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Messages - teck

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General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: November 04, 2013, 02:23:54 pm »
I'm still playing the Hell outta' Disgaea D2 -but- w/ The Guided Fate Paradox arriving today...for the 1st time in my life...I'm finding myself feeling like hurrying up/rushing through the end of a Disgaea game  :o

ack!  That shows up today~?!  Well....  There's another for the backlog....

BTW, what is that new game in your sig between Zero's Escape and Beyond Two Souls~?

General / Re: Can you plan to start collecting?
« on: November 04, 2013, 11:36:37 am »
I went through phases myself....  I had sold off my gaming stuff a couple times in the past, but in 2008 I just kind of stopped doing that without noticing and in 2010 I made a bet with a buddy of mine on a whim to start collecting....  Or rather, at a New Year's party we got to talking with someone about gaming and he'd asked us who had more games....  We were both caught off guard by the quest because we'd never thought about it....  The next day we counted and realized we surprisingly had the exact same "collection" count....  One thing led to another and we made a bet that whoever had the larger collection by the following New Year's Eve would receive a console of choice from the other....  Good times....  I probably bought like 700 or 800 games that year....  But I'd say that it was definitely planned when I REALLY started collecting....

Modern Video Games / Re: PSP??
« on: November 04, 2013, 11:29:14 am »
Don't forget about Gungnir, Ragnarok Tactics, Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, Yggdra Union, Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time, Persona, Persona 2: Innocent Sin, Tactics Ogre, Ys Seven and Oath in Felghana, and on and on... so much good stuff!

Trails in the Sky is one that I am specifically wanting still....  Most others I have already (though I'd like to get some of the premium editions too), but Trails in the Sky has eluded me thus far....

General / Re: What are your biggest surprises from this site?
« on: November 03, 2013, 04:44:41 pm »
2.)  Kimimi has the greatest damn import collection around....  Seriously, check her out~!  She makes me jelly....  I have been following a few collections for a little bit in order to broaden my horizons, but I missed the one that the most up my alley~!  My wishlist is going to grow SOOOOO much now....

*doffs hat*

I'm just the crazy lady who hasn't worked out that games don't have to come in an airmail box with "moonrunes" on them yet :D

Moonspeak is best speak!

VGCollect for Android / Re: Android app update?
« on: November 02, 2013, 11:58:02 pm »
Just as an update. I found the source! Can't seem to get it to run without crashing though....

Its still a step in the right direction....  I look forward to testing the buggy crashing thing again~!  Maybe I'll upgrade to a Galaxy Note 3 before it happens too....

General / Re: What are your biggest surprises from this site?
« on: November 02, 2013, 11:55:43 pm »
I've gotta agree w/ Soera and say that I, pretty much, think & feel the same :)

Never have I been on another site where just about all of my friends know each other by (*Real*) name; instead of just by anonymous screen-names.

Awesome community members + an attentive & Awesome staff = Pure Win  ;D

Sweet topic, btw!

Makes me want to play online with some peeps....  I was just browsing across the screen names thread and was contemplating dropping my PSN/Steam on there, but since I can't play online there isn't much point right now....  :(

Modern Video Games / Re: Who here is getting a PlayStation 4 / XBox One?
« on: November 02, 2013, 11:43:07 pm »
As far as I can tell, it's only saying you can't use an external HDD for saving PS4 data to it. It doesn't say anything, from what I see, about not being able to hook up an external HDD and reading data off of it.

Well, the PS3 had some FAT32 vs NTSC issues regarding external storage though....  I'll likely just try everything myself once it releases because I never trust anything I haven't tested myself 100% anyways....

General / Re: Pre-Ordered/Waiting for...
« on: November 02, 2013, 11:40:09 pm »
I just had to cancel my PS4 pre-order. Looking over my budget, and while it's technically within my means, it'd just be way too big of a hit to take right now :/

I'm hoping there won't be any huge production shortages though, since maybe I can convince my Mom to shell out for one as an Xmas gift. That's what happened with my PS3, after all! :D

(I'm really bad at being a 30+ year old adult, otherwise I'd be asking for socks or something, I guess?)

I am considering flipping mine on ebay and purchasing another once I can get a TV at a later date....

Modern Video Games / Re: Who here is getting a PlayStation 4 / XBox One?
« on: November 02, 2013, 10:34:18 am »
Since I've not put an audio CD in a console since the PS1, I'm not really hurt by the fact that the PS4 won't play CDs. But while I don't usually stream anything from my PC to my PS3 or 360 I can see where that would be really annoying for some people. Though, the faq didn't say anything (as far as I noticed) about not being able to play video files, so I'm guessing you could still play those...

If I could simply plug an external HDD in via USB and play things directly then that might not be so bad either....  I archive literally everything I own on 2 4tb drives that are not games....  From CD/DVD backups to photos and Comic book scans....  I like to preserve my originals....

General / Re: Pre-Ordered/Waiting for...
« on: November 02, 2013, 08:23:39 am »
"The Last Guardian" for the PS4...maybe?!

Leave me alone w/ my wishful thinking  :o

Ha ha ha....  I'm right there with you bud....

Modern Video Games / Re: Who here is getting a PlayStation 4 / XBox One?
« on: November 02, 2013, 08:22:54 am »
I'm quite unhappy with the new PS4 information about lack of support for CDs, MP3s and media streaming.  I think I might be done with new consoles.  The more controlling these consoles become the less I'm interested.  I'm really hoping SteamOS turns out to be amazing at this point.

I'm the opposite.

The *LESS* shit that a console does (other than gaming, of course) the happier I am  ;D

This generally does make things simpler but I feel I've subtly become reliant on my PS3s features....

General / Re: Pre-Ordered/Waiting for...
« on: October 31, 2013, 03:36:15 pm »
South Park delayed again... but it gives me more time to consider preordering.

delayed for how long?


I feel the same way....  I was considering it, but this holiday season just wasn't in the cards....

Grats Fox, but I'm a little disappointed you just plan to sell them on ebay.  :-\

I realize that you (hell, most folks here) haven't known me for long or know what I do for a living.

I'm an eBay reseller. Though I -am- a collector, I also make a living off of selling games, computer software, movies, and other things online. I typically sell common stuff but sometimes I hit the jackpot with things like these. Sometimes I keep them and sometimes I sell them, not because I want to, but because I have to. Living in Mexico while hunting for things and selling them in the US has kept my family afloat for several years. Things have been tight, but we've been able to live OK since dollars are worth quite a bit here. I don't like being a reseller, but I really have no other choice, since there's no jobs where I live in the US side of town, and I don't want to work 8 hours to get paid less than 10 dollars a day in Mexico.

I've been trying to upgrade my computer since 2010. This has been the closest I've been to being able to do so since 2011.

I have a ton of valuable DC, PS1, PS2 and PC games in my collection. I've been debating selling them off to fund the upgrades. Now that this happened, I won't have to, and I'll gladly sacrifice something I found instead of my own items that I would very much like to play through one day. I'm not selling Snatcher and Popful just because money ding ding ding! If I could, I'd keep them.

Sorry to disappoint you. But the first thing I thought of when I saw this was "FINALLY. I CAN FIX MY PC." Not profit. Just improvement.

I know this feel....  For the past few months everything I do is to support my family....  I even sold my  Xbox 360 just today....  It will be a long time before I can buy something without thinking of how to pay bills....  Good luck....

Off Topic / Re: Japanese?
« on: October 30, 2013, 04:18:11 am »
I did fairly decently with about 20 a week, but I was studying for several hours a day at the time and was consistent in revisiting previous kanji every weekend as well....  I wrote every kanji character I knew at least 20 times a week....  It also REALLY helped to do combinations....  Even basic ones that won't get used much like certain family names like Tanaka and Yamada for example since they both have simple combo kanji with very low stroke counts....

Off Topic / Re: Japanese?
« on: October 29, 2013, 11:50:05 pm »
Yea that Kanji is crazy.  There are so so so so so so many to learn that it never stops.  I began an online course last night for Japanese beginning with the Katakana.  I will have to set a pace, and a good disciplined schedule to help learn everything.  Maybe like 50 Kanji a week or something.  For me, as long as I can read Japanese, I would be happy.  But just getting into the Katakana chart and sounds last night, I learned that speaking maybe easier than reading it.

50 kanji a week is a fucking lot....  Good luck....

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