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Messages - turom

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General / Re: New Dreamcast...Really?!
« on: June 03, 2016, 09:56:37 am »
Good. So now we're done 'till the next new SEGA hardware revival rumor nonsense.

Aerith + LB3/4 + Mime => Permanently invincible party

"Sephiroth" was right, the end game would have just been a total cheese if Aerith would have lived.

Though Barrett + Ungarmax + Mime => Insane DPS

You can kill even a weapon-class monster in less than 90 seconds if you boosted him with the power sources, so you may not even have time to use invincible lol.

Without a doubt Street Fighter Zero 3, Saturn version! 8)

General / Re: What is your favorite character to use in Smash?
« on: May 09, 2016, 04:43:00 am »
Mr Game & Watch mainly, and Marth/Lucina. :)

Hardware and Tech / Re: Upscaling to HDMI?
« on: May 05, 2016, 04:49:54 am »
are you implying that i should have an upscaler for each system for best results? because I would've phrased that for multiple systems you will need to use a switcher between the systems and the upscaler

No you need only one upscaler, the chain should look like this:

[Multiple consoles] => [SCART switch] => [Upscaler] => [TV]

A SCART switch allows you to plug multiple SCART inputs and output only one SCART, you can then choose the source by pushing buttons. Mine looks like this.

If the goal is tu use an upscaler like the Framemeister then you need RGB signal, sadly if you plan to use Nintendo consoles they usually don't support RGB natively so you need either the good cable either a mod. All the info you need for RGB for each console can be found on this page.

Hardware and Tech / Re: Upscaling to HDMI?
« on: May 04, 2016, 11:06:29 am »
If the TV is a modern LCD screen, using an upscaling device like the Framemeister will indeed greatly enhance the image quality on screen when converting 240p signals from RGB SCART into a 720/1080p HDMI output. the difference is stunning, almost as good as a CRT.

But if the TV is a CRT then there is no need for an upscaler since the image will already be at its best possible quality.

Having a CRT gives you the best possible image and is the more practical, cheap and easy option. But a CRT will occupy much space and is a heavy device. When you got a room dedicated to it it's the best option. I understand as well that when not living in Europe or Japan grabbing a good CRT TV with RGB SCART input can be complicated.

If you don't have much space or if the TV is used also by modern devices you may want to use an LCD, then an upscaler can help with the image quality.. But it's more complicated since you have to configure it, your consoles have to be RGB compliant and sometimes it requires modding. If you use a SCART splitter to plug multiple consoles you have to make sure all the cables and the devices carry RGB signal correctly. Upscalers are great but I want to warn you that it's not just "plug and play". And a Framemeister for example is more than $300, it's not a cheap option.

You can have an idea of what a Framemeister can output on a LCD screen if you watch this capture on 720p60 quality + full screen, I captured this using a genuine Genesis console.

Having a good retro setup these days requires dedication whatever option you choose, but that's the best way to enjoy those retro games we're collecting, right?

General / Re: Is Twilight Princess good?
« on: May 02, 2016, 08:13:44 am »
It's the darkest zelda game in the entire series.

I find Majora's Mask to be the the darkest entry, sure there is the Twilight Realm and the phantoms in TTP but the atmosphere in Majora's Mask is really disturbing IMHO. I love both of them anyway ^^

Marketplace / Re: What's your experience with Solaris Japan?
« on: May 01, 2016, 04:48:14 am »
Thanks for the info peeps! Looks like I'll give it a try on some of my wishlsit stuff.

Do you know if there's a way to see if an item bought used is complete with things like the manual, art, etc.? They have Venus and Braves for a price that isn't outrageous and I'm really tempted to get it.

If you open the detail of a game you can see pictures of what I suppose is the very item you're buying:

Marketplace / What's your experience with Solaris Japan?
« on: April 29, 2016, 09:46:46 am »
I was looking at Solaris Japan's website and they have quite a lot of impressive retro stuff in stock, like on this page:

Though when watching their ebay store I only see modern games:

So what's the deal with their retro games? Did you already buy some? How's the service, postage, condition?

Please share if you traded with them already ;D

Modern Video Games / Re: Sony shuts down Evolution Studios
« on: March 23, 2016, 12:31:18 pm »
That's really a shame since Driveclub is a great game, one of the best arcade racers I've played in a long time.

I can't access it now since I'm on my work computer, but maybe Play-Asia would have something? I would also suggest Renchi, but they don't seem to be around anymore. ;__;

Just checked. Couldn't find it there either. I also checked AmiAmi, Jbox, Nin-Nin Game, and Solaris Japan and couldn't find it there either. :'( I must be doing something wrong. Surely it must be somewhere on one of those sites. :-\

Thanks for checking guys :D

After a bit of research this morning I found out that the album was sold only by the composer in person on a booth at the Winter Comiket 89 event in Tokyo, so there's no physical copies to be found anywhere. Even the people in Japan that didn't attend to the event couldn't get their copy. I guess I have no choice but to go digital for this one..

Hidden gems seems pretty accurate for the games I'm about to describe. These aren't in any particular order, except the last one. I like to save the best for last.

Hatsune Miku Project Diva f: Like abe, I'm a huge fan. I've been following this darling piece of singing technology long before PDF was announced for localization. When I heard she was coming over, I was thrilled. It's so much fun and whenever I mention it outside of here, folks are like, "What's a vocaloid?" *sigh*

The Last Story: While basic bitches were playing Xenoblade and tweeting about it on their iPhones, I was not acting like a Lemming and playing this gorgeous game. A fun battle system coupled with some of the best characters written in an RPG, The Last Story was a brilliant game. Also, 'DAT ARTBOOK!

Atelier Ayesha: Alchemist of Dusk While Atelier is becoming more popular, it still doesn't get the recognition in comparison to other RPG juggernauts. Ayesha is a great place for folks to start if people are interested in this series. Obviously, the game is stunning audibly and visually. The clever item crafting system and the relatable characters make the game even more of a favorite. My 300th review was for this game.

Resonance of Fate: As I play through this game a second time, I can't help but to feel annoyed with Sega for releasing it a mere two weeks after Final Fantasy XIII. RoF offers a unique look at the RPG genre and doesn't pull any punches. Vashyron, Zephyr and Leanne make a wonderful trio that players will get to know as though they're long time friends. Once you "get" the battle system, you'll have a hard time going back to something more vanilla. I really wish more folks gave this game a shot, no pun intended.

Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of Dusk Sea My favorite game of 2015 that, like Ayesha, didn't get the love it deserved. Basically, it takes everything I love about the series and cranks it up to 11.

So much all of this. Except ROF I didn't play but damn I need to find a space-time folding device so I can play everything I want. :(

I platted Project Diva on Vita and even if I couldn't find the time to clear the 2nd I'm looking forward to play the X on PS4, those are indeed awesome.  BTW do you know any shop where I can import easilly CDs from Japan? I'd like to get myself a copy of 39D album from Vocaloid producer Mitchie M but I can't find it anywhere that ships to Europe, I had no issue finding the Greatest Idol album on Amazon but I got no luck with the latest.

Back on topic the deserve-to-be-more-famous games I can think of on these consoles I would add Vanquish, Dragon's Dogma and Dragon's Crown.

General / Re: New collector looking for info
« on: March 10, 2016, 12:01:32 pm »
Welcome to the party ;D

To add my two cents on the ebay topic, your location and the type of games you're collecting is a central factor.

For instance in my case I'm collecting mainly NTSC region games from 4~6th gen consoles and since I live in Europe it's nearly impossible to find anything in a flea market or in any gaming store, I would need travel to Japan/U.S. if I wanted to have any chance.. So I get most of my stuff on the bay, at the exception of NGC and Wii that are the only consoles that I will keep PAL due to high 60Hz support in PAL region for those machines.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Recent Additions to Database
« on: March 09, 2016, 12:07:13 pm »
Added Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain for PS4 [EU] - - since only the day one edition was available in Europe.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: March 08, 2016, 09:09:15 am »
On Friday, I finally purchased my dream game. As evidenced by my signature, I am a proud owner of Panzer Dragoon Saga. The game I have wanted for years upon years is now mine.

Congrats! Welcome to the PDS owner club! ;D

How will you call your Dragon? I always call mine "Heresy" for, you know, not so obvious reasons..

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