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Messages - burningdoom

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General / Re: Games you almost Finished but gave up on.
« on: April 17, 2022, 10:27:02 pm »
The Messenger

I love the game. The perfect retro aesthetic, gameplay, difficulty, and humor. But that final boss on the linear levels is ridiculous. Which drives me nuts because from what I understand it then opens up into a Metroidvania after that; which sounds awesome!

General / Re: Consoles/Handhelds That You Hate
« on: April 15, 2022, 01:33:09 pm »
Sega Gamegear: As a diehard Sega fan it's almost hard to admit this, but I've never been a fan of this handheld. I had a good friend as a kid who had one and even back then playing Sonic or other Genesis ports on it felt like a chore and something I had a hard time getting into. Later on as an adult I gave the platform another chance and I actually dislike it even more now. Part of this is I'm not a huge handheld fan, but also it just makes me want to play the proper Genesis versions of is games. And all the original releases for it aren't that great either, at least the ones I've played.

As a huge fan of the Sega Game Gear, had I not grown up with it and had the nostalgia, I'd probably not be that impressed by it either. Many of the games on it were dumbed down Genesis ports. I thought it was cool to be able to take these games on the go and as a kid, I had far more interest in handheld gaming than I ever have as an adult. Sega was always ahead of the curve technology wise but there was always a negative cost to it. For Game Gear, the cost was the extra batteries it would consume making AC and car adapters necessary. For a device on the go, I was always tethered to something with it.

Looking through today's lens, yeah, that's all true. But back then the original Game Boy was so much worse hardware. Both of them had screen blur, but the Game Gear had a much better picture quality, much better sound, a lit up screen, and color. And you could play actual Master System games on it. The battery complaint is real, but easy solution with an AC Adapter. And before you say you don't want to be tethered to one, you totally had to be near a light source for the Game Boy so it's really no different.

General / Re: Games That You Want Sequels To
« on: April 15, 2022, 10:29:18 am »
Shenmue 4/5: I pray that I get to see this franchise conclude in game form in my lifetime and hopefully before Yu Suzuki dies someday (I believe he's in his early 60s now). The first two are my favorite games of all time, and even though I don't love it as much as the first two, I still loved 3 way more than most people did. it is my sincere hope that the Shenmue saga concludes during my lifetime.

Zone of the Enders 3: I'm admittedly not as much of a fan of this series as I once was, but I still love this series and have a ton of nostalgia for the first game especially. Seeing how much mech games have advanced since the early 2000s I'd love to see what could be done with 3. Given how shit Konami is as a company now I highly doubt this one will ever see the light of day.

Another 2D Metroidvania-style Castlevania: Once again the shit that is modern day Konami ensures that this game will likely never happen. I would absolutely lose my mind though if a new 2D Metroidvania Castlevaia game was announced, especially if it used a combo of sprites and polygon models like Symphony of the Night or some of the DS titles.

Sonic Mania 2: I was absolutely blown away by how good Sonic Mania was. I literally hold it in the same high regard as the original 4 Sonic games on the Genesis as well as Sonic CD. I feel like there's still a possibility this one will get made, but with Sega announcing new 3D Sonic games recently I feel like this one still could be off by at least several more years. I really hope it gets made though.

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order 2: I was shocked at how much I loved this game. Given it was released during Disney's ownership of the franchise I had very low expectations going into this game. However, Jedi Fallen Order ended up being the best piece of Star Wars I'd experienced since Revenge of the Sith. I desperately hope EA makes a sequel to this outstandingly good game.

I definitely wouldn't mind a new Metroidvania Castlevania or Sonic Mania 2.

General / Re: What would you do if you lost your entire collection?
« on: April 15, 2022, 10:28:02 am »
I'd probably cry, first. Then yeah, I'd just start recollecting again.

General / Consoles/Handhelds That You Hate
« on: April 14, 2022, 06:19:45 pm »
We've had a lot of dedicated threads to consoles that we love. But what some consoles that you particularly hate...and why?

For me, it's definitely the N64. After the smash hits of the NES and SNES I just expected more from the N64. It feel like that's when Nintendo started getting less everybody focused and more kiddie-focused on some of their stuff. Only a scant few RPGs and shoot-em ups definitely didn't help things for me. And more than anything, that damn controller. I so loathe the N64 controller. The hand placement is stupid, and the thumbstick is waaayyyy too sensitive and prone to breaking. Plus no Metroid game? For shame, Nintendo.

PSP. It's not that it's a bad handheld, in fact the graphics looked magnificent for the time (for being a handheld). And the game library is great. I just really hate that so many games required that you use their stupid thumb-circle thingy, I hate that thing. (If you can't tell, comfortable controls is a must for me.)

Tiger LCD games. There are a few exceptions here. I mean Electronic Pinball can be fun in short bursts. But most of these games are complete crap. And as a kid, I fell for that cool packaging they usually had. Only to be duped by a ridiculously simple, and anything but fun game. But I could convince my mom to get me one of these once in a while, no way I was convincing her to get me a Game Boy or Game Gear.

Atari 2600. I know, it's the first really successful console. It's a HUGE part of gaming history. And I understand that, and appreciate that it paved the way for what came later. I even find the history of the console and company quite interesting. But the console itself, I just can't get into it. The games are too simple for me. The sounds that come from it are ungodly. And the joystick is stiff and hard to use.

What are yours?

General / Re: Games That You Want Sequels To
« on: April 13, 2022, 05:11:14 pm »
Legend of Legaia is another I'd love to see another sequel to.

General / Re: Games That You Want Sequels To
« on: April 13, 2022, 03:59:15 pm »
I so want a sequel to Brutal Legend. As a metal fan, I adored that game. The easter eggs were everywhere. It had a great sense of humor. I loved the actual metal songs used as unlockables. And the open-world gameplay with the hot rod racing around was just so much fun. Admittedly the strategy elements used later in the game weren't implemented well (or even necessary), but I can overlook that considering the rest of the game and it could be something fixed (or taken out completely) in the sequel if it ever happens.

A sequel to one of my favorite video games? Oh hell yeah! I desperately want this.  There's so much they could do with a sequel to poke fun at other genre's or even metal itself, and I could see some super fun cameos or appearances made by other bands/musicians, like Ghost/Tobias Forge getting to be actual Papa in the game for some religious cult would be amazing lol

Mega Man Legends.  Not even just "3", like I'd take a whole reboot of the series if that is what it took to bring it back as I love a Mega Man set in that more free roam, adventure style, dungeon crawler, setup compared to just another 2D sidescroller we've had for years now.

Resident Evil: Outbreak.  This is sort of a monkey paw wish with Capcom's multiplayer track record with Resident Evil, but I feel like with Capcom's currently great engine and visuals, that they really need to bring back the co-op multiplayer, but set in a bigger city location.  Create a big open world city and perhaps each run involves different paths that open and close, so each run isn't the same.  I guess it could sorta turn into Left 4 Dead/Back 4 Blood, that sort of setup too, but do it in a way that's much less about blasting through hordes and more about limited ammo, supplies, and having objectives and puzzles show up a long the path.  I'm normally not huge into co-op games, but I'd be into this.

Oh man, how could I forget Mega Man Legends?! I want to see that happen, too.

General / Games That You Want Sequels To
« on: April 13, 2022, 02:40:14 pm »
What games do you wish had sequels coming out?

The oldest game I think has long deserved a sequel is Crystalis (NES/GBC). The best action-RPG on the NES, in my book. It plays overhead and has a similar gameplay style as the original Legend of Zelda. But it has more of a story, more locations to visit, and RPG mechanics added to it.

I so want a sequel to Brutal Legend. As a metal fan, I adored that game. The easter eggs were everywhere. It had a great sense of humor. I loved the actual metal songs used as unlockables. And the open-world gameplay with the hot rod racing around was just so much fun. Admittedly the strategy elements used later in the game weren't implemented well (or even necessary), but I can overlook that considering the rest of the game and it could be something fixed (or taken out completely) in the sequel if it ever happens.

Finally, King's Field. Yeah, it had 3 releases in the U.S., so it had sequels, BUT I WANT MORE!!! Great, and unique action-RPG played from the first-person view with gameplay that focuses on swordplay, magic, and especially exploration with lots of secrets and lore to discover. Souls fans like to say it still exists in those games, but I vehemently disagree, they feel completely different to me. I do not love Souls games the same way I do King's Field.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Evercade
« on: April 08, 2022, 10:44:01 pm »
The Blaze Evercade sub-category is within the Other parent category.

Just curious: How many games have to be released for a console before it gets it's own category?

General / Re: Does Anyone Else Sort Their Games By Genre?
« on: April 08, 2022, 01:23:16 pm »
This discussion went for 2 pages...we are so nerdy.

Site Feedback / Re: Edits Are Messing Up
« on: April 06, 2022, 02:57:12 pm »
It's a known bug that is to be fixed. There was an announcement in the News section some time ago.

Oh, okay then.

Site Feedback / Edits Are Messing Up
« on: April 06, 2022, 01:24:29 pm »
So I'm adding some cartridge/disc only pictures to some entries and that part is going fine. But for some reason it keeps saying I'm also submitting edits to the description or box text. I assure you, I am not. Just thought you guys might want to check out that bug.

General / Re: Owning the same title for multiple consoles
« on: April 02, 2022, 08:11:06 pm »
Remasters and remakes, sure if I liked the original. Straight ports? Not unless I really want the handheld version.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: April 02, 2022, 08:09:55 pm »

Entertaining movie, but it's bot going to win any awards or anything. Serviceable story, cool visuals, and good action.


-Mortal Kombat Trilogy

Best of the original MK style games!

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