends' lists to see if they might want something....  Seeing as I was apparently not logged in from the get go, it was difficult to pinpoint this....  Thanks for assisting me in straightening it out....  Not to seem super lazy, but would the lack of the 3-dot icon be a security feature to prevent unregistered users from viewing profiles then~?  I can continue relogging until I fix my issue, but....  okay, yeah, I'm just being super lazy.... >.>'

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