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Messages - tripredacus

Pages: 1 ... 233 234 [235] 236 237 ... 319
Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Barcode rejected?
« on: March 20, 2017, 10:35:37 am »
Yes they should be using - and not ()
And if you change both, make them the same.

When I do these, ones I just use "White Label" instead of "The White Label due to how it is like on this entry:

Does it actually say "The White Label" on the logo itself?

Shadow Dancer Limited Edition with Alien Storm for ZX Spectrum. Does not post to US.
Also Last Duel and Tiger Road.

It goes into Other\Other category:

Classic Video Games / Re: Sports Games
« on: March 06, 2017, 10:35:12 am »
would love to play some some NHL 2001 on PC, but I'm just terrible at it lol.

Its bad news then. NHL 2001 is the 2nd easiest hockey game I've played, the easiest being NHL 2002. As with any hockey game, your first step is to determine where to set up the one-timers for goals. It is easier to do this with the EA Sports versions because you can use the play editor to set your offensive zone alignments. Test each alignment and then practice passing from your controlled player to the other players on your team and attempt one-timers. You will eventually find one that will work.

I had done this on NHL 06 and NHL 08. There was one alignment where I could put a player to the left of the goal. Then on each faceoff, you win the faceoff and pass back to the defensemen on the right. Move into the zone and there was a "Sweet spot" where you could have the D-man along the half wall on the right, and could sit there to wait for your alignment to clear. You could sit there because this small portion of the ice, the AI player that is man-to-man to your D-man would keep a fair distance away. Then you could pass to your player to the left of the net, and one-time a goal easily. BUT, I gave up on this for a few reasons. The first being that it is boring to score 30+ goals a game.

Plus all the EA Sports NHL games from 2000+ have a soft cap, or "equalizer" to scoring. Depending on the skill of the AI goaltender, your goal cap will be between 27 and 33 goals scored before the AI will cheat and it becomes very difficult to score. It doesn't matter if you have goalie substitutions on or not.

The other reason I stopped playing the NHL games was because I ended up being a modder for them. I was the only roster editor for NHL 06 for awhile, and then also modded the other parts of my game to make it more accurate. Actual jerseys, ice surfaces, boards. I redid the menu, made custom teams. Replaced the sounds, all that stuff. But the issue then for me is I didn't have time to actually play the game. Making up-to-date rosters is like a second job. Every day need to check all the websites for movements, call-ups, send-downs, and then handle rosters for international teams. You can take 1 day off, but then you are behind. It was fun but ended up not being fun.

My go-to sports games are baseball games. I haven't played a hockey game in many years now.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: TPX VGCOLLECT R&D LIST
« on: March 03, 2017, 12:40:41 pm »
PS2 research done (as far as it will be holy cow)
Unedited Image archive saved and available at request.
Fix images on existing entries: In progress

Spreadsheet changes. Green column on VGC ID if entry is done (as best as I can do it). It will be red for entries pending removal.
Goofed up on the ID number for 64402, which had a dupe and is replaced with an X.

Future tasks
- split up remaining systems into confirmed vs not, or not enough information:
- create a master list with images of things requiring more information or confirmation
- create a list of the (boot) Indonesian PS2 releases:
- determine fate of 102323
- add confirmed entries into the database.

Not prioritizing console images. I have some but not a ton. Adding console/cart images for PS2 systems can be done by anyone going forward, but please allow me to create the missing entries first.

Total PS2 console tally: 386!
Note: there are more that exist, but finding information is difficult.

My favorite is the Arcade's Greatest Hits on Saturn, moreso than the same release put on other platforms. One thing I really do not like about more modern comps is that they put a border or frame around the game. A false bezel.

Site Feedback / Re: Hello this is oldgamerz admins should read
« on: March 01, 2017, 10:12:47 am »
I will check with staff at KLOV/IAM about this, but the description you put on that Space Invaders is not the type of information we are looking for and has been removed from that entry.

Information appropriate for description field would be their other type of info:


    Orientation: Vertical
    Type: Raster: Standard Resolution
    CRT: Color

Conversion Class: unique

Number of Simultaneous Players: 1
Maximum number of Players: 2
Gameplay: Alternating
Control Panel Layout: Single Player

    Joystick: 2-way (left, right)
    Buttons: 1 [Fire]

Sound: Amplified Mono (one channel)

Cabinet Styles:


However, a straight copy and paste would not be advised due to the formatting.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Telly's Tasks - VGC DB Worklog
« on: February 28, 2017, 10:06:12 am »
One thing to note about my use of "FBC" for marking images. If you notice I don't use a Y or X for FBC columns because sometimes I find an image that I will save but won't actually use. For for my list for F, I can put these:
F: front box image
S: stock photo if it is a pre-release stock photo showing the box and accessories outside of it, or stock photo construction (not actual box photo)
P: proof pic with a watermark, or other things obscuring it

So I like to note which items have a re-release stock photo and if an entry only has that, then there is the possibility it may not exist. The proof one means I have a picture but I can't use it, but it has more weight than just having a stock photo.

Good for you to have release date. It is a column I added way after I started and wish I had it from the beginning. :\

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Error Listings 2017
« on: February 28, 2017, 09:59:19 am »
Does Netflix count as a game?  :o

No but Karyann had hands on this entry and it still exists.

General / Re: How should I store Gameboy games?
« on: February 28, 2017, 09:52:33 am »
I never knew about the nail polish shelf. That is a cool thing and I will have to remember it. I know how the local game stores have their loose cart displays, in some wooden arrangement with a plexiglass cover. It wouldn't be too complicated to build if you could do it yourself. I do not have a huge amount of game boy games, but if that nail polish thing works for Game Gear I may try it out.

Currently, I keep all my loose portable cart games in a Jeff Gordon pencil case. :D

Site Feedback / Re: Games/Systems missing pictures/info
« on: February 27, 2017, 04:22:40 pm »
The only thing I can think of is that most Nintendo games have the wrong item number on the item record.

Hardware and Tech / Re: Non black PS1 Disc?
« on: February 23, 2017, 10:20:13 am »
That disc looks to have been resurfaced.

Hardware and Tech / Re: Non black PS1 Disc?
« on: February 22, 2017, 10:17:13 am »
From what I understand, a plant in China (or Hong Kong as the name suggests) had illegally pressed some (extra) PlayStation games and sold outside of normal Sony channels. They are known as Hong Kong Silvers.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Telly's Tasks - VGC DB Worklog
« on: February 20, 2017, 10:42:27 am »
but I'm not experienced in tracking consoles from Australia, Brazil or Korea so I have almost none of those listed yet

For Australia: Use
For Brazil: use
For Korea: translate what you are searching for into Korean using Google Translate. Then search the translated term and find a site that is showing relevant information. Google will help a little in finding the correct translation, because it is not always good as it is known a machine translation can be a problem. But you can expect that a native Korean website will have it written properly, so I use this step to glean terms from the native language website in which to search for.
See this post I made for a relevant subject:,6782.msg133484.html#msg133484

Site Feedback / Re: Amiibo & Figures count as Swag
« on: February 17, 2017, 12:08:10 pm »
To that end, perhaps a change to "Gaming-Related Merchandise" might be a better naming convention than "Swag"?  ;)

Everything on the site is gaming related, so just Merchandise would be fine. 8)

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